Kyle talks about Female Prison Guards

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there were women guards to which I felt like I was bad idea I mean there were women like there was the lady who ran the library was a woman and we just be alone with her hanging out like 10 of us at a time just chilling with her you know of course I don't know what she's and her how did he open no ugly or he said no so she was behind someplace safe like oh I thought you meant like where others could see no we're in the library in the back in her office like just right across I mean you know hanging out whether it's it's pretty casual a she's not attractive at you applied it but I mean you're in prison for eight years maybe you lower your standards a touch it's closest thing that came to that was like there was a couple of guards or like the unit manager was actually look like she used to be hot it was a black lady like big tits and a big ass and it was like ten years ago she was hot all right ten years ago she was like a serious milf and now she's like maybe I I don't know how it's hard to tell with black people for me anyway but black don't crack and but but she started forming some cracks around but but yeah everybody if they could look at her they like she got on that pantsuit today which one the blue one hell yeah got the blue one got the red pants dude if it weren't for the threat of being raped or beaten up these prison guys sound hilarious the prison videos I I see first of all they say the standards are low [ __ ] any one of them is fine they also say like some of these guys are relatively smooth talkers you'd think they're not bright because they're in prison but hey you know they're cunning oh that's perfect yeah they're very cunning and coupled with that cunning is unlimited time right so these women go home to their husbands and they don't necessarily just shower them with praise and attention and love but these guys in prison make it it's easy for them they're just they're trying to [ __ ] some woman then they'll tell her lies tell her truth tell her whatever they think will work on her and that's their hobby that's the only thing they had to do they'll sit there and play in it in their copious amounts with spare time and you'd think like and I can just see how over time someone gets manipulated into [ __ ] the fridge they flirt back the secretary would flirt back they would he'd be like you don't come you want to come over here check my blood pressure it's like talking one of the nurses check your own damn blood pressure I don't give a [ __ ] she smiled a smile when she said it okay check your own damn blood pressure I don't give a [ __ ] was the library so lucky that you may get your books sent in the liberry liberry yeah was law Barry so [ __ ] that you had to have your own book shipped in just happen there the dealer say it right or wrong the first time he's he said it wrong he said library and there is no library at talladega federal prison camp but there is a library [Laughter]
Channel: PKA Highlights
Views: 801,067
Rating: 4.9259076 out of 5
Keywords: PKA, Painkiller alreadu, Painkiller already, Prison
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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