How to make a 3D Sketch in Fusion 360 - Cut it out with the Langmuir Systems CrossFire Pro

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today we're talking all about making 3d parts with fusion 360 and the lagmire systems crossfire pro [Music] welcome back to ntd racing and welcome to my shop i'm gonna work really hard to show you some good information today if you like it please consider hitting that like and subscribe button below and ringing the bell for notification for future episodes you can learn more about our team by going to or if you click on our store you can find out more about the langmar systems crossfire pro or any of the tools that we talk about in this video so the whole point in this episode is to build off of what i did in the previous episode where i was showing you how i use fusion 360 to make two dimensional parts this time we're just going in a third dimension i'm going to show you how i go from zero to making an entire part and then how i take those parts in the program flatten them out so that we can cut them on a plasma table we'll run them through the manufacturing software i'll show you how they go into fire control and then we can use them on the langmeyer systems crossfire pro let's go ahead and get to the computer this is why i love making these videos meet honcho this is our budget off-road race truck and i built this truck for about twenty thousand dollars and you can't do that unless you're building all your own parts let me talk about the value i did a quick search online and through a really quality company i found that i could get two lower suspension arms for two thousand one hundred and ninety five dollars not including tax and shipping and all those kinds of things i use fusion 360 and the legimire systems crossfire pro and i build all of my own suspension parts the lower suspension arms with fk bearings everything included are 150 dollars each i'm going to show you how i make those parts let's get to the computer as we start building this thing i don't want you to think about this as only a video on how to build suspension parts that's just what i do but the techniques i learned along the way will be valuable i think to anybody who's building parts in three dimensions like say for example you're trying to plasma cut parts for a fire pit or something like that all these techniques i've learned i think will help you now thinking about how we're going to build this part there's a couple different techniques uh you want to maybe build some parts you want to cut some parts out maybe build some more and that's what we're going to do we're going to build stringers we're going to cut some elements out of the stringers and then we're going to continue putting skin on and those kinds of things as i get started drawing i want to first lay out the dimensions so i'm going to go to my sketch and since we're cutting on a plasma table we're going to pick this y and this x-axis plane to to make our sketch on and first let's lay out the dimensions of the part we're going to make so i'm going to make construction lines over here i always like to pick the center box i like to start from the origin so it's zeros at the center for the x and y axis i'm going to scroll out and say it's a 12 inch box i'm going to say by six inches and this is just a notional you know really simple a arm i'm going to make to just kind of show you some of the techniques and i'll try to explain what i'm doing along the way again it's going to connect up here to a uniball and let's say it's 12 inches by a 1.5 inch cup for the uniball that's going to be the bearing at the end and then just to help me out later on a lot of times i like to put just another construction line across the center in case i want to mirror image something during my design and then once i have the sketch and this is just the dimensions with my construction lines which i'll be using a lot i like to finish this sketch and the reason is is once i finish it it's going to going to become its own sketch and then when i go up here and select sketch again and i select the origin you see you can see it starts a second sketch so i can now toggle on and off those construction lines in case they're getting in the way for something i'm doing i like to be able to toggle off my construction lines at least the basic ones there so as we're starting this next sketch we're just going to go ahead and pick the square i'm going to make sure i have construction lines off and it should be able to snap over here to my original construction lines and i'm gonna start making stringers i'm gonna say 12 by 0.125 which is an eighth inch stringer for that one and i'm going to do the same thing for this one down here i'm going to say 12 bye sometimes you got to zoom in a little bit if you don't have a mouse with a roller wheel i recommend you get one because i find myself scrolling in and out all the time especially while i'm using fusion 360. dab 0.125 there are my first two stringers of this thing i'm going to make let's go ahead and extrude these things so i'm going to hit the hotkey e which takes me into the extrusion menu and if you were sketching it finishes that sketch and takes you right here i'm going to reorient this thing so this icon up in the right i'm going to go ahead and reorient it so i can see what's happening while i'm extruding these parts i'm going to select both the things i'm going to extrude and you can see as i grab this arrow if i pull it one direction i'm extruding it in a positive direction if i pull it the other direction i'm extruding it a negative i generally like to work in a positive direction and let's say i'm going to put four inches that's going to be the highest the thickest part of the suspension arm is going to be four inches and i'll use that another thing to keep an eye on and this is super important for the rest of this video is any time we're extruding is you need to pay attention what is the operation that's going to happen there's different things it can do it can join it can cut and it can generally create a new body and there's other things in there but those are the three that kind of will happen on this video today we want to make sure it's creating a new body and as it does that now watch over here when i hit okay all sudden bodies come up that's because we just turned a two dimension part into a three dimension part and now there's two bodies there's body one which is top part and body two which is the bottom part so all that is working well and that's gonna be really important for later on when we try to lay these things flat and use our plasma cutters to cut these parts out i'm going to go ahead and hit this key right or the front of this icon again just to normalize it with the front of the screen so i'm looking straight down at my part as i go ahead and continue making the next uh elements i'm going to go ahead and click select sketch i wanted to select right on that exact same pane so i'm going to pick the origin and then let me see and origins are kind of turned off here i'm going to turn them back on if you can toggle the eyeball there to make those things turning off one of the things i use a lot when i'm making things especially these uh suspension arm stringers is i use this three point square so i'm going to go over here and i'm going to zoom in and grab it right on the side there and this allows you to make a square that isn't normal to the screen so it isn't parallel or perpendicular to the normal origin there and as i bring it off to the side now it lets me select a thickness so 0.125 which is the thickness of a 1 8 inch still again there's that one and then i'm going to make another one down here let me see i get this in the center i want to be right on that point right there and this point right here and and i'm gonna go all the way to this side down here make the thickness point one two five now i have the next two stringers to put in there so i'm going to say hotkey e i want to extrude this i want to extrude that i'm going to look at it from the side so i can watch it happen i'm going to pull this thing out i'm going to say it's going to be four inches and it says cut dude i don't want you to cut i want you to make a new body and again i'm going to pay attention over here when i hit the okay it should make two more bodies those two and if it doesn't then i've done something wrong i got to go back and fix it now because it'll be a pain later on there we go so i got these parts now what i want to do is i want to look at i'm going to flip this thing up onto this icon over here to the so i'm looking at the bottom or this the side of whatever this thing is and now i want to start putting the elements in for my bearing so i'm going to go back to sketching and i got to figure out what pane i want to cut into or what plane and in this case if you look at this i want it to be perpendicular with this plane right here where i'm going to do all my cutting so i'm going to sketch on that so i can reference it when i put my elements in i'm going to use a construction line i'm going to go ahead and sketch i'm going to pick that plane so i'm actually going to sketch right here i'm going to go construction lines and i'm going to say okay i want this uniball to be about an inch it's gonna be a two and a half inch uniball so half that is 0.125 from the bottom and then hotkey l to make a line i'm going to scribe that line all the way across and that'll just be my reference line for making these things escape to get rid of that line and then now i'm going to turn construction lines off hit hotkey c to activate that circle and then it's going to snap to that point i'm going to say it's a 2.5 inch uniball right there and then i'll just put another the same one here um it's gonna be a 2.5 inching ball there and then cool now i just want to cut those out so i can that'll be a point point where i can weld in a uniball cup right there so i'm going to hit extrude and i select that one i'm just like that one and oops i can't select that one why can't i do that and this can drive you crazy but remember we drew on this pane not on this one so as i flip this thing up and i move it you can see there's the drawing right there now i can actually select it and if i just pull this arrow i'm only cutting in one direction i want to cut the whole thing so i can go up here to this option and i could say hey make this a two-sided cut it gives me another arrow i can cut through the other way and then now indeed i'm extruding the operation as a cut and you can tell by it's red it always it's always red for a cut i hit okay and then now i've cut out i've subtracted a little bit here i've cut out those uh those areas where maybe i could weld in a a uniball cup or whatever the element is that you're making for your project and that's how i would do that now i want to again this is a notional suspension arm so i think you know i'm going to put the suspension it's going to actually be on this side but i want it to be really thick in the middle and i want it just to be just the thickness of the uniball cups at the end so i'm going to go ahead i'm going to draw on this pane again and i'm going to pick a line and i want it to start there and i want it to come out right about here we're going to put the suspension's going to mount and i'm going to go down to this point right here and then now i want to complete the shape and this might not be the best way to do it but this is how i do it i just kind of complete the shape over here with some crazy lines and then now it says okay this is a complete shape it's gone into light blue and it tells me okay i see the shape that you want to cut i want to extrude i'm going to cut that part again i'm going to move it so i can see my drawing here i want to cut that part i'm going to cut it in two directions in this case and i'm going to cut this way and i'm going to grab this one i'm going to cut that way all the way through it and i want to hit okay and then now here are the shapes of my stringers and tell me how i would make this just out of my imagination in an angle grinder i don't know how because later on when i come by and i want to weld to these two parts well the skin on how would i do that how would i get that that close to weld those parts so there again the value of using some cad in fusion 360 to make these parts okay now we're now we've got the stringers now it is time to put the skin on and there are uh you know what kind of skin and how you want the wells that's your decision i generally will make all of my skin overlap the edges by about a quarter of an inch and i basically end up making what is essentially a t weld a t joint weld to all my welds you can do an open end weld you know by just how you lay out your skin on the on the stringers and the other thing to think about here is that i have in this case i have two panes so on the the bottom over here or the top which would be the arm i have it just one panel be one continuous piece to cover that whole part i'm not going to do that one because that would be the easy one i'm just going to go ahead and show you how i do the top or the whichever side this is and since this is in two separate planes you know here's one plane right here here's the other plane i've got to make two separate parts and i'll show you how we do that so i'm just going to make this really simple again you would do this however you want to lay out your skin for welding that thing on but i'm going to sketch and then now i want it to actually draw on on this plane that these parts are on so i got to reach in here and make sure i grab that part and then now it tells me okay now you're sketching on that thing and now i'm just going to reach in here with a line i'm just going to make a big shape all the way around and select that part again the scroll wheel helps out here a huge amount i push down on the scroll wheel to move this thing around the screen and then i roll in to figure out exactly where i want to put my my point and then i drag it down roll in again get yourself a good mouse all right and all the way into this point and then what tells me that it is a complete shape is when i'm done it turns it light blue and now i've got a complete shape and then now i'm going to go ahead and i want to extrude that because that's my skin i'm hit extrude i'm going to select all the pieces that i want you want to make sure you see that line right there it didn't grab that for whatever reason it's just being a crazy computer and you see right here it says look i'm going to extrude a new body i'm going to take this thing i'm going to extend it out and man it's trying to trick you there it is it just turned to join let's say i wasn't paying attention and don't ask me how i know let's say i wasn't paying attention and watch over here to all my bodies and i say okay i think i'm making a new body i hit click okay pow i just made this whole thing one body and if i let it go through the whole design i can't i don't there might be a way i don't know how to go back and undo that so that's where i'm hit ctrl z to undo what i just did i'm going to go back here and i'm going to hit uh extrude these parts again here's the orientation i want to watch that extrude that part also i'm going to pull that out it says join i'm going to say 0.125 for the thickness and i'm going to say make a new body and then now when i hit okay bam it gives me a fifth body which is that part right there and that's exactly what i wanted to do okay now what we're going to do is just make the other skin and i'm going to try to make it as close butted up to this one as i possibly can there all right all the way down to this point i'm just getting it pretty close but i think you get the points there and then the way i know i close the box off is the whole thing turns blue hotkey e extrude that again make sure you grab everything you want to extrude orient pull the thing out 0.125 don't let it trick you turn that into a new body hit okay bam there is my sixth body so i got this thing ready to go again i'm not going to do the bottom just because it's it's the same process as this now what i want to do is i want to show you is how i take this whole thing and how do we lay it out and get it ready to plasma cut which this is something that took me a while to learn and i'm going to show you and accelerate your learning process so the first thing i want to do is i want to move all of the bodies apart and this is the value of making sure that you have all the body so i hit hotkey m that puts me in the move option i'm going to select the thing that i want to move and i just kind of move it off here to the side i hit enter hit hotkey m grab the part i want to move and then i move it off to the side hit enter now if you look at this you're like oh man it's a part but dude how do i put that into a plasma table and i totally agree it looks crazy let me move this one a little bit more just to help myself out here a little bit so from here i want to put these things flat on the x y plane to do that i go to modify and there is this button down here called a line you can click on that i gave it the hot key a i select on these three dots and i said k change keyboard shortcuts i changed it to a now anytime i hit an a it's going to bring up the align so there is my line so now what i want to tell it to do is i want this plane right here of that part i want to be on the x y plane so i'm going to select that and now it moves that part as i rotate it you can see now that thing is flat on the table i'm going to hit a again i want to move this part and i want to move it again on that plane also now both of those parts are on the same plane now what i want to do is in this case this part would be really nice if it was one part that i can bend the best weld is no weld so i'm going to try and put these two things together such that i can just make it one full part later i'll use my swag off-road press break to bend this thing get the perfect bend in there so i'm going to hit my a key and i want for a line i'm going to select this part right here and i want it to align with this plane right here and now it's going to bring those two together now i've got this misalignment here i'm going to go back to the front so i'm looking straight down at it now to align these things i'm going to hit the hotkey m to have to move these things make sure it has a body i'm going to select only this axis so i can slide it as best i can into place if it doesn't hit it perfectly i'm going to say okay what you can do is you can scroll way far in and now i'm going to say move again and now it'll let me move it in a smaller increment to get those things lined up perfectly and that is going to be close enough that's you know almost in a microscopic level there you really can't tell great now i have those things together here's the other problem is even though they're they move together it looks like one part they're still acting as two separate bodies so what i want to do is glue these two things together to do that i'm going to go ahead and sketch on either one of those panes there and i'm going to just start drawing a shape which i can basically make into like a band-aid across this thing so there there is the top and then i'm going to come down here i'm going to band-aid the bottom together and then come back over here to the top and make that shape now i'm going to say extrude that i'm going to make me click both of them there i'm going to turn it over the side i want it to go into the panel so that's gonna be a negative so negative point one two five is going to be the thickness of that metal and then i don't wanna cut it i wanna go over here and i wanna join it to glue those two things together i hit okay and now you can see that bodies five and six became body five from there i just wanna now make an element that makes it easy for me to put this thing into my press break so i'm gonna go again over here i'm gonna draw on this pane i'm gonna drop it down so i can see this line where they originally came together i'm gonna hit hotkey c for a circle i'm gonna draw a circle right here point one seems to work pretty well for me to make a little notch inside these uh on the metal for me to use later on to cut so i'll use 0.1 i'm going to tilt this thing up a little bit scroll in here i'm going to hit hotkey c make a 0.1 circle then i'm going to hit e for extrude i'm going to extrude that and i'm also going to extrude this part up here and as i turn this thing sideways and scroll in i'm going to grab this arrow and i'm going to cut all the way through the dimension there and then now i've got two marks on here so later on when i pull this thing out of the plasma table there'll be those two little nicks that the cutter will cut in there i can scribe a line across there with a straight edge and then put that easily in my press break and get a perfect bend from here i got these other parts i'm going to go ahead and take these and do the same thing move them and then normalize them using the align function to get them onto this plane so now i have all the parts laid flat i'm ready to start cutting these things out you can see they're all on the x and y plane perfect ready to plasma cut but if i did it right now i would be wasting a whole bunch of metal in between here so what i want to do is nest this and there are a lot of different techniques and programs that help you nest but this is how i do it i go back into my shop and i see what do i have left in my metal supply i started with big beautiful 4x8 sheets of metal and now i have scraps all over the place and so i find a perfect 12 inch by 24 inch piece of metal so i'm going to try and cut all these parts on that and so what i will do is i will go ahead and sketch on the xy plane i'm going to make it a construction line and just draw the box it's going to be 24 by 12 inches long finish that sketch and now i'm going to try and make all of these parts fit inside of that box let's go ahead and do that just by moving them like we did before so that would be pretty close to nesting how those things go and what i'm really looking for is i nest these things i want to make sure that i give at least a quarter of an inch between these things such that the curve doesn't overlap each other while the tool goes around and cuts these parts so now i'm ready to take this over to manufacturing and cut these parts off and this is where i realized i totally messed something up i meant to go back and and put a hole in there so i could mount my suspension parts well i can go back to design and i can say man i really wanted the hole to go through the side well down here on the bottom is your history and you can scroll this bar all the way back as far as you want in your design and say a little bit further than that it's right about here where i really intended to make a hole right in the side of this thing right about here so i can still do that i can say i'm going to go ahead and sketch on this plane i'm going to hit c for my center hole i'm going to make a hole right through the center of this thing i'm going to hit extrude drop it down so i can actually see this hole i want to make and make a little drop down a little more there's a hole all the way inside there i'm going to go two-sided again i'm going to make this hole all the way through both of the parts it's going to be a cut i hit okay and then now there's that hole i wanted to go all the way through that because i'm going to run something through there who knows what it might be and then now what i want to do is i'm going to go back in time to where i was before and here's all my parts on the sheet and lo and behold i still have all i still have that hole and all my parts in the same place i'm ready to go right over to manufacturing and at this point it's really just a matter of going through just how langmeyer systems tells you to do it in their tutorials i'm going to select all the parts whenever i pick my stock point i always pick the top left just because i start my metal from the top left i cut all the way through it it helps me keep it kind of organized and then when i fabricate i'm going to go into cutting i use the razor weld i've been really happy with the razor weld i keep saying when that thing dies i'll get a one of the hypertherms but until that happens i'm going to keep using this i run my machine wide open with full pressure 100 psi something like that and i cut eighth inch seal still at 65 inches per minute i do my lead ends at 45 inches per minute i'm going to select all these parts that i want to cut and then uh make sure it says in computer these other values maybe i modified a little bit but basically they are the values that langmar systems so tells you to put in there and i basically put them back in with very little question and they work uh really well uh point one i'm not gonna do a lead out and then i'll just select where the tool will enter and cut these things and then hit ok and then now it should pull up a tool path so it's still calculating the tool path i'm going to go ahead and hit simulation and watch what it does so this is how it's going to run through this whole cut and from this point now i've seen that it works i'm going to go ahead and go into post-processing and generate the g-code these numbers right here are a mirror image from the tutorial from langmeyer systems i say post this thing i save it and then now i'm ready to take this over to fire control and cut this thing out and i really think this is the the total value in the langmar systems crossfire pro paired with a fusion 360 or whatever cad program you like to use is is that now i have this thing saved and so just recently we just we crashed the truck big time and nearly ripped the front right suspension off so i had to rebuild suspension arms so i just went back and found the same g-code dropped them into the fire control cut them out and lay my system crossfire pro and a day later i had another 150 lower uh front suspension arm i didn't have to go and buy a new one or wait for one to be shipped or remade it happened within a day and so if you just look at the value of your time and also the parts that you can make rapidly you just can't beat the do-it-yourself capability you get from the fusion 360 and the langmire systems crossfire pro i think that results speak for themselves we've been beating the snot out of this truck and it has just been doing awesome so i think it totally validates just the capability that you're going to get from the fusion 360 and also landmark systems crossfire pro and building your own parts you can do it if you're a do-it-yourselfer then i hope this gives you the motivation and maybe some confidence to go out there and take it on yourself if you're wondering how to get some of the tools that i use in this channel or maybe you're interested in the langmar systems crossfire pro go to click on store and all the information will be right there we have a lot of great content coming out as we're getting ready for the vegas cerino and also the baja 1000 please consider hitting that like and subscribe button below and then uh ringing the bell for notification of future episodes it sure helps us out we'll see you in the next episode take care of yourself [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: NTD Racing
Views: 9,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a 3d sketch in fusion 360, How to amke a 3d sketch in fusion 360, how to make 2d designs in fusion 360, how to make 3d models in fusion 360, how to create a 3d sketch in fusion 360, how to amke 3d models in fusion 360, langmuir Systems, crossfire, cross fire pro, plasma cnc, Plasma table, plasma cutting table, plasma cutting machine, plasma cutting 101, plasma cutting basics, plasma cnc projects, baja 1000, prerunner silverado, prerunner truck, prerunner suspension
Id: oot-zcPM2hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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