KATEN KYOKOTSU ๐Ÿ’€ Shunsui's Zanpakuto - Bleach Discussion | Tekking101

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ah such a pleasant spring afternoon isn't it the cherry blossoms are falling it is also beautiful we don't have to do today's video if you don't want to you could just go out and enjoy the great outdoors and unless you're living somewhere where there's a massive snowstorm or it's like really hot out or there's like monsoons going on I don't know where you're living out in the world but you could just take it chill guys just take it chill just sit down and just drink from a saucer cup that you're pretending to be a sock uzuki with absolutely nothing in it that's that's really how you're supposed to enjoy your spring afternoons right alright so today we are gonna be talking about the zanpakuto of eighth division captain actually the current captain commander of the gotei 13 shunsui kyoraku zanpakuto coq10 cho katsu alright and shoes we is a fan favorite we love shewn Sweden that last arc man he picked up that torch from Yamamoto took up the position as the Captain Commander not something I think he would have wanted to pick himself central 46 kind of just gave it to him but he realized he's like okay the entire soul society actually the fate of all the worlds is hinging on us the Shinigami defeating the Quincy so even though I personally don't really like this I have to do it because it's my duty to gosh egami it's a duty to yamamoto who is my teacher and like a father figure to me who I looked up to it's a duty to my brother it's a duty to his wife it's a duty to Ninh now I have to save everybody so I'm gonna do this now he might be a tad lazy sometimes but his power speaks for itself okay you do not want to mess with Jun sweet alright he will he will eliminate you but he'll do it in a very poetic kind of way he won't he doesn't just slice you down okay well he did that with shad that one time but he wasn't trying to kill him alright so yeah he won't do that his zanpakuto Kotzen kyokotsu it's a little strange one it's one that has that limiter on it you know that a lot of anime characters have like I can't fight you at full power because XY and Z but after XY and Z have been room moved you're just gonna be a pile of ash on the ground right so in the case with his zanpakuto though its personality is something that actually hinders him from fighting at full power okay so his zanpakuto is conten kyokotsu and as you could see here it comes in the form of two zanpakuto a rather unusual thing normally a zanpakuto is just a single blade but in shooting squeeze case he has two I'm actually curious how that worked with the a su Chi that was given to him when he was a student because it was stated by annamaya you know that all the students of the academy get one a su Chi and then they train with it night and day and they pour their reiatsu and do it and eventually it becomes their own zanpakuto so I'm wondering if in soon SWE's case he eventually got his AA su Chi to split maybe he was pouring his reiatsu into it and then eventually he woke up one day and there were two swords next to him and he's like whoa all right there's actually another theory regarding it and that's that shewn sui and his zanpakuto cotton were lovers and they somehow managed to have a child together who was kyokotsu alright and that's that's a weird way to look at it but one of the spirits is a very buxom adult woman and the other spirit that represents his second sword his wakizashi is in fact like a child so that you can look at it that way as well but it's Dom Paquito the bankai anyway has to deal with like a theater play alright so you could look at it like the story of a man that falls in love with his sword and they you know have sex probably a little bit more of a poetic way to say they just bang but there you go and then they have a child that they nurture together maybe something along those lines a zanpakuto is most definitely a little different from the other ones okay so shouldn't we practice this dice show and what that literally means in Japanese is just big small dice show all right whenever you see a character wielding two blades like this like a long katana its Itachi in this case and then a smaller sort of walk as Oishi and they use them in tandem usually on their hips together that's Daisho okay so in the case here the way that he explained this to stark and soon squeeze ambidextrous so he has both control of his right and left hand so he can use both of his swords in whichever way you know equal strength there he explained that he only really likes to use his short sword in places where you know it's it's - you know narrow for him to fight but in fact that was just a lie that he was telling stark he's actually used to using both of them and any given time so that's the thing was shewn sweet he'll try to do a little bit of everything to try to get the upper hand in a fight even after the fight was stark he kind of nailed like he kind of backstabbed him if we're being honest that's what he did he was in the middle of fighting rose and love and then at the end of their fight soon so he just comes out of nowhere and just pull and just stabs stark right in the back and that eventually leads to the end of that fight and at the end of it I think love goes up to shoots Wien is like you know you're butting into other people's fights that's not cool and shoots we just look straight at him and he's just like dude this is a battle this is war you know you know the second that both sides go into war they're both in the wrong so at that point it's just like do what you got to do to win all right I did what I had to do to win and he wasn't happy about it it wasn't like soon so he was like I killed the first Espada oh yeah I'm awesome no it's not like that it's just like you know he kind of honestly looked at Starke and saw man if you and I weren't on opposite sides I could see kind of having like a drink with you or something right but what are you gonna do we're at war right now you're pledged allegiance to Aizen we got to make sure that we win this so I'm gonna do anything I have to do to win this fight so the first time they started fighting it was pretty chill he just took out his swords and just clashed and whatever and then the fight started to get a little bit more serious and he activated his sword his release command for Conte and kyokotsu is one of the longest ones I think it is slightly longer than okay takis which is also pretty long which means they kind of they're used to working together so there's a lot of dualities between ukitake and shooting sweep but the command for his zanpakuto it's it's not really so much of a command like how or attack or bites but it's like a poem which fits his personality it's in the english dub it's flower wind rage and flower god roar heavenly wind rage and heavenly demons sneer captain kyokotsu so it's a little slightly different in the japanese obviously but that's that you get the general idea of it okay takis is also pretty long it's waves rise and rise now and become my shield light strike now and become my blade but I think soon sweet is slightly longer all right so here's something I didn't know when going into his shikai I always assumed both of his swords they turn into these scimitar looking things I always assumed they were the same size but if you actually look at them they are one of them the one that is the walk is Ashly is actually slightly smaller than the one that's the katana so it's still basically the same general idea of how he fights now the ability that his zanpakuto exhibits in the shikai that's the tricky part okay cuz I think he can go into shikai whenever he wants he can access those giant scimitars whenever they're very ornate and all that stuff and he can fight with those but when it comes to activating the power of the Sheik I that's a little tricky because it's the power to make children's games a reality and as I said one of the fractions of his zanpakuto is a small child and the way students we likens this is you know when that when a child takes you by the hand and goes off to play games with you you know their their mood can change in an instant go let's go play Foursquare now let's go play hide-and-seek okay now let's play red light green light you know like so the way that this works is whatever mood his zanpakuto happens to be in at the time that's the game they're kind of stuck playing and if they just don't feel like playing a game then shootings we cannot activate any of his zanpakuto's ability bit of a handicap there but at the same time it makes sense given how freakishly strong his zanpakuto is it follows the rules of the game whatever they may be and everybody within the realms of shewn squeeze reacts who has to follow these rules to the letter or else they will lose in this case winning means you live and losing means you die now there's a few instances of that where it's not exactly true because there's a few times that they played games with likelike students we played a game with Stark he used a technique called bucho coma and bucho coma is just like a wind attack it's a lazy spinning top is the translation it's just he swings his sword and then just a wind attack goes at him not really hard to win or lose at that game another game that he used they didn't really get to finish was taka Oni which means Mountain demon and the way since we explained this game is whoever is higher up than the opponent wins but Stark didn't really play the game what happened was shoots we jumped ahead of him TACA Oni and then start just shot at him and that kind of ended the game right there so I'm not sure if one of the rules is like the opponent has to know that they're playing a game and has to understand the rules for it to be fair and if soon sweet doesn't have the time to explain the rules like taka oni whoever's higher about and then he just keeps firing offs arrows like maybe that might be a slight weakness there cuz if that's the case you know shoots we was higher up and started so stark should have just had a heart attack just died right there on the spot so I'm thinking like and in the fight later on with Lily Barrow shouldn't so he does do that he explains like I have to explain to you the rules or otherwise the game isn't fun and the game isn't really even a game if you don't know what's going on either right so another game that he can play and the other two games that we see very uh you know flushed out during the fight between stark and Shu and sweet is cog Ione and arrow owning COG รครดd is shadow demon arrow Oni is color demon so Shadow Demon pretty self-explanatory it allows students we to hide in shadows this is a skill that we see him use the most we also see him use this a lot during his fight with lay Barrow at the varville - you know he can literally go into like a little pocket universe like a shadow dimension and just shell out in there for a little while so it's a very multi multifaceted ability but yeah basically the rules of this game is whoever steps on a shadow loses so you turn into a shadow and then if somebody steps on said shadow you basically got a free shot to just backstab them or attack you with your sword or whatever your swords also can turn into shadows so if you step on them like imagine a shadow blade just shutting out of the ground where you stepped on he used that against Lilly as sort of like a teleportation thing where he takes out his sword stabs into the ground and then the shadow that Lilly was stepping on the shadow blade extended out of that sort of like a teleporting warping blade so you can think of a bunch of different ways you can use that and then the other technique is ero Oni which is color demon which was one of the other ones that was you know a little bit o P but you have to be in the right mood to use it so how this technique works is that whenever you go to cut your opponent you have to call out the color you want to cut you can only cut that color if you cut anywhere else like in my instance if you're like blue all right I'm not wearing blue I have black I have red I have gray not wearing blue if you call out blue and you try to attack me from you know the red part of my body nothing happens like I might get like a little bit of a scratch but even if you stab me right through the wound isn't going to be severe because you attack the wrong color it like it forces the injury you know to be less severe or more severe depending on what color you cut yeah the way that shoots we tested this out was start to kind of give him an idea of what this was he called out the color gray okay and so stark had the grey like fur on his arms but shoots we didn't have any gray on him so when shoots we went to go slice Starks arm where it was gray even though the cut felt like it should have sliced his arm clean off all it was was a tiny little scratch it forcibly made that wound less severe likewise this opposite end of that spectrum if you call out a color that you're wearing a lot of on your body so in shooting SWE's case let's say it was white when stark cold out white because he had the captain's cloak on and everything even if the cut is tiny a lot of blood will be expelled out of it all right so that's how that game works it's something you basically have to pay attention to in the world of bleach where a lot of Oda's characters we're really just one single color as most of their outfit most of the shinigami wear black most of the spotto wear white most of the Quincy's wear nothing but whites it's not really that much of a concern too much it's just like alright well you're not wearing that many colors but if it's like you know a situation where your opponent is wearing a lot of different colors then you have to pay attention to you know where you're going to attack them and what colors you have on that on you because the color that you have the most of on you and your opponent that's like an increased of risk but if you cut them on that color that it does more damage so it's kind of like a give-and-take sort of deal and the way students we ended that fight with Stark is he took off his captain hey worried revealing his she Hawk show underneath which was pure black and so he called out black and then struck stark right in his hollow hole which was black and that resulted in his death alright so that did a lot of damage there so yeah a couple of interesting abilities you know in the realms of bleach a lot of times the abilities that the zanpakuto have are not ridiculously complex you know like you know guinea tomorrow's Sheen so it's just like it's an extent ding blade I mean later on we find out like oh no it turns into dust and it has a little bit of a poison aspect but at the end of the day it's it's like an extending blade alright there's not like this isn't like hunter hunter they have a bunch of different multi faceted of abilities that you have to keep track of all at once and everything you know Yamamoto is he controls fire he controls a lot of fire in a really unique way and all that stuff but at the end of the day nothing ridiculously complicated but shoots weeds on Paco he's definitely one of the more complex ones just with the different children's games he could play so there's two more abilities that we see in his shikai he uses against us sternritter ex Lily Barrow one is Daruma Sangha con rome da I think that's pronounced and the other one is Kogi Oh curry okay so daruma-san is basically red light green light and through his fight with lily Barrow we actually find out an interesting weakness for the Quincy's called the Ray Ray Kaku or the Ray she sensing okay so how this works is daruma-san is you basically have to move towards your opponents without them seeing you so red light green light you know that game you shut your eyes and select Red Lion you open up and if any if you catch anybody moving towards you while you open your eyes then they're out alright so the way that game works is there's a direct line between you and your opponent no matter where you are in this case Lily he's a sniper so he was on top of a building just sniping everybody and then shoots we activated the game and even though he didn't exactly know where he was the game provided a straight path from wherever shouldn't sui was standing to Lily and then he could use that path to rush over to Lily and attack him however the downside of this game is if you if Lily were to see shoots we coming at him then he would have died right there however because of Ray Kaku because of this ray she sensing Quincy's have this incredibly heightened ability to sense ray she he his uh sense was actually too good and he kept seeing shunsui standing still on the ground when he was moving forward what majoun sui explained how he did this as he took his reiatsu molded it into just his shape and because he was sensing his reiatsu he mistook it for himself like a like a basically a ratio own kind of deal but it would only work on a Quincy because they have this incredibly high sense of rage she's sensing so I'm sorry that's a little bit confusing that's actually not so much an ability of a zanpakuto that's just his skill and Lily senses being super high to the point where they could pull that off under normal circumstances the daruma-san game might not work too well but he was able to close the gap between him and Lily and they began their fight the other attack he uses is cog AO kuri and this one is also shadow based not a game I ever played when I was a kid but apparently how it works is if you stare at somebody's like shadow for a prolonged period of time and really get the image in your retinas and then you turn really quick and you look at like a white wall or something or like a marble or a piece of white cement that the shadow you were staring at you know the the after image is still in your eyes and the image will be like you know transplant into this other surface you know that's that's basically the idea so in this case he can actually also mold himself into shadow to make these shadow clones or some kind of cog a bushings sort of deal it's not exactly a cog a bushing once again it's only made all that effective is because of Lily's reishi sensing capabilities but those are some other games he's capable of okay so that's his shikai now for a long time we didn't know what his bankai was gonna be like it met it was mentioned during fake Caracara by ukitake that he should not use his bankai where others can see it because it's one of those indiscriminate types so whoever's in the realm of his reiatsu is affected by his games and would also be affected by his bankai and that hinted that his bankai was something incredibly powerful that he doesn't want the other members of the go to get sucked into so only use it when there's no one else around except you or your opponent and you know that's a good sentiment in all that but you really have to think about it if that's the way your bankai works that's not gonna be a really easy thing to accomplish in battle because a lot of times they're fighting in the seireitei where there's like people all around you the only way he was actually able to use his bankai that he could was because they were in the varville at the time which was Yuhas own fortress and it was enemy territory otherwise he might not have used it because it might have harmed a lot of other people so his bankai is a Content kyokotsu karamatsu Shinju all right and as I stated it turns it into a play I remember back before we knew what his bond I was I thought it was like well if his shikai is childish games then maybe his bankai is like adult games like chess or go or shogi or something maybe maybe it'll be something like that but no it's a play alright so as it's a play it's divided into various acts also while the play is active the zanpakuto spirit content and kyokotsu appear too soon sweet as sort of like they assist him in various ways although there's sort of like there's kind of like a like an old married couple vibe I get from soon sweet and his zanpakuto so that's how they kind of act but you could tell that they care about each other and you know she'll help him guide him to like finish the fight or whatever and soon Sui even states like mmm you know I don't get to go bankai too often but I mean if I guess if it means I get to see you and touch you as an actual living person it's not so bad isn't it so yeah that that's like let it to believe that like he used when he was training with his bankai and he manifested his zanpakuto they had sort of a romantic relationship from there all right and that's where the other spirit came from just an idea just a theory a bleach theory oh my god I just thought of something all right do you guys remember when your elite she was teaching Ichigo how to how to use bankai remember what your vici said how she explained it she's like in order to learn bankai you need to manifest the zanpakuto and you need to force it into submission so you can achieve bankai that's what your vici said so Ichigo how to use that tension tie stuff to force zangetsu into the physical form and then force them into submission well zangetsu you know what I mean so I wonder how soon Sui got cotton to go into submission he wooed her with a nice nice romantic dinner with Saki and I I don't know I don't know but anyway so act one of this play and and by the way the acts are like right after another it's not like I don't know if he can stop after a certain act and just be like Act one okay fights over by disengage bankai or if he has to continue with all four of the acts I would assume he doesn't have to because the fourth act results in yeah so I would assume that could stop the acts or he could stop the play if his opponent dies before the end but if their opponent is really strong and lasts all the way to the end then we're gonna have some problems so act one is the sharing of the pain or the sharing of the wounds okay and each time soon Sui activates an act he likens it to the actual play so there is a story that unfolds in the play as the effects are you know afflicting the opponent so in this case it's sharing the wounds so the story here is that there is a married couple and I guess the husband injures the woman and he feels the pain along with her and so in this case any wounds that shewn Sui has on his body are immediately reflected on his opponent so in the case with his fight with lily Barrow shouldn't Sui was pumped full of holes he had a few injuries like part of his leg stomach was you know lower you know body here was ripped out by Shivaya Lily's attacks and so the same exact wounds appear on Lily however it's mentioned that these wounds you cannot actually die from them okay so and that's because that's how the story goes the plot of the story is like the man doesn't die so therefore you can't die from these wounds the second act is a disease based one where the man then becomes you know distraught and he just stays in bed all day and he just wracked with guilt and gloom from injuring his beloved and so he is afflicted with an incurable illness how this is reflected on the opponent is these little black spots appear all over them and they just begin just hemorrhaging blood blood just starts you know just gargling out of these spots right so at this point I think you can maybe die from this I guess it's a pretty it's a pretty devastating ability like Lily when this happened with him he's bleeding out of the eyes and the nose and the mouth and all over his body these pustules or this so it's not a very pleasant experience and the third act is diving into the abyss or the endless abyss what this happens is and it's very poetic it's very symbolism like made manifest into the physical world so it's like whenever he activates his bankai there's this sense of gloom in the air and it's like a sense that affects all of the varville everybody can kind of feel it it's like the temperature doesn't actually get lower but it's like you feel the chills that sort of thing you know it's a it's a very poetic bankai right in this case it manifests a bunch of water like the like shunsui and his opponent are floating underneath the ocean and they're constantly getting deeper and deeper in their sinking to the up to the dark abyss below and the light from the surface slowly begins to dissipate as they get deeper and deeper and you can't just swim back up Lily try to like flap his wings and it doesn't matter it's like a magnetic pole like dragging you down and so this is representative of the wife and the husband casting themselves in the abyss together right and so you think this would be also a time where night most people would tag out and be like oh we'll be sucked down into this abyss until both of our reiatsu run out and if the opponents I guess runs out first and he dies and soon sui manages to live another day you know but if for some reason that doesn't work then shoes we has his last option the final act which as I stated is the kind of act this is pretty simple he shaves his sword and it's like little thread appears around him and thread wraps around the opponent and shoots we just and then and then for added measure there's a boat so not only do you get to capitate it it's just like for added measure to make sure that the opponent stays down we're gonna add a explosion on top of that so now in the case with Lilia he's made out of lights so kind of a cheater you know you didn't really work too well on him cuz he just came back after that now it was implied I mean it's not like shoo so he has the exact same level of damage it's not like students whose head is lopped off as well but after he uses that technique the final act shunsui is being kind of comforted by cotton and you know resting on her lap and there's this very somber moment where it's like okay you did everything you could you're now going to die because you use that technique so I'm assuming if the opponent dies from that technique you die as well it's like a mutual kind of death thing it's like a guaranteed sort of deal it's like if all the other techniques didn't take out the opponent this one is guaranteed to but if it does then you die as well as the user okay so it was a very somber kind of moment but it was negated I think because even with this technique the strongest technique shoots we had still wasn't enough to take down Lilla so he didn't die and so because of that he was able to resist it shoots we was able to stay alive as well although he was very critically injured at this point but he managed to avoid it but yeah once again that was because Lilia he was made of light and he was going on and on I'm God's messenger I'm the strongest sternritter blah blah blah tell that to noon now when she pulls out a magic mirror sword and then just boom you're dead but yeah I mean the techniques were really nice to witness I wish we had gotten to see a little bit more kind of the same deal with Yamamoto and that was kind of letting me on Slyke oh no is she we gonna die too cuz I knew we're winding down on the end of this arc at that point and it's the same thing that happened with Yamamoto it's like yeah Yamamoto I'm gonna show you my bankai here's East oh here's West okay here's south okay you can calm down now here's north oh my god now he's dead and then we soon Sui its bankai this is the play act 1 alright that's pretty act 2 no no no act 3 no slow down Rocko act for crap but he managed to avoid it he managed to get out and and you know also help out in the now at the same time which that was a nice moment we find out all about shooting squeeze back story with his brother and his brother's wife and their relationship and then eventually should sui's relationship with them now um and it was it was a nice finish right so yeah sooo sweet he is one of the ones that truly is in love with his zanpakuto like the relationship that they have is a little bit different from the others you know um remember when Nehemiah was teaching Ichigo about what the zanpakuto really was and he was going down that list he's like what do you think of zanpakuto is to you you know I think he called him like go Ichi what do you think of some pop toes like go Ichi is it your partner is it your ally is it your your classmate your lover or you know what what is it it's like you stop around it's none of those things and in the whole the whole spiel of it is that the zanpakuto isn't somebody you fight alongside with the blade is you you are your zanpakuto you're pouring your reiatsu into it to make it so so you are in fact your sword right but in the case which soon we it does seem like the personality is similar but a little bit different and in the case that they are like a married couple so not the kind of thing you see with any other zanpakuto's anyways so maybe maybe shewn squeezed a little bit further along that line maybe that's what odo I've not Oded maybe that's what Kubo was trying to explain like ichigo is one of the very few Shinigami to really figure out what a zanpakuto really is at the end of the day quick thing I forgot to mention here and that is regarding kyokotsu who is the second spirit of the the sword the little girl so it was actually mentioned that she was created specifically in order to hide nana zanpakuto you know that the ritual blade thing so that could explain her origins kind of but not really because it was never explained exactly how she came into existence like that's a weird thing just like yeah I I needed a place to hide your sword so my zanpakuto gave birth to this other zanpakuto spirit and then she's used to hold your sword like like how how is the mechanism of this done I mean zanpakuto's are a little weird and shooting squeeze is very weird compared to other ones so maybe he could have this ability but now I think him it is I think him and cotton got it on is again I need to create another zanpakuto spirit to heidenau sword and that's that's how that came about because we see a lot of other Shinigami that just treat their zanpakuto as like a partner or you know just somebody's like oh this was my loyal friend that I've had for years or in soon squeeze case this is my lover but in the case with Ichigo he was one of the very few if not the only one that was like no I am I am my power I am my zanpakuto so it's a little bit different probably for each sword but yeah that was Shin squeeze she Chi and his bankai very interesting abilities and he's still around so it's not like he Yamamoto like last time it's not like he's dead and we can never see the ability again so I'm sure it might pop up again and a light novel or something so now we have to take out our gotei info cards before I do that let me take out yamamoto x' and Jun squeeze here because we already talked about them let me shuffle these up here and find out which zanpakuto we're talking about next week you like the series so far I like it it's nice to talk about bleach again it is I was thinking about buying um Co katsu cuts and kyokotsu for this video it would've taken a really long time to arrive here and the swords are not like life-size they're like tiny little just like you know tiny little replicas so I decided not to get them but and they were kind of expensive but you know I know by the way this isn't a yeah this isn't a walk as Oishi this is more of a tanto and it's a really crappy one I bought at the County Fair a few years ago like look even this the end part of the freaking scabbard fell off but this is the smallest blade I had so I figured out this is this can it's it's a tanto but it could fit as a walk as Oishi I'll probably use it in in gheens video as a replica for Sheen's so because that's the closest thing I got alright so here we go not looking not looking not looking and what do we got is it something cool am I gonna turn my head and see that it's freaking SOI phone and be disappointed no oh it's keen okay cool awesome I didn't even plan that sweet its Sheen so okay so next time we'll be talking about the captain of the third division guinea Chi Maru and his zanpakuto Xin so and his bankai coming no yo D so I check back here next time yeah and let me know what you think about soon sui sword and his relationship with it and the whole aesthetic of the children's games I wonder through some other children's games he could play probably we could see him play Foursquare you know stark and Lilia didn't know what was coming if freaking a Coco kutsu wanted to play some freaking Foursquare with them they would have just been eradicated on the spot you know actually that made me think like what kind of games that I play when I was a kid you know we played hide and seek and we played uh you know Foursquare in like basketball and soccer and stuff but a lot of times I think we just made up our own games you know as we went about it you know we just like like just you know even though the rules 100% perfect or whatever we just threw together this game one Saturday afternoon and we just played it you know so that's probably what we did there so I wonder if students we has that ability if if kyokotsu is just like I wanna play a new game and she's like alright let's play a game where whoever drinks the the least about a sake lose okay you lose I would immediately so yeah maybe that's a little bit more of an adult game there alright well thanks for watching everybody hope you have a nice nice actually is a really nice spring day there's no cherry blossoms in the air here in Pennsylvania but it is a rather warm day I'm gonna go for a walk later have a good one everybody checking signing out
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 449,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, bleach, discussion, zanpakto, zanpakuto, shunsui, kyoraku, katen, kyokotsu, spirit, lille, barro, starrk, espada, oni, taka, iro, kage, shadow, bankai, play, theater, nanao, sternritter, secret, quincy, tekking 101, teking 101, tekking, teking
Id: 4gOoYybI28s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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