ORK KOMMANDOS in warhammer 40000

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between the time when chaos broke cadia and the return of the sons of the emperor there was an age undreamed of and unto this cronin destined to bear the jeweled crown of aquilonia upon a troubled brow it is i his chronicler who alone can tell thee of his soccer let me tell you of the days of high adventure continued from crenenda cunning story so far now things had not exactly been going swimmingly in the camp of the mighty cunning war and that was quite the understatement for without their lord their master the chief without cronin it had evolved into a brawl of unexpected brutality well to say that brutality was unexpected is a bit much i suppose as that is truly the orchy thing to be after all was it not gawk himself that said to be canon is to be okay to be brutal is to be divine or was it mock oh well some things are inscrutable lost in the signs of time like why it was necessary to have grass let alone snot in so many numbers yet it was a hard truth that no war could exist without an abundance of these seemingly pointless creatures well i say pointless but that again is a bit of an exaggeration for grotz and snots did indeed taste delicious and wears a second food staple after the mighty and useful squiggs of course well the ones for eating the common garden squig as every youth knows that there are a multitude of different breezes squig and some are definitely not for the eating like if you were to go and attempt to eat a boom or sploding squig well it would not bode well for your dentures to do so of that i can assure you nor would the consumption of a weird squig do one's mental faculties any good and dining on bowel torrent squigs is the most unpleasant and messy affair now the snots were having a hard time unto themselves as the grotts were more than willing to share their woes with their diminutive cousins and what woes they were the drought numbers had only just returned to normal after excessive use in the last month lines dead marking no think zones and the popular craze of origrotmi of course their use in mass commutations now this last element was what had caused their most recent plight for it was simple and plain to all orcs worthy of the name their chief their boss cronin de cannon was so mighty so cunning that it was ludicrous to believe that he had made any error in his strategic and tactical acumen and understanding of his situation but cronin had been captured by a lucky hit from the despicable enemy war boss tooth smasher hence it was posited by the greater war that the error could not be his there go it must be the fault of those around him and all now looked for the root cause for there to be a proper lynching the cores would have to be something smaller and less fighty than those knobs and bosses at the top for they would probably make any lynch mobs scatter swiftly when they unleash their might not that orcs would avoid a fight of course that would be blasphemy a profanity to the very spirit and beings of their gods gawk and mork more to put it that rage that needed releasing also had to be done so in a way that did not utterly destroy the war hence it was that some bright spark put it about that it was surely the fault of the grotts had cronin not used them in his deliberations his planning and scheming his mighty cognitions had he not used them to augment his cunning therefore if the uh thinking had failed then surely it was the fault of the treacherous grat who was supposed to be helping had they secretly conspired to be less effective to or confuse the great ones ventures and from this simple decision a bloodbath ensued but this time the gods seemed to be ready for it none knew quite why their response to attempt to satiate the orcs rage on others hence it was that the grotts took a bit of a steer from their orky masters and performed metasnotosis it was the changing of the snots on a fundamental level to make them appear like glot for the few bright sparks in the grass hoped that the massacre might only go on for so long thus they would give the orcs something to take out their wrath on the runt herds were actually quite important you see so they were more involved in the greater struggles for dominance so it was mostly the youths that were hunting down and punishing their grot and these youths were far less discerning than the older more mature orcs and it was not long before the fringes of the camp were exposed to the spectacle a smaller youth orcs chasing around snots that had undergone metasnotinosis now some might think that the stapling of multiple starts together and rolling them in rags or rugs so that only the top snot's head and the bottom snot's feet protruding from their wrappings would not fool even a youth but it was dark it was a time of war it was pandemonium and if we can be honest which i always hope to be the youths were not too bothered if it were actually snot or grass in the first place for they were doing little more than performing a minor play a copy of the greater confrontation that was transpiring in the camp center for a while bonfires are slots and grotzly at the edges of the camp the center was a thing of horror or hilarity depending on your world view most involved thought it was indeed the latter as the elements of the canon war fell on each other it started when in the absence of cronin who had surely been stained by now gitzkusha mcmurder proclaimed himself the new big boss a mistake to be sure for this elicited and immediate response from madna kunkelstein of course who then began to use his mighty foot of gawk indiscriminately on the camp huge spectral feet hundreds of meters in signs slamming down all over the camp crushing all beneath them but being candid this did slay many an orc but it was more for show really it was scary to be certain but it didn't do half the amount of damage to the numbers that it may have looked and gitzkusha was well aware of this it was for scaring humans really but it certainly added to the confusion in the camera now the situation got worse very swiftly as these sort of things i want to do in a large congregation of orcs for the larger bosses and their knobs we're seeing a golden opportunity that may never come again and it was no exaggeration to say that near one in three bosses now believed they could take the wire for themselves kitzkusha was very effective of course but he was no cronin certainly not in cunning for no awkward the prophet himself was but nor in size or brutality either and so the camp broke into a score of fighting bosses all attempting to win cronin's golden chair his golden thong for themselves and without cronin and his bodyguard his con um black lesion to regain control the war was literally tearing itself apart which many agreed was what gorkha mork would have wanted and it was hilarious to boot especially when employing said boot to the head of other orcs of course but there was one orc who did not see the amusement did not see the opportunity he saw the death of the war for cronin had taken him deep into his council whatever that means and he revealed his suspicions about the other war the speedway of tooth smasher the red hue to some of the skins of the invoice they had received which was unwalky in the extreme both the merest existence of the embassad and the harrowing mutation of some of the orcs skin to that reddish hue which could only mean one thing these vile heathens had turned their backs on gawk and mark they were milk softs who turned to chaos and if that were true then the speedwall would inevitably fall it was how these things went and so it was that duck of von smashoven acted he would not allow his people to be drawn down into the dung heap of worshiping weak and pitiful gods of humans and pointies no he would act thus it was the duck of one smash hoven left the camp mid cromping many of his closest adherents had forwarded that it was he that should be contending for the place of boss of bosses but he had just ignored this chant from his flyboys and told them to move their vehicles as far from the main war as possible until he returned there was some disappointment and no small measure of annoyance to be certain but after a few decapitations and croppings he had persuaded them of the merit of his plan and the winds of war hopped into their cockpits and relocated well after dropping a few bombs on the campus they flew over but they did not want to be entirely without any action in the air action so as daca von smashoven took his last look down at the canon wire he was both entertained and slightly vexed in equal measure when he saw the carpet bombing his flybys and acted on a camp but he had to conclude that it was worth it after all because it did create such huge explosions and fire and fun boys flying in the air and entire sways of the camper blaze a sight to warm the cockles of the heart ducker then turned and went on his dark way a shadow in the night because the fine shadows one had to become a shadow oneself hence it was the darker von smushoven crept into the foreboding forests nearby and hunt for the hunters it was not actually that long before he was found for it was definitely he who was found by the orcs he was coming to see not the other way around daca von smashoven had walked and stalked for hours but had seen hide nor hair of the orcs he was attempting to locate he now stood on a rather convincing grassy knull his face beaming up at the two moons that leered down at him basking in their light when he heard a russell now he may have heard the russell but he was soon to discover that this was just a way of gaining his attention for as he turned to face the source of the disruption he was confronted by a wall of green standing right next to him fanning out behind in a seeming forest of their own where huge orcs covered in branches and muck dung and slime also that they were indeed utterly camouflaged against their backdrop it was as if the woods had sprung to life and just materialized behind him and somewhere tolkien was happy von smashoven was acutely aware that he was only alive because someone had recognized him it could have been the proximity of so many previously invisible boys it could have been the way they stood back from him with a tiny bit of war or it could have been their leader who belched hard and stated we would have slit your good if you weren't a great duck of one smash over no not that the air was filled with an eruption of gaseous bottom burps as each of the orcs had been holding in their freighters while hiding from this intruder to their realm their leader had spoken they had all stood and revealed themselves so the need for disguise was gone hence was the night broken with a sound like a chain sword being let off during the silence of a sermon daca von smashoven did not choke no matter how chewy the air had become he did not wince or even comment as the combined expulsions assailed his nostrils and confronted his very eyes he was a boss and bosses did not gag or choke on mere flatulence alone when the welcome breeze rustles more of the leaves and thankfully blew away their masma he spoke he spoke of honor of orkiness of the enemy and of canon of how their lord cronin had not been beaten as long as there were any who held his name as their guide of course this phenomenal display of eloquence was utterly lost on the wide-eyed drooling commandos so he then tried a more direct attack knowing that the intellect of the commandos was actually quite formidable for his race he realized it was just the angle he had chosen the vectors of his oratory sally's that had been at fault thus it was that he prevailed upon him to follow him in his schemes by stating simply do you want to go right in the other camp down as predicted this did the trick such potent enticements could not be ignored and the commandos all sniffed and nodded in agreement and then went about gathering their number from the surrounding forests it was then an odd factor that docker noted for his side also appeared a huge ball with teeth he was easily recognizable as the largest and meanest and bitiest of all the squigs in the entire wow it was none other than tiddles himself the pet of cronin to cunnin sniffing the area around daca von smashoven tiddles cocked his leg and mocked him now this was not something that cronin would have ever permitted of course but dhaka was almost brought to tears by the loyalty and passion of this squig he had mocked dhaka did tiddles know since on some instinctive level that he was attempting to save his master to rescue cronin the foot he belted into the squig was just enough to let him know who was actually boss but not enough to indicate that he actually wanted a fight the squig large as it was took the hoofing without complaint and merely growled a duck of one smash oven for a moment to make certain no more chastisements were coming in his direction and thus it was the darker one smash oven was soon traveling across the plains and forests of aquilonia with multiple thousand commandos in tow tiddles previously known as nutcruncher at his side he would strike at the speed war and try to work out if cronin was still alive he had to be for the survival of all orcs on aquilonia for the greater war for the honor of the great gods gork and morg he had to be continued after the law welcome gentle listener i am voldemort your faithful servant and i wish to introduce you to the forces factions and units of the warhammer 40k universe the grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war and at the dawn of october we go into one of the most interesting of all of the orc units one that has recently been re-released in all their glory with new models that fit their aesthetic and activity down to the very ground of course i can only be talking of the orc commandos and so as usual for the very basics let us lean on existing wisdom to quote commandos commandos epitomize the orky virtue of low cunning nothing makes a commando happier than creeping up on an unsuspecting enemy his mate slithering through the undergrowth at his side when the time is right the commandos will burst from their hiding places slashing stabbing and shooting at their stunned play before they have a chance to strike back camaros are viewed with suspicion by the majority of boys on the rare occasions they are viewed at all these specialists do not socialize with other green skins they sometimes go into self-imposed exile for months at a time and in more extreme cases even permanently divorce themselves from the tribe commandos prize intelligence and initiative some of them are even able to read not for them the thrill of a mass charge or a turbo powered race to the front line in a badly made truck instead a commando gets his kicks from slitting throats and spreading panic behind enemy lines before launching a perfectly timed ambush the horrified look on the faces of their prey who assumed they would be able to see their orc attack a mile off is tremendously rewarding to the members of commando mob these scare tactics are epitomized by snakesrot of the red skull commandos whose name is a byword for terror upon armageddon on the field of battle commandos will assassinate sentries and destroy gun emplacements to give the rest of the lads a better chance of reaching the enemy lines unscathed it is common for each commando to have a specialist role within the mob and have a nickname appropriate to this role such as fireboy or throat slit this organized and militaristic outlook means the young stormboys often develop into commandos instead of rejoining the right-sinking orc boys at the heart of each warband the tools of the commandos trade are subtle by orc standards they place great faith in soot blackened blades and camouflage painting their skin with stripes of blood dirt and dung so they blend in with their surroundings this practice is shocking to a normal orc who considers the idea of covering up his greenness unnatural only the blood axes truly see the value of such caution some commandos are even more inventive with their camouflage attaching foliage to their uniforms or employing cunning disguises well cunning by orky standards anyway commandos do occasionally employ heavy weapons which they reveal only when they are in position to a battle tank or slaughter an enemy squad that is broken from cover boss snikrat the green ghost the infamous orc hunters of the armageddon imperial guard are afraid of one orc on one orc alone in the dark nights of the equatorial jungles between prime and secundus these grizzled veterans whisper tales of bosnotskrit the stalker they tell of a killer who slips through the jungle like a ghost who can pass through throttle vine groves without disturbing a single leaf they tell of a savage hunter who lives for vengeance whose eyes blaze with the devilish light of hatred finally they tell of his victims left to bleed to death with their eyes put out and their scalps rip free from their skulls boss nikrat was a commando in high regard at the time of gaskell's original invasion and his was amongst the first of the orc tribes to navigate the green hell that separates armageddon prime from armageddon secundus the ceo jungle was vast and snikrats commandos soon separated from the main tribe straying towards cerberus base the majority of his tribe fell foul of the imperial guard jungle fighting specialist stationed in the heart of the verdant realm snikot ordered his boys to withdraw vowing to conquer the environment before they turned their attention to the human bases snikrot had learned his lesson well he pledged to fight a guerrilla war from the very heart of the jungle stripping his kit down to the bare minimum so the colour of his skin blended in with the jungle itself he and his commandos became one with the tangled vegetation the tough hides and strong metabolism giving them a natural resistance to the lethal defenses of the nightmarish environment snikrot and his lads refined their already produced abilities in stealth and sabotage until they were able to slip into the astra military barracks and kill the residents in their sleep thus began a campaign of terror and psychological warfare that has plagued the imperial war effort upon armageddon ever since stinkrat's red skull commanders so called because of their habit of scalping their victims and spreading the hot blood onto their own heads were still at large when gaskell returned 50 years later by this time the legend of snigrot had spread to the furthest hives some spoke of a ghost who drank the blood of his victims in the dark of the night some told of a murderous beast who wore the dog tags of his numerous victims upon his chain wrapped forearms so he could whisper their names to the jungle moon some told of his deadly knives and how they tasted the throats of colonels nobles and cortisones alike all across armageddon in the flickering twilight of the hives mothers scare their children into obedience with stories about the stalker snekerat each of the gruesome tales has a basis in truth to this day snakerot is one of the most feared of all greenskins and even the orc hunters pray to the emperor that it is not there nick that snickrot buries his knives in next of late a surprising number of orcs have been given cause to hope for the same thing with the demons of chaos spilling into armageddon imperial and green skin forces have been compelled in a few extreme cases to temporarily set aside hostilities to fight off the glitter threat snikrot is disgusted by such compromise seeing it as weakness and is quick to punish those awk leaders guilty of it more than one knob has been dragged into the shadows his severed heads turning up on a spike shortly afterwards as warning against mobbing up with humays and quote i have been voldemort your faithful servant i hope you have enjoyed this brief introduction to commandos and know that there will be plenty more orc content this month in october can't wait jane's gone especially but it's proving to be quite a technical challenge so apologies for the delays if you have enjoyed my silly tales then please consider liking and subscribing if you do then hit the notifications button as i would not want you to miss out if you see the worst in what we are doing then do also consider joining our patreon or giving the video a share if that is beyond your present scope it would be a great bone now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun tulu and back to the story they had arrived dhaka von smashoven crept through the landscape along with a multitude of commandos magnus the strangler their leader at his side magnus explained that you see there would be a lot of undergrowth for them to get even closer but that something had disrupted the usual warp and weft of the land something had seemed to drain all of the vitality out of the foliage and other flora around the camp of the speed wire as daca von and looked around he did indeed note the strangly and rather sad looking scrub around him it was as magnus the strangler had stated it was now a dry and lifeless place where before it had been so verdant it seems that the speed war had more than a little nastiness hidden within it but then ducker knew exactly what was responsible or more to the point whom it was the leader of the chaos scum their boss tober his filth had permeated the very grounds the very holy sword of aquilonia not a dhaka was a budding horticulturist or anything in fact he gave less door to trees and grass than he gave to squiggs which was to say none at all but it was a wonderful new reason to despise his opponents for who really wants to crump anything if they do not despise it oh the rush of the crumping is all well well-known good but a lovely change of revenge or hatred added a certain genus acquire to the entire activity not something to be missed really well not if one has tasted its heady draft before and after all the victories that cronin had given to dr von smashoven over the hated humans it was definitely something he now required to really enjoy the violence and a debt he was not willing to ignore no matter how his orchy mind usually worked it was for this reason alone that he was here outside of his mighty craft of the skies hunched over and covered in camouflage now dhaka was not entirely sure that quite so much dung was required to attach the scant foliage he had been covered in previously but his commando president has insisted it was just enough nor was he sure that the ritual of being spat on by every member of the squad was to his liking to be accepted as one of them before the hunt of course but he figured he would never have to do this sort of thing again and if he still felt aggrieved after they had regained cronin well later on he could just round them up and put them in a field and bomb the ba um commandos and thus it was that they crept towards the camp the commandos stealthily approached the picket and made them disappear nice dragging across jugulars in utter silence they pushed on inside the enemy camp there was much celebration still going on even after a few days the relation of the victory over cronin was palpable it made them sloppy of that deck of one smash oven was sure for they had penetrated as far into the campus as possible without there being a mild squealing perhaps a poor choice of words but it was how it was as dark of one smash over and cleared the main buildings on his hands and knees as were most of them he aspired a very excited tiddles hoofing off towards the central section of the camp and as he followed the cheeks of the squig disappearing into the distance his eye was drawn towards a central tree and a scene that filled him with both hope and fear in equal measure for there he was cronin he still lived hope was still alive but he was broken and beaten and was hung unceremoniously from that central tree picking up pace darker and the kamalas now broke into a jog then a sprint as they saw their target and little betwixt them they could do it alas it was then the tittles managed to bump slap bang into a huge red orc the thing was near carried off its feet but writed itself on a tent pole and then looked at the fleeing madly happy squig only to then look at where it had come from and he gazed directly into the eyes of dhaka von smashoven with no hesitation whatsoever his jaw dropped and a huge bellow came out of it the alarm had been rung out and was carried across the entire camp within minutes and that was the end of that for walls of red orcs squigs and even gruts came pouring out of their tents and the broken old structures that they now infested and barreled towards the kamalas like an avalanche despite putting up a valiant attempt to punch through it was when mega knob and flash gets in their mega armor appeared between their forces and cronin that they knew it was a lost cause despite how close they had come they were not going to make it tiddles had avoided the oncoming wave of flesh and hidden in the camp but daca von smashoven and his allies were not so fortunate and took eye-watering casualties on their way back out of the camp and away into the night but the speed war did not even chase them they did not care to they had cronin and they had victory they did not need to hunt down a few stragglers and so it was the duck of one smash hoven charged back to the camp shoulders rounded and his step heavy now many would believe that this was due to his failure but nothing could be closer to the truth for he had seen his boss knew he was alive he knew he could get him out he knew it the thing that made his shoulder sag and his sighing so deeply was the sort of having to meet with the talker for none else could possibly perform the task he could not do himself hence von smashoven would have to meet and then entreat with chains gran orc of mystery
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 41,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KRONAN DA KUNNIN - STORY SO FAR, KRONAN DA KUNNIN, ORK LORE, Orc Lore, GAMES WORKSHOP, GAMES ORKSHOP, WARHAMMER ORKS, ORK STORIES, ORK AUDIODRAMA, Orc Audiodrama, Audiobook, Warhammer Fan Fic, Baldermort, Baldemort, Mort, Guides to Warhammer, Kronan SSF, warhammer 40000, grimdark tales, grimdark stories, warhammer ork stories, ORK KOMMANDOS IN WARHAMMER 40000, KOMMANDOS, COMMANDOS, LEGEND OF KRONAN
Id: q9dcT54fq1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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