15 Principles for Effective Witnessing Part 2 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message do something that I was trying to do for the past month I was trying to give you the 15 principles for effectively winning anybody to Christ 15 principles for effectively winning anybody to the kingdom of God I would like to adjust that topic or that title today to something that's a little bit more targeting and that is 15 principles for winning your worlds 50 15 principles for winning your worlds to Christ this is from the series that we're working on this year I've been teaching on disciple in every discipline and we've been talking about the need for the 21st century church to become more in touch not with heaven but rather with earth the church is being so well acquainted with heaven that earth has become a foreign territory that's really not a blessing we are supposed to be in touch with heaven because our citizenship is in heaven but our assignment is on earth and that is why the Bible calls the Christian believer ambassador an ambassador does not live in the country that he's representing he lives in the foreign country but he represents that country he is from in that country and while he's in that country he has to study that language learn that culture and then communicate his country's laws and principles and interest to the country he is in that's an ambassador the same thing is true of us as believers in the kingdom of God we are in the world but we are not of the world we reside here but this is not really where we are from this is our assignment however the earth that we have been sent to also belongs to our government and this is where the difference between the two kingdoms separate if you represent a country in earth and you are an ambassador to another country that country you are in does not belong to the government you are from but in the kingdom of God this is where the difference lies the territory we are in is also the property of the government of the country we are from here's what the constitution of our country says about this territory it says the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and all they that dwell therein belongs to God so therefore the the planet that we are on belongs to us by inheritance and also by responsibility this is why the command for man to dominate the earth was so important to God God wanted his territory to be managed and overseen by his own children who he himself made kings and rulers of the territory which is amazing is that he has given us Dominion and power over all of this now means then that his responsibility is to take care of his ambassadors our responsibility is to represent his kingdom and this is what being a Christian so to speak is all about the word Christian is not used in the Bible by Jesus to describe us what is used in the Bible budgies describe us is actually sons Jesus used that word often he says you are sons of God he then also talks about us becoming a sons in the kingdom of the Father which means we are citizens of a government kingdom has to do with citizenship so we are not only sons of the king but we also are citizens of the son of the king's kingdom and we are also rulers in his kingdom which makes us also Kings who are under the king it's a very interesting complication isn't it that's why in the in the Bible the Constitution ends like this he is the king of the kings and he is the lord of the Lord's why because those who he rules over are also kings and those who he Lords it over are also the lords of the earth they are the landlords of the planet and that's what you are on what I was created to be however here is where we make our mistake this privilege does not belong to the church it belongs to humanity please write that down the privilege of sonship and rulership and dominion of the earth is not exclusively a privilege of the church I believe this is why the church is so introverted isolated and in many ways element because we have come to believe that the church is God's favorite and the world is God's enemy this is wrong it's like saying the Sun that's in the house is God's Sun but the one in the Pigpen is God's enemy that's not true the one in the Pigpen is also God's son as a matter of fact God the Father is more interested in the son in the Pigpen than he is in the one in the house based on the scenario Jesus gives us he says that the father waiting patiently anxiously for that boy to come home and when that boy came home it's incredible for me to understand that the father ran out to meet him and kissed him let me ask you a question that I asked a couple of weeks ago why didn't the older brother go and look for his brother because he is a picture of the church he's just glad he's in the house he's just glad he got the fatted calf he's just glad he got his robe and his shoes he's just glad that he got his ring and he ain't dissipate disappoint God and he's always being with God and he's been saved all the time and you always looked like this didn't you and then the worst part of this church at home is and it's time for the wayward son to come home then you get angry at the father for giving him more attention I'm beginning to understand that the altar call time in the church service is the most dangerous period because it's dangerous because that's when the elder signs began to say it's time to leave that's enough of that I ain't got time to wait on them to come home I gotta go do this I gotta go I forget about them we got the same attitude as that boy who was home my point is this the world is not God's enemy and when I say the world I'm not talking about the spirit of the world which is the the system the cosmos that is ruled by Satan I'm talking about the word in the sense of humanity God so loved the world the Bible never says for God so loved the church I cannot find in the Bible he does say for God so loved the world and who's the world you before you got saved here's the way I put it for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son for God's Son so loved the world that He gave His only begotten church hmm so the son was sent by the father and the church was sent by the son and the goal is the same to do what love the world to bring the sons back home to their government unto their rulership the church exists for the nation not for heaven the church's assignment is not to reconcile the church back to heaven but rather the world back to God the role of the believer is to be an ambassador of the kingdom of God not to be an escapist from responsibility on earth we are known as Paul says as ministers of what reconciliation between God and man we're more concerned about reconciling the church back to God than we are about reconciling God back to the world that is why most of the books coming out now as we enter the 21st century are focusing on the rapture focusing on the second coming of Jesus I want to confess to you my friends I got a problem with this there's no way Christ could come on y2k day if he did that I'm gonna be disappointed with my Savior I don't want him to come because if he comes he would break his word he would have actually misrepresented himself to me because he said that the end will come after this gospel is preached to every nation as a testimony and a witness before them and today my friends 1 billion people in China 99% of Buddhists and Hindus Muslims and Shintoist they don't know Christ some of them never heard the name of Jesus in their language can he come he would break his word 989 million people in India soon to be 1 billion and 99% of them are Muslim or Hindu haven't heard the word of Jesus properly you tell me can Jesus come no just because we say and we're straight we want to live or we wanted to come but we are selfish we miss the assignment the assignment is those people not heaven or you should clap really loud if you get this but that to me is the message of the church Jesus clearly established the purpose for the church in the earth Matthew 28:18 we all know it he says go into all the world and what make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost and then teach them he said teach them to obey the things that I have taught you and I will be with you always he says teach the nations his principles that's what he taught us he taught us principles he taught us the principles of the kingdom of God he says go and teach nations above my principles my friends the word nation is a strange word please write the word down nation is the word ethnos in the greek language and that word ethnos in this particular sense has to do of course with special groupings we get our word ethnic from that word at nas but ethnic has become such a contaminated word because ethnic to us simply means a certain pigmentation doesn't it this word at nas is not related or relegated just to pigmentation it has the meaning of special grouping everybody say at nas that's the word for nations use here and this word Aetna's means any group that has a common interest a common language a common tenant a common commitment that's an ethnos we call America a nation because it has agreed to adhere to a common Constitution because the Bahamas or Ghana or India or Haiti we call them nations because these are many different peoples for they are committing themselves toward one common Constitution that's why we call them an ethnos but when you go to the United States that's not an ethnically unified country you've got P from every color every culture different languages in America but they all make up one Aetna's which means that it's not that color of skin that makes them one rather is that constitutional commitment to that piece of paper that they agreed to follow together that makes them a nation are you with me are you with me I want to get this to you now there for a price was saying not to go into every constitutional nation and preach the gospel he wasn't saying that he was saying to go into every common grouping that have a common language with a common commitment to a common constituted commitment and go into that particular group and preach the gospel the word preached means that is to declare unto demonstrate it doesn't mean necessarily to talk all the time you can preach with your life preached with your attitude or preach with your lifestyle or preach with your work ethic hello you can preach with your quality of work the way you produce all that is breaching the word means to demonstrate I believe Christian talk too much and we come down to witnessing you tell folks how good god is you can come into work late so they confused God is good but he sure can't keep you on time see you you're confusing the message your life is more powerful than your words at most everybody say Aetna's go into every ethnos and work declare and demonstrate the kingdom gospel that means that every group that has a common commitment and a common Constitution is an ethnos let me give you some examples there's an ethnos course called dentistry all dentists have a common law a common language they speak different languages from us they they say words we don't understand so God says that I want you to go into the world of Dentistry and declare my kingdom Hubbard law lawyers speak a different language he says go into the world of law and preach the gospel how about the world of business he's I need some folks to go into the business world and stay in there and become pastors of the business world he says then the world of politics different language he says go in there and preach the gospel to that world of politicians Harvard educators Humber media people Harvard entertainers how about athletes and sports how about do the world of children or the world of youth or the world of young adults he says go into the world and preach the gospel in other words he's saying I don't want a church with a person with a collar backward with a black suit in a row I want a church so diversified you Rea know who they are they're like secret ages all over the place and they're in there he says the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed he just planted right in the millet of business system leave it there he says and then it grows and grows and grows until the birds come and eat from its fruit he said the kingdom of God is like taking a woman and planning her right in the middle of politics he said I'm just like you put yeast in a dough the keel of God it's like a woman who puts a little yeast in the dough but when it's all over the whole dough is affected by the yeast because it's a expanding Kingdom and then he says once she put the kingdom in the middle of a situation listen to his promise he says the gates of hell cannot stop that yeast our inovative the shuttle by myself hey come on somebody I just felt annoyed coming on me just now I'm gonna preach to myself all the time but I feel something just now God says look if I put you into the airline business no matter how big and how tough it seems they can't stop what you're going to do with them because you are stronger than the devil's work listen to his words upon this rock I'll build my church I'm gonna put my church in the middle of Education hello somebody you gonna beat on the education board you didn't go to the preaching and crying out and calling Jesus name but you gonna be on there he says you're gonna infiltrate that system and no matter what the devil does he can't stop it because the gates of Hell cannot prevail against the expansion of your influence a neighbor look out I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming say it again I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming and coming I'm coming say it loud I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm getting ready no more I'm coming we gotta influence and impact the world we in I am sick of a church that's thinking about heaven all the time while their brothers in the Pigpen go into hell and please don't leave your job and come into the ministry that's what I'm trying to say to you today stay in your ministry yes it's an education it's in business it's in law it's in hotel industry it's a police force stay in there God says that's where your job is clap your hands one time by faith the primary goal and mandate of the church is not to go to heaven if that was the primary goal dog would Achilles long time ago the fastest route to heaven his death to show you how badly God doesn't want you in heaven the constitution of the kingdom provides for healing now that's a poor hand club I want everybody clap on that one God says I'm gonna keep you there as long as possible because you ain't no good to God in heaven he had sons on earth that are in the Pigpen and he sent the older brothers to get them tell you never one the older brothers come on sale I can feel it I'm one of the older brothers and I ain't going over old my brother come on say it one more time I'm one of the older brothers and I ain't going back home without my brother clap your hands somebody let me tell you what this series is all about deciphering every discipline the series is about you smelling like pigs takes a while to get that revelation until you smell like pigs you ain't on your job yet something's gonna get in a minute shall I can't go near here he stinks that's your brother girl but I can't go in the club but you know I'm saying that's where your brother is but I can go into pace house you know cuz I'm a scientific Co that's where your brother is but I can't go into politics of politics is dirty that's where your brother is I can't go to talk to post you because I you know that's where your sister is God wants children who smell like pigs evidence that they've been looking for their brothers when they come back they smell just like him they carried him on their backs saying daddy I found it hallelujah have you ever wondered about the story that Jesus told about the church and the lost the baby called the prodigal son that's what it's about have you ever wondered the Bible never says in that story that the father left home to go look for it I want you to think about this for a minute who was happy when the son returned father who rejoiced who had a big party that means who was excited about seeing him that means who was wanting him back how come he never went look for because he's waiting for someone to go look for yeah that murmuring one we tell you something the reason why God is so smart it's the people in the house we got time to murmur when you're gonna do all you can do is criticize while you can invite a car for him why are you doing that why are you having party for him what what's wrong your brother is was lost as now can't just see what the rejoice the body says sometimes you so used to the house house becomes your own enemy the father never went why the father wants you to come back smelling like Pig he wants to see your love I'm getting very nervous you know yet people say often boy I'm on this job for a while but I can so leave and really do something for God sounds familiar yes you probably said it too one day days I'm gonna be rich enough from this job that I can retire and go into full-time ministry what do you think you are in now my sister my brother why you think God put you there to disciple that discipline to win that world I was teaching in Ohio four days ago and I got such a revelation I tell you I had more fun to the people the Lord showed me something that blew my mind I want to demonstrate this can I have a few you guys coming up me I want to demonstrate something can you come give her the clock John can you come here quickly I want you to watch this this is a revelation from the Holy Spirit I was teaching them about the church coming to in the world and I was showing them how we have missed the whole point Titus can you come here a moment please and it's incredible how we just don't understand even the process in Scripture the Bible says that God called the nation of Israel and he said to them that I will use you to bring the heathen back to me that was the purpose for calling them not for them to become more important in the hidden but to use them to win the heathen they took it as meaning they were more important than the people they supposed to reach so they isolate themselves from the people so what does God do God then sends to them he said to them prophets the prophesied of them but here's the strangest thing he also said to them priests he took from among them a family of people who would be priests now these people that he took from them they were to represent God to the people and the people to God are you following this by the second it come for one second please from Ghana and help me out here stand behind here I want to show you how this connects doctor set a new me represents the world Titus Vindhya represents the turn of Israel they were supposed to win the heathen back to God the promised Abraham was I will bless you bless your seed that's the nation within you and all the nations of the world will be blessed through you that was the promise he didn't say you'd be better than them richer than them he you look down on them you will you you were being superior to them he says no he says I wouldn't gonna use you as a hose I'm gonna put some things for you to get to the Nick that's my son's out there kid I ain't into you I'm into them I'm after them I'm gonna use you Abraham and your seat to get to them they took it as being more important what does God do he calls him from among them priests was what was the the command X is 19 God says Moses go and get them and tell him I would make them a nation of priests a whole nation of priests that was the promise wasn't it can I hear an amen everybody's a nation of priests that means the young people the teenagers the young adults under grandparents were all to be priests God didn't want a family of priests he wanted a nation of priests what's a priest a representative of God to the people so God wanted the whole nation to represent him to the world to stand between the world of him so they could introduce him to the world and to be priests to the world what happened they refused when God wanted to come and ordain them they ran they couldn't handle it and they sent Moses and Moses is Lord what are we going to do qasas get me one family from them because they can't handle it so he has a family this family is called Levi Aaron's family he said you will be a priest but watch this oh please don't this is a revelation Aaron is not a priest for the nations well I said that's not heavy you gotta catch there he's not a piece he's a priest for the nation the one who is hard-headed stay with me so the priesthood was called by God to bring the nation back to God so the nation can bring the world back to God so the priesthood is really for the church let me explain this to you that means the priest is not supposed to go preach into the world yeah you're getting it right see we keep down the pastor Pastor you go go up a crusade pastor pastor let's cover me pastor I'm the priests I'm supposed to train you get you back in line so that the church can go and win the world back to God well the priest messed up and they defile the holy things of God so God then sent forth another group call kings now why did God bring her the king give you an amazing revelation God says you shall be priests and kings before me these two was supposed to be one king represents Authority and power priest represents spiritual relationship you suppose up both Dominion and communion in one person he's supposed to be a Dominator and a worshiper at the same time hello somebody but what happened well the worshiper messed up so God pulled out the Dominator to bring the worshiper back to God so he could bring the nation back to God so they could bring the world back to God God gives us the sons back what happened well the King messed up you can start with David even Saul is a good one to start with they began to defile that order with the guard Oh God for one more group can have another group please come here brother run down here yes yes you this is Bob Haddad from Texas bob represents this group called prophets i guessed who the prophets are sent to Diskin bless you revelation we keep thinking the prophets really come for the world table through my mind when you read the Old Testament prophecy 90% of the prophecies and not to the nation's what a Israel and it's usually delivered to the king cause trying to fix the church he's saying of you guys to link in the assignment so the Prophet prophesized really to the authorities and the spiritual leadership in the church to bring them back to the nation which relations back to God which they bring the world back to God what do we do to the prophets he says he's stoned the prophets you know Jesus said you you killed him so glasses okay I'm a sin i'ma go myself so he sent Jesus now who did Jesus come to the prophets would have prophets the Pharisees he come to prophesy and he says I came to my own first they received me not so he couldn't call the king back to God couldn't get the priest back to God couldn't get the nature of Israel back to God before he couldn't reach the world so he said he went to a mountain he cried he says o Israel Jerusalem all I wanted to use you tell your neighbor he ain't got to use you if you cut up on here God ain't gonna use this ministry to fulfill that vision we saw this morning gotta go on one mountain down calabash they cry one night and that's get four BFF God says Israel you think you were all of that he cried once never cried again then he came down that mountain and he says I go to a people who were not a people thank God for the Gentiles and I will raise up a people who aren't other people and then shall be unto me kings and priests in the earth and so he calls out his apostles begins to retrain them as prophets and priests and they began to to ignite a powerful wonderful Ministry of authority and spiritual leadership and they began to create a new nation called the church that Christ credit he says upon this rock Christ did not build his church on Abraham let me just say that again Christ did not build his church on Abraham this nation was built on Abraham but he built his nation on him self I hope you'll get this it's incredible how we've been thinking one time they they said to Jesus he came down they said we know who our Father is father means what foundation sauce we are children of Abraham he said that's interesting well you see before Abraham was I was wearing the back a long time hello somebody and upon this revelation I'm gonna build my church because everyone need my salvation also that's why our promises are better I won't tell you or some dissing on come over to good today charismatic people but we've been walking around saying and I said it myself but I got some little bit better you know revelation is make you smart we said go around saying it Abraham's blessings a mine let me tell you on something don't stop at Abraham got that yet I'm waiting say rich he said look you guys are so excited when Abraham before Abraham was you up you hang on to Deuteronomy 28 as if that's all he does ever hand stuff lord have mercy poor got it Paul says Paul says he who gave you Christ would he not also with him give you not just whatever I have got this contract oh boy I get in the trouble now but he will give you what all things I am NOT Abraham read your Bible I am an heir of Christ and he said before Abraham was y'all better shad living together knowing live it on you he said look don't you settle for the car get the gasoline to go sell for the property get the house to come on shout somebody clap your hands right off he says look get it all everybody say Jesus Christ blessings are mine I am blessed in the heavens I am blessed in the earth because Jesus Christ blessing some a prime ain't got no blessings in heaven jesus said everyone I'm a blessing for one piece of property you got it Bishop he said when look all authority it's given unto me in heaven go here track your hand somebody [Applause] hallelujah he says if you want it the whole earth is the Lord's not just Palestine I said our own earth is the Lord for just Kenan your cooler Mukesh attaboy see some of y'all just want to go to Yoshi time you want go to Israel he say take the whole day take Canada Jamaica you only say nothing take Africa take Bahamas take India take China yeah go to China I know you blackbird go to China and take the place what he says the earth is the Lord's your little fool with me that's why I'm a crazy behind because I believe I could go to India and preach China and preach Pakistan and preach and I'm going yeah I'm going everywhere why the earth is my purpose [Applause] he promised them the land but promised you the world come on praise the Lord somebody so we got a new set of prophets we got our prophets who also become Kings who also become priests that's a modern-day believer y'all old huddle huddle huddle huddle honey that's what a Christian looks like every Christian is a prophet a priest and a king first Peter you are lively stones being built up into a holy temple to bring glory to God for you are a royal priesthood an holy nation royal means kingship holy means priesthood and nation means you prophesied that a whole thing you know it's amazing Christians go around looking for prophecy and they are one [Applause] looking around for authority and they have one looking around for holiness and they have the stuff take Nevis something the schizophrenic and bring yourself together tell em prophesy ruled and worship said again prophesy ruled and worship I feel a song coming on one of you I better write some of that right now we need some people to understand that they are prophets and priests and they have authority as Kings this is the desire of God what is this this is church this is the nation can you go in the middle of them please guess what that is Church that's the new nation that Jesus created and his mandate to them worse go into all the world and tell your brothers the good news they can come back home from the Big Bang I know they feel ashamed of what they did they feel real bad about what they eaten they smell right for you go get your brothers you bring them back to the father because the father is waiting to have a party over the world for God so loved that world that He gave them the church and what is the church prophets priests and kings thank you very much o great men of God that's amazing they all represents another nation in that interesting and all that make up one church and that's what Christ did he made the two men one no more Jew and Gentile but everybody is one in Christ Jesus let me close this up by saying this that I ain't gone finished in 15 so you gotta come back next time next week Sunday we gonna deal with the 15 but I want to tell you friends you were not saved to go to heaven you were saved to change the world and we gotta get back for the 21st century God wants a church he finally wants a church who doesn't want to come home he's praying for that he praying that if I could find me a generation who don't want to come home maybe I'll save the world heaven is not their agenda earth is their agenda that's on the mind of Jesus he told them to go into all the world the last assignment was to go into the world and preach the gospel let me give you this scripture in first Corinthians I'm giving one and Luke and then we're gonna pray first grazie chapter nine we touch on this before but I want to hit it again because we have to get this if we are going to bring the 21st century into perspective properly I am so excited about what's happening on earth that I don't want to be in heaven right now the folks at having our we pin according to the Bible 1st Corinthians chapter 9 everybody has it here's Paul's attitude Paul says in Chapter 9 verse 18 what is my reward just this that in preaching the kingdom gospel I may offer it free of charge and so not make use of my rights in preaching it what a powerful statement what are your rights than being a Christian one of your rights is that you are eternally established to go to heaven if you die in grace that's one of your rights you got a right to have eternal life that's one of your rights Paul says I don't want to have my rights I want to carry my responsibility and there's a difference verse 19 though I am free and belong to no man I make myself a prisoner or a slave to whom everyone pauses I don't have to go in that big fat I could stay home I'm free to tell everybody else go to hell I'm going to heaven but he says no I make myself a slave to those people because they are my family read this he's gonna get into peak pen now watch this I make myself a slave every man to win as many as possible to the Jews I become what like a Jew to win the Jews to those under the law come as though I am under the law two windows under the law so as to win those under that law to those who have the law or no law rather I become like those who have no law and those who have the law I become like those who have the law even though I'm not free from God's law yet I have to I have to was my word I have to adapt without adopting I'm gonna adapt to the situation but don't adopt the spirit of it but I gotta adapt to it because I got to reach them folks in the Pigpen let me tell you most Christianity looks like it looks like this Christian standing up on a high ledge three miles away with their brother in the Pigpen way over there come out y'all fool I told yourself if you had listened to me you were the beer I am you better hurry cause he coming to get me soon I can't come because that might get on me you know I never been on there before in my life I was never a sinner that's how we are sure a man comes to work starts smoking cigarette next to you and you start it cool tie back no man at the Christmas party at the job they decided to drink alcohol I gotta leave now I have to leave why my Christianity is strong enough to handle alcohol it might become alcoholic cuz you know God is not as powerful as Heineken yeah that's about how you say it doubt it you know the Holy Ghost may choke on smoke so I better leave all your presence in the Holy Ghost could get the cold he could get pneumonia he's not stronger than than then camo what kind of salvation you get I can't work over there because anybody saved why do you think God put you there I mean if you if you got God is he afraid of those people he made but that's about it that's how we see it well you know I'm a Christian so I gotta work with Christians no wonder why we moving nowhere bunch of boring people saying boring things to each other borrowing each other out [Applause] Paul says I become in order to win there ever is 22 to the week I become what week the week it doesn't mean someone who's sick week them means people who have weak habits they are weak in their ability to resist temptation he says go among those people almost sexuality is a habit and they know that in a biological inherited things it's despite that's a habit you can use the things that become and biases feel that infirmity with those people people sucked on cigarettes my name is spoken for 30 years me you've been lying for a while too and you can't change right away so hello somebody all of a sudden you think you're better than them because you got a bit of hallelujah all they got is a pack of camels no he says buried them sitting there smoke and bring them to Jesus let them see that your love is stronger than smoke your love is stronger than a little bit of Dubonnet you've got a God who is more powerful than homosexual tendencies and that you can love these people and give them the kind of patience and tolerance they need and tell them about the Lord they don't change it and die and I'll be good for you by the way change before you come to our church cuz they were sitting there people like y'all I'm touching here on your way I mean what is this weekend 24th century Church gotta be a church that loves the world how many worlds all of them I become all things underline that last part I become what all things to all men how many all men every different Atmos I've gotta be able to to change and adapt I taught you a few weeks ago in this series that God protects people from you when they say you come and Holy Ghost say run run why they about to offend you and they do don't they you get a she's coming she's coming let's go oh he's coming on let's see we can't 'talking this because he's coming he's coming see I mean this is why are they afraid of you is it because they they feel less in your presence or do they feel a desire to know God when you show up this is the heart of God my prayers that we would really pick up the spirit of Paul verse 23 he says I do all of this for the sake of what not for going to heaven but for the sake of the good news that these people need to hear he says no matter what it takes I'm gonna get to them and tell them that daddy is home when he ain't mad at them and they could come in their peak smelling clothes I bring them with me and we're gonna go back home when ourselves a party with pops and we're gonna settle down and get our rings back and get our shoes back and get our royal robes back good news Luke 7 with 34 interesting verse it says the Son of man came eating and drinking but you say here's a friend of sinners please turn there and this is where we pick up next time Luke chapter 7 a very important verse as a matter of fact the verse ties in to something that's going to set you up for next week our worse that we don't understand much and you know my New Testament professors here today I'm so glad dr. Horne is here and is gonna be teaching on the kingdom now his session presume is gonna be on Tuesday morning on the kingdom you know it's amazing the New Testament is a book that we still don't understand because the language is still lost in many ways look at this statement Luke chapter 7 verse 34 the Son of man came eating and drinking and you say here's a friend of tax collectors and sinners that was his reputation he came right eating and drinking now most of the Christians in my culture interpret that probably in the wrong way because if he say he's eating and drinking with sinners and publicans my interpretation is he drinking with a drinkin and eaten with a I do not think that's what he means what he means is I drink what I drink and I eat what I eat but I eat it with them and I drink it with them I don't hide in one stained glass for wall steeple coated bell ringing robe wearin isolated sophisticated paranoid group of people called the church I go out there in my job on Monday morning sit in the cafeteria while they're eating and they telling their daily stories and I tell them my good stories and we laugh and we learn about life through my experience with Jesus and I eat with them drink with them and we have a good time together and they able to see Jesus through my life that's what he's talking about now this work when you hang around these people who Oh Lord I wrap it up right now who says you are eating and drinking with sinners who says it read the chapter who saying it the Pharisees and the scribes the church people you know I saw you in front of that bar you had a girl you showing you any slip it yes i slipping i slipping out of your sophisticated high-minded self-righteous situation and i'm getting into the jesus life but i can reach these people for Jesus you went at a party you mean you went to an office party all that liquor was there I thought she was a Christian yeah that's why I went really yeah I went there because I was a Christian that's what I needed he didn't come to save the righteous but to call sinners to repentance upon me you think that you okay so you self-righteous I am other righteous I am righteous with these other people I want them to see my good works that they will glorify my father who's in heaven he says when I eat and drink with them you religious people call me Friends of sinners as a good reputation according to Jesus I said that's a good reputation according to Jesus I said that's a good reputation friends according to Jesus if they say to you every time I see you you would sinner talking yourself he said as a good reputation but the last statement is with the deep statement read it read it that's the stable I know pastors don't preach on this statement because they don't understand it he's referring to what he's referring to disciple in every discipline here what he's referring to reaching the wine givers the drinkers the gluttonous the prostitutes he's hanging over these people who nobody likes he says I come to reach them now what's the problem they're saying you becoming like them he said no no they becoming like me but then he says your problem is you look at the situation you call me them he says but yes what it's about it's about this last statement wisdom is known by our children now this is a deep statement what's he referring to witnessing listen we'll put it's the context witnessing he's in the middle of a situation raised reaching people who don't know God and he says this thing has to do it what lives down write the word down please I want to end on it wisdom say wisdom now come on say with some laugh our television audience he says the key to witnessing lord have mercy can I stand with my cheer I don't want you to miss this please i prophesy to the church that god is almost up to here with revelation knowledge we got so much revelation being a member of this church you got so much revelation people travel around the world to get a little bit you get it every single week knowledge ain't impressing God it ain't knowledge that wins the lost y'all stay with me can I hang on don't rush me he said look the reason why you're winning nobody cuz you fallacy is cut all the knowledge you know the revelation and people going to hell while you'd know the knowledge of God tapes and books and videos and notes and and people around you in your neighborhood go into hell he said because it is a knowledge that wins the lost it's this thing called wisdom you gonna get it yeah you get it he said look the reason why the world is going to hell is because oh Jesus have mercy lord thank you in November I was fasting and praying getting God's mind for the year two thousand four three and ninety nine and believe me friends the Lord gave me the answer for the rest of the century he said the 21st century you members know I wrote it on paper he says I want a church who has wisdom they got enough knowledge wisdom skill don't know how to win the wine-bibber don't know how to win the prostitute don't know how to win the drug addict don't know how to win the politician don't know how to win the businessman the businesswoman don't know how to win the people in education don't know how to win the people who are young don't know either you don't know how to reach them but you could talk all this deep stuff he said because you got knowledge but you have no wisdom what was the criticism you are being effective among the sinners he said the reason is because I have wisdom God that's deep he said man the way you win people is you don't go tell him your knowledge you need to study them to get wisdom on how to reach them my my my my my just I gotta read this one last scripture yes Holy Ghost telling me to read this please read this please Matthew chapter chapter 10 just one last question listen to this everybody say wisdom knowledge is information wisdom is application I'm gonna say it again knowledge is information wisdom is application he says you know the kingdom we can apply it applying the kingdom to the workplace is the whole deal that's why Christians are useless on Monday come on let me talk to you cosmetologist all them heads in your chair you got him I mean use a cosmetologist and they won't come to your place and they gotta spend two hours and you got a hot comb in your hand girl you better listen to me about Jesus hello somebody but now you got to be trained that's why you remember here I'm gonna train you don't miss next week I'm a trained you how to use 15 keys whether you are a barber a cosmetologist a scientist a dentist when you get that thing in their mouth they can't talk back what do you say to them come on somebody that machine is running and you say yeah gotcha now what do you doing a person comes here as a lawyer and all their life said he's about to go up and smoke and you got him I mean just open like that how do you win them to Jesus he said don't don't call on knowledge because knowledge will offend them he says wisdom deals with witnessing look at this Matthew 10 oh good stuff verse 1 he called the 12 disciples to him and gave them authority to go and drive out demons and to go witnessing praise the Lord it was a power said again power save the feeling power where everybody won't power power power he was sick bracing it casts out demons could you imagine going in the staff room in the school alright everybody I'm here to cast out demons today that's not wisdom you're going a construction job and tell the foreman the Lord told me to take the day off too fast for you he's a smiley of fasting staff to death because he that doesn't work you ain't gonna eat so you might as well go ahead cuz you ain't gonna work no more that ain't wisdom not the point I wonder what she wanted watch this this is this he's given them power to go preach the gospel but watch what happens in verse hmm verse 6 do not go first one go for six do not go we're fine yeah do not don't go but don't go there's a certain group of people I don't want you to go to we tell them because you can't handle them cuz you ain't got the wisdom down of them cuz you ain't have the training to handle them because you have prejudice are you reading the same Bible I'm reading these are Jews he says you don't like Gentiles so stay away from them I told you all God protects sinners from Christians when you show up God's as a sinner run why he gonna mess up your image of me Wow he said don't you go to the Gentiles because you don't have the skill and the wisdom to win Gentiles watch this though verse 10 I am sending you out like sheep among wolves yea here is where it comes up again what is it dealing with witnessing therefore be as wise as a serpent there it is harmless as a dove what he said you need wisdom wisdom how are you gonna do tomorrow morning at work do you just go to work and just be quiet because you don't know what to say to anyone about God oh you shout on Sundays you sing real good you worship loud you you know wonderful you say a man but on Monday you just shut down until next week because you have knowledge but you don't have wisdom the Pharisees couldn't eat with those sinner people because they didn't know what to say to them oh I can't wait to get to these 15 things but the Lord got it prepare your heart for these because if I give this to you before you understand the value of them you are going to misuse them and God wants you to become one skillful and wise Jesus was a professional witnessing tool he was a powerful witness he knew how to adapt to every situation and not offend people matter of fact when Christ finished with sinners they always wanted to stay with him it was the religious folks who didn't like him for them Center folks they liked it why he had wisdom wisdom when he came to Fisher man he didn't talk about Holy Ghost he didn't talk about planning things he said let's talk about fish let's go fishing he met a woman at the well cuz all women did in them days with Cary water he says well use a water woman let's talk about water in men farmers he's an accountable job I mean to y'all about about fish so they talk about seeds hello can you reach the world it takes wisdom thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at www.atlona.com [Music]
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 44,786
Rating: 4.8244805 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: HgPUINet014
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 4sec (4144 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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