Lawyers Who Defended Monsters Speak Out - AskReddit

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warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences it was two couples who decided to kill partially eat and dismember one of the women lawyers at what point did you realize my client is a monster a lot of years ago I used to work as a solicitors representative cases go to Crown Court barrister deals and I am there for paperwork additional stuff with client etc seventy something year old man had been in jail for fifteen years for an assault on a child solicitor and barrister working on getting him released due to him getting clean reports from just about everyone guards took him out of jail to a dentist and as he entered the waiting room he saw two children and ran straight at them guards stopped him three weeks later at court I was the one that sat him down in a room to explain that no this isn't a hearing to release you it is so you can be committed to a mental health secure facility for the rest of your life he didn't take that well I shed no tears not the client but my managing partner the client was a senile 90 year old man he wanted to sell land worth a little less than a billion dollars to some businessmen suffice to say there were many who wanted to take advantage of the situation one such person to my dismay was our managing partner the partner wanted to insert a provision that would have effectively funneled about 60% of the proceeds solely to him you could see how his eyes gleamed at the mere mention of money the provision got lost in the revisions I was doing the revisions I'm no longer part of that scummy firm I'm on the other side but I've got a defendant who went to prison for starving three adopted children to the point that they needed weeks of hospitalization then got out of prison and married a guy with children so that she could start starving them to listening to her interview where she attempts to justify what she did to both sets of kids disturbed me more than any of the murder cases I've worked on her justification was she did nothing wrong she was just trying to help them be healthy and beautiful she felt bad for the first set of kids because they needed her etc it wasn't my case but I've seen the pictures the first set of kids look like Holocaust survivors they were 4 to 5 and she had them completely brainwashed to think only she would ever love the we had a client try and enforce a post employment restraint against a 19 year old receptionist after she quit and started working for a competitor the reason he wanted to make her life help because she wouldn't sleep with him a creepy 57 year old man him trying to sleep with her was the reason she quit unsurprisingly he didn't take our advice to discontinue his claim and so we ended up sending him elsewhere i listened to a 9-1-1 call where the victims throat was slit while on the call by our client i will never forget her gurgling and sounding like she was dying somehow she ultimately lived through this saying he killed me he killed me she tried to sell her baby i found out during a hearing in front of the judge this is called child laundering there are tons of kids up for adoption but relatively few babies adoption agencies make so much money granting babies to couples that can't conceive their own that there have been cases of getting them from great sources the eventual families often have no idea inter-country adoption in the United States is responsible for most inter-country adoptions in the world 20,000 out of the total 30,000 total orphans adopted annually the Westerners who adopt from developing nations pay thousands of dollars to process the paperwork of one child this provides a lucrative incentive for those involved in the process I had a teacher in high school who is a former lawyer we always asked him why gave up his practice to start teaching he finally caved and explained that his last case was the defense of three people apparently there had been a fourth it was two couples who in the act of a drunken drugged out orgy decided to kill partially eat and dismember one of the women I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time as a lawyer he said it was pretty open-and-shut but he had to get his clients the best result possible and he was exposed to all the horrid details the pictures and their reasoning my teacher had such a far off look when he explained it that we could see it really got to him if I recall he said something about them saying she wasn't right or along those lines and the other detail that I remember was the body parts were put into trash bags and then into an oil drum my mom is a lawyer this is the story about how she quit being a public defender when you were a public defender you don't get to choose your cases she got assigned a young man who with the help of his girlfriend had gotten a kitten from a free to a good home and in the paper they then brought it home and gave it to their dog as a chew toy I think they also filmed it so yeah she said she needed a shower after every meeting with him canceled her PD contract after the case concluded I have done a lot of prison legal aid and I could tell stories about child molesters that would turn you green but instead I'll turn you green a different way I had a kid 17 who was mildly cognitively disabled due to brain trauma he sustained at the hands of his birth parents who ended up with a really wonderful foster care family and thrived he was a popular kid in school good athlete got a girlfriend and invited her to meet up and be teenagers one night in a corn silo which I guess is a thing that country kids do I don't know this all comes from the pre-sentence investigation report I read before taking his case but this girl met him at the silo and they were hanging out inside by his account they were having a nice time and he was really enjoying himself then for no particular reason he picked up a 2x4 and bashed her skull in he then used a combination of very crude farm implements shovels hose to chop her body up and bury it in the corn and went home like nothing had happened had a divorce client husband and father who disowned his autistic son tried to argue that he should get all of his wife's retirement having not worked for 12 years contacted me during the height of hurricane sandy he was in the Bronx and me and Manhattan saying he wanted to hold his wife in contempt for not paying him that day while the storm slammed NYC he told me I was making a huge mistake getting married my wedding date was November 3rd four days after sandy saying that I was going to be miserable and regret it I could go on but the worst was when several months later since his divorce was taking a long time he sent death threat letters to myself and my wife saying that he had hired an executor to kill the two of us if his divorce wasn't finalized in 60 days called the police and they said he left his premises one day earlier I heard nothing from him until February 2014 when he emailed me saying he needed a winter coat from his wife and could I help get it for him ironically the divorce didn't have to be completed because he killed himself before the judge signed the judgment of divorce I had a client who was accused of domestic violence essentially he threw his girlfriend out of a second-story window now he's got a terrible history but so do a lot of my clients and his attitude is a little entitled also typical but he also knows the deal and once a plea deal so I'm not really prepared when he absolutely refuses the no jail offer from the state keep in mind there were like five witnesses why because they wanted him to pay for her medical bills okay a bottle but whatever not the worst what did it was his counteroffer I ain't paying that bitch's bails tell them I'll pay for the window criminal defense lawyer I can name a few instances where I was just absolutely disgusted with my client caveat these are mostly years ago when I was taking just any old case I most practice white-collar and federal now number one I want a DUI case because the government messed up on something right before trial was to begin my client gives me a hug and completely reeks of alcohol he has driven to court I took his keys and called his mother number two client who was accused of molesting a 12 year old he was mid-40s at the time and I had to shut him down real quick when he tried to tell me how the 12 year old was coming on to him number three I represented a woman for a grand theft charge left her in my office to get some things copied before she left after she left I realized my sunglasses and car keys were stolen I tracked her down in the lobby and told her I was not going to represent her anymore and I would call the police if she didn't empty her pockets in front of me and give me my things number four I had a client who was released after 25 years in prison for murder and then the same day he beats up his prospective new landlord he ended up getting another ten years he was unrepentant and laughed about how he hit the guy so hard his eyeball popped out I thought this guy deserves to be in prison took the case to trial anyway and curr lawston he got 10 the max number 5 client who pretended to be a doctor so he could sell steroids according to the gov he had numerous clients who were made to believe that his steroids would cure their cancer they paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars and some of them died I just thought that was pure evil my girlfriend's mother L was abusive she frequently hit her husband was a compulsive liar and just generally made her family miserable when they were settling the divorce the judge initially deemed a testimony from the kids my girlfriend and her brother unnecessary probably because they were minors at the time and testifying against one of their parents would be hard on them to say the least however the lawyer representing L was really insistent that they testify well it must have been a shock to the lawyer to suddenly have two more witnesses with dozens of accounts of driving under the influence domestic violence etc we figured L must have lied to her lawyer about some significant details because they were completely caught off guard and more than a little angry after the testimony we like to believe it helped solidify some of the criminal charges placed against her it was a nice bit of karma after years and years of gas lighting and false rumors that her own lies got her caught attorneys wife here I used to help him file away evidence and reports came across a file with video curiosity got the better of me especially one husband told me not to watch it file gives this story woman was at boyfriend's trailer out in the middle of nowhere got pissed off at boyfriend so smacked him in the head with a metal bat and went on her merry way home boyfriend is apparently not a pleasant person and nobody really misses him or looks for him he is fired from work in absentia on day seven boyfriends neighbor finally stops by hears hoarse screaming and calls police that's where the video came from day seven one of the cops was wearing a camera on his uniform it shows him and his partner going through the house finding dog poop all over the floor boyfriends two Rottweilers who were also in the house went without food for about six days before they started eating bits and pieces of him the camera shows the moment the cop found the body on its side rolled it over and he's blinking eyes open with most of his face gone the woman didn't even bother to let the dogs out before she left I do not help file cases anymore my first internship in law school was at a matrimonial law firm in a very wealthy area think millionaires and billionaires getting divorced one of the first cases I worked on involved the parents of a victim of a high-profile school shooting the parents were divorced and had been prior to the death of the child and were now battling over who would get the Victims Compensation Fund money on the funds they received from a fundraiser they set up themselves on a GoFundMe type site these were incredibly wealthy people fighting over what was literal chump change to them and asking the public to donate to them as if they needed it they were so clearly exploiting the death of their child for money and to piss off the other parent it was honestly one of the most disturbing things I have encountered ever not a lawyer but worked for a law firm as an investigator one of our clients stabbed an ex-lover multiple times over $100 perp then ran out of the house all bloody neighbor and her teenage daughter see him covered in blood and rush inside to see if they can help while they call 911 victim is still alive on the 911 made you can hear the mom singing Amazing Grace while she tried to stop the bleeding you can also hear the victim with a stab wound in her neck gurgling on blood while she tries to sing along the EMTs arrived in under three minutes but it took the police 19 minutes from the call to show up to clear the scene for them she lived for 17 minutes I saw the photos of the scene with the body still in place it looked like a scene straight from Dexter not a defendant but a divorce client is a late 30s woman two kids idyllic suburban life with her incredibly lucrative medical profession husband he caught her cheating he wanted to patch things up she decided on a divorce so far nothing out of the ordinary unfortunately then I start getting the details he caught her on his birthday in their bed while the kids were downstairs he decided to come home early as a surprise and his wife was having sex a 19 year old but there's more really fun stuff from the husband the guy had been treated for gonorrhea twice and both times he had caught it from his wife the second kid wasn't his it was obvious because the child was 100% some race and the dad was not that race bad stuff right well enter the texts emails etc she was carrying unlike a dozen Affairs at any given time spanning years she would bring them home and tell the kids they were electricians plumbers etc she'd have sex with other guys within minutes of dropping her kids off at school I've met some awful people in my time but this woman straight-up told me how much this guy loved her and how she manipulated the hell out of him he knew about a lot of the stuff and each time he found something new he just tried to win her back I don't want to go into the details of what happened but some money that you get you don't really want I saw this play out in court plaintiff was a prison guard who was pressured and forced to have sex and oral sex with her boss the warden on a number of occasions the warden threatened to have her fired and blackballed if she refused to or blew the whistle after this carried on for a long while she quit and filed a lawsuit but unfortunately her idiot lawyer didn't timely file with the correct authorities at the end of the day her claim was barred and the warden enjoyed sovereign immunity at the hearing you could see the judge asking the prison guard questions to see if there was a workaround or some way for her complaint to survive the pending motion to dismiss but there wasn't that was hard to watch it was even worse when the prison guard began to quietly cry fortunately the warden wasn't at the hearing and the attorney representing the state was professional and just focused on the legal arguments he dipped out of the hearing in a hurry lifelong criminal defense lawyer here to be completely honest it's not about the offense but about the person I've had people accused of murder that I really kind of liked and fought well off I've had people accused of shoplifting who have given me the heebie-jeebies and seemed like Psychopaths speaking from purely a criminal standpoint having a client who is a monster doesn't matter in terms of your duty to them but it does make the job less pleasant my worst clients have been people who are comfort scamming others off their money thanks 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Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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