FPSRussia Talks About Pedophiles In Prison

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you're gonna tell us about snow in cho Mo's was the scoop all right so no is that's about the drawing no but the audience might not know what a chomo is good Jomo is a child molester oh okay [ __ ] with him kids so this guy had been in the medium security prison he said that the Cho malls they hang out in the library because when the newspapers come in they want to get the advertisements all the coupons and [ __ ] because maybe they get like a colles catalog with a bunch of little kids and swimsuits then we cut that [ __ ] out the spring catalog for Huggies yeah she got her floaties on oh she's good so they're cutting this [ __ ] out and that's their pornography and and so he was very sensitive to this because apparently they roughed those guys up in medium secured that's that's pretty regular that they got their own like wing all their own unit they keep them to themselves because and imagine if you're just like I don't I feel like you should distinguish between sexual crimes although some people might find that to be offensive child molester is a bit different than a rapist to me all right it's rapists are awful human beings but child molesters at the bottom of the barrel and to me like I don't think you should throw the rapist necessarily in there especially like maybe the date rapist like murderers in this Kyle you know the brother was a murderer go away don't know we needed to you know it's it's like there's different tiers of awfulness you know like yeah yeah yeah there's a Dante's Inferno catalog of these guys and when J in jail it just makes itself apparent I am right like everybody just is like this these are the rules like this is what we're doing yeah I don't get if you murdered are you even if you've raped they didn't seem to care but they're by the way they weren't a rapists in there with me that at least known that had been caught for rape that's a very important thing to distinguish because people like oh nobody's in there with for violent crime no nobody's in there who was found guilty of a car there are criminals in there and then when you're a criminal it's it's like oh she's a baker she's probably never made any cupcakes before though so ya know she's probably made cupcakes and she made an ice cream cake one time there was that one time when she she she made some cupcakes suck she's done it all she's probably made candy too yeah it was actually only convicted of solely baking gay cakes was very very good so so one so there are guys in there who like to draw portraits and they'll charge for the service very talented yeah it's very talented guys and one guy would charge five max and he would draw a portrait for you you gave him a photograph of your loved one he would draw it very cool portraits I wish that I had had for it photographs to like get that done too I wish it had like the three of us from the show and like doing a group picture I thought that would have been a prison group picture with Rios yeah yeah so this Indian guy who was actually Terry Cruz's brother-in-law's cellmate snow called him in do because he didn't know his real name he called Isaac black because it was black not very creative I called you Blanco which is why he call me a widow which is right that's right or sleepy because I slept a lot yeah yeah I had a cool prison name are you sleepy Seven Dwarves give me my homies drowsy and dopey and rape so he the Indio wants to draw something for anybody because he he likes it so I guess snow gives him a photograph of snows grandson and so the Indian guy draws it very well and he gives it back the drawing and he's like yo what's this right here on my grandson's arm he's like oh I I signed it he's like looks like my little grandbaby got a tattoo my grandbaby don't got no tattoos either years old yo and he's like oh I always signed them you know he says I don't understand you know I could first erase it put in the corner yes I'm the bad guy he's like yeah I like that better you know sign is somewhere else maybe he's all right cool I'm gonna take it I'll move that and I'm gonna make a copy for myself but you wanna copy in my grandbaby and he comes to me the next day he's like yo I think India was a Jomo we're out there running and I'm just like not man I don't think so he's a real chill guy you know he's in here for some kind of [ __ ] computer fraud or some [ __ ] you know he's he's doing finance he says he's like a computer coder you know he's just a nerd he's he's scared dude he's told me that he was he's cool guy I talk to him a lot he's right next to me nah what's a picture of my grandbaby I think he's a chomo medium we know how to handle the Jomo and I'm just like man I don't think you need to be handling nobody you know I'm happy I think he just voice your concerns to him like man wait a minute goddamn who am I talking to yeah maybe so much you're gonna have to represent for the family you know you can't let this get out you know it'd be a real dishonor you're gonna have to represent but I don't do any that because he might murder the four man so I'm just like now I'm trying to chill him out but it's not working he say at the end of our workout he's like yeah I'm gonna go talk to him I'm like you're just gonna talk to him though right probably depends what he says back it's what he means and and so like the next day we were running our lap and he's over there doing his chin ups with the 40 pounds of weight tied to his waist and and I'm watching him as I do cuz I'm not interested in any of that and the Indian guy and Isaac run past doing their lap and he goes yo Indio and Indio looks over would this look I've never seen on a grown man's face before that I can only accept terror just terror he's just like that likely this grimace of fear and he was already you know he's breathing hard cuz he's running and he's yeah morning yeah yeah he let his picks up the bass it keeps on [ __ ] and I'm like you talk to India yesterday yeah we straightened that all out I don't even wanna know what he said to him I know he threatened him I know he did he probably asked him if he was a chomo it just it seems so how do you [ __ ] there I was gonna say how do you how do you clear your name is like no I definitely don't like kids like I've got some pictures of some grown woman jerk off to this let's see this is my course everybody come here he's gonna prove me not a chomo look at it it's all flaccid oh you don't like a grown woman do you all right bring my little grandbaby over here chilly and read the rest of Harry Potter I tried to get snow into Harry Potter you know during her runs I'd tell him about what I was reading and you know I'm four books into the Harry Potter series I've read it before I like it and I'm like yeah man it's this little wizard kid he didn't know he's a wizard you know he's he's evil wizard Voldemort's trying to bowl - what yes you know it's this Baltimore guy who the bad guys trying to get him in you know he sees going to wizard school and he falls in love and and does magic and trying to explain this - its [ __ ] to him he's yeah I'd like to read some of that so I give him books one and two he never made it out of chapter one he never made it out of chapter II mean I would tell you this shit's [ __ ] dumb nobody's fighting Jomo's or any if I ever go to prison I want a snow I need a snow saving someone gotta you got a good draw you got a good hand for for your two two months you know I have his full name he made a good hand I did my best to make friends with mr. snow I have his real name and his prison number written down in there I'm gonna next week I'll look him up online and I'll get I got a picture of snow hopefully I should be able to look it up and and I'll be able to show and we sending thousands uh yeah you could send em cash I'm sure he'd appreciate that was it their Jeep a more like ironic funny gifts you can send in books and letters ooh children's kale he would love Harry Potter we'll send em Harry Potter send him a baby cat cattle that is the funniest [ __ ] thing I've ever heard that was hanging up in the library waiting for issues of toddlers monthly which is some for some reason subscribe to the prison to show up so they can cut out pictures of babies wearing Uggs or some [ __ ] like that's that is how do you think are they just wanting to get [ __ ] with and beat up well this is no attempt to rehab them right like not at all in prison I don't know how do you rehab a fetish I don't know I'm not sure I don't know they tried to I they try to rehab me from me smoking marijuana look at you over smell it I could smell it in there it was such [ __ ] it's like you've got marijuana and I can smell everyday it's like putting a fat guy and blocking him up in a KFC bathroom this is torture this is torture I can smell it out right out
Channel: PKA Highlights
Views: 1,424,233
Rating: 4.9360242 out of 5
Keywords: FPSRussia, Painkiller already, Woodysgamertag, TaylorMurkah
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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