Last Epoch - How To Empower Monoliths: Full Guide!

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hi everyone last EPO has been out for a few days and I think that a lot of people are slowly getting into endgame so I want to talk about how to approach unlocking the empowered monoliths and what is the general idea when you do that so after you finish the campaign you're going to be in the end of time in fact you can go here before finishing campaign and actually start the model early but I think it's generally a bad idea for at least newbies so I would not recommend that unless you really know what you're doing so finish a campaign at least do the um passive rewards and the idle slot rewards and then try to GE up a character a little bit so that you are ready so you're going to be somewhere at around level 50 or so by the time that you finish the campaign most of the time maybe a bit higher if you do more side quest or just you know like far more XP in general and then you are ready to go for those monoliths so you see here that there are 10 different timelines and you have like your main objective is to go up here to those top three timelines because once you have completed all these three you will unlock the empowered monoliths and this is where the real end game starts the normal monoliths they're basically just an extension of the campaign I would say uh so you just go through them and they kind of like you know go higher and higher in levels so you see here these uh um level these Zone levels the left side are the normal monolith levels and the right side are the empowered mon levels so in empowered basically everything is like equalized to level 100 so they have a kind of like a a streamlined difficulty but on the left side is kind of like the the quest modelist basically where you progress through the early end game towards the empowered now the thing is you can actually choose different paths here and you can choose to either go slower or you can go faster and I would generally recommend the faster track here so while I don't recommend skipping the campaign too much I do recommend to go up to the empowers as fast as possible of course maybe your build is weak or maybe you just need to grind out a few more levels a bit more gear you can do more but I would just generally recommend to go the right side because this leads you to the empowered models much quicker because if you go right you do this one here you have to complete the first one and then you can choose left or right you go this one and then you have again kind of this Choice here to either jump to this one or this one and you see here that there's basically um uh higher jumps in the levels so it starts at 58 then there 66 then 75 and if you go to the left side there like 62 and 70 and then 80 and in fact you have to do one extra round of um a monolith basically if you go to the left side before you can go up here to uh this one the rain of dragons so after completing the rain of dragons you unlock all three of these and then you can go and do all these level 90 monoliths and after you have finished those level 90 mives then you have to go this like here you can actually walk there from like one of these way points to the middle and there's like some object you have to click it and this unlocks the empowered timelines the thing is also that if you go to the right side you also gain more character power because there are these blessings that you get from completing each timeline every time you defeat one of those Quest bosses uh you get a choice of a blessing you get either four or five and uh like this you also gain um bit of a like you know scaling a curve basically with a character so at the start the best one here to get is for example the experience uh this one otherwise just has like a bunch of like extra drop blessings or so so it's not really too relevant but the experience is nice if you get it but you see here there's actual stats that you can get from those blessings here this is for example crit multi and then you know there's a bunch of different stats you can choose each monol has their own 10 different blessings and there are those that give you character power and there are those that give you more drops so this is a character power monolith and the left side is the drop monolith basically so you don't care too much about these at the start anyway this is something for later when you try to like more M Max and GE up in the end game you can kind of like you know choose okay I need more rings I need more amulets for example uh in case you are getting unlucky or some of those drops but this is something that you can get later in the empowered Mones so going the right side also gives you this extra power you see the same here there's for example a Mana thing there's also one with for example lightning rest here and the ending the storm time line for example and then here is like a big one of the crit avoidance and so on and here's the armor and this is a drop one and here's theend like another defensive one here I have so there is these timelines that give you actual stats and this is those that you want to prioritize first and they're all here on the right side as you can see so this this and this in the left side here it has like extra sh drop rates extra item drop rates extra you know this and that drop so this is not really too relevant early on in fact when I was progressing my characters usually I kind of just like left out these left side monol for a long time and I mostly focused on getting to the empowers and then once I was in the empowers I would actually go back to maybe you know some of those earlier timelines like this one and would actually try to get the grand blessing because the empowered monolifts the level 100 ones they also G give you these uh higher tier blessings basically so you can go back and actually get a better version of these uh so I wouldn't be like overdo it at the start to try to like Farm out like grind out the perfect blessing right at the start this can take a long time like you can do one of these timelines like 20 times or something and still not have a perfect blessing that you want but just going in there getting you know something decent and then moving on getting something decent somewhere else and so on and then I would like focus on these other um drop monoliths basically now one thing to note here is that the jump from normal monoliths to empowered monol is pretty significant in fact I think it's probably the most significant jump in difficulty that you're going to experience at any point with your character because you also start adding corruption to your monoliths so if you go here um basically in normal monoliths there's zero corruption you can stack up corruption by defeating orus But ultimately you don't really do that you basically just like you know rush through the normal version of these monoliths and there is no corruption here but if you go to the empowered ones you have minimum 100 corruption giving monsters plus 60% more uh damage and health so on top of them being level 100 instead of level 90 they also have that and you can kind of expect like a pretty steep curve there once you start adding corruption to those mives so depending on how strong or how weak you feel uh you might want to take it a bit slow with the corruption uh in case you didn't know corruption always gets added when you defeat orus and you can also reduce corruption again so in case it's too hard you can actually go here this is always right at next to the start is always attached here you can run this Sanctuary with a terror and you can reduce the corruption again uh however you cannot go below 100 so 100 is just the minimum corruption that you have to deal with at any point but in case you want to try to push corruption higher and higher as fast as possible the general idea is that you make like a large web and you try to like push outwards from the center you always start in the center here which is a monolith and then you try to push outwards here to the side and on the outer ring basically you're going to find aois and then you can also defeat these um bosses again there these timeline bosses every time you unlock the third uh Quest Echo basically uh you can fight the boss and usually the strategy is that you fight the boss most of the time twice maybe sometimes three times and then you do aoys because you get extra corruption by first defeating the quest boss and then doing or this but again this depends a little bit on like the state of your character and the state of your build maybe you're too weak maybe can't really just go up in corruption so if you have a strong build then you can do that otherwise you can definitely perfectly stay in a bit lower corruption it's not really such a big downside now there is this experienced modifier that you can uh get here so I'm going to show this here on the bottom left you can see the Rarity modifiers and the experience modifiers and the day scale both with the corruption and also with these mods that you get on the echo so you see this here on the right so there is a new enemy modifier so they get stronger in some way and also there's this uh item Rarity and item increase experience and depending on what you choose you get more or less but ultimately I would recommend to mostly focus on um just running the right EOS so whatever that means for your character but you know you can kind of Target Farm certain things it's not bad for example early on to just Stack Up on runes and glyphs so you see here there's like runes runes and runes and here's glyphs so it just gives you a bit of like a you know like a stock to craft items which is pretty important basically all the way especially early on you want to like just try to like you know make some decent rare items and stuff and uh then you can also maybe try to Target certain um items that you need so actually every single B here right now is glyphs or or gold or something but you know you can get like you know exalted helmets exalted weapons and you can kind of like Target some of these things or what's also good for leveling up at least later on like post Level 94 or so are these experience TS so I really recommend to go for these but um yeah in general you kind of like know push out was do the corruption and then you know it resets the web when you do orus and then you start again basically and like this you push up the corruption now one thing to note here about the corruption is also that each timeline has its own corruption uh counter basically so you has 10 different timelines and you kind of want to grind out some of them a bit more and some of them a bit less depending on the drops depending on uh the layouts so each of them have their own Maps each other have their own boss they have their own Boss Loot you can uh see that on the Maxell guide so there is actually the monolith um page here I'm going to show this real quick in case you're wondering like you know what a certain boss looks like and what the boss drops so if you go here to monolith you can actually click on these things there's the boss guide here's the last ruin guide the spirit of fire guide Etc so there's this interactive map you can click on them and you can also see like if there's for example a certain unique item that drops only from this boss and these kind of things so some of them are more relevant for your build than others but in a grand scheme of things you want to try to push a coruption and if you push the corruption in one of these monoliths then you get a bit of a catch-up mechanic for the others so while the corruption here is tied to a specific monolith if you have let's say 300 corruption in this timeline and then you go to another one that has 100 that is like you know fresh and untouched then first time you defeat orits you're going to get like a massive chunk of bonus all corruption so you get like I know plus 100 or something uh so it depends also like with the distance from the center so the further out you go the more you get yet it's like a general rule basically also for the stability to like unlock the quest Echoes much faster but uh you can actually catch up really fast and you don't necessarily have to go to the like exactly the same corruption immediately it can just you know do a timeline like twice and you're going to be kind of similar to your highest and from then on you can also push higher in another timeline for example one important thing to note here is also that each of the timelines has their own like exclusive rewards you can see this here so once they have unlocked um the empowered monoliths you actually have to this choice between normal and empowered and well you always go empowered anyway and then you also have these exclusive rewards here so you see for example this first timeline it gives you more um weapons so there's like swords axis ders whatever and then if you go to another timeline let's say we go up here then it uh gives you like another reward in that timeline so each of those timelines has like a higher chance to drop certain uniques and certain set items so you see here this is like um helmets and shields for example and uh this is the same for all the others so you can kind of just check and well you have to decide okay do you want to F the blessing do you want to farm uh you know certain uniques in that timeline do you want to found the boss for a certain boss drop and like this you can kind of like you know go around this map and kind of like okay complete this step complete that step and slowly gear up your character with all the stuff that you want and another thing to note here is also that once you are in in powered timelines I think it can be a lot stricter with the kind of loot that you're showing on your filter so in case you're making your own filter I would definitely recommend that once you start owed uh you should make it a lot uh more strict and just you know show more exalted show less rares so uh for example I'm going to show you like what kind of filter I have here for my endgame um falona build that I made and basically here at the start I always show like stuff that I want to shatter for shards so some rare shards for example like all the class specific stuff that can roll on chests I have this here but right now I turn this off because I I already did this way too much and uh some other stuff that is a kind of rare that I use for crafting like hybrid health and these kind of things so I always show this first I show the uniques and the sets and then here for example at the top I show basically all of the GG items that I want to get like exalted only the best bases basically with certain exalted stats that I really want so I have this here basically for every single slot uh then I have for example bases for Runes of asy in case I want to gamble for The Unique I hide all of the off class items I hide all of the exalted that have any stuff that I don't want um I show the experimental stuff I want and then we also have uh basically under this GG stuff that is like recolored to Red which is like you know big important you know color I also have other exalted that I show here that for example have t7 mods of stuff I want but may not be the best base and uh for for example here I had some other filters as well that en disabled at this point but just like more exalted items but a bit of a bigger range not just the GG types only with like the perfect stats but a bit more you know open so this is something that I used earlier um when I was like early in theow basically and you know gearing up you know level 80 level 90 and stuff but at some point your gear is just going to get better and better and you're looking for more and more like GG items basically and you're just making the filter more strict and um same thing here for example Idols at the start I show Idols that have any of the good stats Especial resistances are really nice to get Idols early on and then later on I just turn this off and I only have idols on my filter that have you know a good prefix and a good cellix and at this point you know I have like 100 Idols like this lying around like like this basically it goes down here and for example further down here this is stuff I used way earlier when I was like you know level 70 80 or so just hitting ows and this actually shows like you know or just decent bases of even rare items with like two good stats for example so I have a filter like this here where you know I just try to like gather like rare items early on and like this I show relatively little on my filter and you can like you know easily like switch this on and off depending on you know okay I got everything but I'm still missing amulets really badly so I just turn this on again for example until you find one and then you turn it off and then you you know have like these higher rules uh super preceding the lower rules so it will always you know go for know the juicy stuff first and then kind of the less juicy stuff and then kind of like the earlier stuff here so this is kind of like how I set up these filters and how you progress your gear and your character as you go so this is the general strategy of how to approach the end game how to get to empowered monoliths also don't really worry if you're like really underleveled this is kind of normal so especially if you go this right side here on your monol and you kind of leave out the left side as I mentioned if you kind of like you know just straight up push up here to the empowered mon you are really underleveled you're going to hit empowered by level 75 to 80 or something because they don't really have that many Echoes to do it's like they actually reduce the amount of stability you need to get to request echoes in the early Mones so you can just like basically unlock the boss do the three Quest Echoes go next unlock the boss do the three Quest Echoes go next and so on and you don't care about or you don't care any of that stuff in the normal timelines and then once you're empowered this is where the grind begins this is where you start pushing corruption where you do the orbit and where you farm out the good blessings and so on so the main recommendation is just that once you hit empowered try to take it a bit easy try to maybe look for um you know for example also Echoes that don't really make monsters really too dangerous for example so you have stuff here like you know High Health enemies steal 25% increase damage it's like an okay mod but sometimes there's like mods like um monsters are deadly which uh is like for example a really really rough mod but uh you know just trying to stack up more of these like for example defensive mods that enemies can get for example here 30% extra health is usually not all too bad uh so you can also kind of like minmax a little bit your runs depending on how powerful a character is either offensively or defensively and also try to hunt down more of those modifiers that actually don't hurt you all that much early on until you get stronger and you're more comfortable in the uh empowered monol but you see this here for example there has like some of those modifiers that don't really do all that much like here it says rare enemies have 50% increased cool down recovery speed that's kind of whatever and uh you know like you know enemies have 30% health and uh like enemies have 30% endurance like this stuff doesn't really matter most of the time I would say but there's for example other stuff like the deadly mod uh it can appear in certain timelines it doesn't appear in all of the timelines so each of the timelines also has like you know the individual uh Echo modifiers in some cases um so for example this deadly mod doesn't necessarily appear but you have these different um things here but there's also for example one here like rare enemies have high speed and crit chance until approached this is for example also kind of like a dangerous one that you might want to skip early on if you're um you know a bit weak for example and so like this you can kind of like you know push outwards pay a bit of attention to what you're taking here maybe try to Gear Up by you know choosing the right rewards and like this you can actually you know gear up your character really fast and relatively safely last thing in case you weren't aware of this if you are in the empowered Mones you do no longer have to do the quest Echoes one and two you only have to do the boss so every timeline is structured in the same way they have two Quest Echoes and then the boss Quest Echo and in empowered those are optional so you only have to do the boss and usually they are hidden so it says optional Quest Echoes you can do them once you unlock this stability here so you see this uh if you like you know run um Echo you rank up this stability so you see at the top Plus 21 to 65 depending on how much bonus stability you get so it also shows you how far you're going to get with your bar here and then as you run more and more Echoes especially further away from the center you get more stability and then you try to unlock you know number one number two and number three those are those three Quest Echo here and in ows the only one you care about is the third one and then you do the the boss and then you can repeat so this is kind of how that works in the normal timelines you have to do those Quest Echoes at least once and then do the boss and then move on but later on you can skip that which is very nice also about the bonus stability you can kill more monsters in an individual Echo to get more bonus stability so this is why it has this range of 23 to 271 for example because it says here in the bottom right on the echo rewards you can see 23 timeand stability that's like the Baseline that you get for completing and then you get up to 48 bonus stability in this one depending on how many enemies you defeat so if you full clear this entire thing you're going to get you know like 70 or something and if you just rush the objective and do nothing else to get to 23 usually you kind of just fight your way through to the objective and Rush The Objective but you know get a bit of extra bonus you want to get a bit of XP you want to get a bit of loot as well of course and in that case uh you get a bit of bonus ability but it's not a priority so this is really just a bonus so take it as that but if you're for example close to finishing uh you know the unlock for The Last Quest Echo you can actually look at how much exact bonus ability you need in order for uh you to hit that Quest Echo so this is something of a bit of a Min maxing that you can do there but then a grand schem of things just rush the objective every single time no matter what and you know this is true early on this is true later on you always rush the objective however one thing to note here as well is that if you don't rush the objective and actually full clear Maps you're going to get a lot more loot in those Maps you're going to get more XP so it can kind of like level up more and also you're going to stack up fewer of those modifiers basically so the more uh like like bonus ability you get for example you can kind of like you know push towards for example the boss and uh have fewer modifiers active when you fight the boss because those modifiers also affect uh you know orus those modifiers affect the quest Echoes so uh for example right before you fight the boss you might want to do like a longer Echo run for example get more bonus stability because then you have you know fuel modifiers active most of the time and that's also it for this video so I hope this helps you're out when you start out in the end game personally I've had a blast with last EPO so far so um this is currently my offline character because the servers are down but I'm level 100 on my hardcore Rogue it's really fun and uh you're going to see more stuff from me so stay tuned for that hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you guys next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: wudijo
Views: 127,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wudijo, Last Epoch, EHG, Eleventh Hour Games, LE, Last Epoch Factions, Last Epoch Solo, Last Epoch Self Found, Last Epoch Prophecies, Last Epoch Guide, Last Epoch Build, Last Epoch Launch, Last Epoch Legendary, Last Epoch Legendaries, Last Epoch Uniques, Last Epoch Crafting, Last Epoch Beginner, Last Epoch Starters, Last Epoch Hardcore, Last Epoch Monolith, Last Epoch Empowered, Last Epoch Empowered Monolith, Last Epoch Monolith Guide, Last Epoch Endgame
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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