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between the time when chaos broke cadia and the return of the sons of the emperor there was an age undreamed of and unto this cronan destined to bear the jeweled crown of aquilonia upon a troubled brow it is i his chronicler who alone can tell thee of his saga let me tell you of the days of high adventure with a heavy heart cronin the destroyer path of the no splitter tribe went to his most sacred of all spots his sanctum sanctorum his axis mundi atop a ridge he looked down at the valley which he ruled with an iron fist he was about to embark on a pathway he never thought he would tread a dark walkway to folly but he now had no choice for he had to obey the great prophet cronin sat heavily and prepared himself he was about to perform an activity that had spelled doom and destruction to countless empires civilizations and races since the dawn of time he was about to think he reached for his thinking grot and after a small amount of structural rearrangement he donned the headpiece that would ease his way into this dark domain for cronian had heard the prophet not just listened he had truly heard him the days after the meeting of the big boss bash where the prophet had spoken stayed with him it was a moment of epiphany for cronan he did not know if the legendary prophet was speaking the words of gawk or of mork or of both but they had the ring of the gods about them he had been told how the race of orcs had been very good at brutality but had forgotten their heritage had ignored half of their own lives their own culture their own religion they had forgotten canon the prophet went on to remind them how the gods were of brutal cunning and cunning brutality but then asked all that were there how often they had heard these words or looked on in amazement aghast at the revolution they had all been brutal but when was the last time they had been cunning how the prophet now challenged them all from highest to lowest do not only do the brutal thing as it was the right thing for all true orky orcs to do but also to do the cunning thing as all orky orcs should do divine words a terrifying concept to change their entire way of life but it was as the gods had demanded so crown and researched the best ways to be cunning he had often heard how smart the humans were so he studied them his long and laborious hour of concentration brought him to an unimpeachable decision cannon resided in hats all of the most clever humans wore a large hat headgear worthy of cunning thus did cronon choose his stinking well longer limbs for tying into position and not a squealer also for the tying into position prepared as he was in his stinking spot with his sinking grot cronan began to think there was a regular patrol in force from the humees they would have metal boxes and marines the boxes kept his boys away from the marines due to the phenomenal darker the boxes provided but when closed upon the marines in blue would stand in orderly lines and keep his boys away from the boxes he required cunning to solve this issue so he scrunched it up his eyes and continued to think release the cunning within release the cannon within cronin's side reached up and took down his thinking grot it was trying too hard and the whispering was distracting so cronin bit the arm of the grot and slowly munched the relaxing chewing did seem to be improving matters also the struggling and writhing from his previous headgear but the high-pitched screaming was not conducive to the process so cronin finished the job by crushing his head the grot went still as its skull shattered beneath his grip between the slow hypnotic dangling of the grot from his fist the relaxation of the chewing and the obvious benefit of the location cronin began to see the way forward he truly felt blessed by gawk and mork the prophet was very good at his job it would seem he and his boys would be ready for the next patrol the tank column trundled down the valley as it always did cronan with his newfound god-given abilities considered that they might just be looking for a scrap to kill boys no idea why but it did not matter now he would have those boxes very soon and with them he would then take the nearest humi cities they always opened the door to human boxes cronon smirked as they reached the middle point of the valley he raised his weapon high and signaled the attack orcs stunned down the valley towards the marines and were quickly amongst them for the fire from their boxes was not coming lines of a strange energy flashed between points in the forest and the tanks seeming to pass straight through the metal in exterior a go somehow inside as the marines had no supporting fire their demise was swift their orderly lines crashed under the tide of green cronin walked to the vehicles as he got closer he saw that they were shaking and judging like there was something happening inside of a hectic nature suppressed gunfire could be heard from within on occasion but this was becoming less and less as the lines of power kept striking them cronin walked to the hatches i could see that some form of fluid was running between some of the nuts and bolts the hatch is not quite snug enough the fluid was an acrid fecal brew and seeped out swiftly but then it changed to become more solid and more green blood snot blood the swaying in the vehicle seemed to slow and then stop crown and dropped his hand and the lines of power ceased as one pulling hard on one of the hatches cronin saw it fly off an ocean of dimunitive dead green bodies flooded out but amongst them were some pink bodies with lots of red smears so many snots had been sent through that they had packed the vehicle and crushed all inside to death it would take some time to clear away the snots but that is what grotz were for well other than thinking of course it was a good day cronan felt he had been truly orky today not only had he been brutal but he had also managed to be cunnin cronan would soon have multiple humive tanks looted and ready to go perhaps this cunning thing might just be worth it after all cronan walked purposely along the trail to that most sacred of spots yet again it had been an eventful week possibly the most eventful of his life well apart from the time he killed and ate the previous boss in all of his knobs of course but that was some time ago now and cronin was sure that this week would eclipse even that great moment well he would if he knew what an eclipse was of course but the point is the same let us not prevaricate over the vernacular deployed eh cronin did not trudge as he had before the time he had come to this holy site to perform this titanic deed it was unknown to him then it was esoteric to be feared but things were different now for cronin had gone up in the world since his victory over the humies under metal boxes he had used that most holy of things his faith in gok and mork to permit him to forsake the genius the cannon to resolve the issue that had been plaguing his tribe for many a moon the riddle of the boxes using the shark attack guns he had resolved the riddle and had cracked the nut and defeated the humees with with cannon and so it was that as the glory of his victories over the humies had spread far and wide a miracle had happened truly cronin was blessed by the gods for three of the local tribes had arrived there had been much excitement as each made their way to the valley for it was hoped by or that a huge scrap was in the offing many were disappointed initially only of course that they could not scrap with each other but when the bosses met and each in turn held cronin as the cannon they would follow him in his efforts against the humays for when one victory was gained surely more were in the offering and as much as the boys did love to fight each other that was as nothing compared to the joy of fighting and beaten the humanes and so hailed as the boss of four tribes now cronin went to sleep both surprised and slightly concerned if such an emotion could be considered appropriate to any orc perhaps perplexed would be a better description for one thing fox cronin when he happily but really retired for the evening how in the name of goku mog was he going to find more cunning he was uncertain if you could repeat the supreme display but after expelling excess grub and voiding his vows cronin decided it was an issue for the morning and so as the morning came cronin awoke as he had never awoken to a mourn before he was now the boss of four tribes had literally tripled on more his power in the one feast his mind was aware with things things he had not really been aware of before ideas he barely remembered the word it was used by the prophet at the big boss bash grant knew it had something to do with cunning he was now ready when he went to don his armor he felt it was slightly snug but that was of no concern now he would require new armor new muggins and watsets and gubbins of power now that he was so important so it would be traded in time cronin strode forth and had his knobs beat a path through the adoring crowds as he went to the runt herds and so it was that cronin left his knobs at the base of the mountain and processed up ever upwards onto the trail to his sanctum with him was a trail of grass all tied one to the other in a line a dozen were in his wake as he stole finally cronin reached this the highest point of the mountain where there was a plateau from which the entire valley could be seen and thus he walked unto his stinking spot he assumed the position cross-legged sitting at the very edge of the ledge surveying his realm tronan would do things differently this time he knew that cunning did not entirely reside just in hats but he donned the one he had taken from the leader of the homies in case his previous theorem still had any weight but cronin hadn't even used cunning when planning how to arrange this period of contemplation to find even greater cunning for cronin had measured his last attempt at thinking and posited that it may have been the squealing of the grot not just a crunching on them that had been of most used to his herculean cogitation thus attempting to not just replicate but to improve on the previous session he had garnered a dozen thinking grotz as he tugged on the rope that confined them they tried to drag backwards but as none of them worked at the same time some even tripping the ones closest to cronin and then giggling insanely the line moved forward quickly crown and grabbed the first grot and with pragmatic swiftness as it was merely a means to an end he ripped the head off the first god to prevent squealing too close to him then pulled off its limbs and slowly began to munch he could feel it the cunning rising the thinking grots the thinking spot the sinking hat but he needed the one more thing cronin absently dragged on the rope and one of the grotts was then grabbed untied and tossed over the edge of the cliff [Laughter] krona now sighed as the squealing helped but was not so loud as to be off-putting as one finally finished he would instinctively and with no break in his majestic religious epiphany unlatch and then lob another one over to just get the right ambience and so cronin cronin began to think he had the humy boxes he knew it had been his previous burst of cunning that had gained these precious lootable objects cronin was loathed to ignore this previous glimpse of brilliance we had a concern he had seen other boys dressed in the humi's uniforms and carrying their weapons their jewmys had somehow always discerned that it was a ruse they had mystically known that they were not humans perhaps a humanist gave off a smell or something or was it their hand gestures either way cronin was now not as certain that his plan would actually work the idea was that they would use the humi boxes to ride up to the gates of their local enclosure and the humans would open the doors as they always did at that point they could just charge inside and take the fort a small city that had been there for generations untold of orcs now cronin had been joined by a tribe with many snake bites and they had squiggarts cronin had immediately ordered his own mcboys to plate them up with armor and see what darker they could take and in only a day or so they would be of the walking fire platforms cronut had always wanted not that he thought of it that way or that precisely but it was the truth nonetheless and so cronin fought more it was not sustainable he knew this not only were the flying thinking grots running out he would have to bring more if he were to tread this path again of course but it was also astonishingly tiring so he plowed on an attempt to solve the conundrum before his head literally exploded as he had seen many odd boys hide before nobody wanted that after all so if the humans did somehow find out that their boxes were not under their control anymore what would they do cronenberg fell off the ledge himself as he tossed over his last flying sinking grot hit him like a thunderclap from the backside of goku marketed him he would have two plans a plan within a plan hauling himself off his haunches and away from the precipice so shattering had the revelation been that he could barely stand stably cronin lifted his fist to the air and laughed the deep belly laugh of the cunning for he would do both plans the armored column drove down the road that led directly to the gates of aquilonia sub-sector 12 mining settlement 5. but not all were on the road there seemed to be no uniformity of speed and tanks and transports bumped into one another in mild collisions almost jostling each other as they approached the patrol had been expected back seven days ago the news had gone out to be on alert for any missing vehicles or any survivors from the patrol for surely they had been the prey of the filthy green skins how nobody knew it was supposed to be a culling force after all but it had finally happened hence when the ramshackle column approached everyone at first was elated there were cheers that went up from the wall as it hove into view but the celebrant mood had soon evaporated the state of the column arriving initially as they got closer it was looked upon with pity as they moved as if all of the remaining occupants drivers especially had been shell-shocked battered to the very edges of exhaustion as the column became properly visible it began to dawn on those officers on the gate guard that something was deeply amiss the vehicles were not dormed with the usual paints and bits that the orcs did whenever they looted a vehicle let alone this many but something was definitely a mess so as the column lumbered up to the gates and slowed down they did not open the lead vehicle came within spitting distance of the doors and then stopped all behind it came to a stop after barging jostling and bumping each other for over a minute when the doors still did not open the top hatch of the lead lehman ross opened it wasn't the fact that the officer that popped out of the hatch seemed to flop to one side nor that he seemed to have sticks holding up his arms when he waved it wasn't that there was no hail or a quest to come inside immediately it wasn't that he did not give his rank formation an assignment it was more the fact that when the officer bellowed open the gates that he was still able to do so while his head had been sewn on backwards the order was given with a simple lowering of an upheld hand and the gate guard then unleashed every last weapon they had into the column in moments the weapons of the gate whirring into position and firing down melters heavy bolters and then covering the ground with flamers when the green skins began to die from the tanks and they were exploding around them the gate guard began to whoop with a sense of victory too early as they seemed to be exterminating the column and its new owners it was not until too late they noticed the three huge armored squigas rumbling out of the treeline previously they would have used the said firepower to wipe them out at long range but they had not finished off the column and could not fire at both the nearer danger had to be resolved so they fired on the column this gave the heavy weapons on the squiggas plenty of time to lumber into range and unleash their fire into the walls and parapets hardpoints and fixtures of the gates and walls huge segments were annihilated in the first volleys the darker that the mcboys had managed to array on them was truly staggering matters got worse for the defenders as the squiggle then took on a charge each ran at full pelted walls surrounding the gate not the gates itself of course as that had a wealth of debris in front of it that had previously been the tanks of the astartes in guard their largest guns silenced there was naught that the guard could do but concentrate all fire on one of the squiggles at a time and attempt to bring them down it worked once the heavy bolters and remaining glass cannons on the walls tore it to pieces and it dug a huge grove into the ground as it fell and lurched to its death still skidding due to its momentum alone but they could not take on another before they reached the walls and crashed through well the second one did the first one got shot in the eyes and did not so much plow through the wall but into it and fall over but the effect was the same the walls and two huge rents were down the horde of boys that were following the squares then rampaged through the breaches and into the city it would not take long to subjugate the other humies it was a good day cronin had lived up to his new name he had been cunning indeed as he charged through the breach conan looked around with relish if he kept this up his name would go down in legend of no important to cronin of course but it would mean that he would be party to some the best fighting possible he could just feel it in his newly empowered mind he truly was doing the work of gok and mork the work of the gods just as the prophet had promised there was definitely something to be said for this cunning thing but now it was time for the brutality his favorite bit as he charged into the settlement to crump humies the case of dawn's first flight saw the camp erupt into life grotz ran to their nominal positions and posts more like a thunderous charge than any orderly deployment all had the warmth of a good day before them for today was their first flying under their new colors the banners of cronin de cunnin a bath of little repute of until recently cronin was unifying the tribes of aquilonia the only way he could ever be done with success by action with victory croninder cannon had exploded onto the scene of aquilonia like a thunderbolt it was said he was touched by the gods that he was a disciple of the great prophet gazgul magurukhtraka himself and he espoused something that had been in too little supply recently cannon so it was that cronin had risen and all before him had fallen humane any war boss or knob who had challenged him and even the space marines and it was in this feat this superlative display of not only brutality which was of course the orky way but also of canon which was also the oaky way or at least it should have been their mighty gods the only ones that truly counted of course gok and mork were the gods of brutal cannon and cunning brutality hence cannon was meant to be a way of life a path set down by the gods themselves yet somehow it had always been the brutality that most emphasized up to this point but now finally cunnin had come to aquilonia in the manifestation of this mighty war boss cronan it was only weeks before that he had three other war buses bend the knee as the humans would say to that mighty lord and he took the increased forces under his command and went to work for the first time ever the green skins of aquilonia had tasted the heady toxic under victory over the mighty space marines but more he had taken a humi city then another and another and with each victory more and more or tribes flocked to his banner and with each new tribe new forces their new victories were guarded like a snowball that builds to an avalanche the orcs were gathering impetus momentum power unto power as was the oaky way the way of the war their tribe was absorbed into the greater war which coincidentally was exactly the same time as when the previous boss's head had rolled onto the floor of the audience chamber of croninder canon it seemed cronin had not been privy to the same world view and manifest destiny as their war boss had so the dissonance had been resolved the most expeditious way possible in a fight a fight that was marked only as being as brutal as it was swift the head of blood brow bone aura had bounced thrice before being smashed under the foot of that mighty and cunning war boss cronin and all was accord once more but now cronin had multiple squadrons of flyboys under his command and to the exaltation and joy of his said squadrons he intended to put them to immediate use thus it was that the grotts sped around the wide landing field their gurneys of missiles and bombs positively spilling over in their rush to get the vehicles ready for the flyboy's arrival of course the stapling of many of the grotts into some of the larger flyers had been a trial but it had been done with efficient speed for today was a day to remember the runt herd's apoplectic bellowing had only just finished the preparations with the huge doors of dub barracks slammed open and the flyboys processed out at their head ducker von smashoven the best flyboy for a hundred years easily led the flyboys in their charge towards their awaiting craft each battered any gots out of the way then jumped into their flyers slapping any grots inside their vessels for good measure one always needs to let them know the hierarchical situation of course the great support outside then grabbed onto propellers and cranked them then off into the skies they left like a very angry swarm of wasps as the hundred or so flyboys flew over the armies of cronin they now went from horizon to horizon all heard the bellows and hoots of approval from below with only one of the flyers being knocked out of the skies by the encouraging shooter salutes thus did the flyboys of duckathon smashhoven's own winds of war speed towards the enemy lines they knew and eagerly anticipated the arrival of their human counterparts who had caused such trouble over the last few days it was almost unfathomable to the winds of war while a previous boss had not permitted their being at least loaned to cronin before for they had been in the midst of a terrible loli in action and it was known that if one does not take out one's weapon and use it on a regular basis well it would rust wouldn't it it was known and the humies did not disappoint out of the clouds above they came hurtling down like hawks pouncing on prey they cut down many a flyby in their first past but were in for a very large shock when they came up to hide amidst the clouds once again for daca von smashoven had been in close parlay with cronin and was deep in his council whatever that meant so it was that cannon had been gifted to one smash hoven like some funny disease but a good one it seemed for it had worked for as the humans in their thunderbolts climbed back up to be met by a wall of dhaka a smash oven and more than half of his flyboys dipped out of the clouds from above and fell on them in turn the previous wave of flyboys giving chase from below caused the perfect storm for the human planes a storm of darker darker to the left of them darker to the right of them they got killed almost immediately von smashoven himself flew over the lines of orcs thrice to indicate their utter victory before banking up to join his boys as they crisscrossed the skies above the humid lines and killed with impunity so confident with the humi's and their pilot superiority that nearly a single anti-aircraft vehicle or emplacement did they prepare much to their lament and thus did cronan stride to the very front of his mighty army his war and bellow that one word to the heavens with it the entire horde moved as one and charged and our shuddering and horrified shumli lines today was a good day to be an orc for with the cunning bit out of the way the brutality ran like a river cronin underways of cannon conan de cunning his legend was begun but it was a very short legend thus far and so we reach a montage moment covering a good few weeks a month and a larger increase in his awk power has more tribes flocked to his banner but a brief one because it's not the 80s and so cronin began to walk the path of the cunning without fear he welcomed ideas and even came to trust some of them one of his best ideas the truest expression of canon was to learn from those around him thus it was that he took the boss of the blood x tribe deep into his council whatever that means and by the fire they spoke of the ways of cunnin to move backwards was not always to run away sometimes the enemy would follow you into a trap the ways of cannon seemed awfully like base navery an utterly jelly spined cowardice to crownhan but the bladex assured him it was actually cannon and it seemed confusing at first cronan had to master his entire will not to tear the head off the lesser boss just to get him to shut up but cronin's will was iron and the talking continued it did so only because cronin could feel it the cunning rising he was absorbing it like the trees took in sunlight was most thingy was his for cannon or something like that thought cronin as he began to [Music] comprehend he now saw all of his mobs clans cultures all of his forces as different things entirely ingredients to a masterfully cooked banquet of battle an orchestra through which he would play a symphony of savagery a peon to the power of gork and mork well he would have done if he were more verbose but it was a good thing no matter the phraseology and he already knew the issues the constant drain on his time his joy the ones who slowed him down so some would have to go boss rotbagger of the death skulls whose nosing about on battlefields drained speed from their onward rush into humy lands boss red wheel of the evil sons who kept heading off on excursions beyond where cronin wanted the humans to know they could reach and of course boss nostril splitter of the bad moons who had destabilized the natural loot dispersal matrices causing force scarcity to inflate his market dominance draining the wire of its resources or more simply put nostril splitter was profiting mightily and sewing him down which is still not how cronin would have put any of it but a fact is a fact no matter how you dress it up so the bosses were all called their boys were arrayed as if for a battle but it was to be a battle against their own natures their own propensity toward ignoring cunning it will be a celebration of cunning and should just should mind you give birth to a veritable infusion of cannon across the entire blossoming war thinking gods by the thousands were being gathered and the mighty mass congregation was to transpire the very first massed think the very first stinkmas and so the preparations for think must continued all throughout the night twas the night before thinkmas not a creature was stirring not even a squig the toppers were hung by the banners with care in hopes that the boss would not come to them there the grots were shuddered awake in their beds with visions of seeing king dancing in their heads their aunt herds were excited and hardly slept knowing their charges or silently wept out in the camp there arose a clatter or hid in their nests knowing what was the matter around the camp they stomped with a clash ranked designated by their vibrant sash the moon on the armor a newly fallen did show a luster of midday on the orcies below when out of the dark the knobs did appear a colossal bunch who elicited fear with a mega knob marching mean and quick i knew in a moment he had a big stick more angry than mad boys onward they came and he hectored and hid them and called them by name now smasher now crasher no killer now masha on slasher on basha on grenade blitzer to the top of the drop pens collect them all then none dash away dash away dash away all so round the grotpins the knobs all flew each dishing out wallops and kickings too then in a twinkle twist heard on the roof the prancing and giggling of each little youth as i do in my head and was turning around out of the crowd the mega knob did bound he was dressed in paurama from head to his foot and all was tarnished with blood and soot the remains of a power claw he had on his back none looked too close how he might attack the hand of a human he had in his teeth fumes of his anger encircled his head like a base he was festooned with the heads of what seemed to be elf and i peed myself a bit in spite of myself a wink in his eye and a twist of his head soon gave me to know i had everything to dread he spoke not a word but went straight to work the knobs filled all their sacks with grotz with a jerk and laying his finger aside his nose and giving a spectacularly orchy pose he sprang to the catch wagons who his knobs gave a whistle and away they strode with a gargantuan bristle but i heard him exclaiming he drove out of sight happy think mr wall and to all a good [Music] fight the bosses were all called their boys all arrayed as if for battle whilst the entire camp exploded into activity and nervous excitement few could see the genius the hidden power to be released for this was not an exercise in teaching or raising cunning as cronin had said no no it was a celebration of his thinking his cunning past tense because cronin now knew how to beat the humans oh yes he did he had to clean house before the bigger scraps he had to unify the war once and for all and his idea it was cunning so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a guy links and so all unarmed well mostly and prepared for the celebration the mighty wire of orcs a veritable sea of seething sweaty and flatulent green skins or sat as one mob unto mob tribe and to tribe but all of the leaders the various bosses all sat up front with the big boss cronin de cannon sat on a velvet blanket of tyreen purple the bosses sat silently adorned by their individually folded and personalized thinking grot only cronin bore a hat you see there could be such a thing as too much cannon and if any cannon were to be generated then surely his hat would absorb and redirect it to the best receptacle the canyon one himself of course each stinking grot bore the mark of its corresponding boss on its cheeks all four the center of its forehead on both feet and both hands it seemed the branding runt herds had been jobs worth or just enjoyed the rising and squealing of the grotts under the whitehort irons difficult to tell which mused cronin but a certain amount of zeal was probably attributable to this being the first thinkmas and the bosses wanted to be dressed to impress after all as the still pungent whiffers are scolded grot buttocks bellowed on the air fighting for proboscis attention with the natural urinary odor excluded by the terrified grots everyone has said grass gritted their teeth remain silent lest they be sent to the ranks of the soon-to-be burning flying thinking grots those presently being loaded into a long rank of catapults it was a small mercy for some of the grass that they were given a red stick to bite down on to assuage the discomfort this was of course only for some of the biggest bosses and their knobs some distinction had to be made for their luminous rank however it was felt that the knobs in cronin himself did not require this distinction massive gongs were struck to signify the beginning of thinkmas all fell silent and closed their eyes as they sat as one the gentle serenade of a hundred catapults ejecting the mast burning flying thinking grots into the air so all might gain from the ambience as their parting cora spake into the winds of the valley and echoed to all and sundry [Laughter] and it began think must alas it was an arduous interminable period of unendurable tedium that many felt stretched into hundreds of seconds until the inevitable started to happen and heads well strangely the heads of the knobs of bosses rotbagger red wheel and nostril splitter all exploded their grot headgear and their own craniums all explosively bursting under the pressure of their attempts to think and as the crowd grasped and giggled then go forward it was decided by all that this was now a very funny and very enjoyable festival indeed but none now wish to try thinking anymore it was proven to be very hazardous to one's health and should definitely be left in the hands of those more well adept at the craft let cronin do all that stuff they thought cronin looked to his palms and saw the second detonator he had destroyed the knobs of his rifles his annoyances but the actual consideration to use it on the bosses themselves was anathema to him cronin stood and turned logging the device over his shoulder as he looked at the three bosses and bellowed his knobs rushed into the remains of their knobs who might have eaten or discarded their thinking glot as cronin himself charged boss rotbagger although told to present unarmed this meant that they only had a few weapons each cronin took one herculean leap into the air and came thundering down on raspberry with all of his fury and with all of his huge axe the much smaller orc attempted to block the blow but the force of the strike ended only when rotbagger was cleft mostly in twain peeling apart from the tops of his shoulders to the bottom of his hip cronin rounded on red wheel and the two met with secretary bus read wheel as fast pushing forward with his power claw striking in an overhead windmill set of attacks cunning and balling its hatred at him cronin rolled underneath the third huge swing and behind red wheel as he span around to bring his power claw back into the fray cronin cut down hard and severed the boss's arm at the elbow the claw landed with a thud at his feet rid real cried out in anger and pain but his mouth soon opened all the wider when cronin's axe came round and cut the top of his head off just above the tongue the orc fell backwards and ended with its tongue collecting the grasses out of the now highest point of its body cronan put it out of its misery with his boot thrice wiping his boots off the grass crown and looked for boss nose splitter but he was gone disappeared into the mobs and sea of boys the other bosses stood waiting to see if this was to be a full sweep but were a bit relieved and also a bit disappointed when darko von smashhoven indicated for all to now sit down again there was now glorious fighting across the entire war but this was to be expected at a festival after all and in the fighting it was an almost universal coincidence that those younger and more enthusiastic followers of cronin and his cunning came out on top a new war was born on think must stay night tomorrow they would be back on the move tomorrow there may be less of them than before but those that remained would be stronger more brutal and perhaps just a smidge more cunning than they were the day before thickness now with that fun out of the way cronin began to plan his battle against the humies for it was to be on the planes where humans were mastering and maneuvering so blatantly as to be doing nothing other than giving a direct challenge and cronin would accept it cronin and the way of bubbles cronin stood and looked down on the field of combat his field for he was the biggest boss of the emergent war none could now refute that mostly because he had split any recalcitrant hearts and souls in half or torn their heads off as he had done only recently at the massively popular thinkmass festivities without boss rodbagger to slow them down or boss red wheel to tip off the humees to the extent they had pushed the wire now moved with the speed certainty and precision that would have astonished even cronin but scant five months ago alas boss nostril splitter still eluded capture and detention well for about five seconds before cronin could get his axe to his neck at the very least a small annoyance but one crownan would not spend much time on nostril spitter would turn up or he would not but no matter the situation cronin would be ready for him but such sundry concerns would not be permitted to detract one iota of will and concentration from the great one this day for he could feel it not cunning this time for that now suffused his every nerve his every ganglia his entire being no cronin felt something else rising glee unabashed unfettered glee for it was one thing to fight the hummies around their cities the great protective structures but it was another entirely to enjoy the purity of an open field something that had not happened on aquilonia for as long as any of the greenskins could recall never before had there been orcs in such numbers with such pride with such gubbins and or the penelope of war or something like that thought cronin as he looked across his mighty war for he was in fine fettle and knew his men were of over burgeoning zeal for the scrap that was about to transpire for days and weeks now the humans had been maneuvering and deploying so blatantly and so easily spotted as to be nothing as the most audacious of challenges to cronin's might a challenge that could simply not be ignored not least because to do so would be to severely curtail the emergent majesty and legend of cronan but more because it was a very polite way of the humies displaying their respect for the orcs and giving them such a welcome invitation to our party of prodigious unsumptuous proportions the imperium certainly knew how to put on a spread thought cronin a pity that the main delicacy the most superb of combatants were not present the space marines the lines of humans were predominantly made of little pink and brown and yellow humies all wearing their lovely uniforms rank upon a rank of them with armor and artillery aplenty they had columns of ogren cronin was glad to see but little else of real note the human imperial guard their anal militantum were the only ones to take the field this day it seemed yet cronan de cannon did not surrender to the potential disappointment and on way that the lack of a real fight against space marines could have conjured within his troubled brow he was after all quite a positive and knew he should contend and content himself with a banquet gawk and mork had laid before him for he was an adherent of the great prophet of gorkhan walk and in them he did trust he knew that if he were to simply crush all that stood before him and his mighty war that soon enough the real fighting would come to him ah a day he looked forward to with relish but now to the events of the day he need only crush these humans in the most fun and devastating way possible earning himself and his wonderful boys that ellucian field of a future war against the marines the adipi are starters in high gosik or something like that the space marines that is all that matters cronin had toured his war for days now knowing that each new mourn brought more and more interesting and fun gubbins and darker and intriguing ways of waging he intended to use them all for he knew exactly what he intended for his set piece he would unleash his goth but he would soften up the enemy first by introducing them to the new darker and know what his mech boys had been cobbling together the humans went in for a surprise or two oh yes they were and thus as cronin looked down on the planes he laughed the deep belly laugh of the cunning the leaks between the orc war and the imperium's astra militarum its imperial guard seemed all too short to the now disquieted army of humans things had seemed so certain when they had marched out in their orderly columns and formations the grandeur of the human race preparing for war all was organized regimented and orderly surely there could be no chance of defeat at the hands of the barbaric and imbecilic greenskins when there's so much of the emperor's own power had been mustered in one place in their ranks they had waited for days now every morn presenting for the orcs to see their power their might their determination it was felt that there would be no battle that the orcs would take one look at the well-oiled military machine and skulk back into their forests and crags but that was before they actually appeared in strength when the orc war crested the horizon few of the men and women present were unaffected by the display on they came an unending tide of green and it was only then that the spine of the guard began to slightly shift in discomfort those days were punctuated by a rigid and draconian enforcement of order by the officers the commissariat wended their way through the master ranks during the day and visited every campfire during the night always bluffer and doughty they heckled hectored and harangued where it would avail the best results but would also take the time to encourage to regale their compatriots with exploits and deeds against the greenskins always highlighting the lack of import of numbers and trying to stiffen the spines and raise the elan of the men and women in their charges so it was that on the moon the guard went out to their arranged pickets and positions they pre-measured and marked fire lines and ranges but in all of the hubbub their leadership had fallen into the most cunning of cronan's traps thus far for they had simply not concentrated they had simply not fathomed or encompassed their doom they planned the battle as they had done across the length and breadth of the imperium since its inception and they had underestimated cronin and his cannon and in this their downfall was assured for they had forgotten a few key issues things that they had always relied upon so much as to be considered as present as air as certain as the bayonets on their weapons dependable but alas this time they were not there and the lack would be telling the first few hours of light were the spectacle of a war waking up and then positioning it was heralded by an ever-growing rumble this was not just of the growling of the greenskins either they were to find out as high morning arrive the war leapt into life and surged forward and it was few that were present amongst the humans who did not take at least a slight step back at its advent the first things to happen said the tempo of the entire engagement said its course and it soon dawned on the general in charge that he and his men were about to be dinner as arranged the event began with an onrush of vehicles as the speed freaks moved like the horns of a bull towards the guard forces the van falling much slower at first expecting them to then charge into the ranks or even front of their army the guard were shocked to see them swerve off at the last moment and careen around their flanks and then rear a veritable deluge of fire was laid in front of them by the massed ranks of the guard heavy artillery recovering from their shock at the change in attack the humi officers did not concern themselves overly as they knew their artillery would make burning carcasses of the orc cavalry as it wheeled and spun around their ear this was when the heirs were rent by the thunder of dhaka von smashoven's winds of war falling on their formations from out of the clouds the orc air superiority was telling very bitter bombers burner bombers and was bomb blaster jets rained explosive carnage down on the back ranks and the artillery of the hapless humans and within minutes their guns were silenced confusion was heightened when the rumble of the very earth hit the lines a wave of round balls with legs and teeth were loosed and surged towards the human ranks like an avalanche they were simply inexhaustible and without heavy box barraged fire to cull and slow them the squid charge was a tsunami of terror and teeth with all of this going on the humans did not could not witness the next stages as they were enacted a mass of wagons had dragged a collection of huge orc mech guns onto the flanks but well within range as the human lines discouraged their last gun rounds at the oncoming wave of squigs thus they did not see the deluge of bubbles being released into the air above them like the placing of a human child the bubbles of brightly colored force just floated through the air up and then down onto the waiting humans many looked up and could not help but smile at this flash of beauty and serenity amidst the turbulent clanger of war they did until the bubbles landed some held out their hands to touch the first ones like they were rare flakes of snow sent to bermus and in trance alas when the bubbles made contact they would then explode in a wave of force of varying power some would slam the stuck to the ground others would rupture with such force that they would launch anything they touched into the air or for meters backwards into the milling army as these detonations dotted the mid and back ranks of the army more of the human force more of their support and heavy elements were rendered useless as lehman russ and hellhound tanks were flattened or spun into the air by the force and then fell down onto more of their own men and resources as the waiver squigs were amongst the men and women of the first picket lines it became a massacre for out of the dust and the screaming came the full force of the goth clan cronin had harbored the power of his goth always using them for sledgehammer assaults on cities or locations that he had already enveloped within his wire so the armies of the humans had thus far only really engaged speed freaks and some storm boys they were utterly unprepared for the unfettered brutality of the goth onward rush and so it was that many alakomasa led to the front of the lines in an attempt to stiffen the spines of his fellows by engaging and defeating an awk leader only to be smashed down and slaughtered by the sheer rage of the goth assault and without space marines the only things that could stand a chance against the goth the most orky of all orcs was the ogrins a huge line of which was hastily prepared as a breakwater a dam behind which the human force could regroup and reorganize but it was not to be for the mcguns of the awkward were still in range and the lines of dense warriors were simply lifted into the air and thrown leagues through the atmosphere by the tractor beams of the orc mech guns a situation that would lead to more than one mcboy being physically castigated by a surly golf later on but the instant effect was the route of the orgrims as they felt the emperor himself was making them fly out of the way of the orcs and punishing them in the childlike way they grasped as the emperor was certainly not with them this day and fled and the rest was simple brutal fun and final did i mention brutal good because it was as the last light of day dipped below the horizon the sizzling of many a rattling foot and frame caressed the nostrils of all throughout the camp cronin was heralded as the best boss that had ever todd the ground of aquilonia for through his cunning and brutality an army of some 40 000 humans had not only been bested but trounced the casualties of the orcs were considered less than a trifle piffling and so cronin went to his bed of rest with a glow of gawk and mork in his breast he had done it he had shown the greenskins that they could be powerful that they could even beat the humans in massed engagements and this would be the last clarion call necessary to unify those larger mobs and tribes that had refused his manifest destiny up to this point soon they too would also be clamoring to join his wire and cronon knew nothing on aquilonia would ever be the same again cronin and the riddle of the cans and so it was that only a cycle ago the humans had been defeated in open battle a vast array of them had mustered on the plains and marched out to meet orcs and stoic and stalin ranks and columns glittering penance shining in the morning light but cronin was the coming one the follower of gazul maguruk saka the prophet of gork and morg and through brutal cunning or was it cunning brutality nobody was quite sure on that one either way cronin had trounced them his mighty war could not be stopped it was a seminal moment a breakthrough of staggering proportions it was the dream of every awkward and aquilonia to be part of a proper war and now for the first time in living memory and longer it had happened cronin had arisen and all had fallen before him well almost all for as he rose there must have been something in the air for all of the orcs of aquilonia began to coalesce into larger and larger warbands most marched to join the war but as with any family there was always one from the previously quiet northern reaches there also arose a war boss of a caliber not seen before lord tooth smasher of the evil sons tribe was reported to be sweeping all before him as he journeyed south his speed war was touted to be nearing the size of cronin's coninois a confrontation was looming as cronin moved his wire to meet them both sides sacking every human settlement and city in their path the two sides were drunk on the rarest of aquilonian drafts victory and it would be a titanic battle when they met but with all of this going on in the macrocosm of the aquilonium body politique there were dark rumblings across the fringes of orcs society for something was amiss something that began to trouble cronin more and more as the days and weeks plowed on it was beginning to become increasingly difficult to gain good sinking rods cronin had not noticed it immediately nor had he been concerned but things were getting out of hand now when going for a session of contemplation of thinking cronan now found that his knobs were gone for much longer and so he gathered the rantheads for an explanation cronin sat atop his new and imposing chair a thong someone had called it or something like that and thus it was that cronin looked down on all from his thong as the camp bristled and waves of shouting and general ruckus went off in in ever decreasing ranges as the ranters were corralled toward him with mega knobs fanned out in two horns behind him the standard knobs beat and bustled them into a huge middling crowd before cronin stong it soon became apparent that asking questions of such a large group would great on cronan's nerves as all began to shout their individual responses excuses concerns and observations after a mild call very enthusiastically performed by said knobs order began to develop cronan would ask a question and leave them for a full day to chat it out and give one answer and so the next two weeks went by and the answers were collated each day in each new mourn there were less round herds as it seemed that the genesis of the lack of grotts was indeed a very hotly contended point cronin was proud that his runtids display as much love of orkinus as he in their deliberations but a picture began to form and cronin was shocked shocked to his very core for the grotts had experienced what some might call the perfect storm the factors were clear and the cause apparent much of it was his fault the issues had gained speed as the war had grown for so many of the new bands of orcs that had joined in the last cycle had not been a thinkmas thus they did not really believe the other orcs when it was stated that their heads could explode if they attempted what had previously only been performed by cronan the use of cannon which all knew could only be done at the expense of that most horrid of pastimes most feared of dark arts that of sinking and so many of the more get up and go more aspirational warbusters under cronin had deemed that if he was big boss due to his cunning then the only way to ever compete would be to engage in this process too so it was that many a standard graft had been repurposed as a thinking crot some were then elevated to flying thinking grots or even the most premium of all of their kind thus far developed the burning flying thinking grot not that it availed them anything of note for none could harness the power of cunnin as had cronin of course cronan knew why this was due to their lack of appropriate receptacles for the cunning energies to suffuse their bodies they lacked hats no matter results of their use or lacked their love it was an irrefutable truth that this had diminished the number of grats on the other side of matters those mobs that had been present at sickness had witnessed the dangers in thinking the popping of so many knob heads had been all the lesson many needed and it turned out that a small but growing number of his war had started to push grotz away from them and were intensely brutal as they should be for this is the orky thing to be of course in these warnings many sections of the camp had circles of dead grots around their perimeter usually just before a sign stating no think zone it seemed that the dangers of thinking had been taken on board more than this many orcs had decided that the close proximity of grotz might elicit spontaneous and uncontrollable instances of thinking and thus no think zones dotted the camp while one or more of the dead grott's encirclement got a bit pongy they will be replaced forthwith hence the massacre of the grass continued the next issue had been the newfound hobby raging through the redheads and others that of origrotme again taking a leaf out of the war boss's own book not that anyone would have put it that way because they do not know what a book was nor would they be able to use it if they did well apart from his toilet paper of course but then orcs were not especially known for their hygiene so the concept of wiping let alone having something soft to do so with was lost on them so a book would have literally no use to accept as a subpar projectile or a subpar repast but i digress back to ollie got me the art of folding gruts as pioneered by cronin himself had become an overnight success it began with the construction of thinking gruts for the thinkamus festivals the runtheads all taking a class from cronin himself on the suitability of the god to be used the ways in which the most secure folding should be done to retain the structure the very art that they had produced many trends had already come and gone only to be replaced by the newest hotness the hands up the butt trend were surpassed by the two hands and a foot upper butt which had fallen before the allure of the both hands and feet up the butt position which had been practically visible in the face of the full circle fold which was surprisingly difficult to get right without the grot spitting which of course was seen as utterly incompetent on that behalf of the rental performing but the full circle fold which was particularly noted for both hands and feet and head being folded into the butt of the grot was then replaced by the natural progression to multiple glotts being used in the one display some prefer to finish their works with a coating of liquid metal but found that this somehow changed the shape of the oregrotmi others prefer their work to be temporary accepting the march of the ages and its importance and permitting theirs to deteriorate over time as gawk and mork intended otherwise why would grotz rot at all if it was not their will but in any case the fad had used up a great deal of the grotts in the war as a side note the art of okigami never really took on alas the rant herds were usually beaten to a pulp if they attempted this natural progression from origrotmi to orkigami as most boys were sufficiently sizeable to thrash around heard easily some bosses had indulged for appeared in okigami but it just simply was not as satisfying as oregrotmi and it was time consuming many a boss decided that if the runt herds had timed for origrotomy then they surely were not being orky enough and many clans roundly thrashed them as a result but rent herds were an ancient and honoured group for as weak and pathetic as the gods were it was a rare orky camp that could not exist for long or be as strong as a tribe without a surfeit of them odd cronin had to admit but it was one of those things inscrutable ephemeral the need for gruts again as cronin was indeed the very first orc to perform origrtmi it was hard to not see this as somehow his fault then there was the last issue the one which probably had the most impact if cronin was willing to admit that of his enemy his rival the only orc to even consider challenging him now tooth smasher and he's speedwa cronin had been utterly unaware that the speedwar had sent fourth strike mobs how could he know none of us said mobs had gone within spitting distance of his own war but he now encompassed the gravity of the situation for looking back he did recall many a orc stronghold that they had found recently denuded of any fighting orcs only having squiggs wandering aimlessly he now recalled the odd presence of so many piles of dead grots not even glot bones they had not even been consumed which struck cronin even then as a bit of an oddity unto itself but they were only gruts so he had not thought about it because thinking was not easy and certainly not without its inherent dangers it cannot be done on a whim looking back the lines have grots on spikes that strung out across the continent as they went further north he had thought the work of the humans they bothered with this sort of thing orcs did not or so he had thought thus did cronin replay the many sights he had previously dismissed as not worthy of recalling the pits of them the miles of them and stakes mostly dead some fidgeted of course but that was to be expected if you had a spike stuck up your butt crown amused and realization dawn so two smasher had been targeting grotz had been exterminating them on purpose he wished to prevent cronin from his mighty cogitations the very root of his cannon now all knew that grotz were swift in their production they were almost as plentiful as squiggs taking only days before a crop would blossom and then scratch and crawl their way out of the ground but as they were now being used for so many things prized in a way they had never been prized before the demand clearly exceeded even the prodigious proliferation of the grass there were some rumors of one other possibility but all knew this impossible and the laughter it elicited prevented the runt herds for responding for three consecutive days so filled with the mirth of it were they but it was not funny to cronin not one bit for reason none but he could fathom for the rent heard stated that there had been reports of grotz gathering in their own collectives hiding away from the larger kin their orcs and trying to make a go of it on their own this even made cronin chortle initially or it did until they revealed the horror for the rant heard stated that they had spotted some of these little vermin wearing long grey coats like the hummies strange and unorky but that was grotz for you it was when one of the orcs reported that he had seen the selfsame grey clad grotz wearing humi hats that cronin sat up and stared hats the grotts had discovered the wellspring of cunnin cronin laughed no longer and thus it was that cronin received an embassador for in his hour of need the unthinkable had indeed occurred for beyond the skies beyond the confines of aquilonia itself a visitor had come and not any visitor but zograd warts snagger himself now it was not obvious to cronin or any of his war who this person was initially how could it be only humans had ships that would defeat the pull of the land even the bestest of darker ones smashoven's winds of war could not manage to go so high as to be able to get into the cold blackness above the planet well not and live anyways so the delegation had to take its time in explaining the importance and history of the famous orc he was a grot trainer the best in all of the universe they said but more than this he had an immediate solution for cronin in the form of hundreds of thousands of his trained grots but with said trained stormgrot he also had a plethora of spares grotz like a river the embassador stated and all looked down in dumbfound silence the shock of it could they really be a visitor from the other worlds of orcidham was he a herald of the great prophet what on aquilonia was a plethora and was it contagious but the long and short of it was that the embassy made up entirely of grass as a sign of the power of this legendary zog rod over them wanted to arrange a meeting and so the moot was to be held in the one place that was the most sacred to the cunning war in all of aquilonia it would happen on the spot it all began cronin's very own axis mundi his sanctum sanctorum his stinking spot thus did cronin come to the meeting alone as suggested with only tiddles in tow tiddles in high go thick he changed the name of his squig when he decapitated the prize fielinoid pet of the governor of zamantha principality because it was a lovely bit of muggins shiny big bejeweled the name tag and thus nut cruncher gave way to tiddles tiddles that terror for he was about six foot tall and had seemed to keep pace with cronin as he developed speaking of which cronin had bulked up recently and could simply not fit into his armor any longer again the armor that had been stretched reforged an augmented threat of the last cycle the size was now prodigious in the extreme even for a boss and thus brand new armor was in the process of being constructed with all of the best muggins gubbins and know what anyone could wish for cronin himself held back one piece of no was but we should discuss that later so cronin stood with tiddles in his most natural state for if one is to have no shiny armor then one might as well look looked apart by showing off one's best traits the unfettered visage of his powerful form and the many many scars that displayed his experience and accomplishment in combat and the quiet of the place was then shattered no long procession of glotts appeared no flags and banners and pennants and skull sticks to herald the power and import of the visitor no the sound of a score of stomping feet and wearing bits and pieces clashing together all marching up to his sacred thinking spot was all that met cronen's ears he looked down to the approach and there they were a line of killer cans trailed up towards him cronin did not bat an eyelid until the last little body hove into view and he knew immediately he had been betrayed there was no visitor from the skies from the cold void and greater orcidham for the diminutive figure at the end of the line of killer cans was a grot and grot in a long grey coat and he had a hat on the grotts had indeed risen and cronin had the sinking feeling he had been out foxed and out thought by the rich dronan hefted his axe onto his shoulder drew out his best shooter a specifically nice one and looked down at the small stalk barely poking out of the ground at his feet cronin may have been out foxed but since his revelation and acceptance of cunning he was never ever unprepared the killer cans with their tiny grot drivers encased within marched up toward the solitary figure cronin stood proudly in the buff brandishing his mighty chopper which the humi sub-categorized as an axe because they were boring and had little to do but endlessly name things that needed no real delineation in his left hand was his best shooter with understand rocket launcher at his side was his trusty attack squigged tiddles cronin considered talking to gawk and mark to beseech them for victory against insurmountable odds you know praying but on hindsight he deemed that neither gawk nor more cared for such things they would not remember who fought who or why only that few stood against many but then he also realized he did not have the tongue for it nor did he actually want their help that sounded a bit needy to him certainly the least awky of all attributes and thus he sees his musings as the first of the killer cans opened up on his position big shooter and rocket fire thudded up at him like a storm the air thick with doom but as stated cronin was actually prepared he knew every single rock every ledge and every blade of grass on the approach and at its summit this was his thinking spot after all so as the killer cans marched upwards they found that this boss was as swift as ever he was cunning plus of course he cheated cronin bounded from ledge to ledge avoiding concentrated waves of fire all the while firing down his own and a slung rocket one after another of the killer khans went off the side of the approach were thrown off by the impact of his shots or even worse for them kronan was using the environment as a weapon and forced rock slides from above so they would be swept off in small groups until the frustration of the killer cans some of them could have sworn that they got direct hits on his unarmored torso yet he always appeared out of the smoke and debris unharmed for this the answer again was his cannon for cronin had found he could not avoid the ideas that forced themselves into his head no matter what he now did of course none could teach cronin anything about the art of origrotomy he being its midwife but while indulging in his one and only foray into orkigami it struck cronin how much could actually be packed into the seemingly redundant area of the body that was only hitherto used for the expulsion of digested matter a strange observation he had discarded until the arrangements for the meeting had been received standing proudly without his armor or anything else to prove he was practically unarmed but practically dronen knew he could not hide his secret weapon and thus he had hidden it in the only place permissible but luckily amply provided for the requirement but what was it now when cronin had seen their bosses at the thinkmass event he had left their bodies and gubbins alone but his aides and the mechanics had not been so restrained nor had they been able to restrain themselves from taking a shifty around the derelict camp of gostral splitter of the bad moons who had escaped the slaughter but had to leave his muggins behind and one of them had found the item that had been the reason for the success of said boss a field generator small and seemingly dainty cronin had been concerned that an excessive clinch of his mighty buttocks may shatter the thing entirely yet he knew that to go to the meeting without any protection at all would be rather daft and thus he kested it and it was a good thing he had for with each killer kang that he neutralized the firepower reduced but it was like standing in a storm at its start or when the killer cans eventually made their way into closer ranges and unloaded their grotzuka's at him concerned the proximity may be an issue cronin was forced to turn to make sure that trinket was the closest thing to the oncoming fire hence whenever he knew that some shot would strike when he wasn't fast enough he turned and made sure the field generator was in situ by mooning at the oncoming fire which worked it could not hold out forever but it did not need to with less than half of the initial force reaching the plateau the next phase of the conflict was considerably less strenuous than chrono would later relate to his boys free was able to destroy more of the cans at range as he shot them with precision but many shots went into each can despite his skill and accuracy close quarters was now unavoidable as well as being by far the most enjoyable part of any good scrap cronin maintained his swiftness and the cans lurched after him around the clearing two with burners being particularly annoying as he could not afford to stop to kill them or be burnt to a crisp kronan thus charged around rolling under the huge buzzing and wearing blades of the cans like some intensely lethal assault course but with each road and jump its conclusion was a lethal flurry of attacks from his massive chopper but he would only barely tear one to pieces before he had to continue his scramble around the thinking spot all the while the small got dressed in his gray overcoat and pete had street directions of the killer cans cronin made for him whenever there was a gap in the lines but they closed it immediately and forced him back again cronin would normally have seen that they may well have done better against him if they had not been keeping an eye on this oh so precious leader grot but at the present he was simply enjoying himself far too much to taint the experience with saying king the killer cans were screaming and running at cronin who now circled the clearing and they fell in behind him like a conquer line forever just two pieces behind up to this point cronin's pit attack squeak tiddles had decided the discretion was a better part of valor and hide nor ahead of him had been seen for some time tittles then declared his presence and his considerable loyalty to his master by diving out of a small huddle in the rocks with only three strides on our last pounce tittles enveloped a leader grot in his mighty jaws and snaffled a whole lot in one gulp with this the cans all stopped and watched the special in despair and in that instant cronin struck he skidded to the small stalk that barely broke the surface of the soil luckily he had always avoided this particular region of the thinking spot sometimes the cans had crushed that below for cronin now dug down into the ground like a corgi on pcp but it was just fast enough as the killer cans awoke from their shock and wailing and chased after tiddles cronin excavated his second secret weapon pulling the straw out of the mouth of the wide-eyed emaciated and gibbering weird boy cronin did not hesitate even an instant and pulled out the orc and lifted him up draping his torso and legs in the crook of his right arm pulling its neck hard with the left and pointing its head at the cans stretching its neck out and cocking it cronin bellowed as all of the force of the wire within him seemed to flow into the weird boy he pointed the weir boy at the cans and a wave of green energy cascaded from it into them the cans were suffused with green energies as they were picked up and thrown from the cliff top shortly hard cronin threw the weird boy over his shoulder and accepted the bounding tiddles into his arms what a glorious day but then it happened as always his joy was interrupted by his mind again for crona knew there could only be one way this had all happened his adversaries knew too much there was a squealer but who was it a riddle to be sure madnut cronkite his very own chief weird boy whose psychic feet stomps were larger than any other getzquisher mcmurder the mostly cyber oak warboth dakafon smashroven surely not his winds of war kept him far too busy and far too happy the returned nostril splitter perhaps or grinner the backstabber no idea how he got that strange name i mean who stabs anyone anywhere but the face or the body but they were like that a strange bunch with a free booters a conundrum to be sure but one that cronin had to crack his life and his war now depended on it that was then this is now the riddle had to be solved fernand reclined on his massive golden chair his thong or something like that in a rare moment of unadulterated gray a quiet moment just for himself as he bashed in his newfound trove of knowledge a thing he would previously have avoided like the rot he had taken some of the logs and picked capture devices from the latest conurbations and settlements he had smashed on his way north shoot me stuff he was especially interested in the scorecard as he came to know it or the menu fred listed and gave histories and formations of all of the forces now on aquilonia of course he knew of all of these by now but also across the sector and beyond a dazzling myriad and what a treasure trove it was white-haired slim short marines with pointy noses and eldar-like features yet still in power armor still marine surely the regiments or flavors as cronin like to call them of imperial guard the anal mini tantrum or something like that the metallic ones with mcboys as actual bosses humans were so weird and of course the space marines the adipi are starters he longed for them to come back in force he and even aspired a new life goal for the marines came in different flavors as well they had cultures and tribes and everything cronin has always suspected that they had more ork in them than humi but now he basked in a newfound thought goal dream raison d'etre it was not just to spread the word of the gods to be their vessel of cunnin they had shown him the way or at least he had hoped they had because if it came down to a choice between their good works and this succulent opportunity crown and was not sure his faith could hold because he had discovered that they were not just knob marines better bigger harder ones the prim anus marines or something like that there were also black-clad ones that claimed to slay orcs death watch he liked the idea of fighting them but his jaw had dropped and he had seen the light in this last and most precious of entries on his vista of krumpin for these ones wore the shiniest armor they wielded huge spears with bolters on them they were gold collector edition space marines called cuts odors or something like that but despite their silly name these were definitely the ones he wanted most they were the best and did he not deserve the best but he knew he would have to earn it would have to work his way through all of the other colors and flavors before they even let him near the gold ones and it inflamed an already roaring fire of ambition his war was not just spiritual not just a work of the gods it was now a journey of personal discovery and accomplishment betterment and improvement he would be the orc that collected the gold ones the cuts odors oh yes he would so much variety you'd never dared hope that such could exist what he would have said that if he had ever previously hoped or ever really thrown his perspective into anything more than the next five minutes back then ah the early couple of years when life was simpler and he was not yet infected with destiny caught in the snare of the prophet had not begun on the path the gods had placed before him then he did not know the dark and terrible ways of cunning nor was he so blasted by the ravages of sinking and the mental scarring that led to the near constant danger of ideas yet this was one element of the ways of cunning that he did not mind the anticipation could be vexing he would certainly not have endured it before but he had grown he was no youth taking the teeth from his first kill or any passing grot or snot he was a big boss of orcs now not one tribe not one clan but a vast and populous people she had a duty now to those people to their needs but luckily their needs were in great harmony with his own for was he not the most orky orc there yet still an oak he understood his people they had three main aims or requiring to be met in abundance for the war to stay alive the first they would need fighting the second they would need food that was not gross but we'll get on to that in a moment don't let me forget and three they would need more fighting there would also be a need for gubbins and muggins what's it's too kroner knew all too well these days but these are luxuries could be done without a pinch if the main three needs were met for the controversy had its roots in the recent past and the controversy over the consumption of grass had become something of an oddity unto itself the craze of aurogrotmy as discussed at length previously and no sink zone boundaries and the war of attrition waged by his only remaining rival tooth smasher in his minor speed war all had added up to denude his army his war of their grass he never mentioned the last issue even while alone in the dark the grass had rebelled and some even wore hats not normal hats mind you for many and all could be seen in headgear helmets hat fizzes at times even and the free booters were renowned for their spacious and aggressively marked head covering accoutrements no no no these little wretches were wearing premium humid knockouts if not the real thing and cronin had long ago defined that the reason for the human's prodigious powers of deduction were inextricably linked to their sumptuous and obviously idea attracting hats but on the other hand tittles had consumed what he presumed was their leader the leader of the grot rebellion so perhaps it would just die off if cronin was to take his rightful place as a big boss of all of aquilonia then he would need to defeat his rival and then the humans first as they were actual assets to him but he knew deep down that on the day that he had the head of the leader of the humans on a pike he would then task his boys with a systematic hunting down and slaughtering of every last one of the so-called grot rebellion but quite literally he had a bigger fish to fry today and there were few bigger fish than the catch of the day in his last mighty cogitation he decided three things as three was most definitely now cronin's favorite number it was elegant and efficient the number three it showed he could indeed count beyond two could conceptualize the worth and quantity of an abstract such as a number yet he rarely went beyond that point he could but it all seemed too much effort this was especially true of the battles he knew of the relative strength of the forces he had what he would send them at why and in what numbers he understood numbers now and that terrified all around him but in reality in day-to-day use conversationally like you know two orcs shooting the breeze while sharpening choppers ready for the next day's cromping cronin found that three was sufficient the need to counter 4 was seen as an extravagant use of energy when the same point could be made just as well by punching anyone he wanted to intimidate that much risk to reward his time was now a finite thing and cronan knew his energies though divinely inspired and exceeding any other world for vim and vigor even his were not limitless as such he instilled his own rule of three it worked wonders an instant success from day one and it was so simple cronin was astonished he had not had the idea before but then the origin of ideas was a thing even his subtle and flexible mind could not or more to the point would not consider in any case the rule was as does to bring back balance to his force sorry forces he let it be known high and low that each third meeting would end in a crumping all instantly knew what this meant and what it heralded cronen was going to lay into the participants of every third meeting but it was pure genius for now knew what a meeting was and it was defined by his knobs who had been instructed to disseminate this new rule to the entire war as being the boss says it's talking hence all now only came to see the big boss cronin if they had simply no other choice no alternative avenue for a cause but it was very open to his interpretation of course as cronin could define a meeting as a conversation or each individual line someone said depending on his boredom or aggression thresholds that day of course a flexible system was only correct for such a unique and rare phenomenon as the cunning one and in no time at all the boss botherers toadies and weird boys all gave him a very wide berth yet if cronin were to speak to someone or more often summoned them to his presence then rules were usually off he could be quite laughable as long as he was the initiator of any discourse and had lasted exactly as long as he wished he had blessed silence more now than he had since his first victory over the humes those long moons ago but he also had been raising his fightiness getting into shape the best shape he had ever been in and the constant combat was assisting the augmentation of his already hulking frame cronan now seemed to grow by the day only little by little but never ending he was becoming he still had the rival war to finish and then the humies he would need every last millimeter of height every ounce of muscle mass this was going to be fun but back to the riddle someone in his camp had been forming his enemies of his movements his plans his dreams his strengths and weaknesses not that cronin thought he had any of course because that would be self-doubt a thoroughly unorky thing and certainly not for the most orky cronin but how could he flush out the rat the snake in the grass not to be mistaken for the snakebites who did indeed usually like the grasslands but it wasn't them cronin was pretty certain of this as they had been one of the first three tribes to join his war and besides it was known that two smashers speedwar had zero respect for the antiquated snakebites unlike cronin of course who could see their relative merits in his force the squiggles alone were enough reason to be honest wonderful beasts that they were now kronan did consider securing the services of grand chains grand the free bhuta specialists who seem to be eminently experienced for this sort of cloak and dagger stuff now that's chain's grand devon our orc of mystery not to be mistaken for the infamous yanez blonde admiral of an eldar corsair fleet applied to local stars nor blaine's frond the ferocious sentient psychophone of ramadan ding dong for but cronin was lose to engage his services as he was reported to be a talker perhaps in the future if cronin's own attempts to beat the bushes did not make the squealer reveal himself ah i asked you not to let me forget but you did for this brings us back to grot for cronin to master this conundrum he would indeed need a mighty cogitation a bout of uninterrupted and terrifying thinking he would need all of his cunning if he was to disentangle himself from the riddle in which he found himself snared the identity of the squealer the riddler squeal now to smasher his rival had been reeving across the north and central plains of aquilonia his remit seemed to be recruiting as many mobs as possible but also to say as many grots as he could to denude the world of the most fundamental element of cronan's mystic process the use of thinking grots no grot no thinking perhaps two smasher had some small smattering of the touch of the guards himself as this could very well be construed as nothing but cunning but cronan knew that this upstart trihard did not know the ways of cannon for cronin was pretty much certain the tooth smasher would have forgotten the most important part the hat and thus it was the lack of grafts had been a real issue and cronin had to react with some of the most unorky rules he had ever heard rule the first no eating grot unless there were no squigs left that day rule the second no fink zones were to be marked by the skulls of humans who undeniably did the most thinking instead of lines of decomposing grat now these dictats did not go down well initially or later on actually but there was little real kerfuffle later due to cronan's way of enforcing his e-dicks these great rulings were declared to be a stop-gap action and never intended to be permanent of course and that cronin would release these strictest at the cessation of the battles on aquilonia in fact even earlier than that cronin let it be known he would revoke these emergency rules as soon as he had crumped tooth smasher and the speed wave was absorbed into the only real orki force the canninoia the cronin had been ready for said potential kerfuffle for he sent out his mighty guard his knobs and mega knobs he had not gathered them all in one place for a long moon now so he was actually quite surprised at how much they had grown not only in size of course so they seemed to be almost matching crown's own consistent growth they now towered over the knobs of other bosses but also in number cronin had fleeting recollections of the many times he had been asked by this or that magnolia if this one or that one could be given a place in his guard when he saw the mega armor and sizes the trophies he will always just nod unless there were two candidates of course in which case he would have them fight for the place using the teeth of the loser to buy muggings to befit the new station the losers had to be added to the pile of course but in all this he had never viewed them all in one place and the memories flashed back like a bad horror movie when he saw them all assembled ranks of them columns he never dreamed that there were so many orcs of such size such armor such power they had proliferated at such a rate he called it a rash like an ever-expanding lesion thus he saw his knobs and mega knobs all there or wearing the black of cunning well he gave them their fighting name they would be his black legion now the name was not really popular at first but it had a twang to it that made it feel like it could be built on so all howled in approbation thus did cronin order his greatest warriors his most brutal thugs in the war to enforce the new rules alas it was this same day the cronin's bodyguard gained another name for it was the black ax that they moved on first and they did not like the new rules so example was made many of the bladders did not bend the knee easily but when the slave stack grew apace the black legion destroyed any who resisted two things happened the blood axes did eventually acquiesce but they coined a new super gay for the enforcers that swept the camp and never was able to be shifted after that for it was a typical blood axe naming convention they called them cronans of course as they were his but then they abbreviated cannon and as is the obligatory t-zed that makes all things sound more orchy alas the combination is not for the ears of use or weak gruts and squigglings so just know that the name permeated the entire congregation of the war i did quite a lot to get the point across as to the depths cronins and forces would steep in order to enforce their boss's will and in a matter of only a few weeks the camp was overrun again with the little wretches which led on to another issue for after a month of this the wee grotts were in such a servant that it was not just a metaphor that they overran the camp as it was that the mass commutations were again considered as this would surely use up many a grott [Music] but this has not proven a popular idea with either of the no thinks owners nor with cronin actually so its proposer was summary executed so a strange situation arose where it was utterly rebellious to eat grotz for the vast majority of the time which had caused no small amount of resentment but that the number of grotts could be controlled their place reminded to them and the pent up frustration of the orcs to be released for cronin enacted random feast days where it was perfectly permissible they encouraged to gorge on the little horrors but cronin had ever been more cunning and had his runt herds caged off enough to ensure a return to numbers along with the constant flow of them from the very soils of aquilonia of course and thus was harmony regained enough grot for his uses the health of the camp and the war but they were certainly kept in their place he even instituted a prize system whereas one grut had a huge collection of teeth sewn into them feast days were certainly very popular these days but i digress cronin's mighty cogitation had availed him the cunning to deal with this event without the use of chain's grand he felt confident of this and thus did he weave his web the ideas flowing into his mind like like well like fries and a pile of poo and he was ready two stones one bird wait a second perhaps that was two birds in one stone cronin was not certain what he was certain of was that he had just come up with a stonking plan just on the dawn of a glorious day that the oddest thing did happen for cronin received an embassage from the other wire it seemed a rather unorky thing to do if truth be told it said many an eyebrow a flutter and cronin was disquieted by it all as a scum from the speed was marched into his camp and were led to him cutting a short meeting even shorter the upshot was that tooth smasher wished to deal with the issue mano imano or more to put it okie okay a one-on-one jewel of course cronin accepted the challenge but it was so strange he knew something was a myth all did but cronin had some ideas already attempting to bash their way into his head whilst the pilot went on something was very odd about the embassy as well something off about the hue of the higher rank knobs attached to those representing tooth smasher for each wire was made up of many a mormon band and these others were not directly of the opposing big boss but were present as representatives and eyes for one of the lesser bosses of his opponents were cronin noted it he would let those annoying buzzing ideas into his mind when he had more time and thus did the perfect situation arise for cronin knew that this duel would be the way in which the squealer was used by his opponent but it was as such the perfect time to reveal that damned squealer so it could be done with thus cronin had his mighty cogitation that i mentioned earlier and came out with his cunning plan and so cronin met with each of his big bosses individually and each was told a different tale madnet crunkerstein his chief weird boy well he was informed that cronin would be going north to the event git squisher mcmurder he was told the cronin would be going west to the duel and grinner the backstabber free booter extraordinaire had been told that cronin would be going east and in this way as cronin made the final arrangement with his opposite number by the use of proxies the place was set only two smasher and cronin and the respective closest mega knobs will be privy to the location thus did cronin have his sneakers his shady workers watched the way the war moved and it was apparent that he had struck on a winner for two of the bosses did not move at all just waved him off with a total and i get him good to send him on his way but there was one part of his war that had sent out foraging parties parties that had not come back little by little sending out their best orcs to mass somewhere and cronin would punish them mightily but first the duel and so the numbers agreed the forces chosen cronin took only his original and most fighty knobs are mega knobs and their mobs try saying that fast what many had now come to call his utter black legion the die was cast and as he and his men stood the ground amid the rolling plains of the central prairies of aquilonia the first signs of the speedwa arrived prunes of dust thrown up all around him by the approach of his adversary the first hove interview with the hovering and prowling deathcopters to check the scene then the first wave of war bikes hove into view cronin's mega knobs and their mobs all stood with their boss bravely looking at a force easily five times their size none flinched in fact most grinned they were with cronin and he always had a trick up his sleeve but all secretly hoped there was no secret card this time no trick no escape they all secretly yearned for this to be a straight up scrap no matter the odds the biker spang forward and made straight for cronin's lines but he was ready as the thrumming and roaring bikers closed the ranks of the black legion opened and forward came mobs and boys with heavy darker tank buster mobs they were called and they did exactly what was said on the tin well usually but the tanks had not yet arrived so the tank busters just contented themselves with the apparatus of these smaller morsels dhaka was unleashed the like had not been seen since cronin's pitch battle against the humane the bikers were cut down in their sways in less than ten minutes crown and his boys bellowed a huge victory cry as they looked out on a plane filled with twitching severed limbs grounded bikes laying on their sides wheels still turning and churning up the earth the bikers were gone as the main force of the speed walk came closer the next wave came in swiftly for the scream of jet engines was heard rolling across the plains all looked up for a moment but there was nothing above them the clanger was coming from the jet-powered vehicles that now thrust towards his lines those and a line of vehicles behind with heavy darker of their own dhaka that now started to rake his own tank busters if cronum was honest things could be going better cronin looked down the ranks down the entire front from his position as head and shoulders taller than any here and it was going as well as he had thought but certainly less well than he had hoped for the mega track scrap jets now plowed into his lines knobs were thrown hizer and zeta or simply reduced to sprays of awful coming out in the wake of the devastating charges of the ground vehicles come jets he was losing a lot of boys as the scrap jets chris crossed his lines going straight through them and then turning around and coming back again the boom decker snazz wagons had used a considerable darker to clear away the vast majority of his tank busters way too early in the fray for cronin's liking but the battle was like a twisty turny thing i could never be fully predicted that was usually half the fun of them alas as the scrap jets created channels and gaps in his lines they were then also driven through by the snazz wagons whose crews now hurled their burning cocktails into his men fire burst amongst his ranks and devoured many a smaller orca of course the majority of the orcs who counted wore mega armor so few of those were affected but it was indeed carnage as conan's force shrank in numbers he motioned for the call to go out to muster and form a circle and it worked now sort of many were far too interested in the fun going on around him but his elite they took hold and gathered the best and so it was the scratches were forced to run rings around them as any who got too close now met a wall of shields mega armor and heavy blasts from combi weapons also as the little ones had been targeted first the remains of his knobs were very tough indeed a scrap just now found themselves smashed by a hundred powered and chained weapons as cronin's remaining skilled warriors would merely open their ranks to let the jets through then close their sides and bash them to pieces creating tunnels of death as he had ordered the jets were soon whittled down and the snazz wagons dared not close now alas this is when tooth smasher unleashed the next wave of his speed wah the small island of cronan's best orcs mostly a mega armor stood proud on the plane being circled by the remaining snaz wagons of the speedwar but the dust they screw up prevented the cunning one from seeing what was coming next for out of nowhere great dragsters appeared amidst his lines and shot through them there was little warning as they did not just appear before his lines but amongst them out of nowhere and then skidded and twisted around in the dust ready to do it all over again at the same time the circling convoy of orky vehicles was joined by custom boom blasters that fired hot metal death at his boys their armored piercing rivets smashed through the mega armor of many of his knobs sending them hurtling back as they died things were certainly looking bad to the almost universal lament of his boys cronin did indeed have a plan for exactly the situation and it was cunning as the old axiom goes to catch a thief or speed freak one would need a thief or other speed freak of course kryon did not think of it that as he did not know this very human saying but he simply did things now the cunning suffused his every fiber guiding his actions like well like some form of universal force gorkham mork cronin would have caught it of course but it guided him nonetheless free had been checking on dhaka von smashoven had been watching him like a starving gruff at the last dregs of a bone that is sitting under a mighty orcs rump and he had been happy with what he had seen decker von smashoven was uncomplicated for a bath he led by example and he had acted with honor had executed envoys from the speed war had claimed he had never been happier or had more fighting or darker since joining the cunning war and he simply did not have the guile to lie with how cronin saw it so he banked his life on this gut instinct for if an orc cannot toss his gut well he may as well try growing long luscious locks and debating poetry like an elder yuck and as previous identified what better way to beat a speed freak than to use an even speedier freak thus it was that the trap was actually sprung for conan had bought every bit as many forces as his opponent he had just hidden the vast majority of them the one place that his opponent could not or would not check the skies cronin reached up with his weapon and fired the signal a flare went up a perfect green and revenge was almost instantly dished out screeching duckages dove down out of the skies tearing into the ground-based vehicles of the speed war brits bombers unloaded their cargos and entire carpets of explosions tore the ground to pieces not only exploding on anything they hit but destroying the planes so the tracks or wheeled vehicles of the enemy would flounder and then at minimum be overturned or stuck entirely more often than not and when a speed freak vehicle was trapped his back lesion gained some revenge of their own it seemed all was going cronan's way at last as planned planned how strange for him to be so satisfied at the results of such a disgusting habit yet the results truly gawker mork had blessed him this day yet for all his coming cronin was caught unawares later he would fathom why of course he had been distracted from the moment from the greatest homage to his guards he had failed to watch and enjoy the battle the fight and thus it was that the great god struck him down for his momentary lack of walkiness a last desperate push from the speed wire was in full swing the last desperate gamble to cut the head from the snake to take out cronin himself the mega knobs about him were cut down by concentrated fire from the booster blasters and the remaining boom duckers all fire simply bounced clean off the shield cronin had in his purse of course not even scratching his mega armor but it left him johnny on the spot and utterly alone so johnny no mates as well none would close with him directly but nor could his mobs come to his aid as they were cut off from him it was then that a huge trunk came bearing down on our hero atop it was a huge orc not quite the size of cronin of course but nearly as huge it had to be tooth smasher and as he came on he fired all he had at cronin the shield took as much as it could flashing up like a light bedecked thinkmass origratme display under the torrents of shot but this was all a distraction the track came straight at cronin and he rolled to the side avoiding being smashed off his feet and becoming a very dead skidmark but in the instant before he could gain his bearings he was punched back off his feet a huge snagger claw rammed its way into his chest armor yet only a few inches into his actual chest so not much of a bother except that it was connected to its owner by a metal chain as the trike went past cronin was pulled from his feet and dried along behind it cronin was definitely in a spot of bother the ranks of his men charged after retreating remains of two smashers tattered force its numbers reduced to only a handful by the timely yet cunningly coordinated intervention of dhaka von smashhoven yet with all of his speed all of his darker smashoven would not risk the life of his big boss he dared not strafe or bomb the retreating two-smasher for fear slaying his lord and in all of the annals of orcidom from the ward in heaven until this point no greater loyalty or love of lord has ever been witnessed by his kind as dhaka peeled off and sped back to the main camp to prepare for the reclaiming of his lord his boss his dark cunning master and he knew just the orc for the job cronin did not know how long it had been he vaguely remembered the beginnings of the drive back to two smashers camp it was quite a bumpy and definitely ouchy ride his mega armor had protected him from the vast majority of the damage but still he ached all over he had clearly passed out due to the pain as he opened his eyes only one obeyed only partially he squinted more than glared at his surroundings he was immediately met with bright lights and the heartening sound of dhaka it seemed the enemy had not been able to find the source of his protective field despite that he was back naked they had missed it he was pinned to a tree of some sort what he would later find out was dubbed the tree of woohoo wet tooth smasher hung all of his best trophies well until they got to palmy the lights was darker bouncing off his shields lighting them up but this ended soon when a chorus of laughter rang out it seemed to be a new fun hobby of his watchdogs as the firing ended and the lights concluded he caught his first glimpse of the home of his enemy and cronin was revolted for he saw things he never thought he would see though many in the camp were of a good oaky green some were not too many one would have been too many in his eyes but there were many here orcs that were not green orcs that had spikes and skulls all over them they were red they had fallen from the good graces of the great gods gawk and mork and had turned into sniveling worshipers of chaos disgusting and they had been accepted by this tooth smasher infecting his entire endeavor from top to bottom repulsive as cronin scanned his surroundings bleakly he was assailed by another horrific realization he had been bested in battle yet he was still alive this was not right at all two large shapes moved into his dimming vision looking at him as they did one was inarguably too smasher but the one next to him a nasty wretch of red who stank us something deeply unorchy carrying a staff not even a real chopper the orcs disgust him he gave no indication that he was awake was listening and the horror continued this seneschal of tooth smasher his corrupted wealth was toba he planned to sacrifice cronin on to smash his behalf of course to gain the power to absorb the cunning war and rule aquilonia for all time and it was to be done soon now cronin had mixed feelings about all of this on the one side he now knew who the squealer was could have been the forces of grinner to backstabber he had seen amongst the speed war he could not miss their markings if he tried so the riddle squeal was solved yet now cronin could not avoid the reality of his situation he the cunning one would not be saying in battle he would not lead his war to victory he would not take aquilonia and begin his march across the stars more than this worse than this he would not even die in the service of the great gods gawk and mork he would be sacrificed to some muelling weakling chaos wealth of a god to say that cronin was a bit down in the mouth was an understatement little did he know that his most loyal servant had set a motion a cunning plan a set of events which were not to be missed to be continued in chains grand orc of mystery i have been voldemort your faithful servant i hope you've enjoyed the story so far and will join us on the weekly entries as a result and will like and subscribe if you do then hit the notifications button as i would not want you to miss out now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun two glue [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 131,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KRONAN DA KUNNIN - STORY SO FAR, KRONAN DA KUNNIN, ORK LORE, Orc Lore, GAMES WORKSHOP, GAMES ORKSHOP, WARHAMMER ORKS, ORK STORIES, ORK AUDIODRAMA, Orc Audiodrama, Audiobook, Warhammer Fan Fic, Baldermort, Baldemort, Mort, Guides to Warhammer, Kronan SSF, warhammer 40000, grimdark tales, grimdark stories, warhammer ork stories, KRONAN DA KUNNIN - STORY SO FAR ORKS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 10sec (7870 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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