Kyle Cease - The Actual Steps To Releasing The False You

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day 49 I'm I was in mid meditation and I still I still have more to do but something showed up in me that I wanted to share and it was really the steps to releasing something and once again every single thing that I talk about is what I believe that day so this is today's revelation today's teaching I'm sure that I will use it at times but I won't I might not mentally use it I might actually have to really understand this is this is how this is the hell for people go how do you do it I'm actually think today is about how to release things completely how to release things that you think are you right now that aren't you anymore so the first thing is you get in a bad mood and ego likes to pin the bad mood on something outside of you if you're sad or angry or think something should be a certain way so be excited about when your bad mood because that's required for awakening that's required for growth and letting go by awakening I don't mean something condescending I mean like really just releasing parts of you that you think are you because the first thing is something happens that you're mad about so it might be what someone said about you it might be whatever you know that your ex is with someone else it might be whatever it is now the most people's awareness is at a place where their happiness is if that thing changes so my ex is with someone else I need them back with me okay that's you just changed your circumstance and you miss the opportunity to grow if it triggers you if you're mad it just called out something in you and your next step when you're feeling angry is to look into your own self and go what is in me that thinks that this shouldn't be happening and what is trying to emerge out of me so michael beckwith says that question i was trying to emerge out of me so immediately what's trying to emerge out of you is the identification inside of you of what thinks that that thing shouldn't be happening so for instance if you think your X shouldn't be with someone maybe you have a story in your head that you're being abandoned by your mother or your father or maybe you're it's all your childhood state that believes that you're not enough as is that you need that person back this is crazy because like I really can walk through the whole thing so so when you feel when you feel angry about something and you're projecting it outward the real challenging thing the next step the next step to the public's growth is the second thing start to feel it outward go what inward is mad what inward says this shouldn't be wise because you're not going to grow if you change your situation back to how you want it you're just going to be the same control freak that says it should be that way so the next step is to go what in me feels that way and that's where you sit and be patient and listen because you're angry right now and don't make it too specific because if you're trying to find it you won't be able to find it if you're looking inward just sit and notice you're mad and stay there stay there just stay there for a while and you will start to identify something in you that says you're mad that says you're mad because you think this thing is this way because when you were a kid it was the same feeling so you're protecting yourself because all of this your what really your is just something happen that you taught yourself you won't be loved if that thing happens which really means you don't believe in that moment that you are loved that you believe you're limited to that one circumstance being that way meanwhile you used to be happy before you even knew about that circumstance existing so that's not even true so the party that says you need your ex back realize there was a time where you were happy before that so you can actually identify at least intellectually before you've experienced yet that that's not true that you know for a fact that's actually not true so don't just sit in reaction to fixing that because you're living in a lie in the first place so when you feel that you sit there and you might identify something that says I'm not enough now the second you identify it that says I'm not enough if this person is this or that my type of person should be this type of person or that my job fired me so I'm not loved whatever it is the second you identify it don't try to remove it because once you identify it it's now up not a part of you anymore because before it was a part of you because you didn't identify it once you see it it's like picture seeing in your body this it looks like this but then this this net breaks off of the body okay look that you were trapped in and didn't know it but because you were identified with the net it was a part of you but now that you're separating and you're looking at the net it's starting to break off right so once you identify it watch as it breaks off but let it break off when it wants to because you can already trust that once you identify that that's the lie that you are living in you will feel to aware and to crazy to keep living that way so know that it will break off when it wants to a lot of times when you feel that you'll also feel sad because a thing that you were identified with for years that you thought was a part of you since you were probably five years old is now breaking off of you like an iceberg 'its and your sadness is that you're trying to hold on to it that you're saying this shouldn't be breaking off that you're saying no that's the story of me and you can't decide which island you want to live on because you're not sure what's on the other side of the releasing of that iceberg of who you are so the iceberg starts to float away and you're just sitting here scared to surrender it because you've never experienced what's on the other side of it so you don't have a coherent new place to step to so it's going to keep being painful and you're going to keep holding on to it let it be painful let it keep trying to come off and it's painful because eventually the pain is going to get so overwhelming that it will finally be something that's not appealing to stand on anymore and once the pain gets so overwhelming you will be in a third a new place looking at this thing that's breaking off of you and it will finally be this boulder on your chest that you're going to just become okay with it being there and it will break off because now you're the okayness and the acceptance that allows it to free itself and it will float away on its own and once it breaks off you'll feel comfortable and separated from it and you'll feel better on this new plane that you won't chase that anymore she'll actually be fine letting go of it and now you're in new territory and then you start over again then you live life here and you'll find something that makes you mad someone will do something that you're in a snoo circumstance that's pissing you off but it's not that circumstance it's something in you that you're under the illusion you're being abandoned or hurt and you're in fight-or-flight mode again because of something out there reminding you of something in your childhood and that's where you repeat the entire process and you go what in me is under this illusion oh my dad said this my mom said this and that was the thing that triggered me and then you'll keep being with it and then you'll identify the lie and then to identify the lie stay there watch it float away and watch the net break off of that lie and you keep falling back and your body keeps letting go of these things that it's not so your body has been holding on to all of these lies and been identifying with all of these survival mechanisms and thinking that's who you are and your job is to just allow it to float away now this will make life in a short term a little more painful because there's all this resistance in the float away but then freeing you're free because the next day when that same circumstance happens you won't feel that same pain anymore ever again you won't feel abandoned by your ex ever again once you deny the lie that you were in you don't feel the loss of the job is something that you have to have you won't feel your circumstance has to change that circumstance won't have to change ever again once it breaks away you're never owned by it again now think of how free life would be if you're not owned by things if it owns you just once just enough to discover in you what you're not that's freedom and that's the steps to releasing feel triggered by something by the way don't ever look for something yet triggered life will trigger you you don't have to aim and create the trigger just when you feel stuck triggered angry let it happen when it wants to otherwise enjoy life if you're not triggered when you feel stuck mad about a circumstance okay boom here's the big shift between the world is if you feel that anger ago what in me what in me is under the illusion this circumstance shouldn't be that way if you have the courage to look within and go instead of reacting outward going what in me while you're in that pain that's the hardest thing when you're in that pain you really want to fight the thing out here but if while you're in that pain you ask what in me is under the lie that this thing is supposed to be this way and you sit and you wait you wait for an answer and you go oh that's because my dad said this or I I know I eat I think this person is another X that's before that really made me feel like I wasn't whatever it is that thing floats away through your identification of it so you look at the thing it floats away you don't try to push it away because that's saying that this thing's bigger than you you're now broken away the act of awareness of it causes it to be separate from you and you just let it be painful like a big boulder on your chest and it will leave when you fully accept it but don't accept it so it will leave it will just become more and more painful and you just walk around with that pain for a while and then it will leave forever and then you'll have a new deeper thing but it will be rarer and rarer and rarer that you will feel that pain and that's what I came up with a meditation the steps to releasing you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 87,150
Rating: 4.9257293 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: jY3dOLqiCCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2015
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