Storm Crow & Tempest Strike Beastmaster Build Guide | Last Epoch

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jeez 75k crits dude [Music] whoa so yeah this is a tempest strike stormcrow build and it's the first build I've ever really made myself and it's actually super interesting so if you if I summon my stormcrows right now you can see I have a bunch of them uh there's six stormcrows and I'll tell you exactly how I got six first of all you need to be a Beast Master you can't see the passive right now but you get plus one from Beast Mastery you get a plus one from the Beast Mastery tree itself so that's two plus the two you already have in the beginning then you you have a unique item called arter Legacy which gives you another maximum companion pretty important on this item by the way you want to buy this or get this with plus two all Minion skills preferably you can also get it with just plus one obviously the more levels the better and then you can also kind of cheat another Crow by just having a wolf companion passive uh I'll just move my camera real quick which is right here this blue thing here is another extra companion so you can get up to six crows which uh is pretty nice and obviously each Crow does its own damage most of the time so it's pretty crazy how much damage six crows can actually do so how does this actually work there's a new ability or a reworked ability which is called Tempest strike right here they rework this basically entirely and they have a node right here that says uh well actually we should probably explain the Gladiator node first so this is glader of lagon every time you hit you get a stack and then every time one of the Tempest which is an RNG effect of the Tempest strike so whenever you hit you have a chance to proc a tempest it also has a chance to give you a stack but you can also only get three stacks per second so over stack and attack speed doesn't make any sense anyways this one gives you shared spell damage what does that mean well exactly what you think it does you can get a maximum of 24 stacks of this not very realistic most of the time you will be probably between I don't know 15 and 20 if you're really trying but yeah in maps maybe you have like 10 to 15 most of the time which each of those Stacks gives you four spell damage that's not only for yourself but that's also for your minion that's pretty important because this node right here scheme of the architect doubles this effect if you have at least 50 intelligence now you might be asking yourself how the do you get 50 Intelligence on a prime list that's basically impossible you might if you think that you would you would be right you would be right it's terrible okay that makes no sense intelligence doesn't even really do anything because you probably won't even play with Ward but I'll explain how that works first of all I'll explain this tree real quick we will basically just be specking into the Thunder Tempest here which has mainly only Mana problem issues we would be going into the other ones as well but you don't have that many skill points and you don't have that much Mana that's why we're also getting CM C's down here for minus four Mana cost we will do that later though okay so by while you're leveling I know this is all over the place maybe you can tell I've never met a build guy before like this at least in an arpg but this this bottom part where you're basically locking yourself out of other Tempest you don't want to go there while leveling doesn't make any sense because it's you know you you have enough to sustain it usually it's not that big of a deal because you're not casting um the the storm Crow ability all the time so it's fine if you're if you just remove this early on but early on you definitely want ancestral swiftness because this gives you attack speed and Mana cost basically with no downsides so this is like a must have node during leveling makes it way easier to sustain your Mana but in general your Mana cost will always be kind of a problem and then we have leap slam just basically a support ability that gives me Frenzy heals me a little bit gives me some more Global spell damage which is which is quite nice and an immunity war cry also has an immunity gives me Giga attack speed here and gives me crit chance from me and my minions which is also really nice and also it procs of crits and then you also have this part here which pulls the mobs instead of pushing them away which makes it a lot easier if you have a lot of luxury you can also go into this part and get some more haste and stuff but it's not really that necessary and on wolves this is also something I would only really do later on as I said earlier just get the Plus One Max companion on the Wolves as a passive you don't really need another ability if you do want another ability here I would recommend frenzy totem but I think this is a little bit better to have one more Crow personally especially with a crow node up here that gives you more damage per Crow so I think I think having wolf is better than frenzy TOA but both works I think and essentially what you're doing is you're going to hit a Target and you can see down here that there's these Stacks that accumulate these are the Gladiator Stacks this is everything you're going to play around right uh this is how that work so you're basically stacking this and in combination with a lot of other things like the aspect of the links from the from the Beast Mastery tree you're basically stacking a lot of damage on the crows basically permanently buffing them and everything basically just plays into that and Tempest strike itself also still does a decent amount of damage so if we want we're to attack with the crows we can see this is not even a very minmax character and on this target dumy I can pull insane numbers that's obviously not what's going to look like in a real situation but uh yeah it it the potential for the damage is insanely High okay let's talk about actually how this even works because you want 50 intelligence how do you get 50 intelligence this Cleaver solution it's the solution wow what a name and you get nine strength from this and your intelligence is equal to your strength important also the more damage to bleeding enemies is pretty important if you can get that higher the better obviously because you can obviously bleed your opponent just for more damage with Tempest strike I don't think that applies to your um storm crows though and you also have plus one to all skills so this is overall kind of just a stat stick that just gives you stuff right uh dual wielding is not optimal because you obviously take more damage but and you also don't get a whole lot of other things from this but it's just so crazy so what you want to do is basically stack strength or specifically want 50 strength right any more than that isn't really necessary it's not bad though how do you get 50 strength that's also a good point now that's basically where the skill tree comes in you actually have a lot of options in the skill tree with when it comes to strength so this is really important here in the primalist one eight strength for free and Health Region doesn't really matter but we want the strength you obviously you need the dual wield node to make this actually work and this one is also quite nice because of a storm Crow node that is called fulminating car you increases to lightning damage also applied to your storm crows but it reduced Effectiveness well it's not reduced anymore if you Max it out and this also applies to Elemental damage I haven't really I couldn't confirm if this works for spell damage but I know that it's definitely for lightning damage and Elemental damage increases at least that's what it says so you definitely want to Stack as much lightning and Elemental damage as possible including shared because it double dips so something like this one here increase lightning damage for yourself and increase minion lightning damage pretty nice okay that's pretty nice scales very well with your entire build and since you're also just really doing a whole lot of damage with the thunderus part or the the the Storm part of of your Tempest strike also Al scales your other ability at the meantime right so you can still do damage with temper strike although it's not your main ability so it's it's quite nice and then we keep going um I would recommend first going into Beast Master because some of the nodes are important especially this one in the end but here's also another eight strength plus minus damage taken from nearby enemies insane node Bor heart also defensive this one we just take because there's not really much else we can take to be honest U this one for cast speed so they can actually attack faster another five strength here and more aspect of the bore U also really nice then we get get the full link tree here that I'm maxing out at the moment insane for crit chance because we also get crazy base crit chance from the crows so just having a lot of increased crit chance basically gives you 100% crit up time on the crows which is wild right but and on top of that this gives a crazy amount of multi as well and leech perfect right and this one is obviously super important another maximum companion so now I will actually just jump actually I'll show you my gear real quick and then we'll jump into a the the little tree last Epoch tools thing um just to show you what it should look like but right now I have the arter Legacy I have the I have the cleaver solution I don't know where my mouse is why why I can't even oh here we go then we have a turquoise amulet turquoise on all accessories is good obviously and with some crit chance the crit chance is nice not necessary and the shred armor chance on this you don't you don't need like the moment you get up here into feathered storm you will never need that again probably because you have so much strength but anyways this is important on the chest I have Summon Storm crows and Tempest strike know it's an obviously health and a little bit of strength uh scepter like this there's also another one called skeletal scepter I think it's a slightly better version of this but also really nice um another Turquoise Ring a belt with lightning damage rings with lightning damage and health and stuff like this is not really super important I think you could get some other stuff here like minion damage but uh these two are really nice for strength and then you and I have this one this is just me leveling up I'm currently not even super high level I'm level 71 so let's jump over to the last Epoch tools one which is this I'm going to link this in the description obviously I'll just go through the this one more time real quick what it should probably look like because I do have some Mana issues so for example here this belt I put some Mana region on there or these these gloves that have some in inherent Mana region and just basically this entire thing is completely fleshed out with the with all of the passives that you want um by the way if you're leveling with this build I would recommend doing this first even the three points here it really helps with the temple strike leveling and then eventually like immediately after maxing out this or at least going up until Nature's Embrace or critical bite and then afterwards through it probably for the strength here and then at the very end Shaman I I basically have no points in Shaman on my character also pretty important right so this is there's all of this is in the description below uh if you have any questions let me know this is still kind of in the early stages of development this build I basically just tried it out in level to 7 1 and it works pretty well so far the only downside is I wouldn't recommend it for hardcore uh because well the way I set it up anyways I'm sure you can make this work in hardcore somehow but I haven't thought about that so this is a very relatively squishy build that being said I barely die or ever die in in monoliths I'm I'm pretty I'm pushing pretty high ones already I'm in the last three already so I barely die even with my terrible setup like I have like terrible resistance of zero fizz resist like it's a miracle that I barely die but I barely die I don't know how that works but it it does so it's honestly pretty crazy how much this can scale and I'm very curious where this goes uh so depending on how this video does I guess maybe I'll make a followup of how like when this character is completely minmaxed to the brim and how much damage this can pull out but it's pretty fun and it's pretty nice and also one more last tip you want to use your Crow storm a lot later on because of the try of the links tree so that's when the real Mana problem start and that's also when I started to put points here into the lower part as I said earlier because I needed the Mana I didn't I did I don't want to go here but I need the Mana to to sustain anything so that's kind of the only problem if you if you have even crazier Mana issues you could always go up here as well but I think that's not necessary I think this is okay I will probably in like invest a little bit more into Mana region from here on out and I should be fine but yeah that's the first iteration of the multiple stormcrow plus Tempest strike setup the damage is wild I hope uh it's going to get even crazier so yeah thanks for tuning in and I'll see you in the next one also uh I will do the 100 hour last Epoch review you know when I have the 100 hours I think I'm like 20 hours in maybe a little bit more obviously I played the game before but on launch I wanted to have like a full 100 hours to give you guys a proper review and that's going to come well after that so yeah thanks for tuning in have a good one peace see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Neeko2lo
Views: 39,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Last Epoch, Last Epoch Release, Release Date, Last Epoch Builds, Neeko2lo, Zizaran, Zizaran Last Epoch, ARPG, Top ARPG, Path of Exile, Path of Exile 2, Diablo, Diablo 4, Last Epoch Review, Last Epoch Classes, Last Epoch Crafting, Last Epoch Guide, Asmongold, Build Guide, Last Epoch Build Guide, Last Epoch Leveling, Last Epoch Trading, Tempest Strike, Last Epoch Tips, Last Epoch Gameplay, Storm Crow Build Guide, Tempest Strike Build Guide, Primalist Guide, Beastmaster Guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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