9 Things Bad Companies Say To Their Employees - Toxic Workplace Signs

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are you wondering if you're interviewing or working for a bad company well stick around because in this video i'm going to share with you some things that bad companies say hey everybody it's brian from life after layoff and today i want to talk to you about some things that bad companies tend to say in the employment situation whether you're working for them or you're interviewing for them and it's stuff that you should maybe keep an ear out for little red flags to either avoid the situation altogether or maybe make an exit strategy now as a little disclaimer i realize that not every company that says some of these things is a bad place to work but this is just kind of a overarching things to look for in the workplace setting but before we get too far into it if you're interested in more videos just like this one directly from a corporate recruiter and a career coach make sure you hit the subscribe button and you might want to consider hitting that notification bell just so you don't miss any future posts alright so let's jump into some things that bad companies tend to say in the interviewing or workplace setting the first thing to look out for is we work hard we play hard and when a company says we work hard we play hard it's usually in a setting where there's an expectation of really long hours and it's probably pretty stressful probably some unattainable metrics that you're expected to hit and the culture around you is people feel a sense of fear and if you're familiar with the movie glengarry glen ross alec baldwin's speech that kind of comes to mind when i think of we work hard we play hard so when i have companies that said that to me in interviews myself i've actually kind of thought that whole speech and it's kind of a what have you done for me lately type of thing and usually the hard work is incentivized or the carrot is dangled in front of you some elaborate vacation or maybe some sort of bonus that's going to be pretty hard for you to obtain but either way it's usually a company with those long hours and a very stressful work environment and the other thing to mention with the play hard aspect is a lot of these play hard celebrations tend to not happen during the work day it's usually after hours or on the weekend and that you make it known that you're participating in these types of events problem is is that they're not usually comping you for it let's face it most of us don't really want to spend additional time and work related commitments especially when you've got a family at home or significant other that's waiting for you and that type of work environment can wear thin pretty quickly second thing kind of related to that is we are family when i hear we are family it's usually associated with small privately owned companies now i've actually heard larger companies also say that we operate like a family and it's kind of a little bit laughable because frankly you're not my family it's a place that we go for work and it's kind of annoying to hear that because when i am at work it's a stark reminder that i am not able to spend time with my family and let's face it your co-workers and your boss and the owner of the company is not going to fill that void here's the thing unless you're the owner of the company nobody's going to love that baby like you do so owners expecting their employees to treat the company like it's their family is not only unrealistic but it's also kind of insulting in some of these cases some of these family-run environments can kind of come across as a little bit cult-like so it can be off-putting being the employee in that type of situation especially if you don't share their same enthusiasm next one is when a company tells you that they will promote you later we promise so if you're in an interview and they promise you in order to get you to sign the dotted line that they're going to promote you in six months or a year i think that's a huge red flag because in most cases they either don't have the budget or they don't want to pay you what you're worth and they're going to try to use that as a carrot to dangle in front of you then if you don't have it in writing you have to fight for that and what happened if your hiring manager happens to leave the company before that period of time and now you're relying on the company to honor that good will and if you don't have it in writing you might find yourself very disappointed in that arrangement then to take that a step further if you're somebody that is currently working in a position that is always being promised a promotion at the end of the rainbow when you get there the target always seems to move then that's a real indicator that you probably need to update that resume and get out because good companies don't mess around with employees promotions and they value you properly so the next one is when a company tells you that you are replaceable and this one hits a little bit close to home because i know somebody that was a flight attendant for a particular airline i'm not going to mention the airline's name but this company very openly verbalized to these employees that they were replaceable and so they would have a very strict guidelines that they had to follow and if you ever stepped online there was always this palpable sense that you were going to get reprimanded and then replaced at a moment's notice essentially what the company is saying is that they don't value you on any level then they'll simply just pull somebody else off the street and why would any self-respecting employee work for a company like that because when you do that you are giving away all of your power and you live in fear now unless it comes with a certain lifestyle you really have to make a decision if that's something that you want to endure so when a company tells you that you're replaceable you should make yourself replaceable and go out and find a better job with a company that actually values your worth so the next one is something that we see a lot of times in startup companies is we wear a lot of hats here that interview setting you're probably going to be asked to do multiple jobs that are outside of your scope and only be paid the lower salary if that's the kind of work that you want to do you have to go into it eyes wide open but generally a high quality company and a high quality opportunity is kind of the right resources to get the right people in roles and you shouldn't have to wear multiple hats i could probably take this even a step further as saying if a company tells you that they're in startup mode even though they've been around for five to seven years and are clearly not in startup mode anymore that's usually a huge red flag because they're going to continue to rely on you to do multiple jobs just like the previous bullet point and they're going to use that as the excuse to not pay you properly and overwork you the next one is when a company says that we only hire rock stars and usually you see this in the job posting where they try to get cute and they'll say that they only work with the best of the best but i would challenge if you find a job posting like that go and look on their glass door because it's easy to say that you want the best of the best but if you aren't willing to compensate for it then that's a red flag usually when companies say that they also say this next one which is we are always hiring if a company is always hiring there's usually a good reason for it it's probably because there's a revolving door and i know there's some exceptions with companies that are growing so rapidly that they can't keep up with the pace but if it's an established company and they are saying that they are always hiring then i would use that as a huge red flag and i'd venture to say that their turnover rates are probably pretty awful so if you do find yourself in a situation where you're interviewing for a company who is always hiring for your position you need to ask some hard questions in that interview and make sure you go in eyes wide open now this next one is probably more common on the hourly ranks but it can also happen on the salary side as well it's if you get laid off and a company promises to call you back for a recall there are certain companies out there that will lay people off at the first sign of trouble and ironically a lot of these are the same companies that pitch that they're a family environment and then they promise they're going to call you back when things get better but you have to ask yourself is that truly the kind of environment that you want to go back to it's almost like a bad relationship where somebody breaks up with you and is very wishy-washy and it dawns on them the first time that they actually need you they then go back and try to call you it's almost like that 2 a.m call saying hey are you awake have some self-respect and don't go back to a company that has laid you off because they have clearly shown that they're not committed to you and that's certainly not what a family does the last one i say kind of jokingly but not really they say that they've got a foosball table and the reason why i say that is a foosball table is usually associated with trendy or hip organizations but in my experience and i've worked for companies that have a foosball table that were certainly not hip and certainly not trendy it's kind of like putting lipstick on a pig at the end of the day it's still a pig so if they treat you poorly it's a toxic work environment and they pay you low but they have that foosball table that doesn't make up for the fact that they're a low quality employer and one you should be avoiding all right so there's my list of things that bad companies say to their employees or prospective interviewees you find yourself in a situation where you're interviewing for or working for one of these companies that says these types of things you may want to re-evaluate it and i'm curious to know your thoughts what do bad companies say to you if you need more help getting away from the bad employer that's actually something that i specialize in got a website called lifeafterlayoff.com it's loaded with tips and tricks all from an insider's perspective and i share some of my deepest and most intimate knowledge in the form of some training courses the first one is called resume rocket fuel it's designed to teach you how to write a resume that's going to give you the best chance of getting noticed by that recruiter to get that first round interview once you get that first round interview it's up to you to sell yourself throughout the rest of the interviewing process and that's where the ultimate job seeker boot camp comes in so if you're struggling i highly suggest those two things but i appreciate you watching keep an ear out for these things if you hear them in the interviewing process or you work for a company who is saying these things in your team meetings and we will see you on the next one
Channel: A Life After Layoff
Views: 967,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 9 Things Bad Companies Say To Their Employees, toxic workplace signs, toxic workplace, toxic boss, toxic work environment signs, toxic workplace culture, interview red flags, toxic work culture, toxic boss signs, toxic office environment, signs of toxic workplace, toxic manager, hiring red flags, career advice, signs your workplace is toxic, hostile work environment, bad company culture, bad employers, toxic boss workplace, signs you work in a toxic environment, toxic job
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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