How to buy a CrossFire Pro - Lessons learned after 1 year with Langmuir Systems plasma cutting table

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today at ntv racing we're talking all about the langmar systems crossfire pro cnc plasma cutting table [Music] so i've owned the crossfire pro for about a year now and during that time i've made a couple of videos about me using the table to make all kinds of different things and i keep seeing the same questions that come up over and over again so today's video i'm going to try to answer those questions which might help you especially if you're trying to add one of these to your own shop one quick request if you like what you're seeing today please consider hitting that like and subscribe button below and then also ringing the bell to get notification of future episodes i have a lot of videos a couple just of the langmar systems crossfire pro and setting that thing up and then just about all of my videos have me using this table as i make different parts for either honcho or off-road race truck or bob or over landing rig let's go ahead and start with a quick walk around of my crossfire pro and let's jump into the langmeyer systems webpage and look at the order form for the crossfire pro and maybe answer some of the questions that i wish i had asked a year ago all right so obviously the the honeymoon is over on this table you can kind of see on the rails just some of the the carnage that goes on as you continue using uh this table and i've seen others that are much worse the way that i clean this you can check out one of my videos i think it's the second one i made and i show you exactly how i use the bucket head and a couple of home depot buckets to clear this thing out as far as the rails go on this the guide rails i just use some wd-40 and a rag to wipe those down and then on the lead screws i'm just using gear oil to keep those cleans besides that i just try to wipe everything else down to keep it as clean as it possibly can but it does get uh dirty the table's been holding up great i use as i when i glue this together and put together the joint in the table i use the rtv sealant i have had no leaks the only place i sometimes get a drip leak is from these little plugs uh right through here you can see the top of it if i go down here to the bottom sometimes i'll get some water dripping through those and if you look at this one over here you can actually see a water drop on the bottom i generally will keep if i have water that stays in here more than a day i will put when my home depot buckets right underneath there and just kind of catch the water here is my solution to the computer stand i thought this was a good deal i got it from home depot unfortunately i can't find it anymore the time i got this one for 69 i've had people ask me about it but i can't find it but it does a great job it has a power strip on the side where i pull all the power from and then it just keeps my tools organized so here is my solution for how i'm going to mount my razor weld i just basically made a mount to the back of my cabinet there and holds it there with the torch i control and everything in one place a topic that often comes up on facebook is compressors and air dryers please check out my last video on how i put together my dewalt single stage compressor with a harbor freight air dryer these things work great together i wasn't initially a fan of the casters that i had on here but after a year they've been working great you'll find the uh inserts which are mcmaster carr on the description below you'll find the casters on our ntd racing website first just talk about the reality of owning this table and how much it really cost 2 495 is what they have on their page and this is what i've got so these are the prices this is how much it costs to have this table in my shop right now uh 400 for the torch i control you got the razor weld shipping costs 175 dollars i think is reasonable for the size of this uh this table i live in california i pay a lot of money for taxes but at the the bottom line is for four thousand two hundred and fifty eight dollars and fifty nine cents that table is sitting in my garage and doing work i invite you to go compare that to anybody else who's making a table with all this capability you're just not gonna touch this for even double the price so let's just go right down the list starting out with the water table it is built into the system and it just works great and it's so cool that it is included so the size of this table is 48 inches wide by 33 inches long and you can probably do most of your cuts just in that cut size but you might be saying yourself i kind of need to cut some bigger things at times i invite you to go over to my playlist and check out my video on index cutting where i show you what i did to cut trailing arms that were 60 inches long on this table the fire control is a great product that just keeps getting better they uh initially some of the problems that i was having with my crossfire pro i was getting what i thought was misfires i couldn't figure out why my table wasn't you know why my torch wasn't working and it was just freezing up and what i found out it was the fire control yeah in the older versions it was running taken so much of my cpu to run that it was just kind of basically crashing the computer and so what i ended up having to do is i would always restart my computer to make it work and now with the version 20.6 that you can download for free once you have the table it works perfect in the last cuts i did i had all kinds of programs opened up ran fire control no longer restart my computer and it just runs perfectly all right the next decision point here is fusion 360 or she cam for computer aided manufacturing uh and i went with fusion 360. i know that she sheet cam a lot of guys talk about it they have great success with and that is awesome but i was the guy i'm like man i don't have a lot of shillings just tell me what works what do i need for the least amount of money that's going to work fusion 360 works great it's a little bit of a misnomer that it's for free from a langmar system it's actually for free from auto desk for personal use you can get fusion 360 for one full year as long as you meet some of their parameters and after that year you can go right back in and set up your subscription again for a year of free use i just got done doing it and it totally works how well does fusion 360 works i work after using it for a while and overcoming the learning curve i find that it's very easy i am making right now two videos the first one will be me using fusion 360 to make things in two dimensions and then running all the way through the cam program and getting it onto the crossfire pro i'm going to follow that up with me using fusion 360 to make three dimension items like my suspension for my race truck and then how i take those parts break them up flatten them down onto a computer sheet if you will and then put those into the crossfire pro and cut those out and now you can see that without spending any more money than you have to you can make the crossfire pro work and do everything you wanted to torch height control for 400 is a total no brainer it is the best deal you're going to find anywhere in the market for a torch i control especially one that works as well as this let's go ahead and look at a couple of videos i'm going to show you me cutting with torch height control on and torch i control off and show you what you're getting all right let's take a closer look at the z-axis of the crossfire pro so you can get a little better idea of how the magic happens here before i show you how this happens in real time with a cut let me just show you some of the mechanics are going on here i'm just using a regular old hand torch which is mounted in here you got a lead screw which basically makes the hand torch go up and down on this uh vertical gantry if you will and what i can do is i can reach my hand in here and if you can see without that lead screw moving i can lift and lower the torch and what's going to happen is a lead screw is going to be commanded by the computer to make the torch go down the torch will eventually go down so far that it hits the metal and basically pushes that that whole slider up and then there's a squat switch which is connected to these wires that squat switch will send a signal down these wires telling the computer hey i just touched the metal i'm on the metal right now and that is where the initial height sensing magic will start i'm going to talk about what's going on with initial height sensing but let's watch it in its entirety and then go back and break it down into its individual elements let's watch that one more time and talk about the steps so you can appreciate the value of the initial height sensing so the first thing that we see happening is that the computer says okay start the program or start this cut portion and it's going to tell the z-axis to drive the torch all the way down to the metal and then trip that squat switch we were talking about and that's gonna feed back to the computer saying okay now the torch is actually on the metal so now that the torch is on the metal it can zero itself out and then go to the fusion 360 values or the sheet cam values that you put in there for the pierce height and now it's going to raise itself up to that pierce height in this case 0.15 inches all right now that it's here it's ready to fire the torch at that point it's going to delay for one half of a second and then drop down to your cut height in this case .063 inches and it's off the races for the rest of the cut okay this will be a good time for me to try to explain what the torch height control is doing as soon as it fires a torch and it drops down to that cut height of 0.063 in this case it's going to take a voltage reading and remember that voltage and then as it continues across the cut if the voltage changes it's telling the computer that it's either going away from the metal or it's getting too close to the metal and it needs to change the height of the torch in relation to the metal to get back to that voltage reading and that's the way that it keeps that same cut height all the way across the cut even if the metal is bent or if the surface isn't completely level so i did that first cut with the torch height control on in this cut i'm going to go in and i'm going to turn the torch height control off and show you that the initial height sensing is good enough in some cases to cut and do just a perfect job and the cases that that is is when you're going to pierce and you're going to cut and i think it's going to stay mostly local i mean you're going to cut within about a five to six inch range depending really on the thickness of the metal the thicker probably the wider out you can go because the metal is not going to warp or change a whole bunch and it's got to be totally flat to make this work and in this case it's totally flat and the piece that i cut is pretty good and you'll see that the cut quality between the torch height control which is this one right here and then the one where i turn torch i control off and i just go with initial height sensing the quality is pretty much the same because again it the torch height was pretty much consistent the whole time let's look at a different circumstance now i'm cutting like the worst situation this is a round tube that i'm cutting and it's on an angle and this is where the torch height control shows its value because now it adjusts itself while it's doing that whole cut and it makes a perfect circle in this piece of exhaust tubing that is sitting at an angle in my water table you can't do that with initial height sensing by itself okay let's talk about plasma cutters you'll find that most of the discussion is between either getting the razerweld 45 or the hypertherm 45xp i couldn't overlook personally the fact that i could buy three of the razerweld 45s for the price of one hypertherm with a machine torch so i went with the razer weld let's talk about the good and the bad the razer weld is a direct connection it's basically plug and play and it is designed to be used with the crossfire pro i think the cut quality is amazing i've compared my cuts to the cuts i've seen online of people using the hypotherm and i think the quality is right there and oh by the way we use the same consumables in our torch that's using the hypertherm let me be totally upfront with the negatives of the razer weld because you could be one of those people that goes and buys one of these and then has problems with the razor weld the problem that everybody hates is misfires and what i thought was a problem initially with a razor weld turned out to be a problem with the fire control where the whole system would freeze up and that was really a problem with my computer and the fire control and that has been fixed in the 20.6 and now it works just perfect the other problem is misfires that some people are getting when they're using brand new consumables in the torch this problem has been addressed at langmeyer systems and they have sent out a fix in the event that you are one of those people that are having that problem i plan on doing that fix and i'm going to show you that in a future episode the bottom line to me is that the razerweld 45 is a really good machine and it is the best option to get you in at a low price point with really easy setup and great cut quality if you're in the market for one of these tables then hopefully i made that decision a little bit more easy you can find a link for the langmire systems crossfire pro in my description below or also by going to and clicking on store all right one last plug to hit the like and subscribe button below and ring the bell for future notifications we got a lot of really cool stuff coming up this year for ntd racing we got honcho which is our race truck we're doing all kinds of content as we test that truck and then take it to vegas torino and then also the baja 1000 we got bob our over landing rig we just finished up the whole video series on how we built that especially using this table for a lot of parts uh on that and then we got a couple more videos coming up for the langmar systems crossfire pro and we'll see you on those videos take care yourself [Music] [Music] you
Channel: NTD Racing
Views: 26,663
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Keywords: how to buy a CrossFire Pro, langmuir systems, plasma table, plasma cutting, cnc, cnc cutting, plasma cnc, buying a plasma table, buying a CrossFire, race truck, baja 1000, custom truck build, Prerunner, plasma table cutting, plasma table cnc, plasma table reviews, plasma table software, plasma table water table, plasma table build, plasma table projects, plasma cutting for beginners, plasma cutting art, plasma table for beginners, plasma table art, plasma table setup
Id: 7OouTZ0DVrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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