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I am about to show you everything there is to know about crafting in last Epoch so you can forge the perfect items for your build crafting is the core of last Epoch but what makes it so unique compared to games like Diablo I or Path of Exile is that you get to choose what is crafted onto your item and you were only restricted by how lucky you are when it comes to upgrading or removing the chosen aix's on your item with forging potential which I will explain in a moment there are three categories of materials that you will be crafting with AIC shards glyphs and runes and I will cover all of these in detail but just in case you didn't already know there is a transfer crafting items button in your inventory this will Auto deposit all crafting mats from your inventory into the unlimited Vault of materials as shown here you can even click view materials to see everything you have collected did so far first I want to cover AIC shards which can alter the four affixes available on craftable items two prefixes and two suffixes prefixes are the top two stats on an item which more or less boost your offensive capabilities and suffixes are the bottom two stats on an item and aside from a few exceptions these mainly consist of defensive stats you can also tell these apart by the small white Arrow indicators on the sides left is prefix and right is suffix you can add or upgrade the tier of affixes by using AIX shards and every time you upgrade the tier it will increase the effect of that AIX up until the maximum craftable tier which is tier five but you also have a chance to get a critical success when upgrading an AIX what critical success does is it essentially gives you an additional upgrade to a random AIX on the item at the same time with no extra forging potential used giving you a chance to upgrade the item twice Pro tip holding alt and control when hovering over an item will show you the tiers of the affixes as well as the range it rolled within that tier most of these shards are very abundant and you don't need to worry about using them whenever you want the exception however is finding rare shards such as plus one to skills or any other class specific affixes which should be saved for higher end gear now that we have a basic understanding of affixes and how they function let's talk about the most important aspect of crafting in last Epoch forging potential this is found on every craftable item in the game and is used in the crafting process the more potential you have the better as it allows you to get a lot more crafts out of the item lower Rarity items such as magic tend to have very low Forge potential and exalted items which are the best base Rarity to C craft with will have much more every time you add change or upgrade an AIX a random amount of that Forge potential is used until it reaches zero at which point it is no longer able to be used in crafting but you can increase the chances of saving that precious forging potential by using a glyph of Hope which has a 25% chance to not use any this should be active 90% of the time alongside AIC shards when you are crafting so how do glyphs work well here are some examples of which one you should be using depending on the circumstance I have this Magic Rarity axe here that has 15 forging potential with one open prefix and suffix slot if I want to add physical damage I would click the plus icon here select the prefixes Tab and find physical damage this will cause between 1 and 18 forging potential I then equip my Glyph of Hope and click add AIX okay this is an example of being extremely unlucky all of the forge potential was used in one craft so the item is bricked now let's take a look at a more lucky example I'm going to add fire damage to this quiver so I apply my Glyph of Hope and click add AIX here you can see the glyph of Hope was used so this didn't cost any forging potential well if I'm doing a fire build we now have a problem by having both lightning and fire damage but in last Deo you can fix that so let's click on the bow lightning prefix and swap to a glyph of chaos this will upgrade the tier and change it to another random prefix ideally you want to use this when you have all the other stats you want on an item and one AIX just doesn't work for your build at all so you use a glyph of chaos to roll it but just to show you how it works let's use it now I got really lucky here and managed to reroll to Bow fire damage which scales great with the fire damage we added earlier and it only cost seven Forge potential so we have more room to upgrade let's swap back to a glyph of Hope and try to pump up the fire damage my luck continued and I managed to get it to tier five before losing all of the forging potential but that's pretty impressive considering this was a magic item to start with which have the lowest amount of forging potential and it didn't have any fire damage scaling at all so this is a great example of the control you have when crafting in the Forge and speaking of control sometimes you find an item that rolled really good within its tier as you can see by the range text here but it's sitting at a low tier like this bow with tier 2 fire damage for example it rolled with the maximum damage within its tier and this will change every time you upgrade but you can prevent that by using a glyph of order which keeps the item at the range at rolled in this case the Max Plus 8 bow fire damage so now it says upgrade to 11 which is the max of the next tier this is best used when you find the stat you really need and it rolled very high within its tier just keep in mind you can risk tearing through your Forge potential without the safety of a glyph of Hope Pro tip you can use this glyph to check what an AIX will upgrade to without actually using the glyph of order giving you an idea of what the next upgrade will be and if it's even worth it the last glyph I want to cover is Glyph of Despair these are very rare and should only be used on your best gear despair has a chance to seal the AIX onto an item giving the stat its own special little spot which doesn't take up a suffix or a prefix slot perfect for Min maxing a piece of gear however each increase and tier has a lower chance to seal the AIX so I recommend using it on a tier one or tier 2 AIX for the best chance trying to seal a tier five is impossible because it's already maxed out and tier four is very rare but if you're willing to gamble it can pay off massively and here is an example of this happening I'm trying to seal it ready tier four this is damn near impossible to do [Laughter] oh oh my God it only used six Forge potential brother oh my God he did it but another great way to use a glyph of despair is if the item has fantastic stats and tons of forging potential but one of the axes is just not good instead of using a glyph of chaos to roll it randomly praying for the right AIX you can instead use the glyph of Despair to seal it away allowing you to choose the aics you want basically a glyph of Despair is best used when you already have the best version of your item with extra forging potential to make it even more powerful there's also Glyph of Insight used to create Niche affixes found on items known as experimental items I will cover this alongside the Rune of research later in the video because these are both used when crafting experimental gear and speaking of runes let's start with the two you will be using the most Rune of shattering and Rune of removal these are both used to give you AIC shards which as you've probably figured out by now are essential in craft ing but the tier of Any Given AIX affects the number of shards you receive so a tier one AIX gives you one Shard and a tier five AIX will give you five shards a rune of shattering destroys the item and gives a random number of shards there is no guarantee you will get the ones you want off the item for example if we look at this helmet with four aix's pay attention to the tier five Health tier 2 health regen and the tier three level of multi-shot shot when I shatter this item I only got one health regen three multi-shot shards and none of the tier five Health which would have given me all five if I used a rune of removal using a rune of removal is the more efficient way to guarantee the AIC Shard you want the downside to using this Rune however is it costs a lot of forging potential and can't be used on items with zero potential but most times it should be used before a rune of shatter especially if there are rare affixes on the item like this chest piece here tier four Health gained on glancing blow and tier four chance to gain DUS shroud you can tell these are more rare because I have zero of these shards whereas on the right I have 481 necrotic resist shards which are far more common if I use a shatter Rune I risk not getting any of the rare axes so let's use the Rune of removal instead and apply a glyph of Hope for a chance to save forging potential okay we got the four shards for health on glancing blow and I had enough forging potential to try for the dust croud which we also got now I could shatter this item since it has zero forging potential to possibly get the rest of the shards but I don't need them so I won't bother wasting a rune of shattering Pro tip you can use the loot filter in last Epoch to help you find items to shatter for the affixes you want all you need to do is add a rule check the emphasized box and select affixes from the drop- down menu then you just choose all of the affixes you need more shards for this way when an item drops and the name is capitalized you know it has the affixes you need for your build keep in mind this is just the way I do it so if you want you could instead change the color instead of using the emphasize feature Rune of Discovery adds affixes to all empty slots on an item and doesn't cost any forging potential but they will only be tier one and of course will be random so this Rune is not all that useful in the late game however this Rune can come in handy when you are leveling and find some items with low forging potential allowing you to add some extra affixes at no cost Rune of ascendants is pretty self-explanatory it simply upgrades an item into a unique within the same item type so if you are farming for a specific unique Relic you can use this to upgrade relics into uniques and pray to the RNG Gods you get the one you want it's important to know that this doesn't mean a Crystal Sword becomes a Crystal Sword type unique instead any one-handed sword will be turned into any one-handed unique sword at random Rune of creation can be a very powerful endgame Rune to use especially when it comes to Rings or weapons if you are a dual wield style build for example if you find the perfect ring and you have some forging potential left over use the Rune of creation to D duplicate that item and now you have two of your best in slot rings for your build and then we have Rune of refinement and Rune of shaping which should only be used at the end of crafting if you already maxed out all the affixes on the item but the range which the stats rolled are low within their tier then you could use the Rune of refinement to get the stats closer to their maximum range in their respective tiers and you can use a rune of shaping to reroll the implicits like this Critical Strike ring with 27% this is a pretty low roll and could go up to 50% so it would be worth it to roll this with the Rune of shaping lastly we have the glyph of insight and Rune of research used to create and enhance specific items known as experimental items these can only be boots gloves and belts I'll keep this simple because like I said earlier these are very Niche items and to be honest I'm not even sure if these items will still be around when the game fully releases with 1.0 essentially you can use the glyph of insight to change a normal prefix to an experimental prefix keep in mind these can't be upgraded because you are unable to obtain the experimentals AIX shards so this AIX is not incredible but it's not bad now we can use the Rune of research to hopefully seal it to the item so we can add another prefix as you can see there are kind of too many steps involved here and now I'm out of forging potential leaving me with a pretty lackluster item so as it stands experimental crafting is just currently not worth it if you want one of these items for your build you are better off finding a drop version which could potentially be exalted giving you a tier six or tier 7 experimental AIX crafting in last Epoch is easy to use and feels rewarding all while having plenty of depth when it comes to the way you you decide to create the perfect item but hey that's everything you need to know about crafting subscribe for more last Epoch videos and leave a like if you enjoyed the guide thanks for chilling I'm manith and I'll be back [Music] [Music] peace
Channel: Manarith
Views: 55,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: last epoch crafting guide, last epoch crafting, last epoch, last epoch guide, last epoch crafting 101, crafting last epoch, last epoch forging
Id: z8Tz9dbTx_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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