LEAKED RECORDING! Employee QUITS over RIGGED "Performance Review" | #grindreel

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this entire time every day that you haven't been able to have this evaluation i've been losing money when i got hired and told me 90 days i looked at my finances i looked at my savings account said i can make it for 90 days if i was told it'd be four months that would've been different and i was told that this evaluation would happen at 90 days as i said before we do the evaluations after 90 days 90 days is not a guarantee did i have you anything said that i will do this in 90 days you told me it would be at nine days i said it would be after 90 days finally 90 days i'm sorry if you felt that this day was a negotiation to increase your wage that's not what this is about you don't at least offer me back pay then i will turn in my two weeks notice right now a viewer of the channel submitted audio of his 90-day review at his job and it didn't go it didn't go very good at all the manager was like yeah at 90 days you know we'll do your performance evaluation and we'll look at what you did and and then we'll give you more money which is pretty normal at most jobs you know meet your quarterly evaluations negotiate your little boost in salary there and companies are pretty notorious for putting it off and when you get there they say oh sorry we don't have the budget for it or they find ways to keep pushing that date further and further out and when they can do that then they don't have to pay you more money to be completely honest i think the way that the viewer sent this in went about this conversation wrong not because they did anything wrong but just their choice of words or choice of choosing to speak when they have should have just been quiet and just said okay well i'll take that and go get a new job let me play you the audio here so they're going in the room they're going to sit down and they start doing the performance evaluation which by the way this is a cell phone shop in georgia and the boss's name is bill and he sounds like dr phil and i can't get that image out of my head um user maintains tools and equipment properly three average maintains inventory properly uh two it needs improvement organized repairs including processing rma two that all ties into the others look at this performance oh that's a two review that's a two that's a two that's a two uh yeah there's no thought about any of these questions and there's no real objective way to measure performance like how much is enough empathy to give the customer hold on it's coming uh takes initiative and completes tasks but we'll know supervision four smiles greets and thanks to each guest three listens to and provides correct and concise information three conduct follows uh directions earthquake policies three adheres to the code of conduct four open and close store proficiently three this question that's on here able to open and close the store proficiently three that's not his job he's not a closer that's that's like the dude above him this guy's boss is the one who opens and closes the shop and deals with all the money at the end of the night and all the cash and all that stuff so the fact that this question is even on there when it's not his job is dumb obviously you're gonna go into this performance review he can't give you all fives he can't say you're doing excellent he's got to find ways to not offer you more money overall just some supervisor comments that zayn had for you was overall great worker appears to enjoy a job so these are overall comments that his boss not this guy talking not dr phil here but this guy's store boss he has a glowing feedback about this employee i'm gonna be honest right now i'm in a i'm in a quandary and i'm not gonna lie i was having a conversation with saying earlier it kind of jumps to this topic because i guess there's a guy at the store that's just about to quit and he's not sure if he should rehire someone or if they can just make the the two people they have left work even more the boss presents this or tries to present this as an opportunity like look he's going to quit and we're not going to hire someone else to pick that up but i want to give you the opportunity to show me what you can do so the way that they gas like this and present this as an opportunity to him is silly but this is what that conversation is when i let pete know that carlos was going to be leaving uh his thing is is are you replacing him and i'm not gonna lie right now as slow as we've been no i don't want to it's funny he says right now it's as slow as we've been i don't want to but then at the beginning and the whole reason why this 90-day review was delayed is because of how busy everyone is but then right here it's convenient you know oh we're so slow so i'm gonna be honest for right now i want you guys to really pick up the slack and i want to see where you can run with it i want you guys to pick up the slack and run with it i mean i bet you do you gonna get more money for that no no no no you know it's just you two running the store so you know we're looking at you specifically if you do good you know there might be things there's nothing there's there's no things for them to work towards but it sounds good when bosses tell you that we've all been lied to by bosses before promising something and then never getting it and so this guy's like yeah whatever i'll try but i just want you to be aware that i'm not sales i'm repair tech so i mean i don't have any issue at all with that the only real hangout for me is that i i don't pretend to be good at sales i don't pretend that i take naturally to that it's something i'm actually very very adverse to more than willing to to try um i i just would start to get concerns if that became part of my job description which i think isn't honestly a fair thing to say as a as an employee you'd be like yeah look i get paid while i'm here i'll make a good effort good faith effort to to try and do sales but i'm it's like it's like taking an introverted programmer that wants to be left alone all day and then telling them to go out on a car car lot like and just start selling cars you know like there's two different skill sets they're very different and so i think that's a respectable way to say it i don't know about you but any of the years that i was a manager that it's not my job or i don't want to do that we're two of the things that set me on i don't know about you but as a manager when people used to say that's not my job and i don't want to do it that set me off yeah because you're not doing anything anyways mr manager i bet i bet it does make you mad when people refuse to do something that's not part of their job description he thinks he's like god here it's weird and those were always things that really got under my skin as a supervisor to where it's just like i'm sorry was that did you feel that that was actually a question so right there the guy in the evaluation giggles a little bit because he wants his money which i think is understandable but the boss himself bill here he thinks that he's just literal god you know did you think that was a question because it wasn't you do as i said it's like he's some authority figure bro you're just some middle manager that manages cell phone stores congratulations bill was there anything that you had any concerns with qualms um no i as long as i get a copy of that so i can work on those things i can't get a copy of it it's something that goes into the forward file so there so this guy asks for a copy of the evaluation paper and the manager goes sorry you can't have a copy of the evaluation paper it goes into the employee file if you're in a performance evaluation performance review whatever it is like you should be able to take the notes of what you're being told about why you're doing bad or good or what you should approve on it makes no sense but he's like i gotta put it in my employee file you can't you can't hold on to this and listen to his reasoning for why he can't give you the piece of paper or a copy of the piece of paper for you to take home and look at what you need to work on it makes no sense it's one of those things that you just asked me you know hey what's this what's this exactly that's the main thing they don't keep you updated so he says this was just one of those things you can come ask me if i'm improving on this particular thing or not what happens if you ask the wrong question so he's just supposed to go around and say hey have i improved enough on this hey have i improved enough on this hey am i number four in this yet how do you know how do you know what the specific is so dumb like you should be able to see what you need to work on i just want to know what i need to work on yeah that's all so that's something that we have been and that's something that we're working to improve is that in a lot of situations we have been it's not something that i want to instruct him to go hey go call austin and tell him that he sucked because of this today so he just starts ranting and making up the story about how i i can't let you have this piece of paper because i don't want you to have bad feedback i don't know he's talking about like well uh i don't want your boss to have to call you and tell you that you sucked at number three why would he do that anyways this makes no sense just give him the copy of the paper bill or hey um i don't want to do that because at that point i want you to take your day you've earned your day i don't want to do it that way so it's something we're going to work out internally before we do it's something we're going to work on internally is the manager's classic favorite last line this is the tough part of the conversation i have so he brings up the tough part of the conversation and i don't mean to be disrespectful or or rude in any way um i'm just going to try to be candid with you you know a man-to-man here target they're hiring 16 year olds at 15 an hour ubif and macon starting at 17 30 with benefit um simply max 14 i've anticipated all along that the number i'd be offered would be around 10. i don't feel like that's competitive at all if you take into account commission and tips it comes out to about two and a half dollars an hour like i said before i love working here that's worth a few dollars an hour to me so i probably wouldn't have done that if i were you uh i wouldn't have said hey these other places pay more i probably would have just gone to those places and this is the part i think a lot of people in the comments would also say like the mistake was getting that job to begin with but when you need money you need money right so you got to get what you can and if if you were expecting ten dollars an hour you can't be like look at target they're paying 15 bucks an hour they're not going to be like oh yeah they're paying 15. we're going to start paying 15. they're not going to do that these are just pos crappy in and out kind of hires that they get just the turnover rate is insane because they're not paying you anything and they promise you commission which sounds nice on paper oh you get percentages of what you sell but when you calculate it all out it's 2.58 cents an hour so the most this man can make is 12.58 cents an hour and so he's like yo target target over here paying you know 15 an hour by default you know obviously you can't say it to your boss and expect a great reaction but props to you for doing it for getting out there and i think you knew what you're doing all along i think that you probably had a hunch this wouldn't go well you know but good on you for doing it like i think you were planning on leaving anyways so you might as well just state it how it is man speak your truth speak my truth easy but to me i feel like a a fair wage is more like 12 or 13. i have to disrupt it i don't know if you caught that right there but he goes i think a fair wage is like 12 or 13 dollars an hour and the boss goes i disagree i have to disrupt it i bet you would and he's not even asking for the same amount as them he's just asking for 12 or 13. target over here getting 15 an hour so then he goes on with about how it is fair because you came to our business and you didn't know anything except you did know something and you were a manager and have previous manager experience but we trained you and we could have started you at minimum wage but we started you at nine dollars an hour you came into the business not knowing anything we have spent the 90 past days actually training you any of these jobs with the exception of target that's a basic customer service job target is still demanding like being on your feet all day because cashiers can't sit down it's the dumbest thing we have in america you can't have a seat makes you look lazy but like cashier standing up on their feet all day dealing with karen's mean customers rude people all day basically like yeah you don't have to like you know do math and calculus and engineering on the job but like it's taxing dealing with customers all day is taxing if you want to see someone's true colors you want to see how someone treats people go to a restaurant and watch how they treat the waitress or the waiter or the server or whoever it is how you treat people in the service industry is is that's your true colors um we spent the time investing in you and training you on how to do these things we spent time investing in you and training you guess what my first engineering job was like 68 000 a year they trained me too i knew nothing i just got what i was worth up front like but again this is not the same type of salary engineering job but the premises the premises are still the same the same thing happens in these large corporate jobs like they'll promise you something and then delay it or you know we did this for you anyways we would love to pay better but right now that's not an option we would love to pay better but right now that's not an option except except it is because you said that there are no budgetary concerns right now there really have not been too many of those budgetary concerns but we can't pay you more money sorry ten dollars an hour's the best we can do with that in mind it doesn't seem reasonable or fair to say that if you reach higher to your commission you can make more money when sometimes it's completely out of my control target employees you know walmart's paying 13 growers playing 12 with benefits they're getting that for showing up they're good enough for clocking in now i'm not out here asking for 17 an hour so what i'm hearing is that you feel that you're being taken advantage of the dude just wants more than ten dollars an hour plus some arbitrary commission that depends on how busy the stores are to make a living it goes back to like serving like waitresses people at restaurants like the legal minimum wage is like two dollars an hour right and then tips are supposed to make up the just pay your people just pay your people enough to live with in case your restaurant is dead like it's not the customer's job to pay the wage dude who owns a restaurant pay the wage i i do understand that you know you had to take a risk on me you have to train me and there's still more learning to do but how much more training is that you know if it's going to be another year before i get a chance to to negotiate salary and there's no there's there's no negotiation did you hear how he just gets shut down there it's like okay i understand i'm still new to the company i probably still have some training to do but how much more training will i have to do before we can start talking about the ability to you know maybe give an increase in pay and he just shuts him down and says this is not a negotiation so that's something right now i want to be pranked about there's no negotiation it's funny because it's just some middle manager there's no negotiation why are you power tripping with with money that's not yours that you like you can't give it to yourself it's in the business bank account someone's quitting someone is doing great work and asking for a bit more money you have no budgetary concerns as you've said but you can't you can't pay basic customer service jobs salary hourly sounding more and more like a pos here bill it's not a negotiation it's it's a thing of we're here this is what we're doing we're not saying that you know we served you off above a training wage at the time um you know we could rush into the training range which is basically minimum wage we could have brought you in at a training wage which is basically minimum wage yeah i mean you could have you could try that but nobody's gonna apply to your shitty job we don't we start people off you know better than what a minimum yeah minimum wage job we start people off better the minimum wage seven dollars and like 25 cents i think is minimum wage in georgia but we we could have we could have done that but we gave you more okay so i mean inflation has increased minimum wage has not so the fact that you're bragging about paying uh a dollar and 80 cents more than minimum wage that was established like 30 years ago uh means really nothing bill just out of just so okay so this is the part where uh the dude's boss is in there not bill not this pos manager but the dude's actual i don't know store supervisor boss he's he's a company simp here he's a big big big company simp and starts talking about how money isn't everything ten dollars an hour base pay and then average 150 in tips a month and then if you hit 12.5 which honestly the car was leaving it's easy to do it's easy to hit 12 and 50 cents an hour if we got customers but but that's the thing with commission right you don't always have customers and again this is a little bit on you a person who sent me the video you know don't take crappy jobs if you know that they're crappy but again i understand like if you thought that you were going to get more money at the end of 90 days then yeah and commission was irrelevant to you but it was there and then yeah i could i could see why you still pursu chose to pursue this job but i don't know if i would go through this entire conversation about how other people are getting paid more i probably just i just internalize that i know other places pay better and then at the end of the day here's my two weeks and i quit but he still wants his back pay since his 90 day evaluation where he gets a raise has been delayed for a month at the end of the day we're not here to argue we're here to everybody get along and everybody do everything i'm sorry if you felt that this day was a negotiation to increase your wage that's not what this is about i'm sorry if this was if you thought this was a negotiation to increase your wage that's not what this is about typically that's what performance reviews and performance evaluations are there bill i'm not saying this to be to be offensive or to attack you or anything like that being man-to-man telling you how it makes me feel telling me that if i make top tier commission i should make two and a half dollars less than a cashier at target yeah so if he's making 12.50 working his ass off selling maximum amounts of commission he gets 12.50 an hour which is still less than what people at target are getting paid for just showing up when you just told me i was a satisfactory employee just told me you were you were satisfied and happy with what i'm doing and have minor suggestions it hurts right now the public has a general consensus so it gets a little political here he starts talking about how uh workers feel like they have the advantage but it's going to go away soon when the country goes back to work so here you go that they have employers over the barrel they can demand whatever wage they want to demand at some point this country is going to go back to work when they go back to work if people think that these wages are going to continue this way sign on bonuses and they are sorely sorely incorrect because i'll say what is this administration that is currently running this country into the [ __ ] ground now you gotta remember again this is georgia which is typically a red state but in this last election it was blue but i'd say a majority of people there are still pretty red i'm not gonna quit over it but i am gonna look for other jobs that's the honest truth if i don't find anything well then here i am you know that that is what it is i'm not gonna see right like i wouldn't have said this i don't know why you said this like the things that you're saying out loud you keep you keep them in here you keep them in here and then when he's done blabbering his dumb middle manager mouth you go and get a new job instead or you know spend time on the computer while they're not looking looking for a new job but like you don't say that out loud because then the conversation is not it's not going to go in your favor but i think that you were just frustrated here and you knew what you were doing so we'll keep listening i'm not going to pretend that i'm happy about it but i'm also not going to be um unruly you mentioned putting me at 10 on the next pay cycle i was told that this evaluation would happen at 90 days it's not retroactive and ain't going to be so stop what a dick hold on i feel like i at least deserve a chance to talk about it right on you this entire time every day that you haven't been able to have this evaluation i've been losing money when i got hired and told me 90 days i looked at my finances i looked at my savings account said i can make it for 90 days i get it 100 i get it yeah that's what most people do when they when they need a job right you look at what you can afford to take and then you do what you got to do keep the lights on put gas in the car food on the table you know if i was told it'd be four months that would be different exactly and that's and that's what they do right and for for some people this matters right like oh after 90 days we'll give you a raise and uh you know we could talk about it then and then that just never happens but this guy this guy needed that money right and so when you give someone your word which then you say well it wasn't on paper so it doesn't count that just makes people very frustrated so i get your frustration here i've had to borrow money from my mom i've had to start picking up extra hours at a second job oh a second job a second job because i'm just now telling us about this you see how upset just now telling us about a second job you didn't know about it for the longest while so why does it matter now the thing is like this isn't the owner of the company that's talking to this employee it's not the owner it's just some middle management guy that thinks he's god but he's also below the owner he just happens to be above this guy so it makes no sense why people take this so personally i ain't on my car payment okay because i was expecting more money coming in now a second job hasn't affected y'all at all y'all didn't even know because it's after hours told them up front my other job gets absolute priority no caving on that at all and that's why i haven't noticed but i needed that because i needed that money it's been 29 days homie's working two jobs just trying to get by goes to his 90 day or his 120 day evaluation here's a 50-cent raise like come on 29-page past 29 days yeah like there's no reconciling that for me there's no making that an okay thing for me okay awesome if you don't feel that we take care of our employees or we do right by our employees we're going to have to have a a big parting of agreements because we're going to have to have a big parting of agreement god okay dr phil it's uh i get it though right like i get it if they say that you're gonna get more money after 90 days which i feel contrary i was asking for 12 to 13 so that with top tier commission and tips i could at least make as much as a target employee so at the end of the day and that's great that's the target that's targeted for now a year ago they're making ten dollars an hour let's be honest a year ago they were making ten dollars an hour so he's saying that a year ago before all these people stopped coming into work and stopped refusing to get you know paid garbage they were getting paid garbage and so you know this is just a temporary thing i don't know this guy i think he's a little bit delusional the boss bill here he's a little bit delusional um if he thinks he can just offer crappy wages forever then you're just not going to have that good of employees right you're going to have people that come in and realize this is garbage and they can make more elsewhere by starting a target you're going to have to increase your money at some point you don't get to be like will we take good care of you here i know that it's possible bill you're offering me 10 an hour let's say 13 that's three dollars more an hour i work seven and a half hours a day okay that is little over twenty dollars a day this business can afford twenty dollars a day pete gives out discounts like crazy for his family we we give out discounts for customer satisfaction okay conversations he's so mad okay this conversation has met an end i said it's not negotiation if you don't at least offer me back pay then i will turn in my two weeks notice right now okay austin some claps in the chat for austin if you don't give me my back pay i'm just going to turn in my two weeks right now sounds really cool sounds really epic sounds really dope good on you for doing it just really dumb to say that just you know you i'm surprised i'm surprised you didn't get fired right there um but let's keep listening and that's i'm not trying to force your hand i understand that you're not going to respond well to ultimatum i'm not expecting you to change your mind but i am telling you right now that that's what happens because if this is how you're going to treat me the the best thing about this job is all the facade it's all a lie the conversation like that about it but i'll be honest i pretty much know where that's going to go but i'll get back to you when if that's not good enough then we've got a more fundamental issue i'll give you my word and if that's not good enough we got a fundamental issue bill you've already crapped out on your word so feels a piece of [ __ ] i can't take your word for it because i took your word for it that would have this evaluation right here oh god i'm [ __ ] burned dude that's that's the i mean obviously this is not going anywhere good it's a complete train wreck right now not it's not a good situation to be in this i'm surprised you didn't get fired still after saying that but good on you for saying what everyone else is thinking i would have took your word but i already did you know like and i trusted that you would have the integrity to admit that it was your fault that it took too long and that you would make it right like we do for our customers if you want to get back to me about that if if i like what i hear and it changes my answer and then okay but for the time being unless i hear the right thing this is my two weeks note for the time being unless i hear the right thing this is my two weeks notice dude i wish we could all do that it's just most the time you're just gonna get fired you just gotta have to you gotta play the game a little bit more you gotta listen to what they say watch them hand out their secrets watch them come up with bs and slide it in front of you that you already know is bs you already know it's lies you already know that they're just making stuff up to keep you at your low pay or not promoting you or changing your title or whatever it is that you're going for at work they're masters at not giving you that i can find jobs that will treat me better than this i hate it i'm honestly i'm not gonna lie to you i'm gonna go home and cry about this tonight i am i hope that you didn't bill's not worth your tears i really wanted this to be a job that i was gonna stay at but this is beyond because i was i was looking at you for possible management oh oh it's always as classic when they come right out at the end of there right uh it's it's upsetting because i was looking at you for possible management no you weren't no you weren't this is what they say to you this is the [ __ ] that these bosses say oh obviously you possible management but now it just looks like you know that sucks you don't get to do that bill you don't get to be like well we were going to do this which i have never said anything about to you prior but i just wanted you to know that was on the table for us we were looking at it that helps no one but uh at the end of the day it is what it is okay so now i'm just gonna jump to the end so a few days later uh he makes a few phone calls they come back and meet again to talk about what's going to happen now that he said uh if you don't give me my back pay i'm gonna quit and i think we all know how this also anything goes i'm gonna be honest he is um he's very hurt he's very disappointed so the franchisee owner pete up here is very hurt and very disappointed that one of his employees will quit because target people get paid better than cell phone repair technicians okay pete and uh we will not be a question can you do he says i can't really understand he's like we will not be able to entertain that request essentially they say no we're not giving you 13 an hour which again is still less than the target people the matter which you did this was outside the room if you could have taken a more humble approach to things maybe the outcome will be different so he says if you had been more humble and taken a different approach maybe things would have been different which isn't true you could have been as humble as as ever right you could have brought the knee pads the listerine got really good at unbuckling belts like you could have been real humble and you still would have not got that raise because that's just not the type of people there this is obviously some cheapo people trying to run a business and underpay people for as long as they can until they go quit which is what you're doing and then they'll get someone else and tell you everything they told you oh in 90 days we'll do a review and they'll do the same thing to that person what outcome what approach would you have preferred if you'd come to me and said you know hey a month ago when you were having money problems hey bill i'm having money problems is there anything i can do to improve my standing is there anything i can do to earn more why would you ever go to your boss and say hey i'm having money problems is there anything i can do to earn more money that's a bad idea never get your personal finances that they don't already know about you into your company don't don't mix those two it's not a good idea i trusted that things would be made right and i didn't feel the need to come to you and for one that's not an easy thing to do to anyone let alone your employer so basically they're just going to refuse to give him the back pay which is how much is that like maybe 800 bucks maybe 800 bucks that they would owe him i trusted you and i waited and i was patient i brought it up twice in a month and that was it didn't pass her it didn't did say she did so i don't understand what i did wrong i think it should be obvious that most people when they hear after after 90 days are going to assume shortly after 90 days a week i wouldn't have even mentioned it two weeks still probably wouldn't have mentioned it but it was after that two weeks and i'm like okay this has been a whole pay period and they were extenuating circumstances in that time frame i understand but when extenuating circumstances isn't that great there were extenuating circumstances they never explain the circumstances they just say well there are things things that were happening yeah okay that's always happening bill affect other people the right thing to do is to try to minimize the impact as much as possible to try to make it right do you feel bad at all that do i feel bad that you're in a position yeah i do because generally pedro and i are both caring individuals i pulled money out of my wall before handed people justifying himself saying i've given money to people out of my own wallet once sorry that doesn't make up for this for their children and their families so yeah i am a caring individual you're a caring individual because you're gonna you're gonna let this employee who you've trained for 90 days that has done a great job and probably brought you thousands in sales you're gonna let them go over three dollars an hour i mean obviously the way that you went about it and the things that you said probably aren't gonna let you keep your job but still you don't sound very caring bill you sound like every other person from georgia with fake hospitality but also i'm not gonna be held ransom go get your go get your your resignation it's in my back pocket signed and dated good by all means i'm willing to accept it my last day is next friday you don't deserve two weeks my last day is next friday you don't deserve two weeks obviously you're just upset and angry here and speaking what you will tell everyone about in your story about how you quit your job but you shouldn't have said you don't deserve two weeks because that's you know they're going to instant fire you on that and oh no actually your last minute just right now did you hear what he says he goes actually no your last minute is right now get the [ __ ] out viewer who sent me the video i understand your frustration this didn't necessarily need to happen but this is what happens when middle managers try to gaslight you thank you for sending in this content um bill is a piece of [ __ ] you deserve better my friend uh good on you for holding it together and not getting angry i just don't feel like that was the right way to go about it i just would have kept it all inside and like okay thank you i'll work on doing better and then immediately go find a new job but anyways that's all i got for this video if you enjoyed it go ahead and share to our slash anti-work i'm sure they would enjoy this type of content and uh if you the viewers here on youtube did go ahead and click the like button subscribe if you want to see me um expose the corporate world some more not very often we get leaked audio clips which by the way this is legal georgia is a one-party consent state you don't have to ask someone else to to record their audio so this is totally legal to do anyways i wish there was more content like this i could do so if you have any recordings out there of you telling your boss off and then quitting i'd like to make a compilation of that on this channel sometimes those people that are thinking about quitting their jobs just need that little motivation you know i just really wish i could tell my boss what i think once if you do record it and send it to me as long as it's in a one party consent state and i'll put it i'll put it on the channel all right guys hope you have a good one see you next time
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 904,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, brand, developer interview, developer jobs, corporate cringe, divorce, story i dont talk about, entrepreneurship, digital brand
Id: 1tIW9pvADRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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