Lenny Magill checks out the G44 in studio.

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[Music] [Music] hey there it's Lenny McGill with a Glock store performance and Custom Shop back in San Diego from traveling all around it was in Las Vegas at the SHOT Show and then after Nashville interviewing and talking about the construction out there looking for people to hire so if you're looking for a job and you're watching this before say June or July of 2020 give us a call or send us a resume because we are hiring for Nashville all kinds of different positions now so at the SHOT Show lots of fun stuff to see lots of fun stuff too you know people to meet things to do we did a little video on the shot show solve Chuck Norris out there a ton of fun but at the SHOT Show the only thing that glock had that was new and exciting was their 22 caliber handgun which is known as the Glock 44 and this is it right here this video is really about the Glock 44 it's it's pretty neat I will say you know a lot of people were like 22 why you know oh my gosh why they're underwhelmed in a sense with the 22 caliber round and and you know I'm gonna say you know I kind of have the same feelings however after thinking about it a little bit and looking into it a little bit and actually touching and feeling this a little bit I've got some new thoughts about it and I'm gonna share them with you shortly but right now let's go ahead and talk about this gun in particular what I see what's interesting about it and what's unique about it and then we're going to break it all the way apart and put it back together again and then the next video right after this I'll do a video of shooting this thing through some testing with some different types of ammo that I'm gonna show you what I think is really exciting and pertinent to what we're gonna talk about with this Glock 44 now okay so the first thing you do when you pick up the Glock 44 it's amazing everybody and I've really showed it around a little bit out of shows over the weekend and I had people pick it up and say wow it's really light and it is really light in fact we just waited it is one half exactly basically one the weight of a standard Glock 19 now the reason I say that is because it's basically the same size and shape as a Glock 19 there's a Glock 19 gun is empty there we go so they're the same basic size this one the Glock 44 is kind of a Gen 5 version because it has some gentle eye features whereas this is a Gen 4 up here MOS with the MOS plate that mounts a red dot optic so the Gen 4 and Gen 5 g44 22 caliber the glock 19 is the same exact size however the thing is it's half the weight in fact a lot of people said well it sounds or feels like an airsoft gun and it does and there's a reason for that what glock did was really fascinating and you know they're there in the plastic business or the polymer business is they made the slide most of the slide out of polymer if you look in here really close you'll see there's a difference in tonality and the rails are actually steel and the upper part of the slide is polymer or plastic which is pretty phenomenal because that reduces the weight significantly and you know I'm sure they did that for a lot of engineering reasons to make the slide work with 22 caliber ammo it's a you know prevent rather beefy or bulky slide keeping in mind that the 22 caliber conversion kits that we sell have an aluminum slide to minimize that weight on the top here but they went with a plastic and it's pretty cool now there are some reports out there and I haven't seen them you know personally I'm seeing anything personally with you this thing yet and I haven't really put it through a torture test haven't shot a whole bunch through it there are some reports that this plastic slide polymer slide is breaking and that there's been some extractors blow out doing rapid shooting and we're gonna find that out when I do my test when I was at the SHOT Show and I talked to the Glock personnel of course they're salespeople but when I talked to them they said hey shoots every kind of animal shoots great we've shot it you know thousands of rounds everything's great to talk to thee there there are staff members that were at the booth and I also talked to some of the competition shooters who've got their hands on this thing and shot it a little bit and they said it works great works great with all kinds of ammo so we're gonna test that we're gonna find out but you know I would say to you that whenever you shoot a 22 caliber and a handgun you're gonna want to use some high velocity ammo or some you know not you can't really use the CB capture the tiny small short rounds you gotta use the full size 22lr and do not try to buy the 22 magnums because they're too long they won't fit into the magazine they won't fit into the chamber so it's a 22 long rifle rounds if you say oh I want to really hot 22 so they do make a magnum that's longer and you don't want those and they're significantly more expensive as well you want the standard 22 caliber LRS and we'll talk about the ammo here in a little bit but let's go through some of these features real quick like I said it's a Gen 5 you'll notice on the frame it has a small little mag well they're just flared out a little bit in plastic which you know obviously you'll see me get some light in there properly and it makes it a little bit easier to to load a magazine so they've got it set up there I will say they still have a pretty sharp edge and that's really just a manufacturing thing what I would do what I will do at some point is just take some thousand grit sandpaper and just run around there just you know get rid of that edge cuz you're gonna literally slice the tomato on that okay cuz it is sharp in you know it's not pleasant you know I mean especially when you're you're handling it around it it's it's not something you want to be especially if you have any speed there that's when you can actually cut yourself so I would actually just break that edge not change the shape just break the edge on that polymer mag well the other thing that you'll notice in this particular gun is they've got a an ambidextrous slide stop which means it goes on both sides so typically it's going to be on this side this one is truly ambidextrous where it's on both sides at the same time and it's the same as all the Gen fives it has one pane like other Gen fives another pin back here one pin above the trigger which is the trigger pin and then the trigger housing pin in the back all right the other thing that's rather unique on this gun and you know I question why they did it but they did is they put adjustable sights on it which is kind of neat and you know there's your adjustment screw right here I'm sorry on the wrong side there it is so one course for elevation and the other for windage side to side what's you know I mean for a handgun and this type of handgun I don't think you're gonna be shooting much more than 20 yards is that necessary no in fact one of the videos I'm going to do shortly after this video is I'm going to install a new set of sites that I found at the SHOT Show and I'm gonna take these off and actually put some night sights on here so that said those are the major changes that I would notice now one of the other things of course is the the magazine and so I was curious to say to myself well how much is the magazine weigh and how much does it weigh compared to a standard Glock 19 magazine so what they did is they came out with a 10-round 22 caliber magazine which everybody says why 10 rounds well because it could be sold everywhere now I bet that the marketing people at Glock will come out with a 15 or 20 round magazine and sell that as an aftermarket product somewhere down the road so everybody who buys one of these who's in the free states not in California or some other states that have a restriction will buy the higher capacity magazine this operates just like any other 22 caliber magazine in the fact that it's got a pull down the you know again I haven't shot that's a whole bunch you know you pull down the follower to load because it's kind of hard to push him down but one of the things I think is a kind of a weak point here and I you know I mean hey I'm not glocken and they have a lot of smart people there so they obviously know what they're doing but they have a little piece of the magazine right here it's a little little stud that sticks up that looks like the round is going to intersect up into it and it's kind of beveled and it looks like it's designed to actually force that round up and I just don't know why they made it out of plastic well I guess I do know why cuz they're in a plastic business but I just think that that's gonna be an issue at some point that there's a flaw or it could be a flaw could be a defect in in the course of time because it's not there may not feed well now let's go and look inside the barrel oh one more thing back to these magazines okay so what's interesting again is I loaded a standard Glock 19 magazine with ten rounds of nine-millimeter I loaded a G 44 magazine with ten rounds of 2240 grain okay measured them and the the measurements are this is 0.4 three pounds and this is 0.2 1 pounds so basically half the weight again so the magazines have to wait the gun is have to wait of the standard Glock 19 now let me put this out of the way I'm gonna mess with that I'm gonna put this loaded magazine out of the way because we're not gonna mess with that we're gonna go ahead now we've got an unloaded magazine I've got an unloaded G 44 and we're gonna take it apart alright first step is the same procedure that's one of the nice things about Glock everything's basically the same interestingly enough alot of the parts inside here are not the same okay and you're gonna see that as we take this apart but if we go ahead and do the standard disassembly procedure which is basically to take the slide back just a little bit so I like to wrap my hand up here I've seen people do it a whole bunch of different ways but you bring it back about a quarter of an inch eighth of an inch maybe a quarter of an inch and then you pull down on the slide lock which is the little lever that's stuck in the middle of the frame there and it comes on both sides you pull down both sides hold it down and then walk the slide off and pull the slide off and there it is so there's the upper and there's the lower or the slide in the frame boom pretty easy stuff now we've kind of looked at these pieces already we know that the magazine button magazine the race button is ambidextrous it'll it'll flip back and forth and be left or right-handed dependent you know upon what you are of course but this is one part that is the same for the Glock 19 so you could buy one of our Glock 19 extended magazine buttons and pop it into this gun with no problem and we already done that that's one thing we have tested the slide lock also known as a slide release or takedown lever enough this library's going to take down lever that particular item is different and it doesn't work they're not interchangeable the that's that's really better than you know the the magazine spring the magazine release spring that little pin down there that does in fact remain the same that's the same piece so not much else the sights are the same of course guide rods we haven't tested yet we're about to do that and I'll let you know that on another video so okay so let's go ahead just do the standard assembly so for cleaning you're gonna take the guide rod out pop it down barrel comes out just like normal and it comes out look out tiny a little thing is yeah and we have shot this my son was playing with it the other day and it's a little greasy but I will say that you have to keep this gun wetter but then the 9 millimeters or 40 calibers okay so that's you know it needs oil because it needs to be lubricated to be able to function properly if you don't boil it well it's not gonna shoot well okay and then here's the slide itself now this safety plunger is different the firing pin is different the slide cover plate is the same move thankfully okay cuz I make a whole bunches like it with plates and the sights go on the same to this same dovetail seems system for holding the sights in so let's go ahead and and we'll take this apart real quick and then we'll go ahead and take this apart will kind of look at each one of these parts and see what's a little bit different about the Glock 44 so the way we take this apart is we're gonna start with a slide cover plate we all know that there is in this gun a firing pin or striker but it's a firing pin nowadays they call it and that's the lug right there that lug intersects with the trigger bar the cruciform of the trigger bar back in the back here so let me show you that real quick this little piece right here intersects with that lug so when you actually pull the trigger it pulls this firing pin back under spring pressure pulls back and then let's go just it slides off because it hits the connector and the the bar slips off and this goes forward and that's what makes it go back now because I did not depress the safety plunger the firing pin gets stuck and you'll see the firing pin is not stuck out of the it doesn't it gets impeded so it doesn't stick out of the breech facing right here's the breech face you can kind of see the pin back in there like there see that little silver piece right there that's the breech face and back in there is the actual firing pin so let's go ahead and pull that out the way we do that of course like I was going to is we've got the striker I'm gonna lift a striker up and underneath the striker is a black piece of plastic is very small and a little hard to see but I think we've got good enough legs he zooms in here you're gonna see it see and it's kind of blending in but it's right there so now I'm gonna take one of my punches and I'm gonna push down on that little piece right there right there okay so what I'm effectively doing is I'm removing spring pressure from the slide cover plate so if I push this down and hold it down then I can thumb this off if I can there you go so here comes slide cover plate boom put that down now inside here are the pieces that make up this upper so piece number one will take out is gonna be the actual striker itself and it you know has the same type of system this being a spacer sleeve and we sell all these pieces and parts the striker spring spring cups are white and the striker now I want you to look at the striker and keep a good picture on because remember this is a center excuse me a rimfire gun nine-millimeter 40 caliber 45 are all Center fire so hence the firing pin is offset to be able to hit the rim of the cartridge and it's offset - if you think about the orientation it sits in the gun like so so it goes like that oops and that means it is on the bottom so it sits in the gun like so and if we look at this now I'm gonna bring it down here I put my hand back here so you can actually see the detail that firing pin is off-center the actual blade itself from the actual piece there now what that's designed to do see if I can grab one of these rounds out of it yeah here we go this is the 22 cartridge and so it sits there like so and the firing pin sits like this and it hits the bottom of the rim not in the center let the bottom down here and that's the orientation you're gonna see so that's what's going on so this is really a different part because it's 22 caliber versus a rimfire versus a center fire and so this is not interchangeable this is an assembly - now when you pull it out you can just leave it like this you usually does not require a lot of cleaning I would not oil it heavy you know it doesn't need any oil de and this it needs to be dry inside of that firing pin channel ok that's what that's called so now the other piece is that we're gonna pull out are going to be the safety plunger depressor safety depressor plunger assembly which is basically a rod a steel rod and the spring and the the plunger itself so it goes on it usually wants to live like this and that's the assembly right there's really three parts here the rod the spring and the plastic cap now the metal part always intersects with the other metal part and the other metal part here is the extractor now this is where everybody has problems with 22-caliber because the rim is so darn tiny that it's hard for that extractor to get a good grip on it so two things that always have to happen with 22-caliber you got to keep that extractor very clean it can't have any debris or dust or or any build-up underneath it because if it does it's not gonna get the action to clip onto this empty shell and pull it out so you always have to make sure that you're cleaning that part now I'm gonna go ahead and take the extractor out here it will come out once I depress the safety plunger safety plunger extractor extractor is the claw so if you can look in here you'll see that yeah you probably won't see much of it right now so let me go and just drop it out so the way to drop it out is just push the safety plunger and it will just fall out I can do the Monaghan here really just like so so there now here's what's really interesting about this piece okay it actually looks like it's a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny little extraction piece let's go ahead look at I'm gonna put my finger back here so you can actually see it I hope you can see what I'm talking about looks like it's stepped right there see that step okay this little piece that one high piece up there is what's grabbing hold of the round so if you get any kind of debris buildup in this little area right here right in here it's not gonna work as well as it should so I would say that that's one of the challenges I have with 22-caliber is that you know everything's so darn small that you know you're really and you know guns are dirty so you really have to be careful we're meticulous and how do you do that basically don't you take out the gun just get yourself a toothbrush and just scrub it every uh you know hundred to hundreds that's it just making sure it's cleaned up don't even need a whole lot of lubricant you could put some you know CLP on there or some kind of you know gun cleaning fluid fluid to I guess what I say is dissolve anything but you know really just manually scraping stuff out of there with a stiff toothbrush would be a good idea now here's the other part to that we're gonna take apart is this safety plunger and it came out it includes a spring and there is a safety blunder and it kind of has a different shape it goes in one way came out I believe this way right here so that would be sitting up here like so here is the spring it goes into the little hole in the top and that's the safety plunger and spring and this of course is what prevents the firing pin from moving forward if it were to slip off of the striker lug and you weren't pulling the trigger so if you drop the gun this is kind of a drop safety where even if the striker comes off where the firing pin comes off of that cruciform off the trigger bar it'll hit this and not go forward and not go into the breech face and not make the round go bang which is a great feature so it does work you know I've seen high-speed videos and we've done some testing and you know and basically it will not allow the striker to go forward based upon the design that's why you never want to mess with the design of the striker or the front of the striker on any of the clocks okay you never want to play with any of these dimensions you don't want to polish them you don't want to do anything to it you don't want to mess with this at all as well because this is you know proven it works and that's what you want to do so so basically there's the part there I'm going to put down that's the safety plunger in spring there's the extractor there's the extractor plunger depressor assembly I think it'll better name for that but that's basically what I remember right now and then there's your you're basically a strip slide of course the sights are still on there and we'll we'll take those off in a later later video but that's it so now to put it back together same basic thing we're gonna go in the backward order so one of the things you want to do is you want to start with your safety plunger and you want to get it gone in first and let's see if I can orientate this properly and because that spring is gonna fall out well yeah it's gonna fall out when you turn it upside down you're gonna need to do exactly as I show you you're gonna need to put it upside down and put it in like so or like so like oops there comes that spring and where'd it go there is yeah I hate these little Springs and you can see it's kind of a mess so alright I think this is right here like this I think you have it backwards again there we go okay so I've got it in now to test that I've got it in properly really really going one way but I do want to test this spring pressure see the spring pressure yeah it's coming up and down all right so it's properly mounted and I've got a properly seated this spring is not caddywhompus it's you know straight up and down looks like it's working so I can kind of look inside the window and also see that too so if you can see the motion there going you'll see that I've got it orientated you can see how it looks here because again the trigger bar is rolling over top of that feels good okay now we're gonna go ahead and put the extractor and so they'll do that you'll actually depress the safety plunger with your finger like I'm doing there and you put the barrel into the hole so that the the claw is facing forward or in the forward direction so it's really only one way it goes to you just drop it in and then let go of the safety plunger and it'll capture itself so safety plungers down you put this in let it go and it captures it so it doesn't come out by itself right now all right pretty simple this is that rod that we talked about the depressor plunger rod and again steel goes to steel so this steel part is going to intersect with the steel extractor now keep in mind this has to have some spring pressure because it kind of moves up and down when it goes forward it moves over the rim and it goes all the way in then it grabs it and pulls it back and it does it again and it moves back and forth back and forth if you don't have this spring it won't work just that simple I mean that's crazy huh even if you have the wrong plunger sometimes it won't work because you don't have the right pressure so let's go and put this back in like so so I'll turn it upside down here comes the plunger with the steel first just drop it straight in and it's gonna sit there until I capture it with the slide cover plate and again I wanna i like to play with this spring and make sure that okay I've got a properly place come over here I can actually see it intersecting the the extractor right there okay so now here's my firing pin assembly now one of the things you can do with this firing pin is you can change a spring out from the factory five-and-a-half pounds to like a four and a half pound spring to get a little lighter trigger I will say to you that the the trigger on this right out of the gate was not wonderful it was kinda like oh wow it's kind of hard so we you know we played with a little bit we put a 4 and 1/2 pound spring in here and I'm gonna show you we also put a double diamond connector so one of the easy trigger jobs you can do just to get a little better trigger on this without really playing too much just put a connector in there for one thing that alone really made it better so firing pin goes in again it you can only go in one way it orientates it here I have taken this apart in many other videos you can certainly go look there you basically take the spring down pull the spring cups off in the guns apart it's not a big deal but it's kind of hard to put it back together so I'm not gonna do it today so there goes just like so so there we are sitting there and again now what I'm going to do is I want to just play with this real quick and push this and see that that goes it does protrude when I push that down I can actually see it coming out ok so now I'm gonna take my slide cover plate and I'm gonna orientate it into this slide and I'm gonna push down on the big one first okay so let me get a little larger punch which would be the the spacer sleeve and I'm just gonna capture that under the slide cover plate just like so now I'm gonna take a smaller punch and I want to push down on this detent there and that's a good sound when you hear that click so that's it it captures everything and it's all good now so to test that what you're gonna want to do is just push down on a safety plunger and push the firing pin forward you'll see how the firing pin now extrudes out of the breech face so right there that's the front pin now I can pull the firing pin back out but it won't go forward unless the safety plunger is depressed alright now to reassemble it has to be in the fired position so I'm gonna leave it forward okay did you hear that to put it back on the gun it's got to be in the fired position so that's really important so now easy part is just dropping the barrel in find that hole and drop it in and there you go and this is of course the guide rod and there you go so now that's done let's go ahead and tack this real quick try to make this fast because there are some different parts in here that are really unique okay so this is my gunsmith donut okay just a piece of tape I'm gonna put the gun on here I'm gonna work out the trigger pin first okay a lot of ways to work out the trigger pin but the only way to really make it work is you've got to take some pressure some spring pressure off of the pin by manipulating the slide stop now when I say manipulate you're gonna see when we take the slide stop up it's got a hole in it on both sides because it's a it's a ambidextrous goes on both ways but that hole intersects with the grooves that are in the pin so if you don't take that pressure off there you're really just it's captured by that groove in the pin and you can pound on a bunch it's it's not gonna come out now you may force it out but the way to do it is to actually jiggle this a little bit I actually feel you push it forward you lift it up and push it forward and maybe pull it back and forth you get the best action on it so a lot of guys will take a punch and just sit on top of it like so and wiggle this thing and just do it now I sometimes they're here you actually worked that time so it was pretty sometimes I'll take a hammer to it sometimes I don't need to I do have the cool hammer that allows me to put them back in with the nylon tip and I like that a lot that's a brass tip there so the non tip does not Mar the gun at all because it's plastic versus nylon so nothing happens so okay there's that first pin let me go and pull it out by a hand and there it is now there is the grooves I was talking about if you get in here close you'll see so the you'll notice how big they are because you'll see that sliced up is kind of thick so those grooves actually kind of capture that so what I'm doing is I'm picking up hop up and push it forward and back trying to get it off those groups and then once he get off the group's the pin comes right out and hence if it wasn't captured in the grooves while you're shooting the vibration would make the pin vibrate out that's why it works like it does next pin is gonna be this trigger housing pin I'm gonna take a little little smaller punch and this one I can actually just push out or I can take a hammer too I'll just push it out and it comes out pretty fast and there's your pin so now I've captured them in here they're not gonna roll off on the table it's really important all right so I'm gonna just push that off the side here and now I've got both pins out and I've got to lift out the locking block now you're gonna notice something here which is really peculiar to me but again Glocks in a plastic business and they made a plastic locking block imagine that and now keep in mind the world starts and ends on that block that locking block for these handguns that locking block is the heart so I'm gonna take it out and they made it out of plastic there it is and you see how it went in just kind of like that you see how it's kind of angled forward where the more the rounds go all right so that's it pretty cool stuff okay now you got the locking block out of the way I can take these slide stop and we talked about the slide stop and if you look here you're gonna see there's the holes we were talking about here's that pin here's that pin rest in here like so and it marries up in there's spring pressure that pushes this down onto that groove your objective is to lift it up a little bit and to wiggle it back and forth so it comes out that's what we're trying to do and I hope I demonstrated there I'm sure that at some point they will come out with a an extended slide stop lever which i think is always a great addition but that's it it's it's ambidextrous at least and people really like that especially those lefties out there okay next thing coming out is gonna be the whole trigger housing and trigger assembly okay it's all one piece so we're gonna grab the ejector right here I'm gonna pick this up and out comes there you go so that's the trigger and you'll see that I have already my son was playing with this since he dropped a three half pound connector in there that's our Double Diamond through a half pound connector because it works so good and the main they trigger so much better and he just didn't like the factory trigger so he dropped that in there and it was it's much crisper and nicer and cleaner and all kinds of great stuff so you you should probably do the same at some point it's a cheap item is inexpensive should I say alright that's it now let's go ahead and take this apart now this is the same as a Gen 5 so it's not really attached it's captured with a stirrup if we look in here you're gonna see the stirrup let me know whirring take this properly and hold it down and you see the strip right there this guy right here the trigger bar goes into that so if you understand that you'll be able to put it back together easy so way to take it apart is it grab it pull it forward and then twist it out and out it comes and that's the trigger bar and trigger shoe and trigger safety sole is one piece okay so they don't sell all this separately it's all just one piece pulled up and then here's the connector and inside is your well they call the trigger spring and you can kind of see the spring in there after you can look in there and there you go right there oops there's a spring and that's the little stirrup there so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put the cruciform in front of the cruciform which is the trigger bar into that stirrup capture it and push it forward see that spring loaded as well alright so that's the trigger housing and that's the connector connector comes out very simply you can take a punch and punch it out on the back side push it out in the back side well very simply okay let's see or maybe need a little bit more muscle than that okay here we go yes it's stuck in there so okay that's good so let me go ahead and show you how I would approach it in another way I will grab a little flat-head screwdriver which I know I have around here somewhere there we go and something really flat and skinny how about that and I'm just gonna get underneath here and just pry it up from the from the base so I don't bend it I'm just prying it up just a little bit at a time and I should be able to make this work here we go actually have one Oh preload is here here we go this will work better there we go here comes it's coming out all right trust me it's coming all right and this is the connector and it's just a press fit into this trigger housing and it's really frustrated so that's our three and a half pound connector and we saw a ton of these you should have one for all your gloves this is one part that actually is almost universal for all the Glocks except for the Glock 42 and 43 it has its own smaller connector this item you know I've been selling these for what 12 15 years now it's a no-brainer it just makes it a crisper lighter shorter trigger pull can improve your accuracy and just make the gun feel better overall so you basically take the old one out put in the new one like so and you basically just press fit it in so sometimes it's a little bit hard but you'll want it to be hard you don't want to bend it you know when I really try to go from the bottom there and there we go I got it started and now you'll notice what a lot of people say well gee it looks like it's bent so yeah it sticks out from the trigger frame where you can put my hand back there so you can kind of see see that sticks out what's supposed to when it's all the way captured in there it's supposed to stick out about two degrees and the reason it sticks out is because you want that spring pressure that's what resets the gun so this is the in and out when you put it into the frame it gets compressed a little bit but it still sticks out a little bit and when the when the trigger bar runs over it it pushes it in and then it goes bang and it comes back out in and out just that fast digit so this is a hardened steel piece that you know is spring steel so it's designed to have that pressure so a lot of people say well gee I want to bend it back in stable don't do that because it won't work it has to have that spring pressure it has to have that slight cam out now the hard part may be to put this trigger bar back in but let me show you how we like to do that that's the front of the cruciform this whole thing is called a cruciform that's the rear that intersects with the the striker lug notice how it's kind of tilted this piece is tilted down you see that the front has a nose down here you go that's better and the back has a little tail up and that's by design so don't straighten those out either it's not bent accidentally so now we're gonna do is gonna take the front or the nose of this thing and we're gonna capture it into the stirrup and push it forward and twist the bar in so it rests like so voila love that okay now it will want to pop out by itself like you know just like pop out a little bit and it's not gonna be perfect so what I want to do something like that when you put into the gun it's gonna capture itself and center itself up and it's not gonna it's not gonna be well there it looks pretty good there but it's gonna actually center itself up and be more straight okay so we got the frame completely disassembled I mean we could take the magazine button out and that's I've done a million videos on that as well you've come in here inside let me show you inside same basic concept see that spring that spring is called the magazine release spring it's a roll pin that fits into the B down there just a press fit again so the way to get that out is to take a screwdriver and go in there and scoop that out and basically I have a a Gen 4 mag ball here or mag release here basically what you're going to do is you're going to go ahead and scoop that pin out of this little notch right here so let's see if we're getting close and see show you the notch right there it is and I'll turn it upside down how's that there we go let me go right here there we go a little bit more light on that so if you see the notch right there there you go that's good you see the notch right there the pin rested in that notch and it goes back into that little slot you want to scoop it over to the notch and scoop the pin on top of this thing you can pull the pin out with a pair of needle nose pliers and this will come out and you can change into a new one and again I've got videos for the aluminum extended mag releases that we make to show you the same process it's the same process with all Gen 4 Gen 5 Glocks for this particular animal so alright so then we're gonna go ahead and now reassemble this thing alright so I've got my pins over there I've got my locking block I've got my trigger so first thing we're gonna do is put a trigger in trigger housing goes in and it kind of will find itself and get the trigger down there and there's a nice little sound little click clicks into place alright so it's in locking block is next I think that's right yeah so you know I guess I got to put this slide stop in first slide stop goes in and then the locking block goes over top of it I hope that's where it could be backwards but no it's right so that's it pretty simple and that's what's cool about clock it's so simple you can understand it I can understand it and you can change out the parts yourself without going to a gunsmith you don't need to have an engineering degree to figure it out if you want to modify anything you can kind of get a feel for how it works and you can do that if something were to break in the field you can go ahead and fix it a couple tricks on putting your pins in let's put the trigger housing and pin in first typically now in a quote-unquote gunsmithing world people like to take the pins out from the left to the right and we put them back in from the right to the left I don't know if that really pertains anymore then it was pretty old-school but I've been around for a long time that's how everybody told me to do it way back way back and here's where this little hammer comes into play see how you get in here and I can actually tap that thing in now because of the design I really can't get it perfect so what I'll do is I'll take my my punch and I'll just true it up with my hand and just like that and I can look in the other side it looks like it's perfect on both sides yeah so that's the trigger housing pin now here is the trigger pin and the only thing I have to be aware here is that the trigger itself has a little bit of spring pressure and it's kind of moving a little bit it's got to make sure your holes are lined up so sometimes you'll need to push this trigger up or down or back or forward just to make sure that all the holes are lined up and if they're not perfect in there you can take your punch in there and say hey what's going on there and then put a punch in there and kind of straighten everything out and try to figure out where that home button is or the home side is and then again holding down the what they call the birds I have the trigger bar I've got it kind of in the place I can see the whole square through take my punch and my my hammer and my pin and just tap it in just like that that's it so now I'm gonna go ahead just true it up and sometimes you'll hear it click into place sometimes you won't I heard it click I hope you did too what that was was the spring on the slide stop once it once the pin got over there with those those notches lined up it clicked up into place so that's why when you take it apart you've got a unclick it in the sense that's really important you can pound on that thing out for a long time and Bend that piece in there all you have to do is take a little pressure off there and jiggle that around that being a slide stop okay there's our lower completely assembled now here's our upper which we did moments ago and now we will put it back on rack the slide pull the trigger right resets good feels good now it's done it really that easy so one of the other things I want to show you is our thirty five dollar holster or any Glock 19 holster as a matter of fact will work with this gun and that's a nice feature so if you have a Glock 19 and you're thinking about getting the 22 well you use all your Glock 19 holsters so here is a Glock 19 inside the waistband holster for a lefty okay and look at that beautiful alright comes out when you want it but doesn't go when you need when you don't want it to so this is like I said our $35 holster we sell tons of them because they're 35 dollars and they're super lightweight and they work and it's basically indestructible kayaks nothing fancy it just is a nice holster the things inside your waistband why do you know it's inside your pants why do you need to be fancy alright so there it is I love that holster this Glock 44 is kind of cool now I'm gonna talk a little bit about it real quickly from a different perspective now of course everybody's kind of like I've 22 around what good is it you know it's blinking well there's a couple things you can really think about with it with this particular gun because it's the same shape size as a Glock 19 and basically a Glock 17 as well with just a little bit shorter here it's a great gun to train with draw with and practice with because you can transition the same skills feeling presentation holstering everything with the real 19 or 17 with a real gun the 22 is a real gun okay I'm just joking but so the fact is a lot of people want to shoot a 22 because it has the less recoil or like no recoil I shot it as like wow that's it okay well it doesn't go anywhere there's an advantage that if you're training someone to shoot you basically can get them started around 22 same grip size same everything proper grip proper stance make sure they really understand how to hold on to the gun because if they get lazy here on the 22 they'll be lazy with a 9 or a 40 and it'll jump over jump on them and they won't be happy about that so you have to impress upon them the fact is it yeah this is a training gun the same sapien sighs but let's refine your skills with this now there's another thing that's really fascinating about this gun the ammo ammo nowadays ok is pretty darn impressive in the sense that it there's some 22 cap 22 long rifle that our hollow points and I've got them here to show you and they're pretty not amazing for a couple reasons first of all you know you can buy a box of this for like five bucks I think it's seven bucks how's that seven eight dollars okay that means you have 50 rounds for half the price of say nine millimeter this is Factory okay it's not real or you don't typically people don't reload 22s all right so these are factory boxing ammo now there's another thing I like about 22 is that I can put 50 rounds in my pocket and not even worry about it whereas a box of 9 or 40 is you know significantly heavier and larger the other thing about this new ammo which we are now gonna go ahead and offer on our website because I'm so impressed with it is that the velocity is what makes it a good self-defense round I know people gonna say 22 stop defense all you're crazy well okay first of all super light gun right half the weight of a 19 hands down 22 caliber ammo that is hollow-point and travels 1640 feet per second now let's think about that okay sixteen hundred and forty feet per second a two to three a rifle is 2700 to 2900 so this is oh not half but you know but probably 60 or 70 percent of that same projectile it's really the speed the velocity that makes it that much more deadly or that much more effective but at self-defense ranges with concealed carry in mind and the fact that you can carry this on your person and kind of forget about it because loaded I mean the thing with ten rounds is less than a pound just basically a pound so with the holster and the full magazine is about a pound that said it's a it's it's a pretty good stand up self-defense handgun for my thoughts because one if you got a heavy gun and you've got a Glock 19 that weighs twice as much and then you know said it's 2 pounds and you're carrying that with another holster the whole thing all of a sudden it gets to be a little uncomfortable you know we all know it anybody's carried a gun all day long knows that hey after it's like yeah jeez what a pain TS hence that's why they came out with a Glock 43 and like a 43 X are smaller slimmer they're better to carry we got that but if you really thought about okay well hey I like the size of this I like the way it feels I like the way it grips I it's the same as my 19 that's where all of a sudden it starts to make a little bit of sense because this new ammo has some ballistic potential to it that is definitely effective now there's one in particular I want to bring to your attention it's called the segmented HP now this one is only 32 grains it goes 1640 feet per second but it has a segmented bullet now if you look at this real quick it means it's gonna split up on you as it hits your your target what shall you know I would say would be self defensive you know that's the self defense round of course you know you always want to have a bigger gun if you know there's gonna be a danger you know people are gonna debate me and they're gonna go crazy with me oh yeah carry out 45 well yeah I got it you know if you're going out you know something's wrong take a rifle with you know at that point don't go you know I mean you know you know I mean really when it comes down to it the idea behind concealed carry is that you have a gun and the gun is comfortable to carry and you can bear it on your body and you don't have to think about it you have got it now would I rather have a nine-millimeter versus the 22 yes would I rather carry a pound versus two pound yes so you know there's kind of the answer you know it's kind of that hey it's better to have a gun - no gun and when they come out with a longer the higher capacity magazine the 15 or 20 rounder hey all of a sudden it's old another ball game because you know 10 15 shots of this stuff is pretty effective so there's my take on this new 44 I like it it's cool I haven't shot out a whole bunch I'm gonna go the next video I'm gonna do very shortly because I'm in San Diego today I'm going to Nashville Tennessee tomorrow we've got a farm out there we're gonna shoot on be the first video I'll shoot at the farm so I want you to watch that you look for that I'm actually gonna shoot this okay we're gonna take this out and we're actually gonna you know shoot some of this ammo and shoot through different things and see what kind of velocities we get or should I say stopping power quote-unquote which they really can't tell but how what's the penetration is it going through you know wood or is it gonna go you know a phone book or how how far is you ain't trying you know compare that to a nine-millimeter - so if the 22 does this remember nine-millimeter goes about 1,200 feet a second this is another 25 30 percent more at 1640 or 1700 feet per second so that said we're gonna go and test this thing out and see you know see what's really like but I think you know for someone who wants to shoot but doesn't want to shoot 9-millimeter because they're kind of afraid of it quote-unquote you know anybody who is new to shooting and just wants to learn anybody who's training people because it's the same grip angle because it's the same size it's a great gun to start with it is the Glock 44 I am Lenny McGill this of course is the Glock store performance and Custom Shop we've sold a couple hundred these already we're gonna sell a couple more people love it they do like it I think there's some good feedback already there has been some negative stuff out there but there was a slight cracking I'm anxious to see why and how that happened did they drive a truck over they hit it with a hammer because it is plastic so at the end of the day that's something no you know definitely consider but I wanna say thank you for watching and do tune in because you were slowly but surely getting Nashville done I'm gonna do the first video in Nashville on this Glock 44 out of the range in at the forum so we can actually test this thing and it's a beautiful place lots of trees lots of water and so I definitely hope you can join us thanks for watching I'm Lenny McGill again here at the Glock store we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 44,429
Rating: 4.9157429 out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Lenny Magill, Glock 44 .22LR, Glock 19 9mm, Glock 44 10rd Magazine, Double Diamond 3.5 Pound Connector, $35 Dollar Holster, .22 caliber
Id: 4lpi2oWYqmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 51sec (2991 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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