Kristen Bell Ponders Morality While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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Dude she's a beast. Didn't even flinch, jesus. Love The Good Place so that's an awesome episode!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 327 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/asiamexploding πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

How the hell do you pop Carolina Reapers like skittles

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 171 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/torn27 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

She is my number 1 hollywood crush, she's the bomb in the good place

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 206 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow, that was the smoothest of anyone I've ever seen on the show. Da Bomb wasn't even entertaining.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 85 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/falsehood πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jeeze. Are She and Dax Shephard just the most likeable people, or what?

Like, I want to hang out with them - not because I'm starstruck - but just because they seem so damn likeable. It's like if I could take all of the best qualities of the social group my wife and I hang out with, and clobber them into just two people... you'd have Dax and Kristen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TucsonCat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"We have hot sauces at home just called, like, 'FUCK YOU!'"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 65 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GeronimoRay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kristen Bell about to be Reddit’s new fave celeb

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 142 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LC-Sulla πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am thoroughly impressed with her response to Sean's question in regards to the philosophical principal she picked up during "The Good Place" show. (Timestamp is 14:13)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Aniviper πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The heat never bothered her anyway. Boom.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ItsMeTheMo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
that's my review that's good that's hot put it on the model oh yeah well that's good that's hot yeah she's so well-spoken hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions it even had her wings and today we're joined by Kristen Bell this is one of the most successful actresses in Hollywood of the career and TV and film that includes everything from box office smashes to belove cult classics speaking of the former frozen to hits theaters this November and on the topic of the ladder you can catch new episodes of Veronica Mars streaming on Hulu now Kristen Bell welcome to the show thank you for having me I'm hungry so I'm happy to be here well you know a few years ago your husband Dax completed one of the most impressive runs that we've ever seen on hot ones how much pride does he take in that particular wing-eating exhibition too much too much he definitely leads certain conversations with but you know I think I'm the reigning champion on hot ones which look we eat a lot of hot sauce at home we like hot stuff so I think it's either when you could say we're good at it we're you know athletes or we've killed our taste buds [Music] okay just eat it mm-hmm it's all you well that's beautiful [Music] so while we're sitting here eating vegan wings in Hollywood I think now's as perfect time as any to unpackage this great Kristen Bell quote I crave Midwestern food and atmosphere there is no [ __ ] oh yeah well there isn't you you just mentioned you're from chicago yep yep I mean I'm caught in the middle because I'm also very much susceptible to ordering like anything on a menu that says like the California Gurls sandwich the California girl meal I'm like that's exactly what I want was I like eating healthy food out here but there's something about the atmosphere of the Midwest and we just went to Lake Michigan spent 4th of July there it just felt like home and miss it for the uninitiated can you explain the enduring allure of sliding into a vinyl booth at a big boy restaurant in Michigan Wow there's nothing like it it's like cheers big voices like cheers and it sometimes it's out of a time machine but sliding into that booth knowing you're about to get an unlimited salad bar and not really caring how many days the lettuce has been in there because you're just there for the blue cheese everything about it is great and this is made with tumeric mm-hmm we're in flaming our taste buds with hot sauce and then the inflammation is coming from the turmeric it's a full circle it really is what a nice sauce what a thoughtful sauce so I want to stay on the topic of food because the good place is low key one of the best food shows on television constantly applying the everything is not as it seems theme to the culinary world can you give me the BTS behind the clam chowder fountain mm-hmm it is a writer named Megan Amram she has one of the most interesting brains currently on the planet she had kind of has a tick for puns and so all of the like lasagna come out tomorrow which is the name of the Italian restaurant in the good place the scottie pippen yes exactly pesto's yet-to-come exactly those are all Megan Amram and she has a thing about she wrote three or four clam chowder jokes into that episode one I think was that it's just hot milk with dead animal croutons there were a bunch of clam chowder jokes and she pitched during her episode that we fill the whole fountain with it and we said it's a good place why not and then of course what I like about the show is it seems to serve as like a blank canvas for the writers to just express their various culinary gripes have you ever had a food pet peeve worked into the show and if not is the one you'd like to share with us one of the most brilliant things I've ever read or been a part of was when you know the good place is centered around all these yogurt shops and it's because Ted care Ted's character says yogurt frozen yogurt is so uniquely human it's so human to take something great like ice cream and ruin it just a little bit so that you can have a lot more [Music] and I do like that it's getting hotter I gotta say you know what when we went to Rwanda my husband and I went on a trip to Africa and saw a bunch of beautiful countries right before our kids were born it was our last hurrah being autonomous adults and we had dinner in Rwanda and they have a type of hot sauce they're called acha Bunga do you know it not familiar can I get you some school me you have to you buy it I think in like a pharmacy you have to use gloves while you handle it and it comes in like it looks what looks like a medicine bottle and it is like a neon yellow liquid and you could make a vat of soup and put like three drops in it and it is on fire but I do love that ah Kabongo sauce so Veronica Mars it's taken such an interesting journey through the shifting sands of the entertainment industry starting out on cable and then having this crowd-sourced movie and then being birthed again now in a streaming service have you ever given any thought to that journey and then the power of a ride-or-die fan base and what that power can mean in 2019 the only reason that we are doing more Veronica Mars is because our fans are ride or die and they are so loud and they also are smart which is flattering that smart people watch the show that you're in you're not mindless entertainment in the background but the the fans have organized themselves I mean the first year when we were on UPN they were sending Mars bars into UPN saying say Veronica Mars the second year they were sending dollar bills which was a part of the show that said Veronica Mars is smarter than me the third year they hired a plane to fly above the CW with a banner that said save Veronica Mars I mean they are organized although I will say making the movie because it was crowdfunded we took a lot of responsibility trying to make the movie what the fans wanted put in all the Easter eggs Rob Thomas literally wrote a scene where Veronica who was ostracized in high school he wrote a scene where she punched out the most popular girl in high school and then he reverse engineered the script because he was like I'm gonna give the fans exactly what they want that's what we gave him with the movie because they crowdfunded it with this new series on hulu it was a chance to make veronica more complex not necessarily give the fans what they want but maybe give him what Veronica needs do you ever feel like a push and pull with that like a tug of war with that because sometimes I do with hot ones the fan base is so call but then there's this tightrope walk where you want to be grateful but not behold it yeah and I'm dealing with that right now because there are new there are things that happen in this series the new one that some of our diehard fans were very upset about they were not happy I almost wish I could talk to each of them at length and say Robb represented a really complex female character she's not just the girl who's making great decisions in the world is happening to her you know part of the show is that she doesn't want to get married to this guy who seems perfect for her and I think that's fine I don't think it has to be everyone's happy ending but that's a complex thing to introduce to people who want Veronica's happiness so much how many whims do you think you've eaten in your life well if I'm just doing the math you know we're like 170 episodes into this so if you do that times 10 that already puts me at just 1700 wings that I've eaten on YouTube for people yeah you know not to say anything you know a Super Bowl party no tailgate like I'm just saying just straight on the clock so we all got wings yeah I love them if I'm not you know I'd never order them off a menu if I'm being real with you Chris yeah you know like at this point it would feel it would feel like work mm-hmm on some level you know then go yeah I'd never go to a restaurant do a monologue for anyone right I hear you it's like I'm not working off the clock over here you know so this is the first time in the history of this show that we've never had the fully formed couple on hot ones so here we want to fact-check Dax's interview with you Chris I would love nothing more than to fact-check my husband okay he spoke at length about his man crushes which included jay-z has he ever embarrassed you at a function or party fanboy not a little too hard yes we went to the Met Gala a couple years ago and we were sitting right next to jay-z and Beyonce and when we found this out we were forget it we were so excited and I was like oh this gonna be great finally well looked after tonight when our phones we'll be best friends and then we maneuvered the table so that Dax could sit right next to jay-z and Dax talked his ear off and I don't think Jay was that interested but I was proud of him that he went for broke take some courage talk to the person you love I think at one point he also hit him with a lyric where I was like I think it was like real recognize real and I was like text acts don't don't where we at with the Costco obsession is he still out there bargain huntin Oh hundred percent a hundred percent he actually told a story about Costco last night but he's not you know someone I was at the checkout line in Costco and the woman checking me out goes oh I heard you died and he goes well really and she goes yeah I don't her told me you died and he goes Wow I mean well I didn't but how did I die and she said oh I earn ask and then he walked away feeling really low he's like do you know how uninteresting you have to be to not have someone ask how you died are you here he said last night he's like you hear Sean Penn died first follow-up how right she just read the headline it didn't he's dead okay and then finally we hit him with a math quiz at the end and me nearly aced it but got this one wrong so I'm gonna bounce it off you to see me break the record all right I'm ordering three hot sauces online sriracha for five dollars Tabasco for $5.99 and de bomb for seven dollars even if shipping cost 350 and there's no tax what's my total cost on the order $17.99 plus 350 is 2149 yes no yes really you mail this kind of again by the way I'm impressed that you're doing the vegan wings like I'm very on that you know if you can do two days a week vegan or whatever you know it's not it's not good for the environment for the environment you have all these yeah we have all these right or all these like farms or whatever you read so much terrible stuff so I think that you know not to have like the wing thing all the time you know it's nice you're nice thank you guys I appreciate that I custom every crane segment on our show called explain that grammar to a deep dive on I guess Instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so I'll bust out the laptop I'll show you the picture and then you just tell me the bigger story does that sound good mm-hmm all right first things first can you give us the BTS on the choco challenge yeah so the choco challenge benefited the prostate cancer foundation my husband's of prostate cancer foundation ambassador they said they sent us some spicy chocolate we're gonna eat it it's sort of like the ice bucket challenge you know inspire other people to eat it and then make a funny video it was without question the hottest thing I have ever tasted in my life and you guys are hardcore we were so arrogant going into it we're like this is cute for the prostate cancer foundation we're gonna eat this and it's gonna be fun and I mean I can't even describe what it was like I will tell you if I had the choice to do that over again or go through labor over again I'd choose labor Wow it was unbelievable sensations inside your body and you've eaten like a Carolina Reaper before and stuff right I've eaten when I had to do the Carolina Reaper challenge I ate one and I felt immediately codependent because I didn't think it was that hot and I like acted it like oh good was so hot and then I just kept eating them and I had like seven of them and it wasn't um it didn't bother me I really enjoy hot stuff this was all right so here you are just as Tom Selleck Halloween this doesn't need any more context I think you know that and then here you are as Elsa and you look kind of bummed out yeah well I was Halloween 2017 such an emotional rollercoaster for you well I had done I had hosted the Jimmy Kimmel show when he was off and it was Halloween and I thought it'd be a great costume to dress as Tom Selleck so I nailed it and then on actual Halloween my daughter requested that I go as Elsa with her not that I come as onna the character that I played but that I actually dressed like Elsa with her and you can't look at a four-year-old and say no I'm not gonna make your Halloween as fun as I could make it but deep down but deep down it's a little offensive just because it's like does anybody care about onna come he's just heart and soul that film ooh that's good you like that one so the good places received a lot of credit for neatly packaging the tenets of classic moral philosophers like Aristotle into this entertaining TV show is there a philosophical principle that you've picked up from the show that you find particularly relevant to how you live your life yes have vacillated throughout my life thinking I was a utilitarian because I do want greater good they believe that the you have to do something for the greater good even if it's if I got to push you off the cliff to save everyone in this room utilitarian would say got to do it content say do the right thing in the moment which is even if everyone else has to die I have to save you I will not push you off the cliff and I find both of those really compelling arguments and moral particularism which is a modern-day philosophy introduced by Jonathan Dancy who is Hugh Dancy Father the actor he describes moral particularism as the ability to vacillate between either of those two theories and I think that's where I land how would you sort through the ethics of this show because on the one side we're like all right entertaining concept but there's no getting around the fact that it's sadistic yeah for sure but I would also say you have to have a hook right there's nothing funny or interesting about perfection you want people to struggle a little bit this is your conflict on this interview show this is your complexity you have to throw a wrench in the gears in order to make it worth watching let me hit you with an ethical query because I'm just curious how you work through it okay okay all right so imagine you're working at a restaurant you realize that when no one was looking a deadly chili pepper infected five bowls of chili yeah one gluttonous patron has ordered five orders of chili and then five other not so hungry patrons have ordered one bowl each the killer chili is headed towards the five not so hungry customers but you can step in divert all the bowls to the one glutton do you let the five bowls of death chili go out to the not so hungry patrons or do you intervene saving the five lives but killing the glutton so you can either save the five not so hungry or killed the one glutton you're hitting me with a the trolley problem here it is the trolley problem I gotta go I'm gonna go I divert the chili yeah he's he's out I don't have the opportunity to save everyone know you have to go one of the other it's that trolley I'm gonna be utilitarian this says fearless flavor I agree that's good that's hot too [Music] that's my review that's good that's hot put it on the model oh yeah well that's good that's hot oh she's so well-spoken how does the pressure of wrapping a film and then waiting for the box office numbers to come in how does that compare to hopping into the late-night seat and guest hosting on Jimmy Kimmel Live ooh I actually don't ever pay attention to box office numbers I never have for the safety of my brain and my ego mm-hmm I want people to go see it like I want people to love Veronica Mars of a good place I want there to be an audience but I don't necessarily care about the competition of it all and I think it's unhealthy if I'm preoccupied with that versus preoccupied with making the best show possible and exposing it to a large amount of people are you preoccupied with the critical reception of it that a little bit more yeah because that can actually make or break a movie but this is something I talked to myself in my head all the time about cuz I'm like eat if you were happy when you watched it and you felt confident that is the only thing that should matter it is the only thing that should matter it isn't always because I'm just a human being but and jumping into the late-night seat was just fun to be honest because I can read a teleprompter like a [ __ ] okay because the words are right there [Music] that one's [ __ ] hot yeah hmm now we're getting into real territory here mm-hmm yeah so when you went on Dax's armchair expert podcast he made the point that you're impossible to watch TV shows or movies with me too yeah me too can I take my shirt off because you'll have to constantly mimic the lines where does that impulse come from don't know it's a tick it's like I can't explain it when I hear something that sounds funny in my ear which unfortunately is usually usually other people's accents I have to say I have to say it so it makes it miserable to watch like Game of Thrones or peaky blinders next to me because I'm just like talking it in my hand doing a voice in Assassin's Creed did you get a newfound respect for the narrative storytelling in video games these days [Music] yes but I mostly just had fun with that because I don't know that at the time when I did it because that was like 15 years ago I wasn't necessarily tracking the narrative as much as I should have been I was just like oh [ __ ] cool I'm in the Assassin's Creed video game the other thing that stuck is almost every Disney movie I've ever seen I could do from start to finish with all the voices and I do the voices when I read um them to my kids like the books and they hate it they're like stop doing scuttles voice just do a regular voice I'm like but he's scuttle the seagull and they don't like it [Music] listen you ready to move on [ __ ] I think so I'm I love swear yeah okay so this one's the chocolate plague from pucker bud pepper company pucker but hmm hmm this has more of a flavor than the last one for sure because this was more of a burn mm-hmm and this has more of a flavor and I like that okay I dig it it absolutely has Zero nutritional value you guys literally vitamin A zero C zero calcium zero iron zero total carbohydrate 0.3 grams so we wouldn't be doing this episode justice if we didn't dive into some of the off Pease obsessions of Kristen Bell and I know that your idea of a Golden Globes after-party it's plain that settlers of catan at home in your pajamas and that can be kind of a rift causing game have you ever been forced to tears or into a violent rage playing that board game 100% 100 P yes we play together we almost always fight and we have had to create a code word to make sure that we don't go to bed angry and it's anaconda and when we see a fight brewing we have to all go anaconda it's only a game so that we actually have to put a little bit of our physical body into it to get us out of our fighting heads you're a self-described skeeball freak do you have any pro tips not a freak I'm just an excellent athlete always go for the hundreds don't waste your time with the 40's and whatever you use this child's play you've got to go for the hundreds of the 50s it's the only way to play skee-ball I know that you're a game of Thrones superfan you have a hot take on the last season oh man look I don't want to sling any [ __ ] you're a beast you're doing that you're a beast are you trying to bait me to do it you love this stuff that's a funny lead that's a funny lead well it's tradition around here to put a little extra on that one on the last one always did my husband do it you know what your husband did actually he not only did that he called in for another way to do it again a piece of [ __ ] um Game of Thrones it will say I thought that John and Khaleesi thing could have been a lot Messier this was an opinion given to me by Josh Lawson who I was on House of Lies with him he was explaining this to me because I was like desperate to give that writers room some respect I was like come on they can't please everyone right and you're close to it yes I'm like it was great they tried it was wonderful you know this was their story it's not my job to judge and then Josh Lawson was like yeah but didn't you want to see more didn't want to see her stumble back didn't you want to see him fight didn't you want to see her scream at him didn't you want to see him don't just go for her and I was like yeah I did I wanted it to be messy like Ned Stark it's a thick boy whoa okay all right we go here we go cheers Cheers oh yeah oh yeah all right Kristen Bell here we are at the summit of spice mountain and yeah covered a lot of terrain today but one glaring blind spot is your love of sloths and humbly I would say that you have a lot to do with this sloths revolution you know I think at one point the sloth it was a sleepy afterthought but now you see the sloths on like urban outfitter socks and papyrus greeting cards so now that we've eaten ten scorching hot chicken wings I have to ask and as much detail as possible why do slots have such a special place in your heart they speak to me because they really are just a junk drawer of an animal they are they're like a pig meets a monkey but with the reflexes of your grandmother and how are any of those things bad like those things are greater than the sum of their parts right right I also think I'm a pretty fast-paced person I talk fast I do things fast and they just remind me to slow down that's why I love them well there you have it Kristen Bell's love of sloths and look at you take in you don't have to do it no you don't I'm worried that way okay taking the vegan wings down to the stick and now before I choke on it there's nothing left to do but raw off the red carpet for you Kristen Bell this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on into your life wait what if you have a new project oh oh um my first project is my nose stripping right now because of the hot sauce the good place will be starting September 26 I believe on NBC it's our last season I'm really proud of it the finale will be well worth the wait Veronica Mars is streaming on Hulu now it's a new season it is an older more complex Veronica and frozen will be out November 20 something this year frozen - good job you killed that I knew you would we have hot sauces at home that are just called like [ __ ] you like that's I think it's funny about that sauce it's like the blood of Satan yes wait what do we do we just drink and we go mm-hmm hey what's going on hot ones fans this is Sean Evans checking in to say thank you so much for watching today's episode and if you were ever on the fence about the subscription box this month is the month you will get the hot ones trio pack including the sold-out Carolina Reaper Edition last app that's right the only way to get the Carolina Reaper edition last tab is in the subscription box and the only way to get the subscription box is through heat mist heat mist calm heat nice calm to order be careful out there dab heads and Godspeed [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 9,868,265
Rating: 4.9299321 out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, kristen bell, kristen bell hot ones, kristen bell first we feast, kristen bell sean evans, sean evans, hot ones, kristen bell hot wings, spicy wings, hot sauce, the last dab, food challenge, kristen bell hot sauce, kristen bell hot food, kristen bell spicy wings, hot ones hot sauce, hot ones dax shepard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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