The Principle of Kingdom Law and Righteousness | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message focus on the principle of Kingdom law and righteousness sit up with me the principle of Kingdom law and righteousness we want to really zero in on understanding the principle and power of law Kingdom law and righteousness these two words go together I want to begin with some very simple statements that every human being should learn there are six point seven billion people on earth today and most of them will die as failures God has no pleasure in that reality so I want to focus first of all on this concept of success every human being wants to be successful am i right I've never met anyone who was working hard on a plan to fail people don't plan to fail whether it is their physical health their relationships their marriage their parenting their business their jobs their investments we don't plan to fail we all want to succeed then that very hunger leads me to the next point and make a note of this success is predictable right they're done success is predictable this statement is amazing most of the time you don't need a prophet you know what you do it we look for prophecies when they are unnecessary here you are 14 years old smoking a cigarette I could prophesy to you in 20 years you'd probably have cancer and a lung that looks like charcoal i prophesy you'll need a prophecy if you start smoking at 14 here you are 16 years old at a night club drinking Dubonnet or is it standard I don't know what they drink today some of your professionals tell me hey boy he's afraid to answer right I see that but but we all know the future if you start drinking at 14 years old you don't need a profit in other words success is predictable but the next statement is even more shocking failure is predictable if you are not succeeding in life I believe that we give the devil too much credit I am certain that the devil many times sit outside your house crying wondering why you blaming him for everything that you yourself have imposed on your own life success is predictable and failure is predictable because both of them are the result of the same thing let me put another thought then to hang your hat on life is designed for your success as a matter of fact all of life is designed to succeed God built into everything its own success a fish is wired to swim a fish has built into it the law of swim in water built in fish don't need to pray to swim a seed is designed to bring for the tree the law of generation and growth is in the seed not in heaven God put it in the seed which means that the results of the seed obeying the laws of nature guarantees the extension of a tree from that seed which means that the success of a seed is predictable the law is built-in now let me explain something to you that I thought you may want to remember and that is God it's committed to the success of everything that he created make a note of that please this is what changed my life as a teenager I figured it out early some folks take 40 50 years to figure this out I figured out as a teenager that God is predictable and everything God created is predictable there's no mystery about what God has created and how it's supposed to function God designed everything in nature to succeed and he wants it to succeed why who this is so good because if it doesn't succeed it embarrasses God you know I think that a manufacturer who makes a product he puts his name on it now I was sitting down watching television the last couple of weeks the news which is my favorite program and I'm sitting there watching the news CNN and MSNBC and I'm watching the son of the founder of Toyota sitting before the Congress he's from Japan he comes to another country sits in front of a whole government and apologizes and listen carefully why did he apologize cause he began by saying I am here today because my name is on a car that killed a person he tied the accident that killed a person to his name his last name is Toyota he's the son of the founder he leaves his country in other ways it is so serious his name is in trouble he comes to America to save his name why his name is on the product and the product failed when a manufacturer makes a product he is committed to its success not because he likes the customer you're slow mr. Toyoda doesn't know the person who got killed he have no idea who they are so what would make him travel from Japan sit before the Congress of the United States and spend a whole day explaining how he's going to correct things because he is not interested in his name when you put your name upon something its success guarantees protection of your own name blessed is he who comes with the name of the Lord on him what makes me dangerous on earth is I keep telling people God made me y'all do understand how important that statement is I keep telling people I came down from heaven I'm a product of heaven that puts pressure on heaven every time you tell people Jesus Christ is my Lord the word Lord means owner you putting pressure on the Lord I like what Jesus said if you confess me before the marketplace I will have to make sure I confess you to the manufacturer because if you tell them my name is on you I got to make sure that a company makes sure you succeed because you don't mess up my name if you fail tell your neighbor I have to succeed success is not a personal issue it's a company issue why would a manufacturer send with his product a book he put it in the box and when you open the box you don't see the product first you see the book and the book always says always says before attempting to operate this product please read this completely how many of you do that don't you dare hold up your hand don't lie before God there are manuals in your house that are collecting dust that is why that VCR you bought 20 years ago the clock is still blinking today in other words the manufacturer sends that book to protect his name he wants that product to be operated perfectly correctly according to the read my lips laws laid down by the manufacturer it's amazing in every manual there are two pages one that says caution the other one says operating instructions now the caution page is the page that have these words do not do not do not now we hate do nots do not commit adultery do not fornicate oh here I go and I'm getting in trouble you do not lie do not steal do not go to work click and say that you have someone to punch the clock for you do not do not we hate to do nots but every manual have to have a do not list then the other page says you can you can you can the manual must have both when you violate that do not list the manufacturer cancels its warranty warranty is guarantee of the manufacturer to protect his own product there's a page in the manual in the back it's a wonder we never read it's called warranty guaranteed and there usually a card that comes with a little card and they say fill this out and send it back to us how many of Philip sent it back to us Jesus y'all are honest people at least a couple of yours still ain't sure whether you're honest or not we don't fill that card up now he has a question why does the manufacturer ask you to fill the card out and send it back to the company they have no idea who you are but you have their name in your hand sunny it's a bit see how about she whatever you haven't yet you can and they said look if you got our name he won't know who you are send it back to us with all of your contacts and what we're going to do is put you in our system so that there is a relationship between the company and the customer because the customer is carrying the name of the company God says look before you leave my presence and tell people you represent me make sure there's a relationship between Kevin and you the reason why he gave you the Holy Spirit is just to make sure that you still in touch with the company and the Holy Spirit is the authorized dealer who is there to tell you don't do that no don't do that no the books they don't do that he's there to make sure you keep the laws laid down by the manufacturer this is why sometimes we hate the holy goose because we want to do what we feel like and he would tell us thou shalt not now what's amazing about products the manufacture says this is a general rillette electric iron made by our company General Electric do not operate this iron in water do not stand in water while it is plugged in thou shalt not attempt to use this iron while you are bathing I know it sounds ridiculous but some folks are that stupid now if you use the iron why are you standing in water the company cannot stop you God what just you mess your life up the Bible says when a man sins he does it out of his own lust we break laws because we defy the voice of the authorized dealer we ignore the instructions and the warning of the authorized dealer and therefore we experience failure ladies and gentlemen failure is not a mistake failure is a result success is not luck success is a result make a note of this please God wants you to succeed for his purposes in other words success is built in to the system so all creation is operational based on these inherent laws the reason why the theme this year is so important is because it's the next level of Kingdom living after you enter a kingdom which is the country you must learn all the laws of that country if you become a citizen of any country your first obligation is to learn the laws of that country which means that you submit to the constitutional standards of that nation to enjoy the promised benefits of that country you cannot enter God's kingdom and violate God's law and expect God's favor we've been somehow believing that God will overlook or wink at our disobedience to his laws I put it to you that laws were given to guarantee success write that down why were laws given why were laws given to guarantee success success therefore is not an experiment God is so good he simplified life you want to harvest you plant a seed it's as simple as obedience to laws and the laws are so natural that they are literally supernatural because he is implanted in everything its own success my success and your success is determined already by our capacity to obey laws and I've seen people who try to succeed by violating laws it doesn't work I watch people over the years you know in my short lifetime we are 30 years old this year and that folks who came here to us through this ministry and I watched them and I said to myself I know your future I could see where you had it and they go off and they and they violate law and then you see them a few years later and their life is a wreck and you're like I could have told you that there's no luck and people come back and they say pastor miles you're still here sure I'm a big loss I see people's lives improve I see people progress they keep moving why they keep obeying laws of God others go in the opposite direction and they have in the same environment but they're going in off the direction because one is obeying law the other one is disobeying law and the results are predictable on both sides I put to you then that law is the priority now I want to ask you to write this list down very quickly the most important knowledge on earth is the knowledge of law the reason why you read the Bible is not for devotions you read it to learn the law of God devotions don't protect you from failure obedience the law protects you from failure praying oversea doesn't make it grow planning it in soil makes it grow the laws are what you want to learn number two the most powerful force on earth is law I have and I keep referring to the seed because it's the most simple example of law see the so powerful that once you obey the laws of seed you put them in soil and you give them moisture the power in the seed takes over and a seed can break concrete I've seen trees that destroy the sidewalk because the concrete got in the way and it pushed its way through the concrete and drank it you see when you obey laws everything life tries to put in your way your obedience brings it so life is not about fighting concrete it's about obeying laws the laws automatically give you the power to break resistance to destroy hindrances life is not hard obedience is hard because obedience goes against our nature we want to have our own way to things our own timing and God says you can't do it that way boys number three are inherent in creation number four laws are necessary in creation necessary means you cannot live on this earth without obeying laws this includes the animals the plants the planets and the human we all must obey law that's why number one is so important learning the laws is the key to life that leads me the number five law is essential to life number six very critical the key to success in life is law therefore absence of law is the beginning of destruction you take a mango seed which has a mango tree in it and you put it in a glass of alcohol what happens the tree is still in the seed isn't it but it is short circuited because seeds were not created to live in alcohol you know when I grew up in Bane town I meant some people on the street as a kid they were soaked in alcohol you could smell them before they arrived they drank alcohol at 8 o'clock in the morning there are 11 o'clock they had a little reminder to have a clock they had lunch same thing 5 o'clock they had dinner alcohol not a man I'm bristling mr. Sawyer my solemn remembrance Ned and me and you see them on 5 o'clock they went 8 o'clock drunk 10 o'clock trunk even when they sweat the sweat they licked it their entire future was destroyed by a bottle you see absence of law guarantees destruction when you leave this meeting today you need to really take a review of your life look at the things you are involved in the people you are with the things that you are doing the movies you are watching the music you listen to just look at everything your life and say now which one of these is violating this book because that is going to be your downfall no one needs to watch you you disobey God in secret you publicly be disgraced so it's not a matter of trying to sneak around God and trying to you know fool God and try to fool the people and I'm trying to you know put a false impression on us this listen don't waste your strength just live right some of you have been some abuse already you should have sense now I mean some your life has been so master he's like I mean how long listen Solomon says look if a man makes a mistake he should make it once that's in the Bible now you make mistake twice the mistake is smarter than you how many times do we need to learn that you cannot violate law and succeed there is no no way out of doing something bad or something wrong enhances all results write this down God created light to function by law so if you want a function you need to learn the laws the same way you study the manual you need to study God's laws of life and obey them now I want to say something very quickly when you talk about teaching law and I say this in every session we become threatened by our concept of grace and I want to warn us that we got to be careful not to confuse ritual laws of religion with the eternal laws of God let me just warn you that if we're going to become wise people we must learn law law is inherent in life here's some to remember the knowledge of laws and principles are the source of wisdom when you learn the laws you become wiser than the people in around you I like what David says David says because I know that laws Oh Lord I'm wiser than my teachers and I am greater than the elders he says and which means that if you are a young person at 20 years old and you learn more laws than your granddaddy you are wiser than your granddad age doesn't make you smart it doesn't make you wise it makes you old you can be an old fool they never I think he might be talking about you sometime you get the idea that but that person is 50 years old man they must be very smart no they just got a lot of regrets what makes a person wise is their knowledge of law you know some of you older people not you too one behind you you work on a job and you've been there for over forty five thousand years and here comes this young college graduate out of school in your department and this is the age of computer and you've been there for 55 years this kid comes out of college at 24 and they make him your boss you are mad matter of fact you think who do they think they are I've been here since Moses was here I need to be appreciated how did he put this little whippersnapper over me this little wet behind the ears john-boy don't nobody do it and you mad mad mad not a problem is this simple simple the kid spent four years learning law as a computer you spent 50 years running from the computer Computers don't operate on age I saw something interesting when I read the Bible over the years every time the Journal of Israel disobeyed God's laws they went into captivity okay the whole country is destroyed then God says I will bring you back God brought him back many times when he brought them back the first thing the king would do was tell them find the scroll then the Bible says he would open the scroll and read the laws of God again to start the nation again in other words when things go wrong don't call for the psychiatrist or the psychologist go back and learn the laws of God you will get your order back your sanity back you will get your confidence back if you disobey a law you self-destruct this is why when you know the laws of God you become bold you know here's that young 24 year old college graduate walking around the office giving you instructions so bold press that key and press step one and you like who do you think you are I've been here for 90 years you've been here for nine days the difference is his confidence is his knowledge of that computer write this down knowledge breeds confidence ignorance produce guessing sometime I look at my son typing I get mad he dive in fact I'm like do too - so when I want some type as I type this you need to learn laws so that you can be bold and confident and then number three very important this one is critical wisdom is laws and principles applied when you learn the laws of life and you apply them people think you're wise well that's why the Bible says the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom fear of God means you are afraid to break his laws I mentioned this before I'll mention it again the number one problem in the church around the world is a lack of fear of God the reverence for God in the church has just about leaked out we got folks in the pulpit who should be in jail we got folks in the choir who should be behind bars we got people who are on the organ who should be in an insane asylum we we got the mess in the church and everybody still clapping saying amen no fear of God and I'm talking about big-name people to today in the body of Christ they have no fear of God they mess up on Monday back in the saddle on Tuesday preach it and no one is saying sit down you cannot preach anymore for a while you messed up okay he didn't be repaired you need to be restored stop it no one is stopping them write this down laws and principles are more important than power because the prisoners in power doesn't mean they can revile a troll as a matter of fact violation of law makes power illegitimate you cancel your right to be in leadership if you violate law there's no secret about that yeah but he's the pastor he's the bishop yes but he messed up nah he ain't bishop no more he is fix up now you gotta get fixed you know we walk around because the president's a title or they've been a ministry for years doesn't exempt you and again I'm saying I'm saying this I'm not attacking anybody I'm trying to protect you and me if we obey law life works if we disobey law life shuts down let's sound fun the next 10 years okay let's work together and be law-abiding citizens how about that give God a head that's what God wants law-abiding citizens I I thought it would be important to remind you the scripture again because we get those religious people who are watching me who say well pastor miles is getting into legalism customers getting you he's moving backward into Lord the bondage the bondage of law you know that the Holy Ghost delivered us from the law and we are free from Lord you know I'm under grace and grace have set me free and I make up folks only preach grace grace grace grace grace and grace has become a disgrace let's read what the Apostle Paul says about this danger of grace Paul says in Galatians chapter 5 verse 13 you my brothers you were called to be free but do not use your freedom to indulge in sinful nature I'm forgiving yeah but walk right he set me free to do right praise the Lord not walk right thank God for grace to live right look at the last part he says rather save one another in love the entire law is summed up in this one he says love your neighbor as yourself don't use your freedom to indulge in the breaking of law matter of fact some of y'all still don't get it so first Peter now Peter learned this very well 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 15 Peter says 16 rather he says live as free men I better praise the Lord say appreciate a level where we love freedom am free grace to set me free read the next part but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil now there are two different approach on speaking and one of them we call the positive grace meet a sample is a positive law - he was against ritual religious law that put men in bondage but he never spoke against the laws of God I'm very concerned about us enjoying kingdom citizenship and attempting to disobey law you cannot experience God's promises if you violate God's standards god is good but he ain't stupid as a matter of fact what I'm going to show you before we close this is the difference between you know grace and law because they are very important look at Matthew 5 Jesus made law the priority he just spoke about the kingdom in John 4 verse 17 he says repent for the kingdom of heaven has arrived that was Amen but then he says well he said but do not think I have come to destroy the law Jesus came to destroy religion which is man-made laws attempting to get back to Kingdom he came to destroy that but he didn't come to destroy the laws of God because they built in do not think that I've come to destroy the law all the prophets write those to which downplay read the word law right away prophets down I'm gonna show you those in a second but I came not to destroy the law but to fulfill write the word fulfil down I tell you the truth he says until heaven and earth disappear not the smallest letter of the law will by any means disappear from the law until everything the law says you must do is accomplished I didn't come to destroy the law now notice he says do not think very quickly and write fast please I'll just get the CD this is important stuff hear the word do not think means to out consider do not imagine do not dream that I came to destroy the law do not assume do not suggest do not entertain the idea that I came to destroy the law do not conceive the thought now why does he say this because he knew that the minute you received the grace of his sacrifice on the cross you think you free from law I'm on the grace yes grace was given so you could keep law not you don't obey law to get grace you get grace to obey law I was driving here this morning to this building and I'm driving by myself this morning holy God spoke to me very quietly he said tell the people that grace is ability to keep the law the word grace is the word charisma Caressa hebrew and actually in greek rather and it actually means giftings or in ableman it means power that's why we even used the word courage charisma for people who got energy energetic personality it means ability the grace of God was given so you could keep law because without the grace of God you cannot keep the law grace doesn't replace law in gives you the power to keep I grew up in a Baptist Church pretty of me all about this my daddy's yeah he's a Baptist preacher sitting right here daddy I love you you know that is one of the best preachers I know he taught me how to teach he's 86 years old next month and me yeah how did you tell you that every altar call in the Baptist Church the same people go up anybody experience let me see hands wave up me come on you Baptist wave at me them yeah you're Baptists i'ts yeah but I see I mean over that right yeah why do we always go up because we've sinned on Saturday night we come right back up yes Lord yes please forgive me Lord forgive me Lord and then when I forgive me Jesus why forgive me so I can feel better so I can do it again next week sorry that's why we got pray in other words we use the grace just in case we die before next weekend we use it with God forgive me so I could sit again that's what we did they keep no laws of God and there are people who would have a partay on Saturday in the night I mean they get stoned they get wiped out they of sex but I mean all kind of of immorality and then Sunday they take in communion did you know they're getting assisted they think of the incense they yhay the grace will cover me until next weekend they do understand we wonder why we have hardship in our lives houses you you breaking every law in the book and then come back for those a grace every weekend your life is one big roller coaster up on Sundays down on Mondays rector on Fridays back up on Sundays and the stress is so much you have an all kind of problems in your body you know salvation is killing some people it's supposed to be saving us but it's killing us because we are using the salvation to encourage our own destruction Christ said I didn't come to abolish the law I didn't come to destroy it or set it aside or invalidated or the can spot eradicated he says matter of fact I came to do the opposite not a word law here he's using it's not religious law he's talking about the original precepts principle standards and inherent regulations established by the Creator write that down the laws he's talking about is the original standards established by God the original precepts God created for all things to live by God told Adam do not touch that tree that's a law we constantly violate God's commands the tree was not important it was the command that was important I hope people say well you know the the tree was a woman that the tree was this the tree was that something that wasn't any tree at all listen it's not a tree that was important it was the command the Bible says Adam disobeyed God it didn't say Adam ate the fruit he disobeyed God disobedience means you break the law of the word the law is the original preset it's the original standard God said and Christ that I didn't come to destroy them nor the prophets who the prophets the individuals who chose to declare those laws God chose people throughout the centuries to keep on repeating those laws to us we know their names many of them Moses is one of the chief ones who God gave a whole lot of laws to and those laws are still good I'm talking about the ones that are not ritual God gave most of some hygiene laws living days if every government imposed in their constitution the hygiene laws of Moses the health care system would be less stressed for example God told Moses tell the people this nation this community of Israel not to eat fish without skill okay I'm getting trouble I see it okay okay but watch God now now Moses knows nothing I've got fish because they live where in the desert because they tell them this law don't eat any fish without scale but do you know why every fish in the ocean today without scale have no protection against absorbing mercury fish with scale the scale is a shield the water is filled with poisons which stops the poison is the scale so any fish without scale you know scale absorbs all the poison and mercury like catfish I cause no more names cuz your and great watching me oh dear by some miles oh please don't touch that one some of your thinking I'm going to lunch in a few minutes faster don't touch that one okay I just say this way any fish that has no scale don't order it on the menu because that is where the mercury comes from mercury is the number one poison in the human body and guess what they found out it causes sin ality craziness by the time you sixty you wonder why you can't think right oh that fish you ate and you ate all the creatures that crawl on the bottom of the ocean absorb mercury mercury the cause they say of many cancers in the body and it also increases iodine in the bloodstream iodine they say is the number one cause of dementia dementia means they take you to Fox I'm into a geriatric Ross no no no no that the Sunderland's and they keep you there and guess what you're eating yourself crazy because you violate God's simple hygiene law I have not found one law that God ever gave Moses that's bad for national development imagine the price we pay for cancer two hundred three hundred thousand dollars to try to keep somebody alive you been there with your mom I can't say just don't eat the fish with hopes Gail okay he doesn't explain anything he just says don't don't don't do that one he said only plops then you see I shouldn't say that Jesus oh please Oh pray for me pray for me quick somebody pray for me please pray with me Lord Jesus I need deliverance I'm trying I really have a try Vincent I know your knee was gonna touch that somehow right here you should not eat shrimp Jesus lord help where's the coconut shrimp dipped in batter fried [Applause] shrimp is filled with mercury god says any animal whose hooves are split don't eat it now you know we like poachers but if you study the pig because the pig is constantly attached to mud all of the parasites that are in the soil are in the key that keep eats flesh oh please Lord help me now I'm in trouble I know that barbecue ribs and let me tell you something let me tell you something lord I you know you got ease up on that one but we wonder why we have high cholesterol we have colon problems then parasites can't get out they bury themselves in the mussels and they feed on all your substance from the pig oh Jesus I can feel it I can feel it come from the crowd I bind you pastor in the name of cheese okay I try to buy myself to let me once in a while I give in praise the Lord I'm going about it now I'm doing better I really am I'm doing better you know rich like twice a year I try to make it beef you know beef a dog's bitters okay so beef is fine yeah but watch them spread homes okay every law of God is scientifically sound scientifically sound if the science told you the truth about everything God said they would change the diet of the country but you know that tastes that takes the something else my wife got delivered a few years ago I still trying to get her 90 she don't eat any meat see how I love you praise the Lord someday someday soon I'm gonna crawl over to you baby we're gonna be one in the flesh I love my wife wait a sec all right until then that's your hire carry on the prophets kept repeating the laws and the people keep disobeying them and the country keeps going into repression the cost of health care today is a violation of God's law obesity as a result of the eating habits and what we eat you are the same look let me save your national treasury just keep my laws and it is tough you know your the red light and the red light is red and you got a 150 horsepower under your feet that's hard man and no one's coming you need the Holy Ghost to hold yourself on that brake some of y'all going from here straight to a buffet and there'll be chicken and pig and some interesting seafood come Jesus I don't touch come please don't touch the national pastime I was trying to avoid bringing that up the Bahamas has one of the highest cases of cancer in the entire world did you know that we are ranking up to I think the top four but doc wisdom is high what is it someone figure I mean I get it tough for in the world top three here because of our diet referees say Lord forgive me I will eventually obey this one all right let me let me just bring this to a close what is jesus said I came not to abolish but to what fulfill I did this research for you the word in the Hebrew that he used it means to enforce I didn't come to destroy it I came to explain the way it also means in Hebrew to restore the meaning of something but was I came to actually magnify the law not get rid of it I came to put this is the best one the spirit of the law back in the law now all the lawyers here know what that means this what we call the letter of the law which is the document and then the spirit of law which was the original intent of the law the meaning of it Christ says I came to put the intent back in the law I came to explain to you what it meant when I first said it I didn't come to destroy it I came to literally demand that you obey it I came to demonstrate how it's supposed to be practiced Jesus ate fish scaled fish no we've been to Israel for over 22 years now and every year we go to Israel we go to the Sea of Galilee every time and we eat the same fish that was there for 2,000 years and those fish tastes wonderful and they are scale fish that's the very fish Jesus a there's no catfish in Galilee catfish are called vacuum cleaners they clean up the ocean they clean up rivers he used them as a vacuum all the dirt is sucked into a catfish and it goes into the catfish system into his bloodstream and into its muscles and that's what we eat we call it flesh Jesus ate fish but it was scaled fish he didn't just come to speak the law nor replace it he came to enforce it so when he when we talk about living in grace and living in the kingdom of God it doesn't mean that we are free from law it matched it actually makes us more responsible to keep the law because we are back in God's graces I put it to you then that this verse is an interesting verse John chapter one please write this down verse 17 John chapter 1 says in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God the Sims in the beginning with God you like that verse right in him was life and that life was the light that light every man to come into the world okay then it says the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld this glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of what grace and truth for the law was given through Moses okay fine but grace it says and truth came through Jesus Christ the word grace means ability and truth means original meaning God said to Moses with the law for the whole world he sent it through different prophets throughout the years to remind us and he also put it in nature manufacture me to say some very interesting about nature oh this is interesting when there was an argument about homosexuality and debauchery and an immorality and arguments that Paul had but people you know concerning things like lesbianism and feminine being effeminate and all this stuff we arguing about today that's all stuff look Paul said look it's a deep you know Paul says I don't need a colon in scripture to you he says even nature clothes that they say right okay I know some of y'all read the Bible so I don't want to assume that Romans chapter 1 Paul is talking about all these things he fighting over the day you know same-sex marriage and lesbianism and all it's a process look he says you don't need God to write something on the wall for you look at verse 18 the wrath of God is already revealed from heaven against all the Garlin godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness has an importance suppress the truth means I saw something on CNN yesterday still makes me sick thinking about it a man who became a woman so they claim they think it says her name was Steve or something like that and I'm watching this program don't turn a TV off okay I'm sitting there thinking what is this let me read what it was verse 18 listen about this exactly just saw on CNN it says the wrath of God is already revealed against that man suppress the truth by the wiki you cut your penis off and call it a vagina now you know Dana but you suppress the fact that Elena you suppress the truth the truth is use a man but you suppress it you put some hormones and get a little bit of bubbie and now you're telling me use a woman you ain't no woman anybody with me here they suppress the truth the honest truth is alpha male what did I say oh sorry what my beta our stuff comes out someday [Applause] hey neighbor tell the truth let me tell you something all my homosexual friends I love you guys and young girls lesbians but you are simply dishonest if you want to have that kind of sex just say so but don't try to convince us to sanctify it sanction it and give a dignity just say that what you want to do that's all if you want to use an exit as an entrance just tell me the honest truth don't try to get me to dignify it sanctify it glorify it and then make it legal this is crazy you're suppressing the truth the truth is this is an exit this if nature say this an exit it's a garbage disposal this gets rid of waste the iron attacking no body biology simple 101 but she's 101 it's a law the law of my rectum is excretion it's a law no legislation can transform that into something else so if you see a fella walking around with his wrist break just say tell them legally you are a brother by law you are a brother your walk don't cancel that law at all your earrings don't touch that law yeah your relationship don't change that law it's a noise so I need to be course we go and tell God I will violate your law okay thank you very much [Applause] you're making me behave interestingly look at verse 19 look at verse 19 come on all you young people read this place for it's 90 acres some of you are getting tempted verse 19 says sit come on I want to read about trying to bypass the my will you read this bring this back to your mind now it says in verse 19 of Romans 1 since what may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it plain to them in nature for since creation of the world God's invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen being understood from what has been made the dogs got sense I've never seen two real dogs get little and in vain time we got pork cakes they they they they wild dogs they still that sense he said it's made plain through what creation so that men are without excuse it's a law these laws are built into nature oh by the way might be the next one for although they knew God they go to church take communion yes they knew God they neither glorified him as God now give thanks to him but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened although they claim to be wise yeah they have become fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal men and birds and animals and reptiles therefore God gave them over in their sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their own bodies with one another can I go the further the ex they exchanged the truth of God for a lie listen man you got some look this is plain you telling me it's legal and nature says is illegal not meet nature says they said just a week two women cannot have children okay so it's just you know to lie and tell me this with you what you are you know listen be honest now God already gave you over so you have yourself distracted but at least don't try to let don't make all of us vote to support some illegal and I say naturally illegal naturally illegal this is why democracy is so dangerous I am very suspicious of democracy because it makes laws based on majority not based on what is right if he none of us agree we try to make wrong right I want to also correct something I've been hearing for years in this country the voice of the people is the voice of God that's a lie because what you telling me if he not so much if he not mus agree on something it must be God's wise are you crazy you need to act like Joshua Georgia says look I don't know what you're but as for me and my health sometime you gotta go by your own self come on give God God's voice but can you walk alone don't let the majority convince you to do evil look Irish hmm verse 25 they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than creator who is forever praised because of this God gave them over to shameful lusts even their women exchanged natural relations to unnatural ones in the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women who were inflamed with lust for one another and men committed indecent acts married available in this act with one another with other men received in themself receiving themselves the due penalty for their perversion the Bible calls me system but I was talking to a young man yesterday in Washington DC and this guy was connected to the government and we were sitting in a room having a meal and the government he says we know was asking me to come and make some comments about the you know Washington just just passed the bill this week of same-sex marriages okay folks are not getting married in the capital so we got issues you haven't got okay because when the head got it you know it only for so time the rest party won't get it so anyhow he said they are asking me to come and make you know Devin uh but they call it a session but they're gonna debate a little bit of it and he wanted my advice I said my advice is going there and quote no scriptures I want you to talk about nature cuz they expect you to coast reduces the pastor don't quote any scriptures you talk about birds and peace and and dogs and cats talk about nature embarrass them with nature and I said secondly use the term perversion now let me tell you what you cannot pervert what is not real come on say this again perversion implies that there's something that is right that you have excused to be wrong it's provision you cannot take right and make it wrong you can provide it so Paul is correct poses is perversion sex is good but you can provide it you cannot pervert what it's not present and what it's not good it has to be present first then you pervert it is by using a knife that you bought to slice Tomatoes and you slice someone's throat the knife is innocent but you perverted the knife and made it a weapon so as a male I am pure and pass Richard is a male is pure but we're not built to go together but we can this fascination don't worry about a thing [Applause] but we can decide is the problem to come together that's called pro version of the male entity provision now if you try to sanctify from a perversion dignify provision and then legalize perversion it's impossible because it will never work two males can not produce cannot they can pass all the laws they want taking it thinking of operations surgery they cannot that's why they adopt they borrow other people's products and I'm concerned now that they go into Haiti picking up kids to place them in environmental provision and they call it adoption of the poor kids I call it the destruction of a generation we need to be careful about the laws of God and the closer this is this gets too deep it says verse 28 furthermore says they did not think it worth while to retain the knowledge of God he gave them over to depraved Minds what is deprave depravity means that you have lost all sense of normalcy you no longer normal in your thinking if your thinking is corrupt your life is corrupt that's what when you get involved in in perversion it's hard to get out because your mind becomes corrupt and as a man thinketh so not just deliverance you need you need a transformation mental transformation which would take a long time you have to unlearn what you've been learning your mind he says have been perverted depraved they have become filled with every kind of wickedness verse 29 and evil and greed and depravity they are full of envy and murder and strife and deceit and malice now I want you to think about the words Paul are using here when a person is perverted they become violent I hope y'all get from saying don't forget what I'm saying this is very important pauses when a prison is depraved they become violent they actually become murderous isness in other ways they will fight to defend their perversion they will kill you they will they will make you lose your job they'll fire you if you talk against a perversion become violent that's why many of these perverted groups are so dangerous they will kill you he says they they are filled with all kinds of wickedness strife and deceit malice they are gossips and slanders and God haters God hate us God haters how do I am regard leave me alone don't come with his guard stuff around me I'm enjoying my life I'm enjoying what I'm doing they they hate God hate God because they've they love him they got to do what he says Christ said if you love me you'd obey my commands so if you hate me you don't gotta obey them see the hatred for God is what numbs the conscience to obey God look at the closure here he says God haters insolent arrogant poor must be around today arrogant don't care what you say toss it as a sign of depravity and they got some folks around you know even in churches I her again I mean I've seen some situations where I don't want to talk about him but you know you see these pastors kind of sweetheart sitting right there and then the sweetheart go up to them at the end of the service in front of the wife and hug the brother and everybody know I know I got her on an airplane looking and I'm like sitting over this is arrogance perversion how arrogant are you that's a sign of your depravity when you have no more shame you lost the God consciousness if you sin at least be shame no when you can - arrogant you're getting into the dangerous zone of an apostate no fear of God me tell you something I scared to commit adultery scared gotta kill me so don't wink at me I scared to ring back what if God don't kill me that woman to kill me right there is either way um did y'all think she said to quiet down bang bomb dude she will kill me and tell God he died don't know I found him in the room [Applause] watch this I want to see this verse 30 slanderous God haters insolent arrogant boastful they invent ways to do evil there's some stuff God or no about that we've come up with Gaza where did you invent that way of doing evil that's a new one verse 31 they are senseless and they disobeyed the parents that are with me for that parents they don't want no authority in their lives don't tell you what to do I'm gonna tell my mother today that I am a lesbian I don't care my parents say disobedient to parents don't go up with those people I don't I'm 18 now mama don't tell you what to do that's a spirit of arrogance you are bound for Destruction it's alloys Paul says they are senseless faithless heartless poor please quit rootless rootless let's build our uth oh dear no in the Lord that they made a mistake you down with it that's supposed to be our ot earlier I think cuz you know where our I am rootless goodness means they will walk over you to do their evil they'll wake up in the night harass you to do evil rudeness no sense verse 32 although they still know god's righteousness his decrees was what was aware degrees laws they know god's laws but those who do such things deserve death they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them that means that they make now legislation to protect the evil they prove it proved no one can speak against this this evil is now normal it's part of our social culture we approve it we get it to the courts to the Senate to the house it's now proved that you can kill yourself and that's what they're doing all around us can I suggest that this is one church that should never be silent when evil begins to race head I am telling you the truth I'm I'm ready to go to jail ready to stand before the Supreme Court because I figure all I'm gonna meet him anyhow and we can see what number do later obey God's laws I say obey God's laws thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: ZPDqA2S8vo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 10sec (4510 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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