Asia’s Most BIZARRE Hot Pots!! TRIGGER WARNING: Extreme Food!!

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here we go oh God the big unveil oh [Music] eating out in Asia is just different it's better many meals here revolve around ongoing cooking drinking and Community style eating that doesn't end until you're about to burst from Korean barbecue to the king of group dining the Hot Pot a Savory broth ready to cook up meat veggies and noodles throughout the night Hot Pot it's all about sharing it's so tropical we all eat outdoors but today we're not eating just any hot pot today we're trying out the most extreme Hot Pot variations you'll find anywhere from ingredients that'll make you blush wait wait wait I didn't sign up for this the fish who gave up their lives in order to make your night oh there's so many fish they were doing hot pot to the extreme let's go first up tide key Hot Pot specializing in all things go these places are all around Ho Chi minhse when you drive around you know because you see it usually a cute picture standing proud looking curious oh here he is now this is my friend Harry Calvin grew up in California but he's been in Vietnam for the last 11 years he's a chef restaurateur and entrepreneur currently running El Camino a Tex-Mex restaurant and easy tiger a gin bar why do people love the soup I think after they're so drunk and they've been dipping all night long the best thing is to drink a bowl that broth and sober up and then try to drive home now I don't I don't recommend people driving home drunk but if you do make sure you have a ball of Hot Pot broth today's first Hot Pot starts with some Taro tofu and fried tofu skin with some perilla on top soaking in a broad flavor with 20 different kinds of traditional herbs oh let me unveil wow bones well not just bones what's inside the bone explain well each bone has Merrell inside what they do is they boil it and we take a straw over there and we suck it out oh really yes I'm not trying to be mean and maybe I'm gonna love it this seems like a hot pot you would make in a prison prison Hot Pot well is there something under there I'm just seeing more bones oh here's okra good thank God [Music] very hot it probably needs to be cooked a little more too but otherwise the broth is quite nice it is there is really no meat in here is there so here's a bone I popped this in like a Capri Sun oh it's soft it's gonna be hot though fair warning marrow is hot let's go for it oh it's fatty and rich just a weird cylinder of kind of hard fat what would you describe that as a fatty surprise now usually if you have Hot Pot you're gonna have some veggies you can throw in there and then we've got some noodles here too but very special right here this is a goat brain now you grew up as an Asian person did your mom ever make you or ask you to eat brain yeah she always said I'd be smarter if I eat bread did she really yeah why it's such a funny thing have you ever Brain before yeah you have I was like eating yeah that too okay so now we've got some of these nice other floating bits in here some greens tofu and then the brain it's gonna be super hot oh it's really hot I'm gonna wait a little bit so how are you doing not too good it's creamy it's like cottage cheese but the flavor is good yeah it has a really gainy but mild game it's so creamy and fat let's be a mathematical question um five minus 72. oh before we finish our breakfast to move on to the second location there is one more thing here that I don't actually know what it is it's not hot pot oh son of a gun hey when did this goat die uh 6 a.m oh okay I can't say it properly something like deep gun deep gun this is raw goat's blood I've actually had this many times before [Music] it's going straight blood you want some lime no no I'm good I'm just going to want to kill any bacteria [Music] you see this little bits and parts in there yeah there's crunchy peanuts but there's all the Opals that have been boiled and just like minced down it gets really crunchy I know it's 10 30 a.m and we're just eating some blood here but man I hate that I like it I like it too you think those guys are eating the same thing no no they got way more sensitive our second Hot Pot this place was recommended by Calvin thanks Calvin can't wait to see what I'm in store for here I'm not sure yet what this type of hot pot is but this restaurant is the first to sell it in Saigon they call themselves which means hot pot with cocktail but what is Cacao a specialty now there are hundreds of fish in this small little region and they are fighting for their lives right now down there do you want to see it I want to see it sure yeah I think you revealed the surprise already that's true I did didn't I okay here we go oh whoa there's about 300 little snake looking fish in here swimming around on top of each other I'm gonna try to grab one yeah possible to catch how are we gonna eat these God I got it I got him I got him all right oh it's kind of cute isn't he really it looks kind of like a type of mudfish so this is for eating yeah there's almost no water how are they still alive I'm guessing amphibians don't need much water are they truly amphibious yeah [Laughter] the hot pot is made by putting in a load of sour soup creepers it sounds cool but it's just a sour Leaf then coriander fried shallots and finally some chilies on top oh and the fish they like to make sure they're super fresh okay so he's got the fish right here in a moment he's going to put it in here they said we have to be careful it's gonna splatter no how's your insurance policy ah go for it oh there's so many fish the moment of truth what the that was so fast now before we get to the actual Hot Pot we have also fish here mud fish popsicles this is a salt and chili marinated fish when you eat it like a piece of corn or what that'd be kind of cool to do it I am more of the um you know La style porn star you eat the whole fish yeah I'm gonna eat mine like a little piece of corn s are so soft that you can eat the whole thing is that right I find the seasoning to be quite delicious just super salty and full of fresh chilies really good Smoky flavor when you look at how this place operates big bustling full of energy a lot of live fish being thrown into scalding hot water is there anything you would change uh no because this is truly what Vietnam's all about the style of sharing being together it's being social especially during this time being social in Vietnam is quite nice I've been in here for about five minutes let's check it out here we go the big unveil oh all right let me grab one of these let me take a look oh dude have you ever seen that movie Aliens yes this looks just like Sigourney Weaver yeah I was gonna say it looks more like Prometheus but I can see Sigourney in here I mean she's a beautiful lady it's a nice looking fish that's what I'm saying [Music] I think the grilled one has a better flavor and texture better mouth feel this broth is just nice savory full of aromatic the meat shreds right off comes off very easily the meat's good but the bone is very apparent and it sticks out a lot it does would you eat this again yeah yeah you know I kind of like it man it even chews sufficiently and not choke this is a real winner I like it more than I thought I would I'm not gonna lie I'll get her brain fry okay Calvin had his fun at the last location with his little fish surprise and now it's my turn here many cows cut into many bits and pieces and organized by body parts look at this little bony part whoa that must be ribs or something right no it's a cow throat tons of tendon that's been boiled beef tail finally now you guys have heard of superfoods right spinach blueberries but what about a bull penis that's got to be a super food I can't wait to share these new findings with my good friend Calvin as we Chow Down on some hot pot and he's gonna have no idea what's coming to him let's go my challenge for Calvin starts easy enough a fog-like broth containing Taro onion scallion coriander and pepper oh and I forgot the meat wait wait wait I didn't sign up for this power move can you tell me what's what these look like hard-boiled eggs but these are definitely the testicles they're not testicles then are they really yeah oh my God and then we've got spleen stomach tripe this kind of long tubular part is penis can we say penis on YouTube and well I think the correct scientific word is like Wang kind of weird right we could say dork uh it still sounds kind of dirty bean beans yeah that's Chinese though it's also been oh really boom so we'll go tendon first then we go the penis I mean the bean there you go it's family friendly it is let it warm up and then we'll put the veg in so this has been boiling now for a few minutes I want to cut these testicles see what they're all about they're already pre-cooked a bit it's like a mushroom cap yeah the testicle itself it's like very dense and chewy but it's creamy like a yolk of an egg yeah it's actually pretty good I enjoyed it that is the king of all I mean look how cute it is the way they cut the top and bottom like a little flower design on there yeah [Music] thank you it's gelatinous has a really meaty beefy flavor to it I think that's delicious man and they've already boiled this for probably oh wow so all they're doing here is kind of reactivating it rehydrating it so you're ready to take it down yeah it's really good of course they have other stuff here you can just get straight up beef if you want yeah but then why get beef when you could have beef right anyways should we go to the next location I think we're ready to do that wait wait [Music] [Applause] oh okay guys we have been everywhere today here in Ho Chi Minh City we've seen so many different unique Hot Pot remixes even leading up to what is the word in Vietnamese yeah balut is a semi-developed Ducket you can find them all over southeast Asia I've tried it many times before but in Vietnam you see UMC they took it a step further and made it into a hot pot oh before jumping into the hot pot we're heading to one of Saigon's biggest egg warehouses to learn how it all works [Music] Xin Chao first of all he's gonna help me talk to you a little bit I ate three hot pots today thank you really take her oh this Warehouse supplies all types of eggs to the market but first they got to do a quality check each egg is examined to make sure the fetus inside is still living so-called dead eggs are still eaten but for a cheaper price have they been developing for a certain amount of days 26 days with hot weather outside gives you a full mature duck so according to these folks the best time to eat a developing duck egg is between 16 to 18 days when the feathers and bones are not fully formed they're just a little form and also so bathing in our hot pot but before that the egg boss has offered a taste of Vietnam's incredibly unique and bizarre developed quail egg it's like the duck egg but for beginners or kids it's bite size yeah yes [Music] it's actually very good yeah it's so tiny and compact yeah it has like that hyper yolk taste it's just a mix of textures but it's all small so you crunch through it so easily I think it's delicious it's really funky it's different if you've never seen it before it's gonna freak you out it's a fun little snack it's a fun little snack our last hot pot for today contains beef balls beef brisket tendon and pork bones the broth is made with traditional medicinal herbs so okay along with onion coriander shallots chilies and finally pepper it's a unique combination here because they have pork stock bones there's tendon in here so we've had cow balls should we go for it we go these balls will lack the power why are you spending you felt like you had to spin it out and eat it synchronizing that's okay all right Cheers Cheers oh wait I did want to say one more thing [Music] okay here is finally the egg I mean look here dude you can see the veins feathers here eventually these feathers would have been used to Aid in Flight all right I'm gonna put some broth in there to freshen it up I grew up eating this did you know that in the U.S or the USA yeah they would sell them [Music] so good right well I don't know man the flavor is good it tastes like a Savory Duck Soup it's just that I think I felt it's beet oh yeah I think I felt like little bones and of peemers since we've been to the warehouse we can really appreciate what goes into making this definitely should we go for eating the whole I think so let's go for it [Music] it's like my childhood all over again it's good I got the same I enjoyed it it has a great texture the flavor is very Savory just kind of taking on some elements of the broth but it's the little hearts in there it's the femur it's the wings those little things that kind of give you the crunch of texture you can't get anywhere else so normally we're gonna keep drinking beers we're gonna throw in veggies and finally at the very end we're gonna eat some noodles but for now we're gonna say goodbye to you folks thanks for joining us today conclusion if you want your meal to be more than a meal if you want your meal to be an experience an event with friends or co-workers with beer bottles cluttering the table and a constant stream of tasty and also unidentifiable ingredients boiled right before you if this is what you're looking for hot pot it's the answer and be sure to check out our second Channel more best ever Food review show for raw clips and deleted scenes that didn't make it into the show huge thank you to my dude right here Calvin handshake post Corona we're still doing handshakes over here that's wild that is it for this one thank you so much for watching we will see you next time all right thank you [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,967,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, saigon, ho chi minh city, vietnam, vietnamese food, vietnamese cuisine, where to eat in ho chi minh city, travelling in vietnam, Hot pot, vietnamese hot pot, beef hot pot, balut hot pot, Mudfish hot pot, raw goat blood, goat brain, goat bone marrow, Grilled Mudfish, Cow intestine, Asian food culture
Id: fvT4RCjRrIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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