Bush Flying 101 - One Epic Day

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it's the traffic freedom fox taking runway 2-6 at alpha 2 be straight out [Music] westbound [Music] well it's definitely spring here in reno we're dealing with uh you know nice morning weather but pretty much every day for the foreseeable future it gets really blustery and windy by like noon and even right now i already got 20 miles an hour coming out of the east so we'll see if we can get out play a little bit plan is to meet with quinn and juan brown who is finally coming up with his husky to come play so we're gonna go to uh stampede reservoir there's some places we can land there below the high water mark and then maybe work our way over into sierra valley if we can uh get that far before the wind comes in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] some big gas pipe right in the middle of this thing i wish there was a way for me to show you guys or to translate smell through video but it's just because of the there must have been fog this morning but there's dew on all the grass and everything's just a little damp everything's blooming for the spring and oh smells so good out here and i mean this time of year even the desert smells pretty good but once we get up into the trees and the grassy areas up in the sierras it does smell so nice anyway this is that uh gas pipe i was talking about i'm assuming it's a gas pipe but this thing was sitting right in the middle of the runway so i'm gonna just at least tuck it off by a rock that that way if you were you're hitting that rock you're messing up your day anyway there we go i think i'm gonna throw the drone in the air just because it's so dang beautiful out then we'll get back up in the [Music] you air [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the geese uh aren't too stoked i came and landed where they were hanging out sorry geese anyway welcome back to the island i know you guys have been here before this is where i did that spoof with the rc plane but man it's funny i have i kind of enjoy lone wolf in it especially after that last trip down in red bluff where we kind of you know had such chaos with so many airplanes that at times it's nice just to come out and be you know by yourself and enjoying the the silence for a minute not that i like flying by myself too much i think there's a little bit of safety in numbers if something were to happen you're always a little better off if someone's there to kind of get help coming your way but anyway island sounds like quinn was just fueling up so i got a little time to kill probably set up the drone see if i can catch them coming in for their landing [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh hey bill oh hey trent how are you long time no see man bill is with us over the weekend so it's been a total of three days that we had off trent how you doing man good good nice to see you who's this character hey it's bill hi bill how you doing good night i realized i haven't seen you since you left for alaska it's been like four months yeah oh man and we just had a whirlwind uh epic trip to wayne nebraska for mayday still driving i know so bummed i didn't make that yeah it's it's it was an awesome trip and i i can understand why because we were surrounded by weather and winds yeah we're lucky with those that got in you know the entire west coast contingent if they didn't leave two weeks early nobody went because of the weather yeah but you guys got the faa accreditation we got national accreditation we're the only race air racing class that has its own national accreditation so that's kind of a big deal it's it's awesome so basically what that means is it's not just reno that we can race at you're like i mean this is like red bull air race status like those are the only other guys right no it is 100 and so with that said you know we've got all of our classes at reno be it the unlimiteds to the t6 the sport to buy playing the formula stole well we all fall underneath this reno waiver forever and the class is underneath reno well that was awesome that was a big goal but now we have this national accreditation which is massive we don't take that lightly and for those that don't know what we're talking about stole drags which is the racing that's the head-to-head kind of down and back racing that originated at the high sierra fly-in that we were able to get into the reno air races not last year because of kovid but the year before and we were able to get signed off under their waiver but now quinn was able to actually get his own like top-down faa accreditation so it's like they can take these races anywhere uh they no longer have to operate only under the reno waiver so it's pretty rad juan i have not seen oh yeah so she's a lot heavier than anything you guys are running and i've screwed up and put a full load of fuel on i'm not thinking today was going to be like today but uh this is a 1987 husky a1 i come home from a trip on a thursday evening and i'm laying there in bed dreaming about airplanes looking at barnstormers and the controller and this end number november 4 quebec romeo pops up on the controller for sale back at the factory in afton wyoming aviat aircraft for quebec romeo i just about jumped out of my bed and i said i know this airplane i knew it since it was brand new really the original owner bart reby bought it in 1987 and brought it right to grass valley he's the owner of reby's automotive napa auto parts chain stores and um this aircraft has lived in nevada county its whole life and i kind of grew up with this airplane so i knew every maintenance detail on it had always been maintained right there locally yeah and i knew of its damage history as well and it had been factory rebuilt by the company about 10 years ago and then it was rebuilt again recently bart did sell it there was a middle owner briefly he ground looped it they factory rebuilt the right wing and then they put it up for sale and that's where i found it so i i call them on friday i'm too late to wire money i get on an airliner on sunday and i haul potatoes out there and on monday morning i'm banging on the door of av out aircraft here take my money are you sure you want to fit right it or fly it or see if you can fit no no i'll just take it love it we took a hop around the pattern with young bobby drilling and and uh brought her home have you been doing much off-field stuff with it yet just a little bit this is the first day up here at these kind of elevations it changes the field it changes things and i'm concerned about that fuel load so i want to stick with the longer the longer strips today yeah i was just thinking that you know to keep them lengthy right now for the time being there's some nice landings that and so we can get juan to burn some fuel off we can talk about our next landing just going up the north side of the shore so we're sort of on a left base for final to where i go fishing up there and it's about a thousand feet a long left base we're gonna go down the shoreline all the way down the shoreline and and the bay runs all the way up into the end back here and we'll play back here in a little bit but we're just gonna go down this left or excuse me this north shore line and there's a point right here and we'll be on left base to final and that point is right here this is a great fishing spot and this is a great spot to work on our skills as far as the power and energy management goes as far as getting short but you got a thousand feet here and you got a beautiful go around to come back again it'll be counterclockwise you join the shoreline you'll come across the channel right here which is call it maybe six eight hundred feet wide bleed speed and then i got nice rock cairns here if you're long you're plenty good and then it's a nice long beach and if you don't like it you make the left turn go around but this is every bit of a thousand feet and again we go down that shoreline make a nice left turn onto the beach you guys will be laughing [Music] oh man i just love airplanes [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] see look at this this is like grass like turf it's incredible yeah these are the things we don't like hitting but they're actually like super thin and like don't really do much but you don't want to take them through your prop let's go down valley here and we'll stay on the right side and we'll just kind of bounce through we'll fly low on a couple different ones because i haven't flown back here yet this summer since it's been last fall let's do some flyovers and just kind of look at the options back in here and go over to the other side and we've got stampede southwest that beach on southwest is huge right now i went to southwest this morning it's nice it's nice [Music] my moment frozen and i'm gonna go ahead and sit down so i can film you guys landing just a nice meadow nice and long in there yeah i've landed here before without you just coming the other way [Music] a little lower let's get lower now get down in there you got that big tree off your left wing come around get into the river and just follow the river you could even land short anything up in here above us is great but just have the gravel off your right knee slow it down this is such a neat approach when you get down low on that river it's good uh power management good skill skill practice here as we go low around the trees maintain power as we're slowing that corner and coming down the river it's awesome man it's awesome coming out and watching quinn instruct juan as he kind of builds and refines his skills out here in the same way that quinn did for me when i did my first off airport landing just to the south of where we are now but while on the topic of building skills it seems like an appropriate time for me to say thank you to the sponsor of this video skillshare and for those that don't know skillshare is an online learning community for creative and curious individuals if thousands of online courses for anything creative basically whether you're into photography and video like i am or graphic design actual drawing and painting interior design i mean the list is endless even productivity classes which i've utilized and like i said they have tons of classes on everything that is photo and video and i know that i get a lot of comments of people asking how do they get into flying drones like i do or how to get a little bit better and what should they practice and honestly skillshare is the place to go some buddies of mine over at wild rabbit aerials did i think it was drone cinematography 101 or the basics and they also have a more advanced version so if you're into drones i highly suggest you check out that class and yeah just like flying keep building those skills keep refining keep sharp keep on top of it we don't want our brains to fade away as we get older and you gotta stay creative so anyway the first 1 000 of my subscribers to click the link below will get 30 off an annual premium membership and if you had already clicked and gotten the the free trial you can still click the link below so don't worry about that but make sure to check out skillshare thanks again skillshare for sponsoring this video and let's see how many more we can get into before the wind starts picking up we're going to depart we still manage our air speed everything's the same downwind lookers right to the big tree we get into the river instead of that last left turn here for final we're going straight oh you're going to take them into no problem shorty no problem and that and that big tree's on his right so we're going to do a couple approaches he can feel it out there's no pressure if at any time you don't like it you don't have to go but i would never take you there after watching what i've watched if you haven't given this if you can't give in the roll out it's super long it's super long we'll coach you through it we got a long take off yeah yeah yeah trent do you want to take off and go land there yeah yeah and just give us the demo we can see it from here so we can see it yeah trent i got a question for you yeah um how many how many hours did you have before you come out here start doing this stuff cause this this is real man and so i was just mention that in the video stampede southwest i had just got my kit fox i was on 800 tires i had a 80 horse i had my wife in the plane full fuel ran into quinn at the truckee airport piper said come on come follow me well we took you to stampede southwest first thing yeah and i got in his wake turbulence and it shook me on the way in but i was doing a couple rounds like he's telling us to do yeah and uh haley was like you need to land i'm going to puke so my first off field landing was almost forced because you drug me in there my wife was sick but yeah i was at like 90 hours wow wow what a great training ground geez what this is the only flying i know this is why when i go into like towered airspace and talking on radios i'm like a fumbly idiot i'm like i can't do that this is my this is my comfort zone wow this is you have to have trust in the people you're flying with yeah oh yeah and there are people that i would never take to what we just did until we go work on slow flight the classic i'm a broken record the classic power and energy management knowing you can hit your spot i know you i've flown with you i've watched you fly we've had some decent big spots this next one is a big spot it just looks tight from the air the visual is the psychological mind mess because you're like my god that's short but when you're on the ground you're like oh these capable aircraft and what we have and like you know once we establish that trust it's critical that you have to trust me i trust you and then it comes back on you as pic ultimately to make the ultimate choice on whether or not you're comfortable with it because there's no pushing there's no pressure let's go do it why don't you give us a good demo in there and uh we'll watch from here and then we'll go no pressure all eyes on me [Music] [Music] yeah and juan once you're on the ground just aim for the yellow grass up ahead that's what it looks like from here is the easiest thing to see i'm sure his uh tail feathers to depreciate this being caught oh he's not really a single-handed lifter that's okay good job quinn is like that soothing voice that talks to you on the other end of the radio is juan's going through some creaks there he's like that's all right that's okay looking good you're looking great just listening to queen [Music] from stampede northwest okay i'll stay up high and let you guys all go on and then i'll come in last and you're good to make pattern i'm well ahead of you i'm number two behind bill right now [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] so we pilots fly around we drink lots of beer and drink that dark colored whiskey so we're trying to come up with like uh bush pilot fitness this is the pull-up station check this out something besides a 12-ounce curl we can do 230-pound curls oh god the trees are sagging bush pilot fitness [Music]
Channel: Trent Palmer
Views: 147,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aviation, bush plane, flight vlog, aviation compilation, weekly dose of aviation, best of aviation, high sierra fly in, sierra flying, Kitfox, kitfox aircraft, airplane, trent palmer, freedomfox, airplane crash, instruction, tailwheel, landing, plane, pilot, flying, flight training, helicopter, oshkosh airventure, airventure 2018, STOL, low and slow, student pilot, first solo, freedom fox, flying cowboys, oshkosh2019, airventure2019, airventure, EAA, Oshkosh
Id: iRP3NI2DG3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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