I BUILT A Nuke Proof Minecraft Bunker in People Playground

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz and this right here this is my very best friend in the entire world his name is kevin he is so excited for you to be here in today's video because he's got important jobs for you down below the video there's a button that says like if you hit that really quick really nice things happen to kevin check this out and right over on this side of the video down below there's a button that says subscribe if you haven't already you can go ahead and bonk that one and other nice things happen now you might be saying to yourself why do i have to hit those buttons i don't want nice things to happen to kevin well i'm sure you actually might because if you don't i like i said bad things might happen but that barrier that you hit the like button it makes it so kevin can't get injured isn't that nice it's a nice little shield that blocks all incoming projectiles and if you turn it off well um i'm kind of kind of scared to show what happens but we have to that's what happens to kevin if you don't hit the like button and now you're probably saying well blitz i haven't subscribed yet but i just clicked the button and enabled that shield what would happen if i didn't there's a bus over here and you know what happens when buses run into things at fast speeds yep he disappeared but uh the android driver didn't kevin's still alive too which is kind of exciting that was actually really cool i'm gonna try that again maybe not with a bus though maybe with a car because that looks neat and it's like an anti-material shield that just makes things zone out and kevin's healing up he's all better now he's doing great he's having a great time that's a good segment yeah make sure you hit the button so good things happen to kevin in all different times in the world good job kevin look how excited he is i'd also like to thank surfsharkvpn for sponsoring this video so it's 2021 and almost everyone knows what a vpn is but if you don't know a vpns basically protect you while you're online by creating a virtual private network so your personal data doesn't get exposed now surf shark vpn goes above and beyond that because it's super easy to use and you can use it on as many devices as you want with just one subscription and they have apps for all of the platforms so you can be safe at home and as you travel it's fast and easy to use as you connect to the server that offers you the best speed by default you can even connect to the server outside of your current country to unlock region locked online content like the 15 largest netflix libraries and access other streaming services wherever you are there's even 24 7 live customer support to ensure that any issue you might have will be solved quickly so if you'd like to secure your data and keep yourself safe while browsing online make sure you click on that link in the video description to sign up for surfsharkvpn or you can type in surfshark.deals blitz and use the promo code blitz for 83 off and three extra months free so there was a pretty big update that just dropped for the game well it kind of killed literally every single mod and creation in the game made them corrupted but it added some cool things like the ability to draw kool-aid from kevin's rear end and he's gonna sit down that might have hurt him a little bit that's okay kevin everything will be better so there's also this little tool here it's called the liquid identifier it looks pretty amazing step one filled with liquid step two activate it makes a fun sound i like that sound and it's empty we should try to fill it up with all sorts of fun stuff so i'll put down a few of these things and there are some flasks here there's an empty one there's one with kool-aid in it there's one with gourse kool-aid in it there's one with nitroglycerin and there's one with oil now i do know of a few other liquids that we can play with the first one is if we turn kevin here into a zombie it's okay he doesn't know any different wow that looks really really stinking painful it's okay he's a zombie now zombies don't have feelings and then we'll hook him up to here and then pull out his kool-aid and we'll have five different kool-aids that's a nasty looking one i wonder if i can use other potion stuff here we'll take this kevin and we'll make him into some sort of weird monster with like oh mending one there's a zombie there's the pink we'll give him ultra strength does that work i don't think that works it just kind of makes him go funny all right activate oh whoops the zombie kind of fell in half oh we just broke a flask or something what are you doing bro oh i just gave the zombie extra strength okay ready ham ham juice right there okay he's filling up he's feeling good we'll give him some life shoes too and nope okay yeah there we go he's got life he's got extra strength i don't know what that is around it but maybe he has cool things we'll get rid of you because we don't need you anymore and we'll see what color kool-aid you have in your life it's probably just gonna be regular red i don't think he likes this very much he'll be okay though all right he's been drained of his life essence is this the same color let's see it looks pretty much the same let's give it a quick test just a quick test [Music] activated just regular okay we'll pull that back out and we'll delete all of these and we'll quickly hook up the five of these to this thing nice so they're gonna push out their fluids it's gonna make some sort of weird concoction in the bottom of it yay we did it and then i will analyze this i promise it's no longer 100 kool-aid it's some weird concoction oh yeah reanimation agent interesting so now that i've drained out all of this fun stuff over here we are gonna having a fun experiment with our friend kevin kevin doesn't know that there's a knockout syringe on his forehead but he doesn't really care because he loves this sort of adventure now we're just going to delete that pretend like nothing happened pick him up and then lay him down right here on this medical bed stretch out the legs just to like a such as and then we're going to duct tape them to the table so nothing bad happens to him when he wakes up perfect look at that kevin is so excited he's so excited we're gonna hook him up to the blood vessel thing there we go and we should probably drain out a little bit just so we have some room to put other stuff in there we go can't let his heart beat get too low should be good he's holding on pretty nicely i wonder if he's woken up yet i hope not okay 20 20 is enough we'll delete that and now we will start to push some of this concoction back into his toes okay we're gonna go slow motion oh i knew it i knew he wouldn't like this i knew it wouldn't feel right oh oh his chest just exploded okay oh look at his heartbeat he doesn't even have a heart anymore we should give him a new one here we'll just like give this one we'll put that in there and then we'll just tape it together and then everything's fine again perfect and then we'll just we'll hook up some yeah that perfect okay he's still alive oh no he's not he's electrocuting well then that went well kind of excited how our experiment went note to self don't put all of that concoction to a real person that's why we simulate it in video games and slow mode off i think he's not alive anymore also i'm pretty sure that heart creates an electrical pulse wow hot ding that's a weird thing i don't know if i like it also that sounds pretty creepy we're getting rid of it so there might be one other mod that kind of works i was holding out on you guys yeah the minecraft mod you know the one where we just get to like copy and paste blocks and pretend it's minecraft even though it's kind of not so i want to make a nice beautiful brick house or try to anyway we also have to have like a crafting table inside and a chest so we can throw all of our trash let's be honest that's what really minecraft chests are for right just loading them up with all sorts of garbage there isn't that a beautiful little minecraft house it's all physics based and everything and before i blow it up i'm gonna save it so we're gonna put kevin inside he's a little bit tall that's okay we'll resize him so he's smaller i was just resizing his arm uh-oh whoops we'll just die get rid of him and we'll take you over here and then we'll highlight all of you and then we'll resize you to make you just the right no not those why are you making those blocks smaller oh no oh no oh no um there that's a little cursed whoops will you properly resales now yeah you have to kind of pause the game whoops stop resizing we'll slide you into the house i feel like that's about the right size for a steve but his name's kevin not steve he's just gonna hang out in his house right now now the question is do you think that a minecraft house that is the weirdest looking creeper we have a two 3d creeper in a 2d world strange okay oh he does explode hot dang i didn't know that somehow that i need more of those you know what i think i do remember that wow yeah that's exciting okay you know what clear that we're going to redo that there's also tnt did you see that that was kind of neat that drop in get me to tnt what is that thruster bed that was my nickname in high school all right tnt that's kind of cool let's try to blow tnt up oh yeah that was exciting i played with this mod before and it's a lot of fun but the real question is is this beautiful little house nuke proof i mean not entirely [Laughter] yay i always wanted a nuke oh i think that was kevin steve steven it's gonna be all right i feel like he's gonna be all right at least half of them is so let's say we just slap in another minecraft house there's something satisfying about the way that drops we'll pop in kevin over here on the side i'm not going to resize him because inside of this chest he has something exciting check this out it's called a bubble shield i mean you guys know what bubble shields are right and if i put this down here on it just right get on the just you know what we don't need that we'll pretend that didn't exist kevin's house is gonna be nice and tidy if i hit this bubble shield nice it'll it'll get fixed up uh-huh perfect and then i'll deactivate it and i'll reactivate it just to kind of clear things out of the way so kevin doesn't care too much about his house but he is a little bit scared of that nuke so we're gonna have him cower we're gonna put him inside of here and we're gonna deactivate that shield real quick yeah that'll work perfectly now we're going to freeze him into place because he knows that this is the only way that he could possibly survive and ta-dah he's stuck so now we can test it out like with regular tnt he survived he survived okay what about a creeper does a creeper work oh yes oh yes creepers work so you might as well test it against some regular traditional explosives like a general everyday bomb oh yes we have a bomb proof shelter how about a pink explosive i don't even know what that does but that seemed to have disintegrated him that's okay he's on fire it doesn't matter we have a syringe it'll help everything syringe is making this game all better now there you go bud get just okay fill it up just keep filling them okay you know what else we need probably a fire extinguisher i don't know why it's under the firearms section but it is there you go fire removed come on syringe make his toes feel better there you go just get right perfect kevin's back in 100 shape again so note yourself pink explosives are not good what about sticky grenades you know what that's not even yeah we'll just stick a bunch of sticky grenades right onto the shield that'll be fun and oh oh hey they're fine everything's good what happens if we try to run over it with a tank i mean we're just gonna literally drive the tank into it oh no it didn't work how about if we use the tank to fire at it and boom nice we have kevin in a perfectly designed shelter we're gonna drop a minecraft house on him yeah that'll be perfect and then we're gonna strike it with a nuke because why not right whoa did he survive we need we need more nukes another nuke he did it there's blocks flying everywhere but i think we did it we created a bunker that protects against nuclear bombs in people playground minecraft crossover ready one final nuke in slow motion just to see what happens oh okay i see things flying you see those blocks flying that was the chest there goes some grass oh that's amazing and it looks like he survived one of them did anyway the one in the side of the protective shield i did it what an interesting game man this game is so weird well anyway thank you for watching guys hope you enjoyed our little adventure today make sure you click on that link down below in the video description to check out surfsharkvpn and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 380,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, bliz, blits, biltz, blitz plays, blitz play, blitz plays people playground, people playground, people playground fight, people playground rocket, people playground download, download people playground, people playground ep1, people playground tank, people playground gameplay, people playground blitz, people playground minecraft, people playground minecraft mod, people playground war
Id: 3gF8Y6w22_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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