Larian just revealed Baldur's Gate 3's Player Stats & they are BONKERS

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let's go okay so here's the first sort of fact sheet I guess about the numbers balers Gate 3 in numbers this was released yesterday I think 1.3 million players have completed the game so far now that's pretty big considering how huge the game is now just give me a moment I just need to look up how many like how many players there have been I don't know if I can see that right now but uh yeah how many people actually bought balers Gate [Applause] 3 94% of players created a custom characters so that means that like 6% of all the pre-made so like estan Lazelle uh shadowart carlac W uh will Gail like only 6% have played them so far it seems uh that's uh that's a tiny amount anyway in total players have spent a a com combined 1,896 years and the Character Creator now at first you know I thought that sounded a little small but that's actually a pretty long time and I think a lot of us have been stuck there like for so long I know that I've like most of my hours no not really most of my hours but I know that at least like 30 40 hours have been spent by me just sitting there and one .24 million players have been transformed into a cient wheel of cheese I didn't actually get that one that's interesting that so many people have done that but they probably did it for the ls because they you know saw it on YouTube or something behold my Fury I didn't actually know you could be transformed into a wheel of cheese when I got the Baler skate by this guy let's go further origin character selection so most people picked Gail uh then estan then carlac Shadow Heart Will and leel Gail Remains the most played origin character in the game closely followed by estaran that's interesting I almost thought that estan would be the first one I would assume that you know Gail is the he's the most simple type of character I guess uh he just looks like a generic guy compared to everyone else honestly like I love Gil but he looks pretty generic compared to the everyone else Gail is super surprising I feel like he gets the most hate online he definitely does which is it's this is super super interesting to see that people picked Gail class choices Paladin is the first one sorcerer after that fighter then Rogue Barbarian warlock wizard bar Druid monk Ranger and cleric damn is cleric last I thought cleric would be like above Ranger at least but okay yeah I could I can see why because you could almost like assume that cleric is sort of a priest class when you really think about it and as far as I know like not a lot of people tend to play like priests immediately think of World of Warcraft right okay well Paladin kind of makes sense in a way cuz paladins have some of the coolest abilities or most powerful abilities I feel in the game uh but you got to you got to rest a lot erase choices elf human half elf teling Dr Dragon Bo half orc GI yanki dwarf gnome halfling elf hm now that's a surprising one because I thought humans would be first but okay that's interesting cool cool most popular subclasses B cker uh Bard Bard oh he's got it I know what it is it's got to be because of the movie it's got to be because of the movie right because he was a Bard what's his name again U the actor Chris what's his name again he was a Bard in the Dungeons and Dragons movie uh Tempest domain cleric well well well the one subclass that I haven't really gone into that much to be honest that's okay uh Druid circle of the Moon Battle Master fighter way of the Open Hand monk which is honestly super fun oath avengeance Paladin Beast Master Ranger Assassin Rogue draconic bloodline sorcerer the fiend Warlock and evocation School wizard uh 2 million players have survived a dinosaur attack pack I don't even think I've encountered this thing yet honestly 84 million Fireballs have been thrown which is also the leading cause of eyebrow loss among Wizards oh my God the cheeky comments are always oh so funny scratch has been pet 48.5 million times he thinks it's great and all but frankly he just wants his b ball back already players have spoken to over one 113 million corpses since launch they all thank you for the conversation apologize for the smell I see a big problem here okay I see a big big problem here speak with the dead has 113 million uses compared to scratching scratch like it has twice as many interactions that's not okay guys we got to pump those rookie numbers up you can't have racing the dead over petting the dog what the hell man Shadow heart is the most popular romantic with 51.3% of players reaching the Final Act of her romance Arc followed by carlac and LEL Shadow heart is B what can you say what 14.4 million characters have been disintegrated into a pile of fine gray dust are they talking about the spell disintegrates or is this uh just you know in general spells that disintegrate corpses like uh fire and stuff 1.2 million characters have been compelled to dance against their will oh jeez I've never used that spell honest to God I haven't for some [Music] reason 66% of players request that hon Bear all not bear all okay I'm now I'm confused here are they saying that 66% of players say yes to hson ran Man scene but not the bear scene which would mean okay so 33% of player or or the player base are saying no to be sex okay that's a surprising amount of people that want the bear scene hm by Act 2 30.4% of players have given it to their iled side and flixed their powers now this one okay so it's also like a third that have given into the whole thing I can understand why you wouldn't but on my first playthrough I really wanted to see what like what it all was about I can't say that I was a fan of the appearance change that happens after you give so I kind of backed out and I don't think you know as much as the elthan powers are cool I don't think they add enough for it to be worth sacrificing how you look honestly uh total Play Time 452 million hours 55 56 984 or over 51,000 662 years 158k playthroughs were starting started in honor mode holy crap I still haven't tried it I still haven't tried it over 34,000 players died in honor mode damn 464 parties have already completed the game in honor mode are you serious and I I thought that was going to be like rare but I guess there are some people out there that are just insanely good at the game at this point uh wonder if they did it the easy speedr Runway I would imagine some people would because honor mode from what I've heard is pretty difficult now I could probably beat honor mode if I really wanted to how many of those player deaths belong to you
Channel: MrHulthen
Views: 157,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, bg3, bg3 update, bg3 news, baldurs gate 3 news, mrhulthen
Id: 7uZBgCqtuOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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