Step by Step Tutorial - Loot Filter for ANY Build | Last Epoch 1.0

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hey guys it's Bina and in today's video we're going to show you how to exactly do a loot filter with my filter base so basically with my beus master loot filter I have been asked this a thousand times in chat as to how to actually set this up even though I have all the instructions in my spreadsheet uh which is going to be down in the in the description below um I'm going to go over step by step everything you need to do if you have a build planner and you want to use beina Master filter how you can input all of the stats to be able to use it properly so um let's go over it right now so say for example right on Max roll we have our loot filters right there is a loot filter if you want to use these loot filter please do so and I recommend doing so but there's a lot of people that just want to use an actual uh like a different filter and they want to mess around with their filter maybe they feel that they're seeing too many items but I do recommend if you're just you know a player that grabs a build guide and wants to just slap a loot filter on and not have anything to do with it just go into the circle of Fortune filter if you're Circle Of Fortune or Merchants Guild if you are Merchants Guild now that being said um this video is for you guys that want to go a little bit deeper right and want to have a more strict filter how can you do so with any planner whatsoever any build how to do so with this with this filter uh with this filter template so first of all all items has four stats right so you will look at these stats and you will put the stats that you need to implement in the filter in the correct slots there are eight places there are eight rules that has ADD wanted affixes in their description and whenever I update the loot filter I will add the date that I last updated it and so you can download always the latest version although if you download the latest version you have to reput the stats so I always put in the change log exactly what I change so you can do it yourself if you know a bit more of how the filter works so the first thing you do you go down here right so this can be used also for leveling so the first thing you want to do is leveling campaign gear add wanted damage affixes this is because the defensive aexes for the campaign have already been selected so I would go into this one for for example this is the explosive B of Falconer so I would go over and okay dexterity is my offensive affixes um here I have Vitality if you Vitality you could put it there as well dexterity acid flask fire damage minion damage throwing attack speed minus throwing attack man cost all of these stats I will put there and those will be done right so these are going to show for leveling in the campaign before level 35 although this is not a explosive ballista is not technically a a a build guy that you can level with because you need uh minus 8 Mana cost for that specific version for the traps to cost zero Mana I will do it anyways here just because I want to show exactly how it's done right so we have already a couple of stats that are selected these you actually don't look at in any way right it's just it's just going to be the moving speed is going to be selected the coold down some basic resistances and health so all of these you don't have to touch anything you just do what the instructions give you so I'm going to be adding dexterity I'm going to be adding uh throwing throwing damage and minus man cost I'm going to be going with uh throwing attack speed I believe we have here yes so I'm just I'm just actually looking at what stats I have here and adding them level of acid flask I'm going to put level of acid flask right class specific Rogue level of acid flask we have crit multi we have Critical Strike chance we have so that's pretty much it I think for the for the offensive stats no we have plus level of ballista as well right level of ballista minion damage minion damage what else we want to see so on this build guide I have a weapon as a unique so I will actually don't want to see any any other staffs right because I I assume that you have this I assume you have this staff if you have this staff then you will be able to reach minus8 man cost with both your rings right without any exalted so if you had a weapon if you had a weapon you would deselect the weapon types that you want and you would deselect for for example I don't know a one handed sword a scepter whatever the build guide is telling you or the planner is telling you he's equipping right those you would deselect but now we don't have that so I'm not doing this right now um so I pretty much inputed all the stats that I wanted so that is pretty good we're going to go to the next one so early month Idols this you don't have to do anything with it early build Idols add wanted affixes okay so I'm looking at my planner um my planner has Idols what are the idols that the build is going to be using health La res Health La res these are already shown in the uh important important stats but you could put them there in the early build Idols as well so we're going to do it right now and then both physical damage for abil increase bulke chance we're going to put all of this in the rule okay so add wanted affixes it already selects the types the only types that are selected are the ones that are for the class specific Idols so all the other ones are going to be in the early mon Idol Rule and you don't have to put them there so it's only the ones that are for your class for your build right so we're going to put Health it's called vigorous right it was vigorous it was Elemental res it was also uh bow damage for ballista so we put them here uh Idols be sure not to like Mis uh misclick into a class specific or offensive it's always it always has to be for the idols uh there's a section for Idols only affixes because you can find increased Health in the idol affixes or increase health in the just General Health AIX as well right uh this one here so that is pretty much done for the idols that are in the build guide if there are other recommended Idols in the build guide for example you would want uh shared Critical Strike multiplier you could put them here right so you put you add your wanted affixes for your idols and these are going to show you the early Idols that only have one of these stats on the item so you put this here same for mono gear so added mono gear add one to daxis for early mon gear so I have three rules one that stops at 65 and one that is a little bit stricter that goes up to 85 so we're going to put all of the stats that we put in the leveling campaign gear all of these stats we're going to put the same ones in here right so we're going to have dexterity we're going to have minion damage um we're going to have minion damage and now make sure if you're using one of the one of the Max uh one of the maual build guides for example we have multiple different setups right Advance end game best and S even for explosive bista I have a DPS variant so these stats might be different if you want to find these one as well put them in the filter so if you don't want to find that though and you just want to stick to the endgame gear or stick to the best in slot gear then just put these stats that you actually want for your build so I'm going to go I'm going to go over them right Advance it's pretty much all the same stuff dexterity fire Min damage blah blah end game is it a little bit different it's oh it's all to cold this build swaps to cold so maybe at some point you want to change in your filter oh I want to unclick fire and I just want to put cold but this is mainly specific for explosive ballista because of the setup I use with the apy sword uh and then this one also has a DPS variant but I will put all of these in this example that I do so we're going for the same things here we went for dexterity minion damage uh we want acid flask so not here class specific level of acid flask we're going to go for fire damage did I put this here I did not so we're going to fire damage uh throwing you want throwing attack speed and throwing ma reduced Mana cost what else is there I'm looking I'm looking okay we got pretty much everything so that's good now I go to the end game section end game is there anything different we have throwing attack speed we have this we have that oh you might also want to put put the stats that are on the um on the suffixes here CU as you notice I don't say add only damage affixes add wanted affixes right so you will look at the stats also in the suffixes for the slots right so for example on here that would be something like endurance crit avoidance uh poison res right health is already health is already there chance toly Frailty chance to shred armor these things you will want to put right if you want to find them if if you think you're finding too much gear that might be it but it's good I think for a newer player to actually see some loot rather than see one item drop every five maps for example like looking at loot will also teach you about the game and teach you about the items that you are finding so you will go endurance you would go with crit avoidance so I'm looking okay crit avoidance I already have here because I prioritize giving you guys crit avoidance so that you don't get one shot every so often right so poison res we already have health we already have fry we might put fty here chance up Fry on hit uh you might want to have shred armor chance to sh armor on Hit And that's pretty much it okay now I'm going three endgame gear endgame gear has pretty much all the same stuff uh I don't see any new stats so that's good right um and go in the best and Slot setup best in slot has all the same stats and then I'll go into the DPS variant oh DPS variant has Mana regen maybe I'll want to go there but at the same time why would you put the DPS endgame variant that is like you need very very specific gear in your early monos rules you might not need this so it's up to you I won't put it here but it's up to you if you want to see the end game variant for the early mono gear you could put it there I am not going to do it uh so that is pretty much all the stats right so you do this step add wanted affixes you do this step and you repeat it for all of these three steps right we're going to do it we're going to go dexterity we're going to go minion damage we're going to go well we're swapping to cold right we're swapping to cold so at some point you will swap to cold so let's go cold damage let's go with um throwing so we got throwing attack speed throwing attack reduce Mana cost we also have uh we already have dexterity you want to have some shred you want to have some Frailty is there something else I think we covered everything uh not true poison res endurance right keep in mind keep in mind the resistances that you put there they are based on the planner and the planner is made so that your resistances are capped in a certain way but it might change from person to person your setup and what gear you find if you find a good piece of gear with a certain type of resistance you might want to mix and match with your Idols with your pieces of gear so that you have the C of 75% resistances across the board um so that's pretty good throwing attack speed I already have okay this is good we have everything here boom add wanted axes early mon gear 65 done now we're going to repeat this process in the early mono gear 85 uh the exterity oops dexterity we're GNA put minion damage we're going to put cold damage we have some throwing stuff attack speed Mana cost we have endurance poison res and what else do I am I am I missing something I think I have shred and Fry right that should cover everything and now if you we want the now that's a that's a rule that is more um it goes up to level 85 so maybe on this one I will add Mana regen right maybe on this one I will add some Mana regen for the for the DPS variant maybe you want to start looking for some gear for that um okay so we have pretty much everything now we're going up and up okay is there another rule I need to change okay there's no rule there's no rule all of these are idle slots there there are Idol rules that have two good rolls for every build that we have on Max roll and I keep updating this as shown last update was February 24 high value Prim less Rogue s acolyte Mage so very high value Idols that will have good selling price on the market uh show all exalted until Level 80 if you find if you I think I think level 80 is a pretty good spot to stop showing exalted uh especially if this is your first character that you're leveling if this is like your second third or fourth character and you already have like a good bunch of exalted or you can buy stuff off of the market that you might want to unclick this one and only show the exalted that have a high value for you and the ones you're looking for right so tier six exalted I'm looking for and high value affixes add wanted affixes which one do you want to see for example right now on the market dexterity is extremely good dexterity is selling like crazy if you're mg you want to go with dexterity absolutely for sure okay uh I think Mana region might uh Mana region not this one this one here I think this one sells pretty good as well crit multi sells pretty good as well so we're going to put crit multiplier here so those might be some generic ones that you might want to see I think minus throwing uh Mana cost might also be good or throwing attack speed so these you might want to include in your planners uh in your filters for just just generally good affixes but more specifically to your build now you're looking at the build okay what does the build need okay this The Bu the the the planner is showing increase thring attack speed we already have it it's showing attack speed it's showing increased Health that's already always um added in the filter and minus Mana cost okay so it's showing all the same things that I have because the market right now is pretty much tailored towards uh I mean everyone's looking for these these pieces of gear so obviously these are going to be more expensive and these are going to be the ones that anyone should have in their planner so that's what you want to do with this DPS variant what is it dexterity dexterity dexterity there's a Mana regen um you could also add CR voidance crit avoidance has quite good value since it's actual crit multiplier for it's a crit multi uh for your for your minions right so let's put this like this if you want to look at some other ones you can certainly check some other ones if you find that okay this one is really good this one is really good as well and I want to find this tier six exalted item okay so that's good we have all of these boom boom boom now if you want to have something like um hide weapon types I don't want to see here any weapon that is selected you will never see anything that is up that is tier six and Below you will only see the tier sevens so if you want to see tier sixes for example some Quivers with dexterity you might want to see um do you want to see some tier six Shields maybe not offhand Catalyst I don't know cast speed something like that right you might want to see crit multi offhand Catalyst with tier six uh crit multi maybe you want to see this so maybe you uncheck this one but this is only going to show the tier sixes that you have selected beforehand in the other rule okay so Bose right now pretty meta uh one-handed swords really good as well you find one one-handed swords with some Minion stats oh okay I forgot we need some Minion stats now right in the tier sixes I forgot to add something how do I do this well after setting it up for the first time you play for a little bit right and oh I forgot something shift F recolor TI six exalted I'm going to add something there I forgot to add the minion affixes for penetration or minion melee and B bow damage meaning spell and bow damage meaning million spell damage maybe I want to see these ones right maybe I want a certain damage types uh cold penetration fire penetration with the with the minions maybe I want to see these as tier sixes as well um so you select the ones that you want right update and then you okay we were in the weapon selection two-handed weapon do you want to see twed axe with tier sixes or swords okay this is up to you but this is is uh what I would do for for now right maybe one-handed swords and daggers maybe these with melee attack speed so you could put melee attack speed there right so let's go like this boom boom maybe wands with crit multi tier six up to you guys okay so let's go here let's add something here I want to see melee attack speed of on these weapons boom tier six okay so now any any other weapon that is not unticked will be hidden if it's under tier 7 or if it's not a double exalted uh and then crafting removal or shattering add wanted affixes is there anything that you want here to find to add to your shards to be able to craft right if you press F crafting materials there are some shards that are rarer than others say you want the level of dive bomb maybe you want damage in area with dive bomb to craft on your gear um but that is something that you know you can adjust over time and you don't really need to put anything here unless you really really need it okay so hybrid health is always good to show I always show hybrid health because that is one set I'm always striving to craft uh you could put increased Health but like hybrid is a rare one if you put like increased health or crit multi these are like very common axes it will you know you will always drop items uh for for that right so I believe that it is best to only put axes here when you need them and then craft and then click them off basically like keep a couple of them in your stash you know in your in your crafting inventory have maybe a a bag of like 50 or something or 20 or 30 and then when you pass them all then you put the rule again you put the AIX again there so it's going to show multi- exalted tier 7 exalted and uni and set items so boom you're set this was you know while explaining I don't know how much time this took and how long this video will be but basically this is the these are the only steps you have have to do add wanted damage axes you add your wanted Idols you have three for monolith early mono gear and then you have one for high value tier six aexes select your weapons and then remove all and shattering right so those are used uh to get some axes say you want chance to bleed on hit with shurikens you put this here you use a rune of removal and then if you have no more foring potential then you use a rune of shattering so uh that is how I used the well this is how you use the vus master loot filter and I hope you learned something today I hope you'll be able to like have a nice filter for yourself and feel free to mess around the loot filter tool feel free to mess around with my filter uh my filter template and just have fun with it you know the rules work in a way where the rules up top overrule the the bottom rules right the rules under them so it goes in order of priority and and yeah play with it learn it and have fun with it I hope you en time today if you like these kinds of video please leave a like subscribe and comment on the channel and I'll see you guys all in the next one
Channel: BinaQc
Views: 9,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Last Epoch, Best Build, Best Class, Top Build, Top Mastery, Last Epoch Best, Last Epoch Build Guide, loot filter
Id: zCFHcTe89kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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