Lenny demos the new FM-9 Pistol Caliber Carbines!

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[Music] hey there it's Lenny McGill with the Glocks or performance and Custom Shop right here in San Diego California today we're gonna do something different you know you know my Glock guy right this is the Glock store but today I want to show you how to assemble the new f m9 billet carbine all right so the billet is the lower receiver this one as you know many of you know they've also have a polymer version of this and recently they came out with a billet which is the aluminum version of the lower and the reason that I got behind the fm9 is because it shoots with Glock magazines alright so here's the lower here's a Glock magazine with our plus 6 extension on it okay it goes up into the mag well and one of the things that is really important about this particular setup in the way this is built is how tight the magazine is when it sits in the mag well and it's interesting the guys who know about these pistol caliber carbine one of the things they know that all the previous versions had a lot of trouble with the feeding the nine-millimeter round from the Glock magazine and so there was a lot of play in the magazine so when I show this to people one of the first things you know guys who are in the know one of the first things you do is kind of grab the magazine and go home oh that's oh that's tight oh that's interesting so you're gonna notice that yourself and I'm you know I'm gonna show it to you because that's one of the features now I will give you a little bit of history here about three years ago the inventor designer engineer of this fm9 concept you know contacted me and said hey what do you think about a pistol caliber carbine that's designed around Glock magazines and really made for Glock magazines and it's not really something that's been adapted to Glock magazines it is made for Glock magazines and I thought what a great idea you know we sell a lot of Glock magazines and I you know kind of encouraged him and and he and I you know work together a lot to you know get this refined I he's a brilliant guy and he did all all the engineering himself but he did consult with me and I do appreciate that and it does work flawlessly with Glock magazines because of the way he designed it so remember it's not an ar-15 that is adapted or you know to take 9mm in a million magazines it is built around a 9 millimeter magazine so the way that it feeds into the chamber is different than your ar-15 clone platforms so that's why the f m9 is the best pistol caliber carbine on the market alright I've got to just tell you that right away there are a lot of people using these and they do not have malfunctions now I've shot it in competition and you'll see here as we talk about this that you know it's it's a shooter yeah I have literally my son I went out and shot a match the other day we both shot about 200 rounds and four night rounds and had no jams whatsoever so keep that in mind if you're looking for a pistol caliber carbine the some of the ar-15 clones will have jamming problems and that's not like I'm down talking them that's just the truth whereas the fm9 will not so that said let's go ahead and get into this build process now what's interesting also about this pistol caliber carbine is it's a relatively easy build I mean seriously compared to a an ar-15 because you don't have all the gas tubes and gas systems this is a very simple build I mean really and and so here's how we're gonna do this we do sell the lower and we sell it separately okay it goes to your FFL then you buy the tool builders kit or the parts kit comes in a bag and it's got everything it needs and I'll show you all these pieces in parts when you as we get into this a little bit here okay so it's got everything you need in a bag all the pieces in parts to help you build this up and then you select the upper that you're wanting to build now couple things about the laws and how this works in California where I'm at you have one option and that would be a 16 inch carbine that's what a lot of people run especially for competition and this is a ton of fun it shoots like I said 9 millimeter cartridge is like no recoil you can shoot this thing to a hundred yards easily especially if you pair it with one of the red dot optics which I will show you later okay pretty cool there's a whole bunch of options on that but it's a shooter okay and the 16 inch upper is pretty cool in California you have to have what they call a compensator not a flash hider and there's some other things we have to do in California we can't use a standard pistol grip we can use the modified featureless grip which has a fin and I'll show you that because we're gonna build this here because this is California but if you're in the rest of the world you have a couple other options and I'll show you those options real quick just so you know now again if you don't live in California you can build a pistol carbine and when I say a pistol carbine you really build it as a pistol so you have an option of a 10 inch upper or an eight inch upper that goes on the same platform and the only challenge here is that when you receive your FFL receives the lower you've got to at that time determine that I'm gonna build a pistol so it'll be received as a pistol and transfer to you as a pistol and then you build it as a pistol or you build it as a carbine as a 16-inch seen you can't go back and forth because once it's designated by the ATF as one of the other it's got to stay that way now the other caveat with the pistol builds is that you will receive a pistol brace instead of a stock okay so and the other thing I'll by the way if you're in California you get a fixed stock the rest of the world gets the adjustable stock the standard adjustable stock good you know kind of goes in and now telescopes in and out this is more dangerous somehow than the fixed duck but that said again if you're gonna build a pistol you designated as a pistol and you select the eight or 10 inch upper and you'll get the pistol brace if you say I'm gonna build it as a carbine well then you're gonna get and you don't live in California to get the adjustable stock and you're gonna get this standard pistol grip which is what you know typically comes with an ar-15 now the building process is basically the same there's no real difference everything else is the same so we're gonna get into there's your pistol grip okay see that yes standard pistol grip and a standard stock now of course I can not use these in California so I'm going to put these off to the side and then we're gonna go ahead and start our build process now like I said you're gonna get all the pieces in parts and I'll show you what they you know come with is three separate bags there's a fire or trigger control group or you know a fire group or a fire control group the trigger and the hammer there's your selector or safety it's an ambidextrous safety selector okay and it's you know the proper term is selector but a lot of us are just gonna call it a safety because it's the fire or safe it is the ambidextrous and then all the pins and springs and detents and all that stuff now one of the things I want to show you is that the detent that will come with the kit are your standard ar-15 detents and let me show you what they look like here so you'll have a good idea of what I'm gonna suggest you do because let's go here like this and this one here like this okay so there is your two little deep tents right here okay and and they're basically this is very common anybody who's familiar with ar-15 you know with those are those are your D tents that capture your Springs and your selector switch and your safety and all that there's a new product out that was developed that I want to show you that it's pretty awesome I mean really it uh it's something that you may want to consider and it's a captured detent on a spring and we sell these in little packs of four for just under $10 they're pretty awesome and so instead of having the détente separate it is captured on the spring which makes it a lot easier to you know to install and to play with and anybody who has worked with ar-15s understands that so okay you know we're kind of getting a little deeper into this I just want to show you that because I'm gonna use those for my build all right and I would suggest that if you have an ar-15 you probably want to buy a set of those because they are pretty darn awesome okay so there's all of our pieces and parts and I'm gonna go ahead now and proceed to build up our lower and then from there we will get the upper attached and it's basically a pretty simple process like I said it's a fairly simple build I'm super impressed with this entire system and I think you will be too okay so there we go get over all these pieces out of the way and now I've got it all ready predigested over here now the lower when you get it the billet lowers is somewhat preassembled with the magazine release button and the bolt hold-open already installed alright and the one thing that is really interesting about this particular setup is it does hold the bolt open on the last shot now a lot of pistol caliber carbines don't do that because again they're trying to adapt an ar-15 platform to a nine millimeter magazine a Glock nine millimeter magazine and it's not not working but like I said Paul when he developed this build it around the magazine so that's the big difference that's why this one is so much better than everything else that's on the market and that's why I got behind it a lot of people say well gee you know you're really in the Glock business what you know I said well yeah but it shoots Glock magazines and that's one of the reasons I thought well this is you know really fantastic alright there's your your lower this is the front side this is the back side this is my tape that I'm gonna use to kind of my bench block here to put it on okay and do something a lot of people if you you know do have a vise you can put an old magazine and advice and you know stick it here and work with it you know if you want you know so but you know actually go backwards like so and you know a lot of guys you know will do that and so you have a third hand in a sense I'm gonna just work with right here because I want to make sure you get a good shot of it as well and plus it's fairly easy to build this thing up first thing we're gonna do again is uh you know magazine goes in this side this is the front this is the the buffer tube area right here this threaded area and so I'm gonna go ahead and put the trigger or should I say the the fire control group into it so we've got two pieces to this and the triggers right here and let's go ahead and take a look at it real quick already got the pin in so I can take the pin out because it's gonna go ahead and capture it into the frame so there's the pin and that probably will be out this is the sear or disconnect er and this of course is the trigger itself all right now you notice is a little bit of a spring here and you want to make sure that that stays intact it usually will but you know be careful that it doesn't fall out if it does fall out you place it in there it kind of snaps in place okay and you'll see how this little notch right here goes right overtop of that spring and you'll see the hole that matches up with a hole in the trigger okay and they all fit like that and you have to push that down just a little bit to make those holes line up okay so there it is spring loaded you know by design so that's how that works this is the trigger now the spring we like to say skis forward so if you look at those two legs of that spring when you put it in the frame we want those legs that way so it has that spring pressure we don't want to be back here okay so we want this skis forward alright again the forward then is that way so I'm gonna drop the trigger in right so and now oftentimes this is gonna fall off sometimes you can put it in is just stay in there but I'm gonna be honest I think more than likely it's gonna fall off I'm gonna put it back in but that's how it's gonna orient itself and notice there is a hole right there in the in the the lower itself the frame and that's where that is going to intersect and it's gonna go through there and then that pin is gonna go through all three items one two and the frame itself so here we go I'm gonna go ahead and just drop it it's gonna be hard for you to see this inside here so skis forward drop it in oops and like I said it dropped off like it normally does and we kind of get it set up there and we can kind of look at it and now I can just line that hole up and say okay yeah it's in the right spot and let's see if they can see some hole some light through there and you can and there's some light okay so we see how when I just is spring loaded with those legs right so now let me go ahead and drop the next piece in which will be this disc and I can just drop it right on top member these three holes have to line up so I'll drop it right on top now I can kind of position it with my finger and push down it is spring-loaded so I have to put that pressure on it get it set up to the point where it's lined up and there are there's life there's no half moons inside there let's see it looks good okay so now I know what I've got so now I can go ahead and get my pin set up and get it in there so let's get this situated properly and move the trigger around a little bit okay so now I'm going to feed my pin in I'm gonna usually put the pin in from the right side to the left and that's just a old gunsmithing sometimes you'll go ahead and take your punch and get in there and kind of get everything straightened out make sure it it feels like it's in the right spot and it looks good I don't see a whole lot of obstruction there and tap a little bit there we go and when you hear that sound you know you're hitting steel so you have to kind of adjust yourself a little bit more now the nice thing about this hammers has got a nylon edgelet head on it so I can actually tap this in and tap it right into the aluminum frame without marring it with the steel or brass side of it so you see just a little manipulation there we'll get that thing in there okay so I just have to line your holes up and sometimes you know once you get that pin started it it'll force its way and make everything correct but there is the proper orientation so far now the next piece we're gonna go ahead and do is the actual hammer itself now the hammer same thing skis forward in a sense you know that you're gonna notice that the hammer itself wants to come up and go bang right okay so if I put these skis back you know again the pins in here so let me take the pin out so you can see the hole and then that'll give you a good orientation as to how this is gonna fit in here we need that spring pressure to make it spring back so if we look at this thing and and we say well okay so the hole for the hammer is right here and so it's got to go in with these legs backwards like that so that when it sits in here it's sitting in here like so so it's always ready to come back up okay so the legs are gonna go right over top the other spring in a sense right along the frame there and it's gonna sit here like so and you're gonna see how this hole right here is gonna line up with this hole right there with a little bit of love and persuasion so get it set up in there and then you can see how there's some pressure right well you're supposed to be because you want that to be always ready to come back up so the only reason it goes back down is because you cocked a slide back or the whole piece back now so so there it is and it looks like it's gonna be good so now this takes a little bit of love and muscle so let me go ahead and get myself lined up here and figure out where that hole is gonna be there it is now I can see it I'm holding it with my hand looks good here's my pin again coming from the oops just slipped up just like that from this left side here so I say right side going left alright now here we go there we go okay voila so that's what it's supposed to look like and now the proof is to [ __ ] it and it actually is catching on the sear or the disconnect and then squeeze it trigger yes it's working now one of if you know a lot of you who are already building ar-15s know you don't want to dry fire this too much without capturing or catching the hammer now the hammer is steel it's a hardened steel the frame or lower is aluminum so if you did that a couple hundred times you may damage the aluminum a little bit so the goal is to catch it with your thumb so it doesn't hit the frame itself that's all so you'll see people who know what they're doing will always you know have a thumb on this and try the trigger before they let it go now when it's on the upper is on it it's you know hitting the firing pin so it's a different story but right now there's no firing pin it says who's gonna hit the it's gonna bottom out on the frame and that's not good so that's why we catch it like so but looks like it's working right yes okay okay so now the next thing we're gonna approach is the the front takedown pin and this is where we're going to see the application of that captured detent now if it wasn't captured it's basically two separate pieces so you're gonna notice over here on this right side facing down range there's a hole and that hole represents a spot for this spring and the detent goes on top so the detent does not go in like so and the detent stays on top so spring first and then the detent so I'm gonna go and put the spring in and the detent six out just a little bit you'll see that now see it's spring-loaded now so it's it's it's timed or should I say sighs to just have this pressure here because it's gonna capture it's gonna capture the takedown pin okay and you have two of these takedown pins I've got a short one you've got a long one a long one is the one that goes in the front okay so the short one goes in the rear both of them have a slot in there if you look at real close to see that little slot yeah okay I can see it now that slot is where the detent rides so that said I'm gonna put this in from the right side facing down range to the left I remember if you want you take an air 15 apart you push the pin from the left and you pull it out and it gets captured so it doesn't just fall out you don't lose it it gets captured by this spring and detent we just put in and like I said it's a lot easier to manipulate the spring and detent when it's captured like that the detainer is captured on the spring then having it separately because sometimes you'll usually press it and do all kinds of stuff and then something happens and I was in the detent goes flying across the room that's so fun okay that said let's go ahead I've got a plastic knife here and sometimes I use this and sometimes I don't I don't think I really need it for this but what we're gonna do is were gonna depress the detent and keeping in mind I want that channel to ride I want the details right in that channel so I'm gonna keep it kind of orientated that way and it really only goes in one way cuz there's a flat side over here but just keeping in mind that I'm gonna press that down and push in and you can hear that click there and then this is how it works so now when I go ahead and pull this out it gets captured see that and just for your knowledge if you were to take that out I want to take this pin out there's a small hole here very small hole in which I would put a very small little allen wrench or something like that to depress the detent and then I'd be able to pull it out that's how you take these out so we're not going to do that here but that's the front takedown pin and now we have the rear takedown pin and I can go ahead and start to work on that a little bit right now now you're gonna notice that the rear takedown pin basically will interact with the so I say the back plate so it is kind of out of timing here as to how we're gonna do that there's a couple of pieces that are working together so you got to be you know kind of aware you know what steps you want to go next I can put this pin in and basically you know it's gonna go in its gonna come the same way and again keeping in mind that I wanted to the slot to be towards that detent and I can put the detent in there as well steel first because the now this one that goes backwards where the detent goes in first not the spring and the spring is gonna just sit out there like that right and then I can make sure that it gets captured in there and then then that looks like it's good but what's gonna happen is that's gonna dangle there and I'm gonna let it just let it dangle there because I know it's there the you can see how the pin gets captured by the detent even though there's not a whole lot of spring pressure on there and there will be and now we're gonna go ahead and put the safety or selector in and the selectors in two pieces I've already taken apart it's just a simple little allen screw there but one of the things are gonna keep in mind is that to make this fit you have to have the hammer in the cocked position if you notice in here it's a little bit of obstruction very small but if I cocked at the obstruction goes out of the way so make sure it's in the cocked position safety goes in I have it on the fire spot right there I'll take the second half right now and just gonna go ahead and attach it over here and it's kind of keyed by itself so it's it's there's only one way to really do it and I'll get it set up here and start the screw and then get it set in now you'll notice it's free-floating right now because we're missing the detent that will allow it to operate properly and the detent that allows it operon properly is attached to the grip so in the normal world you're gonna put your pistol grip on and do that and the method is the same now keep in mind a couple things again if we're looking at this we know that right now if I put this upside down they're gonna see there's a hole right here on the frame and let's see if I get some light in there okay there okay the detent has a point to it and the point is gonna go down okay there's also a spring now this one is not captured that will be on top of the detent the detent goes down with a point because it rides against the steel of the selector or safety so what I'll do is I'll drop it in there right now and then I'll get it positioned on the safe side or the fire side either way and you'll see how it has a little bit of motion to it and then the spring would ride right on top now the challenge is is that this spring doesn't want to stay there by itself it's a fall out so there's a couple techniques that we're gonna use to to put that on but before I go there I want to do a couple other things now this is you know like I said this being California I'm gonna use the featureless grip and because of the featureless grip it has a tendency to get in the way of the buffer tube so what I'm gonna do is put the buffer tube one first but if you were outside of California you would put the grip on first and it'll be the same concept but I will go ahead and and start with a buffer first so I'm gonna take that d-10 out so I don't lose it drop it into my hole here drop that into my hole here and I know that I've got to come back and do that I've got the spring captured here I still have my my takedown detent captured there and I've got two other pieces in here that are left and one is the screw for the grip so I'll leave that there and the other one is the spring and the buffer detent all right and then of course we have the buffer tube itself the end plate or the castle nut they all come basically assembled and then the actual buffer and spring okay so let's start by getting the back plate on to the buffer tube and you'll notice there is a slot here that interacts with that tooth or post this has the the mount for your your Sewell sling so it actually will allow you to put a sling in there if you want but right now what I'm gonna do is just put this on like so okay so it it is keyed in there so it's not gonna turn by itself castle nuts basically all the way back to off so this is gonna label me to get in here and actually start this process so here's how we do this we just get it set up and make sure we time it well there we go and get attorney now the reason again I am doing this like this is because that California grip may get in the way so I'm going to turn it down and the objective is to turn it down as far as possible without intersecting this hole so let's get in here so you can I see that let's see where is that there it is okay that hole okay that hole is going to accept the buffer or detent and I'm almost there there I am see how I start to go over top that right now let's see here if we can get in there can I get some light in there there we go and if I go one more turn I'm gonna go over top of that hole so I want to back off just a little bit and now that hole is available here's the buffer detent and spring spring goes down into the hole okay and I can push this down basically with my finger and I can give this another turn and I can basically capture it right there like that so I hope you see that now here's where it gets to be a little tricky I want to make sure I turn it one more time we've got a good bite on it looks good and then I've got to get my end plate lined up and I also want to make sure that I time this so that this spine is basically lined up with the frame so it's not off-kilter zuv this the actual stock won't be crooked it'll be straight up and down so I just want to make sure that this spine is good now so the main thing now is I've got that spring in the way there and we talked about but it looks like I'm good and I think we're good here so let's go one more time up here looks good so now I've got this spring in there for my takedown and I've got this and I want to go ahead and make sure I capture that spring and don't kink it at all and this one's kind of lined up pretty easy so I'll hold that down and then I'll take my castle nut and turn it all the way down by hand and you'll notice how the castle nut has the castle edges facing outwards and that's so we can use our tool to get it over top and then tighten that down I'm not gonna turn it down right this moment though okay I'll wait just a little bit so this is our a our 15 wrench and we sell these as well so ok so now looks like we're pretty good so far and I can take I guess I can take my California compliant grip with a fin and I'll get it started this is kind of how we do this now remember I've got that detent and I've got to put in there along with this spring and there's the detent so let's go ahead review that just a little bit more on the bottom of the frame there's a hole and that hole is designed to hold the detent and spring that will give this selector its clickable motion without it just kind of fruit free floats it doesn't really do what it's supposed to do so there's in the fire position I'll just leaving the fire position and I'll take the detent and drop it into the hole and the point goes first on the detent because the point rides in the channel that is in the safety or selector okay now I'm not gonna do the spring yet okay so keep that in mind I'm gonna go ahead and start the grip first there's a lot of ways to do this and this is the way you know that I like to do it so I'll start the grip first and this is not easy not hard it's just one of those things you just have to muscle on there okay just like that okay so I got it kind of started now I want to back it off just enough so I can come back in there and I can put the spring up into the hole of the grip itself and so if you'll see there's a hold down here right there okay I'm gonna go ahead and put the spring into that ol and that spring is gonna then intersect with the detent that's already in the frame that I just put there and now the main thing is I want to make sure that I've got this in one of the fire or safe positions before I get too aggressive with that spring because as I collapse the spring that's what's gonna give it the spring pressure as I put the grip on so now I can just take a little mallet and just tap this thing straight down while I keep the safety in the proper position okay so there it is basically now there's a screw that goes underneath here in the hole of the bottom of the grip and I've got this a big fat allen screw I'm gonna go ahead and do that shortly but right now before I do anything I'm just gonna go ahead and test this safety and it has it click now you'll notice it's not gonna go ahead and rotate all the way around anymore it's now captured go on off so safe fire and again because it's ambidextrous it's actually very nice because on the California version you have to use your other thumb okay your other side should I say okay so now like I said there's a hole in the bottom here that corresponds with a hole in the bottom of the frame I'm gonna go ahead and capture the actual grip onto the frame and I just do like like so and I'll put my and this is a big screw so it takes a bunch of turns there we go and as we do this you'll see we're almost done so it's a pretty fairly easy build no real landmines not a whole lot of special tools you'll need many times the the grip will have a flathead screwdriver slot instead of this larger allen which is a little bit more difficult because it's kind of hard to line up sometimes but you know not insurmountable just a little bit of frustration trying to get that hole lined up and there it is okay so there we have it so now boom that works good safe safe works good okay last thing now the buffer and spring this is a special buffer by the way it's a heavyweight buffer that operates with nine-millimeter ammo it is not compatible with your ar-15 and likewise we have 15 buffer it's not compatible with this most of you know how to do this the buffer retention detent and spring are already installed and I've got them timed up so that you know the buffer tube is holding it so you'll see right there is the spring and the detent what I've got to do is I've got to put this spring in get it started and then I've got to hold that detent down now that's where sometimes a little tool comes into play I've got a neat little hook here that hack actually works really well so I'm gonna come in here and actually just you know get this started and push that down and then let it go and it will capture the buffer and spring just like that so again just push it down with this little tool and then it captures now you see it's ready to fly out there so always be careful that you know once this is off or down it's going to come out so and so there we have it basically ready now to accept the the stock now in California of course you got to use a fixed stock in the rest of the world you can use the adjustable stock and if you're building a pistol you're gonna receive a special buffer tube that does not have the spine okay and we'll get the pistol brace now that allows you to put on the 10 or the 8 inch which is pretty darn awesome so again when you order them you got to make sure you specify I'm going to do the pistol build versus the car being built because you will get a special tube everything else is basically the same and of course the pistol brace is different than the stock so please specify pistol or rifle and then also when we ship it to your FFL we're gonna ship it as a pistol and he'll receive it as a pistol and you'll take it as a pistol and you'll build it as Bissel then we're all safe so before I actually put the stock on though let's go ahead and tighten up the castle nut and we do that with our wrench and you know these are readily available we do sell a version as well but you'll see that there's a little teeth in these wrenches and they're gonna correspond with the teeth and the the actual stock itself and let's see if I can get this thing over here yes I can good ok now many times people like to use a bench for this and I don't blame you what we've found is you can actually just use the actual grip and the frame and just you know key to tighten that it doesn't have to be a like crazy tight to the point of you know you know to kill anybody with this but you know you do want to tighten up so it doesn't back up myself and that's basically as much as I want to do right there probably about 30 or 40 pounds of pressure and then I got to get this back down to here and let's see if I can get this off here without making a big mess out of this thing here okay there it is pretty cool right and now let's go to our fixed stock here's the fixed stock which is actually not a bad option it's actually pretty cool I think okay there's a screw right there here we go and it's pretty tight there you go now last thing is actually put the upper one and again you can do all this yourself this is the beauty of this particular build there's nothing that's very difficult here this is an easy build no special tools it's just a simple little process that you can follow you know in the videos and okay so again all the uppers fit the same way I won't build a pistol because it's California and I don't have the pistol brace on there so I'm gonna go ahead and build the carbine and sometimes these guys are a little bit tight but they're good okay I'm gonna drop my front on here and just kind of get it timed up here and make sure it's good and I'll close that up so I've got that on there and and everything looks good then I'm just gonna drop it on and okay there you have your build and now that's it it's pretty darn simple now the cool I mean the cool thing again is the fact that it takes Glock magazines it's been built around a Glock magazine you can see out darn tight they are there's not a lot of wobble everybody who's up you know a gun guy who's shot pistol caliber carbines it's the first thing they always do whenever I show them this thing they go home let me see oh that's pretty tight oh that's interesting you know cuz you'll see on the air 15s there's just all over the place the ar-15 adapters this one is tight and it's in it's made by design so one of the things that's really cool about it even with this California grip is the fact that you know it is super accurate out to 100 yards hundred fifty yards because it's a long barrel so stable platform if you pair it with a red dot optic like this is the Hollis on five ten which we also sell I mean it is you know spectacular really just amazing and it's a great package of course you know in the free world you can use the larger magazines and everything else but I'm telling you what if you're looking for a pistol caliber carbine you want to build one for yourself because it's just kind of fun to do I'm telling you what you cannot go wrong with this fm products the fm9 it's just amazing and I'm not saying that because I love Paul and all he's done for me I'm saying it because it is the best pistol caliber carbine on the market today and we've got a great package that you can pick whether it's a pistol carbine the pistol itself or or a pistol caliber carbine we've got a great package allow you do build this at a great price and hopefully this information I gave you well encourage you to build one for your very own I'm not even Gil this of course is the Glock store performance and Custom Shop right here in San Diego if you're ever in San Diego come in you can shoot this okay this very one will be up there on display and certainly I do encourage you to look through the website you've got any questions you know certainly give us a call thanks for watching we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 46,607
Rating: 4.8903456 out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Lenny Magill, FM-9, Pistol Caliber Carbine, PCC, Competition shooting, rifle, FM-9 PCC
Id: zoC8B7aHTgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 30sec (2610 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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