First To Finish Running Wins $1,000 - Challenge

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all right what is going on everyone welcome back to another video in today's video we are recording last to stop running i have a bad with me and i have a hundred players down there and are you ready to do this let's do it all right perfect let's go wait steppy i'm not gonna show you know what never mind so what the arena oh the arena right right the arena of flies fly up here little ducky right here and there's a little ducky right here and there's a little ducky right here so because we have three ducks everyone has to like and subscribe right right i didn't want you to show the dice yes oh yeah i forgot the arena of the arena not the dog sorry i gotta come right here look down oh looks it's right it's a big loopity loop looks so super cool yeah i built it all right ready everyone hey bad you never told them to like and sub you never encouraged it everybody licks yay or you will be turned into a duck fair enough but what if they want to be a duck then they will become a chicken instead all right let's go all right ready skippy i'm gonna let them out all right wait wait what are the rules what are the rules there's only two rules skeppy no going backwards and you can't stop running they walk if they go like this what happens to them [Music] they're gone all right i'm letting them out you ready yeah five four three two one begin and it starts go all right now they just have to go forward and run of course hey bad it's random hd oh my goodness okay i'm sorry there's no way i couldn't point that out and there you go i wonder if there's a ren down hd or a rin no no i'm gonna start adding obstacles hey the sign says almost there hey why are you reading the sign i'm just reading the sign oh this person yeah there's look see you can see him like branch off to read it all right what would you like to do for obstacle number one well i have a good idea okay i'm thinking in a lot of our obstacles right we make them too difficult we do so it's it's heavy to me tv to me okay here's what i'm thinking something simple right jump over a little thing sure okay okay pretty easy but here's the trick as you jump over you'll have to land exactly in the right spot because there's going to be lava oh okay okay this is what we would usually do how is this any different wait a minute you're right this is too easy no this is oh okay i'm gonna do this set orange boom what now they know that's about to be lava and then we do set 95 14. so it's red yeah and they see it and then we'll make this [Applause] boom yes and then this okay when where's the lava coming wait and anything now where's the lava are you ready yes here we go replace 35 orange with lava and oh wow that one might have been i'll i'll heal them i'll heal them no one else gets healed though skippy everybody else they fall like that they're gone the first person is about to be eliminated in three two one they're still gone they're literally yep there they are oh my god five down six down seven down eight down big oops is it really that hard um i don't know i guess it is really hard for them a lot of people have just fell in here what's so hard about this look how many people we've lost so many and you were trying to make it easy for them i was i was trying to make it super easy and there goes another i mean literally this is easy you just go boop boop boop easy but like it's not another one listen i'm gonna add the next obstacle okay go ahead so we're gonna have a line right here of quartz of course and then after that they must go up a block right of course of course but if they fall in here you know what happens to them let me guess they barbecue and lava that is incorrect if they fall in here they're stuck they're stuck well we have to manually kill them we have to okay fine fine gosh you don't want to manually do it you i'm fine with your hands and fingers just put cactus down here then all right let's do cactus won't they be able to jump out once they get hurt though i don't think you can jump two blocks up oh there we go this is literally so cruel like look they'll land on here they're trying to jump out you can't you can't i really want someone to fall in here now here i'm gonna add little thingies like this so that we increase our chances of someone falling in you know what no one's gonna fall in skippy stop doing that i don't know i think someone's gonna fall in i can make it harder i want someone to fall in here i need someone to fall in here there we go look at this bad i got him good didn't i oh he's trying to vote no no he won't be able to make that right um there he goes look at this guy he's awesome this is cool this is cruel why are we using it it's amazing you know what i get to do this he got out he got out no he got out he did okay he gets to live then what yeah if they can get out they can live all right all right they have to go over here up here around and then back to the spawn i think yours was cruel skippy okay i want to do one that's not cruel i want to do a nice one how can you do a nice one in one of these events from here to here how is that nice nice it is nice are you gonna turn it to lava yeah yeah come on that's pretty good there we go all right that looks pretty good all right all right looks pretty good but that isn't nice that isn't nice here i'll do one that's nice follow me what do you mean that's pretty nice no that isn't nice in the slightest i'm making it nice that's nice they get to go fast that's cool yeah and they get ice yay well actually wouldn't it be mean because technically they go faster around meaning a higher chance of falling in an obstacle now we need to add some obstacles okay oh that's so cool the jail is up here so once they're up here they can literally just walk around anywhere that's so creative bad did you think of that yourself uh which jail never mind it was probably not you it was me whatever it is yeah yeah yeah it was me i'm gonna set some lava over here we need more obstacles hey this person isn't running that what the okay they just became superman replace near five coal ten percent lava let's see how that turns ooh ooh again and ooh for the third time and the fourth time oh we should add some random lava spots to like try and get them to slide in how could they be that bad that they possibly miss maybe they will maybe they'll be trying to you know be speedy and then they slip and go oh no i don't know dude doesn't seem like something they would do oh someone died in lava so maybe you were both wrong yes did you die over here when one got in the cactus bad we're doing a good job this is great they're just failing in our traps yeah this is like the easiest one i think we've ever done but how can we add the ultimate trap that literally gets everyone should we add some random like uh soul sands skeppy oh that's a great idea yes yes yes yes yes yes you know what i just got a great idea i figured it out i know how to make this area more fun how okay can you do me a favor i'm going to select just this area okay okay and i'm gonna turn pvp on you are just in this area are you gonna let them know um yeah what turning point on in ice area oh my gosh dude this is so cool i'm adding like glass here so that they can see each other when they're far away also oh it's skippy pvp is now on in the ice in the ice yes i just saw some people punch each other yes they did so from only the ice to the ice pvp you cannot punch outside of it all right let me put some signs pvp on in ice oh there we go more punching pvp on in ice and once again pvp on in ice now they know so since pvp is on here we should probably add more i don't know obstacles yeah we need to add more i will get right on it okay we pretty much have a lot in this zone should we continue on to like the next zone the thing is the ice is our strong suit so we should take advantage of it you want skeppy we need to run this just once to see how hard it is that's a great idea let's go you versus me you and me we're gonna run it let's do it all right ready three two one go i'm going to and skeppy is a fatty need to go in the corner no you're not i'm definitely gonna be oh my oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i thought i could make that i thought i could make that i thought i could make this jump right so i win well do i win yes but like i thought i could make that jump should we go again no we can't go again no oh fine we can go you my bad little my bad go back to the start i'm gonna beat you in a race i cannot believe you did that come on come on ready three two one go all right this time i'm not gonna make the same mistake i made last time i will jump like that oh look i made it too oh look i made this oh i made it too oh look you made those lava walls all right watch this oh get in the lava no i'm good bro i'm good i'm gonna win victory is mine skippy we don't have hardly any obstacles up here which means i can win yeah yes i see you in your little duck suit chasing me look at that hey wait what did you kill me no baby oh yeah what what killed me gravity you did one more race one last one no last one ah fine one more all right three two one go hey you can't i still went even though you cheated no no no i'm in the ice victory and i made it all the way around hey do you want to find out how many people died in our cactus trap oh yeah how would we know i will tell you i knew the exact amount four four four people well i say we need more more oh look five no don't let him out skippy it's not me it's just if they're good enough to get out they'll do it oh is he gonna get out you have to time it perfectly you have to go like no oh it's easy it's easy dude yep he couldn't do it you seem to like that so should we do another cactus i'm adding another one so it's going to be even more you're going to make it bigger yup scampi aren't they going to love it i don't think they will aren't they just going to love it so much oof this is a pretty hard jump so i'm gonna add a slab no no no you shouldn't need to i push the cactus down one block i want slabs they can't get out already skippy i need it so they're stuck i know but the slabs to make it harder this is such a hard job not that hard it is pretty hard to be fine yeah not that guy yeah not that guy i have a feeling a lot of people are going to die here oh good good good all right skeppy we need more we need more we need more all right all right all right i'm gonna add more i'm adding more i'm add more all right so give me your badge so they're gonna not see it because it's all black wool once they come there it's uh quite literally all about to be wait for it void you're just gonna let them slip and fall down well yeah if they do you gotta close this off stepping fine let's close it off and this can just be lava yeah perfect hey someone fell someone fell down really yeah yay it worked it told you though you'll never see it kevin honestly how would you even fall there like look if you just run straight oh true if you were wondering it shouldn't even how would you fall in that i guess if you like jumped and landed in it oh yeah all right we need more obstacles oh i know cobweb cobb webs aren't gonna be added can't be i know the one to do to me okay oh no you're not at no that's hard oh wait ah undo i only meant to make it three okay so instead of doing that i'm going to make it one block smaller i really also hope bad takes the offer so the bald man meme can become true bad are you taking my uh you know my my one offer scabby i'm still thinking about it uh-huh don't uh-hum me uh-huh you okay bad okay oh this is interesting they have to do it perfectly or else they get bamboozled i like this oh my goodness i know how to make it even worse one taller what no not one taller that's not gonna help at all really yeah yeah watch set 35 orange but here's the trick on this one we alternate oh that's good you literally have to turn oh oh oh yeah goodbye like that goodbye get them out get them out get them out no don't kill it they stopped running they stopped running i know but it's not no if they get caught in the web they can they stop stop running as long as they survive no they have to survive no they stop running don't kill that one that one got a freebie no no no no he made it through he gets a cupcake this guy stopped too no no no he everyone's like hey this guy get me if they get caught in them goodbye oh no no this guy's gone okay the lava is supposed to kill them skippy hey they stopped running you don't need to worry about them the lava will kill them how what if they get out if they get out then they're magic ah fine but a lot of them got trapped in i know i'm gonna keep killing them if they stop okay well then let's go somewhere else follow me skippy bad we need official rules okay because the beginning you said if they stop running then yeah but that's remember you can still technically be running when you're caught in web uh then what about all the people that i killed just done kill them no you know who they are just unkill them fine yay all right bad we finally just revived everyone who i killed but i'm just saying you should have clarified the rules a little bit better like this like this yes no that's not true look look okay i'm technically running i'm technically running i'm technically no no you're not well running i'm not waiting no because you'd be going forward bye remember skeppy the web just slows them down but it doesn't stop them from running see but if they get caught in the wrong place then they'll fall in love and die if we kill everybody who gets caught then like a million people will die yeah you're right okay so what else do you want to add should we add another pvp well how many players do we have left we should probably take a look right it says we have about 58. okay 58's a decent amount come on someone fall i want to see someone miss this man no one's missing it yeah no one's gonna miss this look the only way they'll miss it is if i add that oh no that's a bit too hard uh i think they'll be fine it definitely elevates it you have to hold w yeah wait actually you don't have to really yeah you don't have to you can just sprint your way through oh my gosh that's insane but do we want that no we don't so from now on look what they have to do yeah they have to jump and hold w this one's a lot harder but just wait we're gonna get someone we will get someone like this it is only a matter of time oh we got one with it man yup he's the kid i killed earlier well he should have been smarter all right i don't think we have many obstacles right here in this area what would be a good obstacle to do i know what we can do okay while you do this i'll check back on you in a few minutes i'm gonna add one right here at the beginning i hope they like the taste of the void the taste of the void what flavor is the void skeppy you know taste of the void whatever that means flavor is it you know whatever tastes best i can see the void being grape bad not gonna lie to you this obstacle is gonna be kind of well oof what like hard yeah pretty oof but that's okay right that's okay that's okay don't worry i don't know if that is okay it is okay don't worry don't worry i don't know if it is don't worry about a thing everything's gonna be okay how's your masterpiece coming along it's coming along pretty good i think really good i don't think people are gonna like it very much though yeah i don't think people like mine very much but it is what it is all right are you ready to look at mine and i look at yours um yeah and you have made this thing a thing of a box to go like that oh you actually got someone nice i did all right follow me tp to me i mean yours hasn't gotten anyone yet well mine probably has to be honest because it's pretty hard uh over here this way right here oh my gosh pretty cool right yours is parkour of pain that is hard skippy pretty hard yes oh that is hard yours is there he goes great there goes another memer i like mine better i think mine is shiny i like mine well i like mine well i like mine and that guy just died so bad you know a secret over here that you could do that no one knows about why tp to me don't want to do parkour tired of doing it right here boop that's still park horse technically yes but it's much easier technically it is but it's still parkour you should make it even more obvious what see how many of them notice oh i like that i like that do you want to race now yes i do all right go to the start right here all right three two one no yup oh did you fall the other way no i made it oh you jumped over it too yes i did because i'm a genius oh my gosh my gosh how did you not fall in there huh how did you not fall oh yeah oh how did you fall in there that oh no this is the hard one i nailed it wow did you make you made it too yeah i made it oh wait hold on hold on the ultimate comeback of dreams of dreams no no no skippy slow down slow down no yes no yes 1-1 no no no no i made it first actually you no me that counts but i kill you it doesn't no i won that one okay all right we have a total of 30-ish something players left still 30 we made this really hard well i mean we started with like 150 right oh skeppy i know what we should do okay let's get all of the remaining players back at the start and we can watch them all run again everyone stop at yellow alright so clearly these are the good players right bad well yes yes yes they are these are the good players what is that these are the good players what is this get me right before the parkour right before the parkour that's so evil they could still technically go like this if they wanted to but wait it gets even harder bad look at what i added look at all of this oh my god get ready everyone seriously seriously we need people out right we've been here for like an hour jeffy this is gonna be so hard two one go hey what the heck what what is going on look on my screen there's lava there what where right here they're just walking through my lava yeah because there's no lava there for me what put it in there i thought you left a space there oh on my screen on my screen there's the lava no skevie there's no dude i don't know loving potatoes they got lucky all right so skeppy yes how many people are we down to uh around 20ish so 20ish memers who are about to run into the lava thing that you made again how are they doing that cactus jump it's not that difficult that is difficult i don't think hey they found it they found it yeah they did i'm gonna close it off once no only the smart ones found it yeah they have already found it all right and now it's gone oh my god this one still did wow never again goodbye okay i don't believe this is possible it is so easy there you go i can't wait look look at me look at me look at me i'm watching go watch this and you wait and then you go well thank you stopped running yeah i know it's the only way of doing it that's ridiculous oh there goes that guy yeah oof big oof oh my god it's getting everyone today oh my dude you have to be careful stand on it longer like that there you go here we go skeppy you ready is he gonna make it this is our last guy so he just has to make it to the thing and then we can have him run again we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten people exactly nice killing the last three to make the one okay this is gonna be interesting i like this are you ready scampi yep i'll count down five four three two one go and they're off oh my look at me you're gonna die here oh my gosh wow so many wow okay yup should we still kill the last three i don't think we should all right pat i guess since five people died you're probably right we should you know say that more than three died yeah okay so three died so we will do another lap geppy that was way too ooh i know we're gonna do that again but the last person back now oh the last person back will die yes and here they come back we haven't done a revival oh is that let's revive someone okay wow that's pretty late on oh yeah but they'll be in the top five that's pretty good can we revive the cutest skin no we're reviving anyone who thinks of what i'm thinking of right now and i'm thinking about color and the color is aqua i'm thinking of a color right now go did anyone say aqua i'll check nope no one again see if anyone got it i see an aqua stare you chew they're wearing a squirtle skin this guy died really early on skeppy that's amazing i remember watching them falling oh wow they're not gonna get very far all right five four three two one go all right let them out oh dude oh two of them died does that mean we're still doing last one out yes last one back is out okay what is the revival no i wanted him to make it far oh come on they they still have a chance to catch up that's true hope is not lost i feel like it is though no it's not come on little pvp is on here it is they're catching up oh no wait if the revival wins i swear dude oh my goodness they can do it they can do it oh come on yes no way a little turtle i don't believe this it's a turkey if the revival somehow wins this event i swear oh my god that would be the most clutch thing of all time i know go go oh oh my god oh my god a thousand dollars that is do you understand what just happened the revival won so we have to kill bubbly because they were the last person to make it right are you are you serious getting a call with them right now oh my goodness yo hello hi uh what just happened i don't know how i work okay okay okay okay let's go back one let's go back let's go back aqua why because i don't know i just like like nobody really guesses awkward so i just like put awkward and then you won yeah i thought literally when you got revived the first thing bad said was this guy's not gonna make it very far he got he died early on bro when i got revived back i instantly i was shaking bro and then like not doing the parkour like i was shaking so hard that's so crazy i don't know how you did it but you did and you've won yourself a thousand dollars that's so crazy bro that's literally insane nothing like this has ever happened ah right like even like everybody in my stream but they weren't even expecting me to learn bruh are you streaming right now uh oh yeah i was streaming oh so wait you were a revival when did you die um early on and i was uh doing the little um emerald block jumps and then i ended up uh failing on that part because poland you know poland right he ended up baiting me and that made me like really nervous so i ended up failing right there see i saw you fall earlier i was like oh a squirtle just fell i can't believe that well congrats man shoot me the paypal we'll get that sent out to you and gg oh my god thank you for listening these events yeah no worries dude thank you we love you all right thank you i'll see you bye thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed make sure to subscribe and like the video once again i well i i truly just can't believe that and bad do you have anything else to say all right well that clearly has nothing to say so bye
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 4,196,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, last to stop running, first to stop running
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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