Why I Chose the Crossfire

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hey everybody this is Doug with artfully rode so a few months back I finally landed this big sculptural tight project and in order for it to go smoothly I knew that I need to invest in a CNC plasma cutting machine so I had this idea in order for this idea to work we need to go talk to the marketing department hey what's going on are you busy yeah as a matter of fact I am I'm like really busy great okay so here's what I need I need you to reach out to all the big CNC plasma cutting machine companies and set them an email and let them know that I'm a youtuber and asked what they want to partner with me and maybe they'll give us like some 3d CNC machine stuff one of the things to consider is size I don't want to get like a big four by eight CNC because one that's gonna be like really greedy and two I just don't want to take up that much space in the shop got it you got a boss okay cool let me know when you hear something we'll see you okay so now we wait hey anything yet no nothing yet hey anything yet still nothing anything listen you might want to try Plan B there are tons of youtubers out there asking for free stuff you're just another knucklehead asking for free stuff so you might want to think about doing this on your own yeah you're probably right Plan B so plan a didn't go as planned I didn't receive a single email reply back from any of the emails that I sent out that's okay I'm sure they're inundated I'm sure they've got a lot of people asking for a lot of stuff I am just one more youtuber out there doing the exact same thing I still have a project and I still need a C&C let's get over to research & development and let's get them researching CNC plasma machines hey what up dude alright so I got a new priority project that we got to get on dude I'm a little busy here I'm doing research and development type stuff just listen grab a pen and paper write these things down okay alright okay [Music] shoot I need you to research all of the CNC plasma cutting machines wait all of the affordable CNC plasma cutting machines if you've had a chance to talk to the marketing department I don't even know if you guys talk here in the office but I don't want something that's like a big 4 by 8 8 machine taking up the shop maybe like a 4 by 4 maybe even something a little bit smaller but budget is also a factor all right I don't want this to cost me an arm and a leg got it ok so basically I need a machine that has a small footprint is affordable and has good customer service check that out for me got it I'll get to work on it right now hey boss here you go okay thanks I think that guy's gonna get employee of the month there's a little bit of a brown-nose of though all right so here's what we found on the Internet it was a pretty exhaustive research but what we did is we went through and typed in affordable CNC plasma machines now we reached out to a couple of companies because they requested a quote as opposed to having a price on their website which I found to be a little inconvenient but here's that list Torche mate 4400 which is a 4x4 go torch which is a 2x2 crossfire which is a 2x2 st b c and c which is a 4x4 Baily which is a 2x2 Lonestar cutting solutions which is a 4x4 and arc light dynamics which is a 2x2 now as I mentioned budget was one of my constraints I didn't want to spend an over-the-top amount for a small machine that I'm only going to use on occasions and boom through video magic here all the prices of all those plasma cutting tables now keep in mind these are just the tables some of these include software some of these include torch high controllers there's various options that are coming with these prices but in none of these prices does it actually include the plasma cutting machine itself so for me this is actually going to be a pretty simple process I'm gonna knock out all of the tables that cost $5,000 and over so that actually leaves me with the crossfire and the go torch so budget was actually a huge Eliminator there I'm gonna look at the go torch and I'm going to look at the crossfire they're both two by two tables and I'm gonna see what is the best value for my money another important factor when choosing the machine is why are you going to use it now for me personally I'm going to be using this more for artistic purposes I don't have to be that precise I don't have pieces going inside of cars or motorcycles or anything that's going to be life-threatening I also don't do things in a multiple standpoint I'm not doing hundreds of pieces I'm not manufacturing most of the things that I plan to be doing on the C&C are all artistic things that are going to have some flexibility when I use them so that's a big factor for me when I choose the machine you're gonna have to decide why you need it in addition to purchasing the CNC table that's gonna come with the motors that's gonna come with the rails that's gonna come with the majority of what you need but you're still going to need more in order to make this operate properly air compressor is a big one once you decide the type of machine you're going to use that's going to determine the size air compression you need now I know that I need a sixty gallon air compressor that tacks on about another five six hundred dollars right there and to run that compressor you're going to need power I had to run a 220 line just for the compressor that can cost you also and while we're talking about power requirements when you get your plasma cutting machine itself you're gonna need a power supply for it as well now the machine that I chose is selectable which means it can go 110 or 220 but 220 is more efficient so if you can definitely go 220 okay as you can see I went with the crossfire now look at the comparison between the go tours and the crossfire and I'll show you why I chose this one okay so the go torch in the crossfire both have two foot by two foot tables they're cutting space is fairly similar so the go torch is a twenty four point five then that's on the X and the y and then the crossfire has a twenty five point three and a twenty three point three now I kind of like the option of having to go a little bit longer in one side but that's just me on the go torch using design edge and the crossfire uses Mach three and fusion 360 personally because I've had a C&C before unfamiliar with Mach three I can learn fusion 360 I've never heard of design edge the other factor here is go torch is an XYZ axis whereas the crossfire is only X Y what that means is the z axis is what controls the up-and-down movement of the torch now I'm fine setting that height myself because the table is so small I don't believe I'll need to worry about having the capability of an z axis regardless of whether I got the go torch or the crossfire I need a plasma machine I'll need a compressor I'll need to install 220 service and I want a water tray to cut down on some of the smoke as you can see the price would go towards five thousand three hundred ninety five and the crossfire 2899 big difference now in the crossfire i bundled which means the plasma and the water tray was included in the price so here is the kicker here's what helped me decide my buddy Chad over at man crafting has one of these tables and because he had one before I did he is now an affiliate with Langmuir systems and I was able to use a code that he has to get $100 off that 2899 figure so it dropped the price even less and another Jason at interactive realm I actually went over to his house because he bought one as well and I was able to help him put the thing together so I had an idea about what to expect from the machine so for me going with the crossfire was kind of an easy decision I know people that have this machine and they seem to be happy with it the price works the size works so I went with a crossfire but the most important question now that I had the crossfire how does it actually cut well check this out this is the very first piece that I cut with the crossfire it's not a small little plate that trough fire might have you do to try for the first time I went ahead and cut one of the pieces that I need for that sculptural project I was talking about as far as I'm concerned it cut it to size it cut it clean I'm happy now obviously if you get the crossfire but you get a different plasma cutter then you may have to make some adjustments to your machine and to your compressor as far as how it's going to cut different types of materials but that's something that you can play with so when it comes right down to it for me personally the crossfire fits my budget it fits the space in which I want it to go in the shop and customer service well it's pretty helpful the videos on YouTube show you how to put the machine together they're very clear and you can also go on to their website to learn how to work fusion 360 and Mach 3 they're going to take you right through the entire process and if you have any problems you can reach out put a ticket in and someone contacts you back that's what I wanted good customer service so this is just one of the other pieces that I cut out for me I'm real happy thanks for taking the time to watch this video I hope you got something out of it if you have questions please leave those down in the comments below I'd like to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters Barry and Marlene rush Judy cloth ta and of course fun kiss artistic creations will in the next video
Channel: Artfully Rogue
Views: 34,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artfullyrogue, cnc plasma cutting system, Langmuir System, Crossfire plasma, cnc plasma cutter, langmuir, plasma cutter, plasma cutting, plasma cnc, plasma cnc table kit, cnc, cnc machine, cnc plasma
Id: YJAcBow6-3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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