Launching HUMAN POWERED Nuclear Missiles in People Playground

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz and this right here this is sleepy boy his name is kevin he's uh bored at his desk because he was working so hard just working working working working working work and working so hard he was spamming that like button hitting subscribe if he hadn't already and things started happening like he's is he gonna wake up oh what's going on here it's almost like kevin's hand is heating up because he worked his computer too much oh no kevin your computer's glowing hot and because kevin literally lit himself and his computer on player he might need a new one thankfully today's sponsor is a company called apex gaming pcs i'd also like to thank apex gaming pcs for sponsoring this video many of you guys know that it takes a good pc to record and edit videos and that's why i partnered with apex to custom build the pcs i use every day now i usually do build my own pcs but it takes a lot of time to build and troubleshoot and that's why i'm working with apex they've made a custom line of pc specifically for us splitstopians and they'll even build your custom pc and ship it directly to you so you can create youtube content like i do and i do know that it is more expensive than building your own pc but you can click on that link in the video description and use the discount code blitz for five percent off your checkout and you can get your very own custom build pc today uh okay okay okay yep so uh kevin is well i mean he did heat up his computer but uh good thing is we're in this basically a bomb structure here you guys know how much i love missiles in this game and one of my favorite contraptions is entire game is this guy right here you guys know this the big old v2 rocket can i follow it please follow okay and then up maybe i shouldn't pause it there we go yeah see how cool that is uh-huh it's a really good rocket missile thing and it works really well i can aim it i can send it around and i can crash it directly into this thing but it doesn't matter because it's literally a bomb shelter with our very own missiles inside oh yes oh yes my friends we have some good ones here you might recognize these as toys we played with before the energy explosive vessels over there we got the nukey boy hanging out in the middle we just need to change the texture see that's the nuke and then there's this thing i don't really know what that is other than the emp generator so i thought it'd be kind of fun if we tested this out our friend kevin and his friends are over here ready to go at the missile chambers so i just kind of reach up and go okay so the button doesn't work unless you press f on it oh there we go okay um oh whoops i kind of forgot to lift open the hatch you get that sometimes it happens don't worry we'll just press this button real quick there we go open sesame open opens open sesame do it open do the thing there you go look the missile is actually trying to help it would you get out of the way bro we're trying to make a video here we have an emp inside of this thing just open for real oh look at that just kind of sneaking its way out and then we have this emp up in space now there are the thrusters on the side here where we can turn them and then this thing actually can fly in circles it's a little bit crazy i'm gonna slow down and then we can follow this guy yeah check that out we have our new emp it's not really a nuke don't forget that guy nice that's kind of amazing actually i like it oh maybe i don't like it because it's gonna go straight down into the area no it's just kind of you know what just here hold up you're gonna delete you pretend like you didn't happen and then we'll do this second one right yeah that's that's what we're gonna do we're gonna make kevin number two here he's gonna go poop and hit that middle button right silo door is going to open silo door open properly this time how cool is that nice it's up and i know you guys were wondering but i did put a payload in here it's full of raptors i don't know why there's raptors in it also the metal is heating up stupidly hot uh probably because there's lava some why why is this super hot i don't know sometimes i don't understand this game most of the time i don't but what is this i didn't see this thing before i want to try it can i play with it why is there a missile underneath anyway fire missile number two go oh oh look at it go oh the wrapper's kinda it's okay the wrapper's got in the way a little bit but he made it out nice that is so sick we're gonna turn that over and i'm gonna try to aim this thing properly we're gonna try to aim it just right because we have to deliver the velociraptor somewhere and that location is that building over on the other side so if i remove that maybe if i turn both of them on kind of correct the trajectory i just made up a word i think and we're gonna turn these off this is actually really really stupidly difficult to control oh you know what else i can do i could just kind of like and then just pretend because pretending is what you do if you're a youtuber you just make things work sometimes and nobody ever knows ha see look it's working and then we go zoom flying and then magically i made it deliver it's pale oh oh we gotta turn you bud we gotta but but hey hold up hold up okay ready and oh this is the wrong way you're going the wrong way my dude and then fling you around oh look the raptors inside are going on an adventure all right all right we're flying backwards yep and then we'll do this nice okay we're hitting the building sideways but that's okay because there's a nuke inside and it doesn't matter blow up nuke you're gonna make yes yes i nuked a city i kind of feel bad about that like deep down inside but it looks fantastic which is really what matters because it's a video game and then wow okay that was cool and if i disable slow motion i feel like my computer's going to cry like no joke i've got a really good computer and there's just a lot of junk happening right now i feel like i need to get rid of it so sorry so sorry computer let's get rid of all of those entities and then we're just gonna you know fan awesome out of the way beautiful that looks so much nicer it's so much less laggy i also totally forgot to turn these things on the anti-air turret control yes we want buttons going oh okay that's kind of cool it was one of these the fire button is this one the fire button no this one is oh okay that's amazing i like that what does this thing do magnetic anti air missile and if i push the button what's that noise oh okay so it's actually a controllable remote missile down here oh oh that's sick uh oh oh oh turn that off turn that off uh-huh yeah oh no oh no that's the wrong way missile broke don't oh balls why do you have to do this we'll just do this button i don't know what that button does if i press all the buttons do fun things happen why would i turn it off they would pretend like that anti-aircraft missile it just it doesn't work right there is a magnet going on the front still let's delete that we really need to test something for science purposes too and nope that's off it's gonna work it's gonna work okay uh-huh and three two one anti-aircraft kevin destroyer device oh that was dirty look he's got kool-aid leaking from his legs and one more time oh oh he missed three two one activate aircraft gatling gun oh that was kind of cool i like that thing so i'll be honest if i spawn in one of these things instead i feel like this might do a better job being an anti-aircraft gun yeah i see look it works pretty good we don't need him anymore there are all sorts of fun toys in this prison not a prison in the missile carrier oh no we just let it all on fire good thing the door is closed yeah we better keep that closed and also that's really loud and annoying can you go away thank you and for more science purposes what happens if i put a kevin in here or four of them i think they'll like it i think they'll have an adventure together yeah that's quite the adventure it's like a blender for uh crashes dummies yikes we better fill up this one too yeah that'll do the trick all right clear living we have one more explody boy to do this one my friends is the energy vessel i need to find something fun and exciting like well that one doesn't work like the same tower we did last time to explode oh it's so beautiful all right let's do it open up the silo control door controls activating beautiful that's so cool i love that design well done it does kind of get in the way though so we're just gonna we don't need that anyway i feel like we need a pilot in here you can be our pilot kevin you'll be pilot kevin and i will duct tape you to the side there you go bud everything's gonna be perfect i promise no pain at all because i'll knock you out first it'll be exciting and turn that and drop perfect he won't feel the thing i don't know what that did but hopefully i don't need it activate missile number three pilot kevin to save the day that is the wrong way okay well manually started oh that must have been that one wire that i had problems with whoops okay it snuck its way out of there kevin's having such a fun time right now and if i activate this it should turn it to the side or i can just manually turn it to the side because that'll work too zoom and missile attack oh that's gonna be a good one right to the side nice oh oh that's so cool and then activate oh oh oh that's fantastic i really like how that turned out that was cool i destroyed a building with a black hole now the other cool thing is when this black hole like energy vortex ends everything just gets exploded out the side of it ready there it comes oh the game just kind of lagged out for me oh oh there it is yes the supernova explosion the game is crying right now i'm not exactly sure why it's paused would you not thank you everything goes away you guys also said i can like clear out the the distance that change up the temperature this is kind of neat you want to see something neat if we go to the c map right we load it all the way up we go to the environment and we make the ambient temperature like negative 20. watch this yeah check that out the world changes to ice if i go to 15 it's back to water 10 it's water zero it uh it's neither water or let's see and negative one ice oh that's so cool what happens if i do like 150. oh i would if i do [Music] fifteen thousand uh-oh the water the water went away it's so sad i feel bad for the water but it's 15 000 degrees like the surface of the sun what happens to kevin he just starts combusting after a sweet dance move look at him go dude's so excited to be here today he loves people playground videos i don't know why kevin loves them so much how about negative 200 what does that do oh negative 100 is the limit let's see what that does to kevin oh he's fine he doesn't turn into an ice cube he must have antifreeze for blood um you're gonna be okay dude i feel like this is probably gonna be the end of him he's going faster and faster and faster and faster and this is why i couldn't have nice toys as a kid i hear lim slapping nah he'll be all right he'll be fine in the morning nope he's dead he's also frozen i think that might be why he's dead not because of the spin cycle he just went through so i know a way to warm him up signal flares is it working it's not really working oh it actually is working he's on fire now i feel like that's the opposite of what i wanted to do now speaking of things i wanted to do this thing should be a lot of fun if it ever decides to load oh yeah it loaded under the map this looks fun and exciting it's called the meat factory so theoretically this is an entire rube goldberg machine of like some sort of weird thing that we're supposed to put meat into unfortunately we only have like three things that have meat in this game so i kind of want to start with the velociraptors just to yeah tighten them up and i mean this is the real reason why i want jurassic world to be real so we can eat dinosaurs i feel like this is always best if we have multiple dinosaurs the more meat the merrier right it's one of those brazilian all you can eat buffets what are you doing where are you going blue this guy in here oh there we go perfect i'll just put another one in grind you up too yeah and the best part is animal rights activists can't dislike this video because velociraptors aren't real there beautiful that looks good good meat's going in uh you guys need to be dismembered you're not chopped up enough yet so they get placed on the conveyor nicely done and it gets pushed up that's kind of cool then we have this fan up here that's like hey and meat can go that way and then these things help push the meat along tenderize it a little bit oh yeah by tenderizing it generally eating it across the map back down in another conveyor where the meat gets cooked where the meat was supposed to get cooked why didn't the meat get cooked the meat uh that scent says life are humans oh that one got that one got cooked maybe we need to maybe we need to add in some other kind of meat uh into this process i think that might help a little bit yeah that could work there we go now it's working better yay [Music] fresh velociraptor meat and then it goes around this corner oh a nice squish what do these things do oh it's a fire extinguishers okay and then if there's anyone else still on fire we'll that's a healer those things are healers that brought it back to life why are you bringing it back to life that's not even okay and then we'll put it out again in case it's on fire i like that i like the velociraptors going around in here why is everything wanted to be back and alive again okay so this is the part where i needed it to go through the wall we'll just remove that and then everything go back here it'll be perfect i promise yeah that'll do the trick now they come down here into the cooling factory where all of the meat's going to get processed to be shipped out that's exactly what we need done oh the cooling beams and i feel like the ambient temperature is probably nice and low in here so our meat gets doesn't spoil we have a few glowing blue toilet brushes in here to clean our meat off too i feel like that's probably what this is for they're not actually toilet brushes but you know what i'm talking about and then we take the escalator up oh oh some of it's some of it's not escalating properly feel like that should be going the other way that's okay some of the meat still gets up in the processing area nice goes down the water slide of awesomeness and back on another conveyor belt to this machine what are these things wait those are more life things is that going to turn it back on life again no they just straight oh it did why did that come back to life that's awkward i've never seen a machine like this and in the whole time i've ever played this game it's chainsaws oh it missed oh no oh wait does it continue going oh there's the button to stop it to make it retract what an ingenious idea like that's cool i really want to see this work on a velociraptor arm yeah this will be cool ready get set and get this is it oh that's so neat in a weird like sort of way yeah just the last tenderizing bit yes oh that is so cool wow well done what happens if we put kevin on here i mean it's gonna get the meat really kind of gross because he's not frozen or cooked yet did i say that out loud i don't feel like i can say that out loud and then everyone comes down over here on the nice conveyor belt and it gets nice and dropped right into the fresh meat transport station that piece doesn't want to come along there we go it went in sort of hey you know what i'll just move you in by myself perfect nicely done and the meat is ready to be transported away is that what that did feel like that's what this did and activate and activate activate and [Music] reverse rotor reverse rotor activate hey meat is ready for being shipped out open the door door being opened uh-oh and then it just kind of falls off the edge of the world and we pretend that this never happened because the fbi is going to be knocking at my door in a couple minutes so we should probably get rid of all of the evidence bye thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and rau and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 257,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, bliz, blits, biltz, blitz plays, blitz play, blitz plays people playground, people playground, people playground fight, people playground war, people playground rocket, people playground laser, people playground download, download people playground, people playground ep1, people playground dinosaur, people playground raptor, raptor, dinosaur, blitz dinosaur, blitz raptor
Id: RMsyIGoYhPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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