Kristen Stewart Brings the Angels to Eat Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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don't think i've seen a guest use fork and knife before

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/lolgambler 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

I kinda hate the stigma behind her and Robert Pattinson. I never watched those vampire movies, but most things I've seen them in over the course of the rest of their respective careers have been solid. I also appreciate them not trying to hide the fact that this was another stop on their press junket. I think some of the worst episodes have been from people trying to pretend like they're here for the experience when it's really just another stop on their tour of plugs.

👍︎︎ 239 👤︎︎ u/typs 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

I had no real opinion on her before this episode, but she actually seems pretty cool. I enjoyed this episode.

👍︎︎ 91 👤︎︎ u/thedarklorddecending 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Well I thought it was a great episode. Enjoyed it!

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/squirrels0ng 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

I feel like Kristen had the best reaction to The Bomb in how she was caught off guard and then it hits her as Sean was in mid question.

Like how the last Dab included the other cast members of film going in.

👍︎︎ 124 👤︎︎ u/cy1763 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was actually enjoyable. I like how she complimented Sean by saying he is a really good interviewer

👍︎︎ 127 👤︎︎ u/DoctorDannyTanner 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

I actually think she had a phenomenal point about reserving candor from people who ask you to bare your soul when they only have vapid interests in your exposure.

👍︎︎ 88 👤︎︎ u/Canttalkandnotcurse 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

'gonna hurt ya bloody lips innit'

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/bloodflart 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

looked like Ella Balinska was eye-fucking Sean at the end there, also could've been the Last Dab

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/84ndn 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
your skin you're I'm scary double this one I'm scary I can tell those are eyes okay hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Kristen Stewart she's an actress and director with more than 20 years in the movie business which includes a trophy case full of awards to show for it and some of the highest-grossing films of all time you can catch her in Charlie's Angels her latest film which is set to open nationwide on November 15th Kristen Stewart welcome to the show thank you are you feeling confident closing out your media day here at the hot ones table no no simply not I feel like I'm in line for a roller coaster that like I want to go on but that I like I think all at the end I'll be like that was really fun but right now I'm like why am I doing this we're on two clients [Music] I'm gonna use these guys cuz I touch my face a lot and I'm scared veteran move it's like you've done this before or something I think my hands are shaking a little bit I should just like chill out a little bit here yeah hmm cool sweet it was fine so I want to start with a compliment from your director Elizabeth Banks who described you as a legit action heroine who did many of her own stunts another a number of high speed chases and the driving training did you learn anything that you can take back with you to Los Angeles you have such a particular cadence to your voice and I've seen a few of us know and it's trippy like this is what you sound like like I'm like oh you know what I box now which I'm really into kickboxing I love anything like overtly physical sometimes you think speed is the way to go because you just want you know you want to get through it quickly to show people that you're really good at it but actually if you just move a little bit slower you walk you see the impact transpire and oftentimes it'll be like okay we're gonna go 50% speed and then by the time you call action actors who are like over gung-ho or like 150% comes out and you're like well thank God we told it all when they go halfway because she probably would have hurt herself very badly if we hadn't [Music] that's cool I like that so you grew up in the San Fernando Valley it's a place in Los Angeles that's maybe unfairly stereotyped is the epicenter for the porn industry and the strip malls fun is it at all a misunderstood place like do you think people from the San Fernando Valley or maybe like they have a chip on their shoulder for the rest of Los Angeles people kind of assume that there's like disconnect that there is a superficiality that is rampant in Los Angeles but those are really just people that have only moved there to be in the industry thus meeting only people who are also climbing ravenously to the top or trying to otherwise um so yeah I think that we get a bad rap for that but it um it's right now it's like I lays I'm like I'm very I'm extremely always extremely eye-opening as somebody who grew up in the vicinity of Calabasas do you find it at all strange to see it like plastered on Yeezys or like street wear as a synonym for cool oddly enough Calabasas high as where my brother went to school and I always kind of made fun of him a little bit because it was like oh come on what you can't go to Taft he like went to a really nice school still public so to me look like no nothing against Calabasas but if you want to be cool you know like a little less deep valley is to me cooler but I don't know I feel like now I'm like talking [ __ ] about Calabasas and I in no way I'm just gonna Thomas this is sick you know I just kind of had it like a little bit of a like oh cool you're from Calabasas Doh because you ready to move on cruisin here okay fork-and-knife I'm scared man all right I know that I have a ways to go before it gets really scary but we're just getting closer and closer now continuing that climb yeah okay this one's so red and I know that's the one that usually gets people this made sure at least be like scares me because she no she wouldn't I mean it scares me just seemed real yeah so once heard seth rogen say something interesting about how the gaps that you might fill in in a comedy to let the audience laugh that it can sometimes be a little bit awkward when you're watching the movie at home streaming on Netflix so in terms of streaming yeah I think maybe things are moving at a clip sometimes I like really slow movies like certain things that I find really interesting and cool sometimes other people wouldn't and and probably more and more do you fear the day where everyone's just watching movies on their phones like is something lost in the experience of seeing a film that way absolutely yeah but I also think that people I think that there is a commitment I think there's a film culture that's not going anywhere at least within my lifetime even if it becomes sort of smaller that's fine with me it doesn't need to be like insanely expansive I think like this whole industry of the Hollywood sort of like Machine of it all if it came crashing down I still think there'd be us weirdos making weird little movies that we would be showing each other and I would still love it well-said are you ready to move on no but you will yeah sure dude I'll do anything there we go [Music] when I really dig something I'm eating I always start dancing me too a little bit we'll just start vibing over here yes so what may it's not getting hotter per se well enjoy that yeah okay enjoy them yeah yeah yeah yeah totally why is Tokyo must-visit destination for you I know that you've done some press runs there and then shot therefore equals it's wild it's unpredictable I really like the food did you visit that a ski Gmarket that's like it must be like the Promised Land for people who love sushi oh yeah yeah yeah that was really fun like the one they have to go to really early in the morning right and you see them like throwing large fish around which actually now is kind of deeply [ __ ] up but um yeah I went there and I went with Nick Holt and I didn't want to I we ate a bunch of sushi and I didn't want to offend anyone and they just kept giving me like all these bites of kind of gnarly looking [ __ ] and I kept going like just feeding the tank he was like six o'clock in the morning I don't think Nick Holt felt very well after going there with me but I was like dude you're eating this put it in your mouth oh yeah it was fun [Music] this is when you get people to be like I'm good at this game your skin you're I'm scary double this one I'm scary I can tell those eyes okay it's a crystal we have our current segment on our show called explain that Graham where we'll have our guests explain some of the more curious Instagram pictures but that's impossible for you because you are off the social media grid yeah so here instead what we're gonna do is draw back the mythology on some great Kristen Stewart fit pics outfits mm-hmm cuz GQ described your style as sick freak casual a combination of luxe and grunge putting vans old schools with a ripped Beastie Boys t-shirt and a chanel Grail I mean damn right do you know this yellow lab or they just happened to photobomb you the yellow lab photobombed me and my friend show me that yesterday and I was like I already like the outfit but like I look really good with a dog that's pride ously belong next to a dog to a great fit pic is you gotta get a lab to photobomb yeah let's not show Col that hide up get make him jealous all right next this might that's a naked mole-rat t-shirt from the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo very rare find mmm I actually wore that for my um that t-shirt for my closing SNL whatever moment and I just thought it was funny like somebody who wouldn't normally want to like be super exposed I felt like a naked mole rat on that show I was like that's perfect I felt like my teeth were sticking out like what's your hack for finding the best vintage t-shirt I keep my eyes open you know also been like you know I've been in I've been wearing t-shirts my whole day on life I just know them everything but you're put your $10,000 yeah all right up next here you are doing a Finn selfie what are the mechanics of that cuz you know sometimes I find like when people give you their phone maybe I'll get a weird text maybe they'll get a phone call no you have that thing but they can't open the app and it's stuck and they're like I sorta god this never happens it's never how totally I just take their phone from them and take the picture take control of God go yes yeah and then I know that some of these picture is another taken by people like maybe they're hanging out the airport or hanging out outside of restaurants do you have like a paparazzi evasion like an experiment that you're most proud of some ruse that you've thrown them off the track over the years move quickly watch them fall on their asses which is like really annoying direct them towards obstructions and then divert and then they run into them and they're like oh um what else yeah I mean um you move quickly and keep your head down basically don't give them anything I guess I'll go back half onto six here [Music] is this this one mm-hmm Pia Pia this one's very red [Music] oh no it's legit though it's it's that time I do like that feeling though when you kind of feel like like that's why I like spicy food so generating that kick how does a love hot face not all spicy things give that to you some things that really burn your mouth don't make you sweat this one's sweaty mm-hmm so when we had Michael Cera on the show we got really meta about the celebrity interview and he had this really good point about how sometimes he can look like a jerk for no other reason than he's just not matching the gigawatt energy of whoever he's talking to sure a similar vein I thought you had a great quote that was really interesting where you say people have to try to understand that it's very weird for me to talk to people I don't know about something I care about so much you're like a really well researched in like great interview this is wild so are you thanks so are you um you're kind of expected to be like present and candid and generous with people that are the opposite of those things and when you're around people that don't reflect something true it's like what you think it's my fault I seem like a weirdo it's you so um basically yes indeed and yes I want to be honest about the things I care about and sometimes if I don't feel like that's reciprocated I don't feel like I owe it to that persist it along to carry on trying desperately to sound real when there's no environment in which to do that and so then I seem like the [ __ ] but I'm willing to do that that's a hot one like that really is legit I feel sweaty well we have a few more to go here okay having fun though it's cool you having a good time she's the anchor me so from bravado cool I don't want to be a [ __ ] and take small bites but this is scary [Music] so back in 2011 you declared your love for food network and said that you're obsessed with cooking what's a loquat pie okay so in a way there are these low quadtrees everywhere and they're really hard to find you don't find limit in like stores or anything like that occasionally a farmers market but it's like pretty particular to the area and in a certain time of the year it's like they really go off so I do a little urban foraging and I'm always scared I go at night because I don't want anyone to come out and be like get off my lawn but nobody eats them and they're really really good and when you put them in something with a little sugar they caramelize really nicely and become like candy and so my specialty is a loquat crumble like any other crumb will you out a little just a tiny bit of sugar like whatever sort of warmer spices you like and you know like you could put like oats on top and like butter if you eat that but there are you know other versions of it that you can make that are the begin and um the main thing is just put the sugar on the loquat and put it in the oven because dope things happen to the skin it like gets chewy I'm kind of you're doing great it's this one no this is what made Charlize like I thought you you're screwed that's a I was like oh god but now maybe it's me maybe one bite of that I'm scared of Kristen Stewart and you turn into the Hulk okay and flip this table and take down the lights and it's the last anyone's ever heard of me oh no no we have to go there let's really go there here we go you have to do this all the time the [ __ ] is wrong with you [Music] sweet fine everything is always not as bad as I think you know this always happens to me I'm always like I think it's good that I always think everything's gonna [ __ ] kill me and then when you're in the moment I got it do you have a favorite memory from that Rolling Stones ride him on down music video because you guys had a zebra was you a 65 quite the treatment it is bad yeah I had to dance a lot and I'm music video and it was really embarrassing I was in downtown El my god I was in downtown LA I just saw someone on your team do a double fisted yeah man I had to like I don't like pole dance a [ __ ] gas station thing that pumps gas into cars um I had my friends that what the [ __ ] I had my friends there kind of dancing like off-camera exciting feel like I was dancing alone or like no one is watching but [ __ ] you hard yeah hide in the face yeah okay cool it's a rough one yes what stands out about playing Joan Jett in front of Joan Jett like I always think that's an interesting practice for an actor when they're performing as someone who's still alive it was scary I thrive under pressure I think um I can see it I can tell yeah I would have done anything to do that woman justice and so even if I had to you know theoretically drop trou in front of her and really try and pull it out she made me all the better for it and the thing that I played her in I loved it and I would do it again alright Chris are you ready to move on yeah I think that we only it's actually better from here I've seen the show I'm a huge fan I think we're okay now I think the worst is the worse it is Yeah right it's still we're still in it where's my voice has never sounded like that also it's the back of your mouth that sucks ideas accumulation of all of these you know stack and all these solutions who's your favorite um well you can't pick a favorite necessarily but like who is really fun to do this with like were you like whoa this person is wild well there's certain episodes that if like I would try to hook somebody on hot ones I would say like uh the Gordon Ramsay episode oh yeah I was my Paul Rudd Shia LaBeouf Charlize one of my favorites Scarlett Johansson Kristen Stewart great that all sounds really cool careful around your eyes no that's smart you did the I haven't touched a thing was 30 go ahead oh I just I'm curious to know how Shia was cuz he's like a beast what he would do is he'd pop the top on all of these and he was just like oh my god let me get it dude fuckin'-a you're like you're down okay was there any fallout from you screaming the f-word on Saturday Night Live like did you get a letter from like the FCC or any sort of formal reprimand no it went down I feel like people really liked it I did Lauren came up to me halfway well I guess right after that before the next sketch and was like he talked to me he was like looks like he was talking to like a person who had gone through like a serious trauma like he was like it's okay don't worry we still have a whole show to do I was like I promise it's okay I won't do it again and he was very nice and supportive alright so I know that you grew up with your parents in the film industry and they decorate the house with like various set pieces and props that they'd pick up from the movies and as I understand it and the Alice in Wonderland themed wall was a quote from the Queen of Hearts which reads no no sentence first verdict afterwards do you feel like that foreshadowed your experience of living as a public figure at all yeah I mean I definitely didn't get in it to be you know like like a famous person or like stroke for whatever cool things that you did and sort of admonished forever forever for any bad things that I did or whatever it can be fun it can be weird it can be fake it can be real I really just wanted to make movies man and that that is that deaf I think that was sort of embedded in me and and it like a familial thing and I don't I just sentences end and then more hot wings happen more hot wings happen but here on the last dab we have a very special wing 10 we are excited to welcome to the table a lemon sky yeah and they only Scott skis boy together we have the Charlie's Angels and we're here because I'm the wing 10 it's tradition to put a little extra on the last wing great view by the way thanks for hanging out thanks for hanging out and this is the end of our day so we've done a bunch of crap interviews so like that's great it's a good thing this is the end of the day can you imagine it really start I don't tell me if it's worse doing the last one yeah is it or is it better like is it worse that we're going straight into it or is it worse she's what cuz she's obviously had more in her mouth well as you can see I'm not sure you'd trade places with Kristen right now no but the downside is activated right now yeah I'm exhilarated is that you know it's such a steep ramp so scruff well it's like saucy down here in the dish a quick clogged up there I don't really much it there's the thing together we are stronger and hotter so I feel like this gonna be better con touch it I got it oh yeah that's enough great you don't even love me no no no yeah but she do we do we have to put someone yes you don't have to if you don't well no we caught it she's doing it so okay okay here we go I'm pretty scared yeah this is fantastic you know you're just gonna I'm gonna do a little zipper ooh on this guy smart so I'm not gonna be a little [ __ ] of a audience now oh great I'll go first I was she yeah we need your fork hmm I really got on the lips I think that's gonna hurt your lips in it okay yeah I also put the sassy end on the tongue down we're just gonna jump in yeah you know oh my god you aren't really getting it all right here we go you know what here's get my I'm gonna send you home this with this one and then you'll really understand my pain what do you think it's not good morning it's not like we've been away the whole day already I've now officially just woken up well closing it out it is the bucket of BFF questions Oh so hello you'll just reach in there you'll pull out a question yeah and then you'll ask it to the table I am Indian that I say that's what I'm familiar I had a lot of Mexico okay okay so much worse when you exhale she's like sitting I love seeing you like this hey my thing is announcing ringing you're right yeah got this okay have some almond milk which of us is most like our character in Charlie's Angels um okay so I think that Ella is very much like yeah I can show these angels she's pragmatic she's she's a very perceptive very like self-sufficient and she's an actual ninja man like I don't want to like deal all my stunts she wants to do that [ __ ] if Charlie were to relay instruction to us through the phone right now what would he say jeez Trin and Barrett [ __ ] you can do this by the way you can do anything you put your mind to well I am looking into three pairs of inspirational eyes and look at you guys coming in at the tail end bringing it home and helping Kristen across the finish line and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you guys this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life oh um shit's hot oh my god you're sweating I'm sweating dude okay so I made these girls do this with me because I don't want to do anything alone and it's because we're new movie called Charlie's Angels and it's coming out soon and I really hope everyone likes it because you know we put everything we have into that show [Music] good job well good job good job oh you can take that with you I promise what the [ __ ] what is up spice lards camera guy bill here I know we've retired the laptop this season and you all miss me but I want you to know that I'm still hard at work behind the camera if you like today's episode it would mean a lot to me and the rest of the hot ones crew to give us a little like or a little subscribe it really mean a lot this camera guy bill here saying it's good to be camera guy bill [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 8,476,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, kristen stewart, kristen stewart interview, hot ones, hot ones kristen stewart, kristen stewart hot sauce, kristen stewart spicy wings, kristen stewart hot wings, charlie's angels 2019, sean evans, the last dab, hot ones challenge, hot ones hot sauce, kristen stewart charlie's angels
Id: uh3Fd2I1Jgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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