"I FIRED HIM because he has WORK/LIFE BOUNDARIES!!" -#GabriellePeterson

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starts it off with i recently fired my first ever direct report although he was low energy uninspired and an awful speller what ultimately led him to the axe was his insistence on boundaries alright so this is gabrielle peterson she's a writer a freelance writer specifically um she does poetry and um writes for the huff post so you kind of know where we're going with this she wrote an article titled want to work a nine to five good luck building a career and i think we all know really bad articles when we when we see one the tl dr is um you can't progress in your career by just doing your job which all right i know you guys are going to dislike the article but if you could just do me a favor and like the video instead because it does affect my reach likes watch time engagement all that stuff i don't normally ask for it up front but the algorithm is changing and that's what i have to do now so if you'd like to see more subscribe leave a like comment etc etc i'd like to get my videos out to more people so let's continue he starts it off with i recently fired my first ever direct report although he was low energy uninspired and an awful speller what ultimately led him to the axe was his insistence on boundaries starts off with the power move that's right i have power i fired someone and then directly just insults this person although he was low energy uninspired and an awful speller imagine being the person that got fired by this person and then reading this article how is this professional at all just roasting all of her employees okay he would come into the office at nine every morning leave at five seems reasonable to me sounds like a regular job and then he would be inaccessible any time before and after sounds like boundaries to me but that's what she's roasting his insistence on boundaries if you ever ever get any flack for having boundaries time to leave regardless of deadlines or passion projects his work day was determined not by his work but by his hours well that's how that's how jobs go you get hired for a time and then you do the work for that time and then you leave unless you're working for yourself in which you get rewarded for doing better work or if you do bad work you get punished for that so it makes sense if you're working a job and you're not being rewarded for working overtime especially on salary because here in the us you don't get overtime pay on salary and if you're being paid hourly well then that's literally how you get paid so the concept of work-life balance is so ubiquitous nowadays that businesses erect culture committees to make sure the idea is enforced i mean that's a good thing right hr departments are instructed to add the phrase to the end of job postings in an effort to communicate a culture not only of hard work but of a good life our diets checkbooks relationships are all in areas which we strive to find harmony but then the term work-life balance as we know it became its own philosophy only recently i mean that's because companies have started pushing you to live at your job and so people are like wait no we should have work and then we should have life careers in industries like law medicine architecture established reputations early on as high-powered and rigorous they're demanding hours and high-stakes deadlines epitomizing corporate success and creating associations between time spent working and professional satisfaction having to work late or pull an all-nighter demonstrated employees value and implied their commitment to their careers nah nah they're just people that don't know any better or corporate semps or sometimes you just have to do it and your reward for working late and pulling all-nighters is you get to keep your job and side note here if your boss is ever ever saying you have to work overtime or work weekends and you don't get any reward for it other than keeping your job uh it's time to find a new job because that's that's an abusive relationship pretty much he goes on to talk about hustle culture and blah blah blah and then success to these young people was more contingent on hard work than it was on salary yeah but hard work hard work doesn't pay the bills if hard work was the solution to having lots of money and being successful in life the people doing construction working really hard back breaking labor every day would be the top one percent they'd be the rich people but hard work is not just the key to having infinite money there was pride and time investment i mean there was but not anymore because people realize that putting more time in without being rewarded for it doesn't make any sense as it was regarded as a necessary step in the construction of a dream i mean maybe if you're working for yourself additionally with the uptick in freelancers contract employees and uh entrepreneurs time directly corresponded to money made if you weren't hustling you weren't making money yeah i mean and this is in reference to working for yourself and so then she goes on and talks about google and amazon and their incentives to start doing work life balance and how ceos are realizing that they don't want to be ceos anymore like jeff bezos stepped down from amazon et cetera and then we get to the the worst part of the article here which is as it became increasingly common for high-ranking business people to leave their careers the pendulum began swinging in the opposite direction soon a full rejection of the workaholism that had drained so many went into effect as people were given permission to feel overwhelmed they drew a stark line in the sand between their home lives and their work lives as as you should for many this simply meant not doing work during nights or weekends for others it became an excuse to end the day mid-assignment to leave co-workers hanging to sit idly until the clock struck five in essen it emboldened an ugly mediocrity okay let's break this sentence apart here it meant not doing work during nights or weekends right because you're not being paid for that work unless you're working for yourself so why do that for others it became an excuse to end the day mid-assignment i mean there's always going to be work the next day especially at a job like this you can always do more work and make more money but you can't get your time back and so for me that makes sense it sucks to suck bob in accounting that you didn't get this information that you needed from me uh friday because i left and uh you know whatever it'll be there monday when we come back the world's not gonna end to sit idly until the clock struck five o'clock it emboldened ugly mediocrity nah it's just people playing the game just like hustle culture what started as a reasonable endeavor the healthy pursuit of equity and work life became distorted morphing into a type of compartmentalization and a misguided entitlement to a work day neatly bookended that's how it should be you go in at nine you leave at five you're inaccessible after that like you gotta have boundaries and this person this is like i just got an email from a viewer that sent me this article as i was setting up to film this and roast this and the subject line was i've never wanted to punch someone so bad you're gonna fire someone brag about firing someone insult that person that you fired and then roast him for having boundaries sounds like you're the terrible boss here a work-life balance that truly divides the work and life components of a person's experience may be okay for a job but for a career it simply won't fly to go above and beyond is the only way that you can progress actually that's not true at all you can do great work within the time that you work you can work harder within the time that you work more than other people and thus you progress you don't have to work long hours you don't have to pick up the phone you don't have to do weekend work you don't have to do overtime to make progress in your career and now i'm not advocating people be lazy i'm just saying that if people say the only way that you can make it is to constantly go above and beyond when you're not being rewarded for it then that implies that you're a sucker pretty much you've bought into this there's no disputing it actually there is lady sometimes emails need to be sent at night they can wait sometimes calls need to be taken early in the morning now i got sleep to catch some days a monday deadline necessitates a few hours of work on a saturday nah you can catch me on monday when we can continue this work here are you going to be rewarded for any of this stuff no you're not going to be rewarded for taking an early call you're not going to be rewarded for working on a saturday you're not going to be rewarded for any of this stuff unless you're working for yourself no so none of this has any point except for the fact that they'll just be like well you get to keep your job which again is obviously a terrible relationship to have with your employer because that is just them dangling your livelihood over your head as your motivation to do work what happens to like wanting to do good work you're just working so that you can keep your job all the time which is going to put a bunch of stress on you and make you hate your life and hit your job and do bad work again i don't know how this lady gets paid to write and what's more this balance implies a strict trade-off between the two constituent parts a polarizing schedule on and off at work you're all on after work you're all off yeah i mean people like that that's why people choose to go into the office because it separates them from their their home and it's easier for them to leave work at work it also bases one day around an arbitrary time frame that measures productivity by hours spent behind a desk as opposed to the actual work product put out okay so if you work at corporate job uh you don't get paid based on merit you don't get rewarded based on merit you get rewarded based on subjective things like loyalty or who you know or networking you don't get rewarded in the corporate world based on doing good work you'd like to think so and that's what everyone tells you work hard do good work whatever right and you'll be rewarded tenfold it's it's a meme as gen z graduates and enters the workforce now they just as their predecessors did are responding to the current corporate climate millennials took the hint that overworking was the way to go likely influenced by the great recession while gen z which is graduating with record high employment is picking up on the work life divide and in my direct reports case getting fired for the rigidity good i'm sure he's much happier than he was working for you our careers are part of our lives and try as we might to leave work at the office the expectation is just as unrealistic as leaving home at home no it's it's not the same thing at home you're not working inevitably sometimes things bleed into one another if we are at work and we receive a phone call from our crying child would we not take it yes because that's your life you always prioritize your life over your work you do not live to work you work to live and so you should always prioritize yourself over your job there's nothing wrong with that it feels selfish and companies will tell you that that's company time and whatever like just ignore all that always live your life for yourself first because the company is looking out for itself first and that's what it is if we are in a meeting and discover there is a leak in our house will we not rush out yeah you would because it's your life work life balance is reasonable to ask of an employer but we must understand that balance does not equate to separation i think that's up to the person but the more separation you have the better in my opinion unwilling to work the occasional saturday or take a call at 7 pm then good luck building a career gabrielle peterson is a chicago based writer and editor who works in the urban design industry why do why does fortune.com even give this person the time of day we have some articles on huffpost a jobseeker's lament what is this about i was recently asked in a job interview on a scale of one to ten how lucky are you i respond how long does this go oh man but i guess that's the life of a freelance writer you just gotta say stuff that gets attention right and that's what i'm gonna boil this all down to someone who wrote something purposely for attention and you're getting it um so enjoy and i hope the person that you fired sees this and realizes just how terrible of a person you are that's my honest opinion because these opinions are garbage and you should have work life balance in your life again i'll say it i say like twice a week now you don't live to work you work to live always separate yourself from your job and look out for yourself there's nothing wrong with that work extra if you're rewarded for it don't if you're not but that's all i got for you today if you enjoyed this video even though you hated the article please hit the like button it affects my reach leave a comment let me know what you think about this article i'll link it i'll pin it as a comment i have a patreon you can support me down in the description if you'd like there's some other links in there you can take a look at if you want helps me keep doing what i do uh calling out this corporate propaganda and other nonsense but um got some good stuff coming up hope you're ready by the way people keep asking about this dude in the background right here this is my friend from childhood we met when we were like 11 he's visiting for a few weeks not the intern the intern is actually stout he's downstairs still locked in the basement so don't worry guys he didn't escape this time but yeah so anyways that's him we're just hanging out i'm filming videos it's a little weird for him to be in the background just listening to me rant i gotta be honest but he doesn't seem to care do you care he doesn't care so it's all good it took me a long time to get to the stage of youtube where i can make videos with other people around that's a story for another time but anyways guys i hope you enjoyed it thanks so much for watching i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 293,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, 9 to 5, Gabrielle M. Peterson, fortune magazine
Id: Aotq3OpmdHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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