What Knives Does Our Video Editor Carry? | Knife Banter S2 (Ep 21)

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after a hundred and ten episodes of knife banner' countless field tests a bunch of rad shop tours we finally got Jamie our video guy on to look at his knife collection less talk knives [Music] how's it going guys welcome to knife manner and today we finally have got the video God Himself Jaime video guy that's your official title video deity [ __ ] we got Jaime on to give us some of his knife collection know as you guys like know we like to do with knife collections is we kind of split them up into category so we've got some of Jamie's kind of first knives we've got some blade HQ knives and then he's got some pretty rad stories from some different shoots that he's been on so we got some knives that feature that stuff too dude let's just jump in let's do it man are you excited I am okay cool I've been a long time coming alright so this this one I was I was excited to see this one I didn't even know you had this one yeah right I actually kind of forgot about this until I pull it out of my closet the other day but so this I think this knife predates basically everything on the table this is a cold steel Bushman it's all beat up I've yeah I've hammered on this thing but so this knife interestingly enough I was a teenager I can't remember how old Cole still used to send out these pamphlets right like sale pamphlets and either me or my cousin got this sale pamphlet with with these knives on them and it was like buy these cold steel Bushmen seconds like factory seconds knives and I was like man we need to get some of those so it was me my cousin and my brother ended up buying these factory second Cold Steel Bushman's for $9.99 this is probably Oh ten years ago something like that so we ended up getting them I've I've taken this thing on countless trips I'm from Minnesota so there's the Boundary Waters Canoe Area over there so lots of camping lots of canoeing hacking that stuff and then I ended up making this sheath out of Kydex myself which is kind of cool it's really cool yeah and from what I remember from this story it was in your cousin's like kitchen right with like some clamps and some carpet and some plywood yeah and it came out great man very it was a very homegrown effort to make this sheath bit I think it I think it turned out okay it's got a scout carry so like I'd go canoeing and I'd have like these jorts on I had had one pair of jorts in my entire life and I would always wear them to the Boundary Waters so I'm just picturing I'm just picturing Jamie like in a canoe shirtless with like a like a like a hint like not a hemp but like a straw hat I had a straw perfect straw hat jorts and then carrying that knife scout carry yeah yeah it's a good picture it was that was that was my life back in the day so yeah that's the that's the cool steel Bushman suite that's great it's fantastic all right ladies so you went you went from the cold steel Bushmen which again I always love seeing people's I mean honest through your first knife but kind of that first knife guy knife right like a cold steel branded or you know buck or whatever and then you kind of step things up quite a bit with this next one yeah so this this is actually so I think this is like my second like real nice knife first first like real knife outside of you know the gas station knives and stuff was actually it was a cold steel ak-47 I ended up bending the pocket clip and then it fell in my pocket and IMAX theater in Wisconsin this was a long time ago right so this is like my second like real like good knife my brother end up eating this from very birthday probably five or six years ago and I thought I don't know anything about ziti at the time I wasn't in the knife industry at all so I just thought it was like you know cheap fish knife or whatever I looked it up and I was like oh okay oh wow this is a real knife this is a $10 Bushmen right so this is this has been with me with me for a while I actually took my first shot show I went to the Hinderer booth and I was like all excited to show Rick because like oh I have like a hinderer design in my pocket and he was he was pretty pumped to see it too so that's that's the story behind this knife but it's a it's a big knife I think I used to be more of a big knife person because like ak-47 big knife yeah this is DMZ team it seems like I just have kind of a slow descent smaller knives at the end of the bench are you guys will see what Jaime carries but probably the night that has the most pocket time it's a little bit different than this so that's a ZT 0 5 a 6 0 cool and they don't make that one again no this is discontinued I think they discontinued they discontinued the 0 5 6 0 a long time ago and they had like the 562 which has been recently discontinued and then there's the smaller one the numbers escape yeah see teen those numbers man yeah that's name their knives they do I told Thomas that when I was there but hasn't happened yet CT for listening alright and in this next one for me personally this is probably my favorite one on the table because it's got a good story and it's it's a Jamie custom Jamie custom so I can't okay well I guess we won't go there yet but so this knife my brother is in the marine car for five years I think he got out about two years ago so in early 2016 found out he was gonna be deployed to Kuwait in Iraq and I was like you know I want to make him a sweet birthday present so I was like okay I'm gonna try my hand at making a knife and before that I had kind of run across a bunch of these videos by Aaron golf golf customs he's a Canadian guy he makes some some cool cool and Ives but they're custom so I kind of like okay I'm gonna try he's got all these like great knife making videos and I'm going to see if I can make a knife so I watched a bunch of his stuff I kind of modeled this particular knife after one of his fixed blades but like I probably put a hundred a hundred and fifty hours so I'm not talented I'm not a talented knife maker at all but I was what I made about foreign talent I just like putting the time right so yeah I I spent just hours and hours and hours on this knife so this is my knife I actually made a matching pair for my brother packed it up in a box send it to him for his birthday when he was in Iraq so that's kind of the story behind this knife it's just kind of a basic like a one tool steel g10 handles I throw a little bit of flare in there with with the laminate and got a little funky with the anzo pattern on that yeah I'm the handle there but yeah sheath everything I made all of this and I don't know if I'll do it again just because of the is the tiny izing time it yeah but yeah it turned out good this is the other reason that this is this is probably my favorite knife on the table is because this knife really defines a lot about Jamie so Jamie is even you guys watch the videos right like Jamie is he really cares about his craft he really cares about the things that he does and you can tell I mean if I were to sit down and just make a fixed blade I'd be a serviceable good enough right but like the the time the effort like you said you put this this on so pattern and this is a one steel right yeah it's a no 1 steel I mean he puts in the work and that's what the reason I love this knife so much is this just it really defines Jamie like he just has a great work ethic and like he's just always putting in the work so I I love this knife because of that right it's just it's a good knife yeah it's an interesting one to carry sometimes it'll go like backpack wise like Indy I can put it here yeah when with Montana I went back back and you brother's didn't you this one no wouldn't we go we did some backpacking trip together where we the last time I carried that I did a big hiking trip up around timp and my backpack no is this the did was this brother who's deployed was this the same when they gave you the ziti correct yes so I see that seems like a fair I only have one it's oh yeah okay there you go I just learned something about Jamie cool all right so these are kind of some of your first knives this is before you worked a blade at you pretty respectable no they're okay uh tell us a little bit about this one cuz this one's got a really fun story this is how your first blade HQ knife this is my first plate HQ knife this is I think that Kaiser mini hunter if I'm not mistaken it's got a bunch of like numbers and letters associated with it as well there's also a giant version of this I think was like day to working at blade HQ and they were doing a raffle the new department the old video department had used just a ton of knives for random videos and they probably had like 30 some odd knives and their raffling him off and I ended up winning this one I think it was used in a rust test or something like it's not rusty no no no I appreciate well but yeah so day two ablai HQ i won this little kaiser it's been with me ever since i guess it's kind of a nice little knife for obviously free yeah yeah exactly but i mean second day working a blade HQ and in the raffle he wins a knife with s35 g10 it's a geyser like like i love it i don't know anything about kaiser at the time my car there wasn't me on my radars yeah so it's cool knife so it's a good knife there too that's great okay so we're gonna jump into a couple more knives that jamie has from blade HQ but we we had to take at least one of these knives out and do some field test with it this one got a little crazy yeah let's check it out all right so some of you guys got to know about Jamie is Jamie always has a very intense serious face when he's just like relaxed we want to make sure Kyle was here so you guys knew everything's okay if you go back to the last knife better we actually spun the wheel for Kyle cut his hair so Kyle have long hair you came to me and you were like hey it'd be cool if we cut it on camera so show the good people will show them the the final so there's a little bit beany fine but you know yes yeah looking good looking good Jamie how did how did the cut go it took a few strokes good knife but we got there got there perfect alright and since since you're on you what are you carrying today today he's blacked out huh yeah good one all right well thank you for sacrificing your hair or for Jamie to do a field test on his et very well right on that's impressive alright guys let's go check out some sails and grills alright guys so time for sales and grills when one of our product geniuses comes on and tells us about a sweet sale and a sweet grill and of course we've got George coming on shows we're all about some a genius you know all right so one sale right now we've got the Alliance design anchovy these things are going for $1.99 and I think they look great and these boobs are so deep but it just works yeah yeah it's a pretty one that's a pretty one it's a frame lock and it locks up great and everything you'd expect out of an alliance design exactly great designs and on the Grail side we've got the benchmade gold clasp crooked river and see DLC coated Damascus bolsters fancy sparkle the back spacer and that is the official material in case you're wondering Sparkle tea yep bench bed really did a real job and 1,500 bucks 1,600 bucks look it's going left for no reason all right cool well since we have you on what's your buck today oh my new favorite cold steel a d-10 mm-hmm I do love me a good a t10 it's so good yes it's really good it flicks like lockback shouldn't but it locks up like they should and it's just tough and and rude demco is awesome and your demco is also have a man crush on that guy nice we met well thanks coming on all right y'all are the best yeah take it easy all right guys so with the Kaiser that we looked at just a wild while ago we saw Jamie's kind of first knife at blade HQ but Jamie you've been here for a minute a little while yeah and that's what this next knife kind of represents right yeah so this is one of my more recent knives zt0 640 I got this recently as a gift for my 3 year anniversary I played HQ so in October yeah I got it was my 3 year anniversary I guess so this was pretty sweet I was I've been crushing on this knife for you know probably about a month or two prior it's just got like everything about lock bars I don't know if you've noticed that or not but like if a knife has just like a smooth non sticky easy to actuate like lock bar it gets an a for me yeah this knife in particular has a fantastic lock bar it's slim 20 CB blade it kind of checks a lot of boxes for me so being that it's jean season now it is Jean season we'll get to that in a second I mean that it's Gina season now this has found its way into my pocket a lot recently not within the past week or two but recently recently yeah yeah so this is this was a knife so something you guys should know about Jamie and his knife choices Jamie doesn't just gush over every single night so Kurt is a crow if it's shiny Curt pounces think he's got to have it right but Jamie is much more discerning a little more a little more like do I need this does this fit so when I heard him crushing on this we had to do something for him on it because it's not often that he gushes over a knife right and that although I guess we'll talk more about that in a little bit but yeah the other thing that's fun it's way to my pocket recently too is the omentum CBB I think there's no surprise there everybody here is carrying one of these things we all love them if you haven't gotten one yet get one they're just as good as the iPod story-wise I don't have a lot to say about it but like it's just a good knife man like it's what's the what's the word reason it's like a reasonably shaped and design knife it's not crazy Flair or anything like that it's just simple it's got you know a nice hollow ground blade simple g10 a great pocket clip action fit and finish everything is fantastic on this knife and I've been carrying it for a while now and it's great yeah now these next two knives so this aviv ii and then we've got a quakin on the table as well an auto quakin these knives kind of represent a blade HQ we get the advantage of carrying knives from a knife library that we have so whether it's from video shoots that we've done or whether it's from you know samples from manufacturers so that we can talk about new knives and know what we're talking about we have quite a library and you you tend to dive into the library oh yeah which is a good thing i think i use the library more than anybody i think so company which kind of goes into a little bit of a philosophy thing for me i don't have we we had this joke before we started filming like I haven't purchased any knives on this table he's either one or he's just in the library or he got from doing you know shop tours I tend to not have a lot of knives on me I think if you look at a lot of these other you know collection videos these people have you know volumous collections I don't have a ton of knives I do carry a lot of knives and part of that is diving into the ninth library a lot so I'll have a new knife in my pocket every week or like a couple a week or whatever so I usually don't like to have things that I don't care your use around and that just kind of goes into every part of my life you know clothes and other gear and that type of thing so everything kind of has a purpose and in a place so I don't have a lot of nice so yeah yeah and that's the great thing about the library because you guys don't see I mean this is the first time we've really had Jamie on camera on cameras popped in here there but he every single video you guys ever seen from us in the last three years Jamie's been a direct collaborator so even though he doesn't have like a huge knife wall collection at his house he does carry quite a few and so how what do you been thinking about this quick yeah so this is my most recent carry actually I'm a big fan of Burnley just as a human being no good dude that's a plus here so yeah this is the I always get a kick out of naming this knife this is the bokor Pro Tech Burnley yep quakin Auto mini that's quite a mouthful yeah there it is maybe it might need to pare that down a little bit um honestly when I first started carrying this I didn't think I was gonna like it that much but it like it showed up in the library I was like I haven't carried it I might try it but I think what got me was like for some reason it opens up and it just kind of fits in this grip really nicely uh-huh and it's great like it's it's really you know it's easy to handle so that's something that it's got going for it might be a little bit better like as far as me like four blade shape like I might prefer a more acute angle on the tip just because I do a lot of like packages and boxes and stuff but I I can overlook that just because like it's so simple it's so nice in the hand and yeah it's it's a fantastic little knife it doesn't have a deep carry pocket clip right it's a little bit of a bummer I've been looking around maybe trying to see if you can get a different pocket clip on there but they're kind of hard to her to work with but yeah yeah so quakin Poker Burnley pro Tek quick and auto mini yep it's quite the name quite the name great knife I like it a lot it is a good name and it is a good knife and with with Burnley we talked ChaCha a little while ago when this launch was the two shot shows ago now but when it launched and he said that this the auto quake and that was like that was the perfect manifestation of his quake and design final form yeah yeah this is this is the final form because there's no flipper tabs there's no nothing it's just perfect for him the lines were just perfect so Super Saiyan status exactly no I think they're like up to like Super Saiyan God love yeah yeah for some reason I was watching a video so good anyway so so we we've looked at kind of some of your first knives we've looked at some of your blade HQ knives so maybe your your knife philosophy now obviously Jamie's been part of every video we've done in the last three years so you've done a couple shop tours and now we have some shop tour nice so tell us about the so six auto yeah so the oh six this is potentially the first knife that I ever was was was ever given to me essentially so we were I can't remember how long I was here I was here for a little bit but not too terribly long and Ben's like you're going to Portland yeah okay so he went did a story on this Oh six Auto this one was given to me by Andrew over at that Gerber there good guy but yeah it's it's kind of a it's kind of interesting story just because it's like the first knife that I ever got given to me by somebody else that's not you know my family right yeah or like oh yeah the raffle athlete so it's like it was like a gift like yeah thanks for coming along and this is like if you haven't watched that video it's it's a great story this has been deployed hundreds of thousands of times troops overseas that all of that fun fun jazz this one is I have kind of beat to death the spring is really tired at this point just because it's been like like I've taken it apart put it back together like I've done a lot to it so this isn't how normal yeah but this is also their 10th anniversary one which is like their special green one yeah yes which is cool but yeah I think the only other thing is so I had this knife in my pocket I was hiking angels landing yeah it was icy and snowy I highly do not recommend hiking angels like you're in Zion National Park like he was landing don't hike it if it's icy and snowy I'm coming down off angel's landing and like I don't have like I should have liked crampons and stuff right I don't because I'm not particularly you know paying very much attention but you should be now you see stuff coming down there's a slippery spot and I end up taking the pommel of this and like hammering ice yeah out of the trail so I could like get a foothold down angels landing nope if you've never hiked this is real and yeah if you've never hiked this trail I mean essentially you get to a point where you're on a spine of Red Rock and it's like you know a couple hundred foot drop off one side and a couple hundred foot sheer drop off the other side so definitely not a good idea but a great story like a thousand yeah yeah I just a thousand no big deal umm and so with this knife too so you know if you haven't been able to tell Jamie takes care of his stuff he's very particular about his stuff he has a very big use philosophy so with the so six author he actually took it apart and cleaned it to try to get it to operate a little bit better for camera cuz he felt embarrassed about it but the reality is he's just beat the snot out of it yeah it's really gotten some you should not have done some things that I have done to it but that's I feel like that's what I know six autos for though like do sit in a strong-arm to like Gerber makes the two of just the best like pry bar beat the heck out of it knives you know I mean and that's one of them right I mean you know you hope tell the story yeah that one lmf to strong-arm all like classic knives yeah getting taken over and beat the hexohm yep exactly next one I like yeah about a year ago we did a pro tech shops who were went over did the the whole tour thing with with Dave over a pro tech that was a Ben and I project and I've been a fan of the tr3 for a while so this one is great the story is Dave's like I can't send you guys home without you know actually like giving you guys a knife and events like Davey don't have to do that and he's like I know but I'm going to so he's like what do you want I was like okay I'll take this one Ben I think Ben picked a new port or something like yeah yeah so not only did you know he just he didn't just go grab me like an off-the-shelf knife he's like okay I'm gonna like find this like two-tone blade and then I'm gonna put like a black lip pearl button on it and then you know the kicker the kicker is like Dave if you're gonna give me a knife I want you to laser engrave Dave Wattenberg is my homeboy all right so I don't know if you can read that or not but it got you know protec shops you're 20 but he got yet dave lunberg is my home is my homeboy and this is just a testament guys we have the advantage of being able to work with a lot of amazing people in the industry just absolutely amazing people and dave wattenberg is I mean he's just top-shelf like the dudes just incredible and this is just a perfect example of of what Dave's about I like Dave a lot I always enjoy whenever we're that blade show or shot show going over the protestors and saying hi he's classy guy all the time every time yeah so I love that story alright cool I know and now the final knife the knife that has gotten the most pocket time and it also has a video story yeah so surprising all right this is a surprise to anybody uh benchmade bug out so we were talking earlier about like jean season mm-hmm yep so anybody that knows me knows that I don't like jeans very much I only wear jeans because it's cold outside so basically as soon as it's warm to not wear jeans outcome the athletic shorts of some variety so the bug out has been fantastic because this is a great like athletic shorts knife because it's so light and it's slim so I originally I purchased yeah blue one yeah I purchased a blue and carried it all the time we have a we have a Friday meeting where we check everybody's pockets for fun we're so hey what is already carrying in every single week Jamie just put the blue bug out blue bug ugga during the summer during the summer I don't give him the blue one to my brother same brother obviously yeah the only brother the only brother as I as I learned along with the audience today so blue I went to my brother we did video with Hans over at bench made a while back he ended up giving me this yeah I won't never forget so so Hans gave him the knife and we have our Friday meeting the next Friday and he's like I got something different my pocket today and then he pulls it was different technically yeah so this is like I've done a lot of stuff as I like it's got a piece of your level still on yeah yeah if you guys don't know me and Jamie we built the whole set that you see here took a while it was quite a bit of work in yeah you got pieces of my level on it and like I was cutting trying to hang lights or someone's cutting something yeah it's like yeah bug out in the pocket almost all the time all the time it's short season right short season yeah not gene seizure season sweet alright man well you know how it works so end of the banter I'm gonna ask you to choose one of your favourite children here if you had to have just one on the table I actually feel like Jamie's gonna have a straight answer on if you had a hat if you just one on the table if you had to have just one which one would it be okay well like that has the most blood sweat and tears in it of course of course so I feel like that's an easy answer when it comes to sentimental value or like I always say I'm not gonna have that in my pocket right yeah no surprise this has just been the most useful tool I guess out of anything that I've carried in a long time just because like I can take it like a can't I can't put this in my short of course yeah so yeah benchmate bug out baby bug out there it is awesome dude well thank you so much for coming on it's been awesome and guys now we are going to go over to the collection connection alright guys welcome to the collection connection this is your corner on knife banner if you use hashtag THQ collection on Instagram you post your ad knife stories pictures adventures just your actual collections anything like that we go through it every week and then we give you guys a shout out on knife banner and today our picture comes from EDC Nick EDC nck and he he said things things seem to be a tad bit sketchy yeah I wonder why I would say that I wonder why it's got two sketches he's got two he's got both of the sketches if he had both the blade HQ exclusive that we launched sold out currently I don't know what's coming back but then he also has the inline sketch as well great knife that's unfortunate on the carbon fiber one because that one was really sweet it was really sweet we'll see if we can get it back or not yeah they say they're sweet Zac what kind of tip is on that blade ya know yeah it's it's a modified clip point Warren cliff sheepsfoot I believe Burnley likes the term K tip okay tip Yorker he's very adamant about that so according to Lucas Burnley the shape of that blade is K tip which is just fine so anyways a great picture from EDC Nick he actually has some a lot of rad night pictures on his page we kind of scrolled through and checked out what he had going so it's kind of a Burnley fanboy actually yeah so yes so okay with that go give him a follow seems like a good dude never met him in real life at least I don't think so alright and it wouldn't be a knife better if we didn't end with the wheel of indecision and today we have another guy from product come on and this is Jacob how's it going great good to see you guys good to see you too man and he's gonna spin the wheel for us show us what we're gonna do next time let's do it we got soup carving up carving we technically already did that are we gonna do it again yes okay okay straight from the video good smell so we did we we had a knife manner where we had to like put a different field test in because we wanted to show you guys some some other stuff so I did a quick little soap carving so we are doing soap carving next round so I don't know what knives we're gonna be using that will figure it out alright and Jacob what do you came today I'm glad you asked today I've got the Kershaw launch to personal favorite I love the air goes it is a good one man and also the color on that one yeah that's that's that's the right color you did rasty yeah you didn't go wrong with any of the launch series they're all really good sweet well thanks come on man appreciate absolutely yep take it easy and thank you guys for falling along we really appreciate it it's been a blast Jamie yeah I think I think we're gonna have to get Jamie on more if you guys want to see more Jamie let us know we're gonna give them from the camera more often I'm gonna do this thing please consider hitting subscribe please consider hitting the notification bell and we'll see on the next one hey I'm so proud of you you made to the end screen thank you so much for watching my collection video make sure to subscribe to blade HQ right over here also go to blade HQ comma check out all sorts of sweet knives down below here collection playlists all sorts of collection videos I think you'll like it
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 107,612
Rating: 4.8952537 out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, Knife Banter, Pocket Knife, Knives, Knife, Steel, Pocket Knives, Pocket Tool, Pocket Tools, Grail Knife, Sale Knife, #bhqcollection, Season 2, Exclusive, Exclusives, Pocket Check, EDC, Everyday Carry, Employee, Carry, Fixed Blade, Gerber, Video Editor, Editor Carry, Video Editor Edition
Id: LAGcC9AqgwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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