I Accidentally Built A HOMEMADE NUCLEAR ROCKET in Next Space Rebels

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oh hey there i'm blitz welcome to a game called next space rebels yeah i've probably never heard of it because i didn't and the developer's like here's a key you should play the game uh also there's a really cringy uh story mode to the game so i just unlock creative mode so i can build model rockets on my own you know how it works you get a little model rocket kit you put the little blue nose cone down yes strap on a body and then you find some fins through the bottom side and you're like hey that actually looks pretty cool so let's strap inside our little booster and then build the little fella the game's like oh this is actually pretty cool let's build it together and that's our beautiful little rocket let's launch that puppy into space actually probably not into space maybe just at the top of the basketball hoop but we'll try it and fly i love it already oh oh i almost made it in the basket i should try to do that can i try to make it in the basket i feel like if we just add some scrap like a steel rim no that's too heavy maybe just an extra fin onto the side of it i can kind of control the direction this thing goes or it's going to tip over even before launch and he just launched it halfway across the basketball court which tez still has the basketball in it so instead of derping around with small little things let's have some fun with giant rocket also dandy deer i don't really understand what this is but it's it's uh it's in the game we can strap rockets onto its legs and then launch it up into space yep that's not awkward at all so there you go just grind your face against the ground into the side of the building and then start on fire and explode with uh with after effects because it didn't actually explode but explosions are fun so there are interesting things like kinetics i don't even know what this means but there's a swivel and then decouplers oh my word auto orbit swivel are you kidding me we can launch little modern rockets into space we have oxygen and then regular fuel maybe i should have gone through the entire tutorial stage because there's a straight up 150 kilogram cluster engine in this game and that's not even the ultimate engine which we should probably play with instead of this one go away we don't need any cluster engines where we're going so i feel like we need a fuel tank and might as well use an experimental biofuel tank now that's not big enough the tsar bomba sounds fun that's a straight up nuke i like putting nukes in things so i'm gonna straight up build a gigantic rocket in my garage that has a nuke in it and i'm gonna try to launch this thing to space but i don't even know if this thing's gonna work but we do have a ridiculous challenge of getting one kilometer and it should be fine since it's nuclear powered or it'll just blow up and i totally did not at all get it hooked up correctly so maybe i should probably just you know delete everything and then and then start over again so let's go back in here and grab that engine uh you know the ultimate engine sounds like fun but so does the cluster engine let's do this one because it's the ultimate now we're gonna take that feel again and i kind of forgot that i was playing at very large scale so if i go into here and then i just zoom in really far like super far all the way in and then i can connect this little button which is like fuel connection mode the game's like hey we actually do need you to be plugged in so now we'll strap on a nice standing fin on the bottom here and then that large body again and we'll see if we can put a nice little top on i don't know if it'll work but we're gonna try it yes it's gonna work it's totally gonna work we're totally going to blast off a nuke in our backyard launch time oh it it's actually functioning okay we're 400 meters up i got to zoom on you oh that's cool i wish i had a nuke in my backyard where the onboard camera we're going up into space i totally also just recognized that there is well there's um pretty much no fast forward mode in this game we're already 66 kilometers up in the air and our fuel is only it's only halfway gone imagine being down here in the parking lot being like oh boy i wish i could shoot some basketball hoops looking up into space and then you recognize that this thing is straight up left orbit flat earthers will deny that this game exists but i totally did just make it 500 kilometers into space which is a new record altitude and remember that part about me saying that it was kind of cringy yeah we can totally upload the video to the game's fake youtube thing and then people call me a war criminal because i just launched nukes into space so i'm just gonna go ahead and dislike that video even though the real youtube is disabling that button and go back and try to do something else interesting here because there's lots of toys and trash that we can can i launch an elephant i want to launch an elephant into space it might actually not be that much this is also an illegal firework sounds kind of fun i think the better idea is to make a bicycle no we need the front arm thing whatever that's called always shove the bike in there put a seat on it and then we'll grab a booster and attach that this way and we'll grab another booster and we'll attach it that way and this is called a double booster we'll attach it that way we might as well attach some of these illegal fireworks to it too just for see what happens the game told me after seven seconds they explode so let's try it out i also don't know where you get a whole bunch of illegal fireworks plus boosters in a pear spare bicycle but it's gonna be exciting let's see what happens oh okay that was totally not exciting and now the illegal fireworks they're not oh there they go [Applause] that wasn't that wasn't as it wasn't as fun as i thought it would be so let's add just a little trailer to this thing to see if the tires actually function properly oh that is very nice i need one of these in real life and lunch oh self-driving bicycle oh it tipped over i think the game is like yeah we know that you can build bicycles but i think it's a better idea if we launch them into space so we'll do what we do best and just add boosters to everything you can imagine these guys in the shop they're like i have no idea why this guy is ordering these really strange devices but it's funny so let's launch it up into space yes that was nice it made it 30 meters tall and we became a war criminal yet again somehow we achieved an epic tag i don't know why it looped one time in the air so the game says that oxygen can be added to the fuel reaction in the engine to create a stronger and longer lasting thrust use an oxygen injector to merge the flow of the fuel and oxygen so they can mix i like that idea so if i take the industrial oxygen stack and we mix that with a straight up gigantic fuel tank and we grab the oxygen injector even though it's small it has very important things so we do a little hocus pocus and make them connect and i've been farting around with this for about 10 minutes now and i can't seem to get these things to connect properly so i'm just gonna delete it so now i have another dumb idea since i can't seem to figure out how to make that work let's try to launch a house into space i mean i can obviously get the star bomber to be like a big boy so let's strap that on do the old connector doodle just made up a new word i feel like i'm seven that's not what i wanted and i swear this connection tool is driving me insane nicely of course just connect you stupid pile of soviet garbage evidently the star bomber wasn't made as rocket fuel it was made to go boom boom if i put the little circle over the square then i connect the connector it worked finally yes now we just have to find big enough parts that'll fit what is this a wooden plank sure why not let's add that and a pallet to this machine we're going all etsy arts and crafts in here today whoa that turns in different directions that's kind of exciting wow we're gonna put a flat pallet that would be a dumb idea i didn't realize we could switch it the other way game's like what are you doing why are you adding hundreds of pallets to this thing kind of asking the same question of myself and then if i select the entire thing i should be able to duplicate all of it oh this will be fun and then the game's like why are you doing this to me don't build me in the garage we have better things to do with our life and then we'll load it up oh it tips over that's okay we're kind of pretending that's like our our launch bay thing and activate oh just detonated a nuke in our backyard oh it's still there sort of okay that didn't work great note to self pallets are totally not aerodynamic those are fine why is it floating maybe i'll just add some more of these things to it and then we'll make the tallest thing that we could possibly make this is looking nice the game isn't dying yet i just have to move this to the bottom my little drawing area then i can start strapping on these parts together and make up the largest little thing we can now for some stupid reason i feel like we need arms why are the arms so tiny and hips these hips don't lie we'll put these higher up on the rocket oh they don't fit right let's just rotate them out a little bit they'll be our wings this got really weird really fast i don't know why i like it though we put a face on here i guess so but it's behind the rest of the rocket and i guess it needs a torso too so we'll just kind of strap that in somewhere wait the torso usually goes below the body yeah you can come down here and that's probably where arms go too i didn't think this through did i she just really wants to be a very integral part of this entire rocket for some reason so let's see what happens when we build this thing through the roof oh dirty mcgurdy that looks good she seems like she's having a good time up there and three two one blast off she gonna be okay wait why isn't it why isn't it lighting why isn't it going anywhere did i dumb it up again i got an achievement for stretch being a mannequin on here rocket did not move i'm gonna blame her let's try again but with the engine connected she's flying i wish we could be a real person why is it not like exploding oh pieces are falling off that's a good omen and it looks like most of our rocket kind of disintegrated as to the majority of our mannequin don't worry the torso is still involved well we didn't get nearly in far in space but at least we launched a mannequin there so thanks for watching hope you enjoyed this weird game if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters including alan h apollo bunny out of dave ben dickie jay teddy epis desbi eagle arc maxer whippet good baron fox zarnov deegan jason m rail splatter sacks iffy sphere joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow and doug rules 2.0
Channel: Blitz
Views: 327,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, next space rebels, next space rebels gameplay, next space rebels game, next space rebels walkthrough, next space rebels steam, next space rebels humble, next space rebels humble games, humble games, humble games next space rebels, next space rebels blitz, blitz next space rebels, next space rebels ep 1, next space rebels part 1, next space rebels let's play
Id: kjJ-7atnFHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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