How Do Last Epoch Loot Filters Work? A Beginner's Guide

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loot filters are an important part of last Epoch a first fairly few items drop and the modifiers are easy to see since items drop identified but as you progress into the end game more loot will drop and a lot of the loop it drops is less and less relevant after all if you already have exalted gear in every single slot you're not going to need that gray item on the ground there's no possible way to craft it into something that's better than what you're already wearing no matter how lucky you get as you go into the end game customizing your own Loop filter becomes more and more important a lot of the time people ask me do you have a loop filter for this build and the answer is usually yes but also no which is to say I use a loot filter if it's tuned to my specific gear if you're just starting out with a build it won't be very helpful to you if you've been maxed it further than I have it's probably going to show a lot of junk that you really don't need personally I always tend to opt towards showing more rather than showing less I'd rather see some trash on the floor than miss a potentially good upgrade but in today's video I'm going to quickly go over how to set up a basic loot filter and then get into a few more advanced tips that you might find helpful when you start to min max let's get into the basics start off hit shift plus F to bring up the loop filter menu and right off the bat you have two options import a loop filter this is where you can grab one made by someone else or create a loot filter it's very important to learn how the loot filter system works and get familiar with making your own to start off with create a new filter let's call it leveling and I'm going to pretend that I was leveling an acolyte and needed a filter for it you start off with zero rules the rules consist of show hide or recolor which should all be fairly self-explanatory I'm going to start off by hiding everything not for my class so class requirement I'm in acolyte I don't need to see any of this next up I'm going to add a second condition the condition options are affix the specific modifiers on the item level should be self-explanatory Rarity item type and none there is also of course class requirement which I already went over so Rarity I'm going to hide all normal magic rare items meaning I will see exalted unique and set pieces this way the junk that's not useful for my build is going to all be completely hidden next up I'm adding a second rule to hide acolyte specific gear and just general stuff that I don't want to see for this one I don't need an item type just normal magic rare all this gear is gone because it's not going to be useful for me at this time now if you're low level you will not want to hide rare gear you'd only want to hide say normal gear then maybe you get to level 40 or so your gear is much better you add in magic all right you get to level 65 75 you're in monoliths you're grinding you feel like you have good rares in most slots you can hide all of that trash from the floor and get rid of it entirely don't worry not all rares are going to be hidden we'll add a rule in to show some later in fact let's do that right now for this I'm going to do instead of show recolor and pick whatever color you like I'm going to pick a really nice blue here this is going to be good items so affixes what are my good items right now I need intelligence this will depend entirely on your build my skills scale off of int I want spell stuff but I don't need crit because I'm a DOT build damage type necrotic Health yes block no resistance and armor yep and let's also go with cooldown because it's very beneficial to a lot of my skills oh and movement speed on boots quite nice to have so yeah I'll include it finally I want to go through things that are useful from this entire list for my build usually a lot of these won't apply I'm using skeletal Mages that's a pretty good one ideal necrotic damage I don't deal poison so that's not useful then I go down here and just grab all of the skills that I'm actually using hungering Souls re-perform Spirit plague death seal and summon skeletal Mages maybe you want to round it out you could always grab say crit strike avoidance or endurance other defensive modifiers which are helpful damage over time then you hit confirm and you hit right here Advanced options I want to show everything with at least two of the affixes that are tier three or more and now I'll have a bunch of potential upgrades that I can either Craft on or even if I'm lucky whereas is another rule you might want is just to show things to rip up for crafting shards I'm going to color this red just to pick a random color out of a hat and again go back to affixes a lot of a common shards you won't need however things like hybrid health and increased Health are fairly rare maybe under damage types you want necrotic penetration something that I should have selected in the earlier highlight by the way so select that now and for acolyte specific stuff maybe I'm not too worried about having shards for necrotic damage but I really want all the level shards so death seal Spirit plague Reaper form hungering souls and skeletal Mages any items with any of these affixes will now show up really brightly I want to put this below this rule so that these items I know are safe to destroy and this is something I'm picking up anyway because I might wear it just as a quick example of what this might look like I have some of these mods right here on this helmet if I drop it it shows up as blue and when it comes to a basic loot filter this is honestly all you really need to do for a good bit of your leveling experience it hides junk that you absolutely don't need to see it highlights stuff that you do want and you can always adjust it with a specific affixes you need now before I get into some Advanced tips and tricks for loot filtering but if you're enjoying the video and want to see more last teapot guides you should definitely get subscribed so you don't miss future uploads maybe while you're Denver leave a like and be sure to recommend this to a friend the next time they ask how to make a loot filter a big thanks to my patrons and channel members for the continued support but more about that at the end for now let's get into those Advanced filter options now when you get into end game you might need something a little bit better at this point you probably have all of your basic gear established your rescapter very close to it you have skill levels where you need them most of your stats are in the right place but you generally need better items this is where you want to get hyperspecific and search by slot so just use a good example of this my chess piece is currently not very good it has Intelligence which is great it has void res which I don't really need health is good and we increase poison damage and poison res is completely useless so I could either try to recraft the chest I have or attempt to find a new one to do this I'm going to do recolor make it say green add condition item type only want armor body armor here subtypes acolyte body armor this shows all of them maybe I don't want all of them I only want the decent ones so I don't need cold res I don't really need armor well I do need armor but this doesn't have any other interesting implicits so I'd rather not these are just bad this is a low tier base and this doesn't give me anything useful so I'm going to have profaner regalia Revenant plate and Immortal regalia confirm then I put in whatever affixes I want specifically for me specifically for this build specifically for this item such as intelligence I definitely want intelligence then I also want health either one's fine so I'm just going to be lazy and click all three hybrid Health doesn't roll out of chest it's fine doesn't hurt it to have extra modifiers in there I don't really care about any resistances instead I want to go down to the acolyte specific stuff and just select a couple things here now you can check to see exactly which skills are tied to which slots so that you don't have to add extra stuff I'm pretty lazy when it comes to that because if the item doesn't over modifier it's not going to yell at you or cause any issues hopefully someday they'll be context-based clues for the filtering system and you won't have to do this because it'll automatically just show things that can roll on your item those are all the skill levels and then I want shared necrotic damage and I want necrotic damage while transformed hit confirm add Advanced option I'm going to say it has to have at least two of these affixes and the individual tiers have to be three or more nope that's three and I add that as a rule I always want this to be higher than generic recoloring and now if I want to make it pop I just hit emphasize that makes the label a little bit bigger there we go I now have a rule specific to finding a chess piece upgrade on this build in addition if I wanted to have a very similar rule for my helmet I could just duplicate for rule if I no longer needed it temporarily I could turn it off if I knew I would never use it again maybe I'm playing a build where the chess piece gets replaced by a unique item I can just delete for rule entirely while a generic Loop filter either one made by someone else or a leveling filter similar to the generic one I demonstrated earlier is a great place to start as you continue to min max and as your build gets better I strongly advise that you make slot specific rules to recolor things for upgrades that you know are guaranteed to be good for your build if there's anything else you want to look out for such as a really good modifier you could also highlight that separately or put it as part of a filter so for example on my helmet I really really really wanted a helmet that was not only exalted but had a specific modifier on it so I can go into affix right here and I can go into acolyte right here go down to hungering souls with at least one Advanced options must be more or equal six this means any hungering Souls helmet that I drop which is exalted it's now going to be filtered by this rule for example this helmet looks very bright and shiny and would be impossible to miss while clearing so that's the basics of how you set up a loop filter in last epoc plus how to customize it as your needs change and evolve remember a loop filter is always a work in progress while you can get generic ones from other people they're only going to take you so far especially as you continue to min max and you can get into some really advanced stuff here rather than just highlighting a modifier to rip shards off you could highlight a modifier for legendary fodder after all if you have a two or three LP item there's pretty good odds of a one good thing getting put onto your new item even if a rest is total junk you can look for things that are prime candidates for Glyph of Despair that have high tier and low tier modifiers mixed together and because Volute filter's so easy to edit it's very easy to customize on the Fly well this video was aimed primarily at beginners I hope I've managed to touch on a few more advanced things which you found helpful even if you've set up your own loot filter in the past and if you are a master of last Epoch filters be sure to put some tips and tricks for other players down in the comments below before I go I'd like to take a minute to thank the patrons and channel members for the continued support virgilo is one dollar a month you can help make videos just like this one possible if you're looking for some more tips and tricks I recently released a video on that and I also made a guide on how to progress your monolith both of those will be up in Picard and down in the description below or of course you can always go with whatever YouTube has on screen right now but that's all for me today thanks for making it to the end I hope you learned something and I hope to see you again sometime soon
Channel: Tenkiei
Views: 30,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tenkiei, tenkei, tenkiel, tenkie, loot filters, loot filter, loot filter guide, how to make loot filters, last epoch loot filter, last epoch loot filter guide, loot filter guide last epoch, leveling filter, endgame filter, custom filter, lootfilter, how to import a loot filter, how to make a loot filter, how to get a loot filter, last epoch filter, filter guide last epoch, filter guide
Id: uuJK1BHiwZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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