Last Epoch - Quick Guide on Loot Filters for New Players & Beginners | How to Set Up & Use

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hey what up everybody my name is real Asian robot and I'm one of the official creators for lost Epoch today I'm going to teach you about loot filters from the perspective of a new player because I started with this game at launch okay and I'm super new to the program so while there are other people out there who can probably teach you a lot more than I can um I hope that my new player perspective can be helpful to those of you who are starting the game right now just like me okay what is a loot filter let's start let's start there what is a loot filter a loot filter basically is a built-in mechanic in this game um that will help you either show highlight or you know um hide items that drop because you're going to get a lot of drops from enemies and not all of those drops are going to be useful to you at some point you're going to outgrow the normal gray the normal gray or white items you're going to outgrow the blue items that drop you're going to be mostly focused on the rares and the upper end gear that drops from Monsters bosses whatever you kill the loot filter basically helps hide show whatever you need and this is why it is important to know how to customize your own loot filter all right especially if you want to save time while gaming and not have to waste time checking every piece of equipment I just check what the ones that I need and then I move on okay so how do you design a loot filter from scratch well if you press the shift F key it'll bring up the loot filter menu you can also reach the loot filter menu by pressing the menu button next to your portal and then tapping on loot filter which is right there okay so it brings up the same menu now when it comes to loot filters uh my current loot filter already has a couple of rules in it this is just a really basic loot filter that I'm using for now but what this particular loot filter does is that it will hide all blue which is magic items it will hide all normal items which are the white colored items and it will show all rare unique set and exalted items with particular affixes that I'm currently searching for for my Necromancer all right so this is the basic loot filter that I've designed and I'm going to show you how to set up the same thing so let me vanish my cam so that this experience will be um a lot easier for you to to follow and you know my face won't be a distraction here let me just remove my cam right now and I'll show you how to do it yourself okay so when you're setting up a loot filter you're going to start at the no filter screen all right this will just show you the basics of the loop filter you can read it if you want but your journey starts with create a filter when you create a filter you can either import some filters or paste information from the clipboard um this is for those that are doing more advanced stuff and for and if you're like following people from more advanced websites that may show you these filters and things like that you can you can import them that way but I'm going to show you how to create it right from scratch so create new filter okay this filter is going to be created from scratch you can name your filter whatever you want so let's name this one um filter made on video 1440p and the description is for my viewers okay so you can give it and assign it any icon you want so let's give it a star icon and you can assign that icon any color you want so let's give it a red color cuz red well pink I guess is it red yeah it looks red to me all right um reddish pink that is my favorite color well red is my favorite color and there you go so this is now your blank loot filter with no rules all right how do you go around adding rules to your filter well just hit the add rule button and then you'll see this menu so from this menu you can choose the first you have three functions show hide or recolor recolor will basically recolor whatever you see to whatever color you pick so for example let's say an a rare item is normally uh yellow in color when it drops right you can recolor it to say um green if you want it's up to you all right you can do whatever you want as you please but here's what I prefer to do what I normally do is I will show or hide the first thing you're going to learn is hide what you want to do is you want to add a condition to your hidden to whatever you want to hide right so generally you will go by Rarity if you want to hide normal and magic items you can put both of them in the same rule I know I had separated it before but that was just to test things you can actually choose to hide items that are rare say normal and Magic okay when you've outgrown magic items you can just hide both of these and there you go now your loot filter will automatically hide any normal or magic items that are dropped in the field later on I'll show you an example of this okay now the next filter you probably want to add is to show AIX so you can go show AIX right and you can go through this entire menu and pick any of the aices that you want to be shown right and what it will do is you can emphasize it by capitalizing the item label this will not change the color of the item but it will make it appear in caps so you know that that item contains at least either one aex or two AIX you can set however many conditions you want you can set another AIX condition or you can set you know some other conditions things like that like it's all up to you what you want to do in general for me I will choose and pick like let's say let's just as an example pick an acolyte item right so it'll capitalize any items with an acolyte uh symbol Mana minion all right let's just make a Ultra simple one 69 nice okay 69 affixes selected you can you can ask for up to four of the same affixes CU four is the maximum number of affixes that can drop on any item so let's just put one all right and then after that from here you will say show on Rarity what kind of Rarity do do you want capitalized right you can pick rare exalted unique set and therefore any of these four items will show um in caps all right their their label will show in caps if they have any of the chosen a es that we like here let's add a few more affixes so that uh we can we can get a good example going and then I'll show you an example in the field so spell um let's say cool down movement uh Health recovery Ward potion I'm just throwing out an example here right okay and then General all right so there's 97 AIX is selected we add that and then now you've got basically it's the same as the rules that I had before except that the high normal and magic items are cated into one and and then you've got show all rare unique set exalted items with say 97 affixes that we've chosen okay now here's a little field test I'm going to show you how it looks in the field now that you guys know how to set this up for yourself you can play around with the rules as you like but I'm going to show you how it looks in the field all right BRB so if you look in the field the Slayers Cris of authority is right down there okay it's in caps and if we hover over it you can see that it comes with M minion melee damage minion bow damage you know these are some of the stats we were looking for so it's its name is in caps all right now you'll also notice down there with the corpses do you see the corpse down there all right there are some blue and and white glows here okay these are items that have dropped but notice that we cannot pick them up or interact with them this is because our loot filter is currently on because our loot filter hides normal and magic items and assuming that these normal and magic items are items that uh you you don't really care about or you know you can even add like the type of equipment so um item type you could say like I don't want to see one-handed weapons two-handed weapons offhand weapons armor but maybe you want to see accessories and Idols you can actually leave all that on and add this condition in right and since these are not Idols or accessories or anything like that bada bing bada boom they they are hidden so you don't even have to worry about these items you can simply focus on whatever drops in the field that has say now this one's got melee damage and Minion spell damage so you can pick that up so this in this way right your loot will be filtered into stuff that you really want instead of having everything on the field shown to you you and that is basically what a loot filter does thank you very much for watching this video I hope it'll help you design your own loot filters I hope that uh the explanation was not too confusing if you guys have any interesting suggestions or things like that leave a comment on the video below thank you so much for this all right y'all have a great time in last Epoch and if you want to grab the game don't forget to get it through my Nexus store the link is in the description of this video catch you on the next one all right like share and subscribe or else a grown man will cry see you later
Channel: RealAsianRobot
Views: 2,403
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Id: lSaG2Sjl9WA
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Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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