First Cut on the Langmuir Systems CrossFire XR

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hey folks my name is dave welcome to my shop here at ntd racing today we're making the first cut on laying mirror systems brand new crossfire xr i think you're gonna like what you see here today please consider hitting that like and subscribe button below that tells the youtube algorithms you like what you saw and it'll show it to more people and definitely help us out with that let's go ahead and finish this build and test the table all right well let's pick up where we left off on the last video with the water table if you haven't seen the part one of the assembly of the crossfire xr check out our links at the end of this video or you can just go to our list of videos and playlists on our youtube page okay here is uh just a quick water table lesson learned as i was putting all these fasteners in here i was definitely doing it the hard way um they put these doublers down here in the corner and i found that i was trying to get the screw in there and i was trying to thread it and it was almost impossible in fact i tore one on the other side just because i was getting pissed it but then i figured out oh wow hey if i just pre-thread it so put together here and then at that after that then push it down in there it makes it a whole lot easier to get those things in there and then you can tighten those bolts down here's the water table so far and uh the adhesive is firmed up pretty good i'm surprised how quickly that stuff firmed up and you might be asking yourself man aren't you concerned about how good that looks let me show you why i'm not concerned about that so here is the table on my crossfire pro and the water tables just get nasty and some guys are looking at this they're like man a year and a half that lex actually looks pretty good and it does i clean it uh pretty often but the water tables get really mucked up so i'm just not too concerned about how the adhesive looks they it just needs to hold water in order to manually adjust your slide downward until it is near the bottom of its travel this will make it easier to notice any cant between the slide and square next place the bottom of your square across the slats and position your slides so that your square rests inside the vertical slot in the z-axis slide look for any space between the slide and square as this will indicate misalignment okay they were not kidding they said be careful and make sure these things don't fall off just under its own way check that out it's actually pretty cool so the build is going along pretty good just got the ball screws these things right here and the ball nuts all put in place and i'll show you videos of those but it was kind of cumbersome there's a lot of parts but here's what i'll say is that the directions are fantastic so you know follow the directions a little tough getting in here with some of these little parts especially if you're like me and you're working with this thing on the wall right now i have this thing separated about it looks like about maybe five inches off of the wall and that ends up being an issue as you go in here for some results but i that being said i'll let you know that even at five inch soft wall so far i have been able to do all the work on this thing i had to crawl underneath and do a little bit of the work but but you can do it if that's what you're uh is that where you plan on mounting it i think ideally i'd like to have this thing on wheels i know that i've heard some guys talking about doing that and i'm also going to try to figure out how to eventually put this thing on wheels there was one thing that i think is worth talking about as i'm as i'm rooting the cables through these guides one of the things you have to do is you have to make the torch cable come vertically out of this uh this case here or out of the z axis and mine was kind of flopping over and they said you know maybe zip tie it what i ended up doing is i loosened up the bolts that hold the torch and i rotated the torch in there and that got the cable to uh to stick up the right way anyways let's finish up the uh all the wiring and let's start getting this thing going all right all the bags are empty it is time got this thing all together let me give you a quick little walk around it looks so cool i really like this touch screen that being said i have it just set up right now i haven't bundled up those wires just in case i decide i want to move that and change it a little bit my big picture plan for this is i wanted to build it exactly per the manual the first time get the first couple cuts and then decide if i want to do something different like maybe move the screen or something like that just the way my shop is set up it's kind of sticking out there in the middle and we'll figure out something for that and then also some of the cable management where i'm going to put the plasma cutter but besides that check this thing out it really looks good i'll tell you what as i was getting to the wiring just follow the instructions they were perfect they were spot on as far as how to run the wires and how to bundle everything i thought they did a really good job for that the wiring came out just perfect there was only one time i was like i got them inside the z-axis where it holds the torch and it's covered right now but i was putting the screws in to hold the the mounts for the z-axis and i was like the screws are too short and i get like one thread on these things it is totally messed up i was right in the right into the company i was like something's wrong with these screws you know and then i realized that if you flip it over that part is countersunk and it works just perfect so they literally thought of everything at the end of the day one guy can do this whole build in about two days let's go ahead run the break-in program get water in this thing and make our first cut all right it's nice to get down in the building get into this initial run checklist uh so we go through we've already gone through all these things now what i want to do is download this xr break-in program you click on this it takes you to this downloads page you scroll down to the break-in programs over to the xr it's going to download that once it downloads it what i'm going to do is i'm going to say show it to me in my folder there it is in the folder and i'm going to drag and drop it over to my gcode folder in my onedrive which is my you know over the net the cloud kind of a shared drive all right i'm not going to bore everybody with how i do the fusion 360 and put the stuff in here but if you are interested in seeing exactly how i go through and make the the g code for the fusion 360 then uh stick around to the end of the video and i'll show you there all right let's get this first cut going here let's start with opening up the fire control and see what we've got uh it is pretty much the same as the crossfire pros fire control with just a few subtle changes we'll take a look at that here in a second as soon as it opens up all right it's pretty much the same as the crossfire pros fire controlled a few different you know differences you can see that okay it's logged in the torch i control the crossfire xr it thinks that that's all working and the only real difference here is it has this home button i have to go back and look i don't think we had this on the crossfire pro but when you select this home button what happens is ask if you want to home machine and i sure do and this starts driving this thing to its limit switches basically what it's doing right now is that y1 and y2 are going to hit the limit switches and then it's going to re-square the whole machine because those two things as opposed to the pro those two rails operate independently and this just basically lets you go back and if something happened a bumped or moved it or is out of out of square it's going to re-square those things i think later on you can really dial in how square this thing is and we'll test that with the the first cut after that though i want to load up those programs i loaded upstairs and i can come down here and over the cloud i'm going to load up those programs so um and there they are they're on my one drive on downloads and i'm going to do the break in program first let's go ahead and open that there we go so it tells me the torch i control is off i'm going to close that and then now i'm going to go ahead and say let's go ahead and run the break-in program start boom and now it's just gonna start running itself to the limits okay i don't think i'm gonna take that out of there that's cool to see i'm probably the first guy to do this but as the gantry was moving it caught my cable off of the wall it was sitting out a little bit and it started to bind up so what i did is i reached down here and i hit this button on the side of the control box and it stopped the whole thing let me show you what happens here when you hit this it basically pushes that button in and disconnects it from the computer to reset this button you turn this little knob and it pops it back out and turns the controller back on so there you go i'm leaving it in there let's re-home this thing and start that thing all over again own machine and i don't know if you saw that but since it caught that cable it held back the y2 side and so it was out of square so when it went back and honed itself you could see that the y2 hit its bumps or hit its uh limit sp switch well before the y1 and now it should be back to square all right let's go ahead and open up this program one more time fire control break-in program open there we go and let's start that one more time [Music] all right looking pretty good so all right now it's time put some water in there get some metal on the table and see how this thing does on its first cut oh [Music] [Music] all right let's take an honest look at this first cut and really analyze it so uh first off what i can tell just a little bit of dross on there and most of it's probably to come off with this towel or just flicking it off with your fingernail so just a little bit so i could probably increase maybe the cut speed just a little bit uh on that maybe reduce some of that drops but i think if you look at the corners and the cut quality i would say not bad as far as being 90 degrees let's put it up to this and check it out and i would say it is dead on 90 degrees check that out that is absolutely perfect man that is awesome let's check out the the hole size so this one right here should be about an inch so let's go ahead and check out that hole size and get it right there and i would say man it is pretty darn close uh right there uh depending on how you hold it so almost exactly one inch and then this one right here was supposed to be three quarters uh and slightly under and i find generally when i cut holes i will cut them just slightly larger than the size so anyways i think that's a total win this thing is working uh really nice let's go ahead and cut something a little more difficult well i don't normally cut aluminum but i don't think you can ask for much more than that there is very little dross on the back side of this thing it's basically ready to hit it with a rattle can and uh this is going to be the floor board for honcho to keep our feet from slipping around i think it's going to look pretty trick when you look down there okay once again langmuir systems exceeding all my expectations the new crossfire xr just has so many cool features i just can't wait to put it to work so what's next for ntd racing with the baja 1000 in about three weeks right after that we're starting the build of honcho 2 which is going to be our budget trophy truck and putting the xr to work as we build that there will be a lot of content coming there you won't want to miss it so please consider again hitting that like and subscribe button below that definitely helps us out and we'll see you next week take care of yourself maybe just a little change of our format here i find that some people want to see the cad stuff and people like my mom just want to watch the videos and not see me doing all the nerdy stuff so i'm going to stick this at the end so if you're uh still watching and sticking around at the end i appreciate it this will start doing is i'll start putting the cad stuff that i do at the back and then if i fumble through something you're gonna watch me fumble through it real time so unedited here we go all right in fusion 360 i just want to make some kind of a program reckon it i can not only make my first cut but i want to test a couple of the things like how square it is and everything so i'm going to go to sketch sketch on the x and y plane which you have to do for the langmeyer xr lingmar crossfire pro whichever one it is um let me see i'm gonna make a couple rectangles here that's that's good i'll make another one just a regular rectangle not a three regular rectangle let's say right over here make that and i'm going to cut that line that line that line that line and there we go i'm gonna make some center holes let's just make this one let's make it exactly one inch let's make this one .75 let's make this one [Music] 0.38 there we go a couple holes that should uh be pretty good i'm going to go ahead and extrude that part hotkey e select that part and then there you can see it extrudes point one two five i'm gonna be cutting it in uh street that part extrude it come on point one two five there we go there now it's a one eighth inch piece of steel from there i'm going to go over to manufacturing get back looking at this thing from the front i'm going to hit setup let's use our box point right there at the corner and i'm going to name this thing first cut all right go to cutting this is kind of nice is since i'm using the razor weld again there's really no need to change a tool or put in new parameters because it thinks it's cutting the same thing i think i guess we'll find out go to my library of tools razer weld and i'm going to cut this thing at 70 inches per minute i'm going to do a entry i don't really do an exit but put it in there anyway at 50 inches per minute for the entry and exit and keep everything down i'm not gonna do an exit let's yeah that's good there i'm gonna go ahead and cut it enter right there and say okay looks good all right let's create the g-code for it i'm going to change my folder since now i can do this thing over the cloud is i'm going to go and i'm going to select the g-code folder select that folder and i'm going to post it and save cool all right i got that one we're gonna do one more file here and then let's get down to the plasma cutter make the first cut um let me see i'm gonna go sketch again i'm picking this x and y plane it should say front over here again the crossfire xr is going to cut on the x and y plane i use the center box all the time i'm going to pick the center origin where everything is 0 for that and this thing i'm making is 14 by 10 inches all right i'm going to just i'm going to put some letters in here but i find that if i try to extrude letters with the whole thing for whatever reason i just can't make it work so what i do is i make this sheet first and then i go back in and i extrude the letters so 0.75 i i'm making these soften these corners i've made i set the 0.75 for the radius now before i hit enter i'm going to select all the corners i want to have that .75 radius on there we go and there is my part that i'm going to make i'm going to extrude that and .09 i'm cutting it into aluminum diamond plate so this would be pretty cool all right so here's my part so now i want to sketch again where do i want to sketch i want to sketch right on the face of this thing um and then i'm gonna start putting some words in there so what i'm going to do is i'm going to hit the line key hotkey l you can select it over there also and i'm going to put a line in here one line i'm going to put two lines and escape and for some reason i grabbed on there but i'm gonna because it thinks it wants me to continue some kind of a shape i'm gonna put two lines in here there we go got two lines now i'm gonna go in and i'm gonna say create text i'm gonna turn contours off i don't know if that matters but or i'm sorry the construction line's off i want to i want to sketch put the text over this line so i'm going to select that and then now it gives me the ability to basically write the text over that line all caps ntd for stenciling and with the fusion 360 i find that the stencil a seems to work the the best and i haven't tinkered a lot with with making letters i could probably go ahead and do a little bit more but um sometimes if you try to make it bold and do those kinds of things it just kind of messes the whole thing up so i just leave it unbold and then use a stencil a and then i'm going to guess let's make it 2.5 inch tall letters that's a little bigger i think let's go to a 3. there we go let's say okie doke okay now i'm going to carry this down i'm just going to center it all up basically i'm trying to put that t somewhere right over that center origin boom there's that all right so now i'm going to extrude that part so i'm going to select that i'm going to make sure it says cut i usually take this thing and i orient it sideways because i want to be able to see the cut i'm doing in there and then i can kind of see it that it's yep it's going to cut through that whole thing i hit okay and boom there's my first cut now what i'm going to do is i'm going to sketch again i want to sketch on that plane one more time oh i didn't have that line up there what i can always do is i can go down over here and turn sketches back on and then that line comes back up because that was the second sketch that i did uh let's go ahead and do another stencil or text and i'm going to go ahead and do it on that line and it what's nice is it said last time you used stencil a i'm going to bring up stencil again i'll probably change the size but uh let me see let's go all right i'll go caps racing all right yeah that's obviously too big let's go with a 2.2 just a guess boom nice all right i'm going to say okay on that and then i'm going to take that and move that come on let me move it why don't you let me move you ah-ha i can't move it because it's a sketch that i'm not actually manipulating very interesting so there you go uh you learn as you go so i'm gonna go ahead and undo what i just did all right see let me undo this there we go let me undo that let's go ahead and sketch again um but this time we're already sketching so we're right back to where we were i'm going to hit hotkey l and i'm going to make it a construction line and i'm gonna remake a line uh because i couldn't move it because that sketch lived in another sketch i was like kind of almost trying to manipulate two sketches at once which i guess it doesn't like you to do not a big deal it should only take a second to fix this all right i'm gonna go to text and i'm gonna go on this line now and now i should be able to move it racing all right racing and now ah see check that out there you go real time now you really get to see me make errors all right finish that sketch i'm gonna hotkey e for extrude i want to extrude that i want to make sure i tell it to cut it again i like to watch my cut there we go and okay there we go all right good to go um now we're gonna it looks good let's go ahead and manufacture let's cut it so i'm gonna go to setup let's use this as our box point and i'm going to call it first let's call it ntd racing i can't spell all right let's call it that go to cutting again go back over i'm going to select the razor weld from the library razor weld and this is 90 000 aluminum uh i haven't cut a lot of this but let's just go for 130 i'm also going to dial down the uh the speeds a little bit i'm gonna go 95 all right and look at that i'm gonna cut that over here and lead in lead out um if i can get it point two five a little bit longer let me let him cut for a little while before it hits what it wants to cut just so i don't have any dross on the lead and lead out um and all that should be good and i want it to enter right there let's see now what you want to do is you want to check to make sure that there's lines on all the parts you think you're going to cut and it looks like it's going to cut everything you know you want to really check these smaller parts up here otherwise you can see that it doesn't go up there and cut that thing and if you want and go and run the simulation real quick and you can speed it up so you don't take forever there there we go all right let's go ahead and post this thing and it's going to the gcode file folder and post boom time to go and cut
Channel: NTD Racing
Views: 5,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrossFire XR, First Cut on the Langmuir Systems CrossFire XR, crossFire XR assembly part 1, the CrossFire XR Is Here, First look at the CrossFire XR, how to make 2d designs in fusion 360, how to make 3d models in fusion 360, how to create a 3d sketch in fusion 360, langmuir Systems, crossfire, cross fire pro, plasma cnc, Plasma table, plasma cutting table, plasma cutting machine, plasma cutting 101, plasma cutting basics, plasma cnc projects, First look at teh crossfire xr
Id: 5E5DJzTE59g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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