My Knife Collection | Early 2020

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welcome back everybody my name is Taylor Martin this is the best Amy DC and it's time for another video and well I can't can't put my arms on the table which feels very weird because it's covered in knives and this is probably one of the most requested videos in the last year give or take it was like every time I would sit down to start planning this video and make this knife collection video something you know me would come in and I would have to start over and you know I'd sell something often there was always something on the horizon I wanted and there's always gonna be a knife on the horizon that I want so after acquiring quite a few knives here we are with my collection which Wow let's let's just rip this band-aid off let's do the damn thing boy where where do I begin as much as I would like to talk about everything on the table there's over 80 knives and multi-tools on the table and it would take a very long time even if I spent just 30 seconds on each that would be a very long video over 40 minutes not gonna do that wanna try my best to pick just a couple of these and talk about some of my favorites or anything with a story we'll see where we go from there took a long time to set all this up and I'm gonna have to move it all now I'm gonna start with a few slip joints because I have a soft spot in my heart for slip joints and I've been after a slip joint I could fall in love with for a long time I think the reason for that is because they make me think of my late grandfather and late great-grandfather they always had slip joints on them and I looked up to them they were very influential in my life and they're part of the reason I am Who I am today why I love knives I started one of my first nicer slip joints I think same with many of you guys is a bench made proper I have pieced this proper together to get the proper that I wanted so benchmade released a carbon fiber bench made proper last year and it came with s9 TV so carbon fiber scales and s9 TV I had black hardware and brass liners but I like the micarta and I ended up buying there were of them on Amazon priced ridiculously low so the carbon fiber version because I had s9 TV carbon fiber was over $200 originally somebody listed them on Amazon for like 115 bucks I bought both of them and I imparted one of them out I sold the other for a little bit of a profit I gave whoever bought it a pretty good deal I didn't sell it for full MSRP but then I took the other one and I parted it out so I took the hardware and the liners from the carbon fiber version and the blade and I just swapped all those things so I have basically the carbon fiber one with micarta scales which I'm a big big fan of the spring on the back is a little mushy the action is it's not the best on the proper but I still love this knife the next one I got was the North Woods little Bay and boy this is a massive step up in quality that's very very obvious great eastern cutlery makes these North woods and they just they're snappy there's they've got a really tough pool and I like it the thing I don't like about this is that this is the Little Bay I wanted a big bay with the same burlap micarta I would love to have one of those and I had one I was damming in guy on Instagram about buying a burlap micarta big bay and I came in actually it was the last time I took a photo of my knife collection blade HQ asked me to do that so I was setting up that photo for like an hour and in the time that I said yes how do you want me to pay you he sold it out from under me so I'm always gonna be miffed about that regardless a little Bay I'm probably not gonna hang on to this one much longer just because it's a little too small for my hands but the most recent addition to my collection is this right here and this is the titie ute cutlery beaver tail and boy this is I think a 93 pattern this is big I was expecting a knife around the size of the proper and well this is a whole inch and a half longer I think it's it's over eight inches a big knife I've sharpened it I really like it to be completely honest the fit and finish is great that the action is great there's no blade plate this thing is awesome this will be carried and kept in my collection for example making the natural progression one of the things that I've been after also is a modern traditional you guys know this knife by now I've talked about it a ton it's it's the pea x-series front flipper trapper I've talked a lot about this knife this knife is in my pocket most days it actually was I think last week was maybe the first time that this came out of my pocket since I bought it so month to month straits it's just such a great knife the action is perfect I mean Reyat they knock it out of the park every single time and this is no exception I love the design I love literally everything about this knife it is almost the perfect knife I had to get rid of every other knife from my collection and I can only carry this moving forward I would probably honestly be very content I'm not even joking when I say that I was talking about this knife before I knew it existed in the discord server I was talking about maybe designing my own knife I said that I would make probably a flipper with a modern traditional styling with micarta scales a titanium bolster lock a milled clip like this is everything I imagined that I would make - the front flipper and I wish it were maybe 10 to 20 percent larger and other than that this thing's perfect literally perfect so let's talk Swiss Army knives real quick I won't dwell too long on them because you all know the deal with Swiss Army knives my absolute favorite right now is the mini champ a locks I've talked about it quite a bit this one stays in my fifth pocket pretty much all the time it's just a really nice grooming tool it's so small that it's it's easy to forget it's there sometimes it falls out of the pocket and I lose it this is the most recent Swiss Army knife in my collection and this is a Spartan PS so it has these coated blades which give it kind of it's almost iridescent it's not really iridescent just depending on how the light hits it sometimes it's lighter sometimes it looks pitch black it's just a really cool coating but I'm also not a super huge fan of the Spartan itself I got this on mass drop for a really good deal because I had credit from you guys using one of my links and picked it up I think I paid like maybe 20 bucks for a Spartan PS which is a really good price just as a plug if you want to purchase any of these knives that I may be putting up for sale after this collection video they will be in the classified section in the discord which you have to use a patreon tier to unlock you have to pledge at least 5 dollars on patreon to get the buy/sell tag in discord so that you can access the classifieds that's just a little plug I will be selling some of my knives after this video the other three Swiss Army knives here you guys know what they are vws aks for my buddy brass works or John Smith he just crushes it knocks it out of the park these things are really really great this is a copper pioneer with copper scales a deep carry pocket clip and acid edge tools really really great I have a pioneer X in titanium same deal with a deep carry clip and then I have a titanium cadet which is probably one of my all-time favorite knives in my collection this thing it's a ton of pocket time I love this thing this knife gets probably some of the most love out of any of the knives in my collection I don't carry it a ton to be completely honest but it's one that's gonna stay in the collection for sure this is the Chavez ultra more Rendon Seon Street the urban EDC supply exclusive with brass scale again Reyat knocks it out of the park I've not had a dud from them every single thing I've gotten from Reyat is just almost perfect they are just really really good at what they do the action on this thing is ridiculous it flies open that detent is pretty strong most knives even thumb studs I can Spidey flick this one hurts and you can see I have to put a lot of pressure on there to get this blade to to deploy and when it does there's no stopping it this thing fly's open but this is just a badass and here's another interesting knife that's kind of a recent addition to my collection so Kaiser reached out to me a while back and said hey let's do a giveaway we'll send you a knife and they give one away and the one I gave away I believe was the Ursa Minor and the one I kept was the gun hammer and I didn't really care for the gun hammers original appearance which was at typical Kaiser appearance which is like a bead blasted titanium scale and a stone washed blade I think it looked okay but when I chose it I had an idea in mind which to customize and that's exactly what I did I went over to Rick's shop one day and I gave this thing the tailor Martin treatment which is bronze and scales I darkened all the hardware and I acid-etched and Stormwatch to blade the action on this is great the centering is not quite perfect but it's pretty close and no blade play whatsoever and I know this knife gets a lot of flack because it's a it's a DDR design but man honestly I really really like this knife from Kaiser so I get a lot of questions about when I'm gonna sell a certain knife first people ask me if I'm gonna sell the pain yet never gonna happen second people ask if I myself a Chavez never gonna happen and third I get a question about this knife which is the Jay Cape version three and no I'm not gonna sell this knife either this thing is great it rings like a dinner bell when you flick it just a certain way see if I get it to happen yeah good it just it reads it let's do one more time this knife just absolutely melts into my hand I love the air goes on this knife more than just about any knife in my collection this one fits my hand better than just about anything the only thing that probably comes close is the PM too but I love the design I love the shape I love how this knife looks the only thing seriously the only thing I would change about it is I would give it a full finger toil because you would only lose maybe 1/8 inch on your cutting edge which is not really that big of a deal that's all you would lose and you would get a secondary grip on this thing but with that sharpening toy it's not quite big enough it's so close so close that's it I almost wish I had gone with a thumb stud version but I like the flipper tooth I don't have any complaints and that ringing is just so sweet all right it's time to talk about this one this is the benchmade bug out you guys love this knife everybody seems to love the benchmate bug out I liked it with the grigory scales but this is the bug out that benchmade should have made I mean I understand why the groover e-skills exists I kind of understand the need for a bug out many but this this should this should happen as a real benchmade bug out these are Bashi designed scales they're milled titanium they're very lightweight this only adds I think point eight ounces to the original weight of the bug-out so the original weight is like 1.8 ounces this makes it 2.6 that is not a massive change but it gives so much rigidity to this knife there is no plate there's no bending happening I absolutely love the benchmade bug-out with titanium scales I can't see myself wanting this knife any other way now you guys are fully aware of this knife now this is my paramilitary 2 with titanium scales of course I lasered my pocket logo into the scales acid stone wash the blade and it's just so good the PM 2 is really good I never end up carrying this though and the main reason is because the copper scales adds so much weight to this knife this knife is almost half a pound this weighs almost as much as the Leatherman fre p4 they're very very similar in weight which is kind of nuts the PM - it's a it's a staple in the EDC world this was one of my first nicer knives this was actually the first over $100 knife that I purchased for myself and this one is probably a forever knife although I do want to swap the scales out this knife is up there in like the top 3 of all of my knives this is the Chris Reeve large Sebenza 21 obviously this is no longer stock I gave it the old Taylor Martin treatment actually bought this knife from Peter McKinnon for a ridiculous price and I still feel bad about it but I mean that's what we agreed on so I'm not gonna complain too much about it I picked this up pretty much brand-new ship for 200 bucks so thanks Pete yes but yeah this is another that's gonna just stay in the collection but the Sebenza is a staple it's a tool Mike I've said a million times more than any of these other knives that I have in my collection this one feels like a tool like it wants to be put to work and it can handle just about anything I love this knife and I think it looks even better with the customizations but the only thing that I don't love about the Sebenza and I think most people would probably agree with me is the thumb stud Sebenza thumb is real and I would like to replace the thumb stud on this at some point but just a fantastic knife I love the customizations I made to it and it's just another permanent collection so speaking of Sebenza that was not actually my first happens I had a small sub in 221 that I ended up trading away so person in the discord actually said hey I'm gonna send you a knife and I want your small stuff in if you decide you like that other knife more than your small Sebenza then ship your cemento to me if not then ship the knife I sent you back to me sounds kind of crazy but that's what he did just kind of on a whim and I'm like alright good we'll see what happens and he sent a micro tech cipher katana and I just thought this thing was kind of sweet the action on this is ridiculously strong the spring is really tight you can't buy these anymore that's why I ended up trading the small Sebenza because I can always just find another used small Sebenza can't always just find a limited run Microtech so what this thing was really cool but I don't really carry it a ton because the legality of autos and OTF in North Carolina is there's a little muddy and since we're talking about big blades I'm gonna talk about two of the newest additions to my carry both of these knives are from Berg blades and I actually sold the bird blade slim which I've had for a long time I sold my bird blade slim to get any bird blades pup which is a pretty sweet knife it's smaller than I expected for for once I never really upgrade anything I typically just stick with standard stuff but for once I decided to upgrade to a black tie Mascis clip and a time ascus back spacer and zirconium collars pivot collars so that was a fairly spin D upgrade so this knife was over $400 with everything I think originally it was like 2:45 and then the clip and back spacer and collar upgrade was I think another 160 or 165 so that put this knife over $400 I feel a little bad about it still but also it's a really nice knife but it was a little smaller than expected and despite paying the extra money for this black tie Mascis clip I bent it out on day 2 which boy that hurt that hurt it's okay I've bent it back but it's still hurting on the list but I was talking to Matt after I that clip out he deemed me and I was talking to him and he said hey if you want a good deal on an iron wolf I'll sell you one of those at a pretty good price too so I ended up buying an iron wolf two days after the pup came in so this knife was smaller than expected the iron pup and the iron wolf is much larger than expected this is nine inches overall I don't remember the exact length on this one but it's it's a pretty small knife but it's okay I've been carrying this knife in in the place of the pain yet recently and I really dig this knife but this one is just I'm not a huge fan of carbon fiber I do want to preface with that but this is such an interesting carbon fiber this is lightning strike carbon fiber so there are actually brass wire it's like a brass mesh wire built into the carbon fiber and it looks so neat it's almost like I would have much rather bought this knife with micarta scales but that's not available anymore but with this lightning strike carbon fiber it just looks so unique and I'm actually digging it now love both of these knives really happy to have them both of my collection so this is another knife with a pretty good story this is a zero tolerance 0 5 5 0 BW so originally this was a blade HQ exclusive you can no longer buy a 0 5 5 0 especially not in the black wash and originally this had a black scale on it I still have that scale at home but this scale was made by my buddy Rick and I stole it from him he still doesn't know I'm kidding he told me I could keep this scale because it was a Carhartt card oh so it's a Carhartt my card a scale that he created and I bought this knife for my buddy John Smith or brass works you guys know him and he actually customized this a little more before he sold it to me this has a nine-millimeter casing as the lock bar stabilizer so he created that casing so it's got a custom scale and a custom lock bar stabilizer this is actually also the only zero-tolerance knife I've ever owned and I think it's pretty good pretty solid knife I really like its beefy this is a workhorse but still pull a little little piece to have in my collection and here's one with another interesting story so this is another master up knife this is the mass drop Ferrum Forge jint and I loved the appearance of this knife I really wanted the Rosewood scales on mine not the green g10 but here's the thing the Rosewood is I think a hundred and thirty dollars give or take a mass drop whenever it's in stock this was down to $60 for Black Friday this is an s35vn flipper on bearings with a titanium liner lock it's such a great looking knife it's such a classy knife it dropped to $60 after Black Friday and I had 30 dollars in credit on mass drop so I ended up getting this knife for $30 ship which is stupid it's insane it's such a good knife for that price one thing I will note I thought the clip on this was gonna be a piece of trash this clip is one of the strongest clips on any of the knives that I have I don't know what kind of crazy steel they're using but this thing bins my nails back it slides in the pocket just fine but it takes a lot of force to lift that clip like a ton of force I would highly recommend a gym here is a knife in my collection that I have never carried I think this is the only knife in my entire collection that I have not carried this is the Reyat Augustus designed by Kirby Lambert and it's such a weird knife it is not me at all but there is a version of this knife or at least a version of a similar knife also designed by Kirby Lambert that is very me so this actually comes with micarta scales I wish that Reyat had sent me the one with micarta scales but there's also a drop-point version that doesn't have this combo grind it's just a weird knife but I will say like the action on the Chavez is really good the action on the Augustus is just butter it is pure butter this knife there is no play whatsoever it is rock solid and then when you release that that and it gets past the detent it just it won't here I'll try to it just drops shut this this thing is pure butter just two more things I want to talk about I'm not going to go into too much depth on this this is a Leatherman ESD I believe is what it's called this was my late grandfather's he passed away in 2018 to bone cancer and this is the only thing of his that I have and just has a very special place in my heart and in my collection and it's just one that's just always gonna be there loved him to death he loved this thing to death and it's just one that's it's a sentimental piece I don't have too many of those this is one of those and I have a few more sentimental pieces that were from my other grandfather's but this one just holds a special place in my heart because he was showing me this not long before he passed because he loved it so much he had just found it after having it for so long and it was just something he cherished so I will also cherish this and pass it down through the family in the future alright the last knife I'm not a huge fan of autos I actually just bought another Auto tonight rip I got the strider SMG from protecta totally murdered out one with the tritium button because I'm not I'm not a fan of blacked out things much anymore I used to love matte black all the things now I really don't but that knife just looks so good there's no billboarding on it whatsoever it's just a solid black knife with a tritium vial in the push-button which is so sick so now I have it but I also have this right here I bought this in the discord server is well this is the SBR you saw Zack crushing on this pro tect gave them a blue one is just a sick little knife tiny little knife it's really great in the hand you can't actually get a full forefinger grip on it but the action on that this thing just wise it backs it just boom I love it sweet little knife I carry this from time to time it's another that I'll probably keep in the collection for a while maybe not forever I don't know we'll see but yeah cool it's fun to just push that button over and over and over all the time I have many many more knives that I could talk about right now but it is quarter till 3:00 a.m. and I think it's time to go home that is gonna do it for this video if you found it helpful and you enjoyed it be sure to hit that thumbs up button down below and subscribe to see more stuff like this in the future and hit that notification bell so you're notified when I upload any videos and if you want to support what I'm doing here every single knife you see here as well as many many others or linked in the description down below if you click those links and purchase anything using those links I get a little bit of a kickback most the time not always but it doesn't cost you anything extra and it's just a win-win situation for all of us you can also go to at MATC to support their org carry best or carry commission calm that is my store where you can buy merch and geared directly from me such as a t-shirt just like this one with best immediacy on it carry Commission I have lots of stuff over there carry best with all that said be sure to follow us around the web you can find us on Twitter and Instagram at best MATC there is now a Facebook group as well as the discord which is all linked down below I highly recommend you join and follow and do all those wonderful things because the community around best Emma DC is the best part I can't take any credit for that the people were in the community especially in the discord and Facebook group great people awesome community and if you want to follow me my personal stuff you can find me on twitter and instagram at casper tech but with all that said and until next time carry on
Channel: Best Damn EDC [Taylor Martin]
Views: 103,816
Rating: 4.8668942 out of 5
Keywords: EDC, everyday carry, edc gear, edc knife, Knife Collection, Swiss Army Knife, Blade HQ, Victorinox, Tinker, Slip Joint, James Brand, Elko, GEC, ADV Impi, Boker, StatGear, Buck 110, Civivi Elementum, Massdrop, Ferrum Forge, Ace Biblio, Micarta, Koch Tools, KTC-2, Pocket Samurai, Benchmade, Bugout, Compression Lock, Shaman, Spyderco, Kapara, Paramilitary 2, Protech, Microtech, Frame Lock, Large Sebenza 21, J-Cape V3, Reate, Pena, X Series, Front Flipper, Berg Blades, Trayvax, Leatherman, Suru
Id: 72NykhYUxgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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