500 Pounds SOLD in 2 Hours!! Why Folks are Dying for this STREET FOOD!!!

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on a scale of one to ten how spicy is his food my my bae is what buy is i buy a plane ticket out of here this is a bad idea in today's modern meat-filled world some body parts get overlooked the intestines legs liver ass is there any part of the chicken you don't sell the nail this series is an homage to the offcuts [Applause] body parts that in the west might get thrown in the trash three two one last time we discovered tasty hearts oh oh my god and now it's all about the bones calvin sunny bones bones what you can't eat a bone i don't think that oh okay today we're on a hero's mission look at how much meat that's on there oh my god showing that these underrated animal parts have the power to rise above the bone itself it is an elusive ingredient and it can be used to make food absolutely delicious like fog are we eating fun today no damn but just an example sure four foods four chefs cooking up dishes that are not just tolerable but crave worthy and delicious inside there's bone marrow and this is how you're supposed to do it so how will they do it let's find out so today today we're eating a lot of different bone stuff yes a week but there's also some bones that you can eat whole i got one a trombode no i don't have any i'm leaving my show [Music] sir put her there mr laup was a furniture designer before becoming a pork bone dealer so this is our first bone location today we're doing a lot of bone related content can you see me yeah now he's opened a restaurant serving only one food lang sap a thai dish with a vietnamese twist why just the one food on the menu is it that good yeah yeah i am how much god i love this answer what this is the easiest dish for him to make he's not a chef cooking length sap is pretty straightforward which part of the bones are you using it's the pork spine the bones are boiled in water for two hours until the beet becomes soft and tender aside from the boiling what is it that makes this dish really come together huh he is a one word that's a kind of guy you know what he said chili's [Music] is this gonna be spicy you know i love chilies right not a teddy bear that's what we're getting the sauce is a combination of green chilies scallions and lime juice cooked in the same stock the bones came from on a scale of one to ten how spicy is this food my bae is what my is i buy a plane ticket out of here this is a bad idea don't put your nose next to it sorry last time i had a glove put on you don't hear that story do you no okay well that was good no don't tell me just leave it like that oh that's heavy on this side you can see the whole spine this is a l4 l5 l6 do you know your vertebrae actually looks like an airline we'll see l1 l2 l3 no that's good you're doing good i can't stop recording this meat is peeling away very easily cheers cheers mmm juicy so tender and juicy unbelievable how much do you like chilies in the morning i think food here is not that spicy it's not anything compared to thailand it's a little bit of heat but it's nothing too intense for watching dip it into the sauce that's a delightful blend yeah but the lime when he early he had said he'd gone to bangkok and had this dish he was so inspired that he created this dish for saigon which is really cool yeah i love that he he took i love that i love it i think the best piece of meat is inside the spice you push that meat upwards and sunny that is for you oh it's just like in this hidden crib off cheers oh this pig's going places there's melt in your mouth delicious melt in your mouth delicious satisfaction guarantee satisfaction guaranteed good start good stuff but we have a lot more in store [Music] holy cow oh my god oh you speak english later cool why am i here for get out see ya this is a bone i did not expect it's inside this animal what kind of cat is this my dude nam has five years experience serving this unique specialty okay that doesn't help this is a sunbeam snake only found around southeast asia locally vietnamese folks know it as an onion onion snake it's a little oniony really it's only the baby's bottom oh look at gundog put your finger in there he says [Applause] [Laughter] it's not unusual to find snake meat in vietnam it's believed to have special health benefits when combined with eastern medicine like snake wine do you know anything about stink wine it's supposed to be good for stamina and they don't mean a marathon nam's recipe loved by the drinking crowd doesn't waste a single part of the snake about why snakes you could have opened up anything out here you could have had a taco stand oh cause he makes really good snake today he's cooking up three different dishes all from one snake ah the top ten top ten top ten eating cd there's only nine places i'm one of the top five rappers that live in my house first snake salad that's right made with boiled snake meat and onion seasoned with msg salt sugar pork bone powder fish sauce chilies and lime juice he eats a lot of hot pot places and he goes home and he figures out their secret really yeah next snake hot pot boiled snake parts get boiled again but this time with lemongrass and calabash would you say it's top 100 in vietnam how hungry very humble he said yes now this final dish is what we really came for the bones seasoned with condensed soy sauce msg fish sauce normal soy sauce and chili sauce boom location two snake number one first snake of the day probably the last snake of the day i hope so here snake hot pot this is literally the butt of the snake the anus of the snake yeah it says there's tons of body parts in here big pieces of meat skin the testicles testicles oh stinks have crazy testicles should we try it out yeah well i mean yeah oh texture of a wetsuit it tastes good it's just good it mine's bursting with flavor over here you just gotta like bite into it and peel it back skin salad oh my favorite word gelatinous it's very lean animal because there's no fat between the skin and the meat right that's a good point have you ever seen a fat snake and you were disappointed on google images right now can we pull up fat snake no that's a snake that just ate something recently can we look up like obese snake see that's funny in the end this is what we've come here for the bones the bones he kind of peeled away all the meat that he could and there's a bit of protein left between the ribs and as they fry it it becomes crispy brown doesn't seem like your typical meat cheers chips can you hear that delicious deep savoriness kind of thick you have to really make a concerted effort to eat all of it and not let it kill you ugh i think it's creative i respect it i appreciate it this snake if it had thumbs would definitely give it a thumb up it doesn't have thumbs though yeah but just like theoretic hypothermic this street side restaurant we're about to enter is one of the best in southeast asia but this fact might not be so obvious upon first glance that put her there here if you pay close attention subtle signs of success will reveal themselves is business good or is business good as always the best indicator of quality is the hordes of folks lining up to sit down and grab a bite here you're making hutio calvin what is wudu hostil is a dish known in the south region of vietnam rice noodles a bone broth and it's usually made out of pork miss fungus is so popular she's now able to employ her entire family but people aren't just here for the noodles they're really after is this fun this is one order this flavor packed skeletal soup helps them sell over 900 pounds of pork bones each day you're gonna eat the tenderness and then you dip it in and then you take a shot of it that sounds fantastic fresh herbs and fried garlic are a must but the broth the broth is what really makes this place stand out among many many others one of the secrets she said is that the sweetness comes from the bones this comes from sugar or msg it's natural flipping a ma'am i just realized you could have probably taken the mask off in the beginning of the scene but that's okay the chin diaper i know it looks nice oh calvin sunny this place runs out of bones quick yeah they're sold out already holy crap 400 kilos a day it should be open for an hour thus far i can't believe that that's amazing is it still there okay oh wait don't let anyone steal that we have one on this side for close-ups so it's not a huge amount of meat no it's just a few millimeters that's right next to the bone that would be impossible for the butcher to cut cheers oh man the meat next to the bone is always the most flavorful this is the life arm oh look at that i've never been so jealous in my life that bite looks amazing okay i hope i have something even close to that on here [Music] oh [Music] i feel like i just locked lips with god it's god male or female a little bit of both no exaggeration it's one of the most delicious things i've ever eaten just tendon cooked down perfectly you know tendon is not a piece of the animal that a lot of people eat no which is foolish it's so good this is something that's hard to get your hands on your answer right now yeah it wasn't easy i had producers at work we had to coordinate with the owner so that's just the outside of the boat looking into the bone you can see the marrow come up come to papa yeah come on oh oh there's no way that on camera this doesn't look disgusting a slimy pile of warm bone marrow [Music] oh it's like buttery and smooth it's like a cloud oh my flower that's good i think we found our top for the night it's gonna be really hard to beat this we have one location left but i mean this was an experience from heaven you can pay hundreds of dollars go to five-star restaurants and you still are likely to not get something this amazing it is breathtaking i stopped doing the show for a second hold on we should have washed our hands huh yes i'm a huge fan of your work thank you so much is this something that happens in india namaste or thank you we always greeted each other [Music] i feel like i just finished a yoga class indian food delicious but admittedly notorious for its extensive use of oil often making it incredibly heavy i love indian food but anytime i eat it i need a wheelchair and i need someone to cart me around for two days what we are doing here is 80 less oil even if you see the oil it will be more from the meat itself right her culinary approach has paid off resulting in a popular chain of indian restaurants let's get down to the real reason we're here because of the bones you're serving the dishes translates to red mutton it's a curry made with yogurt and spices however it's not always made with bones we need a very special part of the goat's leg that is a type of a land curry from rajasthan how many different spices are in this curry 17. for india that's a bit light and after that chef cook it with spices or hurry paste and then let it simmer for as long as it softens the when i was a baby i remember we had brother sisters so when dad used to cook this kind of lamb curry so we used to fight among each other who gets the bone marrow what'd you fight over well i fought over cupcakes maybe not bones oh i caught over a pillow like a pillow fight not just a pillow just walked i didn't like to sleep on it oh it's tragic we're a poor family stop depressing people okay beneath this lid something amazing delicious check it out whoa that looks nice that does look nice i'm gonna dish myself okay will you dish me uh yeah after me oh i've had lol moss oh i remember now in my spicy episode okay in india and it's red and then it's smoky is smoke part of the thing kai do they put smoke in it at the end i don't remember i think we should taste the curry first i've got some naan here that's garlic naan on your side that's true you get a nice bite just of the gravy oh yeah the flavors are dancing on my palate the meat is incredibly tender you could cut this with a one-year-old's finger i'm not sure why you'd try that something that's not very sharp [Music] that is a delicious morsel of meat it's been braised so long it's so soft it's so tender with the fat rendering down it becomes kind of sticky that's a great thing you're right sunny it is sticky she's saying that inside there's bone marrow and this is how you're supposed to do it if the mirror is going to come up popping out oh yes i see like the uh umbilical cord mine looks like a little tadpole gelatinous gillette [Music] [Applause] was so good the flavor and creamy buttery it goes perfect with this soft chewy naan bread oh to die for to die for today when we started out if you asked me hey can you eat a bone i would have said probably not sounds hard but after today today we've seen bones prepared literally hundreds of ways but this fork each of those ways was unique and interesting and special in its own way sometimes we're eating the inside of the bone sometimes the cartilage and little stuff connected between the joints and sometimes eating the whole bone itself and they're all across the board different what i noticed for sure is no matter what bones you're eating it all requires a lot of time and love and that's why we've seen all these restaurants who have been able to over time just perfect the recipes one bite it's really good though so good it's real good calvin today don't don't say sunny today we ate four bone dishes made by four different restaurants which one was your favorite banaris really blew me out of the water 17 spices the depth and flavor it was probably the best mutton dish i've ever had in my life you know i liked everything in different ways today my absolute favorite today was the hutu pork bones yeah oh we're cooked with such love and care and just the spices she used honestly those bones that's like a top five meals i've ever had in vietnam that's a lot hands down i've had so many meals in vietnam best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits a piece do you think you could reassemble this pig yeah give me a minute i can't where does that go does that connect this is like voltron that goes there yeah cheers he asked if you want him to capture a steak right now no no i don't i think the audience would like to see that because it could be scary and traumatic and maybe dangerous oh this is the arm here's the two legs hey guys i'm back all right okay show some respect please for the five percent of you who are still watching please check out calvin's instagram channel here on the internet guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching i will see you next time oh you go that way all right and um you should catch a cab and go home
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,057,219
Rating: 4.9224916 out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, animal's body part, animal's organ, 24 hours challenge, off cut meat, offal part, animals bone, nose to tail, exotic food, bizarre food, unique food, vietnam, saigon, south east asian cuisine, asian food, SPICY PORK NECK BONE, DEEP-FRIED SNAKE BONES, ORK BONE MARROW, MUTTON MARROW CURRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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