Opening 600 GOLDEN GIFT 2020 Crates in Rocket League for 600,000 SUBSCRIBERS!

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it i guess oh baby let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go okay okay come on we're live whoa let me just check this uh boom here we go yo yo yo yo yo what's going on people let me check boom here we go what's going on loud loud loud loud holy holy oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness i'm gonna need some slow mode i need slow mode i need slime um this is what's happening today 600 000 whoa we have what we have a thousand viewers right now what the hell smash a like right now if you are a member of the pixel army a member of the burnt sienna gang like yours truly i know it was christmas so less of you would have watched yesterday's video i'm gonna uh let me put on some slow mode real quick uh please tell me it's easy to do please tell me it's easy to do manage cancel oh no how do i turn on slow mode ladies and gents how do i turn on slow mode please tell me tell me how it turned out i can't believe it i can't believe it how how do i do it uh does anyone know does anyone know oh yeah my mic oh my gosh i don't know how to turn on slow mode let me go to youtube and do it that way okay here we go we're going to open a lot of crates today so i want to make sure we've got the uh the settings all good um wow i have a challenge for all of you go away mr beast ah come on can i edit how do i get to the live does anyone no idea literally how i need to turn on slow mode oh my goodness where's the live section youtube oh i'll find it i'll find it here we go youtube dashboard live come on here we go i think i found it for your activity oh thank you skyrise drip for the the three dollar donation i've got a screen there so i can see all the donations thank you gg for the dollar as well uh stream settings here we go it's gotta be in there right how do we how do we how do we live chat here we go slow mode enable slow mode um 30 seconds there we go thank you skyrise drip for the four dollars man i appreciate that slow mode should be on but it's still absolutely rapid there we go every 30 seconds this will cool down let's go ladies and gents whoa yes here we go okay now i see the check that everything is all good and it is slow mode is on and it's still absolutely rapid that's fine i'll read the chat anyway we're going to open 600 crates today i hope you had a fantastic christmas we have um 600 crates for 600 000 subscribers alex the member is here in the live stream let me plug in my phone it's about to get nuts thank you so much psycho eu for the poundono man i can see if you do donate please leave a message with your donation deal bob's dude let's go 10 pounds yo matt congrats on 600k dude love what you're doing and get all the recognition you deserve here's to an amazing 20 21 thank you dilbobs my guy much love to you and that'll be pinned up there for a little bit that's how it works okay whoa i'm a huge fan picker let's go okay we're out here opening crates we're gonna do superstitions we're gonna do all sorts of stuff and then they're oh painted uh painted wheel to start off with and then we are going to do uh there is gonna be a video at 6 p.m today um i love your vids pixel thank you very much now what it what do you think thank you jam url for the uh 99 cents and brian shreds with the two dollars let's get a titanium white firework you know mate that's the plan uh expect my friend request my name is luke saul thank you luke for the two pound donation and cries oh coming in with the membership legend crazy you can join the pick slamming members club using the join button down below if you like oh we it's got to be are you going to do a 600k giveaway of course i am haven't figured that out yet thank you average 62 for the dollar my guy much love to you i really really do appreciate it it helps keep videos like this going because i spent um 120 000 credits on this uh stream how much even is that uh how much is that 120 000. so let's say you buy it in box of 3000 that means 40 lots of 18.75 which is what's that 37.50 75. it's about 300 quid um so yeah thank you so much all of all of the donations are gonna go towards the cost of this stream for you lot we could get titanium white fireworks we could get i don't know i don't know magic said my name jaden there you go uh chaos coming in with the 449 thank you uh remember please do leave a message if you if you donate please leave me a message i'll read it out i want to i want to it's nice to have obviously donations are amazing but i want to see um something that you guys have said jane come in with the two euros what's the name of the golden decal brackets backers mod uh if you so if you have backers mod it should be s1 gold reward it's the gold reward so just type in gold and it should come up there uh guys how do you get crates uh it's to do with trading you trade for crates and everything like that so that's how we go oh my gosh i saw goalkeeper i thought it was a white jager for a second 700 pounds worth of credits well okay that's how many credit uh how much i spent i thought i spent yeah i spent about a thousand dollars on this on this opening so which makes sense for the exchange rate roughly about 750 pounds uh alex coming in with the pixel army member emojis i see you um 590 to go let's go everyone uh gribble junior coming in with the 420 hey you love it four pound twenty i love you gribble junior thank you it's people like you uh that keep this um that keep this going uh elite sergeant rosie says yo matt love your business love to play with you hope you had a good chris christmas it would make my day if you added mlg rosie love your vids thank you for the donation man i appreciate that unfortunately i can't add people right now i'm pretty busy um but thank you for that be sure to join my discord because that's why i hop in chat in fact i'm gonna at everyone in discord right now one second the the gameplay will be frozen for you um there we go hold up i'm just alerting the discord server at everyone live right now send now discord gang discord gang how to donate please tell me uh just if you want to and you want to contribute to the cost of the stream you can click the dollar button and leave your message right there nearly 4k viewers like no um and it's 2 40 p.m here so this morning in america sorry i forgot my message i'm a massive fan thank you kados i appreciate that uh skyrocket strip i love you guys can you play some time again join the discord it's the best chance same with lookie pie thank you so much neon loves you uh tom 23 says he's in the discord thank you appreciate that and thank you for the donation average and speedy as well we haven't got any good crates yet which it's exciting because there's so much possibility you're my favorite youtuber says well thank you i appreciate that uh you don't have to keep spamming the arsenal we're fifteen premier league feel free to drop some questions in the chat as well uh i'll um i'll give them a read all that good stuff [Music] man i can't wait to see the speed of the chat when we uh get a black market because the 600 crates we're going to get a black market it's tide pod congrats on 600k thank you man unreal um unreal my friend right he said to me he said um i'll bet you're a domino's pizza you get a million subscribers next year and i was like all right you're on my game's been a bit glitchy but so um if i do if we do get to a million i own i made a pizza so if you want to feed my friend then you know hop on over there the nose luck my game's being really buggy i think my controller came unplugged there we go hell controller what is going on my controller stopped working for a second damn my controller's not working aft my game is so broken right now i'm gonna have to use my mouse the whole time are you guys hearing how glitchy this is there many times where you want to quit youtube um no no i don't think my game can handle the the state of this stream it's been it's huge use this for controller repairs two pound donations from craig thank you i have no idea what's going on with my controllers the game's not working the the controller is not working but thanks for the donation restart dude i don't know what's happening there we go we're working we're working at it come on [Music] pixel love you thank you i appreciate that let's go let's keep opening come on maybe the controller will have worked now massive fan haven't ever got a black market in rocket league manta ray tm coming with a four pound twenty donut thank you very much the the game is oh my controller's working thank you for the donation man uh kadeem bax coming in with the two dollars says hi have a good day uh good luck it is glitchy it is indeed but i think we fixed it oh and it's glitching again it's so glitchy what the heck [Music] nose my controller what is going on what is this what is this maybe if i go to options and change some settings uh settings borderless is that better are we still in the game if we go to borderless are we still in the game on the stream i think we are yo miles kaplan coming in with the 10. thank you very much my guy i appreciate that your nose is lagging it really is the heck what the game the game what's going on it's so broken what is going on here we go either way i'm gonna i might have to restart it you know um yo what's good cole i'm good man thank you for the donation let me restart the game real quick uh and you can still speak to me drop something in the chat right now i don't know why it's uh the game's lagging out like that should still be able to see me keep this full screen it's better for running the game well that's what it was on originally but um it really really is struggling is the controller on it's plugged in so it doesn't need to be on mic always gets louder when the tab changes um settings if this doesn't work i'll go to epic games bam but thank you everybody for the donations i appreciate it as i said it's all going to go towards the cost of these crates so far so good so far so good here we go we're in now we're in we're in stryker okay burnt sienna gang yeah if you guys didn't see yesterday's video i know that yesterday's video obviously gets less music because it was uh on christmas oh it lags as soon as i touch my controller no no no i've never ever had this problem before i've never had it like this we've got nearly 5 000 views though that is insane come on baby let's see let's keep going bam let me just check how everything's uh appears on youtube [Music] um [Music] toilet gang yo what's up bro oh luke knight five pounds dude thank you hey mate love the just wanting to cheaper to buy crates or items for trade-ups buy crates or items for trade-ups oh um oh i don't know it depends like what how much is one crater uh one trailer per crate like what's the how what does one crate equal in terms of trade of items like is it one crate for one trade up in which case it's cheaper by place but oh we're still yet to get a black market here peeps come on [Music] nimbus not bad it's cool it's cool looking car are you live on twitch no no i'm live on youtube i wanted to do a one-off youtube live stream a special for 600 000 subscribers we've got 5 000 viewers in the chat which is awesome nearly 2 000 likes so smash that like right now i do have a video coming out in just over three hours uh 6 p.m as well but we're smashing out all of these crates here say my name in your best dutch accent i don't know cone heron it's not a dutch accent though because there's not a lot of the words aren't particularly long to really put an accent on it five five two is a bm says thomas oh okay i'm down for that i'm down to that was your christmas anyway drop it in the chat uh let me see if the controller's working nope soon as i touch it broken game just means i can't do a nose trade up unless i do a nose click on my mouse uh i'll be uh turly coming in with the seven dollar dono saying black mark in the next five crates okay we'll start it at 5 57 so that way it coincides with whoever said it was up 5 52 for a black market so the next five crates as per the donation we are getting a black market come on baby come on one down oh titanium white titanium white diameters wheels not the worst not the worst okay so rare how to get 5k viewers let's go let me get a hashtag 5k in the chat whoa um kieran pern coming in with the ten pounds hero here an absolute legend first future update you donated to you're my favorite youtubers i love you so much man you've inspired me so much and to never give up thank you thank you very much wow that's very kind very kind indeed i've seen a lot of 5ks in the chat elliot elliot um koolberg whoa oh what thank you for the donation man buy a new controller i might have to i don't i'm gonna have to check that i hope it's not broken um what that's nuts uh it's me from the dutch accent do a blind form i'm not sure what you mean there man but thank you again 529th you get popcorn we got the titanium ekg i keep picking up my control i realize it doesn't work should i break out the gold controller if you know you know remember the gold controller oh oh wait this is it this is apparently the crate this is the one black market oh it's a rare it's a rare maybe it's the wire that's the problem it's hard to fix a problem you don't know what exactly is wrong but when i use my mouse the game doesn't glitch so i'm happy with that yeah thank you to everyone that has just donated and i've read all your messages um and some of the messages are pinned in the live chat and it all goes towards uh the crates for this stream because we have if you haven't seen if you just knew right now we have 549 crates that is an average of about you know one crate for every 10 viewers in the stream right now watching this okay here's another one prediction time how many black markets do you think we're going to get in this uh this stream uh logan matthews vlogs coming in with the four dollars hello how you next one to a nose opening i'll have to do it with the mouse somehow first ever nose mouse crate okay you can still do it you can still do it it's a rare and thank you obi turley for the for the donation as well thank you i'm gonna sound like a broken record this whole thing my whole stream is gonna be thanking everyone obviously someone said 69 black markets that's tough how much credits did you uh spend on these crates 120 000. i spent 200 credits per crate um a lot of five to eight which is makes sense given the open 600 you on average you'd expect six which means we're going to get at least a couple of painted black markets on average oh my these imagine oh the timing oh my gosh caddy max coming in with the 199 you'll get at least three or four and greg links coming in with the two pounds of random weird questions you like doctor who my girlfriend does i haven't watched it hooray party time oh it's it's it's it's a tame one to start with i'm happy with that i'm happy with that 606k viewers nearly let's go let's try and push to ten thousand let's go baby oh i just used the controller to open it but it lagged out the game it's weird that it definitely is the controller that's breaking it that crate has no sound black market number one i'll take it one black market in 60 crates that means if we keep that going we get 10. oh i'm guessed now we've been going for 20 minutes and we've opened 60. that means we'll be going for about three hours right happy days 6 000 viewers sit back relax and grab some food how many of you are in toilet gang right now be honest for the stream thank you justin for the uh euro as well man it's all gonna actually in fact i think with the the donations today i'll be able to buy a new controller so thank you i'm from sweden so i'm trying to say heter pixel well i apologize for butchering that ross miller i'm not entirely sure what the currency is uh love the vids congrats on 600k thank you 538 or 537 it's a black market oh that's the next two so this crate and then two more my guinea pigs are running about having a good time toilet gang toilet gang a lot of toilet gang bed gang okay these next two crates the donation said it so it must be true hey it's lava good to see you in the chat my guy i like to see your pixel army members badge [Music] gaming chair gang you love to see it you love to see it this is it this is it oh orange chapter issues i'll i'll drink to that okay i think when we get to 500 i'm gonna start doing superstitions with you lot [Music] um so yeah hello i'm from germany nice to know thank you for uploading and doing what you do thank you very much for saying that i appreciate that my wi-fi is too slow for your stream alex i'm so sorry i'm sorry to hear that man slow mode is on and the stream is still absolutely crazy uh oh another painted ekg not bad one black market so far i'm happy with that i'm gonna help you out a bit with the controller thank you hxbib for that donation man i have no idea why it's doing that very strange very strange oh here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go forever man united thank you for the donation keep the amazing workers up for two years i appreciate that did you watch the leicester game man united lost it not lost it but they drew at the end winning 2-1 that was my prediction use code pixel army indeed what is the item i'm pretty sure the item shot was a massive letdown for christmas right like the featured items it was a crimson insidio yeah this is cool as you can see i have no credits but you already know what to do nearly seven thousand viewers if we could get ten thousand i'm telling you i'm telling you the most viewers i've ever had on a live stream was eleven thousand and that was in 2017 when it was a new rocket league update you know the evening of the update when viewers are like times 10 um it was the youtube stream there i was opening crates but never this many hey i keep that that's how it's pronounced okay thank you joran flyboo for the euro donation everyone we have like six hundred six thousand five hundred viewers and two thousand five hundred likes oh mate i'm happy with the amount likes let's do a let's do what do they call it i like spike i remember it i remember let's do a like spike there's a ton of people watching right now let's just drop a like and see if we can up the likes to like 4 000 in one go uh but thank you static season for the uh the dollar and the emoji i appreciate the love man i wonder if i should get a different color controller to red i wonder imagine not using copper pixel army also i did do um obviously i did a sponsored video on christmas eve for the free app war robots if you download the war robots app using my link and you're in one of the first thousands to do it you get the flamethrower item as well as a special robot a bunch of gold and a bunch of silver and then if you don't like the game you can always uninstall it but you get a lot of free stuff if you install it using my special link so you might as well give it a try and see if you like it because i had a lot of fun playing it oh man okay we're not even 100 crates in and we have already had our first black market this is good this is good [Music] actually let me do a quick sub check hold up um whoa we already blasted past 601 000 subscribers exotic first one of the video we're about sienna going baby oh mate let's go fancier gang it doesn't matter what it is it's burnt sienna gang um sweatex virus with the donation says you got to give away the stuff you get now uh mason brown shoes with the two dollars five twelves are painted these are called bm and switch production but the five years matt love your videos keep it up thank you am i gonna give away i'll give away most of this eventually anyway that's just what i do someone said this was a bm in the in the comments the 520. but 601k we are guys oh well first of all when we hit a million subscribers i'm gonna give away everything even if i have to be live for a week straight um just like you know you know you know 601k let's see if we can get to 602 by the end of this stream that's [Music] uh thank you for using one of my best mates videos and i pick a clip there you go thank you gg slater for the donation come on baby getting them getting northern ireland yeah where are you watching from right now drop it in the chat please oh that's a boost green [Music] okay samurai oh a lot of portugal australia texas india qatar newcastle south africa hereford belgium lithuania ireland sweden damn there's so many countries so many people thank you gg slater again for a donation live from jersey us love you pixel army for life uh how's your day going penguin gamer thanks for the donation man my day is going very very well and thank you nicholas as well for the donation brother here we go oh here we go come on baby oh forest green i tell you what i do be getting these forest green exotics i uh quite a lot i have i have to say uh we're getting nearly 7 000 viewers that's insane we're only getting started let's go come on oh back to black exotics oh gonna could have been back to back painted this is because i've opened less than 600 golden gifts since they came out and now we're opening it all in one day uh hey pixel love your videos it's so cool to watch your videos i watch all of them congrats on 600k thank you mickey and thank you for the donation and nicholas williams again as well and kairos is a cow says i got a dissolver from one of them but didn't record well thanks for the donation man uh that's that is tough i know mate when i when i got my um berthier sub-zero i wasn't recording i was tr and that's the worst place i was trying to i thought i was i got it and then the whole video was recorded but the reason i'm able to do this is because i worked really hard last week before christmas um and so now i have videos scheduled from today i have 26 27th 28th 29th and 30th all those videos made uploaded ready to go so i can just chill on the stream here with you lot um drippy plasma coming in the five dollars yo people uh keep the good work for the people who donate can you maybe give them something i know that is a strength but worth a shot i'm afraid i can't right now um but i am doing giveaways all the time and i need to actually i what what do you think's a good 600 000 sort of subscriber giveaway um because actually ironically um i have my 580 000 subscriber special dropping tonight um and uh obviously we're a bit past that one question how do you buy crates car so i get credits and then um [Music] and then trade for the crates with credits because obviously whilst we all only get five crates if a million people get the five crates there's five million crates in the game you see so that's how i guess the five one two was gonna be painted exotic was it five one two that we got the burnt sienna regions i just realized it's 500 gifts dude it is we're opening them all uh thank you h uh hibbit again how much you need for the controller um probably probably i think controller's about 60 pounds um so i think we've got enough now thank you um not quite sure why it's broken let's do a hydration check everyone if you have a drink let's have a toast to 600 000 subscribers alcoholic if you want if you're underage perhaps join me with the squash water if you're feeling healthy cheers we cheers to a rare uh nicholas thank you once again coming in with a lot of donations there a lot of dollar donations hi una i'm from eu or from the uk [Music] who else won the 500k giveaway uh they were all um contacted via email and actually uh one of them he was on xbox uh i hope this helps thank you dude i have no idea what currency that is but thank you what what is that currency chf i need to see what that is um but someone who won was on xbox and i said okay um oh that's a swiss franc wow thank you that's very very kind of you that that really will help thank you i'm learning learning all about currency thank you so much damn um so one of them was an xbox player so i bought him a gift card and then he couldn't redeem the gift card so he just had to give it away to my community so i gave away a 20 gift card um for to my discord server for xbox uh shower gank progress from 600k mate thank you anton bergnios uh this is swiss franc says a sweat uh sweat x virus and then it comes and says swiss money thank you for the donations of all of you wow um bought the interstellar decal was it worth it oh yeah for sure interstellar white interstellar is quite possibly the most gorgeous uh black market there is drop it in the chat right now what's your favorite black market i want to see a decal and a goal explosion okay you can include tournament ones if you like if you so desire oh shoot hold up i need to stop and read this a 20 donation from jet okay yo pick a pixel just want to say you're my favorite youtuber when i say myself there's no one to watch i just think of you and boom there's always something to watch also for christmas i got 14k credits and i'm getting a titanium white octave let's go let's go jet thank you so much that very very kind words um and yeah there's always content to watch every single day so thank you for the uh the donation just get a hashtag jet in the chat if you can and super clemson coming in with three dollars saying hello lovely to see you here i'm gonna mute my mic while i cough it's not it's not corona just need to clear my throat uh we got xenic in the chat as well good to see you man um uh so far we've got burnt sienna rages which is a uh new member of the burnt sienna gang he's very cool and we also have uh we had a party time so at the moment the lux not started that that great hashtag thank you donation but we move we move imagine i didn't unmute my mic what do you play on i play on pc uh oh bike bros i like your videos in germany we say dying videos since what does that mean um thank you bike bros for the donation and shout out to germany all my german fans out there this one's for you [Music] that's got to be the best one oh my days wow that that that hits different the old hypnotics man low-key really really cool um wow oh my mic isn't muted i know it's not i can see it bro clean shout out big ups to the germans and bike brace for the donation everyone's saying free item in the item shop is there a new one for christmas no no there's not okay is this stream going to be on your channel we do a highlight video but potentially both i guess um dexify mixie says hey what's up i love your vids thank you donation man i appreciate that oh no way back to back painting exotics let's go david riley coming in with the dark two dollar donation thank you whoo six thousand six hundred viewers six thousand seven hundred viewers four thousand likes we had a like spike i just remembered and you guys absolutely smashed it and we got shadow man 876 new members new member of the pixel army members club you got your badge and obviously the long you are your members you can upgrade your badge go through the ranks use all the emojis the grand champ emoji the pixel army emoji the l emoji the bronze one emoji um the topper is free and featured yeah the mr or the mr flow bag antenna but you can join the members club by clicking the join member down below you can also then claim that role over on the pixel army discord server all of the info should actually be uh in the description if i'm not mistaken if i check my description it should all be there uh right yeah it's all down there uh if you want to get um a free share on trading 212 worth up to 100 pounds you can install that app using the link in the description um all kinds of lovely stuff in there uh oh ben what currency is this nok it's it's gotta be it's not icelandic kroner because i know that's i've used that before is it norwegian um i bought the wheels with the code this is danish thank you squiddy for the donation and look at the bottom right of the item shop oh there is an item hold up hold up hold up means your videos are bad oh i said your videos are bad oh great bottom right what oh yo oh okay all right what would i do without you guys we got the christmas coco topper hey i didn't that was uh eagle-eyed viewers eagle-eyed viewers there nice one hey gazelle the man himself welcome to the stream dude flexing your spanner that sounds a bit dodgy doesn't it let's not take that out of context it is norwegian there we go big up thank you ben for the donation good old bob's ramen the fact that we got 82 to go oh burnt sienna bm coming up mate if i get a burst in a black market this game i'm fully allowed to leave burnt sienna gang are we going to allow that am i allowed that guys [Music] pixel i love your vids thank you shadow man thank you again for joining the members club obviously the members also their names are different colors so this will highlight a little bit more blind af yep that's that's me i'm afraid we got a burnt sienna bro i've gotta be happy gotta be happy oh man um i'm a dwarf with a five dollar donut been subbed for four years almost love your vids wow four years ago i was on about twenty thousand subscribers and beast is that the real mr beast never know ten ten dollar dono uh you're my favorite youtuber thank you i appreciate that and alex saying code pixel army it to be fair it is real code people using copic salami is what has meant i don't need a sponsor for every one of my videos it really does help me out um and all these donations they're going towards a new controller uh probably won't make up the whole amount but the credits i spent on this crate ryan asked what my creator code is it is code pixel army i've got my g2 uh jersey on which is cool oh black striker octane obviously as well the link is in the description i usually stream on twitch but for six hundred thousand subscribers especially create opening i thought i'd do on youtube where i know a lot of you would be um uh there are obviously a lot of people on twitch there were like three thousand viewers on twitch when when the update dropped but you know thank you shadow of using the code to have nearly seven thousand viewers on youtube is the uh that is the one that is the one just wanna donate well samuel broadly flack thank you for the donation 9.99 absolute hero um wow i did not expect that that's big that's huge thank you thank you i got black hades but i have a prospect cut will you guys be pleased to know once the tournament weekly rewards reset on monday i'm gonna get my three placements and get the credits from that and then uh i'm going to do a prospect only tournament opening with over 100 000 credits we got jet the man himself joining the pixel army members club and sweaty x virus everybody use codepixel army thank you very much man and matthew burnett says is it good i traded titanium white ekg omg for a fennec oh i don't know i don't know the price of an ekgmg you just made my day from talking to me to sm also when you bring in backline trading i'm actually uploading a blind trading video in three hours the grind never stops um i announced my blind trading on my discord which is in the description we're at nearly 25 000 members over there and also i set um i set a goal for tick tock um my next year goal was 100 000 followers and we're already at over 80 000 so that's pretty wild that's pretty wild here we go yeah your vid is bad penguin gamer i've just uh yeah should have been shown to me that okay cobalt striker hades cut unreal [Music] is mad okay thank you oh i was not ready for that i was not ready for that i mean i mean go grab your popcorn sit back and relax it's gonna keep it's gonna keep getting better we're at 5000 likes black market number two that might be the first time i've ever got popcorn in a crate um which is pretty mad it's not the best one we will be honest here but hoggers not pogba i don't even know what pog means man i really i don't get it but yeah f in the chat alex you're in the members club you can put the l emoji if you like the luck doesn't stop oh is that it it's sort of like it's one of those good and bad ones isn't it it's like you know it's all right uh alex a coming with a five dollar five dollars pixel people good content i will do my best i'll do my best thank you very much come on i'm eating popcorn well there you go does anyone is there anyone that um because i know some people i know like um a couple of my friends from holland they said they basically celebrate christmas on christmas eve is there anyone that celebrates christmas on like boxing day oh anything like that thank you penguin gamer for the euro or like maybe does presents on boxing day because that's when they would see their family obviously this year it's a bit different um there's the l okay i need to relax with the uh speaking i don't want my vote before absolutely shredded [Music] any pms we've had two black markets and we've got 458 crates to go with that amount we're gonna probably get six more i mean which would be great i'd be happy with that we've had a black hypnotic wheel probably my favorite item we've got so far hi pixel i'm from malaysia thank you crouge in fact i don't even need oh it's an exotic oh saffron reverbs okay just realized i don't even need um i don't even need the headphones on because all it is is um i can't use the controller it doesn't work uh it's just sounds of crates opening and i don't need that because all it does is spoil when i'm gonna get a boost let's see do a nose crate okay my mouse doesn't work so i have to use the nose crate on the mouse thank you bike bros and thank you makkale malach malakai donnelly thanks for the donations i appreciate that okay let's keep going hi from slovenia all right [Music] let's go to check my levels we're all good we're all good you look at your phone real quick [Music] oh titanium white gaidens i've actually just looked at my phone i have a price alert for bitcoin what's happened here oh yeah bitcoin has hit a new all-time high literally four minutes ago bitcoin hit an all-time high that's wild [Music] do a no reaction okay someone said open a black market get salted thanks for the euro donation no reaction what did i miss uh a couple of black markets couple painted exotics you know the usual the usual i should have got some um uh some flat market oh oh imagine that was striker oh my goodness look at that huh no look i need i need to look to click away though that's the thing i don't have a controller so i can't do a no-look crate and no reaction okay and also the problem with no reaction crates is that the crates tend to be they're not that good fight one-off freighton oh sorry you're looking at anything great uh kyle said do no do i'll do another no reaction [Music] next is a black market all right imagine your controller's off please no no uh there's never ever a light like look i can do a few things with it like it sometimes works it's not working the hell no way my ps4 is even plugged in did i just turn on my ps4 i did since when ah okay the light is on usually there isn't a light we got at least 7 000 viewers in here let's go i think it's something to do with the [Music] stream what what davis solonus a hundred dollars i watch your videos every day and it makes my day every time this is to help the cost of the vid thank you jeez oh let me get a hashtag davis in the chat i want to see it what oh my gosh that that will help me that will help so much what an absolute legend lol almost missed it no i don't miss any donations because they're all up on my screen um oh my god wow wow look at the chat they're going nuts thank you that really does help as i said you know i spent about a thousand dollars on the stream so that i mean that is a massive trunk you did not have to do that so big up davis in the oh what what what's going on with this luck man clinton kobe with the two dollars and the little donation hey you hey you thank you davis everybody thank you thank you very much davis with the grand champ emoji exactly exactly look your phone please keep doing look at my phone i don't know what exactly you're expecting me to find [Music] cxxps donates three dollars and say says can we pretend this is a thousand dollars everyone get hyped so a thousand dollar hype in the chat no because there's somebody else a thousand dollars i don't think youtube allows you to donate that much i don't think uh oh actually no i don't know because i donated i think i donated 800 to [Music] but i think it was in separate donations i think 500 is the max and i think i donated a thousand to zack um man i haven't spoken exactly years but i think i donated [Music] three tight beats welcome to the pixel army let's go pixel army legend everyone's doing the thousand dollar hype in the chat group with junior you know i still love you hashtag davis of course thank you donation oh yes i now need to add a supersonic legend emoji to the uh we got nearly 7 000 viewers in here let's go baby and the best luck is still yet to come guaranteed guaranteed because we've had a black hypnotic we've had a party time we've got a popcorn that's all right that's all right he spent a thousand dollars but still has the items from it yeah yeah i'm not gonna get a thousand dollars worth of items no way i'll probably get let's be honest 600 crates let's say you get five black markets i'll probably get like fifty dollars worth of items if i'm lucky yes yeah let's not pretend that opening crates is profitable uh it's not so uh don't open 600 crates with your own money i'm doing this so you don't have to and we can sit here and chill unboxing together do overhype reaction please i would love to but i've had noise complaints in the past so i only want to do it when it's an accident when it's absolutely necessary and i get a black market oh dude dude dude dude i mean there we go i maybe that was a bit over hyped for a wet paint i think it's just the timing and it wasn't painted uh we've got some donations to read here mickey with the five dollars of course please do leave a message when you do donate because i'll read out every single one live on stream doing it again to ask how the holidays were and i just want to say again your videos made my day so much i love them thank you keep going thank you mickey i'll answer in a sec fc trouble coming in the five saying love your vids thank you uh my holidays were great obviously uh in the uk we could only really um do christmas on one day like i would normally be with my family today but i can't i'm not allowed which is kind of uh it's a bit sad um but uh i'm here with you guys instead and you guys are it's been the holidays yesterday were fantastic it was brilliant uh we have i'm a dwarf comedy with the five dollars check your phone for goodness sake i'll do it um are you expecting it is am i what am i checking what am i checking there's nothing new on my phone um oh my goodness maybe i should have checked the sub count where we've just got up 500 subs in the last like 15 minutes we're at nearly 602 000 already i said can we get 600 2 000 this stream please subscribe down below to join the pixel army um we've got jonathan ruck with the 10 420 will be a black market also we just got one oh six away it's got to be 4 20. i've had multiple 420s donations today um how often do stream picks will love the stream eggy salad thank you for the four quid uh i stream i try and stream on i don't usually stream on youtube this is like a one time thing i did a birthday live stream on youtube before i ever streamed on twitch this year in march this is my only youtube live stream but subscribe down below and turn on the bell for videos every single day um but i stream on twitch so you can follow me click the links in the description and uh mickey coming into five we're all glad to be here for you while you can't spend time with your family feel as if you're familiar to us not creepily uh not creepy at all mickey i i feel like you guys are my family the pixel army are you are my family you really are uh 420 is is the crate it is the one the oh painted ekg there we go not too bad not too bad come on it seems like based on the timing i will be um weren't you like 300k two weeks ago i wasn't no uh i was at 500k a month ago and now here we are uh looks like we'll be done around about two hours time oh cobalt okay about samurai and mickey they are they have joined the pixel army members club uh services you'd have permission to type in the main chat uh yeah i think the server the discord server is currently like closed uh because it's run so well by moderators and everything they're essentially taking christmas off uh so uh you know you can join the discord server and tell them notification because then when you get a notification um it will mean that the server is open for business again and you can find people to play rocket league with uh the other oh my goodness the other day i hopped into my discord server and hopped in a voice chat hold up oh whoa regular regular thank you monsieur bacteria for the two dollar donut stay away with me from your bacteria but stay away from me um and i joined the voice chat and all of a sudden there were like 60 people in there we were just talking it was a bit manic um but i do want to do a lot more of that a lot more chatting with you guys so join the discord and and there we go i was your 100k subscriber that was back in march 2017. next buying trading video is in two and a half hours 420 was unfortunately not a uh black market oh we got the burnt sienna i thought it was crimson i'll drink to that everyone cheers best colors to put on the interstellar thank you jonathan for the five dollars uh titanium white interstellar and then the color of your team i mean that looks good schnitzel visa the three dollar donation says i joined right when you got the wet paint it was pretty sick it has to be said alex a with the five dollars pixel i've been sub for a while and everybody ever watched has been really good so once again thanks for the good content well thank you for not only supporting it with your eyeballs and watching but to donate as well is very kind thank you for supporting me and thank you thank you for being here um on the stream today i was gonna say i originally had 400 crates um when i had about 590 000 what what oh my god it's not that's not the old one what what what will i go on tech talk just say it's my pleasure for making your day for all the times you've made mine what oh hold up hold up let me just make i'm gonna make a tick tock screw it mickey with the five dollars i want you to be honest with your opinion on burnt sienna i think it's kind of ugly i'm not gonna lie whoops again thank you for the donation davis mate let me let's make a tick tock right now screw it let's do it let's do it let's do it um you're going to see this go to pickups or yt i'm gonna make this right here um okay okay i don't know how to do it i don't know how to do it um davis solonas right what is going on everyone i'm just making a tick tock because my man davies uh he's just pulled off an absolutely insane donation he wanted to make he wanted me to make a tick tock so i thought why why the heck not now you see we flip the camera say something in the chat for the tick tock i'm then gonna you know film the uh the chat um my man davis has donated 200 that's the the second of two donations we have mickey monster bacteria alex again i'm a dwarf tick-tock is raw this is the chat on slow mode it's going absolutely mental we're streaming wrongly right now if you see this tick tock within the hour or two after it goes up then be sure to check me out on youtube we're doing the live stream all together right now the community is insane massive shout out to davies i want to see some love for him in the comments i'm seeing it in the chat uh so yeah thank you for the support and for 600 000 subscribers it's been mental and there we go we have a tick tock now we're going to post it we're going to post the tick tock um let me just watch it back [Music] you know um i need to think of like a okay i need to make a thumbnail for it like a screenshot oh why is my face such a weird face okay there we go turn that down i'll i'll catch up on all the donations can i have a shout out i have a youtube channel uh again thanks thank you alex for the donut tick tock is raw of course we have that one mickey with the five dollars keep it up thank you jensen sniper with the pound and i'm a dwarf back again five dollars you're putting a bm in the next 10 golden gifts till we get to 400 we're doing it but i need to um uh insane donation that's the caption done why can't i okay we'll just do that text this donation brain blown this is this is me making a scuff tik tok live because he's i mean he said will it be on tick tock and i'm like you know what let's just make one i got you my guy next uh uh two hundred dollars bam hashtag rocket league rocket league highlights pick a pixel all the hashtags you've got to do boom post just made a tick tock thanks for dropping by my stream the other week mystic thank you for hosting it um it was it was a lot of fun i realized i dropped about a thousand viewers because i was i took a break from crates but you know when you donate two hundred dollars like geez i mean thank you man um thank you thank you davies i appreciate that that just absolutely just taken over the live chat um striker lightning not bad not bad there we go so the tick tock is up boom there we go boom mystic join the chat yes sir uh spawn says um pixel i just posted a video and got a titan where october i also opened a hundred and non-craigslist flop please and you help me in my favor guys uh click the you'll see it because it was five pounds or more you'll see it's uh pinned the pin donation from spawns go click his channel link and drop a like on his uh on his video because he's clearly just had some nuts luck and spend a lot of credits on a hundred non-crate exotics uh and and i know what it feels like like when you feel like your video you've done a lot into it and it's not um it's not done how you want you what and it's because as well like you want people to see it like when you're a smaller youtuber you might not even be monetized it's not about money or anything you genuinely just want people to see what you've made because you know that there are people out there like you guys with the common interest that will like it so if you like rocket league which you're here so i know you do please go show my man some love uh and we're at over six thousand likes pencil we get ten thousand likes by the end of the stream that'll be phenomenal we that'd be just nuts uh we've got 400 crates left look behind me so i did have you got a black market yet uh three we had party time popcorn and wet paint three black markets and 200 crates that's actually better than average uh nothing painted yet despite one of them being called wet paint i was your first like on tiktok [Music] we got a white ekg as well we have leon oh crimson that's what i'm talking about leon uh trek hatched with the five uh no message but thanks for the donation expired with the four with happy holidays do a nose crate okay my controller's broken so i've got to do it with the with the mouse the nose crate come on dang it um what is that behind you it's my my garden uh i think i scared my guinea pigs uh they're chilling to my left um yeah they're running about i was the first comment tic toc no way thank you tom for the donation man vm at three five three actually checks your check the phone i'm not joking this time it's a regular let's check the phone there's still nothing there you gotta give me like what notification am i looking for is it on an app is my phone gonna explode but thank you donation either way it's all going all going towards the this stream like the the you know running of this stream basically there's all the money into it i'm gonna take your donations and pay for pay for the the content we are providing here when you get the burnt in a two and i was the one thousands like one thousand flights on god well there we go that was uh that was quite a moment your bath water normally again my bathroom's all good [Music] um thanks brother it was a non-crate very rare trade up and i want to give you some for movie video or something as my luck for the video hasn't been great uh well the best way to do that uh thanks for the donation again um if you've got a substantial amount of non-crate barriers i would say you know a few hundred at least someone else i'd say 500 at this point uh email my business email in the description and um uh we can talk about it because i'm actually in the process of doing that with someone else i'm recording a fan trader video another white diametes next week uh nc fresh with the five dollar donation says do a no reaction well five dollar donation means five no reaction so i'll do this one then we'll go down to 385 no reaction and xd kic two dollars you i have titanium white fireworks you're interested i'm very interested but it doesn't matter cuz i'm gonna get it today five no reaction crates boom number one house burnt sienna gang uh noticed i noticed my burnt sienna items a lot more so there's that i have to pretend to like them you sent me a message on insta uh if you want to contact me the best place to do it is twitter because instagram chucks a bunch of them to a funny folder and i don't see it twitter i see all my tweets if you ask me i will see it right we got three more two more no reaction plates here we go mickey with the five dollars um i've forgotten guess i'll give you for free no joke i do appreciate that um but i don't need any more i don't even know if i'll do another golden gift opening i might go back to a different one because this is mental uh mystic with the five thank you man i did a video and got four bm's and fifty come back create king status let's see that that is four four black markets and 50 bms that is that is crate king level luck uh but you've got four years to catch up on my friend but by all means try this i love i love to see it love to hear it uh painted nimbus the pimbus that doesn't really work it's nice when it's a crimson item i can make a name like the crimbus or the croctain [Music] oh dueling dragons and crimson would be crawling dragons crawling krakens i thought that would work then it couldn't be yeah we got zenik in the house i'll take mate i you know what's wild um i'm going to bed now pick pixel it's 7 39 a.m in cali right now so going to bed i hope you're getting blind trading bye okay uh fair enough mate i'm guessing you stayed up all night thank you jet much love to you man um here's the thing um i was gonna say i was gonna say what they're gonna say hey exmod how you doing um oh what was i going to say yeah i had something it's profound oh blank oh yeah okay found it i got it i got it back um so oh nice um so last i obviously had i had 390 000 subscribers in january right and then about halfway through this year and i still have 390 thousand subscribers in the summer i said i wanted to hit half a million get this by the end of 2021. that means in a year's time i wanted to reach half a million but then after the update it was like people say musty which i haven't seen him oh my goodness that's unreal another white one um cameron brown two pounds thank you i've got titanic fighters i want to trade it i want to trade for i want to try and get it in this video if not maybe we'll talk how much money for the for 20 gifts i paid 4 000 credits should i use my titanium instead of blueprint go for it i think or sell it i don't know um [Music] but i then went free to play dropped i thought okay you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna try and hit half a million subscribers by um by 2021 and we got it in november and then i wanted to hit 600 000 by the end of the year and we did it on boxing day christmas day night boxing it was christmas day for america but boxing day for me because it was like early in the morning everyone's saying musty's in the chat there's no way there's no way i mean if if he is here but i highly doubt it i feel like i would have seen him um because he's yeah he's not going to be there why why why would he be here you know um it's probably the morning for him it's gray i thought it'd be white 370 crates remaining we're not even halfway there ladies and gents you have to if it's someone like musty or whatever white again give me a white black market uh they have to have the verified tick next to their name and he obviously because you can call yourself anything but yeah i don't think that's the real one i love you please reply to me thank you pride minty import painted pink again okay we've got the end yet i've got three right now been a little while since we've got one actually when was the last time we got [Music] it oh yeah there we go um next one black market let's do it let's do it i've got so much gifts uh you can you can trade for them um i had the guy in fact i think the price has gone down a little bit i had a guy message me today saying uh i'll do i'll sell you a golden gift for 190 credits and he has over a thousand so um just contact a trader that's selling them and bro my first time seeing you live this is my first youtube live stream in nine months uh i usually only have a stream on twitch but i thought i'd try and try out a youtube one because it's for 600 000 subscribers which is a youtube thing in fact i need to check the uh [Music] the statistics we smashed it we got up another 300. i said can we get 602 000 subs by the end of the stream and we're at 600 2000 already mystic 20 bomb 20 next video i want you to be your highest cycle you've ever done please um thank you for the 20 donation i appreciate that um i mean i've as i said my videos for the 26th and 30th are all already uploaded uh so i i mean we could let's do it on this stream there's live people all the time let's try and smash up to it at least 10 000 likes for that from mickey massive support there i emailed you i will see you after spawns thank you thank brother let's go let's go do you like italy i want them our thing i wanted to go to italy in march and then um the the pandemic happened bro i thought this was a video it does say live in the title and youtube is promoting it as a live as a live show exotic come on oh regular regular regular clock works oh we're on 7 000 likes we just had a massive like spike it's crazy what happens when you remind people um and if the youtube analytics are right then 70 of people watching this video like my other videos aren't subscribed so that means if we get 10 600 take off that times three we're left with 4 200 people watching this stream that aren't subscribed so if the 4 000 of you subscribed that are aren't subscribed then you know we would uh we'd have a field day we'd smash past 605 000 subs 7k likes let's go big up big up we need we need to like i need to refresh my luck somehow um i'll get down to 350. still even halfway there i bet you won't read this chat prove me wrong well damn dan oh oh my goodness oh we said we needed a luck reset oh my i don't think you can get hellfires painted in crates i've had too many hellfires for there to be no paint whoa that's the fourth one and we're dude we've had four black markets in 250 crates that's really good that's really good luck that's uh that is the best one that is the best one ah there we go i watch you every day thank you very much thank you um yeah there we go hey ah the guinea pigs are playing they love it they love the black market luck you having a little nibble yeah you have a little nibble let's go baby let's go uh five pounds from gums glitches my friend wants to get some like some views on his montage his channel name is gum gum can you help him well everybody uh if you type in gum gum on youtube um there's a rocket league montage just drop a like from the pixel army pixel army raid thank you for the donation gums glitches 350 left we've opened 252. no look lava i would but my controller's not working that's my mouth so i can't skip oh wait no i could i could skip hold up wait let me see if i could skip with the enter button so if i open with the mouse look away i pretend i'm looking away if i wait a bit wait a minute and then it's on okay if i press enter i can't okay i can do a no look bam okay no look now could be big could be big [Music] okay i know it's not a goal explosion because the car moved uh so how much did the 600 crates cost about a thousand dollars in credits uh i got a liftoff banner not ideal you're gonna post this on youtube as a video so youtube will i i might just leave this video up i don't know if i'll make a highlight video or if i'll just leave this whole stream up um what do you guys think do i leave the whole stream up or do i like make highlights sure here's your tick tock video let's go let's see how much video is uh doing i actually i made the the tick tock let me check [Music] it's really hard to uh get this sorted nearly a thousand likes on tik tok mad every time i check tick tock and stop opening crates that people leave i understand i understand what things to do how many pm's uh four yeah four but help they're getting better and better party time popcorn wet paint hellfire we're going up and up and up can you get main frames i know you can get painted fireworks um oh my guinea pig needs to chill [Music] let's go go go i gained 20 subs thank you picture on everyone there you go sports thank you for the donations massive shout out to the picture army who showed their love and support pink is the painted color of the day [Music] saffron i'm pretty sure this is also the well this i think this is the biggest craving of the year not just for me but for anyone in the world it's definitely the biggest golden gift because i already hold that record i opened 200 in yesterday's video which you can go and check out absolute scenes um i've got bertsy on a mainframe from two golden gifts you can get it so you can get a white one so uh so you so yeah this is the biggest this is already the biggest golden gift opening anyone's ever done let's go we got ross miller coming in new member of the pixel army members club crimson yamane is right there i'll be sure that i want to see those uh pixel army member emojis in the chat ross thank you for joining man you can get this oh yes of course dissolver yeah i wrote this down actually i think the three best ones are hellfire dissolver and mainframe those are the three best i did write that down last week thank you for reminding me so we can get this over let's get it how on earth did you get up there a guinea pig dude be climbing i don't know how she got up there but it's all good but thank you for all the uh the lovely messages in the chat it'll be a dream if you read this by the way i love your videos and it's 3am well 3am damn you're either really far behind me or is that definitely further ahead of me [Music] so it's the 27th for you do you know straight i'll have to do it with the mouse but yes sir i can indeed bam let's go oh the nose crate exotic oh it's a hypnotic the hypnotic exotic ah it could have been could have been great obviously we did get some titanium white hypnotics in yesterday's video if you want to go and check that out um 100 pound donation is white bm i don't think we need to wipe that mark but i mean david's already got covered with that white lift off 200 to help support the cost of this stream so massive davis made a tick tock about it [Music] all right all right all right when we get to 301 we'll be halfway there [Music] please feel free to drop a question in the chat if you want me to answer a question it doesn't have to be rocket league related uh we can talk about anything here for a little while probably here for an hour and a half two hours then there isn't there's a new video in just over two hours so i probably wanna following from france let's go leave the room pack all right i'll leave the room see if i can get some food or something to eat oh oh wow mantis critters not the one not the one we got the got a couple little biscuits [Music] someone said i'm having a big fat mr mt thanks for the donation how are you mr picky pixel i'm doing very very well i'm doing very very well thank you mr empty for the donation again man please leave a message you're a virgin odd question hey ross good to see you in the chat okay not bad mr supercell coming in with the one thank you for the donation man i appreciate it it's all as i said it's all going towards the crates i won't see this much essentially it's just coming back so thank you for supporting me [Music] and no reaction crate okay i know you wrote me this book hello i love the biz is my dad [Music] these crates are see i say they've not been great but with the amount of crates we'd open rocket league you'd expect to get two to three black markets we've got four we're underperforming on the painted exotics but the black markets were actually doing better than you'd expect bam guinea pig can [Music] they're just talking to each other chilling chilling out we've got nearly six thousand views mental mental someone said i sent an email please read it that email is for business inquiries so please make sure it's it's not just like if it's like a fan mail sort of thing then just tweet it to me instead um because i'll see the tweet and it won't so because i get really important emails sent to that email so i can't have that cluttered [Music] [Music] synth wave i'll take it i'll take it not bad not bad at all finally here for a live stream let's go here for 300's of black market hopefully [Music] hopefully we got active gamer coming in the five euros hey mate i really love watching your videos keep on the amazing work greetings from luxembourg by the way what michael using looking for a new one uh this is the new yeti um i think it's called the yeti x i believe um and yeah it's really handy you can mute it just but and you didn't hear a word at that because it's a good point um it's yeah it's good quality i also have the sure sm7b over there [Music] bam we are halfway there in an hour and a half i've opened half of the crates and we have another half to go okay bam 300 left let's go let's go let's go import surely we're going to get a painted black market right in 300 crates first 300 crates we had yeah four black markets let's get a little like spike as well please do drop a like on the video the stream if you're enjoying it really it does support me helps push out the stream and we can get right next right past to 8 000 subscribers painted curious wheels i've gone up another 300 subs mental i think we can get past 603 000 subscribers easily by the end of this stream hi i love the chat chat pokey collector yeah thank you again active gamer for the shout out for the donation and um i hope luxembourg is good nose crate okay nose creating no reaction now i'll do a no reaction uh tillman link i love uty for the good content thanks for the donation man thank you for the kind message no reaction craig i'm just gonna move on because that wasn't worth my time uh yeah but until you reach 150 crates then yes you'll get a painted black market you think i'm gonna have a photo finish i see okay look at that davis um pin messages are still there absolute hero [Music] hi hunter [Music] [Music] maybe it's on pc no it should be on youtube on phone as well [Music] how long have you been going uh just under an hour and a half just under an hour and a half so you've got over an hour of just pure cravings [Music] another white gaydon we've had so many white very rares like so many please black market i really i hope i beg a big uh luke come in with the five dollars yo i watch your vids every day and make me happy when i'm sad do a blind one for me please uh blind well blind trading i have a blind trading coming up in two um two hours on the channel right but this will be a no look crazy imagine it's a painted black market take it all in what was it no idea what it was that was a rare i literally was saying imagine it's a painted black market it was nothing hello from wales lovely just keep it up thank you rebecca oh sky blue getting a lot of a lot of painted stuff painted stuff coming back into the nation and a little diamond xbox champion thanks for the shout out pal thank you for the video i appreciated it i appreciate it thank you for the donation as well keep at it if youtube is the thing for you if you like like it was for me if youtube is the goal don't let anyone tell you to not um here we go exotic luck come on baby oh baby oh my goodness they look so clean oh well there you go i'm serious don't you know if anyone tells you no just do do what you enjoy do what you want to do unreal what crate that is someone donated two hundred dollars yeah i'm aware i'm aware i made a tick tock about it thank you drill x reports for the donation as well hey lord burke coming in hi match wanna say hi merry christmas again thank you mate i appreciate that if you like rocky gameplay be sure to go and check out lord burke as well he's getting very close to 5 000 subscribers i keep pl i keep picking up the uh uh the controller but it's not working for some reason we just i want to see another black market it's been a little while since we got that hellfire been a little while since we got that hellfire you need to great i'm not gonna uh my girlfriend gets back from her families in a couple of hours so all the way first get back down [Music] let's go party time bm we got a hellfire wet paint popcorn black hypnotics black gernots i came with fireworks you know one million cells by the end of 2021 drop a hashtag pixelarmy right now if you think you are going to help us get some 1 million subscribers if you think we can do it in 2021 drop a hashtag pixel army in the chat right now i want to see who believes in dreams [Music] uh ax verse thank you for the donation hey pixel sorry it's not much but i hope in a very merry christmas that is more than enough thank you thank you very much that will pay for at least these next 10 crates um yeah there we go now the mic boom look at all these pixel armies in the chat let's go oh exotic come on oh it's a regular reverb regular reverb ah come on come on oh back to back [Music] i was trying the asmr crate and uh we got back to back non-painted exotics thank you venom for the uh for the donation mike i you should join over dramatic crate again i literally said last time someone asked me that i said i don't want to do an overreaction crate because i want it to be real i only want to do it when necessary because i did get a noise complaint once i don't want to bother my neighbors too much unless it's absolutely insane i said that and then i got a wet paint um black market so another white diametes wheel i've i've had like three or four of these today bro watch 269 you got it sincey i wish i could do all of this random thank you donation remember that's why it's it's not profitable okay to open a bunch of crates like this so that's why i'm doing it so you guys don't have to we can have a good time it's to say thank you 61 000 subscribers every crate i open represents um a thousand of you uh subscribers to the pixel army channel so much love to all of you and to all a good night very glad i found your channel you make my day every day 2k tqs shadow thank you for the five dollars and i really appreciate that compliment uh mimsix five pounds keep up all the good work i will do new video in two hours as well we gotta stream the video on the same day that's what happens when we reach six hundred thousand subscribers um sweaty x virus trying to hit one mill views on tick tock thanks for donation man good luck good luck with that check your sub count on google have you got kids in a family i don't have kids um or anything like that [Music] holy balls man the livestream is already at nearly 80 000 views mental i will give you a thousand pounds and you break your elbow no i would not break my elbow for any amount of money well maybe 10 million talk but not a thousand pounds but sienna let's go did you get a black market i've had four uh but please do you are my didn't we like i swear buck i swear we spoke about that in a cool one [Music] uh shout now a harry g on tick tock thanks for the donation man and mr ricardo 10 pounds hey matt um it's the guy you sent the message to from my girlfriend and i love your content and you make my day so much i wanted to contact you like it's insane it's matt the guy of course yes yeah i thought so um charlotte contacted me and yes i hope you enjoyed your message um yeah thank you for the wow thank you for the donation man i didn't expect that but it's good to see you um colin bendler thank you for the ten dollars i was in one of your tick tock videos my cousin showed me on christmas i was so happy that would have been the recent one that i'd imagine uh but let's go big up thank you for the donations seriously um hold up yeah that was crazy but good to see you here matt thank you for the donation as well you're gonna make a highlights vid i don't know how much did 600 how much did that cost yeah about a thousand dollars as i said so all the donations i get are gonna go towards that obviously i'll donate a thousand pounds if you get a bm in the next 100 crates oh fake musty yeah sure sure you will desire we sent hallelujah together which by the way is on my channel oh mate i was trolling didn't even sing it properly damn it i need to catch up with so many videos actually you're uploading schedules insane you're doing better than me i did watch the breezy flick tutorial though but the problem is that it requires me to change my controller settings and it's just so much mess with muscle memory to forget i might have to just bite the bullet and suck it roughly for six more months um steps will squad five dollars hey man i've been training recently any suggestions on what i should do to get better items um unfortunately trading legitimately is just like patience and like sniping deals sometimes you can spot an item that might you know you think might go up in price and get it right and you know etc and have success that way but mainly is patience that's the sustainable one because if you think like oh i can make a thousand profit thousand credits profit in a week that's like not a lot but some people have been trading on rocket league for four years you know that's two hundred thousand credits which means you can get pretty much anything you want so there is a way to do it it just takes a lot of time tikka wanna fish thank you for the donation man we got an import it's been a while it's been a while since we've got a black market it's been over a hundred crates now so i need to reset the lux somehow uh so let me do a little recap uh so we had these three today and a hellfire from the golden gift series um exotics i think we started at the burnt sienna raging so we've had all these exotics a couple blacks there pretty cool pretty cool i like that do like that um why am i so bright and overexposed can i like don't know how to change that it's so washed out um let me see if i can make an adjustment um no that's not it dude i mean that was better but then as soon as i went into this tab it changed back turn off the light let me see how it looks with the light off oh it's so dark i mean it's wait i can fix this there we go there we go nice i've got a nice bright light there that'll do that'll do nicely won't it trade up i don't have any trade-ups to do i'm afraid um uh mystic would you have any suggestions for my channel honestly i would just say keep going you know rocket league is trendy i think really try and make the best videos possible bring bring as much value to the viewers as possible that's got to be the goal light is a little bit turned off yeah it's kind of if i've got a white window up here then it looks quite good um uh but thank you for the donation mystic dt let me turn this down i'm a bit close [Music] i don't know why it does every time i change tab the mic is like yeah it's not a bad mic it's just that it's too loud like if i turn it way down i go here the mic quality is really really good um is this good is this good for you um yeah just keep uploading love you guys keep doing your best thank you um thanks for the donation anthony church with this two dollars you'll get a mystery a bm within the next 10 we'll start from now then or do 240 to 230 ready fred coming in uh when are we going to play rogue ssl f2 we need to we need to i don't know when it's get too low we'll do that the old faithful amount okay too low yeah i think it's a bit too low don't put the mic too much mike it did it did get a little bit loud you should see when it's loud this way listen to how loud this is i'm whispering and it's very loud like i'm so quiet right now and i bet you can hear every single word i'm saying whereas if i speak norm this is quite speaking and it's very loud so can't be doing that crazy how it's dark outside dude it's mental it's crazy i mean it is getting lighter now though um it's obviously after the 21st of december the nights start to get lighter so we're we're past that part so it's it's not going to be as it's about as dark as it's going to get right now it's it's 4 15. it's so dark what the hell it is it weirdly is um [Music] okay you are my fire the one striker power shot let's go just checking the old um the old live stream 5 000 people watching mental nearly 10 000 likes let's have another like spike right now come on we're getting very close to 10 000 which is nuts uh oh hold up there we go i just had no donation now to look at uh frosty skips with the five dollars pixel if you get a bm with the next ten i'll make a basketball montage i'd love to see it uh blade tricks three pounds love the channel keep the hard work thank you thank you thank you thank you hey tv cards how you doing uh guinea pigs are probably wondering why the heck it's dark like why is this guy sat in the dark um it's all about the lighting about the lighting he's such a nice guy i hope you can see this well thank you dude what's going on with rocket league we've got four black markets which is you know 400 crates worth of black markets so we've actually got more black markets than we should but we haven't had any in the last 100 crates so where are they that is the real question of the day crimson disco tech the crisco tech that's on 600k subs thank you i woke up this morning went to bed with 599 500 and woke up with um six hundred thousand two hundred we're now at over six hundred and two thousand five hundred so we're getting very close to six hundred and three thousand which is mad so if you are new around here i do upload rocket league videos every single day the best of the best and this is like a 600 000 subscriber special so i upload tick tocks every single day as well try and stream on twitch and uh yeah seneca's here yep he's he's lurking he's chilling xenicle picks on the 1v1 wager oh interesting oh [Music] let's go let's go titanium white input body yes victor certified as well look how clean that looks i know you have to get like the specific cars that people like for it to be sick but titanium white gang exactly i'm a proud member of the like ah it's like a showroom car nice rate that back-to-back white [Music] no jimbo thank you for the two dollars man please do as i said if you don't please do leave a message with the donation like frank has just donated um and he says pick pixel you are a really good singer thank you let's go back sienna current siena gang uh thank you uh thank you for the compliment burnt sienna gang rise up i mean that especially for a chrono wheel that looks pretty burnt sienna as a default it's like you know 100k dollars i will not say no dude the luck's getting good you know imports exotics no just just need that bm now um oh i gotta read the rest of that donut it says australia gang has arrived at 3 18 a.m you're the best pixel love the vids may have a good one you absolute gun thank you i had to tab out to read that one because it was a longer message oh the mic i don't know why it does that every time i go to a new tab yeah but thank you grips for the donation your face is titanium white gang oh man see this is map we've still got more than um the most ever open the most open in one video is is was it 200 i did yesterday exactly we've got more than that left so lost the tawny rip i feel you i feel you man congrats on the 600k subs thank you unreal come on come on best item so far uh either the hellfire or the black hypnotics probably the black girl looks looked cool but value-wise probably maybe even the black black economics the white ekg is pretty valuable i'd imagine going for 9k likes like spike right now drop a like on the stream do an under reaction crate i don't know how to unrea under react to a non-painted rare i mean 601k well it's now 602 um if you refresh oh see it's a limbus the lime not nimbus one not the one where's your ticked up my tick tock pick pixel yt jimbo come in with the two dollar donut in the next five you'll get a black market yeah i'm surprised we last got our black market at 350. it's now 2 13. broccoli wouldn't send us 150 crates without market would they seneca's here yeah i know he's here 9k likes baby let's get it white samurai a few hundred credits not bad not bad when you get a bm you can't react if it's soon and i remember as soon as i see the black market gold explosion or all the black market color i should say i'll do a no reaction i'll do a no reaction black market crate that's quite cool i've never thought of that just just so that way it's a guaranteed black market you just can't react to what then pops up really good idea griffith says open a black market not a rare thank you for the tip that's an agent davis is a g he is a g 200 dollars donation one of them did just disappear but not your comment i think the more you donate the longer they stay there which is why they've been up there for so long but what what a hero but if you want to donate and support the cost of the stream you can just press the dollar button uh in the chat oh i went back mickey coming in with the emojis let's go don't forget to like and subscribe exactly aside we just need john sandman john's probably asleep because he stays up one really late and it's never really up in the morning and two he's like eight hours behind me so if anything john might be just going to bed now like he's definitely asleep like john is i guarantee you john if he's not still awake from christmas day um if i know john anyway it's my birthday today your van der pass happy birthday exotic wheel coming in titanium black that's just the most colorblind guy in the world i saw the light bits i thought it was white we've had three black exotics titanium black um this is how you donate all my tip donation this stream mickey tenth unreal mickey coming in let's get hashtag mickey in the chat as well a lot of donations um i really appreciate that and ross miller come here the pixel army emojis as well those look white they right i was like titanium black okay we've opened 402 crates [Music] and uh four black markets and 400 crates the drop rate is one percent so it makes sense it makes sense but that means we are gonna get at least two more two more chances at the painted fireworks if we get a white fireworks live over 5000 people watching another exotic oh purple clock works nice holy geez riley thomas coming in with a 50 15 donation and all they left was a smiley face thank you that made me smile thank you very much i gotta hydrate my throats get a bit sore rocket league make a new painted type titanium black yeah some of the items that are black do you look a bit weirdly white blind trading i see what you did there i see what you did there color blind trading that's a nice little pun are you making this a youtube video riptide thanks for the donation um i'm not entirely sure yet obviously there's a couple problems with that um i'd have to record it from youtube etc but also that the lighting isn't consistent i had to turn off the light for different reasons and the the quality isn't as high as it would be for a regular video so i might just leave the stream on the channel and have like a double upload today i think that's probably the better idea um but yeah i love from brazil second place discord you got second place in the christmas event my guy good to see you here thank you far cry for the donation and thank you jack for the donation as well you think skyline's coming back i hope so i hope so make more minecraft content i'll tell you what paul it's really interesting because obviously if you click on my videos right now and you click oldest so my oldest videos on the channel you will see i started out nearly five years ago doing minecraft videos i love minecraft and i mean i don't pick a pixel is a minecraft pun because when you mine in minecraft with a pickaxe you're picking a pixel because minecraft's so pixelated one block is like one pixel it's not but it looks like it so pixel is to mine in minecraft so it's a minecraft verb that's how i got this name i made it up from that so i'm thinking like do i make like a minecraft video i wouldn't just make like an uncut minecraft game make it like a minecraft movie i'd have to make it good that's the thing if i ever make a video on a game that's not rocket league before you watch it you'll you'll know that it's a really good video because i wouldn't post it otherwise you know what i mean like for me to post a video that's not rocket league same with the tick tock videos to be honest they're not inherently rocket league so i put more effort into those videos almost i try and make them better to compensate for the fact that it's not what you're normally used to so if i do make a minecraft video or something like that or anything or a vlog if i post a blog on this channel you'll know it's gonna be awesome and worth your time yeah i could see him as a minecraft youtuber yeah i was um do you think 20k by the end of the year is unrealistic am i 18k right now 2k in a week i mean mystic guys mystic he's uh i don't think it will happen but you never know congrats on 60k thank you well guys mystic he's he's pinned in the donations right now in the live chat it's five pounds so it's gonna run out quite soon so why not drop us out on mystic's channel if you do like rocking the content and see if we can get into 20k by the end of the year there's 5 000 people watching so even just to show support i mean obviously he and i would both rather you subscribe if you're actually going to watch the videos but if you like rocket league um we could easily get you know a load of subs in the next couple minutes oh yeah um mickey i did i did thanks for the donation again uh museok he he he obviously i think epic games they did a promotion with a bunch of youtubers where they paid people to play rocket league um and he just opened some rare drops and he got a titanium octane and a rare drop and he looked at it and he didn't even react a bit because he had no idea like it's fair enough you don't know what it's worth so he gets the best item you can get in a drop and it's unreal it's unreal like luck and he just didn't react and fair enough he didn't know what are you gonna do [Music] just one first round of platt tawny let's go [Music] i need to go back and watch the minecraft go for it yeah by all means go back i've got some cool stuff you lose 120 000 credits to one golden 2020 value nice i don't know what that means victor oh stretch out i've got four black markets so far it's not bad can you get black dices out of a drop uh as long as it's not an import drop um you can get you know get it from an uncommon drop a rare drop and a very rare drop mickey says they're selling for 17 to 18k on their platform click on the black market option start on a black market end of the black market let's do it start in the black market end of that market come on baby where is it where's the black market come on now come on now let's go let's go let's go adrian pirello sent me a massive thumbs up emoji with a four dollar donation thank you i appreciate that oh white gaydens tell you what um [Music] um no [Music] bang i was your first subscriber no you weren't i know who my first subscriber was it was kazelle the man gazelle on the next bmb it's been so long i know it's been nearly 200 since the last black market [Music] we got a few in a row and then it's dried up see you later we're gonna head out hope you're streaming as well thank you thank you very much thank you bam let's get it yes let's go let's go let's go out of nowhere out of nowhere out of nowhere that's the best thing yes yes oh my goodness i looked away for a second there we go manta ray with a two pound donation thank you oh there we go we've got that we've almost got the trio the best three black markets in this crate are hellfire dissolver and mainframe we've got hellfire unders over five black markets let's go let's go i just realized yeah no controller doesn't work boom start on a black market end on a black market let's get it i reacted of course i was supposed to i think it's because i didn't see the black market glow until right at the end when dissolver came up it was too late i needed uh and also yeah i'm sorry i don't think i can do that i'll just forget it for some reason i'm feeling a painted mainframe yeah let's let's go with that i wouldn't mind that at all i wouldn't mind that at all but there we go lol you missed my donut uh 100k subscribers with two videos i did see your sunglass emoji dono um i just didn't didn't know about your name mate i mean best of luck on your goal and thank you for supporting the stream also yeah the donation came in right as we got the black market it was all a bit mental merry late christmas thank you thank you [Music] we've been since the beginning uh well my mate gazelle he was number one hit the table for luck ah did it you inspire me haven't got too much money auto cookie thanks for the donation thank you i appreciate that's totally fine thank you oh man we got we still got 150 150 crates to go nimbus oh my goodness uh thank you 100k subscribers again for the donation and riley thomas this time with a slanted face and a 10 donation that's mad why are you sad bro thank you for the donation i appreciate that um thank you all right let's go let's carry on anything good we just got a dissolver which is uh one of the most valuable non-painted black markets in the game probably i don't think sellers worth more than solar but i know dueling dragons is worth more non-painted but that's a goal explosion come on come on baby red red oh painted sky blue not bad not bad are you doing a giveaway i do loads of giveaways if i do i'll i'll mention it in a video as i always do can i please have the result with my favorite black marker uh black market sweat uh keep an eye on my discord on my videos as to what i'm gonna do with that i'll probably do something cool with that cuz that yeah that's a very very cool one love your vids thank you cobalt okay i mean it's not the worst it's not the worst thing we could have got the luck's been really good the last 20 crates even you know painted exotics flat markets it's been good it's been good um right bam when's the new tournament opening i've decided to um [Music] uh i've decided to wait till next week um to do it because i need a few more credits i think i've got like 84 000 i want to have over 100 000 i want to open at least 100 prospect cups oh come on that's a regular guy don't worry man what you gonna do huh what you gonna do when they come for you bang today i got my first bm ever gold explosion let's go nice uh chaos brr pixel you're a legend thank you man thanks for the donation uh what currency is that that's a new one i'm gonna have to check that out um [Music] oh philippines peso okay okay i see whoa missed it coming with a 50 pound donation i'm gonna leave this here if that's okay thanks for the subscribers bro mystic the road 220k by the end of the year is on my friend thank you for the donation man i really appreciate that if you guys like uh broccoli videos you want to help mystic get to 20k subscribers his name is pinned at the top of the live chat madness that's crazy wow thank you dude um that's gonna help with the cost of this stream a lot so thank you very much wagwan you absolute gaffer let's carry on i have credits well use them wisely [Music] i'm just having a quick look at the uh premier league scores philippine palace two nil and fulham and southampton are drawing neil oh exotic come on oh okay orange orange hypnotics i'll tell you that i'll tell you that all right let's open it up easy black market right here [Music] damn still over 100 to go though still over 5000 views as well crazy stuff uh pickpixel thanks for the entertainment in quarantine i appreciate that message thank you i hope i've made your quarantine a bit easier a bit better hope you had a great christmas says auto cookie thank you for the donation man it's been amazing yesterday in particular was was awesome painted saptorishi saffron i think we got at least one more black market in us and it would make sense if we got six black markets out of six hundred feet i'm feeling a bird seeing a mainframe or burnt sienna fireworks says ross reno villa [Music] oh my goodness oh i just literally looked away wait how on earth and phil had done that what is going on we got a sixth black market i didn't even see i didn't even see it can i have a black market maven instead or julie dragon um please keep an eye on my giveaways uh thank you fishy for the for the um donation what the heck i just saw that villa had tyrone ming sent off for a second yellow at 45 minutes there were one no up and they've only gone and scored two more goals as a result of that with 10 men what the heck and then i got a black market that's unreal that's unreal wow we've got six we have a dissolver singularity we don't need duplicates dissolver singularity hellfire wet paint popcorn party time this has been really is turned into a bit of a good opening this has um we got another donation uh i need to move my [Music] browser i love your content no let me turn it down i love your content you're always so enthusiastic and fun to watch you inspire me start on your youtube channel via sara i hope this donation will help it definitely will vince thank you um there we go i'm back in back in thanks for the donation um yeah it really does help it really does nearly 10 000 likes let's have another like spike we're getting very very close to the big 10k how'd you get so many golden presents uh i traded for them i spent 120 000 credits about a thousand dollars on this live stream so there you go thank you for the uh for the donation as well as the emoji [Music] my jaw is sore lucky stars not very lucky though is it mystic hey let's go pixel army members club welcome enjoy the badge thank you for stopping by jimmy reigns with the five dollars cam reset at 105 equals bmd i'm not gonna do a camry set i'm afraid i don't want to mess with any technology it's been working relatively okay minus the controller situation so far fishy and ipad can i have it yes or no it's okay uh i as i said uh keep an eye on my giveaways i'm not just gonna give it to you but keep an eye on my giveaways to see how you can get involved with that because i'm afraid i can't give an item to everyone who asks because it would be too many i got a bm dueling dragons from my first trailer ever well there you go i got an exotic as you said that titanium white scorer oh my days oh my goodness white score exotics and it's a reverb oh oh that luck is nuts that's the same as getting a white score of zomba oh that's crazy thank you vince again for the donation mad mad come on let me see that like spike to 10 000 likes we're a couple hundred away love you from scotland big up scotland [Music] back to back titanium white oh my days just give me a white black market rocket league you know you want to you know you want to what's this what's the third one gonna be come on no way no way oh no so close so close so close oh oh oh oh my gosh oh my days bro i thought we just got white chronos i did get debated i really did oh my goodness 10k likes thank you everybody so much 5 000 viewers so we had white exotics white scoring white very rare and a great exotic the content is amazing keep it up thank you vince i do have another video uh coming out today in just over an hour so that's gonna be great [Music] [Music] okay okay okay 10k likes by the way let's get it come on baby come on we want a big big finish want a big finish what bms you get i will do a little recap we got dissolver that is a big one big big one don't have a dissolver actually i don't think so come on import oh uh crimson okay i thought it was going to be burnt sienna but hey god to get pixel to get a white flat market hopefully um uh thank you to den claus get nielsen for the donation you do live streams this is a one-off stream for youtube to say thank you for 600 000 subscribers i mean um let me just check we're nearly at 603 000 subscribers so we'll probably hit that by the end of the stream which is mental so thank you thank you so much so i'm just checking real quick if you read this out live out loud you get another painted exotic okay all right i see you i see [Music] hmm come on man um right okay [Music] sorry i just went a bit uh went a bit it's hard to concentrate sometimes there's a lot to read drop 67 will be a banger hope these donuts help they do want to play i'm diamond too thank you k grip topic um again i don't really i don't really actually play the game that much in my free time i don't get a lot of free time um but the best place to keep an eye on gameplay and stuff is it's my discord server we've got already got six black markets which is how many you'd expect from 600 so hopefully we can get another one then we can say our luck has been better and we've got quite a lot of painted exotics a lot of black we had a white one so if you just give me one more black marker exotic you never know no reaction for black market i think they're just so hyped i always forget if i remember when i open one i will do it [Music] okay oh right i'm gonna move on i guess um i remembered i remember the tiny tiny bit too late oh i should have remembered sooner i freaked out i freaked out i just i saw it and then i contained myself i reacted to the black market glow but to be fair i haven't reacted to the item let's move on not to see here oh literally dude if i was a bit quicker i could have just oh man you're so lucky easy zandy thank you for the uh for the donation i appreciate that that was unreal second second is over that's the first duplicate black market we've got and it's the best one that is what you like to see clip it clip it clip it yes 100 more crates we've had seven black markets so our luck has been good our luck has been good [Music] yes we got 10k likes as well smashed it not bad not bad i think there's still you know one more crate one more good crate at least in these hundred that's gonna be you know do you make the trades after the opening you can't trade up crate items so i'm afraid all of these are just going to sit in my inventory very annoying that they stopped crate trade-ups but it is what it is oh what a roller coaster i feel a bit sick oh musty is not in the chat damn two dissolvers back to back [Music] you'd have a uh a verified check mark um how did i get so many crates i traded for them i bought them each one [Music] come on man gotta go now but enjoy the stream thank you mystic thank you for stopping by best of luck to you dude and thank you for the donation again pixel do you ever the tick [Music] uh maybe maybe i've seen them i don't know what ones they are so i can't tell you oh it's an import it's a red [Music] okay come on i'm still streaming i am i had to open all of the crates i had to open all the crates we got 86 more to go [Music] [Music] right 74 is going to be good thank you kevin for the donation quick [Music] i'm look home right [Music] okay sorry one second 82 this is where uh how many black markets you have in your inventory auntie over a hundred thank you donation over 100 i think pretty close to that anyway thanks to black market trade-ups really to be honest tell the world i'm coming home um come on now what is this bam okay let me carry on we move sorry i'm just i'm just stoning i'm just checking trying to there's so much going on right now okay right 79 golden gifts we carry on what did i miss uh you missed a lot of really sick stuff i'm not gonna lie um we had two dissolvers hellfire uh how's your day love the you helped me with trading invader zim gir thank you for the donation um yeah it's very kind of you to say um painted certified import on the 48th case holy hell 600 golden gifts exactly uh we're at 75 left after this one [Music] do the world yo yo um let me do actually i think we might be at 603 000 subscribers if the app wants to refresh it's not refreshing but we must be close if you do want to see obviously as you can see i can't be as high energy i can't be like all video mode on stream because it just i can't do it my videos are oh they look clean like those my videos there they're obviously edited they're shorter amounts of time my throat is getting really sore my goodness vm at 69. we'd hope so you know you sad i'm not sad it's my photo starting to hurt um thank you kevin for the donation i appreciate that just four hundred thousand more till one million exactly invader zim thank you for joining the pixar members club enjoy the badge it continues to upgrade the longer you're in and you get the custom emojis as well feel free to use those your name changes color as well so i can actually see your messages a bit easier vm at 69. this is an import black a lot of black did someone say painted certified at 69 paint certified import or was that on this crate 69 this is the one 43's gonna be a banger says vince thank you the donation man let's get it [Music] come on [Music] and boom it's an import if you get a bm in the next 10 i'll donate 10 all right anthony thank you for the donation the next 10 all right so down to 56. let's go rare rare okay okay i hope you get a jordan dragons i'm afraid that's not possible the best things you can get from this crater dissolver painted fireworks painted mainframe um hellfire really go here we go gray so down to 56 oh titanium whites goalkeeper comet there we go not bad not bad at all hot rocks not the one [Music] sienna gang three more i need to be a black market three or for that donation to uh to come in two more [Music] snicker ball bam ross miller's got the uh the pixel remember emojis hope you get that bm thank you kevin one more black market crate oh it's an exotic it's a raging wheel we are raging with that still we got more black markets than you'd expect with 600 crates you can expect six we got seven that's good that's more than most people predicted most people i said they predicted five to sort of eight so we're on the upper end of what most people thought would get and we still got some stuff left painted sub-zero that'd be quite cool it'd be quite cool a lot of white stuff though striker hellfire i'm 54 i'm afraid we just missed that [Music] let's keep going 50 more after this one i tweeted you on twitter open twitter well i'm busy right now so i'll see you when i next check it out my god [Music] john got a crimson sub-zero yes so i heard we got a white exotic you choose one black market with one color in certification which one would you choose if it has to exist oh wait white jewel and dragons was in the item shop i guess white striker julian dragons white striker interstellar would be cool it would have to be white striker it's just a matter of what black mark get why depressed picture i'm not depressed uh here's five for getting exhausted gotta go see it thank you anthony church i appreciate that man have a good one i'm not depressed i'm just um i can't oh hold up oh regular clockwork it's i can't have it's just it's just i'm not as in like energetic as i'm in my videos because i've been live for two and a half hours and i can't maintain that energy uh mostly because my throat doesn't allow me to uh because my throat is quite sore you probably seen again now i am i have to be that was the rule that was the deal i made shout out you see yes footballer 99 can we do a trade up off this opening no i can't i don't have anything to trade up i wish i could best item i got one of the dissolvers take your pick pick your poison you think we're gonna get another one in the final um 41 crates grey mainframe is 43k to 50k yes it's uh oh we're 15 subscribers away from 603 thousand so please do subscribe if you're new around here we've got over 5 000 viewers that's nuts we've averaged about five to six thousand viewers for the whole stream that's crazy there's a new video in an hour it's great [Music] how long you invert sienna going i don't know i don't know how to get out of it maybe i don't know maybe whatever pick a picture do you love me i don't even know whose account that actually is like who that their original account [Music] you make my day better when you upload well that's very kind of you must mean i make your day every day because we upload every day white striker mainframe uh thank you for the donation um possibly i mean we could get a white striker mainframe in this crate so macaulay uh have you ever considered doing a rocky channel i thought about it ah it's gonna be a forest green discotheque you need to rest your eyes off the stream yeah i do i need to i need to rest my throat is the main thing um it's just been talking for nearly three hours just non-stop yeah get uh get a titanium white black market and you're out that's that's that's a fair deal i think i might even mention that in a video like that's the deal um titanium white black market and we can uh we can vacate burnt sienna gang uh invaders in juror again my friend got a striker that i won a second crate shaking my head have a great day thank you very much thank you for the donation you have a great day as well you have kareena corona just normal sick i'm not sick i just have a sore throat because i've been using my voice for three hours straight like most people they don't realize you're not uh matthew i see you thank you um they don't speak so enthusiastically and like present for hours on end like people just don't do that nobody ever rests they just stop talking i think my lights out there just fell in fact what the lights are off they shouldn't be turned off it's now even darker in here it's not covered no no it's lit my my throat was perfectly fine before the stream it's just using my voice can happen happened to me quite a lot before i love your voice thank you thank you very much say hi to isaac [Music] i need some tea i i need something i need something i like your toppings i respect the grime man thank you i appreciate that we got 24 more crates to go we're getting into the final stretch we got more at use code pixel army ah he knows he knows i don't even know if that's showing up on um on stream actually maybe it is yeah it is it does show up on stream but uh yes you're on a madness on youtube exactly we're on the road the road to a million subscribers i just came back to get another bm besides hellfire you missed two dissolvers you missed the best luck we've had we got white exotics as well these are the dicey well these are the diameters wheels but these that i have on the gold ones you'll see them when we don't get a wheel the dicey aurora wheels so you'll see them now these are dicey auros yeah 600k subs i know this is obviously a 600 000 subscriber thank you stream 600 crates for i 600k know if we're going to get another black market i don't know [Music] come on as we're getting near to the end just drop a question in the chat if you want me to answer a question i will answer a couple before we leave let me give you some luck please do i'm also there because i did a lot of work uh i can take because i did a lot of work and there's now video scheduled up until wednesday i know it's saturday um i can take tomorrow completely off i wasn't supposed to work today but i wanted to do something to celebrate 600 000 so oh yes big finish let's go hey hey let's go you already know yes yes whoa dude the luck how have we got three dissolvers in a row oh my goodness that's nuts that's actually nuts now i think about it there's like 12 black markets in this crate and we've got three black markets 14 crates someone definitely said that in the chat someone definitely called that dissolver by the way there is gonna be um there is gonna be chat replay on the the video that's up from the stream so we'll be able to see who did it oh my goodness oh my goodness i know wow eight black markets and three dissolvers and a hellfire it was a bit rough at the start party time popcorn and wet paint but then we got hellfire a dissolver we did get a singularity as well actually i forgot that and then two more dissolvers wow thank you spencer c for the donation that's uh if you were to tell at the beginning we get eight black markets i would have taken that eight black markets white exotics white imports white very rares white rares no painted black market but when you're getting dissolvers it doesn't really matter because you can't get this over painted you also can't get you so you can't get painted party time popcorn hellfire or dissolver so out of the eight black markers i've got only two of them can come painted and that's singularity and wet paint so i'm not really too bothered because this this crate doesn't have a lot of painted black markets in it um jack mayoff can you say my full name to know you saw this i see it thanks for the donation technically slav thank you for the donation as well and kng cairo thank you also for the donation and captain sweden thanks for the donation you guys are crushing it thank you mental five will be a bm five is a rare there's all kinds of different uh potentials here and it is a rare i don't think we're gonna get anything uh anything else but three dissolvers i mean i think a couple of them were certified too i'll donate a thousand dollars if the last isn't bm [Music] all the donations go towards the the cost of this stream so thank you everyone that has donated unreal two more crates to go big finish [Music] come on baby tell you what i'm gonna do for the stream i'm gonna open one champions cup i need like i desperately need to keep the rest for a video for a prospect video but i'm gonna open one champions cup if you guys want me to could get a painted hades bomb painted we'll probably get a painted very rare but i'm going to open one champion's cup you i cannot open all of them because i'm saving the credits for a video um guaranteed painted so if we get a black market can be sick here we go baby i see that's why no bun bun bun bun bun painted very rare there you go so now if we go to garage go to most recent black market yeah look at that we got all of these well first we've got a hellfire um and then we got these i think we missing one we got that that that hellfire that yeah eight eight so yeah we got the hellfire in the archive and then we got all of these three dissolvers two certified let's chuck these in the archive chuck them all in why not boom so there we go thank you everybody so much for watching absolutely mad so many dissolvers i think we're at 603 000 subscribers which is also sick please do drop a like on the stream thank you matthew m for the donation um you guys have been awesome drop a like on the video as well uh a million crates for a million subscribers i couldn't oh a thousand crates yeah you know what as well as giving away everything before i do i'll open a thousand crates then i'll give all that away too hopefully i can remember that um but we're going to get to a million cells in 2021. thank you so much for 600 000 subscribers there's a new video in less than an hour so subscribe down below and turn on the bell so you don't miss that video i want to see if you if you guys go on that video we need to comment something so that i know you watch the stream on tonight's video okay something do the dissolver um something like you know i would want you know like does just include dissolver in your comments like ah wish you had a dessert because it's a blind trading imagine you gave away a dissolver dissolve was my favorite black market if dissolver is in your comment i will know that you are a member of the stream gang so thank you everybody so much for watching stay awesome have an amazing boxing day it's in less than an hour so turn on the bell and i upload every single day so yeah thanks for watching and i'm gonna turn it down i will see you all in less than an hour boom
Channel: pickapixel
Views: 1,012,390
Rating: 4.9139118 out of 5
Keywords: pickapixel, ROCKET, LEAGUE, rocket league golden gift, rocket league golden gift 2020, golden gift 2020, golden gift 20, golden gift 2020 opening, pickapixel golden gift 20, pickapixel golden gift 2020, golden gift pack, black market crate opening, rocket league crate opening, crate opening, pickapixel crate opening, pickapixel best crate opening, frosty fest 2020, rocket league frosty frest 2020, rocket league golden gift opening, best golden gift opening, Pixel
Id: IXqA6DiEe0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 44sec (9344 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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