Lenny Magill shows off the GSX-100… it's worth the wait!

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[Music] [Music] hello there it's Lenny McGill with a Glock store performance of custom shop right here in San Diego today and I've got a great announcement I've got some good news it's pretty amazing because the nature of this business sometimes you know you know you think well it should be faster but it is what it is and the good news is is that the gsx 100 frame is now available yes it's true now keep in mind about two years ago I had this crazy idea about making a frame that was basically a Glock 17 frame that had a 19 upper all right compact upper full-sized frame and you know I had that idea and then all of a sudden Glock came out with a 19 X which was the the same concept it's the full size frame 19 upper so this is the Glock 19 everybody loves a Glock 19 in fact the Glock 19 is the most popular Glock in America almost the most popular handgun in the world however the military and police use around the world make the Glock 17 the most popular Glock in the world right behind it the Glock 19 here in the United States the Glock 19 is more popular than the Glock 17 is more civilian 19's out there than there are any 17s floating around even the military and law enforcement use there's more 19 because it's just a great size except for the grip and a lot of people who have larger hands feel the same way I do it just literally my little finger drops off at just a little bit just a little bit it's not perfect so I on my system my 19 I've got a mag well that I use to push my fingers up there and give me that full grip the full purchase that I'm looking for but my idea was like I said two years ago I had this crazy idea what's in there well you'll be fun to have a full-sized grip with the smaller slide so it's a little bit more concealable and probably even a little bit more controllable and just I thought it better package so I started to develop the GS X 100 and we actually did all of our engineering got everything together went to the shacho had prototypes and was well-received starting getting some orders and I thought I had all the pieces in play and then the one of the vendors who makes the stamping he kind of went sideways a little bit they had some trouble with their business so all of a sudden I didn't have that vendor going I had to read Reis engineer some parts you know and so so basically it took a while to get this thing into not only production but then into the the final form where we think hey we've got something now it is working and this is it this is the GS X 100 frame what I was talking about inside this frame the rail systems are actually over molded in plastic they are stamped at a different vendor than the plastic vendor and they've got a talked together by the tools and by the plans that we created and that's where we kind of had our hiccup but we've got it solved we've got the stamping underway we've got the molding underway this is molded in the same factory that does a lot of the major firearm manufacturers that you're very familiar with so it's it's a high-end mold with a it's a glass filled nylon plastic that feels good looks good has a great grip we've done a couple modifications on the size and the texturing to give you more purchase and also more traction so you don't have to put any different grip tape on this thing it's not gonna tear your hands apart but it's still is tacky enough the beauty of this is that it's the full size frame takes of full-sized magazines but it's the midsize or compact size upper so it'll work with a Glock 19 parts or with Glock 23 parts or with Glock 30 two parts so you can put all those parts inside here and put that upper on top and you now have what I call is really you know the best of both worlds the full-size grip with the mid size upper and that in my mind is a great package and again I had that idea way back started working on a two years ago thought it was a good idea and then I was saying Glock came out the 19x Hey good for them I thought well that's that's a great package hey so here it is so the idea for you is if you have an older nineteen and you want to have a larger grip you can basically digest all your parts into this frame couple things to keep in mind this frame as it stands right here it's considered a firearm all the pieces and parts that would come from your nineteen into here are just pieces and parts slide everything else so aftermarket pieces and parts will work as well but really the the market that I was going after was and because I'm one of these guys I have an old old nineteen and after a while after a lot of use the plastic has become very slippery and not so great soft and slippery and I'm thinking well you know what that frame is looking kind of beat-up and i've shot at a bunch and then I thought well gee I would love to have the full-size magazines in there with 17 rounds and that would be cool right because right now if you take a 17 round magazine and you stick it in there it sticks out a little bit whereas it with the gsx it's gonna fit flush just like so alright that's the beauty of that thing so that said what we're gonna do right now is digest the parts from this nineteen into the gsx 100 frame so we're gonna disassemble the 19 real quick we're gonna reassemble it here then we're gonna put the slide back on we're gonna show you that hey this is a viable solution if you have a nineteen you like that size of slide but you want the full grip in the full magazine capacity and you'll enjoy or like our texture and the the shape that we have then you need a gsx 100 and it's pretty easy to do I want to show you how quick it goes and and basically you know how cool this thing is it really is I think the best of both worlds is for a size fit and function and we did a damn good job on this ring I have to be honest it really took a lot of time and I have to say this really quickly there's a lot of customers out there who were watching this probably who had ordered this in advance thank you very much okay and for those of you who have maintained your order with us we're gonna give you a free magazine okay that's what's gonna happen to all those people just free this it's not a promotional offer it's just really for the people who've already got an order out and there's a bunch of them you know several hundred of them so we're gonna be giving you know free magazines with all those orders and I'm sure we'll do specials over the years as you know how we're gonna sell this but keep in mind this is a firearm it has to ship to an FFL dealer and once you get it you can do exactly what I'm about to do here to make basically a new improved handgun if you like like I said the full-size grip and I just think it's you know it feels good it really does you put your hands I've got to tell you that we you know we created these special little places for your thumb and for your fingers to ride it just feels like it's supposed to got plenty of purchase to put your other hand here and then there and we got a little hook on the front there in case you know a lot of guys like to do this a lot of guys like to at least grab it they'd like to know where they're at where the bottom of that is so there's many ways you can manipulate this to make it a better option for you so that's that said thank you for those who have had an order thank you for those who are about to do an order because this thing is cool let's go ahead and do the decembe Lee and the reassembly into the gsx 100 frames so here's the gsx 100 I'm gonna go and put it back in its box put it over there this is a Glock 19 and we're all familiar with Glock 19's I'm gonna head first thing I'm gonna do make sure the magazines out it is the trigger is in the uncocked position which is always nice to see when you're picking gun up okay is it full is it loaded is it you know ready to fire I want to keep my finger off the trigger I'm gonna go ahead and inspect inside the slide make sure there are no rounds inside the magazine like I said is already out the trigger is now in the cocked position I'm gonna squeeze the trigger in a safe direction always keeping the gun pointed in a safe direction that's always a good habit because the day you have an accidental discharge is the day you'll realize you should always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction because you never can tell whether it's loaded or not all right in fact what we want to always think is the guns always loaded no matter what so always treat that gun with respect okay empty no magazine no ammo that's also very important too as on your workspace when you're working and your you know room or wherever your garage or your basement or wherever you're doing this kitchen table you should not have any loaded magazines floating around nor any ammo floating around because it's way too easy to insert the magazine and rack the slide okay and for anybody to do that or for you to do that and forget so keep your workbench a work area clean no loaded magazines no ammo actually in another room is what I like to do this is the studio of course there's no ammo in here ever you know we don't really ever do live ammo in here just because there's just too much of this going on the guys are taking pictures of guns and we don't want to really have any mistakes and I suggest you follow the same protocol so let's go and take this thing apart real quickly hand rotates on top squeeze back just about a quarter of an inch so I can disengage the slide from a slide lock I'm gonna take my thumb and index finger and I'm gonna pull down on the slide lock on both sides at the same time so come up pull down and hold down it's spring-loaded as I hold down I can push the slide forward and the slide comes right off and you always want to hold on to that slide don't want to just fall off and and hit on the ground because you can damage the nose ring which is what that's called and because we're now dealing with two pieces here we've got to lower and now we've got the upper just took it right off the top I'm gonna put the upper away because when I can really mess with that remember the upper goes right on the gsx 100 let me show you something really cool a lot of people don't know this here's the upper now there's no parts in here right I can go ahead and put the upper on the slide just like that and watch this actually rack the slide so it's kind of amazing you know that the system that Glock created is so simple just a couple parts we'll make it into a real gun so that's the upper we're gonna put that aside this is the gsx 100 not ready for that yet because we still need to disassemble the parts out of the 19 which we're gonna put into the gsx 100 so here's how we start first thing is you need to punch or some sort I have a punch set here which I like a lot and I've demonstrated a lot before there are two pins here you're gonna see actually three pins in the new Glock gen threes Gen 4 is this is a gen 3 gun these parts really only work in the Gentry's so keep that in mind for the GS x 100 there's the the two pins there's a trigger pin and a locking block pin and back here is a trigger housing pin so we're gonna take out the locking block pin first sometimes if your gun is a lot older you can just push these pins right out sometimes if the guns newer you want to go ahead and put the pin right on top of the or the the punch right on top of the pin and then just use your hammer and just tap it out sometimes takes a little bit effort and there it comes once you get it started it comes out alright and I have it just a little longer punch here push the rest of this thing out by hand and a lot of guys don't do it by hand now you'll notice I'm using my Armorer's duct tape a little painters tape thing the tape is soft I can put the gun on it nothing's gonna happen to it I also capture my pieces in parts right there on the workbench you don't roll away so this is a great little thing to do you know they do sell a block that you can buy but hey I think this tape is actually better than the block because you have a big hole to deal with you can push those pins out now the other pin that we're about to take out is called the the trigger pin that's the big pin a lot of people have trouble with the bigger pin because I'm going to tell you the secret here because it's captured in place by the slide stop which is also the slide release so that slide release has us a circle that's going around this pin boom but there's also a spring here that's pushing it down on top of the pin and the pin has a notch in it so this piece the actually captured in the knotch and the pin is captured by this piece so they kind of capture each other pins not gonna drift out because of this piece and this piece is gonna stay in place because of the pin so they kind of have a symbiotic relationship the way you take this out is you can actually do this by by hand if you come up here I've got a little thicker punch on this one cuz this pin is a little bigger okay so the I believe the punch size is three thirty-seconds of an inch will work on all the pins this one's a little bit bigger this is one eighth of an inch now I want to put it right on top here now I could push all day long I could beat on all the hammer but it's captured again by the slide stop that's in the notch and I'll show you that want to take it out but I want to do this I want to get up here with my thumb and have a little bit of pressure on here and then I want to find their home and I'm gonna take this slide stop lever and I am going to manipulate it back and forth this way because that spring is pushing down on to this slide stop and it is there you go I just got it it is just if I wiggle a little bit it'll come off that notch and I just did it I just wiggled it and it comes out making just do it by hand you can beat it on all the other hammer but it may not work it may you may defeat it and there's the pin sitting right there and let me show you how this all works so there the notches I was talking about right in here and the slide stop which I'm about to take out actually rests in one of those notches so I'll show you that in just a second let me pull the locking block comes out next okay so I'm just gonna take my punch and I'm just gonna pry it out like so out it comes boom okay and there it goes I'll just pop it in there so don't have to worry about it and this is that slide stop lever also the slide release and this is how it lives in the gun right here like so see how it captures itself on that knotch let me show you that again there's the notch you see the notches see the hole it captures itself there and then what happens there's spring pressure here down by the frame or the pin they'll actually the the locking block pin actually puts frame pressure the pressure on the frame and so what happens is it's pushing down on this thing so I go and I kind of wiggle it around that way all of a sudden this thing can come out this pin can disengage from that notch and you get it out now so there's a locking block out I took out the locking block pin the trigger pin there's a trigger housing pin I want to take out back here alright so this can be actually pushed out by hand it's a plastic pin just getting it on top of it and push it out and then come around here and grab it all right so now all the pins are removed locking blocks removed now the last well major piece is the trigger mechanism or trigger housing and trigger bar and this is it comes out as one piece and the gen3 versions have a little thicker tail here the Jenn forces are a little thinner that's one of the major differences all 9 millimeter that's how you can tell 9 millimeter from a 40 40 caliber the 9 millimeter the ejector is bent on purpose now a lot of people you know over the years have said hey mines bent can I try to straighten it out no no it comes that way because it's reaching over to grab the smaller 9 millimeter cartridge get it so it's smaller so it has to reach over to be able to hit it now the 40 caliber is straight 40 caliber is a little bigger so it's it's actually engaging the cartridge when it's straight so that's one way to sit there and go okay you know what I have a 9 millimeter ejector or a 40 caliber ejector and the 40 caliber and the 357 would be the same both straight 9-millimeter is crooked so that's that one we put that off the side so here we go there's our frame almost empty what's missing the magazine release and let me show you how we're gonna take that out now first I need to have the right tool which would be a screwdriver and for the life of me I've got one right here okay this is not my preferred screwdriver I like to have a little bit longer one but I'll make this work I thought I had them all set up here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use that edge of the screwdriver to pry out mag catch spring so let's go in here and we'll see if we can get some light on this area and I'll come in here and see if I can get there we go see put that behind it and I should light it up let's see if you can see what we can see it's dark it's dark it's dark all right there it is right there ass yes yes yes okay right there huh we go that's the better see that little pin right there in the B that is the mag catch spring see how it's kind of caught already let me go ahead now to depress the magazine button you can kind of get a good feel for how that works again look at my little bounce card here my little yellow bounce card see I think moving a little bit doesn't move a whole lot so but it's moving and that releases the magazine all right so take that out I'm going to take the edge of my screwdriver and I'm gonna pry it over to a notch that's already inside the mag catch the button that you push and I'm gonna pry it on top and I'll show you what it looks like once I get it over there let's see if we can do this pretty easy here there yeah that was easy well okay let's go ahead and take another look inside and there it's what you're looking at season now the pin is straight and it's disengaged it's out of let's see there we go see how straight and it's kind of outside of the channel oh there you go well that was because I pried it out of the channel now to pull that piece out we'll take a pair of needle nose pliers okay and I'm gonna go ahead and reach in here and yank it out let me go ahead and what I'll do first see I mean you can pull that out right now or you can wait that link I want to show you something though I want to pull out the actual mag catch so I'm gonna just push it right through now it's not captured by the spring and that's the magazine now what I remember I was telling you there's like a little notch in the mag catch well there is a little notch right there it is and that pin kind of gets captured in there and it gets pushed over to here and then then that's what gives it you know it captures it there so that's the one it gives it the the when you push it it bends push it bends like that and then it releases the magazine these little guys up here so this is a cool little device I mean they're really just amazing design when you think about it related to a lot of other handguns it's so simple that's what makes the glock special and that's what you know is what we're talking about it so we know how to be special I got two other things to do here let me go ahead and show you now real quick I want you to look in this window here and we're gonna show ya that is what the distance you're looking for of that mag catch spring sticking out of the frame okay so when you put it back in you want it to be about 25% of the entire window and that's what it looks like you know 25 maybe 30 but not really it's really about 25 but one quarter the way out so I always like to see how things look before I take them apart because if I put it back together I want it to look the same so okay I got a pretty good idea there so I'm gonna take my needlenose pliers I'm gonna go down here and I'm gonna catch this thing and grab it and pull it straight out it just sticks in there's no attachments or anything I can see it's great okay there we go and there comes out like that voila and that's it that's the mag catch spring you know what's amazing now our always amazes me that the gun won't work properly if you don't have that that little piece just like that you know and so that is called the mag catch spring we'll put that back into my little donut there the last thing to take apart in the lower is the slide lock or slide just or assembly lever you know this is what disassembles a gun so you can see like I said I was to just simple you're pulling down on both sides at the same time so you can see that what happens this thing has some spring pressure and it comes up and down let's see if I can lock this in here like though up-and-down so two things to note here before you take it apart is there so there's a beveled edge there's an edge that is flat and there's an edge it has a cutout the engine has a cutout faces to the rear to the shooter so when you put it back in make sure that that flat side is on the other side of your face when you're looking down range it should be facing backwards because that's what captures the slide onto the frame believe it or not again all this crazy engineering to make this thing so simple I mean really that you have to think to yourself how much more thought was involved into keeping this so simple that's the genius behind the Glock okay now punch I'm gonna disengage the spring slide lock spring which lives inside the frame is that little silver piece right there I'm gonna go ahead and take that off or take the pressure off of the slide lock and then I'm gonna work the slide lock onto me actually fall out sometimes it does sometimes I have to push it out so I'm gonna push it down hold it down and hold it down as far as I can because I'm now loosening up now this is the gen 3 version jenefor has a little different setup let's see here so the one off there you go yep got it down there got it started out so I'm pushing that spring down and I just gotta push it out there we go alright so now it's coming out so I had to push the spring down and started coming out then I can just pull it straight out we want to be careful that spring doesn't fly out so I'm gonna put my finger over top just so it doesn't fly away probably won't but then we're going to take it all the way out and there you go there's that spring we're talking about now that lives in the frame just by friction and placement this is the takedown lever we just talked about slide lock see the one side is smooth that faces towards the target the other side has a bevel or an edge to it cut into it stamped into it actually and this guy faces towards you so the back towards the back of the frame so it's very important when you put that back together you put it back in right now this little spring will come right out so the only way to do this effectively is to get underneath there and not try to yank it out because you don't to change the shape of it just pop it out like so and so it has a real small tail that fits into the frame and that's how it's held down it just it just goes in it fits and then the pressure keeps it in place so again simplicity incredible amazing and it works everything works and that's the great thing about a Glock now here is the frame basically stripped down the rails are over molded just like you'll find in the gsx 100 the all the parts are gone the rest of it is just really the the polymer and the cereal plate the serial number plate so we're gonna take this and again my initial thought was for those of you who have a Glock 19 one a larger grip maybe the 19 frame is getting a little older a little worn scratched or whatever this is an option to now upgrade your frame as well as the overall feel and function of the gun because now you'll be able to use the larger magazines so I'll put this frame aside and understanding this is still firearm so I have to take care of it I can't just throw it away I can't you know just you know I want to make sure that that serial number is protected I put it back in my safe I know where it's at so be aware that this is considered the firearm so you can't give it to someone you can't do anything with it it has to go through an FFL dealer okay so now here's the gsx ring again same concept overmolded slide rails first thing we'll do is put the slide stop in and the first thing we do there is put that slide stop slide lock spring okay slide lock okay so here's the spring there's our hole there's our channel right there let me get my punch and I'll point it out right there back here is where the short leg goes gonna be hard to show you once we get in there but I'm gonna put my big hand in front of it big old fingers and get it started you lay it down there and it'll find itself there we go okay there you go there it is positioned in place that quickly so in and for the 19 it's got two sets of small tail you don't have to push it in for the 17 and the larger guns it has a larger tail so you have to kind of push it down this one just kind of sits there and then the spring just works just like you know like a little leaf spring that's all it is so we're gonna put our slide lock in again with the groove facing backwards towards me and I'm gonna start it over here on this left side and I'm gonna try to angle it up because I got to get it up over the spring and the spring gets captured writing this little notch down here let's see if I can show you the knots real quick before I put it away well there's that notch is very very small right there and again this is a stamped product we actually make a precision machined extended slide lock which is better it's flatter it's a little bit longer makes it a little easier to pull apart and then also gives you better accuracy because it chews up every time better so that's another part another video of course but let's go ahead and pop this in and again the technique is I'm gonna reach myself up there get in here with my spring push the spring down and get this part over top of that right and then just slide it in and then let it find its home and that's easy right so there now it has the spring pressure I'm looking for and it's seated and it's captured pretty simple so forth next thing is the mag catch and mag catch spring so here's the spring we're gonna put the spring in first grab it with my needlenose pliers and this is where it gets a little well I guess the word I want to say is it gets a little tough because you have to make sure you get this seated properly so going in here looking at my V okay there it is and now what I want to do is get it started in the V and have it position properly make it easy and whoops there we go so I got started now you'll see it's sticking way up so I'm gonna take a bigger punch with a fatter head and get on top of that little spring and just push it straight down and you'll see now here look here real quick okay so you know that's sticking up a little farther than the the sample or you know the Glock 19 that I just told you so you kind of got a little resistance on the push I thought now I'm not all the way seated I just want to show you that that's not acceptable right there so we're gonna do is gonna get back up on top of this thing put this punch right on top of that pin or a spring and just punch it down with a couple times and take a look at it I got a little bit more to go a little bit more you need to have it in there and it's kind of hard to do with your hands okay there you go now look at that that's where it should be right now you understand the difference if it sticks out too far you're not gonna be able to seat it in the magazine catch properly so now it should be a lot easier to install the mag catch and here's the night catch and of course it only goes in one way there's a fat side and a smaller side a larger and smaller size and you'll see the notch on the bottom remember what we're trying to do let me get this position so you can see we're trying to bring that pin it's gonna sit like right here bring it over here let it fall under there and it's gonna spring back in the channel and capture this part and give it the spring pressure we need to maintain and hold the magazines while they're in the gun and while you're shooting alright so I come in here get this started now you're gonna notice that you need to lift the the well you what do you call the the spring up a little bit to be able to push this in all the way so we get in here and get myself under here I'm just gonna go ahead and pry that pin up or the spring is I killed a pin but because it's kind of a pin but it's really just a roll pin that has a spring function and then I'm gonna get some light in there so I can see that's good and I lift that up and then bring the mag catch right underneath it no you heard that snap a pin place wasn't quite what I wanted oops yet come on that's not be there we go okay all right almost but no snow should go are there so you lift it up a little bit get my piece underneath and there we go that's where I want it now so now it's gonna look just like we did before it's the pins on top now I've got to scoop it over and back into that little channel there and it should be fairly simple but we'll see that was it so now perfect now this is okay one thing I want to tell you bout the gsx gonna be a little tight so you got to work some of these things sometimes just to make sure that everything comes back the way does this is this is gonna catch just a little bit until I work it and get it back to where it's supposed to be you don't want to be sanding or grinding on this thing because it's it's designed to be really tight alright so we've got two of our major options down we've got slide lock magazine catch here's a magazine holds a magazine releases the magazine just what I want mag balls gonna also be a little bit stickier than your older nineteen so that's no problem just go ahead and use it a bunch it's gonna go ahead and and wear all that plastic away so that it releases the magazine just like you like it all right so we're looking good we know it catches the mag and we know the mag comes up with the button so that's perfect all right now next part first things first we want to put the trigger bar and assembly in okay it's one piece I left it together you can take all this apart no need to so drop the trigger shoe into the hole and then guide the trigger housing into the channel on the back so it kind of the same time you just kind of get it lined up and there we are there we are bring everything in now here's a couple things I want to be quiet I want you to listen to the little snap or little pop here that's a good sound when you hear that that pop that means that everything kind of clicked into place and it's to where it needs to be there's my trigger my trigger hole took a pin hole and the hole and the trigger shoe itself line up nicely I can see that right through there there's air through there let's see yeah and there you go there's the hole we're talking about and then the other one is now is next is the locking block itself now this is gonna be tight and it's designed to be tight so here's how you put this in start here like so from the front find a home for it and then push it back till it marries up there and now we just push it down and I'm gonna go ahead and use my hammer now here's the nice thing about this hammer and I've been harping on these pin kits for ever it's got a nylon tip to it with a nylon tip I can actually beat on gun parts without damaging them and when I say beat on it I mean hit it with some force so you get things to go where you wanted to go and seat properly so now the locking block appears to have seated itself properly I can look inside there I see a clear hole through my locking block pin which means that the whole or cutout in the locking block and the hole in the frame are married up and that's how you want it to be alright so I'm gonna just give it another little love tap and make sure it's all seated on both sides looks good I think it could go down a little bit over here yeah it's better and better and like I said my pins look good my holes look good everything looks good there there's the trigger okay all right now while we're here at this point I'm gonna put the locking well not the locking I want to say the trigger housing pin in first because I want to lock that in place because I want to make sure it stays steady one I put the pins in up here because I don't want that trigger bar moving around okay and this is going in perfectly I'm gonna go ahead and use my punch and it's there now what we can do is take a little punch like so and just true these things up just push them through a little bit and it's perfect so now it's capturing that piece in there and that pin won't come out okay really getting close here a couple things we want to do the locking block pin goes in first really important you understand that because it is the pin under which the spring in this slide stop lever rests so you want that kind of prayer that's what that's what locks that in place and keeps that pin in place to remember it locks up on those notches well this has to be this pin has to be underneath this pin well this pin this this spring has to be underneath this pin that's what gives us the spring pressure if you put this in second and it lives here like that this is gonna float around it's gonna be a problems gonna lock up one accidentally so if that ever happens to someone out there and you see the slide lock slide stop locking up by accident or by just vibration of the gun that is what's going to be the answer is to take this locking block pin out take that out put the locking block pin back in and then make that work so here's the locking block again it's going to be tight so I'm gonna use my hammer come up here it's just a steel pin so I'm gonna use the steel edge and get it started and then once it gets started we'll get it through and get this thing assembled alright just where it's gonna be a little tough I think alright gotta give it a little bit of a hammer make sure you give some love because it's tight these holes are brand new and now I'm gonna switch to the nylon hammer because I don't want to get on the frame and really beat it see how that goes in there nice alright and you'll see when it's coming out here for the first time it's the first time I resemble this particular frame there's a little bit of plastic is getting pushed with it that's how tight these are okay and it's good by design I mean we didn't want to make it loose we want to make it tight so what I can do to true this up take my punch and just tap it a couple times and get that thing to come out just a little bit more and one more tip good so it's gonna look more like that when it's done so it's not flush it's just under a little bit on both sides and you'll see again like I said there's some plastic gets pushed out with this it's a brand new install all right so last pin is the trigger pin and again this will be tight too but what I'm gonna do first is put in my slide stop lever and this hole marries up to this hole and you'll see that pin or that spring gets captured under the pin just like we talked about so I pushed that there like so get it situated it looks good I know I've got some spring pressure there's the spring pressure I'm looking for so now let me go put it back in place and get those holes lined up and now I'm gonna put my trigger pin in come in here from this right side everything looks like it's lined up I think this feels good and I think I'm good you can always manipulate the trigger a little bit if you have to to line those pins up and usually it will start to work there goes and come back to the nylon hammer now now you got it pretty well set in there but I want to show you something so there it is almost flush to the frame right it's just maybe a little bit under the frame the problem is is it didn't really catch on this it still works but now what we want to do we want to make sure that the notch of the trigger pin itself is captured by the spring so I'm gonna take my punch and sometimes you can do this by hand you can hear it click into place so I'm gonna be quiet and I'll see if I can push this down ready I can't hear it because it's not moving I gotta go ahead it's really tight so I'm gonna just take my punch and my hammer and give it one good whack I think a little bit more there we go all right now it's captured okay that's it that's you know I mean without all this talking it's probably about a 10-minute job all right so that's said there is the gsx 100 with Glock 19 parts in it it'll also accept a Glock 23 parts or the Glock 32 parts with the full-size magazine so then you would have a 17 round 9-millimeter Glock magazine or a 15 round 40 caliber magazine or a 15 round 357 magazine depending on which caliber you shooting the framing is always the same it's really about the upper in the barrel and that ejector okay because that's important that you have the right ejector to you know really make sure you have the best operation so there it is now the last thing I'm gonna do is just oil this thing up real quick again it's brand new so you need to make sure you have some oil and I'm not gonna be shy with the oil I'm gonna make sure that my rails are you know generous really generously coated that the locking block has some oil on it as well it'll migrate away from it don't worry you don't you can't really overdo it the other thing I like to do too is a small drop of oil under this little ear of the connector okay so there's the connector right there Paul LC link isn't bitter this is the cruciform of the trigger bar there's the connector so you know I can always throw a little bit oil on top because it's sliding the cost to the top of the frame okay not a lot just a little drop and then underneath that as well because that's gonna migrate down to the trigger bar and that trigger bar is rolling across that connector and that and we want to eliminate that Oh without getting a call we're gonna call it the friction there you go and there's a good word for ya okay all right so it looks like everything's good let me get a little bit of oil on the rear rails here and you don't need a whole lot just uh you know this this oil will find itself and and this the slides already somewhat oiled I believe here's the Glock 19 slide I'll just throw a bead into the rail and I think we're gonna be good to go so here now is the gsx 100 with the Glock 19 upper look at that oh wow it is tight I'm telling you when you hold it no slide movement whatsoever I mean very very little it is tighter than the factory by design all right but I think you're gonna find it this little package right here full-sized grip mid sized upper is outstanding and it will accept all the aftermarket part parts that we manufacture as well as so our as the trigger the magazine release buttons the extended slide stop slide lock we can put just about anything you want on the upper of course it's it's pretty awesome I think you're gonna love it and I appreciate all the people who've been interested in this for what it has been now 2 years thank you very much for waiting you will get that free magazine for you know your patients we do have these now in stock and we are shipping them to an FFL dealer that you can go in and do the paperwork necessary to take home your own gsx 100 and then build up what I call kind of a hybrid and the hybrid is full-size grip mid sized slide it's a great package I'm Lenny McGill hope this has been helpful thank you for watching we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 123,939
Rating: 4.8446908 out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Lenny Magill, GSX100 Frame, Glock 19 9mm, Deluxe Hammer & Punch Set, Glock Locking Block Pin, Glock Trigger Pin, Glock Locking Block, Glock Slide Stop Lever, Glock Trigger Housing Pin, Glock Trigger Housing w Ejector, Glock Trigger w Trigger Bar, Glock Magazine Catch, Glock Magazine Catch Spring, Glock Factory Slide Lock, Glock Slide Lock Spring, Gun Butter Needle Oiler Pen
Id: xXFr0_kFguc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 52sec (2692 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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