Kyle Explains How He Can Still Do FPSRussia

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what's the outcome of that long-term can you come out of this or you I know cuz I know you're a big firearms guy right and this has been part of your yeah I fell and I can't get guns until we're again yeah until until they pass some sort of law eventually I think eventually late like that'll come full circle but but who knows or maybe some state will refuse to observe federal law or I might just go to another country like I'm willing to do any of the three okay but that was a felony charge that knocks you out of that that concept yeah yeah any felony charge that yes right no they they all do have it all Vaughn yeah yeah all those when I first came up he K and like you were showing off all these like I was surprised about what you had in like the background the first time I was okay yeah yeah that's all gone that's been clear sure yeah it's [ __ ] up yeah they're destroyed all those cool guys read them yeah yeah yeah I'm the big guy now that's what they do that's what they do cool guys yeah yeah there was yeah I underestimated the severity of this and it continually did that like you'd even three months ago I keep saying the same thing like I was like they're still mad about that you know the kids yeah but I'm over it in the [ __ ] car we watch to start the show right exactly that it's like a disconnect between what's happening and what the reality is right it's like it's exactly that like yeah it makes no sense to me even and I've been like right at the center of it for four years now you know hey just it doesn't make any sense to me I don't I don't get it you know it's it's a [ __ ] plant that grows out of the ground and they act like rosy anywhere they call it weed but yeah color weed you know and it doesn't make you some kind of it's not crocodile it doesn't like make you some so it's not PCP you know III don't get it and I think a lot of people in the system don't get it either it was so if such a weird disconnect to hear the prosecutor even talking about you know Mitch McConnell Scott in to enter into marijuana distribute distribute now yeah he's gotten big into it asleep why are you going after me you know you've probably done some million times in show so I'll try to keep this really really brief I've actually heard what were the actual charges that you're ended up yeah yeah the final charges was intent was a possession with intent to distribute they the intent distribute was because they had proof that my girlfriend smoked a joint at my house one time through celexa messaging or some email or some [ __ ] like that that's distributing I never sold any drugs to anybody ever that that and didn't ever be anything like that but but sharing marijuana with an with a third for a second party is distribution by the law and it was made clear in court like to the judge and even via the prosecutor she was like yeah he never sold any drugs we're not saying that we're saying he distributed drugs you know it was it was a big nonsensical thing originally they hit me with a whole myriad of charges that were essentially meant to force me to plead guilty to these lesser charges of possession with intent to distribute by a security did you end up putting guilty to those yeah yeah yeah I just pled guilty those lesser charges because it was zero to six months of jail you know versus what I was looking at with like all these absurd charges that were that were just false first of all this is real number one are you comfortable yeah yeah yeah yeah I had a gun that had been coated by another company and they had they had like coated over one of the serial numbers and it was hard to see literally if you scrape on a little bit you can see it and they were trying to hit me with this sort of destruction of a serial number on a firearm charge was like a 10-year federal sentence it's meant to target people who are scratching the serial numbers off of weapons that are used by criminals you know you see it in movies when gangsters have like a a gun with a serial number scratched off this your arm wasn't scratched off a little bit of the coating to make the gun look cool had like went into the the engraving on the serial number it was it was something that I it wasn't a new thing to I didn't know it was like that you know and it was it had been like that for like two or three years like that and I didn't do it that charge was crazy that to me was the craziest one that's why I brought it up so while this played out I didn't ask I'll details about it one who knows how all this stuff is the obviously they saw his text messages right so so I just communicating as an issue and to it even if he told me something via some secure thing now I have a secret to keep that's not my specialty right so I just didn't get any secrets I I stayed in the dark so that I wouldn't be a problem and then I saw the serial number one I was just like every other fan like what the heck and I started plugging in holes in my head as to what might have happened um Kyle owns a lot of guns he buy sometimes used guns I thought maybe a gun came into his possession that had previously had a destroyed serial number and now he was like in trouble for it that was the gotta be in there like the 1% or less of people of gun owners right and the number of things that have gone through you your companies for the things you've done on your channel sure the number of crazy [ __ ] [ __ ] that's come through right through with the wieder serial number and I'm like man that sucks like he's in a lot of trouble for it too what actually happened is he bought a brand new gun from a gun store all-perfect sent it to a professional gun coding place who sent it back with coding on the number like that's nothing like like this charge made it seem to be yeah absolutely I like all the charges were like that every one of the charges would like that look a lot like even the distribution charge was nonsense you know like it that their search warrant was bad like that we could have gotten out of this whole thing because their search warrant was such nonsense if I hadn't owned not like Federal Firearms like suppressors and stuff like that that because their search warrant was garbage we could have already against a search warrant and anything that they had found in my house would have been inadmissible but every bit of evidence they had would have been inadmissible if not for the fact that I was like into Federal Firearms and that grants them sort of access regardless of anything else it was a if if not gonna be be a license to manufacture like you didn't have a regular license you had a super lice no yeah I had the highest level of licensing for everything yeah yeah for sure and that means that you sort of submit yourself to be to lack of privacy yeah yeah essentially lately like lately effectively that that's the case it's and it really isn't that license as much it is as it is anyone who has a suppressor like if you you're sort of agree to a certain lack of rights as far as that goes whether you realize it or not at the time I didn't know that yeah you're kind of on a database of like oh this guy has this and and I can't remember the exact terminology for it but essentially they have the right to come in if you could caught with any sort of marijuana or anything like that so but but they're certain for it was bad it really was you know that the reason that they supposedly searched my house was because I was wearing shorts what that's what it says in the search warrant I was wearing shorts that was with a cargo shorts because if so you should have known better yeah tell me that for a while now and the last pair of shorts I purchased weren't cargo shorts not because I don't like them because apparently that's not a thing anymore and they said that it was unusual that I was wearing basketball shorts and therefore when I was caught with marijuana then I must have been heading right back home because there's no way I'd have been going anywhere else but right back home wearing those shorts and it's like dude how do you often wear pants or shorts at all like when you're home uh yeah I go naked hundred percent of the time when I'm home yeah absolutely blow my shirt yeah it didn't make any sense they had just written a bad warrant so they could get inside my house it was the whole thing but but you know there's nothing I can do about it now so I'll just move forward to the best of my ability right there are certain states that are going to ignore any sort of federal guidelines there is the possibility that you know maybe that if certain people get elected then they'll start expunging records and there are various countries that I could just go to and I'm open to any three of those options and I'll do one or the one of the above everyone seems so close to me like I don't maybe I'm a lot of country there are a lot of countries with gun rights and there's a lot of countries that you can immigrate to regardless of having a felony especially the kind of felony that I have you know they're like oh that okay we don't care so you know you have a name of is that on purpose or the Canada would be the one I would go to I'd have to hire an immigration attorney and one through a few things but I could probably go to Canada hmm yeah I like bringing up man it's just carry on oh I don't care I don't I don't mind at all you know ya know the old thing it was a not a good topic before the trial ended yeah yeah no I know I've been on air a number of times and asked prior to that and you've been like no let's not talk about that and let it go but I'm just kind of like I've been curious like I want yeah yeah yeah I didn't wanna talk about too much when it was ongoing and like yeah I wanna you know get as good of an outcome as I got and and I did you know I went from a level 31 federal offense to a level six federal offense which which basically means I went from 25 to 30 years in federal prison to zero to six months in federal prison does that mean no no and and I could tell you a funny story off the air about about how the sex toys came into the surges yeah I want to hear tell me after it's very funny it's very funny they did not want to look too thoroughly in the sex toy drawer you I ain't surgeon that one nah good thing too because that's my sex toy bong drawer I was like [Laughter]
Channel: PKA Highlights
Views: 739,993
Rating: 4.9428635 out of 5
Keywords: PKA, painkiller already, fpsRussia, FPSRussia return, Kyle, Kyle Myers, Kyle lamar Myers, Woodysgamertag, PKA Clips, pka podcast, pka highlights, pka clips
Id: z1cwBFmGbsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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