Best Knives Around $100 | Knife Banter Ep. 71

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what is up guys welcome to blade HQ and knife banter live whoo life watch your mouth okay I got watch it okay today we're gonna be looking at a bunch of knives around $100 this has been a requested video for a long time and we finally are getting around to it yeah so it's an exciting time we're also going to pocket check Zack probably four times throughout the video how many knives have you about this week that we're yeah about three this week we'll talk about that I'm so excited as well just today we got a phone call from a man named John he is from Honolulu happens to be a customer happens to be in Utah and happens to be here in the studio John come on so I just met John what an hour and a half ago yes no I John do you want to be a knife bender yes so John you were telling us that your wife and kids Oh watch knife enters okay so John you're gonna kick off our knives around $100 today what is in your pocket yes boom thank you made bug out in trade bug yeah let's stick it right there yeah so how long have you owned this one about six months now six months now it's about a hundred and fourteen dollars on blade HQ calm right now so you can buy it there the prices always check them because they are subject to change why did you buy the bug out it's been blue what you've done it's a great knife though it's not it's an awesome awesome you're an access MIT look guy as well right yeah you were saying you have like a dozen grip Tilian something like that get more if not more why do you collect so many great aliens it's just it's a perfect knife you know it's light the axis lock makes it smooth the edge is outstanding there's thirty V steel winner awesome love it so bug out here in group trillions in your collection you're the man John thank you so John also bought a couple of other tags for our continued mission fundraisers clean thank you for that and John is also Elio and military so thank you for that while you're here you want to know how much we raise but via these leather tags eighteen thousand six hundred and thirty-three dollars raised for continued mission thank you to you guys thank you to you John seriously that means a lot all of that money will go to continued mission for veterans so we are super stoked about that thank you so much what a huge monumental effort John thanks for being part of that and thank you for being on my fan turn I feel like we need to like give up free t-shirts yeah I was on my fin I think he got a t-shirt though you didn't with you got a shirt so thanks for a veteran support yeah you bet easy thanks man damas teach me Jacques yeah yeah you got to do it like this so that's the benchmade bug-out the next on the list is the what we got Spyderco delica and when we're talking knives around $100 delica comes in right at 74 bucks so if you have a hundred dollar bill get yourself a delicate go out for dinner boom got FRN scales vg10 blade just a great great knife all the way around this is a knife that we've been seeing a lot of where we just filmed this morning a knife better about ladies knives mmm well that'll be coming out at some point and the delica was top of list there as well yeah but I love the delicate me yeah four-way reversible pocket clip on it beautiful grind on it flat grind and might have loosened everything up to the point where I can actually close it I've seen one I've seen you flicked out that back last night a couple times how did you do that and honestly I think it just I've loosened the pivot a little bit and I keep it nice and lubed yep and you can almost get it on the brand new one it's a great knife I like it and with that feature being able to close it one-handed yeah I'm cool with the back well in that color I know I feel like you front loaded this a little bit with a particular color well we're going to that's true that's true that's true that wasn't a plant he really did have the bug out so on the list is the Spyderco chaparral possibly men's new knife maybe so I've been looking at this guy it's got all the features of the delica that I like yep it's lightweight what's what's the weight on two ounces yeah it's super lightweight it's late at yep right at 2 ounces on that blade length is right in that sweet spot that I love and it's got that flat grind as well I like this knife a lot now one thing that you'll notice in the around $100 category a lot of these knives are FRN handles so fiberglass reinforced nylon or some sort of polymer basically it's a fancy name for plastic I'm not gonna bullcrap you on it it's a fancy name for plastic but it it works better yeah it's not like Ninja Turtle action-figure plastic right right it's it's fiberglass reinforced exactly it's a high-impact plastic on plastic that can take they can take a beating right yeah totally but that's one thing that you'll see throughout this particular price range you're either looking at FRN and a higher end steel in some cases or you're looking at and you know I guess I shouldn't say that some are Efrain yeah but it does spend a pretty wide range as I say in this price range you can really and and and that's what we're gonna kind of see as we dive in here like you can kind of get a knife for like any season any purpose yeah um in this price range which is pretty sweet one thing I do like about this one though is it doesn't feel particularly plasticky yeah compared to say delica yeah the delica does feel a little more plastic heat this feels I'm almost like a g10 and the same thing with the next knife which is the the mini group the mini that was just a smooth transition oh yeah you know it's like I've been practicing but we have it this is live wasn't even intentional great so yes so so the next one on the list is the benchmade mini grip you get that awesome access lock s30v no 154 51 54 with this one yeah 154 and goes for about 94 bucks 95 bucks just depends so yeah classic knife all the way around I'm a huge fan yeah you don't want these too I do see this is another thing I feel like knives in 100 alla range you get a lot of bends sighs knives you do you get in size and bend cheap sucker rain right exactly notes yeah you and I kind of talked about this we were getting ready for this particular banter I'm of the opinion that around a hundred bucks you starting to see diminishing returns yeah where it's like yes you can get a better blade steel you can get a better fit and finish you can get a better handle material but after that hundred dollar mark to me it's like now now you're adding rims you're adding like fancy tires yes it's not necessarily the stuff that I want I need a cutting tool see bro I grew up in the ghetto in Vegas I love the race wait brings us to should we go there sweet oh let's do a see what's in your pockets do you want all what's in my pocket you want one right now no we're gonna start with one one one right now which one do I want to start with uh I minister I'll start with this one because I've been I've been waiting on this one since January oh man a lot of you guys have been waiting on this one since June oh man oh yeah I got I got my micro Shaw matrix might not burn Atrix mm-hmm this one's yours yeah huge shout-out to Stefan who helps process orders and stuff here I've been pestering him a lot love you buddy thank you fine they said get off my back get off my back yeah yeah cuz obviously we had to make sure that you guys that had pre-orders and stuff all got him first that's obviously much more important but I finally got one of my pocket today very excited awesome so I'm really stoked to see how these things patina yeah over time I'm so excited I know some guy just received as his in the mail tonight and he's patina yeah as we as we're speaking but I'm curious to see how it patinas in pocket yeah cuz everyday you that was the whole reason when when I dealt with this because I was one to talk to Kershaw at SHOT Show and so I got to touch this thing at shot show and ever since then I'm like no force no nothing I just want to see this thing from use so d2 steel it's got the copper obviously and then deep carry pocket clip honestly it's it's in my reign it's such a rad night and we're talking about knives under 100 this thing's right under hundred somewhere I came over the exact price on it but yeah yeah I mean I bought three knives a day I can't remember all of them are not today but this week we're gonna like a little spot so you can sleep here cuz you're not gonna make your race okay we were just talking about the cotillion and we didn't talk about the other part of the crypto yeah yeah the regular size the regular size John Deere at night that was John's favorite night I want to show you this one because our options in the Kryptonian family this is not around a hundred you're looking at much more on this guy but I feel like these size comparisons pretty important let me see if I can get them both in frame for you there boom so you look at these two knives and then Zack I'm gonna need your hand here here come's can you grab that bug out the bug up I came to a realization yesterday's oh yeah I've been crying ever since can you can you get that guy in there so oh yeah yeah I remember this that's a cluster of that I don't think they're gonna make a make a mini buggy they're not gonna make a mini bug out do you know why the blade lengths are too close yeah exactly Hans if you're watching I understand I understand I understand the market I understand the marketing but a mini bug out would make my day just good you should just have funds make you a custom one I know no it's just that stupid I I know hey we all we all got our things that we are gonna let us know in the comments guys with some things that you specifically love about a knife you won't buy that knife unless it has that thing or your favorite one your favorite no I love the bug out and I want one bad it's great but I won't buy it I love it because I know that the blade links more than I want man you should borrow mine for a while I'm not gonna do it guys where this is a live banter feel free to leave your comments in the livestream on your phone whatever and Zack your kind of money yeah there's been a couple good ones but I didn't wanna interrupt you interrupt me somebody did ask one of the copper nature's gonna be back in stock don't quote me but all the employees were buying kind if we didn't buy them all I think they'll be back in stock I think around next week sometime but honestly guys like how we waited for this thing and everything anyways yeah that's that's a big me so hopefully next week good question that's that's the plan any other questions while we're here nothing's that I'm seeing specifically I got a question for you yeah go for do you like my shirt I love your shirt Thanks I actually really do I think it's a cool shirt and the color is love that color I think the people will like this shirt I think I think it goes I'm likely sure gonna say just keep watching keep watching maybe not today no not today but keep watching keep watching what's next another second around a hundred dollars next we've got the the laconic Oh Vanguard and Vanguard Gemini this is the Gemini the Vanguard series of the Gemini so the regular Gemini is got a titanium and etc etc this one is this is this is GG 10 and I think VG 10 blade that sounds right that sounds right vo Kaiser Villa 10 yep beauti 10 so yeah so g10 handle BG 10 blade great little user like all the way around this thing goes for 80 bucks and something that Kaiser does really well is just that action like it feels so nice so great little knife you were saying earlier when we were looking at this thing you were a little concerned maybe a little too grippy on the G tip I don't think this would tear your pockets yeah I think it's just right just enough that if I got kin okay I can still use my probably right yeah you're probably right there so that's an interesting thing about handle materials so you got a g10 here you've got an F R in here but between the two they're probably gonna rip your pocket up the same maybe not even rip it up right where you the wear would be similar between between the two current versus more of a smooth g10 yes on this bench make your pillion not in the hundred dollar range my apologies yeah I'll try to lie to you yeah yes but I think that's something that when I'm buying a knife I'm actually thinking about two because you can spend a hundred bucks on a knife and then spend $300 as it rips your pants apart for the next ten years you know well I'm not just not just the skill tailor but also the clip yep the clip is another huge thing I've bought knives where I've had all through the Clipper get a new clip yeah because it's just not gonna pan out yeah and I don't like you said I'm not gonna not carry a knife but I also don't want to rip my jeans up yeah tell us in the comments on this livestream what you think about ripping up your pockets and is that okay is that some guys wear it as a badge of honor some guys it's it's a thing you know so let us know let us know if you guys see me looking down it's me checking comments so it's not me checking texts or anything like and if you see me looking down and I'm looking for mice true I think at some point Zach we were supposed to have a commercial break in here but I don't remember where it is do you remember it's right after this se knife so why don't you talk about the SE because I know you love that se 3 I do okay so guys next up on the list is the SE three meinen los Estados Unidos that's the United States can I say that oh you just said it we're live should we do it live should we do the rest of us in Spanish we'd like instructions - construction Spanish man I mean I can ask you where the hammer is at so this is the su3 made in Idaho Falls just up the road from us my car to handle on a handle scales 1095 steel and when you're talking about knives around a hundred bucks I think you got to have a fixed plate in there this one's 109 currently on blade HQ check for current prices I own the SE 4 and it's a fantastic knife the S III is just a just a hair shorter and I think if I were to buy again I'd probably get the su 3 at the OC 3 yeah it's just it seems a little bit thinner a little bit smaller and just a stellar knife the sheath on it has excellent retention and in the hundred dollar range great knife I mean yeah I mean in the hundred dollar range is an incredible knife for I mean if you're backpacking if you're hiking if you're making campfires in your backyard I actually keep my c4 in my garage on my pegboard mm-hmm and it's kind of just like this all-purpose if the screwdriver won't do it the se4 will well here's the great part about that is the the stellar warranty sure right like they've got a no-questions-asked warranty so sure use it as a screwdriver in fact I've seen these it showed they had this sign in their booth in the SE booth of like tortured knives like that had been through fires and like broken in half like your heart kind of aches for them but no questions asked warranty yeah which is pretty bad pretty darn cool for the SE hey is a commercial break time do I think it's commercial break time let's see if we can make so this is live and Jamie's push button in commercial break hey guys we got to take a quick break from a live stream I have to show you these laconic ones they're called these eat first production run and they are live on blade easy calm this coming Wednesday November 21st make sign for the wish list make sure to get there on time alright guys and we're back hopefully that work otherwise you're just staring at us pretty funny right I feel like every life thing always has that thing I like we like I think yeah so so next on next on the table we've got the Kershaw launch one obviously it's an automatic knife made in the USA Lumina handle and 154cm actually using C CPM 154 no a CPM 154 yes there is a mess-up yeah there's a different CPM 154 blade steel I love the Kershaw launch series and and again when we're talking this one goes up about 95 bucks but there's there's a handful of launches right around this range and like they're amazing yeah I mean made in the USA super super snappy I mean right they feel great and this one's got a two-way pocket clip on it as well all right so left or right hand came lovely yeah the spine of a handle on this guy mhm just kind of a nice touch to it it's like it's interesting yeah you got you got a knife that's sub hundred dollars like you don't have to do that hey it doesn't need the flare but Kershaw puts a little extra love on these launches and they do a great job with him thoughts on the burnt orange I actually like it do you yeah it's not it's not my like all the time when I carry that Jam but I think the burner ones works with the black blade if this was yeah I don't think that is yeah cuz it's kind of Halloween colors now you said this Halloween this like shirt and tie shirt yeah that was this color oh no yeah first or dive admit how old are you how old me so I studied broadcast journalism in school and I had to be on camera right which I hated like and I'm like this is so stupid I hate it so badly and but my professor you had to be you had to be like broadcasting so I went out to the thrift store and bought all of their like semi-decent right collared shirts one of them was this burnt orange color and eventually my wife was like get rid of that that's like if you can't be on camera in this burg orange shirt so anyway I'm glad I'm not on the news yeah I wish we could if this went live I would good together clip cuz it's it's pretty incredible that being now yeah that was a total sights you asked me was in my pocket what's in your pocket ooh I'm gonna see in it okay you're saying I'm gonna save it because it actually goes along with Iona I didn't see what you had in your pocket that you are current but I know that you've got multiple knives in your pocket what else is in your pocket Zach all right number two number two for the Wii yes all right hey there two for the week yeah I had to do it I had to do it this knife was made for me come on are you kidding me a buck 110 Auto in micarta in brass okay how much you paid for this uh I don't think they go for like a buck fifty or something like that okay so you didn't even you didn't even like buy it in the range of what we're talking about this week oh no yeah no this is I had to have it yeah I bought this the day like literally the minute it launched I we were on this thing oh yeah hands dip it seems like you've done that three times this week I have done that three times this week actually one of them hadn't even technically went live just next night that dancer episode financial freedom and how to find it while you cover your night so anyways buck whatever it's just great it's a great knife so so the next time we're looking at here is the protec sprint and I grate a little automatic knife made by the good folks at Pro Tech this one is gonna run Zack will turn the page here oh yes sorry I was checking comments I'd rather than or $2.99 no yeah so this one I think there's I think there's a range here where it starts to be a little short and stubby yeah this would make a great box opener yeah we actually I'm in conversation today the the table that was very good the the Kershaw launch for right is also a little guy like this California legal and we were talking about that today it probably has other utility obviously it's still a shark Slade but for the most part boxes and a lot of guys I know that our Indonesian a warehouse they carry launched for or you know one of protech variants you know it's funny how we see this online where people are like what do you oh you know it's open new knife boxes cyclical folks yep I did that just today actually I like this one I think it's a great little knife it's yeah protectors the thing I love the recessed pocket screws talking about tearing up your pocket right yep which is nice this is good so one known about autos you can buy a few autos in the in the hundred dollar range it depends on what you're looking for size-wise yeah this lunch one if you were to open this a I don't know Symphony I don't know if you were to open this in a non knife friendly place right for sure we're gonna freak in her shirt yeah yeah remember you and Dave had a conversation about soccer games or baseball games yeah this is probably the free country yeah you open something like that especially the auto action especially in that burn - yeah exactly but you open something like this but I still think the auto action has something to it I think there's still something people absolutely right like you know we were talking about women's knives earlier today and when you're talking about women's knives a lot of women don't like autos because it just it feels too much right yep so absolutely yeah any comments we need to hit oh let's check let's see well you're looking at that I'm curious what you guys are carrying it looks like it looks like there's some lack okay people people are saying there's some lag so we tried to alive the other day with a cell phone why don't you guys tuned in and watched it which is super cool and now we've gone like full hog with a fun setup and that might be where we're seeing a bit of lag yeah that might be it any comments that we need to address Michael Warnock wants to know how we can grow a beanie beard Thank You beanie and your beard just come together yeah people just dropping what they're carrying lots of act that what's it about whatever carry end of it though we got the weirdest carrying a Mannix to Jacob you know is carrying a benchmade bug out calling current Kirino hmm is carrying a manic 6l nice Kevin Thomas benchmade Phaeton from blade HQ there we go buddy yeah Brandon Cooper's carrying a SOG Kiku folder so can we talk about the fete time for just a second let's talk about it there's not no TF on our table there's not because most ot FS are gonna run you much more than $100 yeah so even the Phaeton I want to say the Phaeton is like I think it isn't that range so here's my theory on OTS this is just my personal theory I've got an f-16 write a KCl 16 your Slurpee one it's yeah yeah I drew Slurpees and pizza on it and is literally the only OTF I need because for me and I would a no TF is is a factor yeah with a No Deal right and those those have 16s they hit great yeah and there and it's it's a low low entry OTF sure right and I've actually used the thing for real and good point yeah so so but that one's running about 50 bucks oh yeah like 50 but there's not really in that kind of hundred dollars hundred dollar no - yeah yeah I'm curious do you think Kershaw could pull off what they've done with the launch series you know yes 100% I think so well I hope so I've heard I've heard a lot of people commenting there this one's for you I make it so sir make it so alright next on the list guys is the bokor urban trapper I flicked it bad yep you should try that again try to get there don't worry we'll fix implemented that out okay urban trappers this was a great little knife vg10 steel on a Brad's incre design you've got to be carry pocket clip with those recessed screws that just do it for me as well you've got this carbon fiber on this model as well as the titanium frame on it I have thought about buying this one multiple times yeah this one I know that's been on your list and I haven't pulled the trigger yet it's it's an awesome knife and when we're talking a knife four runs about 105 bucks with titanium and carbon fiber and you know it's a vg-10 steel so I know some guys that's a deal breaker I'm never personal had any problem with VG chair and a deep carry pocket clip and it's a killer knife can I can I tell you I am ballin it's too long well beyond that oh yeah our model is the f4 is actually right in a beautiful knife range for me yeah I like my knives to do everything okay so I want to be able to take it with me wherever I go right versus like this guy I feel like that blade he's long he's skinny like I'd almost feel bad taking this camping yeah I think if a knife feel if I'd feel bad taking a camping I probably wouldn't buy it interesting okay yeah I think I mean I'm just I'm such I'd just use everything yeah so like I guess I just don't consider it a ton like I would just would you feel bad using this no I just feels too proud for this yeah no it's definitely it's definitely it's definitely a classy gentleman tonight that's for sure so I like this one though in the also looking for kind of like a little bit more girth in the blade check out the fr from bokor and this one comes in cocobolo as well as some sweet titanium which you could anodized exactly which is always awesome yes this is the giant mouse Iona and this is a yes per box in his design well boxing is in on so design it's just amazing why do you love it so it's just sub hundred dollars m390 blade FRN handle it's got that awesome and so did you say can we talk about that from an M 390 blade yeah yeah no I've seen a couple comments some of you guys in the comments here have meant have brought up the Kershaw dividend and I think the link is the link no anyways Kershaw has to thing I think the link is what it is yeah her she also has two knives that have an m3 90 blade and they're running like 70 80 bucks a man or dog in her rage which is pretty impressive so all really great options but but this thing just it feels great in hand it's got that awesome like Vox Nez feel to it on so feel to it yeah it's got the deep carry wire clip on it just great all the way around yeah I'm pretty stoked that you can get m390 bucks it's crazy I mean even the fact that you can go out and buy an s30v knife for I don't know I mean yeah the bug out is it 114 yeah something like that hundred fourteen yeah the fact that you can buy those at that range I mean five years ago the only knife that you could buy well very few knives had a 30 V but you were basically paying Sebenza prices right for s30v yeah well and I mean for reasons because right Chris we've had a huge hand didn't totally in in which is still a fantastic but to me it's exciting to see the price is coming down a bit now so I want to show you this too so you wanted to know what's in my phone yeah what's in your pocket I have a fox zero and this is an interesting concept here because you have the Fox zero which has been out for years now and then you have this giant mouse that I mean those are brothers oh yeah mind oh yeah which makes sense because this is also a nice non so design right yeah and the fun thing about this is yes in Batumi yeah that's right well this is Sierra Kathy we're at dinner and yes proposed this out of his pocket and he's like hey check out what I got he's like that's awesome really nice of us period but it's also fun to see kind of I think one thing I've never loved that particular knife is that kind of that nubbin the reverse soil yeah I like it nothing it's more official there's always a little bit kind of in the way when you're holding it yeah I feel like you definitely Iona yeah you definitely don't get that with the Iona so maybe that was great maybe that was the the on so factor there yes purrs like bro rounded up bro yeah I feel like they talked to each other that way bro bro what's with bro in Danish all right any any comments or Zach that we need to address while we're driving what do we got here somebody said probably pair of 17 I don't know what that means but let's see any any plans this guy does stuff any plans for more marbled carbon fiber trappers no no I don't think so none of the same yeah I mean it might come back but no I doubt it which is an interesting concept when we're talking about exclusives typically a blade HQ we run an exclusive and then it is gonzo so maybe not gonzo gonzo but like gone yeah it's a little bit of knife punished in there for us anyway when we when we make it exclusive we tip we do a run of however many and sometimes we'll get more a lot of times it is gone so if you see an exclusive that's a played a ski exclusive get on it it's kind of like this drop factor it drops yes here once it's gone it's gone yeah it's it's very likely somebody did ask a good question it was Chris guides he says if you had one night for the rest of your life what would it be such a deep question it's such a heart it's like it's like if you could only watch one movie for the Reds it's just a hard question is it is it just knives I think at the IES yeah I would too right I take a search but I think at the heart of the question it's nice okay if you could have one knife for the rest of your life what would it be benchmade my name anybody got this so for your hypothetical question you're gonna give a hypothetical knife yeah perfect found it yet yeah I might have found it I might have bought it today yeah Matt Burke one time no the other one oh yeah all right listen I haven't used it yet so I can't say definitively its pristine oh my gosh I'm so excited okay it's story time so there I am my desk just doing my job clickety click click click click and I hear like Jamie our videographer he's sitting over here he like starts running and Zach starts running and then Andrews starts running and I'm like what is going on here and the spider cut and ugly Benchmade pouco yep had just come in we I think we've gotten three or four previously and we just got a whole pack of them so the employee purchases were on yep and it was like the Running of the Bulls right there and you've got your poop I got my Fuko I am so excited I I'm gonna be doing I'm gonna be out in in the wild this weekend so I'll get a chance to put to good use ak in the wild Zach in the wild oh yes please do yeah I was I was a little worried about the rubber handle to be honest I love it like it turns out it's great I was think an Andrew was actually had the same idea of doing a different scale on it but as it stands just having it in hand I think it's awesome Andrews gonna put a new skill of his he was thinking about it as well but how do you get the side you melt this I would personally I would just cut it off cut it cut it it's great cleaning yeah I don't know but anyways if one knife right now that would because I'm so stoked on it my life folder folder yeah I don't know just seems right yeah but I haven't found it yet yeah exactly I was gonna say what folder yeah I was I was having a conversation with Stephen our local knife connoisseur yes that's French yeah and I was like man I haven't bought a knife in a minute in a good minute because I keep waiting for like this thing to come and sing to me and this is the thing this is the thing this is this happens with motorcycles cars bicycles it happens across the board guys get into something or they've been into it for a long time and they they're they're like I want the perfect one like I want the motorcycle that I can like go off-road with and that I can like do a cross-country trip with yeah and this and that but the reality is is like didn't that motorcycle is gonna suck cuz it does everything kind of good and there's no not one thing yeah but they're so close three-quarters of an inch oh my gosh like I said like I said no anyways what's the min to do I just start making nice guys let us know you want banister on it do it any other comments we should hit there Zak before we sign off Graham House said I love grandpa hey grandpa how's it going back [Laughter] let's see we dedicate an entire episode to Graham house comment yeah yeah nothing big yeah somebody said that the green bench made looks a lot like the more knife and they love it yeah it's so cool yeah it's that style the buco is that style of knife yeah so a lot of fun love it guys during the holidays we're gonna be doing a few other live streams and what we expect is that you guys order as pizza so I'm just gonna prime you for that I like pineapple on my back does not he feels like that's heresy no I'm a pineapple how are you oh yeah okay yeah cuz if you don't have what type of an animal are you if you don't put pineapple on your pizza people out there that don't let's discuss they're watching us now I know they're your little ham little bit pineapple ittle bit hot sauce done done so guys we'll have more live streams coming out for you if you want to be notified of live streams first of all you need to subscribe and second of all there's this little Bell notification icon on YouTube that you need to click that or tap it and you'll get notified so just now when we started I actually got another flash a notification on my phone that we're live so $100 knives your face yep notification yeah unfortunately my face sorry about that bad you had to do it how to do it if you put the notification on there you'll get the live stream when it comes on and other announcements I think that was about it I think we're there mmm it's been fun what you gonna buy next week I don't know there's actually some time soon we're supposed to be getting the micarta biblio and I'm gonna have to do the micarta biblio when it go you have an addiction it just so happens that a lot of knives that I am really interested in coming at the same time that's all it is what it is good thing you can sleep in your car you guys can support me support give me some love there you happy guys thanks for watchin I fender will have another video coming out for you next week you
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 417,190
Rating: 4.8178267 out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, Blade HQ Live, Knife Banter, Knife Show, Blade, Sharp, Knives, Pocket Knives, Steel, $100, Knives around one hundred, Money, Spyderco, Benchmade, Kizer, Giantmouse, Iona, Delica, Chaparral, Bugout, Griptilian, Protech, sprint, ESEE 3, Gemini
Id: gROVV87yhko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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