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between the time when chaos broke cadia and the return of the sons of the emperor there was an age undreamed of and unto this cronan destined to bear the jeweled crown of aquilonia upon a troubled brow it is i his chronicler who alone can tell thee of his saga let me tell you of the days of high adventure the squig games story continued from orc commandos and so it was that the raid on the camp of tooth smasher had been pipped at the post held back at the very boundary of victory for the commandos led by dr von smashoven had been an eye shot of their lord their boss trolling the cunning but the camp had come to life and it was a large wire unto itself that's not as large as cronin's cunning war but it was hardly anything to sniff it well this was more to do with the fact that the very heirs had been befouled in the cab there was a reek emanating from its center from its very command structures in the shumy conurbation that the speedwar had captured it was the whiff of corruption of weakness of lily-livered cringe-inducing slack-jawed wimps that had done the unspeakable for some of the orcs in this camp were red they decided to turn their backs on the great ones the true gods of the orcs gok and mork now these vermin were less than a snot in the eyes of cronin well when he could open them for it was difficult to open his eyes due to the croppings he had received while in the gentle care of the speedwar but nonetheless if cronan could open his eyes and focus on the camp around him they would all have been degenerate scum in his vision for they had gone over to the worship of the dark gods of chaos you know the girl the fat one the librarian type whatever that was and the juice guard none of them could truly understand the nature of reality for they were the pathetic fever dreams of the humans and the pointies and the hubies were weird and far too involved in all these weird and odd kind of wiffy gods that demanded all bow and scrape or take off their clothes and sweat all over one another odd in the extreme cronin had literally no idea why these humans prayed to such a lackluster bunch not one of them could win even a bogey flicking contest with one of the mighty gods of the arks now that does bring us on to the subject of bogey flicking as identified by the bogie oligar of the mekhani thingy and then distilled collated and theorized on by the aldo penis of the insqetition or something like that bogey flicking was viewed as a rather unimportant nuance of the orc condition barely deserving of any sort of real commentary except to dub it as messy but mostly harmless which was as is so much involving the humans utterly and patently ridiculous for the humans could never understand anything that did not involve stomping around in lines like the storm boys or writing things down endlessly then sending it to other places so other humans could write down more things about the things that had already been written down to be honest cronin still suspected their dippy are starters the space marines were more orky's than humi by a country mile but then he did not really know what a country mile was for all key measurements had been changed to some strange thing called a meter it had caused much argument about the entire structure of reality at the time but then that was only between some odd boys and nobody truly cared what they blasted on about but back to bogey flicking cyber concerning boogie flicking it was the bedrock of orc society it was the first step towards fighting and winning now the humans could not fathom this simple truth that even a youth would get if so pushed pushed being a round of unending thrashings until it sunk in or a fatal beating was administered it is true but the statement stands for bogey flicking was the base building block of all of the arts award for it was the first attempt in hand-eye coordination applying the correct level of force and the ultimate expression of accuracy it was about hygiene of course but no orky-ork cared for that but it did clean out the nostrils quite effectively but these fast attempts at competition and control and hitting on target these were the roots of all well except for waddling up to another youth on one's pudgy little large fleet the first steps then leading to crumping them for even at the earliest ages youths could be seen rumbling even in the patches from which they sprung it was assigned to bring a tear to the eye of any true orc watching as they rolled around and bit and thumped one another in the mud ah good times anyway bogey flicking as we have heard was important but not more important than pushing the plot forward i'm told so sidebar over now if you recall which is unlikely due to the rampant waffling in sidebars that the camp of tooth smasher was an expansive and sprawling wire of its own hidden deep within it was tiddles the honorable and loyal pet squeak of cronin previously known as nutcruncher there were no real issues with the squig protecting itself from the roaming indigenous squigs of the camp he was rather a meaty and bitey lad so when the camp went into another bout of unrelenting celebration at beating off the cunning war a second time and it was not difficult for tiddles to stay hidden and when the revelries and raucous carousing drew to a close he slowly crept from cover towards his master now our legendary hero cronin was in a bit of a daze on the one hand he had seen that his cunning war had not forsaken him despite losing a scrap to another orc for some reason he was not forsook and this was a strangely buoying circumstance yet the crushing truth still remained that he was stapled to a dead tree in the middle of a sickeningly corrupted camp and his boys had been beaten off a second time so it was that when cronin looked down to see what was peeing near his leg not on it he was actually elated to see the vista before him for it was indeed his pet squig nut crunch sorry tittles the little squig measuring about a meter and a half actually wagged its body and looked up at its master when cronin did not come down from the tree to pet or kick the squid it looked up at him perplexed and sort of waggled more but after no activity from its beloved master it sat it was looking at him with an indignant gaze when cronin nodded down at his squig and tried to shrug his shoulders looking at his arms and hands now the squig followed his gaze and also looked at the considerable spikes protruding from his palms stapling him in place the squig narrowed its eyes took a few steps back and then assailed the source of the constriction of his lord and turtles embarked on a legendary battle a feat that will go down in a legend well it would if cronin gets out of this mess anyways for he was the only witness to this herculean effort fertiles now attacked the tree with gusto he bit chomped rammed and slathered on the tree that had captured his master he never falters never failed never stopped even when tiddles had consumed so much wood matter that he was constantly defecating in a massive spray out of his posterior just to make space for the huge repast he was unstoppable alas tiddles was no structural engineer physicist or attack it was only when the tree itself was swaying so much of its central column had tills removed the cronon knew what was about to happen sighing as it did for no other response seemed appropriate at the time as it wasn't as if he could shout at the screen for that would arouse the camp around him and end his escape attempt so cronin's eyes widened and then scrunched closed as the tree fell forward bit nearly in half luckily the real impact of the fall was taken on cronan's face with a tree behind it ouchy to be sure but not life-threatening for the old tree had already been on its last legs before the advent of the speedwar a clumsy metaphor perhaps but it's late and the power of chaos had also taken its toll on a massive flora for it was now mostly hollow from the grubs and termites that are eaten away at its core but we shouldn't mention terramites too often or gew may get squeamish about how much of their sitting was ripped off from nemesis the warlock and that would not be proletic at the present well it will probably fly over the heads of most who work there now as it predates them by so much ignorance is bliss and leads to a mirage of originality i guess but moving swiftly on as i can hardly talk the skit monkey that i am so as a tree fell forward onto cronin the entire camp around him should have burst into life but this was not the case for they had been celebrating quite hard the proof of the pudding being the almost rivers of vomit running between the crude and pongy tents and thus it was that narrier squig didn't notice well apart from tiddles of course as he was the perpetrator kronam was free well sort of he was no longer pinned on the tree hanging about like some slacker it is true but he was barely more active underneath its girth and he also had the enduring issue of the mighty pins through his palms so he was still rather attached to the tree i would hasten to add that it was not in any sentimental way just in case my verbiosity is confusing the issue for he had no emotional reaction to the tree whatsoever well apart from a large dollop of annoyance but that was hardly anything to write home about as cronin was annoyed by most things if we can be frank though frank is a rather hard sounding name so let us be earnest instead but it's not as if it's important moving on so there was cronin once the most eminent prospect for the title of the very first boss of bosses of all of aquilonia trapped under a huge dead tree surrounded by heathens and beaten to within an inch of his life still he mused tittles was helpful as a thing regurgitated semi-digested tree and other foodstuffs into crownan's mouth tittles could see it in cronin's unopened eyes his lack of activity his master was weak now most squeaks would have taken this opportunity to simply bite the face off their would-be master and waddle off crunching but not tiddles he was a squig in a million but this was only to be expected for cronin was an orc in a billion hence he attracted the very best elicited such ardour as to be messianic to many of his people and squeaks as strange as it may seem to the human bogey oligar were indeed still of the same species they were truly rocky now one might imagine that this particular situation would be rectified at dawn's first light but this was not the case for as to smasher and his entourage were alerted to the situation the camp exploded into activity again slowly often staggering and belching and vomiting again activity but soon the hillside around the camp was being searched by the very best tooth smasher speed war could master cronin himself was privy to many an orc bus wandering up and sniffing at the scene the dead tree the lack of green smoosh at its edges indicating a dead cronin in their mind's eye he had escaped for none could fathom his capacity for survival under what they consider to be a metric ton of dead wood but let's not tangential into the weights and measures again as the sun slipped below the horizon the clouds began to open and the wind to pick up a storm then ripped through the camp a deluge of water came down and drowned the entire site hence it was the cronin found himself in considerable danger as he watched the small basin titles had dug out so that he could get through to cronin filled with water well it was more of a canal now as the water hitting the tree came down into this small trench which strangely now the speedwalk had noticed but then they did not seem to note a lot actually with red orcs wandering around the camp which was a clear sign of unorchiness it did not surprise cronin in the slightest well it would have done had he spent any thought on it as he was gagging on muck and mud it didn't really register at the time you see nothing left for it cronin gave it one last go he had to escape the crutches of the tree or he would drown luckily the torrential rain the activity of the termites and other wood-eating thingies the food from tiddles to recoup his strength cronan could hear the cracking of the wood but it was not enough he flexed again with all of his might to no avail it would not bug it was then that something very hard occurred cronin would later see this as divine intervention as there was no other way to explain it for the heavens opened and the thunder increased waters came down harder but in that instant cronin was blinded by the reflected light as a bolt of crackling energy came from the guards themselves and split the tree in half above him smoke billowed from the smashed trunk and was stick in the air but at its end cronin found that he was free the tree had split in two and helpfully rolled from his back on either side now the shout of his adulation of freedom or the response elicited by both of the trunk halves pulling the staples out of his palms at exactly the same time was mighty but it was covered by a thunderous resound from the heavens truly gork or was it morg or was it both had come to his rescue tiddles then leapt onto the prone and revealed cronin looking at him and trying to tug him into a safe place still deeply wounded cronin turned the swing around and placed the two prime fingers of each hand into the sides of its mouth like a bit tiddles took his cue well and then dragged his master into the night crown awoke again what he estimated to be only a few hours later he was inside a dilapidated humi construction it had definitely seen better days but at least the torrential rain was outside and not pounding him down anymore cronin took stock of his location his surroundings there next to him was his pet he would get the shiniest muggins and gubbins for this most loyal of all of his kind if he could find a way to escape to survive it was hopeless cronin knew this as soon as the dawn came again and the clouds moved on the veins ended they would be back to the hunt and cronin had a strong suspicion that his luck would not hold out he could not flee he was not strong enough yet but the speed was surroundings being mostly planes it would not take much to find him he could attempt to hide to get his loins and harbor his strength but he was unsure if tiddles could maintain his cover especially if he was seen coming back to this structure so often it was indeed only a matter of time before the ball of teeth was recognized so cronin embarked on the most dangerous of paths the most desperate of activities he began to sink and now he had been awake for smatterings of the previous day he had heard some of the conversations of those bosses who had come to see the scene now he tried to recall these discussions to gain an advantage somehow for even with the support of his guards gawk and mock it was not gork the god of cunning who could save him now it was mork the god of cunning brutality he would need to be cunning he found it difficult as well due to his condition for he had little to munch on to assist his mighty cogitation hence he scrunched his eyes so much it hurt his eyebrow muscles forks did not have eyebrows for they had no hair but that is beside the point by the way it hurt us physically as it did mentally as he tried to get into the zone his memory assisting him for the first time in his existence cronin began to sink he had heard the knobs talk of a game and later he had heard too smasher himself mentioned the initiation of new boys into his own tribe his own mobs it seemed the tooth smasher was now after having defeated cronin being petitioned by many a youth and even boy or knob to be accepted into his inner circle well his tribe to start at least and two smashers did not like this one beard oh he enjoyed the fame and fortune of being a boss cronin suspected but he had no grasp of the logistics of what it truly meant to be a boss of bosses let alone a big boss of a war it struck cronin that the only reason the two smasher had a war at all is that perhaps he had been rather brusque with some of the applicants to his own wow had not let old grudges with some tribes go thus forcing them into the clutches of tooth smasher by dint of being the only real alternative and so at once that cronin promised himself that he would never turn down a gift mob again no matter how wretched for after all minefields would need to be cleared humans did so loved their minefields despite how potent this revelation had been it was not really a solution to his particular situation the pressing one so he pushed on he went deeper within he attempted to commune with mork himself cronin recalled the name of the game the reason for it it was supposedly an ancient rite of passage for the tribe and thus it could not be ignored by tooth smasher and thus did crown and formulate his cunning plan risky but anything worth doing is hard crony nodded to himself safely he knew that if he was wrong he was well and truly in trouble but fortune favors the bold or was it the bald crown knew only one thing for certain it was time to not up or shut her whatever that means the rain was not letting up thought ear ripper the miserable knob on guard duty outside the expansive structure the two smasher chosen as his command tent odd to call it a command tent as it was a massive elephant but that was a way of things you can take the boys out of the nomadic life as they say leaning on his huge chopper ear ripper looked out into the gloom when he saw something something very large and very angry as it hoofed its way towards him ear ripper giggled with glee and snatched up his chopper at last a good old-fashioned fight but when the dark shape got closer europa now gauged the actual size of the thing he had to call it a thing for it has a stranger's shape two small legs a bulbous body and then a second body and a tiny head on top two sets of nashers one in its torso one in the usual place in the face atop the rest a wrapper bounded forward raising his chopper high ready for the downward swing but he had discharged matters quite considerably for the thing moved faster than he had assumed and barreled into him before he truly came down the top half separating and leaping at him too it was larger than he even in two parts but the top half knocked him back and landed on top of him in the moment of his impact with the ground the thing gripped his head and bashes against the floor until he passed out cronin looked down on the smashed orc head and crunched the front half under his foot the sickening crunch was lost in the sounds of the storm and so it was that the huge horde of tooth smasher was mid-feast when the doors were slammed open and there with lightning crashing down behind him was a beaten and bloody cronin and tittles in the background still awaited by its light silence reigned in the hall now as all could see the notorious enemy of tooth smasher stride into the hall well stride is what he would state to his people if cronin was asked later on but many would describe it more in the vein of hobbling or lurching but that is besides the point none raised our sound as they looked on and so it was that conan finally stopped only 20 paces from the top table where two smasher held caught at its center tober the chaos scum sitting to his right hand sneering at cronin as he glared with undisguised hatred but what was this at the edges of the table honored but not too much saturn or can dab in their dark glasses slicked hair and a strange black and white outfit of distinctly humy design it could only be the talker chain's ground orc of mystery but was he placed here by someone who had hired him from the canon war or was he another turncoat who had thrown in his lot with tooth smasher only time would tear two smashers silently stood looking as regal as he could master as he simply stared at cronin his hand reached him for his largest and most catty chopper cronin then looked him up and down then turned to look in a circle to look in the eyes of all who were present as he hobbled sorry i've been strode to the pile of sacks on the ground before the great boss tooth smasher they were in the colors of two smashers tribe two smasher looked on stunned expecting cronin to hawk and spit on them or make some other glass ditch offer of resistance but his door slack and a near hit the table below him when cronin slowly bent double and then came up with one of the sacks and held it above his head then turned in a circle again to show all of his intent it was then that toba launched to his feet and grabbed a chopper looking as though he would launch himself over the banquet table and into cronin but he was stopped and propelled backwards slamming over his chair as a powerful hand went to scruff of his neck and hurled him backwards it was tooth smashers crown and now ended his circle motion and glared again a tooth smasher and held up the sack to him the contorted face of two sasha showed his ire for he knew full well he had been outfoxed whatever that is for he was in a dire quandary now he despised cronin and wanted him dead he could never dominate all of aquilonia without that head stuck on a stick outside his home yet he could not break the ancient rights of his people this was made very clear when the chief yeller of tooth special tribe a sort of mad priest came and stood at cronin's side and just beamed at the boss of the speed war to smasher then just nodded and sat as the yellow then bellowed that the squig games would begin on the motto in an entirely saturable and very annoying way if we were honest and so it was that cronin was escorted from the hall in silence drawn down into its foundations the sack was placed over his head for all of this but when he finally could see again it was due to his sack being ripped from his head and a boot planted into the middle of his left buttock forcing him to collapse forward into a cage the sack was then thrown onto his back as a metal grid of bars swung closed and locked behind him cronin looked around and from the dark walked many an awk but the majority were indeed youth young walks looking to better themselves but cronin also soon discovered that this was not only for the real hopefuls those orcs who actually was to join it was also for punishment he could tell this as he saw an old runtheard in the corner looking out in the mobs of orcs there for the cell now unmistakably held collections of walks in distinct mobs not a massive huddle of them as cronin had expected for this sort of thing thus did cronin snap off the hands of other orcs who approached him to join their mob and he walked to the old run hurt in the corner and sat those orcs he had slapped off mostly picked themselves up off the ground but not all even as injured and abused as he was cronin still had a formidable right hook the old grunter looked at cronin passively but we could not afford voice actors so he will thankfully remain silent cronin just nodded to him grant heard had held out his hand and indicated cronin to take something from him cronin accepted and soon found a hunk of meat in his hand that went straight to his mouth and directly to his stock cronin despite the assistance of tittles were still famished dale granthard was mostly quiet but cronan did gain some information from him he was about to participate in what was called the squeak games and it had six parts to it all lethal the runt heard had confirmed he had been through the squid games before as to sasha really did not warm to him thus he was aware of some of the hundreds of permutations of the coming trials of course it was rather a strange event for cronin for he was then regaled with over four score of trials that the renter suck butt mcsloppy had survived it were six events that would occur as that was the extent of the counting ability of the yellows who would organize the games but that was only due to them being trained to this level of mental acuity for decades of course it was no small thing counting to six it was indeed twice cronan's favorite number of three but we have discussed this previously and so they sat in the middle cage watching each other carefully for any sign of betrayal none knew what a mourn would bring how many of them would survive to be accepted into the tribe of tooth smasher it was very exciting really thought cronin and not a much deserved break from all of the bossing people around at the very least in fact cronin made a mental note to take more breaks he deserved it after all dawn came and the cheering of the boys outside was naught but a cacophony to cronin not being utterly embassinic he had made sure he was awake all night just in case anyone got any ideas wiping the remains of one of the smaller other contestants from his limbs after passing some to his friend the ranter mcsloppy cronin was feeling quite rejuvenated of course the lion's share of the thanks for that would have to go to tiddles but it was neither here nor there unless he could perform today so the poor yuffie chant was just dressed for the mill one of the only others without a mob the youth had tried to hide behind cronin so he was conveniently on hand when cronin made his decision to chunk up on protein for the day's events of course mcstoppy was grateful and was almost a shadow onto cronin from that point on the contestants were then soundly thrashed as the doors opened and knobs and yellows charged inside to force the orcs outwards down the corridor to some bright light all of them charged on the crown and waited until he and mcstoppy were the last to join the line heading out ignoring the feeble whipping and bashing from two smashers knobs cronin made sure to be the very last to come out into the arena for when he did there was an explosion of whoops and chairs from all around and above them for it was indeed an arena sand covered its central circle went from the rain the night before sunlight already beaming down on it and vapors rising amidst the heat trails streaking into the skies cronin decided in for a tooth in for a limb so put on the razzmatazz he walked the edges of the circle hands raised high over his head orcs were far more interested in a good spectacle and some guts than any political machinations so the crowd went berserk at this clear unvarnished display of machismo much to the consternation of the scouring toba and his lord tooth smasher the yellows and knobs then corralled corona and back to the other hopefulness in front of them were long tables on the far end of the arena there were simple fortifications a ditch and a slightly built-up barrier of sand but atop those sand dunes were some of the speed wars boys brandishing shooters not big shooters like but not small either the yellows then indicated all of the applicants kneel cronin did not like this much so just inclined his head slightly as the rest of the supplicants looked on the yellows brought out slightly larger sacks and it was a horror for the applicants were all then approached one by one and their sacks were placed with one that has something inside them cronin watched on as a yellow sewed the sacks to the necks of the applicants while remaining deathly quiet even the crowd were now calming down as they knew what was about to happen when the yellows finally came to cronan he dipped his head so they could proceed to sew the bag to his neck and he gazed at the thing in its depths for there was a snoozing squid a plump and round thing and cronin could not quite make out its type due to all of the darkness of the sack but it was more a mesh than a true silk sack or anything so we could still see a bit more light in shadows really but there you go the gauze of the material had plenty of air he thought which was a blessing as the sleeping squig was very pongy and d somewhat moist as well when all of the applicants were lined up squigs and sacks in place the game was explained to them cronin listened intently knowing of the danger he was in for it would be a fool who would not bet on the fact that two smasher would be making absolutely certain that cronin would not survive these games even tuffy wasn't that stupid and it was then that he fathomed the depths of his barrel for the first squig game was simple the applicants would run towards a fortified end of the arena whenever the drums went off when they stopped all of them had to stop two if they got to the other end alive they would move to the next leg of the games simple cronin did not throttle however lame the challenge seemed for he remembered the lear of the boys at the other end of the arena and how their eyes kept following him as they nudged each other and drew fingers across their throats while tittling the indication that the games had begun came in the way of a mighty explosion and then the bashing of a hundred drums in a frantic fun-filled cadence this is when all of the contestants sorry i meant candidates then discovered the nature of their squads for instantly upon the thunderous explosion all of them began to erupt with explosive diarrhea they were bowel torrent squags the sacks sewn to their orcs head were meshed and thus funnels of liquid excrement sprouted from many not just the edges but like a mcspeller it erupted from all sides cronin could hear his fellow applicants scream slip slide and panic as they were suffocated by the dire dung explosions within their sacks the more the others struggled the more scared the squig became the more it defecated like a waterfall this distracted all of them for the moments the drums were playing then they stopped and in exactly the same instant the boys at the other end of the arena began to gun the contestants down now cronin had a suspicion that this sort of thing might happen so the first few shots sailed over his head as he threw himself sideways and skidded on the ground he knew that the candidates between he and the firing squad would not stop them for long so he took immediate action his hands tied behind his back as they were he knew he could not rip off the sack nor did he want to break the game thus giving to smash an excuse to summarily execute him he instead invoked his cannon throwing his head forward a few times until the squig was now right in front of his face in the sack exploding with excrement as it was cronin then rammed his head into the ground as the dumb started again and eventually the firing from the boys ended not quite as the dumb stopped mind you but it's hard for an oak to resist letting off darker while so much fun is going on cronin took a half dozen smashes of his head down before the squig was clearly dead but more than this a tear in the sack occurred so its remains were left on the sands as cronin lifted his head he could see but the remains of the sack was still on his head so he was not cheating cronin saw the boys calculated the darker notice how the bodies in front of him were torn to shreds they continued to fire in his direction to the exclusion of near all else cronin looked around and saw his temporary colleagues either suffocating lying already dead or lurching towards the other end of the arena while the drums continued only the old runtherd was seemingly in control of his destiny as he made strange cooing noises it would seem that no feces were dribbling or gushing from his head mcstoppy had somehow calmed the squig and next to cronin the strange rat had lay when the drums continued cronin whispered something to his friend then bolted upright the old runt heard behind him entirely covered by cronin's mighty form dhaka ripped into the area as soon as the boys saw their quarry clearly again drums or no gums it made little difference from that point on for the crowd cheered cronin as he made his power play other orcs were being shot by the boys but this was a minority and cronin put it down to them not being able to control their urges to shoot anything that moved using the effluent from his now past squig cronin eased his hands under his feet and up in front of him tied though they still were for his biceps were so mighty that this would have been utterly impossible without the lubrication of the squig poo with this cronin grabbed the nearest youth and held it in front of him as he charged the other side of the arena mcsloppy close in his footsteps as cronin charged he found that his me shield was swiftly losing its use so much flesh was blown off it so he weaved slightly to pass a very dashing young thing that seemed to have gotten halfway up the course the docker had all been aimed at cronin in this segment at least so the poor youth thought he would capitalize on the opportunity alas he was now crowned's next shield conan made it across the lengths of the arena in no time and finally launching his shield youth into the gathered boys there knocking them down and on them he jumped the food from tunnels there a pass from another colleague a heady draft of adrenaline all contributed cronin now pulling a half dozen of the firing squad apart with his bare hands before the yellows intervened this was indeed a sacred ceremony for the yellow surrounded the boss of the canon war so he could not be executed when he was clearly a winner of the squid games so the darker boys just looked up towards tober and two smusher and shrugged then went on to culling as many of the other sprinting applicants as possible tronan had survived the first squig game he was one of the few to be honest as in the next few minutes the boys really did go to town so a lot less came through the corridor and went into another colding pen with cronin less than a third it was utter butchery and cronin laughed raucously at it all what a waste of walks he thought no wonder the speed wire was never as numerous as his own but he had to admit it was bloody fun literally things were a tad different in the holding pens during that night it is not an event that is for the ears of weak grass so i will be vague for it was soon discussed amongst all but most knobs had come to the conclusion that there were only so many spots in the tribe of the boss hence it would behoove them all to reduce the competition plus this would have the wonderful secondary byproduct of providing ample repast for all of their mob now one might think that cronin would be an immediate target in all of this and the chances of the old mcstoppy getting out of the pens alive were lower than that of a planet who had informed the sector inquisitorial college that they had a tragic lack of lube but nothing could be further from the truth for in his presence seeing him as they did witnessing his splendor his sheer awkiness made most of the mobs approach cronin to be their new leader of course cronin stood aloof to all of these plays but none wanted to tussle with him as his prodigious healing factor had already knitted or reduced the vast majority of his wounds already he was getting close to his old form which means that had he wanted to he really could have just gone on a one awk rampage and probably snaffled a lot but being near his peak was not good enough not to face two smasher a second time and be victorious cronin would have to buy his time and so it was that the mobs were again bundled out of their pens and herded back into the arena on the next moon but there were far fewer of them still when the youths and unfavored like mcstoppy were all in the arena the second of the squig games was revealed for dotted around the arena were barrels and in those barrels was another squig the yellows and the knob bully boys all lined up the applicants and then assigned them a barrel then the drums began again and it was simplicity itself for the challenge was to reach into the barrel take out the squig then remove its limbs and put it back inside again simple easy was what many of the youth declared crown and knew that things could not be that simple and looked warely at the sleeping squig within and one of the use to his side bounded into frantic action bending into the barrel and snatching the screen he then proceeded to grip a leg and pull alas it was at this point that the squeak then opened its eyes and wailed in a high-pitched screech then it convulsed and a powerful warp blast came out of it that saw cronin they were weird squiggs they were linked to the warp and annihilated all who treated them roughly the youth shuddered for a moment as blue worms of warp power leapt into it and then coalesced inside its head which then exploded a round of them went off in quick succession as the least patient or cautious youth all acted too swiftly when the fallout had ended the rest all looked up at the bleachers above them to see that the flag and holding knob was already a quarter of the way around the edge of the arena when he made it the full way around the judging would occur if the swig was not limbless the candidate would be executed crown and looked down into his barrel at the leading squig within it shook and looked as though it had been pumped full of the human's recap odd but not unsuspected he always knew this would be hard but the empty imperial recap ting surrounding the screen at the base of the barrel were a bit of a dead giveaway cronin now took his time he knew what to do cronin as the cunning one was a fast learner he scrunched up his face and tried to remember all he knew was squiggs but all he could get was the memory of tiddles while the cooing of the old runt he witnessed the day before hence it was that cronin gently began to cool at the squig inside his barrel after only a few moments this strange sound knocked a little blighter out conan gently lifted its wheezing snoring roundness up and looked at its legs now he knew if he just tore them off he was a dead orc really dead so he gently positioned the squig above him and took the thing's feet then its legs into his open more he did not clamp down as he wanted no he chewed a bit not too much cooing just to make sure then chewing again until sweating like an elder under a drop pod swiftly expanding shadow he felt him come off in his mouth he did not swallow oh no he knew this could be used against him so he replaced the square gently and then placed his legs at the side of the barrel to his utter shock the old runt head was grinning at him having just done exactly the same as both of them then looked around smiling the playing field had cleared a bit more dead youth but those around cronin and the redhead had been watching and soon half of them had performed the same activity but still even with the example half that tried to do this could not help themselves but bite hard on the screen and wake it leading to their instant and messy doom the trial out of the way the youths and undesirables the candidates were then returned to their pens but instead of a night of fun crumping assassination and edibles the candidates were shocked to hear that the ceremony the holy right of the games had been brought forward a little so they would have the games back to back now thus was all chances removed it would be a slog all right and so they went on to the next game the candidates were all addressed by the yellers again and were told to get into mobs not difficult for most for they were already in mobs but they were stranglers again cronin was approached by all but he would not yield he would not bow to another he would not join their mob so he set apart with mcsloppy and only the mobless approached now cronin was over mine to just go it alone perhaps with the amusing mcsloppy but it was a self-same slack butt who indicated that they would indeed need a few more boys if it was indicated it could be one of a score of games against the squares but this one turned out to not be about squiggs at all the youths would face up against each other to show their strengths against other orcs and so it was that cronan took his motley crew of some half dozen youths and the ancient run herd out to their claim of the crowns for it was beginning to be something of an event watching cronin slap the hindquarters of all who faced him head-butting danger and leering at death like it was a particularly scrummy tasting squiggling but this time he seemed to be out of luck despite his new vow he had only attracted so many to his banner now some of this was due to the general lack of the mobless for free rangers became a rare thing after nocturnal battles and subsequent snacking but even so small mobs had been warded off of cronin he watched two of the bosses of larger mobs threaten smaller mobs not to join cronin pathetically many had been so affected avoiding fights taking orders from someone not an actual boss or knob cronan could definitely see why his war was the more numerous had actually gotten into a proper fight with the humees two smasher had raised a few human settlements it was true but he had avoided the open field of combat despite being the speed wire from cronin the humi's fled now from tooth smasher and now he could see why you can see why they had allowed the tainted scale scum into their camp gork did not love them how could he they were not truly orky orcs kronan was us unafraid when he led his team out but then he saw the opposition and his team's reaction to them for they were now on a bridge and across a large gulf of space a deep fall into the waiting moors of a sea of angry and clearly ravenous squigs there was the other team but it was passing somewhat odd for cronin was quite sure that some of that mob were considerably larger than any of the youth or the hated so his enemy had stuck the deck further his youth his team they quailed but he was caught under current he knew what to do now most would have put cronan's gigantic girth at the very rock of the line its strongest point but after a brief huddle the crowd saw cronin take to the front of the line with the old one heard being at his side he then chose the smallest youth to be at his back now some might have thought it would be so that only cronin looked across at his foe that he would hide the scrawniness of his team from his enemy robbed them of their confidence beat them early on morale and confidence alone others might think it would be as cronin was such a huge egotist that he wanted to be the best scene was about to make a good end to it but the truth was so much more cunning he gripped the rope that went across the gulf between the teams shackled to it as they were and then in the last second he turned around and dug in just as the flag was raised the sign of the beginning of the tug of war instead of him bracing cronin took the next orc and pulled its body away from its shackled arms and then twisted and threw it across the divide like a very floppy and wet but intensely noisy frisbee the flag was dropped as the body smashed into the front line of this opposition and knocked half of them over like dominoes but instead of trying to win in a second cronin was too cunning for that he then enacted his long game plan he turned only because half of the opposition was still bundled up with his teammates who were still screaming then snapped off the arms of the next one on the line as each of his hawks then went berserk attempting to back away from the huge form of cronin who was himself trying to get to them as fast as he could by only contained and constrained by the weight of the opposing team's tension but as he bellowed his team mcstoppy bellowed the simple command to get away from him it worked a treat cronin rampaged forward as the team pulled back with such zeal to avoid cronin that they bested the chaos and knob opposing team and it was only when cronin fell forward onto his mob that he knew they had won the transformation was instant cronin bellowed again but raised the hands of the two closest of his mob in victory as they all slowly turned and walked to the edge the rope between them had been shot away by colossal darker when the opposing team had fallen off their side again the yellows were not permitted besmirching of this holy ritual the squig games and so cronin and his mob laughed and urinated over the edge on the mad squigs tearing the other team to pieces and cronin and the mob only knocked one of their boys off the walkway in all the celebrating which was deemed to be most amusing for the one-off event but none truly wanted it to become stale with repetition all nodded agreement and backed away from cronin in trouser filling up respect respect of course but this halcyon moment was inevitably an inexorably shattered for the next game would begin soon and that would be no team game the survivors sorry i mean candidates were all gathered again and informed of the new game they would have to pick a partner with just one other orc to work with of course at this cronan realized that all of the other mobs now shattered as the biggest were trying to get together the smallest trying to find an unpopular whopper but then having charitable dependability or any other positive trait was not really seen as important in orkidum so biggest was always best but it was when slackbutt mcstop his eyes widened at this and he backed away from cronin and then made a run for it that the boss of cannon had a strange inkling it was so startling the idea that flew into his head and there he was amid spontaneous unelicited cogitation he wanted to vow it how could it be that he would think so fast unbidden was there any way to save himself from this horror his own eyes widened at the exertion exhilaration of it all but he had little time he would work out some form of anti-idea headgear at some point for if hats could harness ideas could attract cunning then surely they must be the equal and opposite out there a hat that would stop thinking and all of this worsened when cronin realized that this too was an idea so he concentrated on his original one in the hopes that it would somehow fill his mind so no more would erupt there and here is where we would have put in a flashback to the other dialogue you know if we had the time to arrange voice actors and the money to do so that kind of stuff but we didn't so here it goes for cronin knew that slack butt mcsloppy was an old orc he stated that he had been through the squig games multiple times obviously unable to please his boss or simply too stupid to move away from a regent who hated him but in any case slackbug had prior knowledge he had experience and that look of wide-eyed terror made kronan have the idea that perhaps just perhaps they would not be in teams of two but something else would happen so cronin barrel through the few survivors to get to story and he was right on him when the final drum was struck and the jewels were set slack butt whimpered a bit as cronin raised his army with his own the signal that they were a team when here you've partnered up with their best friend or closest mob mates as they processed back into the arena again but this time there were big holes in the sand two holes right next to each other all across the arena and the diabolic right continued the squeak game was closing on its last set of challenges but woe was there amongst the pairs for they were told the rules all candidates would be buried up to their necks in the sand so they could not move then a set of gobsquids would be dropped between them when the drums stopped the candidate with the most gobsquids in there and gobb would be the winner the other would be left in the sands for the squiggs to eat and lamentation there was for interminable seconds most of these duos made the most horrible spectacle and then the game began all of them were encased in the sand after their necks unable to move utterly dozens of gobskwigs were dropped practically on the head of slackbuck mcsloppy none were deposited even close to cronin so again he was being messed with by two smashers underhanded scummery but the aged ranthead was not going to lose of this he was saturn for he began to croon again in his strange way to attract all of the gobskwigs as the few that were not already making their way to the runthead then turned and crawled in his direction cronin was in trouble deep trouble but he was never beaten as he looked around a tiny bit he saw all of the candidates spreading their mouths as wide as possible to show the plaque and detritus in there for the gobsquik is tiny scissors around an orc's mouth eating the rubbish built up there so all others yawned like statues desperate to gain their attention so they could live now during his time attempting to show his own rat herds the art of origrotmi for the first thinkmas celebrations cronin had spent a lot of time around the herds far more than is normal for an orc boss as he but cronin was now an orc of many talents many skills he remembered more than any other orc boss he knew his mind was like it was like well um it's nearly there dipped my tongue no started an absorber of things his mind was like an absorber of things and thus it was the current did the only thing that would possibly give him a chance he played hard to get cronin clamped his mouth shut up turned his nose and raised his chin off the ground and gave off a derisive truly diminishing snot at the squigs difficult to fathom i know but the hawks are beings of few words so their body language was far more explicit note i did not say complex and it was like a set of free eyeliner to an ortox irresistible the goblin squiggs stopped they could hear the cooing and wooing of the herd slack butt but when all was boiled away when every scrap of skin was seared or flayed away and only the bubbling core of enzymes and amino acids remained they were awkward and thus they wanted a challenge initially it was just the first few that were near him that turned and then attempted to gain access to cronin's gob and as they did he fought them not in his full might of course as that would have been suicidal but he gave off the best act ever he whipped his head around stretched and compressed his neck tried to snort his nose or blow them away but then they would gain access to his garb and on this went for the next few moments as the drumming got faster and faster until the effect was so much the draw so much that the quiet gob squeaks inside the herd's mouth were now forcing his lips apart and clambering out to try to get some of the action the herd tried his best to croon at them still but as his nurse frayed his notes fell off his reverberation was off and the squigs exodused from his mouth to join a wary miniature the battle against cronin it was when a shadow fell over the two of them that they finally knew the game had concluded and both were then forced to open their mouths at first cronin refused until there was such a kerfuffle to the yellows came over in numbers this way cronin could be more confident that the count might be less biased slack batman sloppy the front head had opened his mouth and two came out just two then cronin opened his mouth and many many rolled out with a groan from the knobs behind cronin was declared the victor slack butt was to be left there but for some strange reason as crying and was walked away he turned and mixed sloppy looked at him dead in the eye and winked the last candidates were marched into the pens as the crowd cheered as another door was opened and ravenous practice squiggs were released the full metal doors were closed behind cronin so he never saw how many bites it took to remove and consumes like butt mcstop his head not that he wanted to really it was just another curiosity the penultimate game so few candidates now remained the other arena had been prepared so they walked directly to this event the candidates were then walked into a room which had an identical number of weapons on a table one for each small knives ranging all the way to large choppers like really big ones and all of the contestants sorry candidates were to choose one weapon the cronin had spent so much time looking at the doors closing on his last sight of mcsloppy that he was at the very back so when he did arrive the others had conveniently been allowed to grab their weapon before he even entered the room cronin walked to the table edge then along its length until he stopped in front of the last item there a wooden spoon cronin's sighed and swept it up into his hand and glared at all around him cronin was tortling later when they were led into the next arena and there was a huge drop with strange platforms suspended by ropes but they were awfully far apart he saw the wielders of mighty choppers begin to sweat thinking that if it were involving climbing swimming or jumping and not combat they were truly buggered it was short-lived as the yellows declared that the weapon was purely to decide the order in which the candidates would progress largest to smallest first to last all were bemused at this until they went to the edge and looked down there were squigs below large ones very large the onlooking mobs of the speed water went wild as the yellows explained that the candidates would need to jump down onto the squigs if they chose right they would be bounced back up onto the next platform well unless they were rubbish at jumping anyways which elicited even more mirth but it was tears and size splitting the fouring when the candidates were informed that half of the squigs beneath them were of an uncommon variety meaning that if they were landed on by a candidate they would probably annihilate them well more definitely than probably really but no one can ever tell orcs are very sturdy for their dimensions but to keep things moving along a knob would walk the perimeter of the arena as a timer of sorts as had been done before of course the said walker would alter their speed according to how well or badly it affected cronin he was no fool he had clocked this well when he wasn't wiping bowel torrent discharge from his eyes but that felt like an eternity ago now but cronin did have to admit that this was all jolly good fun though he definitely would not have put it that way because he isn't english whatever that is and so it was that the candidates were arranged according to the size of their weapons wooden spoon in hand cronin stood at the back growling slowly and deeply to those just in front but as he was decidedly and irrefutably the most orky awk there his mighty lungs and copiously shouting voice box purred like the engine of a land raider all before him heard it and the quailing that some experienced was definitely more about that which was behind them than the potential demise before them now the first youths were truly awking even cronin had to admit as they spent no time on the pointless course of deliberation and just jumped off the ledge and onto the first huge squigs but rather undiscerning and filled with a vim and vigor of youth they saw no point in waiting for the result of the first jumper and just went for it the two leapt off when the one on the right hit the swig it sort of buckled absorbing the youth almost entirely into its blubber then rebounded them upward as its huge rolls of fat returned to their previous spaces the youth flew through the air and over the second or third swinging ledges he was at an odd angle and just looked at them longingly as he went over the other side and failed to make a nice little spatter on the ground you know like when you were cooking and drop some small droplet of sauce that when it hits the ground spreads out across half your kitchen floor but none saw this final impact as the onlookers were all falling about and slapping each other on the back and pointing for the candidate on the left had hit his squig and the both of them had exploded in a fireball that funneled up and singed a candidate looking down from above cronin now saw the walker he was practically sprinting around the edges of the arena and all knew that if we managed to get to the end it would lead to the execution of cronin and the boss then saw what was happening for there were mobs and even knobs who were actively impeding the speed of the walker it seems cronin was gaining somewhat of a following amongst the very boys of the speed while well that or they simply wanted to watch the spectacle and not have it devolved down to a rather unanticlimactic execution those were always amusing but the squig games were side-splitting fun so they stood about in front of him talking ranged in groups cheering so that the walker had to go around and thus it was the cronin had a little time but not much the youths in front of him were bounding and some now watch carefully so that they could judge their jump so as to rebound off the squeak up to the next platform as they should they were nearly all of the way across many exploding of course when one of the youths turned round on the second platform from the last he had a mid-range chopper nothing to write home about certainly not a first pick so as to put it but a functional affair that could certainly do the trick for he proved it when he turned on the next candidate and as he landed on the platform the youth gutted him and pushed him backwards off the ledge the chain of orcs moving thus halthead there are a lot of hand gestures usually involving one or two fingers being raised in some v formation and there was mooning going on as the other youths attempted to hurry things along but the insults were coming sick and fast and the youth in question just pointed at his chopper and waved the other hand encouraging the others to join him an obvious trap this of course could potentially have held up cronin but he was the cunning one so he moved like the wind and thought an action were one cronin bounded across the squigs that had been found to be safe from bounty until he got to the platforms where his other candidates had stalled up he jumped when he landed he took the first one and threw it at the squeak to the left of the last platform then he grabbed another youth and threw it at the squeak to the right of the last platform the first youth face planted into a sploding squig the second hit the side of the swing on the right and it did not explode alas cronin was not really concerned about the vectors or angles just a hit and so the youth was jettisoned into the side of the swing and then jettisoned again into the floor of the arena so hard that sprays the sand came up and glistened all over cronin the other youth then grabbed down to ropes dodged and screamed as cronin stalked forward but he was no longer after them he had discerned real squigs from the sploding squigs so his path was clear apart from this last hurdle this last challenge the obvious assassin planted in the pack by tooth smasher so cronin looked and planned then he leapt cronin actually swung the platform until it gained its maximum height terrifying the youth still grabbing the ropes and trying to avoid him he needed some speed for this particular maneuver so up went cronin like a gymnast then he reached his summit and then made his body into a missile by tapping his arms in and plowing down towards the squig he hit it was absorbed into it then fired back up like a cannonball but all laughed raucously when cronin had seemed to misjudge it he was fired like a dart into the bottom of the platform with the armed youth on it he smashed into the middle of it and went straight through wood exploding out and striking near all there he was like an avenging green huge muscular and toothy angel of death when he burst up through the landing on the platform he kicked the youth who was teaching on the edge down onto the sands of the arena to a deafening roar of the crowd cronin just walked to the edge and bounded onto the last squid and was bounced up onto the finishing platform at the other end the speed war went absolutely berserk in fact cronin was still parading around the platform hands above his head in a victory shake when the last three youths arrived the games were nearly over and cronin was now in fine fettle indeed he had fought he had striven he had consumed many of his opponents to regain his strength his regenerative ability somehow enhanced beyond anything he had previously experienced in fact cronan now felt better than he did when he went into that fated battle against tooth smasher he was ready only one more challenge needed to be survived and then cronin would be of too smashes tribe if his present course was anything to go by then he would have enough popularity and support in the camp that he could change to smasher and not be gutted out of hand by his hundreds of knobs cronin was nearly there he need only survived alaska game and thus he thought bring it on the three remaining applicants all stood in the center of the arena now there had been four going into the holding pens while the squigs were removed and the last challenge set up but it was decided by near unanimous vote that everyone was a bit peckish and seeing as only one of them would be getting out of these games alive it only seemed right and proper that one year sacrificed themselves for the other candidates so they were in top form to give the very best performance to the waiting audience it was truly an altruistic moment for the greater good and he barely put up any resistance when cronin pulled off his arms and threw it to the others then chomped to his content now this was not something he would usually condone of course the eating of other orcs no not in his why starts the grotts of course squiggs well that was what they were there for but not usually boys but needs must when the dark gods drive as they say again not the cronin would befouled his mouth with such a platitude but such is the way of the world that sometimes the most unappealing of metaphors is also the most accurate and so it was that cronin was paraded out into their arena to a standing ovation from the crowds he strutted in as usual and waved his hands to indicate to the crowds that he could not hear them when they exploded further he even shook his head then kept his left hand to his ear as he raised his right hand again indicating that he could still not hear them which drove the boys watching into paroxysms of laughter and even greater screaming and being but the elation was not to last as the dow yellers now began to try to drown out the crowd with their proclamations cronin decided he would be magnanimous after stopping them with cheering thrice due to his performance he now stood sternly looking at the yellows as they described the next game there were strange chalk markings all over the sand cronin looked at them while the yellows explained this arcane game that the tribe of tooth smasher had developed it was odd and complicated evolving hopping in zones and whatnot then cronin looked up with a snap at the declaration that the rules are void if there are none left to complain about their breaching meaning he could utterly ignore all of this cobblers if he killed the other candidates cronin then stopped listening turned his head and looked down at the two use and grinned his widest most toothy grin the two youths followed their copious and overhanging eyebrow regions scowling a croning mercilessly it was on some say the candidates were led to separate tables with a veritable banquet a cornucopia of sharp stabby or choppy weapons of war conan walked his table putting on a performance by picking up near every weapon and testing its balance holding it up to the light to trick its sharpness or stars then summarily rejecting the weapon with a shrug and a casual lobbing of it over his shoulder much to the amusement of all finally he took two weapons and raised them over his head the watching mobs again went into a gleeful fit of cheering at his mirth his sarcasm for cronin turned on his opponents and showed them his choice two tiny choppers usually used for picking the grit from beneath one's toes if one bothered with that sort of thing the other candidates had still been deliberating one might almost suspect it was stalling but upon seeing this gross insult to them both they turned and grabbed the biggest chopper they could neither of the youths took their lives from cronin as they were positioned in the starting places for the squig game though cronan found he now realized why it was called the squig game despite there not being a one present in this challenge the white markings on the floor were indeed a really bad rendition of a squig i mean really bad like if you got a donkey drunk and places hoof in paint and then screened directions at it or if two orcs covered themselves in paint and then wrestled which looking at the patches of white paint on the yellows could very well be the truth of the matter as this was the last challenge in the squig games the yellows knew their moment in the spotlight was about to end and thus they melted for all it was worth each one of them coming forward and giving a statement about the tribe and its history how they did things yadda yadda thought it was nearly as long as the masked cogitation it lasted for an ending seconds perhaps even minutes well before tooth smasher himself stood up and the yellows knew to clam up a few of them obviously crest fallen at the lack of having their moment in the sands two smashers stood and recited what were obviously ceremonial words he bit them off like he was barely able to contain his frustration as cronam began to bounce up and down on the spot intimidating his opponents he was after all at least twice their size he didn't really need to do any of this all was certain but cronin had found that he sort of enjoyed the spectacle putting on a bit of a show he would have to do something just as fun but possibly less expensive in boys when he took all of aquilonia for it now seemed inevitable he would do it he could almost feel his hand clasp a skinned and polished skull of two smash in the palm he could almost touch it and it appeared from two smashers attitude that he knew it too he was dressed in his finest mega armor in the midst of a ceremony with all of his water around him not a sign of confidence which meant it was a sign of weakness and all could see it he was ripe for toppling and cronin felt he was just the orc to do it the short speech done the flags raised the drums began there was no time limit in this last match so the drummers started low and slow hoping to save their best efforts for the final moments the game began the two youth circled around his left and right sides trying to get him to turn his back on one of them conan merely allowed them to wander around the place even right behind him they were so intent on their activity that they actually collided with one another vision locked on cronan as it was and at this his moment cronin did a standing leap backwards he bunched his legs and sprung into the air so high he was at high level with tooth smasher when he flipped him the bird he then came down again and landed between the sprawling youth he stamped on the leg of the one to his right snapped it like it was a six-month-old wafer and he followed this with a huge kick to the head the youth was instantly unconscious the other orc rolled up and took a mighty swing at cronin who leaned back and literally limbo under his ark his head near touching the sand before he righted himself again and continued his motion with a thunderous headbutt the youth's life savings his teeth shattered and fell from his mouth like it was a dental waterfall all could practically see the stars around his head as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell backwards onto the sands with a thump cronin raised his hands above his head in victory the crowds were going insane but then two smasher rose to his feet slowly the mood changed as he waited for silent it was a while but eventually his wire noticed his action and quieted down two smasher extended his hand dramatically and pointed to cronin freel still live the game is not complete and this cronin theatrically took two steps back like he had been stuck and was staggered he looked at his knives the ones he had not even needed to use he looked at the use on the ground he stood there head down and silence reigned and the tension built crone and water each of the youths in turn raised his hand as if to strike then threw away one of his weapons a clear indication of disgust he would not stay used on the ground unconscious he would not both weapons now discarded cronin's reverie was shattered by the ferrari from the crowd they were more loud than ever before and the chanting began the chant that spoke the doom of tooth smasher the end of his rule for the crowd chanted his name slower no at first but when none of the other orcs around them bashed their noggins for it the chant ripped around the crowd and gained in power with each passing moment two smasher was visibly shaking with rage october the chaos corrupted welp surreptitiously slunk from his seat next to tooth smasher and seemed to just melt into the crowd but cronin noted it it was dana cronin walked to one of the yellows and pointed at a sash a simple sash of the colors of the tribe the yellow seemed confused torn obviously cronin had won the games he had bested all but to smasher his chief had given his dictator the games were not over the yellow looked down into his hands then looked up at the skies and there with the air so clear the clouds gone he could see it in the years to come the yellow would regale anyone who'd listen he saw it the grin of gork and he knew what he had to do the yellow snapped his glare to cronin then he shifted it to tooth smasher as he shot out his arm and opened his fist to cronin the fist clenched the sash of the tribe and he dropped it into the open hand of cronin the crowd shrieked and balled in a probation as cronin donned the sash tooth smasher bellowed in rage but was upstaged for it was then that a strange orc erupted from his entourage and leapt onto the very edge of the arena so all could see him he then addressed the audience there crawdan has bested the squeak games he has won but to smasher would rather force him to kill defeated yes then concede his way he knows that cronin cannot do that he knows that cronin is too orky to perform such a cowardly deed now all were absolutely a gog not because of the content of the speech which was pretty much unambiguous and irrefutable but it was more his choice of words and accent really but shock over the crowds were listening all right cronin is now of the tribe he is of your own war he is one with you he is yours now but will you have him or will you have this coward and weakling to smasher hiding in this mega armor i ask one simple question who is the orciest orc who should be your war boss add that to smasher did not launch for chain's ground he did not drag out his best shooter and gun him down he walked to the edge of his box and unclipped his cloak then left down onto the arena floor cronin and two smasher were to have their duel cronan stood in his loincloth tiny daggers now collected and firmly placed in each hand to smasher they're in his best mega armor and wielding his patent power weapon now some might consider this a bit of a mismatch a bit skewed to say the least but cronin cronin de cannon would not have it any other way to be continued you
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 48,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KRONAN DA KUNNIN - STORY SO FAR, KRONAN DA KUNNIN, ORK LORE, Orc Lore, GAMES WORKSHOP, GAMES ORKSHOP, WARHAMMER ORKS, ORK STORIES, ORK AUDIODRAMA, Orc Audiodrama, Audiobook, Baldermort, Baldemort, Mort, Guides to Warhammer, Kronan SSF, warhammer 40000, grimdark tales, grimdark stories, warhammer ork stories, KOMMANDOS, LEGEND OF KRONAN, SQUIG, SQUIG GAMES, SQUID GAMES SKIT, SQUID GAMES, squig games, squid games comedy, THE SQUIG GAMES - LEGEND OF KRONAN DA KUNNIN
Id: iQgkmpVHvRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 6sec (4866 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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