Langmuir Personal Plasma CNC Table Watch this before you buy!

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hey everyone its chat and today I'm talking about the Lang maar systems personal CNC plasma table i pre-ordered mine and M awaiting delivery fortunately I found Travis Marshall of Marshall family creations on the Lange buyer forum and he was kind enough to invite me out to his shop to show me exactly what I'll be receiving so let's check this out together so I'll do a no forty-five cutter like I said I'll do high-quality I've got my high quality set on 70 inches a minute after I select the after I select the tool and give it a cutting feed rate mm-hmm I'll go to the next tab which is geometry okay and then right here it'll be blanked right now I have 42 chains that are selected but when you do it it'll be blank at that point what you'll do is you'll select your inner profiles and that's what I do first I select all my inner profiles and it'll give you these arrows those arrows are representing if you want the cutter to cut to the left side or the inside of the edge or the outside of the edge everything that's an inner profile for me I do inside for everything that's an outside profile I do to the outside and if you click the arrow like for this one for example if I click it the arrow moves to the outside of the line if I click it again the arrow moves to the inside line so you'll want to go through and do that based on how you want to cut it so I'll do inside cuts on every almost every single thing other than the outside profile and the reason for that if I hit OK on this there's some more tabs we'll have to get into a why this is that but I'll just hit OK on this I'll show you why I do inside cuts if I come in to say this hole right here mm-hmm zoom in of this hole when it's done the green is representing where the torch is firing the torch is gonna fire on that dot of that green line and then it's gonna come into this circle do the profile and then sweep out to this edge if I do it on the outside like what's shown right here if this was an inside profile I'm gonna get a hole on the inside my edge you're not gonna have that lead in you're gonna have a lead in into the part and now your parts gonna be messed up actually a good example of that that this one screwed up on so let's see how I say there's all there that's a perfect star so the arrow was on the inside but if you notice everything else the profile started on the outside of the contours so you've got that firing as soon as I sweep in sweep out all right all of these that letters did really well except for right there on this all these edges did really well the outside did really well this is a real thin sheet that I had laying around that was scrapped that I was gonna make for somebody but as I started noticing this I said oh crap that's gonna probably do it yeah and it cut through my part right here that just that's my own mistake so for example this one right here I assume out it's the letter G the green and zoom into it is where my where did my cutters gonna start come in do all the profile and lead out so the outside profile right here is the geometry that I actually modeled so it's gonna cut this inside edge all the way around this offset is determined by what I put in my 2d cutting profile this offsets only 30 thousandths or so whatever I wanted to offset you could have it go right to that edge but I always put a little bit of an offset and just to account for if I want to stand it just a little bit on the edge or I always just leave a little bit of a tooling offset for that so for people who don't understand offset what exactly is gonna happen with the when the plasma is cutting it's it's actually cutting up to basically that line it's cutting to this blue line right here okay and so when I when this torch is firing if I've got a I think I've got a pen around here but use this as an example so if this is the width of my torch or what cutting my torch is gonna be to the middle of this blue line that's cutting okay and so with that saying is that this torch is gonna cut but this outside edge of the torch that's firing is gonna it's gonna be this outside edge right that's Ross so it's gonna leave what I have originally modeled okay and this width is determined by what you set up in that set our first thing of that o45 nozzle diameter so that's half of that essentially and what was the actual nozzle you're using Oh 45 is it 45 so what I've done is I've went through and jumping back the arrows that I was saying inside outside inside outside some of them are hard to see and I'm going to use this one as an example so if I edit my cutting profile again and I go to geometry see how this arrow is way to the outside mm-hmm but when we say okay the cutting profiles on the inside okay that may be confusing that's okay that's what I missed earlier all right if the geometry is small like this this letters probably an inch tall or so the line doesn't go to the inside outside like you think it should if I click this little arrow right here it just did that now this is gonna be to the outside I'm gonna say okay on this and it's gonna build now instead of this being on the inside you'll see that this is switched if I didn't if I click the right arrow that may be the wrong arrow but there we go so now you see yeah now you said that you're gonna have a hole in the middle of your like that like with the Stars yeah the started so now it's gonna start here and come out now that Pro done that G is gonna be wrong gotcha that makes sense now that's why I was misunderstanding earlier when I was looking at the red ones and so I'm gonna go back now and now I'm gonna go back and click that arrow go to the inside but you see it doesn't move that much right and so what I like to do is I like to go through and click all my lines and then I'll go back and review it once I get to this screen which is about the show and I'll just pay in the screen like I'm about to do and I'll say okay this one's okay this one's okay this one's okay and I'll go through here and if anyone's an outside for that light green line seeing where it's gonna start the cut yep to make sure it's on the inside or outside whatever I want and if there's a profile in here that is on the outside I'll fix it right then I mean if there's only one profile contour that's not too bad alright and I'll fix it as soon as I see it so now all this is contoured if I go back in and edit my profile so like I said we've covered this I've got 42 chains the last one being the outside and this is just an start outside height we don't have to worry about height in this profile because our Langmuir system doesn't have a z height control right you're adjusting it so you can ignore that it's manually adjusted passes this is where we get into tolerance of where they want the profile tolerance to be so it's it's set standard at four tenths which is I leave it at four tenths I haven't actually messed with it sideways compensation is always left you can do left right or Center and that just determines where the cutter profile is going to be on the left side of line or the right side of the line or your code but you change that on your arrows compensation type by default this is set to in control you want to make sure that that is set to in computer in computers what the Langmuir system needs to use okay if you leave it in control I I'm not sure what happens but I just know it needs to be on in computer to work start to leave and smoothing smoothing is just going slower to create a better profile I haven't messed with it it makes your g-code a lot longer so thanks a lot longs for the cut I've never read any more more risk of mistakes to correct last step on this is the on the last tab here called linking so there's a lead-in entry and this is what's getting into that green arrow that you saw so lead-in radius these three things are what's gonna determine if your cut can actually work if you have a big profile for example like like this your lead-in radius your sweep angle in your lead-in distance it could be a half inch inside of this part but it doesn't matter but for something small like these letters like I said that are an inch tall let's go that's got to be small and so I keep messin with this and saying okay making sure it's gonna work I've got this set at 15 thousands and angle of 80 and a lead out of Oh 30 so it's gonna sweep it at 15,000 radius and come out who 30s with that based on your part piers clearance Oh 50 that's essentially just rounded up from Oh 45 of what the nozzles gonna pierce and the last step on this is entry positions you just select a point for the cutter to start the outside profile which I've selected here it doesn't matter where it's at as long as there's a point somewhere on your outside profile and then when you say okay your your profile will build which is what's shown here depending on how much geometry it could take ten seconds it can take a minute this one's done I don't have any hairs there would be a yellow caution sign if there was an error if the error error appears typically that would be your lead-in or lead out entry is too big and it can't fit within the profile okay so that's where you'll go in and change that so then at that point we're ready to get this so have you cut anything that's so small that the lead-in was not gonna work those stars will you actually were able to fix up that right I was because I was able to go in there and change the parameters on that but the first one I cut out of me and Cicerone away now was it instead of a star it was more of a an oval because it was too big so now we're ready to cut this this one there's one more thing we can cover if you want to there's a simulate if I hit play that's a little fast let's slow that down so you can see it's doing that profile you're just showing you worth what it's cutting out now I could zoom into this and make sure it's cutting where I want to what I want to start first with but because when I go through and select my contours I I select them as I want the machine to cut I know it's not gonna accidentally do the outside profile first drop my part out now there's nothing to cut so now that we've got the profile done we've got all the contour select and we know what we wanted to get done cutting up here under actions there's one called post process so I'll go ahead and post that the post is set from Langmuir they'll give you a pro forma profile to import and set all this up so a lot of this stuff has already been set and once it's set once I could just hit post and it's real quick the only thing you would pay attention to in this would be your program name if you want to call it something and then I leave all these values where they're at the only thing that I do change sometimes is pierced away how much of a delay do you want before it pierces I leave it in a second sometimes I put three-quarters of a second I haven't really noticed a big difference with it I think it's just more of a good feeling for me but a lot of the videos I've seen are either 0.75 or one second I've never really seen them very from them so all this is set it's in the right profile right path that I want so all I got to do is hit post and then I'll name it whatever I want to it goes to the right folder and I'll hit save that's it if you hit the tab key you can change from stepping over or continuous movement and change how much you want it to step and how fast I've got mine set on continuous movement so if I hit the arrow it continuously moves it moves at a hundred percent but everything hooked up I'll reset it and now I can move the machine I'm just moving it with my arrow keys right now I just can give you a frame an idea of movement and this is 100% continuous movement and went over so it hits the hard stop which is that bolt over there and have it so there would be one of the heart stops lower heart stop is the actual ball bearings to that plate which is about right there I've got machine plugged in usb on the back so I'm just gonna go to load g-code it's gonna open the folder I was just in and I'm gonna scroll down to the badge xo1 then up here in the preview it shows what we what we just did so now what all I need to do is set my height offset based on my material and set where I want my X&Y to be we've got we've got material loaded I'm just gonna set it roughly right here for right now call it good now all I got to do is do my height offset they give you two height offsets they give you they give you the eighth int and they give you the Oh 60 one thing that I found best is using the Oh 60 so I'll just do an Oh 60 set and I go just just a touch higher than it so if I were to measure that it's probably owe a T something like that around the height offset for the for this material I'm cutting now we need to cut in 16 gauge which is basically Oh 65 steel I'd offset of Oh 60 208 e works really well which is what that skull was so the edge quality is pretty good if anyone knows of a good height offset for a given material that's what that Excel spreadsheet I'm drunk so up will do no I'm gonna do is set my X&Y based on where I want it to start so I like to just zero out my axis right where I'm at this is just my own personal thing so all I'll do x 0 y 0 on Mach 3 I'll go ahead and move my torch I'm gonna try to get close to this corner as I can just within reason so I'll do it about I'll do about right there that's that's okay 0 y 0 my X so now I'm good to go ahead and cut this before I cut it I like to leave my plasma cutter off and do just a dry run just to make sure that X and y Heights the other thing that I do is since I'm zeroed here I'll know what I can do instead of doing my dry run is I'll go all the way up to the very top of my material so I'll go all the way up making sure I'm still good on my material and I can see that I'm good and I'm good okay now I'm beyond the line it pulls up red I still got material off [Music] I shouldn't be I should be playing cool but that ain't me no I you feel know what you're doing right now and I'll back in there be no I think you [Music] got me [Music] [Music] crazy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like to be able to clean you put my flag on your crown [Music] [Applause] the same you just want you to say that your mind go [Music] Oh piggy [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah all the attention of a new honey [Music] [Music]
Channel: ManCraftingTM
Views: 166,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Langmuir, langmuir systems crossfire personal cnc plasma table, metal fabrication, personal plasma cnc, home plasma table, langmuir systems personal plasma table, langmuir plasma table reviews, first view of the langmuir plasma cnc, razorweld plasma, razorweld, vipercut 30 plasma cutter reviews, razorcut 45, how to, fusion 360, crossfire cnc, cnc plasma, langmuir crossfire, langmuir crossfire pro, langmuir crossfire plasma table review, plasma table reviews
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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