Korea's Strange Skin Obsession!! Eating ONLY Animal Skin for 24 Hours!!!

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doctor's visits if you're noticing that you're losing your hair do something about it for a limited time go to keeps.com food review or click the link in the description to get 50 off your first order now on the show have you ever cooked bacon yes naked no it's dangerous ready here we go in today's modern meat-filled world some body parts get overlooked oh that's an ear i thought that was a ponton leaf this series is an homage to the offcuts body parts that in the west might get thrown in the trash that's an eyeball people eat this in vietnam right yeah last time we discovered tasty bones oh my lord is good and now it's all about animal skin i don't think in america we use skin in any other dish other than the chicken pork today we're on a hero's mission showing that these underrated animal parts have the power to rise above the fatty collagen-filled nature of skin makes it perfect for adding some kind of richness to certain foods four foods poor chefs cooking up dishes that are not just tolerable wow but crave worthy and delicious so how will they do it let's find out let's go let's go let's go let's go i said let's go go go go [Music] today we are on a skin mission starting here at your fine establishment this restaurant specializes in all things buffalo including the skin he grew up in a region of vietnam that was near thailand i think what he's saying is he grew up near an ethnic group known as the thai people and there eating buffalo skin was a tradition is that right yeah you speak english this whole time what's going on yeah what's happening what am i doing i speak vietnamese vietnam's thai people have a special technique used to preserve buffalo skin they start off by applying salt to dehydrate the skin and then they flamethrow it to get any small hairs off this dehydrated skin can stay good for months when it's ready to be eaten it gets soaked in water until it's rehydrated it's still kind of hard you can see it's absorbed or taken on a lot more water this is still too hard to eat so in order to make it edible you'll need a very sharp knife can we try eating this yeah oh wow that is gamey af with the capital g it smells like um manure it has a manure aroma the taste isn't there for just a little guy that is powerful yes he's in agreeance that this is similar to a buffalo field or an ingredient that tastes this foul transforming it into something delicious will be quite the challenge they start with julianne carrots herbs and shredded banana flower then the buffalo skin that's topped with garlic peanuts and chili powder pour in a bamboo shoot sauce mix it up and enjoy the most important meal of the day so now it's a mix of the original smell with some nice dressing what we smelled earlier was very off-putting and i don't mean to be rude no no not at all it was like next level and even the owner of the restaurant admit itself let's take a big whiff and see how much of a transformation has taken place it has a new car fresh smell yeah right there's a profound amount of skin in here we're literally eating a skin salad right now ready yes cheers cheers they're so crunchy there's so much to crunch through the game this is gone this has been toned down at the same time they served us this they served us this at that point everything snapped into focus this my friend is alcohol because this my friend is drinking food together it's a match fit in heaven right this is a spirit made of rice and jungle fruits no animals were harmed in this video it's cleansing my demonic soul now that we're a little buzzed we should try some more i think it's going to be completely different cheers cheers much better it tastes like tendon it's a different crunch than peanuts there's two parts to this transformation transformation one is everything they've done here for the meal transformation two was our transformation after drinking a little booze at 10 a.m i feel pretty good about it i felt really good too a risky start for location one but well done to the folks here and well done to the folks who have been doing this for hundreds of years let's go let's go why are we shaking hands all the time i don't know another culture another skin we're heading to a korean joint where i'm planning to give calvin a little surprise today we're eating pig skin what oil grilled pork skin is pretty commonly found in south korea it's not at the top of most menus but somewhere listed on the back page waiting to be discovered by true barbecue lovers how do you make it it was then he realized he reached the limit of his korean language ability i got this luckily me from the future is here to save the day first they prepare a boiling marinade of scallion ginger garlic chilies and korean soy sauce does the skin give any health benefits oh yes there's a lot of collagen it's good for your skin when this flavorful brew is ready the pork skins take the plunge soaking in that korean flavored goodness for 20 minutes who's eating this pigskin everyone everybody grandma grandpa these pieces get sliced then intricately scored on one side creating this beautiful network of flowing fat canals now they press out the excess fat and biggerty boom it's ready for the dining hall you gotta be really careful when you eat this this is hot right now you just put your hand over hot fire what are you a circus act the communal aspect of korean barbecue sets it apart from any other dining experience have you ever cooked bacon yes naked no it's dangerous this is like that should i here i can really show off my chef's skills i'm gonna put it on and i'm just saying be careful the oil is gonna come flying though vibing with the ingredients ready here we go you know i think it takes some time and utilizing the tools given to me to create something perfect [Music] true happiness well almost perfect it turns out we cooked it wrong so now she's gonna do it the right way pushes it down and then rotates it quickly she's trying to get all the moisture out of the skin that's causing that crispiness it's kind of puffing up a little bit the underside is a little softer and then it gets a little harder on the top cheers and better oh my gosh it's like when you're biting into something that's springy it's soft it has a little give and then that skin on top it really brings another dimension of flavor to that dish it almost becomes like a maple bacon like that kind of oiliness but with this great gummy sensation i am a big fan next we're gonna check out the three skin and then the force our third location is a quaint streetside food cart that caught my eyes and my heart with these bizarre looking skin gongs do people actually eat that or is that just to entice the patrons to come in it really is for the aesthetics but you can't cut it and refry it this place started as a photography business for folks who need a quick passport photo but miss swan realized the real estate in front of her shop was going to waste so she created this food cart her skin is the best skin you have great skin actually now youtubers like me keep filming and keep promoting her shop in her six months of operation she's had four youtubers come by in the film already once and the picture business is still kicking along just fine too [Applause] come in for a photo and stay for the sticky rice and fried chicken skin first a healthy scoop of sticky rice a spoon of homemade pate then a delectable unhealthy dose of deep fried chicken skin what do people love so much about this skin vietnamese love eating things that are crispy and also rich and fatty ooh me too i'm rich and fatty ladies a dash of condensed fish sauce a shot of tamarind sauce then pickled veggies on the side time to dive in i think we tried just some skin never okay they're smoky i like it this isn't batter all you're getting here is just the chickeny skin goodness when you bite into it there's full of air pockets that just disintegrate i'm going to try just some rice with a pate so the chicken presumably has a liver it's been made into pate this is like full circle fantastic let's try it out i almost like that more than the skin it's true it's really good this game is fun sticky rice is such a great chewy texture the pate is like salty and sweet are you down to do the sticky rice and chicken skin combo we have to there's no choice cheers [Music] they're better together it's a marriage of flavors and textures all of them together is better than the skin alone sometimes no no yeah no no yeah no yeah no no it seems animal skin has no limitations right now it's taking us from a humble street food stall to a full-on factory we're doing a whole video about animal skin and this is our final big triumph finale here at the fish skin factory what do you do here a powder or pizza you're the one powder i thought she said flounder unless she's talking about the fish fish skin this snack first became popular in singapore a few years ago but enthusiasm for this unique treat spread quickly throughout southeast asia fizzy company combines cod fish skin with some very unique flavor combinations but coffee skins not smell appropriate for eating and being seasoned and turned into something else this production line starts with tons of raw cod skin imported from europe here the beginning part of the process is to remove the scale they use a knife they carefully scrape each piece of skin then cut the skin to the appropriate size success next skins are coated in a special flower then deep fried twice once to cook them all the way through and once more to make them crunchy they're plucked from this oil-filled cauldron and tossed into a centrifuge to spin out the excess oil [Music] this is what i call a skin care routine quality checking and breaking the skin into bite bite-sized pieces at the same time how many flavors do you have the original spicy not both scientific egg yolk twice the egg yolk twice the food two times two more two times salt today one hundred percent you can't i don't know time to rip the packaging away oh i'm so excited [Music] it doesn't smell fishy it almost has kind of a neutral smell to it even salted egg doesn't have a strong smell i think we should fish a piece out of here i see what you did there cheers i can imagine sitting at a movie theater munching on these first thing i noticed is the texture crunchy but kind of airy like eating a potato chip or doritos you wouldn't imagine it's a fish skin though if i did a blindfold test and i said hey put this in your mouth could you guess what it is yeah please don't we're never gonna play that game i don't trust you why so i've actually eaten this before oh thanks for the invite before we came here they shipped us a bunch of these bags and i ate two or three of them it is very addicting once you pop one fish skin you cannot stop time to turn the flavor up to 11. the perfect ratio of salted egg powder paprika curry leaves and other secret seasonings create their signature quadruple spicy flavor it has a ton of chili powder in it four times spicy and that's why it's going to be a little bit red it's getting into that hellish realm of spicy looking let's try it out i don't taste four times on anything it tastes similar to the last one but it's warm it's more like a paprika than it is a cayenne yeah it's not intense it feels pleasant it just feels warm as if in here it's not warm enough today we tried four different types of skin from four different animals i wanna know which was your favorite the korean one that was phenomenal dude i love the korean skin but i gotta say my biggest 180 was with the fish skin i used to be a fish skin hater but it turns out it's really good phenomenal are you tired of being mocked for your awful lack of style we can't help you but we can sell you custom designed bandanas link description go how do you say i told my bike what a pleasure let's eat some buffalo skin triple handshake about two three years ago the trend started to do pink skin but this is an old dish hundreds of years ago do you know fast and the furious the movie yes yes should we ask the diesel to be your spokesperson i'll find we do look at me you'll see vin diesel [Music] ow wait why are you both focused on him i hate you guys guys that is it for this video i hope you had a load of fun we sure did right calvin right sunny you can join calvin and his fun adventures on his instagram page which is right here guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 978,051
Rating: 4.9381676 out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, vietnam, korea, ethical food, vietnamese cuisine, south east asian food, asian food, nose to tail, animal offal, animal skin, off cut meat, exotic food, bizarre food, unique food, BUFFALO SKIN SALAD, GRILLED PORK RINDS, STICKY RICE WITH CHICKEN SKIN, FISZI COD FISH SKIN SNACK
Id: fghBrQ5NPGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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