Langmuir CROSSFIRE XL: 10 MONTH Review, Upgrades & Your Q&A Session

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what is going on illustrious citizens of youtube i am phil this is the house of chop and today we're talking about the language systems plasma table that's behind me here and this should be a fun little video we're actually going to get into a bunch of the upgrades that i've made on this including a few we're actually going to make in the video today my impressions on it after having it for 10 months and putting it through a couple of production runs and then we're going to answer a bunch of the questions you guys asked over on instagram so without further ado let's jump backward in time to when i originally started this video and i swapped out the homegrown baking soda solution for the green stuff in the pan i've emptied out the table and cleaned it up because we're gonna make some upgrades first things first took a shot at the washing soda here this works pretty good it leaves white deposits everywhere did an okay job with the rust they still have a little rust in some places but it was for the most part work if you're on a budget washington is not a bad idea what was bothering me was the deposits on everything mainly the rails it was sort of sticking to the rails and laughs acting like it might pit him and i didn't know long term that was gonna be an issue so we're gonna upgrade to the green stuff over there i got a big bucket of that five gallons ends up to be about oh ten refreshes or a lifetime supply for this little table so we're set and ready to go there also gonna be dimpling this center piece here this way next time i gotta refresh this bad boy i'm not fighting to get it all drained out i'll just all run out and i'm gonna include a ball valve to that that way we just don't do anything but pull over so that's the goals for today let's get this going [Music] perfect well that went well the dimple got me most the way there that little whack on the dom tube just set the center down that little bit more it needed to get the level to slide over and it's so critical that this stays straight you want to mangle this thing up because you'll never get the table level again so that's good to go i'm happy with that next step [Music] drainage [Music] got the table all sorted out and now it's time to make the bug juice for the pan they want that mixed in a five to ten percent ratio somewhere in there we're running about seven maybe a little bit more gallons in this one it's just full of max capacity so i'm thinking a half gallon of the bug juice to seven gallons of water should be set all right so we got the bucket got my half gallon measuring can funnel in there open up the old pico we'll pull this upside down so we don't chug a lug and away we go little mess but wasn't a complete splash down there we go we're all set up that goes in here and then we get a half gallon well it was beautiful when it was fresh and new as you can see since then i put this sucker through a couple production runs so before we get on to the next upgrade let's test out the one we just did we're gonna pop that ball valve underneath i'm gonna get this drained out and cleaned up and then we'll get on to building the extended laptop stand and get some storage underneath and get these legs tightened up [Music] [Applause] talking about draining the swamp look at this man that is nasty been in there about nine months a bunch of cutting just couple production runs a whole lot of cutting but i think well enough say the green stuff looks like it's doing what it's supposed to do i'm not seeing any rust on anything water table's doing its job catching all the nasties so straight up that's perfect so we're gonna get it wiped down and cleaned out keep moving well that was a fantastic mess but check this out while you guys weren't looking i laid out all the material that we're going to be using today for our build and before we really get into it i have to thank online medals they sent all the material that we're going to be using here today and i want to tell you one of my favorite things about online metals it just might be the photography on their website if you've ever been out in the world you saw a piece of material that you wanted to use but you didn't know what it was called so you couldn't just get with someone on the phone and order it up scroll through their website you can see all different profiles and material you'll be able to select the one you want and then you'll know the name for next time get the size you want throw it in your cart and they'll send it to you in just a few days and if you jump over and get on their email list they'll send you coupons most days you get 15 20 off the material you want anyway so hit the description check out online metals and let's get this build started all right so next thing you do here is figure out this angle for the laptop stand and use this angle finder here and just kind of really just eyeball it's really not a whole lot of random reason to this it's looking pretty good a little bit more a little a little bit more flat i want to be able to put tools up there and have them not slide off i think that's going to work [Applause] [Music] probably some of you stu viewers noticed that the craftsman drill press over here has a little bit of run out and we were doing this is probably the not a super precise way to do it anyway but there was no way i was going to overcome that mess but what i do end up doing is you'll notice one of those holes is slightly larger than the others so we'll be able to pivot and line up with a level and then lock this down in place if you've ever in that situation where the tools are less than ideal and you kind of need to get something to hit a nice 90 if you open up one just a little bit more than the other and your measurements are halfway decent to start with you'll be in good shape [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right time for a little pulls in the action so i can further explain what i'm up to so we're going to tie these two pieces of tube together and we'll put an aluminum top on this and this is going to be replace the current laptop stand and the reason i want to do this is too full first the laptops here takes this whole space right so i kept wanting to put tools somewhere i know place to put my tools this will be a nice little bench top surface to do that with and if you notice check this out it tightens up the whole profile of the table all this distance out here will now be gone when i tuck it off on the side of the wall this isn't gonna be hanging out open space so next step is to take this off and uh figure out what distances between these two pieces of tubes [Music] [Music] oh you've got to love those fireball tool squares the tabs set in the level obviously the squares holding our 90 just clamp them in place they quick fast you don't have a set of these just just go get yourself a set i'll put it i'll put a link down in the description not sponsored by them but man they just make life easier going to run the ground over here tack them up right in place just got to love that i even use them on the dead tree stuff [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is time to kill the shine before we bend this sucker up otherwise be blind to me on the bench over there when i'm trying to work on this table but people frequently ask what do i do to get the texture on my aluminum around here simple grab your d a 60 or 40 grit paper and just let that sucker rip [Music] [Music] some of you may have just realized i just screwed up that ben that bed needed to go the other way so salvageable this is what we're gonna do we're gonna keep that way it is because if we turn it around try to bend the other way we'd snap that aluminum right off we're gonna bend this side into the same direction bring it back over there sand out the other side of it and then be able to bend the uh the front lip the correct way so no big deal totally salvageable in fact probably could hit it from you guys if i wanted to but uh man making videos ain't easy [Music] it was around this moment right here that i realized i totally screwed this up majorly anyway i actually needed to do the long bed first i knew it got distracted and i i'm gonna paid the price so now that the cussing's ended and the self-deprecation is over i figured you know what we can do we can turn us into a teachable moment i'm going to spin that table around and we're going to call this segment uh what to do if you really screw up or uh how you can bend things with basic hand tools [Music] you know it just occurred to me i should have called this segment don't call it a comeback i've bent metal like this for years if you know the reference in the comments section all right so obviously i use the pieces from the break but angle iron works perfect so that's what you have around that's what you can use lock it down good with your clamps to the edge of the bench make sure you got everything lined up real tight on the edge then get yourself a hammer any old hammer you do you don't need a body hammer i actually use the sledge once although i wouldn't say that was the right choice of tools it worked and then what we're going to do is we're going to lightly walk that edge down you don't go smashing on it because you do not want to stretch the metal just lightly walk it down edge to edge it's going to work perfect this is how i bent metal all the time before i had the break check this out this is one of those situations where patience is rewarded with a more pretty bend if you just go hammering on it hard just stretch and push the metal a little bit you'll get some wrinkles and you'll have a nice wave minute light taps keep working it back and forth [Music] now when you're doing this and you get down to the end what you don't want to hear is this sound hear that ring that's like hammer on dolly technique you're going to stretch the metal and that's how you're going to get like the potato chip edges so you don't want that he said when you get close to the end keep feeling the back side of it and just make sure you close it down nice and everything feels nice and smooth if it's a little high give it a little tap and keep bringing it down under the clamps we should be good to go well there we go crisis averted teachable moments had it's time to move on next we're going to do is firm up the legs on this and get that shelf built out that way we have a place to put the plasma whatever else we want to do it i'm going to use the same techniques i used in my last video to firm up the legs on the blast i'm going to weld out the angle iron in exactly the same way so let's take a look back at that [Music] so [Applause] [Music] that was a heavily compressed version of this build if you feel like you missed a few details go ahead hit the card that's over my head it'll take you right to the blast cabinet build and i covered it all in very fine detail over there so for now let's get this expanded metal cut out and attach to the frame that i built for the plasma table and then we'll move on to the q a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i think it's pretty safe to say i'm pretty pleased with that but i just realized one problem i'm having here something i didn't calculate for we lost a laptop stand i lost where i hang this cable from but as i'm looking at it i think that bolt right there about to take up the cars so it's time to bend this upper hanger [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right let's get this q a going just the way we do it on instagram first question what size table is this langmuir has two they offered the pro which is their larger table and then the crossfire which is what you see behind me here now i actually had the xl kit on this and if you're going to get the smaller table if it fits your space better definitely just work this upgrade into the budget what it does is the xl kit is going to give you full run of the pan so you're going to get 25 this way by 33 that way next one's a good one will i get the pro table tell you what i'm so impressed with this i wouldn't hesitate to buy anything from langley and if i get that truck out of here and i then i'd have the space oh yeah i'd jump on that in a second uh it's just hard to argue with the value that they're offering with that you get the torch height control with the z access the additional space for cutting um i understand they are going to offer the torch height control for this very soon as an upgrade or you can just throw it onto the crossfire when you're ordering it but uh yeah bang for the buck wise i don't think you could anywhere get a better deal on a plasma table that size and just totally look at that and i go um yeah that makes sense you know quickly before we get on to the next question when we're talking about money and that sort of thing it's important to note that the production runs i've done with this over the last 10 months the few things i've just knocked out for people i've paid for this table several times over so if this was something you were thinking about maybe you're extending yourself a little bit this could help you settle your credit card debt pretty quick just by getting familiar with it and using it and coming up if you got a few product ideas in mind or something like that this sucker will get them cut out and uh yeah you're in good shape quick taking it down to the floor for this next one what plasma machine am i running this is the razor wheel razor cut 45 this is one of the machines langman offers if you just get everything from the whole package deal it comes with their upgraded torch which takes hypertherm consumables so you actually have the whole hypotherm catalog backing you up for your consumables um people ask me does it use a lot of consumables nope it's been super frugal on that super impressed with it if you have your own machine though you can check with langmuir's website they have a handful of machines they know have issues with their current setup it's very small so you may want to just check over there you don't have to get the machine from them but uh if you do need one i've we can feel very confident recommending this it's been awesome is this as useful as rosie from the jetsons listen this thing ain't gonna clean your toilets but i will say this it's been a while since rosie has had a firmware update so i mean you know you know what your needs are you making decisions but uh i'm gonna go with langman table all right and let's just jump forward to the most frequently asked question on instagram what the heck is that that is actually a silicone cooking funnel looks like this when you get it from the store um people call it a jellyfish splash guard whatever you want to call it doesn't matter to me what it's good for is it suppresses the ark when you're working around this if you know i wear glasses so i'd have to have you know some tints over and something like this that actually knocks the ark down and just makes it easy to work around and it will you know keep the splash off the torch as well so i'll put a link down in the description for these silicone cooking funnels just trim it up good make sure it's out of the way the flames and uh yeah you'd be good and set and here's the other burning question that always comes up how good do you have to be with computers and programming is this thing idiot-proof i'll tell you this langmuir's put out a great piece of machinery it's pretty idiot-proof in terms of the mechanicals of it that sort of thing do you are you gonna need to learn a little bit in terms of figuring out how to draw digitally um you know generate some g codes and stuff like that yes but here's the deal this is my first cnc anything ever i do not consider myself a computer guru or heck i'm not even a gamer i only play games on computers so i think this has got a is it a bit of a learning curve yes but is it manageable absolutely if you're interested in something like this just jump on it i i can't imagine if you're making things out in the world right now how you're going to stay away from cnc that much longer anyway this would be a great entry point there it is that other computer question what software do i design it the original language tutorials were based around fusion 360. and seemed to me like if i'm going to learn a new software something that could take me out in all directions for the future was probably a good idea and a good place to be spending my time uh you can use all kinds of design stuff we have a load of it out there so if you have confidence in something else you're good to go um and again it wasn't all that hard to learn of actually uh i have a playlist that if you want to check that out some of my fusion 360 favorites from around youtube that that was super helpful to get me up and going but uh yeah the drawing part of it it's not all that bad don't have any in the pan right now but what are my impressions of the plasma clench the green stuff whatever you want to call it uh listen i can't see running this without it i tried the washing soda like i said earlier it was making a mess out of the rails and sort of things were still rusting if you're on a budget it's not a bad idea like i said but ultimately i think the green stuff's definitely the bang for the buck is there i'll put down in the description the one i bought and then one other one i found called sterling sterling cool or something to that nature i'll put it down in the description that i think's probably a little bit better in terms of uh what it'll cost you overall and you'll get a little bit more mileage out of it so check it out but i would definitely i i wouldn't run without it another question that always comes up what thickness will it cut that's not really controlled by the langmuir table that's really more about the plasma machine you choose so if you have a certain thickness range you want to hit um you know definitely check the specs on your machine but most these machines these days can cut way more than you will ever need first time with suggestions for firing this up listen take your time when you're assembling it put it together right make sure everything's level and square the way it's supposed to be again hit my playlist i was telling you about there's a little triangle in that playlist it's got a bunch of holes in it if you're going to start with fusion 360 start with that tutorial it did teach a ton of the things you're just going to use repeatedly over and over without teaching you a bunch of things you don't need to know about fusion so the fusion is your thing do that other than that just take your time assemble it the way langmuir said and uh yeah you should be good can you buy this as a complete unit the answer is yes you can get the table the machine the whole bit langmuir just pack it out and send it to you um the only thing you'll ever need to add is a computer and the good news there is it doesn't take a lot of power to run this i think i bought the cheapest laptop imaginable off of amazon and it's been quite capable to run this table is this good for like the beginner or the hobbyist or do you got to be like some kind of professional fabricator to run one of these um listen i think langmuir designed this with the beginner the hobbyist in mind somebody who just wanted something out in their garage could take advantage of some of the tools that were more expensive and out of reach before uh i frequently think about this like the like when people first got printers like you know what i mean after you've used it for a while it's just there you use it because part of your workflow so absolutely i'm i was a beginner this is my first like i said cnc anything as i said before and uh i still consider myself a beginner and it's been great this next one is a really good question electrical needs and how did i overcome them all right listen i do a lot of welding and stuff out here so you know i was already set up for this there was nothing really to overcome as you can see it's a regular old 220 50 amp plug you use on a welder that's what the plasma is running on the table itself is just a regular you know plugging in a wall kind of thing there's no current real draw there and you also want to remember too that if you're going to plasma cut if you're not familiar with plasma cutting you're going to need abundant clean dry air um if you want hit this card here i'll show you how i solve that problem for all you know my blasting cabinet and everything in here but uh those are sort of some of the considerations you'll need if you're thinking about one of these tables this comes up all the time was it difficult to put together and did it take a long time lagmire made this super easy the instructions were clear it was easy to set up i actually did a video on the unboxing of it my impressions the assembly and then you at the end of the video you actually get to see me do my first cut so boom hit the box right there i'll see you guys over there if you have any more questions for me hit the comment section and i'll catch you on the next one [Music] that's beautiful chop
Channel: House of Chop
Views: 15,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: langmuir crossfire, langmuir crossfire pro, langmuir plasma table, langmuir systems tutorials, langmuir crossfire assembly, langmuir pro, langmuir systems crossfire pro, langmuir crossfire xl, langmuir plasma table pro, cnc plasma table reviews, langmuir crossfire water table, langmuir crossfire mach3, house of chop, langmuir upgrade, langmuir cnc plasma, langmuir crossfire review, langmuir crossfire pro review, langmuir plasma table reviews, cnc plasma, cnc plasma table
Id: 902h85KqfLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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