CrossFire XR vs Pro - Langmuir System's tables compared side by side.

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hey folks my name is dave welcome to our shop here at ntd racing where i just recently put lane mirror systems crossfire xr together but for the next few weeks i still have my crossfire pro here until it goes to my buddy dave johnson's house and so let's do a side-by-side comparison and see what you get a little bit of business first if you like what you see here please reach down hit that like and subscribe button and leave us a comment that sure helps us out also if you're interested in one of these tables there is a link in my description below there's also a link if you go to our website at and this can get you about 100 off on the crossfire pro and in the future it's also going to get you a discount on the crossfire xr let's go ahead walk around the tables and see what you get with both tables and the advantage of having one over the other let's put them to work and see how they do on making the same cut let's start this thing off just by talking about the basic structure of the table the way that the crossfire pro is constructed is it basically has two inch by two inch square tubes making up the majority of all of the structure and also the gantry i checked it out i would say it's about 14 gauge steel for that and it does have some gussing in there to rigid everything up now i did put some wheels on the bottom so i can move my table around and i might do the same with the crossfire xr i just need to take a little while to design that however as far as dimensions go of the entire table it sits out from the wall that you see here by about 53 inches its total width is about 64 inches wide and since it has its what uh the cabling all going through this little riser here it's up to 80 inches high so you need to account for that inside of your shop the cutting table on the crossfire pro is 33 inches long by 48 inches wide it takes about 12 gallons of water in there and i've put about a half sheet about a 4x4 of quarter inch plate on here i've also put almost a full sheet of 3 16 plate and that comes out to about 270lbs pounds of material and water that i've had on this water table so it will take some weight on the table i think it would probably take a little bit more i think the casters that i have on there limit that just a little bit i think if i just had it resting right on the floor like they do in the normal design it might take a little bit more weight a little more confidently all right let's contrast that with this behemoth which is the crossfire xr at least relative behemoth when you think of the structure of this i almost think of like a structural steel building look at just how wide and thick the members are here they use this bent sheet metal in here really able to resist a lot of shear in the right directions making this a super strong table how strong we'll just contrast it with the other table it says it they'll take about 65 gallons of water in the water table you'll see i'm filling it up right now and also a one inch thick plate still at four by eight feet that brings you to about eight one thousand hundred 850 pounds of metal and that is a behemoth inside this 4x8 cutting surface it sits back from the wall about 61 inches and it's 109 inches from this side all the way to the end that does not include this computer over here uh the computer hangs off the end and i'm gonna move it just because it just doesn't fit with my um shop and it's gonna be easy to move remove a couple bolts but if you leave this thing on here it brings the dimensions of the table to 133 inches wide and it sits back from my wall by about 79 inches let's go ahead and talk about water tables the water table on the crossfire pro i like it i think it works really good it is a stainless steel water table you can see that it is a smaller gauge metal i can move it and flex it but this you just don't usually put weight on that part of the water table it holds water and does its job well one of the things i do like about the water table on the crossfire pro better than the xr is that these racks are a little bit smaller and i find that it's easier to clean and get a vacuum in here to clean out the inside of my table so that is nice one other thing is when you go to load metal onto your crossfire pro it goes in in this direction and it can be 48 inches wide and you feed it in this direction and it can go out the back so it can be longer than 33 inches and if you watch my video where i do an index cut i put almost a full sheet of metal through my crossfire pro we'll go ahead and contrast that over here again with the crossfire xr and just look at the much more rigid water table and you can see it looks like about one inch square tube is what they trim the entire corner all the way around the water table with so you could actually run pieces of metal slide them up over and on to that table which you really couldn't do on the pro another thing that you can do is you could take the gantry and move it all the way to the extreme over here to where it completely will expose the table so it's not even covering the end of the table and that way now you could actually load metal from this side you could load metal from this side and you could also load from that way and another thing is if you are into large production and you're going to try to load one of those one inch thick pieces of plate steel you're not doing that with a couple dudes that's 1500 pounds of still you're doing that with probably a forklift and you could actually bring a forklift in and drop it right on the side once you move the gantry all the way back again another really nice feature of really having this production level crossfire xr in your shop and one last thing to talk about with the water table is it has two drains on it it has a drain right over here and drain all the way over back here in the corner unfortunately it has four sections and those sections are separated by a vertical rib which is probably about you know in half of an inch high when you assemble it there's that ribbon there and so the water that is in that section can't flow over that rib over here to this section so as you drain the table these two center sections will still be full and that could be a problem for some people i actually like when you join the table to have a little bit of water left in there because it as you vacuum it sucks up all the other stuff the water helps pull that up what i'm going to do in my next video and you'll see is i'm going to put a drain in each one of the tables and i'll be happy to show you how i do that at a reasonable cost all right let's compare the motion of the two plasma tables the y-axis and the x-axis and the z-axis all kind of operate on these small bearings here and they work fine i have seen some people maybe over tighten those ran them over some dirty gantries and ended up having failures of these bearings but they're going to be pretty easy to replace they look like pretty common bearings you can see that this bearing is actually touching and this one my table isn't even touching but it still makes good cuts don't change anything if it's working well anyway as far as the motion goes um it's also a bit exposed out there so all these parts are exposed so as this thing is firing the plasma torch water's flying all over the place and you can see it gets the uh the guide rails inside they're all over the place a little bit dirty you can go in there with some wd-40 and a brass brush and clean that up pretty nicely i clean these rails up right here all the time i try to keep them clean with some wd-40 and i just use some gear oil on the lead screws let's go ahead and compare the motion of this to the motion on the crossfire xr here's the cool thing about the xr is they covered everything up because these tables do splash up some water and so your entire x-axis is totally covered up your z-axis is hidden behind the gantry and your y 1 y 2 axis are hidden totally underneath all this other stuff over here including the rails are hidden underneath the side of the water table so really did some good thinking about how everything is covered up this cover right here covers up the rollers for the y1 and the y2 side over here let's go ahead and pull off this cover on the x-axis and see what you get okay so here is a look at the z-axis and as you can see it's just a little bit different than the crossfire pros and that's just a little bit more robust but all of the functionality of this works exactly the same as the functionality on the crossfire pro that when you start to cut the thing's gonna plunge down touch the metal it's gonna hit your initial height sensing figure out how it is it's gonna climb up to to initially fire the torch once it fires a torch it's going to drop down to your cut height and continue cutting exactly the same way that the crossfire pro does and this one is nice in that it is a lot more protected and so it'll be easier to keep it neat and also allow you to make much longer production runs the rollers that roll on the rail for the y-axis are also much more robust and i'll show you a picture of those without this cover on which protects them from any kind of debris continuing on with the motion for the tables on the crossfire pro which you have is stepper motors and the stepper motors turn these lead screws these lead screws in turn step through these nuts right here which are connected to the y or the x-axis and then move the gantry back and forth or move the z-axis back and forth across the x-axis we have the same kind of stepper motors on the crossfire xr it goes through this belt drive down to what's called a ball nut now as opposed to on the crossfire pro where that nut was fixed on the crossfire xr the ball nut is actually spinning and what's called the ball screw is fixed it does not move and the benefit of that is now you can have a much longer run of a ball screw and you're not going to get the problem with that screw whipping as you're starting to spin that thing really fast let's say for example this thing is capable of moving at 400 inches per minute and on tables where you have a lead screw that screw will start to whip because it's turning so fast and you're not going to have that problem with the ball nut ball screw setup the control boxes on both of the tables are really nearly identical you have all the channels going to your stepper motors and also to your torch height control the few differences on the control box for the xr is obviously the connectors are a little bit different there is a lead added in for the status lights on the z axis and then also over here you get another lead for the limit switches on the table so what are the limit switches all about there are three limit switches that are on the crossfire xr you have your first one over here on the x-axis and when you do a homing run on the fire control which i'll show you here in a second it's going to run the access x-axis all the way over and it's going to go ahead and touch this and that's going to tell it where it is in relation on the table and let it zero itself out likewise on the y1 and y2 axis down here there's a limit switch on both sides and what happens is when you run your homing function those limit switches run all the way down here to the end until they hit this screw right here and when it hits that it zeros out each side individually and completely re-squares that gantry so this will be the most controversial part of this whole video is which plasma cutter i am using i'm using the razor weld cut 45 for both tables i keep saying as soon as my razor well dies i'm buying a hypertherm but these things keep cutting and the cut quality i think is outstanding to start with the torch height control boxes you get with both tables are exactly the same so that system works well i didn't try to change anything with a working system the black one over here is my old razer weld and there were a few issues and bulletins that they sent out where you needed to maybe change your resistor in this one and maybe adjust how much you tighten down this the the shield on your the nozzle for your plasma cutting tip but besides that when they went over here to this new one with a new color they changed those things so all those things that were issues with the old plasma cutter are fixed in this new plasma cutter and so far my first cuts have been absolutely perfect with no issues so i only expect for this thing to continue cutting the same way a really quick note about how i run these things you know normally what i'm cutting is eighth inch through quarter inch plate steel so i send my full pressure shop air into this thing it regulates the pressure itself and i normally will run it all the way to its maximum cutting capacity at 45 amps and then i adjust the speed if i'm cutting eighth inch still or 11 gauge i'm cutting about 65 to 70 inches per minute 50 for 3 16 and about 25 if i'm cutting quarter inch i could probably speed it up a little bit concerning the drops i get sometimes but i just use those speeds and the thing's been cutting great for my uses so let's talk about how you interface with the two tables if you're using the crossfire pro you need your own computer and that's connected through a usb to the control box and it has all the functionality you would need to make cuts and jog the table around and do those kinds of things let's compare that to the crossfire xr where they actually give you an additional touch screen why do i like this so much i well one is it's a bigger touch screen it's dedicated to the table it works really well but what i really like is that when i'm working on my laptop i'm usually doing that in my upstairs office as i'm doing all my cad those kinds of things and now i can save things onto the cloud i can come down here to this dedicated computer and if you look over here on the back it actually has its own little tiny miniature pc on the back which is running this touch screen and it works just like a normal computer i can log in from at that point to that shared folder i have pull up the work that i need to do and then cut down here without having to drag my laptop down the stairs and chance dropping it or something like that so it's dedicated it's down here i find that it works really nice all right let's go ahead and get some water into the tables and do the same cut well i usually try to capture all of the cad at the end of my video so you can just if somebody's interested in watching cat they can click there but i forgot to add the audio on this one so no cat at the end this is all you get and i'll get you on the next one so here's something that i'm totally in love with in this new table and it's this pennant they provide you with and here's what's really cool about it is usually i will find myself working on these things we call the skeletons which is just a piece of metal that just has a whole bunch of pieces cut out so you have little places where you can cut stuff out and now you gotta basically bring your your x and y axis over and zero it out on something and so now what you can do is right on the pennant you can move this thing and even lower the z axis down to make sure that you're getting right to the corner of this thing for when you want to zero out the access i think it's super cool and saves a lot of time so now let's make the same cut with the crossfire pro so [Music] all right let's go ahead and take an honest look at both of the cuts this is the one from the crossfire xr i think it did a really nice job there's a little bit of a entry mark right there that needs to be kind of ground down a little bit the lines are tight the turns will look really nice and clean so i think that looks pretty good a little bit dross on the backside and i think i could pick up the speed a little bit on that cut and it might maybe get rid of some of that dross looking at the crossfire pro again a little bit messier metal i think the consumables on this one are a little bit older but i am using a harbor freight dryer you can see my video where in my playlist where i put that harbor freight dryer to use i think it works really well i think my consumables last literally five times longer with the dryer on there but it did pretty good what's really neat is when you stack the two on top of each other and see that they are dimensionally exactly the same they're absolutely perfect i think they did really good i think it's kind of neat in that you know these are the same code running on two different tables different weights of gantry's a light gantry a heavy gantry and they both look exactly the same so spot on on both of these all right in the original version of this video i kind of took some hits on the social media just saying hey the lead in the lead out looks terrible on that and to be honest with you i generally look at the edges i wasn't paying a ton of attention i should have caught that so totally valid comments uh so i'm trying to fix it here let's go ahead and try to make those look a little bit better i do not take it lightly i know that people watch my videos sometimes and make decisions if they're going to buy tables or not and so i i take that very seriously so i just want to make it right so i get back on to the table first i'm going to make the exact same cut that i made before i didn't have that file again i cut started cutting some other very similar bottle openers and what i want to do is i want to keep changing some of the parameters and see if i can't dial it in the first parameter that i will fix is langmuir systems pointed out that i was running the wrong mode on the razerworld 45 there's a 2t and a 4t setting i was running 4t i run 2t and instantly that made it better but there is some things i could change when it comes to the lead and lead out let's go ahead and take a look at how that changes the overall cut all right let's see how these things did this is uh the original one and the entry well this first off i've already turned this into a welding stamp i'm testing a new harbor freight welder and this is a mig weld blasted over top of a tig whale just messing around with it anyway uh the entry was bad you know and usually i just really pay attention to the outsides and just for what i do i don't do a lot of like art art stuff so if it was a little nick i didn't really pay much attention and i should have so i want to go ahead and make that right here we go this is the exact same program except this time i selected 2t i was running 4t the instructions say run 2t and i messed it up i wasn't doing it still a couple little tiny nicks on this thing then also right here it's kind of weird and check out what the program is doing it's actually entering and following the profile down and that is a function of the lead in that was selected by uh fusion 360 and even once you i was trying to say hey lead in right here and leave it right here and it still picks down there sometimes so you just got to pay attention to where your lead ends and i'm not sure if sheet cam has the same problem but i might try that and see if that does a little bit better i started just messing with the program as you saw in there but still kind of getting a nick uh on there as it enters uh and exits i kept dialing it in here is 90 inches per minute a .15 second pierced delay and a quarter inch lead in and you can still see i do have a little nick on all of these i went ahead and this time i changed it to and i think this is the i'll sh this is probably the best one i think i changed it to a hundred inches per minute i run it in on a lead in at 90. i also do pick the lead out this time i let it do a lead out and a 0.15 second pierced delay and i think that that nick is getting a lot smaller i do think the cut quality is pretty good i'm totally happy with it this will make suspension parts all day long i don't know if we'll make your bill murray poster all day long or whatever else you're making but i do think it's looking a lot better and i'm happy with the quality of that there's a little tiny nick right there and you can see that i think it's getting pretty small though if you know how to make that smaller plea please put it in the comments so everybody else can can know because i'm trying to make this thing look as good as i possibly can i dot it up a little bit i said 100 inches per minute i did a lead in at 90. a lead out at 110 i try to see if i could race it out to avoid any kind of burns there and then i did a .05 pierce delay and i don't think it was much different than the other one i think that the knicks are still there this is the one right here i think is a little bit bigger than the uh the previous one at 100 90 and 90 out with a 0.15 pierce delay so um i i don't know i think that the i think the cut quality is there so uh i have no problem saying good cut quality if you see something i'm not please add it to the comments i'm all ears i'm learning just like everybody else's let's help each other if you've been watching my channel you know that i like to be upfront about what it's really going to cost you to have these things in your shop so here you go to have a crossfire pro sitting in your shop forty two hundred dollars in an xr sitting in your shop about 8 200 so you know about double for all that capability the xr is going to give you but i don't think that's the this isn't really the contrast you should make between the two of these is for both of these you get the entire plasma cutting system with the torch i control the water table you get the plasma cutter you get the shipping and the taxes this is the price to have this thing in your garage and at 8 200 it is still half of the starting price of other comparable tables out there that haven't added in shipping and torches and all those kinds of things you can't beat the price that you're getting from landmire systems well all right well i think that the cut quality that you see from those just kind of shows you that you are not going to pick one table over the other to get cut quality what it really comes down to for you is what do you need in your shop how much space do you have what kind of production rate do you need what durability do you need out of a table for me i built the entire honcho our desert race truck on the crossfire pro and it worked perfectly even when i needed to make a cut greater than 33 inches long i have a video out there you can check out for index cutting with the crossfire pro and it worked great and those trailing arms are going on to their third off-road desert race so it works uh if you're into more production you need more capacity something that's going to maybe you know run longer before you need to clean it up and those kinds of things then the xr might be for you just depends and also what's your budget so you need to kind of consider those things to help you out with that a little bit again if you go to www.ntd there is a link in there i'm going to affiliate with them and i'll get you about 100 off on the crossfire pro and in the future it's also going to get you a discount on the xr again i hope you like what you saw here today and you'll consider hitting that like and subscribe maybe leaving a comment i'll try to answer all those either in the comments or on my next video until then i'll see you next week take care of yourself [Music] [Music] you
Channel: NTD Racing
Views: 1,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrossFire XR vs Pro, CrossFire XR, First Cut on the Langmuir Systems CrossFire XR, crossFire XR assembly part 1, the CrossFire XR Is Here, First look at the CrossFire XR, how to make 2d designs in fusion 360, how to create a 3d sketch in fusion 360, langmuir Systems, crossfire, cross fire pro, plasma cnc, Plasma table, plasma cutting table, plasma cutting machine, plasma cutting 101, plasma cutting basics, plasma cnc projects, first look at teh crossfire xr
Id: iJxOgQ91kcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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