If you could only have one knife...? | Week One Wednesday Ep. 17

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how's it going guys and welcome to week 1 Wednesday or as we like to call it Wow so guys we've got Kurt back in the studio which is awesome we've got a very interesting camera setup going on here so we're going to see how this thing goes but we've got a ton of knives on the table and what we were talking about today is if you could only have one knife for the rest of your life what knife would it be and every single knife on the table came from you guys so if you're watching live let us know in the live comments right now if you'd only have one knife for the rest of your life what would it be and we might have a little elf go run and grab some and bring them back for towards the end here as always huge shout out to we knives for being a sponsor of week 1 Wednesday if you don't know why that's important hold on to the end I promise it's gonna be worth your time and as always with wow we'd like to start off with some new arrivals just to let some people who are live show up and if you're not watching live let you know kind of what's new out there so Kurt has our first new arrival Kurt what we ask Oh jeepers guys this is a bokor Kalashnikov we all love to Kalashnikov but what is cool and important is that this is a harpoon blade hmm and we are going to be getting an array of different blade shapes so you can get this harpoon blade on the website for 43 bucks also keep an eye out for different blade shapes yeah I actually out of all the new blade shapes that we have going right now the harpoon one is my favorite so we have some Hockfield blades we have some other interesting blades but that harpoon is pretty cool it's it's very cool yeah so jump on the site check out these Kalashnikovs for 43 bucks not bad you guys know the Kalashnikov always a good way to go right all right next up in new arrivals this one caught my eye today I was kind of excited about this one this is the GGC it's the number 62 is the farm and filled pocket Carver so you know with these multi blade slip joints it's always a fun thing to get yourself cut live so let's see if we could do that cool so there it is now the reason that this caught my eye is while we were working remote I did some Street live streams from my house on Instagram where I was carving that stick right trying to get rid of all in this dick right I probably need to pick that up and do that again but I was looking for a good carving knife and at the time we didn't have any in stock so I was pretty excited to see this so new one from GE CGC makes some really cool knives all american-made this particular one goes for $88 on the website all right I've got one more over here I've got a siege ARB field feldspar found spot and spot I saw this this morning on the website and I was like hmm very interesting it's it's winning so far with awesome micarta actually good textured quality micarta let's see d2 blade it's a three and a half inch blade it's got a deep carry pocket clip reversible it's got these brass barrel spacers and this little brass ring little accent there guys this thing is sweet I'm telling you you guys need to try these CJ Arby's out because they're they're really doing it they're they're doing it right it's it's a good knife yes see Jeremy has some incredible designs it's the budget brand for artisan so kind of like well we has Sevilla I don't know why Iser has the Vanguard's but yeah CJ RB is artisan so if you see some of the designs in there they look like artists and stuff that's what they are they're they're the same company that is a blade HQ exclusive - oh really yeah guys d2 micarta blade HQ exclusive $53 on the website get them while you can these are awesome yeah that's a good one all right um next up for new arrivals on my end we have the Revo vipera now this is a new one from the Revo brand now you guys don't know the Revo brand is PRS so BRS has some folders that they've been doing recently and this is one of their folders that they're doing the Revo line I think this is brand new new to be honest I'm not super familiar with Revo band but I'm becoming more and more familiar looking at some other designs - hand opener just a nice little compact folder liner lock deep carry pocket clip kind of a cool little deal goes for 24 bucks on the website so kind of hard to beat 9 CR 8 MOV blade should you expect kind of in that price range well yeah a really cool knife from Revo or ers Same Same Same and you guys can get those now now I have a almost new arrival so an almost new arrival but this over here so I get confused an almost new arrival is that's right guys we have if you haven't seen this already we've been announcing it everywhere we have some Spyderco Mannix excels that are coming to the website on Friday so you guys know the story with these natural g10 m4 steel this is the first time we're releasing the satin and the coated blades at the same time and these will be limited one per household so you can get one satin blade you can get one coated blade but you won't be able to get two of either so that makes sense does that make sense am i clear uh yeah yeah sort of yeah you can you can buy one of the sudden and you can buy one of the coated but you can't buy to sentence correct get both of you wanted but you can't get two of one right yeah sure so this Friday at 10:00 a.m. mountain time on the website these are going life so you guys know how these go it's hard to say how fast or how slow they'll go so if you want one be on the site right at 10 a.m. ready to click whichever one you're looking to get sweet okay well guys hopefully if you're gonna join us live you are coming in right now we are talking today about if you're gonna have one night for the rest of your life what knife would it be so again if you're watching live let us know in the live chat what it would be if you're not watching live let us know in the comments we'll check them out as well but every night from the table you guys chose week one Wednesday as always is brought to you by we knives let's jump into this thing I think I have one more new rival oh my gosh I definitely forgot guys we're just another Idol and we have to because Kurt was most excited about this new right I actually really am I'm so stoked about this guy's this is the White River knives the m1 caper why is this match so cool well let me tell you do you see this right there do you see that I know Carson zoomed in I know you guys can see that that's burlap micarta and if you're into micarta this burlap is solid man oh my gosh it looks so good texture everything oh the fit in the hams too did the caper is a sweet knife I knew they stoked on that one it's s35vn almost said s30 s35vn it's probably like a three and a quarter inch blade but this thing in its little sheath which you can also make scout carry I would carry this scout carry personally this is a sweet knife sweet it's a it's a good one and yeah it's 35 en and you can get it for 155 on the website nice well since we're already looking in your way oh do it let's what's what's the first knife that you have hook first off who suggested it why is this the the only knife that they would carry if they could only have one knife and one knife is it first knife the benchmade bug man he had to do it here's why here's why I'm getting this out of the way now because I don't know if I'd pick this I don't know if I'd pick this Justin em as you're not gonna shock anyone but benchmade bug out whether it's a jeans shorts or gym shorts shorts kind of day it's light enough and snuggly deep carried to the point that I can forget it's there until I need it also it's blue plastic handles pretty standard blue or blade shape won't scare anyone when I do end up needing it Justin my man let's talk about this for a minute one knife for the rest of your life and you want the bug out I think it's a great option I think it's a great option everything that you said is perfectly on par with this knife you guys know my reputation with this knife I absolutely love this knife this is hands-down one of my top probably in my top three yeah cuz they're top one let's be honest midi bug outs also in there but we can't say enough about the benchmade bug out it to me it is a light knife that you can stash anywhere carry it with you and oh man it's a it's a workhorse I beat mine I literally work hard on mine and bug out man Justin he's he's in with the bug out I mean this is the thing is at the end of this we're gonna I'm gonna pick a knife on this table cuz we were talking about this earlier and I actually couldn't think of a knife that I would want as one night forever right and so I was like well maybe maybe from what you guys chose maybe I'll see one on the table I don't think the bug out would be mine I think I might go folder I think I might go folder to be hundred on us when I'm thinking about use case scenarios across my lifespan it's been mostly folders yeah right mostly folder so I might go with a folder I don't know if it'd be the bug out though I don't know if I'd pick the bug out either yeah and that's crazy to me like I can't even comprehend it in my own mind but one for the rest of your life I don't think it would be the bug out for me but Justin you want the bug out it's a sweet knife man that's 30 B you can get them on the site 120 130 140 in that price range depending on which one it is and we all knew we all knew the bug was going to be on here they had and this is the thing this is your guys's suggestions we saw bugga bugga bugga bugga we had to have the bug out now on the exact opposite end of the spectrum like literally besides a fixed blade I don't think you can get any farther from a bug out we've got a for Mac Scouts from cold steel now when we're talking one knife for the rest of our lives I've carried this thing this might be my one night for the rest of my life I just see this being it's it's something that the same way that yes / vox Nez is an expert at making small knifes feel good in big hands cold steel is an expert at making huge knives fit very well in your pocket that's something they just do great so anyways let's let's see who suggested this and and then we'll dive into the knife a little bit so Tony dot four eight four seven two said oh he said the cold steel for max not the for max Scout got the wrong one so yeah thanks so the cold steel for max is a little more expensive and it comes in specifically 20 cv is the one that Tony's talking about but he said 20 C be folding fixed blade old statement folding fixed blade super comfy in the hands Altima tank of a knife that will never fail you and that's the thing is I think whether we're talking about the formax scout we're talking about the proper for max Tony sorry we let you down by not grabbing it for max actually they were all at a stock yeah that's why we got this scout but either way same profile of a knife but you do get the 20 CV with the regular 4 max which is pretty sweet so that regular for max specifically the one Tony was wanting to see that one goes for 349 99 so definitely a more expensive knife but when you're considering a knife that you would carry for the rest of your life that's not really actually that much money if I think about how much money I've spent on knives in the last month right right 3 $49.99 for a one-time one-time knife not too bad but I really really love this knife I'd never carried a 4 max before the Scout and that's another reason we have it on the table and yeah taking this thing the cool thing I like how I said it's a fixed blade folder it's I mean triad lock yeah and the stock on that it's thick boy yeah you know what I mean yeah look at this thing it's at least the the the stock on this is just crazy and that's the thing so guys we actually have a video that we filmed pre all the craziness that was going on you know and it's still just kind of hopefully coming to an end we have a video that we went show Colts do where we were testing knives with cold steel and they tested this for max scout and it broke the machine that tests how strong the knife should be that's awesome so that gives you an idea of how strong not only the thick stock and the cookin construction on any of cold steel's knives are but also how strong that Triad lock from Andrew demco is just absolutely incredible night and we are going to be releasing that video soon now that we're kind of back more or less so anyways for max Scouts and that was from Tony for a for 72 now guys we have somebody new in the live comments right now it's Emma line so she you guys have seen her a little bit before we all started working remotely we had her on the stories here there she's doing a lot of her social media now she's awesome she's a savvy element him it's like her new favorite night it's great I'm not seeing her send me any comments here where I should be seeing him so either she's in the wrong place or she's not even give me a shout out so if you want a shout out let us know also she will be the one that is pulling your knives so let us know if you have one knife that you'd carry for the rest of your life put in that live chat and if Emma lines in the right place she may or may not see it that's the cost of doing it life that's the cost all right I've got another one over here this one is an interesting play in the my 1 knife for my only for the rest of my life whatever yeah whatever you guys know what I'm talking about we're alive it's the we I see um design Arrakis now no here's the thing so Jamie went through comments and siphoned all this stuff right yeah but I saw this comment and I was like bro we have to do this he's like oh don't worry already got it because this guy has an interesting take on the Arrakis I'm about to read it hopefully I don't slot it or slaughter it oh my goodness jeez yes don't slaw don't slot it it goes long I are dude says hey I don't know about you guys but believe it or not my one knife for life would be a wee Arrakis I'm mostly in an office environment and every time I need to pull out a knife is when I cook at home or open packages that's it we mainly over think a lot about our knives on whether it can stand to certain tasks or not and don't really think about what we do with our knives I used to think that my knife should be able to baton in order for it to pass my standards but heck I live in a city and not even nearly close to the woods valid point if I need to cut a piece of wood for whatever reason chances are there's an axe nearby so what I believe now is that you should enjoy that knife and that knife will last a long time and use it for what it's made for which is slicing cutting PS show that we iraq us dude that was like a book do that that was a long one we'll settle it out though why our dude you know you made a good point I mean sometimes I think we do get kind of caught up on oh I'm gonna go baton with this or it's gonna save my life in a survival situation when realistically the majority of us maybe not you know what I mean so this is an interesting knife choice I love the wild design I don't know if I would personally ever buy one just because it's a little bit too out there for me but if you want to talk materials titanium carbon fiber bohler m390 like are you kidding me that's hitting it out the park and let's see what you put on this side oh I did come on Curt live three hundred and forty eight dollars but like you said if it's the one knife for the rest your life like yeah why wants cry wants you know get overtly that's quality right but man bohler m390 this is a cool knife so ir dude that's a that's a good perspective out here you know when he mentioned kitchen stuff with that knife and looking at it I'm just seeing it now it honestly it's got some of the same lines as like a spidey chef right we're kind of hunched back to it and the blade sits a little bit lower yeah it actually probably would be pretty decent in the kitchen yeah I'm sorry interest it definitely a very interesting pick but also kind of a cool one not what I expected to see right I would not have expected movies yeah but good good pick yeah that's a good one all right cool oh hey it looks like emmalin is in the right place because now there's some shout outs in here please so Bart bar psychology said shout out for the blade HQ employee grace for taking care of me today so awesome grace thanks for taking care of people we have a pretty amazing team here at Blade II HQ you know unfortunately you get stuck looking at our faces a lot but there is a ton of people that work in the warehouse customer service IT everything and just absolutely incredible team wonderful people to work with so hopefully one of people to deal with as well that's what I usually have so no nobody's perfect but I hear right good things you might Brooke Baker said shut up to Trent he's my husband who's about to deploy and is a huge fan of your stuff so Brooke and Trent first off huge shout out to Trent you're going out and serving our country in such a way that's amazing Brooke huge shout out to you I know that's I've got a lot of friends that have been in that situation so you know hopefully everything goes well and the time doesn't feel like it's too long that's that's pretty awesome though Jonathan would just said shout out Jonathan would shout out like all right and then gemacht 66 he said first time watching live welcome buddy good to have you yeah all right so when we're talking about knives that if you only have one knife right what knife would it be I think of I think that the what was a guy's name with the Arrakis I forget his name I are dude yeah I are dude I think I are do you dude was onto something because and I was thinking about this the other day I was actually out camping right and when I go camping I like to do some bushcrafting just to keep my skills up right yeah so fire-making feather sticking you know I build a little Hut the whole thing right and I did it all with a knife and then that same weekend I cleaned up my backyard which is kind of a jungle in the back right right and so I had some trees and I was just doing a burn barrel cleaning everything up and I was using a saw to break down the trees I was like dude this is so much better than hacking it because we're not saying you're in a survival situation what one knife right it's like now you'd still have every other tool available to rise carrying one knife and I think that something to consider is the reality of it is is it's fun to bushcraft with just a knife or just an axe or whatever it's a fun exercise but at the end of the day like I'm gonna go camping and I don't want to worry about it like I'm gonna take a little thing a Zippo lighter fluid right right waterproof matches and a little saw and that's what I'm processing most of my stuff with and that's how I start my fire just like and then just imagine every good right right yeah I totally agree so but on that note we do have a lot of folders on the table and one of the folders that we have is more kind of in the budget range and this is the Kershaw cryo - so let me see who suggested this bad boy Jay ruther Ford I feel like you should be like Rutherford the third or something like that last name so I've had a Kershaw cryo - in my pocket for years tanto blade does everything I need it to it is still one of the best looking knives out there in black wash fits well in the front pocket because it's so thin easy to sharpen and it smells great weird attribute but it all comes into play how about it overall I don't know this may be after being this pocket for years it's it's accumulated I mean I don't necessarily want to smell a pocket yeah yeah but hey dude maybe he'd like you to poke a reed in his pocket or something that maybe smells great now right yeah out of the box I can't attest to that but it's like some dried oranges and some miscellaneous dried leaves it's like your grandma's bathroom so yeah so he's talking specifically about the the blacked out model this one obviously has the stone wash ish blade to it you know everything we already know about the cryo you got a deep carry pocket clip it's a frame lock knife I do forget the blade steel on this one though 420 so it's got a 420 I don't know that is the next knife I am that's what it is 8 CR I was like yeah it's got an 8 CR 13 MOV blade and g10 handle on the others on the face side so really great little knife and for me what I'm thinking about a knife for life this has got a lot of the functions right really strong locking mechanism a pocket clip that I enjoy a good workable steel that's easy to like resharpen and then some g10 rights and grippy right so Kershaw crowd cryo 232 99 on the website hard to go wrong it's pretty definitely wrong let us know in the comments would you guys like if you're gonna carry a knife for life would you like to carry something baller like the Arrakis or would just be more practical I'm kind of interested cuz yeah I have some ball or knives but I definitely carry my practical stuff more right huh it's gonna be interesting interesting idea that's an interesting thought yeah cool all right up next over here I've got this cold steel recon one now I know that there was a little confusion at pulling this knife Patrick Patrick D Wilson okay Patrick he says cold steel recon one clip point this is the spear point clip point I don't know if it was sold out or what but this is the one we ended up with him or both of the cold steel's we ended up with kind of the right now it's in the realm so you know use your imagination it's a recon four-inch blade good steel s35vn strong lightweight scales fine tip for precision with the click point you know this is pretty precision here's the thing isn't a spear point really just a modified clip point I mean yeah perfect probably right modified we're good locking mechanism that can hold up to dang near anything you shell out I personally think you can dress it up or down depending on your dress attire - hmm that's an interesting stage you think you could dress this up I don't know I don't think you can dress up I don't think you dress that knife up I actually so so hanging out with Lynn Thompson right I've seen him dress up a knife but he's like had him custom-made right so it's his knife it's got the Triad lock and then I like custom scales right it's like yeah he's really cool you know like kind of cowboy looking scales and pearl inlays and stuff but if you're going specifically with that model I don't think you can dress that and I thought what's a pocket clip look like on that thing it is your standard pocket clip I mean it is a small short one for a very big night right which is kind of cool again masters of making big nice feel small right like in your pocket but I don't know if you could dress set up let us know it's kind of like when Ben said that you that m16 is a gentleman's carry knife yeah definitely not gentlemen sorry Ben no way I like the Recon one it is a lot of knife that's just what you get with cold steel in general when you buy a cold steel you are purchasing a lot a knife for the dollar amount and I mean triad lock that everything that they make them so they will last forever no joke and I think that's something that it's really cool with cold steel is they stand behind it that's who they are like they don't BS around with it it's this is who we are we have big bold tough knives bring bring whatever you can try to take them on you can get this recon one the spear point at nine 995 on the website and and really with any cold steel night especially in that budget range you're hard-pressed to find that much knife for that price and usually what you get with cold Steel's you almost get a trade-off of blade steels so you don't usually get a really nice blade steel in a more budget knives actually my pocket check I have a cold steel secret that I'm pretty stoked about um but you do get that locking meza miu do get that like just burly knife for a real yeah really affordable price yep so Patrick with the Recon one that was a good choice man nice cool alright so now we are going over a little elf just dropped off a knife we'll have to we'll look at that one after wait we'll wait a second on that one make sure it's checking it out all right so the next one is a buck 110 folding knife not the buck 110 Auto which actually is kind of interesting here's the reality knives like this are the knives that built America like full-on like I'm not even like exaggerating right like these are the knives that are grandpa's and great grandpa's carried right oh yeah and our grandmas and great grandmas carried right to get the work done oh yeah and so I think that you were in good company if this is the knife you carry for life I know my grandpa Jensen this is the type of knife he always had he only had like three knives and they were just like rotated in his pocket right one of them was a buck 110 so yeah it's it's a tried and true diff you only have one knife for life that's right a knife which I don't know if we can say about a lot of the other ones we really are so this was from curb rash kid that is an awesome rash curb rash nice so my granddad boom there it is right my granddad carried the buck 110 every single day for almost his entire life if you could do it I could do it that dude I haven't even read this comment that's exactly mic drop right that's exactly what I just said you get the light you get a lock back knife you get you know obviously made in America great construction and again a proven and tried classic I think out of every knife on the table this is the most proven pattern style type that we have on the table right for sure so a little little hard to argue with this one hey if my grandpa could carry one with all the stuff he's seen and been through and it's lasted that long I have I have one of my grandpa's and I have one from my dad cool and I'm not kidding like they last forever for a reason yeah you know exactly it's not like my grandpa my dad was easy on their knife because it was a safe queen no it was a knife and you use it as tool yep and you get the job done well this thing is is we're we're kind of I mean we're small in a lot of ways right we got to get into that we're really spoiled because we get knives like the we Arrakis which is crazy awesome knife that we can choose from and you know back in the day it was like a lot of the same stuff just from different companies right very similar patterns very similar work use scenarios just different companies making them so anyways yeah that book 110 it's kind of got me kind of got me thinkin kind of got me got you thinking all right guys I have an se 3 I personally own an S III and I have very specific opinion about it and it is a very good opinion in my opinion you were building that like a very specific specific opinion but I'm not gonna tell you I'm not gonna tell you no no I'm not gonna tell you because this is an se you guys no se they I mean these are literally they go out and beat the tar out of these they use them for actual survival they go out and they do classes and stuff like that where they literally are using these knives they're teaching these people how to use these knives for survival use them more as a an all-around tool I guess you'd say but the S III let's see who we got here daily carry solutions daily carry solutions one knife for life I'm a folding knife guy but personally I would have to opt for one of the newer se threes in s35vn with those contoured handles small enough to carry around in a bunch of different ways but can do everything from outdoor activities to food prep Plus no one needs to worry about stuff like gunk and pivots I got to be honest I'm on board I'm on board with you I love my S III it has been to some of the tallest mountains in Utah and hunted miles of backcountry I I've been through some stuff with that knife and it is amazing and mine's not even the s35vn one - the coated whatever yeah 85 yeah something like that but man these new s35vn s are sweet they're super-sweet they're awesome well let me give you guys an idea we we sat down with just forgot his name but we sat down with SC at shot show and we talked about this new night because this a big deal contoured handles s35vn this is the first night they've used s35vn on and we were talking with the guys there at the booth and they were like yeah I've never used that's 35 on anything like they're just because again hard use practical knives they're using 1095 and they took this thing out and they tested it to its limit they actually broke the blade you guys should check it out here on youtube they've got a video about it and this is something that I love about se is the integrity right they didn't try to say like oh no as 35 it'll do everything all the time everyone cut down a mountain with it right they went out they test it they broke it and they showed it right and it like just the level of integrity I just I love that and they also have like a no-questions-asked warranty like which is if you ever get the chance to go to a trade show and see their booth they just have like a wall of destroyed knives and it's just like no just will replace it that's how it works if it breaks replace it that's really cool that's rare to find yeah really really cool you know made in America all that stuff really cool company but also great knife yep I see three that's 35 goes for 125 on the website that is that way this was actually one of the knives I was thinking today when Zack was like yeah one knife for the rest your life I was like maybe my se yet I've put that thing to work yeah my my only hesitancy with a fixed blade is walking around with a fixed blade all the time you mean like like I'm not gonna lie like you go to like you go to like a wedding right you go to church or you go to your grandma's house and my grandma would care really like you kind of picked these scenarios that you're in sometimes we're more off just depending on on what your lifestyle is and it's like I don't know if I don't know that basically right yeah if it's a big fixed blade yeah everyday yeah it's a it's a command right and I just I love daily carrying fixed blades they're like really gotten into that lately actually but yeah I always want to have a knife on me so I don't know it's kind of an interesting interesting deal um we're a couple more shout out so sir wulfenite yes he said shout out to the whole team I recently bought some new knives and they came early I love both and I was surprised at how efficiently they were sent out to me so sir wulfenite again testament to the great team everybody here at blade HQ is just amazing and then nick martino said shut up please nick martino there's a shout out buddy alright guys i'm gonna do one more knife Kurt's gonna do one more knife and then we're gonna do some pocket checks so let us let Emeline know in the live chat what you're carrying today we'll give you guys some shout outs I've got something kind of cool I'm cuz I'm I'm excited about Kurt's got some cool stuff and he's got a super secret that we're not supposed to talk about we're gonna do it anyways because we're live nobody can stop us alright so my next knife before we do a pocket dump is ziti so this comes from patrick til curtain and he said if i had to choose only one definitely the ziti oh five six two carbon fiber absolute beast of a knife has never let me down no matter what the task and you know we were just lauding cold steel for being hard used you know hardcore knives ziti is right in that same realm man so with this you know you get the twenty CD blade obviously you get the carbon fiber front you know full titanium construction with stainless steel insert on that frame lock you've got an overlap over lock bar over travel lock bar guys I'm not gonna say it right you have this thing so that your lock bar doesn't go too far a really sleek nice deep carry pocket clip so it is really hard to go wrong with a ziti and the great thing is et does so with cold steel I mean cold steel has a bunch of different size knives of course right with the ones that I gravitate to they're usually the bigger ones but with ziti does really cool is maybe maybe even a little bit better than cold steel I don't know if that's true I'm gonna think about that I think though maybe a little bit better than cold steel they do a good job at putting this much utility in gnarliness in a really pocket-friendly thing and it's it's nice stuff yeah and that's and that's what you're gonna get with with ZT is it's more slender but I think that's where I'm going with this right is they're they're the ZT knives usually are not as big as some of those bigger cold steel knives that I gravitate to but what ZT does really well is it's just this gnarly hard you deny hired use knife but thinner right right so I think that's what I'm going for is that inter profile is something that really attracts me to this to the idea of being able to carry a ZT n of carrying a ZT for life now how do you feel about the carbon fiber front guys a carbon fiber for for lights I gotta be honest I think carbon fiber can be a little slippery I mean if you're working any kind of okay the other day I repaired a sprinkler in my backyard and I'm not kidding if I would have had a carbon fiber knife one I probably wouldn't do it - I I don't know it's just there's too much potential if you get in slit and and using that I actually used my sc3 yeah because of my cardio micarta and it's fixed blade size force plate so I can just get on it no that's a good testament to that but I mean here's the thing is I know ZT can do it and a note can handle it but the carbon fiber for the rest of my life probably not yeah and I'll have to say I've been slowly getting converted and this is why I want to say it was the CRKT sketch we did a sprint run on one of those and I was a carbon fiber shred carbon fiber actually really love the look of shredded carbon fiber but it had a texture to it it's like they'd roughed it up and I was into it I was super and really was it like chalk board no no it was like it was it felt like a mixture literally it was a mixture between like micarta and g10 and I was just like dude I like this it felt warm like micarta yeah kind of grippy like g10 that's cool dude I was pretty into it and so like we're actually trying to work on some exclus other exclusives right now and I keep telling just in the product manager I'm like bro it's more that it's more that because I miss the sketch everybody else bought this game I didn't get one and so now I really I want a daily one to see if I actually like it as much as I thought I well and I I have held a few knives that are they have a textured carbon fiber yeah like it's been milled out we have true like little grooves and stuff and that is actually really nice but plain flat carbon-fiber yeah a little slippery for me yeah and we does we has a couple knives where they do a really good day yeah kind of a slippy carbon fiber too but they have a couple textured ones that are really good all right so before we do a pocket check guys if you're live you want a pocket check shout out now is the time kurtz can do this knife and then we're pocket checking so let's do this thing alright guys I got the Kershaw blur as the next knife over here let's see Trenton Kershaw blur been one of my main EDC's for a couple years now I don't know why I just did that accent that was super weird so I was like Trenton but it was already Janis out it was really cool maybe you connected with him like Anna Syd I did we connected thanks Jen okay for a couple years now I've found it to be a workhorse especially with my with the new lynch clip deep pocket clip and I have on it I've used it for everything from opening boxes to doing yard work with it it's one of those more underappreciated knives from what I have found but I love it I will tell you right now I love the blur if I were to buy a Kershaw knife right here today it probably a launched 11 but my number two choice would be the blower by the blur this thing is actually a hard use knife I mean can onion you got these the assisted speed safe assisted from Ken Onion the only gripe I have is you it's a it's a two-way pocket clip tip up or tip down but man if this is in your pocket let's just bear with me if this is in your pocket and you've got if you can do that without ripping the papers and would be seriously impressed I'll get it Oh lettuce for a bigger knife I want it to be down in my pocket and I got you know I even this just trying to if I have something on my bell or if I'm reaching into my pocket for something else constantly having to go past that where if it's it's deeper it's just it's a part of the pocket like it almost the pocket lip covers the top of the knife almost yeah so I like this it's a sweet knife I mean s30v it's got this track tech I think is what it's called it it's basically it's like rubbery grip tape well like the same type of stuff you'd see it a like a track ya know it feels yeah like a track or like if you like group with those playgrounds I have like weird asphalt that wasn't like a soft desk yeah yeah that's yeah yeah so for a workhorse for the rest of your life plus it's got that pigeon factor at that speed safe assistant opener CNN it's a good one dude that makes it at heart it's a good night that makes it a hard pass for me man I yeah one night for the rest of my life there's been some assisted knives that I've been like okay like I could do this but like not for one life for the rest - okay Trenton I'm glad we connected and yeah the blur man $79 on the site also all right we'll get some pocket checks now okay I mean I'll do a couple shout out and then Kurt you're gonna go okay okay all right so a gunfighter three one four can I get a shout-out from my boy Seth and Luke we were in the storefront around New Year's and got to meet you guys talk Star Wars and take photos thanks Zack and Kurt do you remember those dudes heck yeah and we were talking about the Star Wars land at Disney line whatever it's called yes towers experience or whatever those guys were awesome yeah they love guys I'm a nerd on a lot of things I'm kind of weird right like I can nerd out on comic books just as easily I can nerd out on motorcycles just as easily as I can nerd out on like you know philosophical discourse is like Descartes he's he has like the in a good way he has the geek vibe but he's also like a hard-nosed truck driver that would smash you type of thing but anyways anyway shout out to Luke and Seth it was great talking to those dudes glad you guys were tuning in super-awesome heck yeah um let's see or Volpert I'm not even sure what that is but I'm kind of into that name he said he just bought the Fox radius and can I please get a shout out the more ease you add to a request more likely it is to get on a knife better Fox radius is super rad I really like that one I really like that knife especially when you get used to the mechanism right it's a just a beautiful fidget knife and it's just a really cool new way to open and close knives right yeah um let's see Frederico Mota says I'm carrying the Kershaw Emerson CQC 6k in d2 steel it's the best knife I've ever owned that is a cool one I need to pick one of those up because I want to carry something with a wave I've never carried a knife by the way I have tried every time I get a wave knife that I'm supposed to take a photo for it yeah I put it in my pocket and I try it and I always feel like as soon as that wave like pulls it open yeah I feel like I have so much resistant in my hand like crap if I'm not holding that I'm gonna drop that I'm either gonna whack somebody or I'm gonna cut my leg into falls down I'll tell you what what if I buy a CQC six right after this you can buy CQC six no but I will watch you enjoy perfect what if I buy one will you carry it for a while yeah okay cool I'm gonna buy CQC six literally right after this thing and me and Kurt will carry him and see what we think it sounds good I love it no I won't it's just not my jam all right okay grumpy grumpy grunt says I'm carrying the wee Roxy for that I won on the last Wow ladies yes dude I'm so stoked that's a rebel that's way cool so like I said at the beginning of this thing if you don't know why we sponsoring this is important maybe you know why now yeah hold on till the end it hang on all right what are you caring today Kurt I have got to hmm one I've been carrying my Street scalpel and oh my gosh I love this thing uh dude it's a beast I'm not kidding like I thought I would have to be a little careful with the tip because it gets so thin but dude I was in my backyard I'm not kidding me and my kid we were playing what's that and mumbly peg I'm playing mumbly peg don't try this at home me and my summer playing mumbly peg and once you got the the right grip on the micarta do it every time and in Utah I don't know if you guys know this but in Utah depending on where you live there's a lot of rocks in the dirt and that is my yard it's just rocks I'm under the grasp yeah but it's like very hard compacted this was like a huge prehistoric Lake bed for like tens of thousand riot years so there's just rock like lake sediment yeah all that really hard sediment anyway I'm stoked on this knife that's awesome I've been I've been carrying it I mean scout carrying it I had to adjust the loops on the sheath where do I have it right here i shortened him up to match my belt and I'm not getting that thing when it's on my belt it doesn't even budge when I hold the knife out of the sheath so Street scalpel tops love it all right and you've got a secret you have to keep a secret or we're both gonna get fired so you can only show as much as we said we could show you guys better be ready are you guys right you guys better be ready that's all it's all I could show I will say this though if you want to know what that is oh my gosh this is probably my next next to the Chavez or maybe like equal to the Chavez different different knives totally Beverly do the excitement I had when the Chavez knives first hit literally this is like my favorite project we've ever done a place I think it's one of the best exclusives yep we've ever made it's absolutely incredible so here's here's the deal on this guy's this Friday be on the website you'll see sign up for our email list you'll see follow us on Instagram you'll see yeah I promise it's worth it and I also will promise we probably don't have enough but I I can't right I can't promise this but I'm pretty sure we'll do a second run I'm pretty sure we're gonna do a second run because I don't think I only would have enough for how good this is right it's a good one yeah so anyways secret secrets we're gonna totally get in trouble for that the guys of you and we had to bring it to you we had to all right real quick let's fish a couple call-outs here and we'll blow through some more knives let's see Kent Ballard blade HQ packing the sheep's foot proper and the urban EDC super burlap micarta Keizer Feist cool good nice man I carry a proper every once in a while I like it drew Elle is carrying the Spyderco canis I keep seeing but I haven't touched it yet have you I touched one today yeah I touched one today we were doing photo and it was kind of surprising I kind of kind of dig it huh interesting all the girls a good one and check it out and then I don't know I think it's neat fired me fired he said he says a Leatherman free P for Danny's pocket from you guys waiting on my bench mate hidden Canyon hunter that I ordered last night from the site nice nice good carry man if you guys don't know almost all of the benchmade hunt nights are on a huge sale right now huge sale so much buy yourself a bench Maine hunt knife it doesn't even have to use it for hunting there's great fixed plates I may or may not have picked up on that train yeah got a couple yeah Curt definitely did all right cool so we'll do a quick pocket dump for me I got my normal pockets I got my Phoenix light I got my Victorinox compact I've got my Pete's pirate like Big Idea design pen but I bought a new knife today guys and I'm so stoked so if you guys have been watching knife Benna I remember which one it was even on I don't know but I handled this sr one light and I was freaking out about this thing I was so stoked and so I bought one today heck yeah man too so yeah just the sweet knife I think it's like 60 bucks or something super affordable very thick stock do that thing's it's basically a leaf spring yeah no it's absolutely amazing and here's the thing it's a cold steel it's a tough knife right so of course at lunch I was throwing it into stuff cuz that's what you do with a cold steel when you first buy it so you guys I don't know if Carson can get in on this this is not the tip but the tip of the tanto right here you can see how it's rounded yeah so I threw it that's something to stick it in and it literally head-over-heels tumbled for like 12 feet perfectly I might be kidding it was perfect like in it was on the grass doing this like 12 be nice watch it I was like how is it doing that and then boom right onto some concrete oh so I had it for less than an hour and I already puffed up the so I'll fix that don't worry I'll fix that but uh yeah super excited about heck yeah super excited man pocket clips a little tight out of the box so not stoked on that so I'll have to loosen that up a little bit I mean you can see he'd even took some pocket with it just now but besides that it's it's everything I was stoked on when I when we played with it that one time that's cool that's my you know super exciting new knife day is always exciting heck yeah alright um so you did a fix plate I'm gonna do a fixed plate Ricky so next up in knives if you could only have one knife for the rest of your life next up is the benchmade nimnim rabis I'm not gonna lie never touch this knife in my entire life I have never even heard of this benchmade knife until literally just right now so Riley King dot JPEG great name benchmade NIM Robin one heck of a fixed blade serrated and sharp can take a beating and still keep going been on a bit of a fixed blade kick recently explains are awesome this thing is beautiful though like I don't know I know you can't see it as well I can't see it as well and I need everybody out there to see it so we'll look at this one oh yeah but kind of like an infidel you see like the yeah it's super extra yeah kind of an infidel texturing here obviously this is the combo blade nice heavy jimping across the back right there it's a it's a it's a CPM 154 154cm blade which is interesting I know it keeps it really good and fueled serviceable right because recently benchmade has done some m4 and stuff so that's 9 TB which is I love could look sharpening that in the field though right right and this thing goes for 170 850 on the website just like a big gnarly fix blade it comes with like a really good like tactical you know you can mount this sheath however you want wherever you want and yeah come yeah that's cool like I said I've never touched this one before but pretty dang neat I like some tactical esque knives but they're not my first go-to yeah I'm with you Oh something I do love though because I'm an idiot I never put my knives in my fixed blade sheets right the first time it does have an MVC so that's actually that's huge is a huge win for me that's cool I don't have to think about it so anyways cool knife may prevent me again 17850 on the website and that's the benchmade named Robin I'm probably saying that wrong but literally the first time I've even heard of this knife so cool I've got I've got one that got dropped off by the elf okay let's do one else I've got the Kaiser Zhu gang I've never held this knife before but it's the zoo gang I think I might be missing I don't know if it's new or not mmm sorry to interrupt you while you're looking oh yeah good it's s 35v you got the one cliff blade it's a hundred and twenty dollars on the site I mean look at this thing it's smooth it's nice it's Kaiser if you if you've held the Kaiser you know what it is man there's one thing that I do like about Kaiser's and they do this on a handful of their knives the gem and I was the first one that I was like oh this like contoured smooth but you can still like really grip it because it's thick enough wraps in your fingers that's cool I don't know about the blade shape for me personally but Devin Patterson loves it well that that's it's an interesting blade shape again you're forever knife you're never gonna have another knife we were talking about this earlier so our buddy talents I and Peter McKinnon they did a thing where they're like we're gonna carry one knife right here I think it lasts like a week I might be missing I didn't give Talent I should call Talon before we did this but I think it lasts for like a week who's right it was like they didn't work right yeah huh interesting knife yeah cool the diner the zoo gang yeah all right um so one that I have that comes as no surprise these are still out of stock but there's so many of you guys wanted to see this that we're gonna put it on the table I will tell you that we have a actual boatload of knives of this Vivi element I'm coming and they're gonna be here very soon so like a physical bow like an actual like they're a boat is gonna pull up two blade HQ I like that I hope it's boaty mcboatface gonna be boaty mcboatface no we have a ton coming and we have even more on order so I promise you guys once we start getting them back in hopefully they won't go out of stock like this again that's the hope I don't know we'll see but anyways the VBL momentum you guys know everything about this neck we love this knife we haven't able to talk about it as much because it has been out of stock for so long but we will be having more so one knife for life this is from amber Hill 1991 knife for life I would choose this Aviva elementa my husband gifted me the elementa with black g10 scales and a satin d2 steel blade and has ball bearing pivot making it smooth open it has a deep pocket clip which I like in on a knife I've fallen in love with this knife that's yes I couldn't I couldn't say it better that's cool g10 d2 deep carry pocket clip incredible knife we have them in we'll have some in brass we'll have some copper like we did before there might be is one in my card egg I don't know I don't know there might be there might be some side I show more blade HQ exclusive stuff coming our way very soon oh yeah there's not much to say about this because we have talked about this knife ad infinitum for good reason so savvy elemental we will have more very soon sign up for the wishlist sign up for the email list follow us on Instagram you guys know the drill and that's how you can keep up to date on those knives because I promise when we get them we will shout it from the mountaintops I have another elf knife okay what do you got the elf brought me this it's the Kershaw high ball and this one is I don't know if it's real van or red van that is wanting to see this oh I don't know but I'm glad you wanted to see it because it's it's actually a pretty cool knife Kershaw right made in America awesome here's the interesting part it's a frame lock but it has no flipper no anything but it does have this I don't know if you can get that Carson but this little it's got a nailed it it's got a nail Nick but it like me hatches the pad of your finger interesting so that one it's interesting it's almost like a like a lockable slip joint Phil slip joint to me like Ravan yeah yeah yeah 100% but the highball it's a good one and forty going bucks on the side now you said so Kershaw does make a lot of stuff in the United States is that one minute I don't I'm not a hundred percent okay on this one I'm not sure that's my bad yeah I can't man yeah man doing it live miss but it's been a little while since we've been in here live man I a little flustered here we are you know check the website for the stats guys do a live live I'm not sure now however a knife that is for sure made in the United States for our next knife you'd only have one knife is the benchmade mini gripped iliyan now this one it comes in 20 CV it's got the g10 handles nice deep carry pocket clip from bench made obviously the axis lock and it's got a hole opening which is kind of interesting as well so you don't see that you see that on the grip till you in series bead already in a lot of bench made knives so nice little carry and that's kind of some of the stuff that I'm noticing my night I had some edits of smaller knives as well but I think this is kind of a smaller knife for a one knife and it goes man I'm really glad I rod was it i rod i yeah that dude yeah I'm really glad that we got to him first and wasn't planned that way just happened because do you really need let us know like do you really need like a gnarly huge fixed blade if that's the only knife that you're gonna have because I think for most of us it's I mean even if I think about even in like I've done lot of hitchhiking have done a lot of bumming around and stuff usually is have a folder in my pocket it'll open a can of beans it'll you don't even right it'll do all the things I needed to do even in a situation where I'm not just sitting on my couch right so kind of interesting but anyways a mini group Chilean tried to treat classic super great knife and let's see here Tim brought eight he said hard to say but when true hard to say what would be here one knife for life but when thinking about it I've used my knives all folders for in the past I think I've used my bench made mini grip Tilian I think it means the most there I might have misread it I've done yard work open packages prying with it prying careful and so much more and it hasn't let me down yet my collection consists of a crush Ryo D to talked about their Apple large great knife and the mini grip oh and a CF elite bug out with a fox baby core and a bokor stubby strike on the way nice this guy knows what's up yeah timber brought eight he knows what's up yeah do you guys haven't checked out that baby core yet it's pretty cool it's a cool knife it's a really cool life but anyways so yeah super rad night mini grip and knife for life smaller knife so I've got one up here next it's an interesting perspective which I didn't really think of because I'm thinking of my li-- my knife what what my knife would be but there is a man named Captain Jack oh seven and he likes the salt native 5 I actually understand this one okay so I understand this one big time here's what he says he says I would go with the native five salt no serrations because I live by the water and the native is a beast and I actually really like this knife it dude it fits well in my hands the I would own a native five if it was a compression lock interests I'm not a huge fan of lock backs just because the two-handed I mean yeah you can like do it one-handed like brush it up against your jeans or whatever sketchy yeah anyway I'm not crazy about a lock back but the native five is cool and especially depending on where you're at your region and what you like what elements and stuff you do every day I mean like whether you're in the city or whether you're in the on a ranch or you know maybe you're right here he's like maybe you live in Florida off the coast and you know there's a lot of options and that's something that I didn't really take into consider I was like what do I want yeah we're Utah waters not a problem right we're three years in a row best route ever yeah that's a grunt life egg drought life but yeah it's a cool knife for we reversible it's that salt series yeah you know honestly I get that one because when we're talking about that knife is it's almost the perfect combination of a really good steel a nice compact carry super-strong locking mechanism like it's got pretty much everything I'm not a huge fan of the FRN scales that's where that's where it like drops off just to me neither but I will say if you've got this knife what you got that grill yeah Spyderco has that lightweight grip they got that down yeah I'm not getting that thing that's not gonna move in your hand and here's the thing there's a there's a lot of diving knives there's a lot of fishing knives or a lot of that I consistently hear over and over and over again salt Syria salt Syria salt see results right there's a reason right there's a reason that that that's that and that series is so popular for those those right oh yeah I mean they're they're some of the best if you're near water yeah you know we had we had somebody else come in on that knife on YouTube the username was like krad and she was like she was like I don't know if I'm a dude I just want to clarify everybody's a dude everybody's dude everybody's a dude what's up dude yeah everybody that's that's how I live my life as police because we're West Coast boys let's uh so yeah NATO 530 bucks on the site check out the office salt we we did a salt video forever ago and we tested the steel in the salt water here in the Great Salt Lake which is supposed to be like three times more than the average salt water so anyway check out that video the salt is pretty cool and Captain Jack o7 I also love that he's a Cap'n I just caught that actually Captain Jack yeah he definitely just saw tonight absolutely alright um we are so normally we run while for about an hour we're just over oh man how many more knives you got left I have two - I got two you want speed run these things let's do it let's be run but we'll run through okay go Burnham and guys we have a sweet knife giveaway coming - so we're gonna show you a couple more knives for life this is an important topic that needs attention oh absolutely we got to give this the proper treatment all right um so from DJ w7 he said the buck 110 slim Pro so lied enough for EDC big enough for all hunting and most bushcraft off with applications great all-around blade shape forever warranty great steel but if we're talking survival situations he's saying a traditional K bar or buck knife [ __ ] would be tough to beat yeah the cases it's like I said earlier we're talking your one survival knife for life fix blade every time no questions asked but if it just like the knife that I'd have to carry forever right folder I think I'd go forward so yeah so anyways buck 110 Swan slim hunter goes for $89.99 on the website this one I this is a mic yeah it's my card not a burlap but uh this is just a micarta nice deep carry pocket clip not a huge fan it's I saw this at shot show a little while ago and I was I was interested by it but the more that I've handled it not a huge fan of how wide the passo the pocket closed yeah it's definitely is definitely like a little loud you know and the part for my Chavez I don't like a lot of loud pocket clip Spurs right and this has got a CPM s30v blade so I mean folder lock back we've already praised that the regular 110 right I mean hard to beat man and it comes in micarta it's pretty nice hard to beat hard to beat alright guys I have a bench made freak and this is the super I can say that's no regular super freak ok I actually have two comments asking for the Freak Shan save wart says benchmade super freak great blade steel good ergonomics and it's pre it looks pretty good too you know I agree let's go to the next comment this is from grant yes I should know like comment I don't know like a professional comment person I don't know what that would be called let's go to the next comment I expect you to like lick your finger and like zone grant Sims benchmade freak it can stand up to anything that is thrown at it and it looks good while doing it and i 100% agree because I own this knife and I use it I use it I use my knives guys and mine has some wear and tear on the blade but I just put a new edge on it yesterday and holy crap I'm telling you it's it's hot m4 steel you get your g10 you got your red liners and barrel spacers an m4 steel dude I'll tell you there's m4 steel wait what's the blade steel you it's m4 that's what it is m4 is pretty sweet the red the red kills it for me what yeah too loud too loud man too loud I can't do it I like a little splash you do I do I like a little splash but 191 on the website honestly guys this thing is sweet I really like this knife it's the biggest maybe not the biggest folder I have but it is one of the biggest folders and ham approved hamper ham approving the sticker that's just like a ham a program approved but yeah man I mean it's bench made and this is super freak m4 steel ooh cool it's good one all right so my last one that have on the table yeah my last one I have on Tabor is the Gerber lmf to infantry yet another fixed plate I've never handled before I've never had that one either yeah I mean normally it's the strong one we're a talking about when we're talking about Gerber fixed blades so let's see here so this is from William Mitchell he said Gerber lmf to Lynn Thompson put it to best maybe test Oh Lynn Thompson put it best you can skin a mouse with a big blade or you can skin an elephant a small blade can skin a mouse but can't skin an element or an elephant the Gerber lmf 2 could do it all and that is a philosophy that I like and this is the reason that I've kind of gotten into carrying a bigger knife from time to time this is the reason that I've gotten into carrying fixed blades a little bit more is right like they're really good that is the cool thing about them so really neat knife guys I don't know a lot about this thing so a 420 C steel is probably yeah this is some sort of a nylon rubberized G efendi offense haha g FN handle on this thing full tang obviously really interesting design and then it comes with a really nice just what you'd expect from Gerber just a really nice tough sheet I keep forgetting where the camera angle is cuz right guys it's it's a crazy mess in here you wouldn't believe oh yeah and this one particularly has the combo blade and I think if you're talking one knife for life combo plates definitely not a bad idea or a bad idea and this goes for 8250 that's that's a good deal dude I'm holding this thing this is a chunk of night it looks to a 50 yeah it looks big that's that's a killer deal we're gonna have to start looking at this thing morganite it hasn't been on my radar maybe we look to what I do it wrong we maybe we should visit a fixed blades that we don't necessarily touch all the time that could be cool you know what I mean guys let us know if you guys want to see unusual fixed blade video that would be pretty fun I'd be cool and we tried it we try to branch out when we do fixed blade stuff and look at different things right um yeah that'd be pretty neat to do some stuff all right what do you got I have a fixed blade I have the white rim the white river fire craft this is the CE fc5 fire craft 5 do do we have those in stock paper states in stock right now no cuz I'm gonna go buy them all yes they're in stock as of right now I will be clear about this I don't know how many we have these never stay installed nestled in the table right if you guys want one literally jump and go get it right I'm not even no guarantees I'm not even kidding I've wanted this knife for years and every time they come in I get a little notification Justin over and receiving he used to be in receiving he'd always hit me up hey hey these are back and I Billy sweet okay I'll get one tomorrow yeah I'm telling you this is oh this is the knife guys I love this knife you got s35vn steel you got my Carta you got these cool little orange liners pop of color I don't mind pop I don't mind it is nice this one guys I really I really like this knife look at the thick blade stock on there is sweet and you get a lot of blade oh my gosh I'm falling in love with this thing more as I hold it it's cool it's got the the fire the bow drill choil or a hole or bow drill whatever you want what's that what would I call that yeah both the bow drill divot hole so a cool thing about the bow drill is you can just put it in the sheath and you're holding your blade you get a big nice purchase on there you know so it's awesome you got your fire starter I really love the leather sheath that you can get on these but practicality Kydex is where it's at especially for me because it's got the loose the dangle the dangle ring whatever you want to call that would you call that what is this girl literally called the dingle yeah yeah so anyway I like that because when you get in the truck or jump in a car or whatever it just like goes to its place where it isn't in the way hey guys I think Kurt's gonna I'm gonna be buying a Emerson Wave knife tonight I think Kurt might be buying a fire crafts nice my gosh just in stock really blows my mind if I were to choose a knife for the rest of my life and it was a fixed blade yeah right there yeah and you're on the old knife center table no Jamie can't hurt you so I can do this he's over there just with the scallop well anyway I you know what I know that carrying a big fixed blade everyday would get old but maybe if you used it enough you know and I think that really comes down to where you're where you live out what kind of things you're into like for me in Utah I've got a big backyard I'd hunt I go camping I do like like yeah I could go camping in a camp trailer or I could go and sleep in like a sleeping bag up in the top of the mountain or you know real camp and go real camping right and to me I think that I would choose this knife mmm it's a lot of knife and then I might regret that when I'm like 30 years down the road yeah pissed and I just don't want to throw I don't want to carry it anymore it is so heavy but man this knife talked about a do it all it hits all my my my spots yeah got good steel that's 35 micarta an excellent sheath dude dude i i haven't landed i haven't landed on one night for life off the table but i would say this and the bug-out would be good right does your those interesting because at the beginning you were like no bug out no okay so as we were going through the live yeah you know i i keep hearing like well you know you don't actually be done every day I'm like yeah five-o put on this crap yeah it's so tough but then I'm thinking about I'm like okay maybe I need to think realistically instead of like oh this is fun I get to pick a knife yeah yeah I mean so if I had to pick one on the table like between the two tables if I had if I had to pick one guys and I I don't have an I don't have a full answer for this but I can narrow it down for what's on the table I think dude I think I buck 110 that's you man that's what I'm saying this is like like I said this knife this knife I mean not only just in my family like everybody right absolutely this knife to just proven itself right and I'm a big numbers guy you're like I'm a big leg okay okay prove it right like proof yeah and and this knife has proved it that if you were gonna carry one knife for life no problems right all right warranty they're made up in Idaho I had a problem I was drive up died oh all right seriously and you want to know what I love about this choice is it's not the are oh yeah if I were to choose an auto or a non auto 110 I would 100% choose the non auto that's a personal preference but to me in my head it makes more sense it's like oh it's simple simplified all it does is open and shut one lock on the back mmm done well that's it if it was one knife for life this would be the one but what buck 110 do I carry all the time my buck 110 Auto because I have 100 other knives you might rag I can carry whatever I want right but no if I had if I had to choose on the spot cuz we're already over time oh geez on the spot buck 110 that's the one that's the one it's just proven man I feel like I need to actually I think you've committed to that that fire craft I honestly I think you've done it I think for me and what I enjoy and where I live and the things that I'm into fire craft there we go five that's me all right okay guys we have went over a little bit hopefully if you're watching life or if you're not watching life hopefully it's at least been fun if you had to choose one knife on the table let us know and if the knife that you would choose for your one knife for the rest of your life is on the table let us know as well of course we want to know we always love reading through the comments and seeing what you guys carry seeing why you would carry it so just fill those comments up let's see what they're about we we this this thing is sponsored by we so we're gonna get tricky here guys so we have a camera that's trying to give you close-ups and then we have camera that's trying to give you long view so I'm gonna be your long view and Kurt's gonna be your close-up because he has the giveaway knife over there so as always week one Wednesday is brought to you by you do you do is right there oh yeah so week one Wednesday is brought to you by we nice we love the people over at we knives late HQ loves the people over at we knife sometimes that weawy weawy weawy and as a result they always give us a knife to give away for you guys because they love the knife community and this this round we are giving away a we Arrakis now I'm having a hard time seeing the finish on those ones over there I think it's a sham Ron's a sham PS yep the champagne one is the one we're giving away right here so that's the one we're giving away if mo lion is still in the right place she will be dropping a link in the live chat and she will also be dropping a link in the comments and pinning it to the top so if you're not seeing it hit refresh you'll get it click that link go sign up to win yourself a free we Arrakis from our good friends over at we knife that we genuinely are just good people we love them to death and that's all we got for a while I had a good time heck it's been a blast so good to be back I know dude it's so good to be back and we hope everybody up there is doing well staying safe and thank you so much for following along please consider hitting subscribe check out other videos we have on the channel and we'll catch you on the next one you
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 310,354
Rating: 4.8321543 out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, BladeHQ, Knife Show, Sharp, Steel, Knives, Knife, Pocket Knife, Knife Banter, Fixed Blade, Knife Life, Cut Anything, EDC, Everyday Carry, Pocket Check, WOW, Week One Wednesday
Id: 8MsPeTWG6yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 16sec (4396 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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