Girls FINDING OUT Their BOYFRIEND is CRAZY (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit girls have read it what made you go from maybe I would date him to no way I would date him met up with this dude at a bowling alley and he proceeded to act like an obnoxious ass after downing a few drinks he had already killed it at this point but it gets better the plan was to crash at his place and I kept with it because I figured I could wait out this one horrible meeting and didn't really wanna make the hour drive back home that night when we get there I find out he lives with his parents nothing wrong with that but what was wrong was that he didn't tell them I was coming over so he had to sneak me in this guy's sloppy drunk at this point and proceeds to strip down to his underwear once we get to his room tighty with his bTW in case any of you were curious he finds some old pizza leftover in a pizza box in his room and lays in bed eating while he's dropping it all over himself he finally passes out and I'm playing on my phone debating on whether or not I can leave quietly enough to not wake his parents because I don't want to be mistaken for a home intruder or some [ __ ] that his room is a disaster and I'm not sleeping on that floor and I'm sure as hell not getting in his bed while I'm mulling over my options in my head this dude gets up sleep walks to the corner of his room whips his dick out and purses all over the wall on the floor he turns around like he's going back to bed but wait no he just lays down in the floor in his own piss I decided it was definitely worth leaving at that point and made it out without waking anyone up the guy was so pissed I had just bailed and couldn't comprehend why I wanted nothing to do with him anymore even after I told him what he did there was a guy I had a huge crush on while I was in high school he was two years ahead of me so I knew that the chances he had even seen be in the halls were slim to none then one day I got a friend request from him on FAFSA book I added him and managed to work up the guts to send him a message we talked like normal I was way too nervous to entertain the idea of working the next few days went my fine he saw me in school a few times and we would wave and smile at each other I checked his profile out to see if it says he was in a relationship he was cool no biggie I was pretty happy that he talked to me at all he was fun to talk to and we had a good bit in common so I was more than happy to be a friend of nothing else and who knows maybe one day it would turn out to be something more maybe a month went by of pretty vanilla runoff the mill chit chit what music we liked what kind of video games we were playing ect then one morning I got the most overly aggressive toxic messages from him it's been years now but the gist was that I was ugly looked like a little boy was a [ __ ] ya know what every teenage girl wants to wake up and see turns out that his batshit crazy girlfriend had gotten into his account and did not like that we were talking she accused me of sleeping with him I absolutely did not and then got a bunch of her friends to berate my profile with nasty comments about how hideous I was and how this girl was so much prettier than I was unlocked my profile down blocked all the girls and just sat there wondering how this crazy [ __ ] show started out of nowhere the guy messaged me later that night trying to blow off what happened I was pretty upset by the whole thing and was even more pissed off that he was so nonchalant about his girlfriend being so hostile we stopped taking her after that I was pretty bummed since he seemed so cool before that went down he and his girlfriend were on and off for years after that so as far as I'm concerned I dodged a huge dysfunctional bullet first guy I was interested in romantically we were both living in an RV park and we started talking at the gym he ended up coming over to borrow my copy of the first season of goatee now prior to this my grandparents had raised me on a sailboat where I slept in a quarter berth I had no door or anything growing up so privacy was a huge deal for me at the time at this point I slept in the little loft area over the driver's seat in the RV with the curtain closing it off so I at least had some privacy by now so we are just talking everything's cool and then as he's getting up to leave he opens the curtains to the loft area and he's like oh is this your room and just takes his time looking at it before he left I didn't have much experience with people my age at that point but even then I was pretty sure that was a big deal like who just goes and looks into someone's room without asking first and now recently there was a guy in my first semester at college super funny positive and upbeat dude also a big believer in God I'm an atheist this came up early on when we started talking and had told each other we were into each other but I had asked if that was going to be a problem and he had said no he was even surprised that I was asking if it would be a problem fast forward to a couple of weeks later and he posted something on Instagram some quote about how it's your responsibility if you believe in heaven and hell to try and convert others because otherwise you must hate them if you don't et Cie etc he had been giving me rides to school and he played Jesus music which was no big deal but after he posted that quote it was nothing but hardcore Jesus talk radio and he started asking me questions about my beliefs out of curiosity but then making comments on those beliefs like oh that's sad or whatever and stuff like that I was already a little on the fence because he'd go without texting me all afternoon to texting me late at night and just randomly bring up cuddling or say some things with mild innuendo but he'd never do stuff like that in person or follow up on our text conversation where we said we liked each other so that plus the subliminal evangelizing got a hell no from me well that and I found out he was still texting his ex with hearts and stuff so there was that too asterisk H he handed me his phone once to call into a radio station and her name popped up I met a guy when I went ice skating we all call him mr. rice he was so handsome and really nice we hung out and everything went really well we were texting one day and he told me he was going to another state for work for a week so we texted back and forth while he was away we were texting and I told him I was babysitting my little nephew at the time mr. rice had texted me asking me about my day that I couldn't get back to him right away because my nephew was running around mr. rice was so upset and texted me if you don't want to talk to me then just say so I texted him back I told you I was watching my nephew and he texted me again if you don't want to talk just say so I should have known then this guy was off so when he returned from his job from out of state he wanted to hang out I met up with him at his friend's house while we were chatting and cuddling all the sudden I see his phone go off and notice a woman's name the text said where are you and he gets up and says what do you want now so I sat there bewildered and just wanted to go home I knew there was something off so I stopped texting him and decided to let him be two weeks later I get a random call from a woman saying that she saw our conversation on mr. Rice's phone and that the woman was his girlfriend I told the woman whoa whoa what I told her that I didn't know he had a girlfriend and that I hadn't seen him in a few weeks she then tells me that he was talking to three other women she saw the canvas on his phone and that he was in prison for violating probation she told me that when I met him ice skating that he was with his rehab group oh and that out-of-state trip was a lie turned out he was with her and that he would contact me whenever he wasn't around her also she was the woman that hid up his phone that night we were hanging out a month later I get a call from another woman asking if I knew who he was but she pronounced his name differently I said no and she stated my name then again asked me if I knew who this man she then told me she was his baby's mother and that she was told to contact me I then told her new again and hung up I changed my number and hadn't heard from them a year later mr. rice found me on Facebook and had the balls to invite me over to his apartment and acted like everything was great I told him nicely that he was a liar and a piece of [ __ ] I told him to never contact me again and I blocked his ass while I did date him for a short time like a month of a few dates I was already wary of this guy because he's just he'd constantly try and show me how good he was and was trying to impress me cute at first at some point he got a license to conceal and carry which he did in a hip holster he knew I didn't feel comfortable around guns and left it alone when I was around then one day we gather been exploring with one of his friends this is something I genuinely love to do but most people I know won't do it we trespass a lot and you can fall through old broken roofs and things his friend and I are sort of hidden inside part of an abandoned building and another group of I'd say teenagers comes up they haven't seen me and the other friend yet so the guy goes out and yells at them something about how he's security for the area and the teenagers are trespassing AMD he pulls the damn gun out on them I heard hey I didn't have cell service and I'm not kidding when I say I don't like guns after that he told that teenagers he was just joking with them they faked being fine we went on our way and I'm thinking he drove me here and had a gun I'll just wait till I can get a ride towards home basically I didn't want to deal with it so we climbed to the top of this roof and it's really beautiful and I'm thinking I should go home because I'm with a dangerous idiot we start to climb back down and we smash glass on the way down at one point I go ahead of everyone I realize I'm below them so I holler up hey don't mash glass above my head I get to the stairs and keep going down and think all is well because the stairs are only in one corner of the building and he won't smash glass above my head then he did and I stepped right into the falling glass luckily had just shattered around me of course this is literally a minute after I told him not to and I hon a bloody murder em I said don't smash glass above my head not only does he know he's done wrong but more people who had turned up are like who the hell is that from like five buildings over I have a very loud voice I go down the rest of the stairs and leave I'm a few miles from home but I know the way the best part was that he thought he'd catch up with me in his car to make certain I was okay the thing is I know the back roads better than needed I walked the shortest route which is a special road only for buses and bikes and it took me straight home when I got close I finally picked up his call and basically said I was fine and to never bother me again still occasionally bothered me after that that I'm just politely said [ __ ] off I'm a huge Star Wars fan anything dealing with Star Wars I loved whether it be whatever was published before Disney bought out Lucas Films - whatever was published after her one thing that really catches my eye is anyone else who likes Star Wars it's a plus if it's an attractive male who wants to Star Wars talk with me a blue eyed bought a jelly angel from school messages with all the generic talk how he likes me and sees me at school but was always too shy to come up to me and says that what he likes most is that I'm a nerd how it's even better that I love Star Wars and how it's so hard to find a girl who loves Star Wars as much as him saying he knows everything about Star Wars and just bursting now I'm not saying I know everything about Star Wars cause there's a few cannon books I haven't read and my legends knowledge is limited to a few dozen books so when I don't know something I work Leah PDA rate so I can know for next time even asks me all the generic Star Wars questions which is my fav movi am I not lover or a PT lover who's my favorite then he asks me which is my favorites if I tell him how I've always loved sheave then he proceeds to tell me how his favorite Seth is general grievous now if anyone knows anything about the general he was count to kiss apprentice and that's canon but in the legends story of grievous it says that Takuto GD Master sifo-dyas his blood and infused it into General Grievous and the reason why he can wield a lightsaber is because of the force sensitive blood he has in him so my Botticelli angel then proceeds to tell me how it's so badass how Grievous has forayed lightsabers which is false he wields two green and two blue it's in the movie long it's clearly in the movie so I asked him if he even saw Revenge of the Sith and and he says that he did so I tell him then if he did then he would know what colors his lightsabers were lollol at this point I'm just like what the f asterisk ck is this guy even saying it's literally in the movie the whole fight sequence with obi-wan it's hard to miss so he then proceeds to tell me that since he's as if his lightsabers are red Laurent and him like OMG grievous isn't a kiss apprentice he's not a Sith and his lightsabers aren't red so my sweet angel then starts to belittle me tells me how I'm wrong and in my head I was like damn this guy is a letdown but all I did was screenshot a picture of Grievous from the movie with his two green and two blue light sabers and send it to him he doesn't answer back for like seven hours and and only replied law guess I forgot that I always thought he was a sit and and and that was the worst letdown I've ever had not even worth my time not just because I thought he would be worth it cause he tried to Star Wars taught me but because he tried to belittle me when I proved him wrong over something he was so sure he knew about when he didn't oh I have a good one for this so if you go through my history you'll see me [ __ ] a lot about my roommate we've been friends for nearly a decade and I recently came to find out that he has a thing for me as it usually goes in a lot of platonic friendships I've never been attracted to him but I figured I might give him a chance sometime in the future when I'm ready to date again cause he's always been a good friend and he seemed like such a good guy my life completely imploded over the summer when I lost my job got knocked up lost my place and had to move in with him and after being around him 24 / 7 for awhile I can confidently say I'd rather gorilla glue my junk shot and join a convent than ever date this obnoxious milk brief creep he is incredibly misogynistic obnoxious and probably the most irritating person I've ever met in my life I honestly think the only reason he wanted me to move and was because he thought it would obligate me to date him out the ugly has come out over the past few months of doof I have come to realize he is not a good guy at all he only showers once a week not exaggerating even a little he literally goes 5 to 7 days between showers and calls me a germaphobe for showering every other day he smokes these nauseatingly pungent American spirit cigarettes which permeate everything with a revolting stench even though he smokes outside imagine a week's worth of smoke stench greasy hair bow and bad breath and you will get an accurate idea of what this guy smells like he has an actual neckbeard I am currently six months pregnant and if I say my back hurts or whatever he'll say stuff like too much six or not enough I could help you with that you know creepy wink he neglects his cats he is a hoarders level slob and once he moves out of his house the landlord will have to completely gut and remodel it cause of how gross it is he never cleans I'm the only one who does and before I moved in his sister used to have to make a three-hour drive every week just to vacuum his floors do his dishes change his sheets and do his laundry cause he just will not do it on his own he's so nasty that he once developed a staph infection on his face and shortly after I moved and I came down with a skin fungus he leaves trash on the floor if the cans are fall and won't take them out either he lets the pregnant woman do that and his caps puke all over the carpets and he just leaves it bare till I make him go clean it up I've done my best to sanitize the entire house from top to bottom just to make it livable but it's still really bad I got mad about it one day and asked if he seriously expected me to bring a fragile all newborn into a house where you have to wipe your feet on the way out and he told me it's not that bad and it'll be good for the baby's immune system he's a grammar correcting know-it-all who starts half his sentences with well actually he regularly brings up his fetishes masturbation habits and past sexual experiences in casual conversation often in public and then calls me puritanical when I tell him it's inappropriate when I first moved in he kept trying to tag along to my prenatal appointments and give me back rubs and all this other stuff and when I asked why he was acting like that he said he was trying to make this pregnancy easy on me so I'd agree to give him a child someday he thinks feminism has ruined society thinks women who've been raped should quit dwelling on it because men get assaulted too and they are not special and thinks Hashem ETO were sexist against men and started by sjw's who want to teach women to celebrate victimhood I told him that I was raped by someone I thought was a friend and was he honestly telling me I should just shut up and get over it his response was well if you hadn't gone over to the guy's house you'd never have gotten raped he hits on uninterested women creeps them out and then unironically complains about the friendzone he thinks girls including me won't date him because he's too nice and rants butterly about how he'd be drowning in poontang if he were more of an [ __ ] whenever I take a shower he texts me from the other room take pictures if I mention one of my female friends he asks if they are single and attractive and bugs me to set him up with them he accidentally walks in on me in the bathroom and in my bedroom and when I get mad he says jeez would it really be so terrible if I saw you naked he always finds some reason to invite himself into my room and loiter usually right after he's Mokes if I'm doing my nails for example he'll poke his head in and ask what's that smell then he'll come in and stand there for several minutes meowing at my cat in a weird high-pitched voice and whooping at my dog and if I'm on my computer he'll read over my shoulder and give his opinion on whatever I'm looking at then when he finally goes away he leaves my door wide open he says stuff like your boobs are seriously great almost pregnant women look like [ __ ] but your heart and then when I don't blush and giggle in response he accuses me of not being able to take a compliment if I say a word like cream or meat in a completely innocent context he will laugh and make vulgar jokes the mansplaining my god the mansplaining as a rule I don't really like that word but it's the best way to describe the condescending head parting way that he speaks to and about women he talks like a human thesaurus and constantly goes off on tangents mid-sentence to patronizingly explain the simplest of concepts that he just assumes I don't understand in line with the mansplaining he also has this bizarre almost pathological need to disagree with others no matter what about he has negative karma on here cause of how much he argues and condescends to people but of course in the alternate reality he lives in his only getting down voted because he's smarter than everyone else and all of us idiots just can't see why he's always right he's one of those people who's against popular media not because it's bad but because it's popular he will disagree with you on absolutely anything just so he can argue and insult your point of view even if he is objectively provably wrong he'll make some ridiculous conspiratorial claim and when I ask for anything at all to support it he will find one single obscure article or tweet from some crackpot that supports his prof and then declare himself the winner of the argument he has this shut down arguing style where he argues till he wears you out then when you try to change the subject or stop talking he'll say you just have nothing more to say cause you know I'm right he is against net neutral because it's all over add it and lots of people are worried about it so therefore it's stupid I asked why he's against it and the quickest BS he could come up with is that he thinks it'll be good for us cause it'll force Isis to compete I pointed out that most people including us don't get a choice and nice so there won't be any competition and his reaction to that was basically a it still won't be that big a deal this guy isn't it professional to he of all people should understand the great ramifications of repealing an end even if all the other things I listed here weren't deal-breakers this one by itself definitely would be there's so much more to this is the condensed version if you can believe that he's basically king of the gross creepy neck but nice guys and it's sad cause I used to consider him my best friend the nicest thing I can say about him is that at least he's not a brainy or aware boo I'll be moving out before the baby is born thank God my friend and I met these two guys at a party and they invited us out with their friends we turn up and the guy I was supposed to be meeting is nowhere to be found he'd gone to the supermarket down the road to buy alcohol we were in one of the cheapest pubs in town when he arrived it turned out he'd down at an entire bottle of vodka on the way back to the pub so he didn't have to try and sneak it in he came in and lay down next to the pool table and fell asleep this girl who was with the group no idea who she was starts grinding on him and looking right at me as she does it I was just thinking she was doing me a favor if she was willing to make it that I didn't have to explain why I was no longer interested then possibly on the other end of the spectrum met a guy at a party and we exchanged numbers I think it was a couple of days later I got out of the shower and when I got to my room my phone was ringing I answered and we chatted about how busy we were at work and that it made sense not to plan a date until after Christmas we both had weekend jobs in big chain shops and were doing overtime in the evenings for the busy period since it was December I hear him talking to a woman and he says his mother just came in and he had to go after he hung up I noticed I had loads of missed calls from him I think it was around 15 this would have been at most over a half hour period while I was out of my room for my shower then as I'm processing that he texts me to say he told his mother about us yeah map so I was set up on my first blind date by a co-worker I'll let her give him my number and we test back and forth for a few days I told him we could go out but I'd meet him at his house instead of him pick me up I live in the south and we are usually very traditional but due to a history with crazy guys and being a single mom I didn't want him knowing where I lived so I arrived at his house and knew immediately I wasn't physically attracted but I'm the type who can overlook that if our personalities jives we get in his brand-new truck and head out of town about 45 minutes to go eat within those 45 minutes he tells me how much money he makes how much his truck costs wants to know how much I like it name-dropped celebrities he knew and offered to take me and my daughter to Disney World I'm not attracted to guys who brag about how well-off they are and who they know he also played their drums on the steering wheel the entire way then he tells me we had to take a detour to the hospital because his sister just had a baby the day before so yes he'd already been to see her and we had to swing by there and meet the whole family yes first blind date and I'm meeting the whole family I was mortified but played it cool to keep the awkwardness down then we go to the restaurant way he downs follicle drinks and a glass of wine he's driving we get the check and I glance over and see the $100 tab I'm the type who totally judges on your tipping so I glanced down to see and he tipped the waiter a whole five dollars after bragging on how well-off he was so not wanting to get in the car with him after his alcohol intake I suggest we go across the street to the mall and walk around a bit he then proceeds to tell me his favorite stories bath and Bodyworks and he LOV es getting pedicures which there's nothing wrong with that but the way he said it made me think one that's more of a fourth date revealed to I could also be competing with men and not know it and I just don't want that competition to three point him totally just looking for more reasons to not talk to this guy at this point to make myself not feel so shallow so after some time passed we went back to his place and I came up with some excuse why I couldn't stay to watch a movie did I mention he stayed on his work walkie-talkie the whole time like in the middle of dinner in a nice restaurant he's yelling on it with no apologies I quit talking to him after that but he did text me and tell me he thought I was the one and made a huge mistake by letting him go four years later no regrets thank you so much for watching the whole video please either like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 29,334
Rating: 4.9078693 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: sMxjAjr88gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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