The ONLY Loot Filter You Need in Last Epoch! Beginner Friendly for Last Epoch 1.0 Launch

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hey everybody it's curse and today I'm going to bless you with a beginners loot filter guide I'm going to include the loot filter that we're going to go over and it's going to be perfect for any beginner but also it's going to be a loot filter that every single veteran is going to want to have for their season starting Journey the loot filter in last Depok has been around for so many years now and the game hasn't even launched it clearly has been a major priority for ehg to get it right and I do feel like they've done a really good job with it you can remove all the Clutter from the ground and just focus on slaying enemies without having to worry about hovering over so many items and being a manual timeconsuming loot filter yourself unlike Poe this loot filter is built in within the game and you don't have to go to a third- party website and the learning curve on it is much much simpler and the loot filter is also a lot better than the loot filter in Diablo 4 [Laughter] you serious you're going to have to take my word on that one so I'm going to walk you through how to set up loot filters in general and what is included in the beginners loot filter that my buddy aezy built for all of us here and then I'll show you how to import it and utilize it yourself as you progress through last Epoch so let's Jump Right In all right so in order to hide all of the trash that is on the ground you need to fire up your loot filter and set it up exactly as you want in order to open up your loot filter menu you can just hold shift and click F that is the shortcut for this at the beginning you're going to have a brand new loot filter and it's going to ask you do you want to create a new one or import an existing one let's go over how you would import an existing loot filter because I'm going to include The Beginner's loot filter that will go over in the description of this video below and I'll show you how to import that one so first things first is you want to open up your loot filter folder in order to do that you can click on this information button right here and then import a filter and then open filter folder that will open your filter folder and now you can download the loot filter that I will have in the description below place it in that folder and it should automatically appear up here as beginner loot filter so that's pretty easy right now let's say that you wanted to create your own loot filter the way that it works is you can add rules uh with the plus button right here and then for every single rule you can either show certain items based on certain conditions or hide certain items based on certain conditions or recolor items on based on conditions you can also emphasize the item drop by capitalizing the item label and you can add a character level dependency so that the loot filter automatically deletes itself or activates itself once you pass certain threshold and we will utilize this option in a Weezy beginner loot filter so you'll check out exactly what use cases this could have uh in terms of conditions you can see that you can uh show or hide depending on AIX class requirement level Rarity item type frequently we will filter based on affixes as there are certain affixes that are higher value versus lower value or perhaps there will be affixes that are going to be required for your build so that's where you can add build specific loot filter options for yourself let's say that you're using uh flame Rush as a scale you can just add increased speed and distance with flame rush for example and then you can make sure that the item has at least one of these affixes on itself and there's an advanced option as well where you can make sure that the tier of the affixes is at least a certain amount in this case you'd probably want to say at least tier six maybe tier five so that you don't look at too much trash or if you have multiple aices selected up here rather than just one you can select this option to set it so that you need to have more or equal than let's say tier 20 between these four affixes before they get shown and you even get a notice here items with this many combined tiers are rare and that's true because this will be four tier fives regardless that's kind of the basics of it there's also some other options here like Rarity so this is pretty straightforward you can do exalted but that's redundant because we've already set up let's say here tier six or higher that makes it by default the item has to be exalted there are also item types so that you can make sure that the item is let's say a catalyst if that's what you're looking for and once you've selected the Catalyst type there are subtypes within the catalysts as well and some of the best subtypes are let's say crystal skulls they give you spell Critical Strike chance so these are incredibly High valum for quite a few builds so you may want to let's say filter crystal skulls and show the ones that have certain affixes on top of that you can also add class requirements primalist uh these are rarely used level below or above a certain level I don't utilize these very often either but most of the uh useful conditions are AIX and item type based Rarity is is used just for hiding certain items like normal magic and rare that's the basics of it and the way that loot filter conditions work in last epox loot filter is the ones that are higher in the list take precedence so for example if something says recolor paranoia as white and then down here something else says recolor paranoia as blue the one that is higher up the white recoloring is going to take precedence and you're never going to actually hit the condition of blue another example would be if up high you have a condition that says show me rare items that have a specific AIX and then at the very bottom of your loot filter you have another condition that says hide all rare items the hide all rare items is not going to hide the ones that have the AIX specified up high so higher up always takes precedence remember that and that will be relevant within this loot filter as well and now we can go over to the beginner loot filter that that ay created for us and look through what kind of conditions we have in here but before we do that I think it's really important to go through the flow of a brand new season in last Tac and the way it's going to work is you're going to start the season without any items you're not going to have a stash full of tier seven Godly items to tap into to slam into legendaries or anything of that sort you're starting from scratch like everybody else and when that is the case between level one 75 you're going to be relying on blues and rares quite frequently and you're going to be crafting your own rares whenever possible given uh AIX availability and then once you pass level 75 level 80 maybe even level 90 or so you're going to have crafted a lot of the rares that you want and you're going to start transitioning into exalted items and at that point you're probably going to want to hide all of the rares that drop on the ground so that you're not wasting your time looking through each one of them because quite a few rares drop in this game just like any other arpg right and then if you keep going and you keep farming like a maniac like most of us do for another I don't know two three months within the season at some point you're going to have a lot of the items that you want and you're going to have far too many tier six exalts and even far too many tier 7 exalts I care where I wish when I wish and you're going to want to start dropping even some tier six exalted items you're going to start perhaps dropping set items and hiding those as well and so there is a certain progression within a season that dictates what you want within your loot filter and so let's let's go over it right here we have 25 rules and quite a few of them deal with unique items so in reality there's only like 10 or so rules that matter and that's all you need in last Epoch to be quite honest with you you can think about adding another two or three that are build specific for yourself but I would say that's not even necessary I personally will probably just go with this loot filter for the entire season uh and so the first six loot filter options that we have conditions that we have right here are basically specific to the most rare items in the game Orion's eye is an extremely rare amulet red ring of ataria as an extremely rare ring and these are rare gloves basically items that have a very high percent chance to reroll if they drop meaning that you're not going to see these very often so this white colar if you see that it means you've struck the jackpot and you want to party it up but in reality some of these are not even that useful yeah I'm looking at you paranoia and then moving on the next set of uh conditions is for again you unques but ones that are slightly less rare slightly more frequent drop ones so for example Aon will The Necromancer chest piece created by action RPGs Aaron that's right that item is right here but yeah these are fairly rare uniques that you might want to pick up even if they're lp0 some of these could be quite useful and then we get into the in my opinion most important conditions right here starting first this is one to recolor tier 7 exalts and if you click on it you can see how it's done basically it selects every single AIX and one thing that I want to mention here is that when ehg add new affixes I am not 100% certain that those will automatically get selected Within These this selection for the loot filter and so that's something that I'll definitely check when 1.0 drops and update the loot filter accordingly so that you don't need to worry about it but just in case if you grab an outdated version of it you may want to double check just open up your loot filter and see whether every single one of these is at the maximum because basically we're saying every single AIX if it's tier s we want to see it so if this for example is 16 out of 18 because they've added new element affixes that's something that you want to just open up and checkbox every single checkbox that exists there and so we have 429 affixes and we want any item with at least one of them being equal to tier 7 this is probably a loot filter condition that you're rarely going to want to take off perhaps there are some garbage affixes that you might want to hide if you're in the super late game and then we have a condition that highlights and recurs in blue any item that has at least two tier six exalted affixes so same thing here every single AIX is selected and then we want at least two tier six pretty straightforward after that we have basic experimental affixes as well there are 12 experimental AES that were introduced in one of the more recent patches they're right here experimental and in this loot filter we've chosen to highlight them if they're at least tier three more or equal to tier three in AIX that is because even if an item is rare if it has a tier three experimental aex it can be useful under certain scenarios as you progress press through the game you may want to up this three you know maybe a month into your season experience season Journey you might want to bump this up to let's say five next is a condition that you don't want to turn on and you can see this is another really cool feature in esg's loot filter is that you can turn these on and off this one in particular is going to hide every single item that has only one tier six ex out on it and remember the conditions that that are higher up take precedence so if the item has a tier seven it's always going to show up and then if the item has two or more exalts tier six plus it's also always going to show so you don't need to worry about those conditions or those scenarios this is something that you probably want to activate when you've filled up your stash with so many tier sixes that you're getting sick of them and that you're starting to replace them with tier sevens that's the point of the game or the point of the Season at which you want to turn this on there's also a condition that we've added for removing set items you want to activate this one when you've played through the season enough that you have every single set item and all of them or at least most of them are fairly well rolled let's say and that's when you want to just activate this and remove all that clutter because set items Unfortunately they don't spawn with legendary potential so once you have a really well rolled cell item you're never going to want to look at that particular set item on the ground ever again it's a waste of your time and then we have a few conditions here that are better and more suited towards early season when you first start a season you're going to have no stash with full of affixes like right here I have 49,000 affixes of for example armor I have 2,000 of them and some of these are more rare crit strike multi only 120 of them and then when you get to class specific ones let's say this one Javelin lightning throwing damage that's a helmet specific AIX and I have only three of them and the way that you want to prioritize acquiring these affixes is thanks to this rule if you see an orange item on the ground and we have already selected all of the class specific affixes that are very rare and you want to pick them up whenever you get them and basically shatter them in order to acquire the uh AIX Shard from them and the way you do that is with this Rune of removal that guarantees that you're going to get the entire let's say it's a tier five item you're going to get all five AIX charts from that if it hits uh the right AIX and it's generally the best way to acquire especially axes that you really want if you don't have Runes of removal you can also use Runes of shattering you're going to get anywhere between zero and five of that let's say tier five AIX so orange is going to be class skill skills that you want to shatter and then yellow is going to be four generic skills that you might want to shatter as well and these are hybrid Health that's pretty useful early on and it's fairly rare and I think Hybrid Armor that reduces bonus damage from critical strikes is also fairly useful especially early on movement speed and cool down on boots uh and on other jewelry as well those are very useful so you want to be shattering them just because you're going to be utilizing them quite a bit early on in the the season and they're rare enough that you want to get a stash of at least 20 30 40 of those AIC shards before you turn them off and so that's something else I can recommend if you let's say are playing primalist and you start acquiring all of these AIC shards and you're doing your thing and you're using Rune of removal as much as possible on these eventually you're going to have spell damage with while transformed up to let's say 50 AIX shards you don't want any more than that really 50 is even way too much there are very few AIC shards in the game that you're going to want to stockpile more than 50 of and it's going to be for very specific crafting purposes so one option that you have is once you notice that you have let's say 20 of these added Min mil crit chant you can just turn it off in here yes it's a little bit manual you have to go in here every now and then but it does clean up the number of items on the ground that you see and it makes your life easier alternatively you can just acquire tons and tons of of primalist aex shards until at some point you get bored or you get fed up with what you see on the ground and just turn off primalist alt together for your loot filter and remember you still want to have Mage and Acolyte and Sentinel and Rogue uh if primalist is is your main and you're not playing these other classes as much you don't want to be turning off the entire loot condition right here you just want to turn off the primalist drops so that is something we can recommend probably between the two and four week Mark in a season you're going to have a sufficient number of AIC shards maybe a little bit later than that depending on how much you play but certainly at some point you're going to have an abundance of them for this green one this is uh We've recolored Stout idols and it's also a Showcase of how you can recolor idols and highlight them as well but in this case we're uh highlighting Idols that look like this 5% increased health and plus 30 health and they have a huge range so you certain certainly don't want to be picking up 2% 11 Health Idols of this kind but if they spawn with 5% health and 20 plus health or even 15 plus Health uh and also 4% Health can be useful too you want to pick them up those are useful for pretty much every single build and setup in the game so that is why this particular Stout idle 2x1 is incredibly valuable and we are highlighting it for you but you can also use this as an idea for which Idols you might want want to highlight for your own personal use so for example there are Idols that you can let's say let's duplicate this so I can show you what I mean uh there are 2x two Idols that and are very much build enabling let's say we're looking at Sentinel 2x2s there is a build enabling AIX of casting Smite when you hit with throwing attacks and you can combine that with health as a suffix on the idol resulting in some incredibly Godly Idols for certain builds now now this item in particular is going to be incredibly rare so I don't actually recommend for you to set it up like that I would more so just focus on this particular AIX and ignore the suffix but you get the idea this is just to demonstrate how you can highlight and emphasize the it that you're looking for so let's delete this rule since we don't need it and so those are all the rules that you really care about the rest are just to hide everything else here we have a conditional hide rule where once you hit level 75 normal magic and rare items are going to be gone cuz you don't really care about them on top of that we're also hiding normal items at all points you never ever really want to see normal items it's a waste of your time to be looking at them uh Blues can be useful in that leveling period so we still keep them until level 75 but yeah this is how we've utilized the Character level dependency so great work here a Weezy I love it uh this is one phenomenal loot filter guys and the best part about it is that loot filters in uh last Depok are very modular and they're extremely adaptable to what you need for example this tier six exal hiding loot filter you can turn it on or off whenever you want so if you get fed up with seeing tier sixes and you hover over every single item and it turns out to be exactly not what you want get rid of them sets get rid of them at some point in your SE season Journey you're going to want to do that but again that is a function of how much you play and how much you like seeing set items and you like looking for upgrades to the existing set items that you have in your stash the only other thing that I will mention for this loot filter is that you should feel free to add more rules and make it fit your build your play style what you want to see and it's quite straightforward as you I kind of went through it already so feel free to do that you can also duplicate these existing rules and adjust them or augment them to your needs and you can share your loot filter with your buddies by saving it exporting it so I hope you enjoyed this loot filter guide and I hope this is the last loot filter guide and loot filter that you need for your last Epoch Adventures here's a little demonstration of a super rare unique in this red ring nice and white pretty sweet and again if you enjoyed this loot filter uh make sure to give props to my buddy azy and if you want more content like this subscribe become a member of the channel if you wish or check me out on Twitch I'm going to be enjoying lasty pooke 1.0 launch as much as possible so come and check out what builds we land on and other than that I hope RNG Jesus treats you well with the 1. launch and take it easy gois sades
Channel: The Curse
Views: 10,359
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Id: 4Nx2Pwuxkc4
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Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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