When You Attack A Military Base in People Playground

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oh hey there I'm blitz and this is my super best friend ever in the entire world his name's Kevin say hi Kevin yeah he smokes that's kind of the wrong place to zoom hello yeah he's super excited for every like that Kevin gets he gets an additional piece of armor now look at Kevin Kevin's got the gear give me give me your hand okay actually he actually can't move his hands because he's armored up you guys like the video a little bit not quite enough Kevin says you need to hit like button a few more times there we go now you guys did it now you made Kevin the ultimate fighting machine - yes good job Kevin I'm super proud of you Kevin doesn't quite understand what's going on something looks very very sinister around here that'll work yes I don't remember if I did this in the last video I hope I did because it's awesome looking but I'm gonna do it again with Kevin his Kevin is the ultimate survivor haha Elias mine head to head shot whoo nice work Kevin so you drop a bowling ball and it kind of makes splattery things happen oh oh there's some leg Oh Kevin stood up good job proud of you then we'll put a few more bowling balls in oh no and it's like pinball Kevin Kevin died already oh no everything's splattering alright whoa well we have explosions Kevin are you okay are you okay Kevin oh I don't know nope he's no longer okay Kevin wants to try to battle again he wants to battle in our battle arena just to see if he can do anything and I thought we'd bring in his friend this might be actually one of the coolest units I've ever seen on the Steam Workshop this thing is awesome huh oh no oh no well he committed Sudoku and destroyed the audience oh wow okay so more of the story is don't use an electrified shocking stick when you're touching metal beams yeah alright so let's do a good old-fashioned battle again cept Kevin just fell over stead stand up here we go here we go Kevin's on the left Steve's on the right how's this gonna work Steve's already stabbed himself I feel like that sword needs to be something different slice down and step all right the face oh it's good to recover he's gonna recover boom Oh kick him kick him oh no no oh no he's bleeding really heavily add stab all the way down from Oh No yeah boom well we got him he's victorious he's victorious we have to take Kevin all the way over here there's a nice beautiful fixing station gotta kind of feed him right in here I'm the medic don't worry everything will be just fine Kevin oh he's in pain he's in pain he's got a broken leg we must fix him oh I think we just destroyed his body pole that was not an unfortunate Kevin turned into a worm well sorry I didn't know don't like Kevin needed a hat and a smiley face Kevin so happy again he's so happy they got fixed up I wanna try to face Kevin against just a regular just a regular Android and see what happens oh that's super fast okay walk Kevin walk I don't know if this will work hey I think his hat will do the trick ready I'm gonna make you jump and then step ah oh no his hat broke push it back and Droid kick OH good miss come in foot oh man I don't know I don't know if this sword can penetrate the Android he's not he's gotten the high ground out of Kent we've dropped his sword he's flying back and he catch it nope quick hand when he's down yeah jet die die look at that landing that was actually pretty sick landing except you died Kevin you're about to get hit Kevin you're about to get hit quick grab the gun and use it oh no oh no no no no no no no no no oh oh this is it I didn't realize the the dude was like impenetrable to all weapons he's not even injured yet how do you kill an Android get rid of the axe in his face laughs Kevin's on fire really I had no idea the Android couldn't take damage from a gun will that work hey Kevin would you stop being on fire this it was fun to begin with but now it's not so exciting quick world change we have to put fire out oh no the androids waking up quick there we go we're finally destroying him and you shot yourself in the foot quick he's done it he's alive again Oh headshot Oh No he's too strong the androids too strong Android stop it just stop you're too strong for Kevin I think we've done it I think the androids gone and Kevin's how's Kevin still alive I'm not sure Oh what happened that guy Kevin you're burning the place down you're burning our triage center how else are we supposed to watch weird Russian propaganda that's just the kind of TV I like to watch says just the most important things most important things ever make sure you follow the rules you Kevin gets it so there's one more battle that I wanted to try out we've got the soldier over here like a blast cannon yeah look at that thing that's awesome and we got Kevin up in here I want to see it because I think that metal stuff on the chest will make it so he's immune to bullets oh it is I think Kevin's got some immunity too oh maybe not get up we got battles to happen walk in walk we got to do this before you die don't commit sudoku now bro oh there we go oh wow that armors too strong can't do anything we can't penetrate with a leg shot they're like come on oh that was a head shot ed with his last blast Oh whoa both dead that was actually kind of sick okay clear you gotta clear the clear the battle arena Claire Claire everything also there's this funny thing it's called the fruits masher 3000 rules for uh Singh do not spam pumpkin when pumpkin does not fall throw over it next pumpkin do not smash people do not click on at where it's hard duck brain broken so this is supposed to be a Pumpkin Smasher there's band about that let's see what it does oh is it work I'm wide pumpkins get smashed yes this is okay Smashing Pumpkins oh no look at that one he's so sad I think this is the part about no I almost feel bad because this was like please don't put me in the pumpkin smashing oh why am I not supposed to spam pumpkins I don't understand this Kevin also wants to try oh no I can see why you're not supposed to smash people because their heads get stuck it's too bad what about spamming people there wasn't rules about spamming people does it go faster oh yeah that's totally bastard and it will put Kevin inside and slow motion oh oh I'm so so I admit - here you go in and now it's significantly better I think that will put me on a watch list somewhere there's also this thing it's called a movie helicopter not exactly sure what's so exciting about it other than it has a gun it's a driving movie helicopter all right so you remember our friend here our friend Kevin he's got a mission Oh somebody forgot dude it's gone up there we go kevin has a mission and it's to defeat the army base check it out there's an army base here where we have to free the prisoners inside the jail cells this dude's got some serious sort of messed up sort of sidon kind of like torture chamber that we have to defeat him from there we go Kevin it is your destiny it is your destiny to walk in here and defeat the bad guys I actually don't know are you watching TV is this oh oh the door comes on that's not good that's not even a door Kevin we'll fix it lob the grenade and blow it up stupid grenade activate what you activate this grenade we got it done hope we didn't attack oh nice shot up top didn't work activate oh oh we hit the guy even though he had armor on keep moving in to do a jump attack he's still alive he's gonna fire back oh oh that that was unintentional like for real this time that was really not intentional so he's made it in what is this dude I don't know oh the lights are on we have a red alert you must defeat to station up top to tip to tip whoa you feel it adjust didn't I my dude nice keep on working where we going next we got a kite back here got a guy oh he's high behind the stairs yet Oh Kevin are you gonna be you to be okay are you all right here don't worry he's totally fine I actually don't know how Kevin died this guy can't come out of the stairs so there we go two down two down time to go up the stairs it's safe to say that things are a little bit broken in this game it's not meant to make adventure Islands oh I got an idea he doesn't know Kevin's coming upstairs he didn't get the alert that there's giant flashing wait-wait flashing red lights above him flashing oh oh that got turned on again here we go here we go ah got him nice in the back he's made it upstairs turned around continue to walk okay so we have to go under here to release the first prisoner I honestly don't know what this is gonna do might be a bad bad idea try shooting it or you know falling straight on your face stand up buddy stand up Kevin oh oh oh we're going in oh we just touched his butt that's not good what is this that is amplification one I think it is ah I missed quick use this one on the bad guy there pal nice job Kevin are you alive Kevin died somehow I don't know how he died I think Kevin just did just enough and he freed his friend are you free are you not free so just pretend her super soldier is you know what we didn't actually super soldier him did we yeah this to work go I don't know why that makes it electric but it's awesome he's like he's like Wolverine there it goes he's all better now like get some life syringe in here too if you didn't know a syringe was what's hidden in his backpack of armor there you go I think I is that it do it I think you'll be okay he needs a slight boost oh no it didn't work all right get out of here get out of here we gotta go to the next floor there it is oh no he dropped his gun wow that's actually really cool-looking isn't it and he grabbed it again amazing let's get rid of the silencer we don't need that anymore delete that fool and climb up to the next stairs I don't know why that floor is hollow but it is there we go POW whoa there we go stop it what are these oh just knives hanging out the armory very good we've cleared our way in there's nothing we need though maybe in other I don't even know just shoot that way too because there's bad guys over here there we go take them out in the back wait wait what no no grab your gut back what are you doing dude there we go oh that was another Super Soldier right there who got him oh he just shot into the electrocution chamber where this guy's gonna sit dead it melted him into a puddle of goop don't ask how he magically floated up to the next floor nice and totally free the prisoners now I think they're gonna be okay clear animations you could walk maybe they can't get out of the prison door open it up quick using medical advice right in the butthole yes he's alive he's alive triage center these guys should have guns but we're not gonna do it Kevin throws another grenade up Oh to work that was actually a really good throw yeah take a little bit of time to go off I don't know what their timers are what was that noise success oh oh that was awesome that was awesome look at the head rolling beautiful job these guys are trying to leave that's okay you can you can do the worm as you're leaving the prison I won't fault you for trying although I don't really know what you're doing feel like somebody in your mental state totally needs to have a firearm with them good job dude now we have a slight problem what are the guys on the top floor no not really sure oh these things shoot it wasn't my favorite guns in the game I feel like our friend Kevin has to do one thing it's calling his air drop he's got to get the support coming in from above he totally got that backwards oh whoa whoa that was awesome it actually worked that dude just got ripped apart hot dang it turned around all this thing is dangerous man I love is it working because it rolling roll yes whoa that thinks so cool look at the little gyroscope go Oh No right over the people sort of kind of it's work it's um Wow I love it it's not going up we need to boost it just a little bit of a little bit of a boost up here don't you know there you go a boom oh yes slow down slow down you got one guy left he rises working he's alive still and it reminds me of is a dangerous version of claptrap oh oh whoa dude II kid that was so awesome ready fire oh my word Oh No houston we have a slight problem claptrap broke the universe we got it though we afraid the army base except for this guy we're probably gonna leave him in there because he's really really really creepy looking okay bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,025,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, People Playground, People, Playground, People Playground game, people playground gameplay, slow motion, slow mo, high speed camera, Happy Room, slo mo, peoples playground, 2019, zombie, zombies, people playground zombie, PPS01, ragdoll, ragdoll games, simulation, simulation game, funny, dec2019
Id: jxk7J6znuHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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