Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 1 Episode 22 - Full Episode

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it's been a year since chef Gordon Ramsay crisscross the country trying to save restaurants on the brink of disaster with Doc Yamada yet they were clearly in desperate need of his help and tried everything tonight find out the answers to the questions everyone's asking are you catching your checks many dollar question bill getting paid what happened to the restaurants Chef Ramsay tried to save will see what became of that chaotic Long Island eatery the mixing bowl Billy the owner was barely holding off you look like a man that's dying to be put out of his misery we'll check in on the old stone mill a year ago Dean the owner was mad at everyone it's the last table and nearly came to blows with Gordon we are a fake what did I stutter and we'll check out Peters they had a bad last year it was unbelievably explosive and it was extremely intense and a year wiser and you'll find out what became of that feuding family at bin McCool's you're so full of crap their food was totally inedible that's disgusting Oh No and what about New Jersey's Campania this is the first time this is serious time Joe the owner was drowning in debt this is where is $80,000 debtors stupid and didn't exactly appreciate Gordon's comments again upset now pmel upset finally who can forget Dillon's it's cockroaches look at the worst nightmare of them all Rossum was we need a death in the restaurant before some [ __ ] gets a grip this is their one big last chance I getting this thing right tonight you'll hear it all who turned their kitchen back into a nightmare and who realized their dream Donna find out what's going on last year Gordon attempted to turn around restaurants all across America in a moment you'll hear how some of them are doing today but first a look back at what Finn Michals was like when Gordon arrived a year ago Finn McCool's is a family-run restaurant set in the heart of New York's exclusive beach resort the Hamptons it didn't take long for Gordon to see this Irish pub had lost its way don't say gram buddy the patriarch struggled to keep his business together we're in trouble right now and his sons were ready to tear each other apart you don't listen anything I want to say you almost want to tell him to shut up while Jason tended the bar Bryant the chef was drunk with power in the kitchen Melissa Jason's wife was caught in the middle Brian Jason butt heads live my problems are more my brother I would definitely not recommend working with family as soon as Gordon stepped foot into fin McCool's it was clear this family was in major trouble so what's the problem [Music] wait the family feud was taking a toll on buddy and his business we just don't have any money buddy isn't that somewhere in the hundreds of thousands a retired cop he poured his life savings into fin McCool's and watched it go right down the drain if there was no significant improvement how long could you afford to stay open for we're in trouble right now you know where's probably I would say $5,000 a week under what we need to survive so 20 grand a month I'm taking a check yet and in concussion we need this for our families or more in tonight go to bed I can be able to pay this mortgage I can't describe to you how stressful that is the debt and family fighting were dragging thin McCool's down and the food unfortunately only made matters worse are they party on the menu people really like them no doubt half the customs are drunk then the one dish an Irish pub should be known for shepherd's pie sent Gordon over the edge was just a big bowl of grease [Music] that's disgusting 22nd order left oh no oh my god having barely recovered from the shepherd's pie Gordon decided it was time chef Bryan heard the painful truth when a chef can't make a [ __ ] shepherd's pie it worries me was that you and your vest whenever he has to tell me I don't really care to observe the staff of Finn McCool's in action Gordon invited the local fire department it's as dry but the brigade was less than impressed back in the kitchen Gordon was not happy with the amount of frozen food being used fresh vegetables in now now I just cringe when I see their and that's all and one shocking shortcut left Gordon in disbelief he took off the floor put in the fryer and then back in the sauce I've never ever ever seen anything quite extraordinary as that yeah well the fryer is gonna yeah there's gonna take anything that come off the floor running and that cleans it clean sterilize sterilize it hello mate that night buddy the owner and Brian the chef nearly came to blows I'm not kidding I said all right over how Brian was running the kitchen I didn't even want to be here anymore well if I want to be in the kitchen anymore and went here daddy I'm done working here Brian reached his boiling point leaving thin McCool's without a chef if he wasn't my son I'd have fired his ass out of here with nowhere else to turn buddy and Jason [ __ ] say we're left running the kitchen and not doing a very good job buddy buddy buddy dog again with their chef gone for the first time buddy and Jason realized the stress Brian was under you get a renewed respect for what Brian has to go through it's tough job all these times that I'm hard on my brother and we fight about stuff and I couldn't do what he does I wonder Brian's a cranky [ __ ] the next day Gordon gained valuable insight into the pressures Brian faced there's parts of me that feel for you in a way that I I started to understand what's on your shoulders have you thought about quitting and setting up elsewhere possibly yeah you could handle it a different way in a way that you become the responsible one okay thank you good man Chef Ramsay definitely kicked me in the ass got me excited to do what I'm doing the following day Gordon implemented some essential changes beginning with a fresh new look welcome the film of Kohl's yes Wow is that beautiful that is gorgeous huh oh my gosh you walked in and you felt like you were any home it was it was so comfortable holy Moses Wow I'm in shock it was very cool seeing that just look on his face when we walked in there wow I'm happy but Gordon's key change not surprisingly was the menu the first thing I did was got rid of two-thirds of the menu because it wasn't fresh what's the point having on that Gordon even taught Brian his own family recipe for shepherd's pie turn off that fire to think that we are fortunate enough to be schooled by a man like Chef Ramsay well you'd be a fool not to uh not to jump on this news of the relaunch spread throughout the Hamptons and fin McCool's was packed this is their one big last chance are getting this thing right we opened up the flag game although it was their busiest night ever see what rafflesia the Mazzio family came together and proved they had what it takes to run a restaurant at least for one night [Music] Gordon Ramsay no made me feel like I wanted to cook again there was a buzz everybody felt it you know and we were a family again we appreciate what he did hold the work that he did didn't fall on deaf ears I was proud really proud a year has gone by now let's see how fin McCall's is doing today I rise the pinnacles over a year ago to a family and absolute turmoil I'm dying to find out what's going on are they still arguing are they still fighting has buddy cashes checks come on [Music] when Chef Ramsay arrived - hey look at you I thought he was gonna be happy and I was glad that he could see that his words and his advice didn't fall on deaf ears Melissa when Gordon Ramsay first came in I was actually excited because I knew who's gonna be proud of us good to see so I didn't feel nervous like I did last time where's the arrogant [ __ ] where is he where is he hey bright eye Chef Ramsay hear his voice it's just like you go home see you good to see - likewise I want him to see that I listened to what he told me and hopefully makes somebody like of his stature proud of me I'm always glad to be back here you know that I hope so last time I saw you I looked at a chef that was pissed off I didn't want to be here [Music] I'm done working here are you busting these balls yes yeah yeah he's still an arrogant bastard but he's my arrogant bastard and I love him business how's it been in the last 12 months we are up average across the board 35 percent all right are you catching your checks many dollar question I cheers everybody when I first arrived losing 20 grand a month yeah there's no losses per month yeah are you making money yeah we're at a point right now or I don't know what dice place to go home and know that you can pay your bills and wake up in the morning and go to work and you're gonna make some more money it's a pretty good feeling we are just heads and tails above where we were and I owe that to Chef Ramsay have you been a little glitch there for a little bit happened and a heart attack he wants yeah yeah my dad's heart attack would say it was a very traumatizing experience for in a lot of different ways and it was bad you know you the doctor told me could he could have died that was a very scary time I was getting a prime rib realizing how close we were to losing him it was beyond scary I was down for a few weeks actually and I was shocked the three of them stepped up took the bull by the horns and when I came back everything was perfect I don't think last year we could have done it if this would have happened before Ramsey came I think that Phil McCool's would have been doors locked done buddy good to see you know yeah honestly that [ __ ] handshake I swear to god honestly I don't know why you crushed my fingers I take three days for the blood together since Chef Ramsay was here we learned a lot of really valuable lessons when we all worked together run smooth I'm so happy to see my son enjoy what he's doing because Brian's passion for cooking has come back and it's stronger than ever I feel a lot better you get good feedback which makes you want to go to work the next day after Chef Ramsay left that Brian was a changed person you know it's just a new man walked into the kitchen and the food that he coming out is not only is it beautiful it tastes wonderful we have people coming from all over and they're blown away by how good food is last time there's so much frozen food here I got upset with you yes last time you got fresh vegetables in now how much did your produce is fresh now all of it all of this show me a fries later these Chef Ramsay definitely set the bar high as for our standard wise but you know how do you not listen to what Chef Ramsay tells you to do fresh make fresh vegetables that was Chef Ramsay's thing you know he was like you're an island you know we're Long Island monkfish calamari so it was crazy not to have fresh seafood that's the merryville chicken no the world-famous chicken wings yes delicious just wants us to come in as big [Music] he's moved on targets kill him yes yes all right what's the special tonight um tonight we were a nice fried local calamari we're doing a little roasted pepper remoulade with that lovely shepherd's pie as a matter of fact we're trying to figure out a way to market coz I'm getting phone calls from st. Louis for some Louis st. Louis for shepherd's pie yeah yes great yeah I change it depending on seasonally what kind of vegetables were going with spring rolls over here yes by popular demand we did have to put the spring rolls back on the menu spring rolls what have you done with them last time we're using carvings from the from the roast beef throw it in a chip it's right now now they're fresh it can't be just steamed directly for that your sound proud of them they're nice and the people love them I'd like to taste them again I hope if you've reinvented it wonderful you sound so confident Brian you know that we haven't fought it's refreshing it's great yes my brother's attitudes changed completely it really has I mean he's a chef and chefs are crazy they'll always be crazy but his attitude so much more positive it makes the whole family dynamic a lot easier thank you my chatter lovely thank you I think they're good but not only do I think their customers love them it's kind of our signature thing they are nice that is delicious thank you for somebody that statue to come in and complement your own things it's amazing taste it yeah absolute aced it we stuck with what he showed us how to do we're reaping the benefits because we did he made us who we are right now we did everything he said and he was spot-on but he's done here is it's had a lasting effect and it will it's a he's helped us go in a positive direction this is a thousand miles away from what I tasted last time more importantly over that you guys look happy spring rolls okay the recipe no the pin McCall's family restaurant yes and more importantly on buddy's Halleck yes that's what she's big Brian I know it's my boy that is one very happy family and it's so nice to see because they're back in love they're busy and then make your money came over coming up your foods crap the old stone mill Dean the Defiant owner was out of control [Music] nobody was safe not even Gordon oh you're a fake Dean's wife was reduced to tears and his chef had lost his passion it's not easy getting kicked in the nuts every day and being told that his son did Dean stick to Gordon's plan this place boozes steakhouse or did the old stone mill grind to a halt on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon returns last year when Gordon wrote in to Tuckahoe New York a wealthy commuter town outside of Manhattan he was at first intrigued by the old stone mill a beautiful building what scares me is why no one's eating here I'm about to find out business at this upscale restaurant had ground to a halt there was Dean the cocky owner I don't believe there's a better operator or restaurateur than me who was desperate to succeed while Mike the chef had lost hope twice thought of passion for food no Barbara Dean's wife was a nervous wreck this restaurant isn't just a restaurant it's our life it's our future it's our children's future six years ago Dean bought this two hundred year old mill with the dream of turning it into a restaurant I have a reoccurring nightmare that I've had from day one what happens if I open up staffed up food ready and no one decides to come here what happened this year what this nice to say you were very nice decisions out of what you say the guy's a winner his Michelin stars are like World Series rings he's got them but it didn't take long for Dean to change his tune about Gordon look at that what's that squashed into okay that's it right that's his on Tom was the chef a mechanic you know this is my house he was in my house and he was embarrassing me [Music] okay and it only got worse when Gordon tried one of the specialties of the house is gross looking at it look like he'd come out with babies diapers honestly your foods crap I was pissed I wanted to take the plate and smash it on top of the chef's head [Music] after being wounded by Gordon's criticism of the food there was more pain when Gordon delved into the restaurants finances are you aware of the current financial situation Bubba um he kind of keeps me and then dark a little bit and I wanted to worry if we had to close yeah tonight we owe half a million half a million yeah got money tied up in the home twice or sure I just choose not to deal with it right now I'll let him do if the house gets taken away you lose that than you ever even would a financial crisis sent bad food weren't the only problems plaguing this restaurant okay on weekends when the restaurant was busy Dean tended to overstay his welcome at the tables just okay just okay and in the kitchen he seemed more concerned about the speed of the cooking I need a result on a tilapia that's done then the quality got me very frustrated we let the customer wait the waste 20 minutes and he's happy or he waste 20 minutes gets crap what's worse does it make you feel better if we rushed it to the table I'm amazed you want anything I don't know what you want me to say to you your restaurant is on the ass [Music] after a disappointing dinner service Gordon confronted Dean over his lack of commitment to make real changes I think your treatment is like a game now how dare you accuse me of not having to commit another day I'm telling you not telling me anything this is your own figment of your imagination that I don't have a commitment to this place you just give me two minutes you guys you might you float on the customers coming around blowing smoke up your ass that's right they do they ask people how their food is they tell me it's good it makes me feel good I don't gobble round my customers kissing how was it please tell me don't corner a table there's people had a meal once or no you probably pay ten people don't listen to the phone every morn staff [ __ ] fully booked I am this is what are you going to do to stand in here next to people and give them a good [ __ ] experience that's what I get paid watch this [ __ ] come out no you [ __ ] this what I gotta do that's what I do you're a fake [ __ ] you you're a fake you're a [ __ ] fake is that you walk away you know face it like a [ __ ] man the next morning undeterred by dean gordon canvass the town to see how the old stone mill could carve a niche in the neighborhood this place has got every chance of becoming a phenomenal steak house Dean still reluctant to change was not convinced and feel me that was your resurrection of the place right beside us as well successful Russians highly possible and you my man miss town [ __ ] tree you got some serious thinking disease before Gordon could convert the old stone mill into a steak house he knew he had to work with chef Mike to get his passion back first big change prime rib prime rib Gordon's idea of a steak house would really work here he's 100% right that there is nothing else in the area Gordon added a number of exciting new dishes and said goodbye to some old stone mill classics like the funnel salad meltdown yes oh.just singer complains what you're not stopping my salad enough on over after we energizing Mike Gordon knew he would have to get through to Dean if there was any hope of saving the old stone mill the fascinating thing about you Dean is that you're you're scared of failure walk a mile in my shoes and then we'll talk I failed before in business when when I open a rest up in my hometown thinking I was a double bollocks and it made me the person I am today don't be scared you can't keep on sidestepping problems you're right I gotta implement changes to make this work this time I can't wait any longer now confident that Dean was ready to accept change Gordon unveiled his plan beginning with some aesthetic changes outside beautiful and in [Music] it's open it's classic barber or do you think really the dark colors too depressing yes I'm man enough to admit that it's great minutes after the doors open for the relaunch the steak house was jammed with eager customers including the mayor but an hour into this important service the kitchen printer broke down and chef Mike and his staff were totally confused I need the mayor's table man I'm not getting tickets to this printer right now [Music] [Music] before the dinner service spun completely out of control my just come on for two seconds please yes Gordon got the staff focused again let's get this thing back on line especially this critical moment this is gonna make a break this place I will be right back and I will wrap those up for you everyone rallied and the night finished on a high note sorry for delay well bone Appetit I certainly hope it was worth the wait excellent by the end of the evening it was clear Gordon's vision for the old stone mill was a success the most important thing is a confirmation that it can work the potential is staggering now that you know what to do don't stop doing it Gordon Ramsay he's such a blessing to our family that we could never ever thank him I'm not for all that he's done for us I think you got something [ __ ] for an overlord now I have something to really be proud of thanks thank you good luck thanks man I'm excited about what the future holds here a year has gone by now let's see if Dean's stuck to Gordon's plan and turned his steakhouse around when I first arrived at the old stone mill I fell in love with a building it's beautiful what I didn't fall in love with was the food so we changed the direction of the restaurant and its owner Dean dying to find out what's going on look at you immaculate as ever they have very mixed emotions about Gordon coming back here I don't know whether I want to hug them or punch him what is this Botox or is it just you family all well everyone's great yeah it's been real good how's business been initially yep double that's fantastic and then some the others literally last week that's last week what was the food like Sheila's she loved it that's fantastic yeah man where are we a year on this winter I am up 25 to 30 percent last year at this point I was falling in the red severely and this year I'm not on maintain people have paid the staff has paid my mortgage is paid and that's a good thing who's in the kitchen Mike yeah [Music] touching a tender chord with the funnel issue with me you know oh I'll just think of the complains what you're not stopping my salad in a funnel hey where did that come from the car it's the full of salt pepper shakers we use a different man today I could kind of get like this guy last time I saw you down here you look like a man that was hurting now you look a completely different guy a lot less stressful so the weights gonna answer reflux is gone it's good my own passion of cooking has changed it's when you want to come to work and you're excited to come to work a change which wasn't there I'd say a year ago before chef got here the first time popular steakhouse yes yes I'm finally sensing I am to give us before you do 41:50 our overall business is better people need to call for reservations there is a wait on weekend nights that numbers are up so that numbers don't lie yeah seriously you look great thank you relax so do you I'm not the kind of so avoid individual I saw last time but I tell you what I don't put out fires anymore I'm growing the place instead of worrying about sustaining you were heavily in debt uh sama soy correct what's the situation this spring I will certainly chip away but I caught up and I'm current Hey here's the glamour how I was I was most proud to show him my wife being comfortable and at ease and happy they're not crying he looks a different man what's got me it's not just a zhuzhing bravado with confidence but relaxed dress free yeah yeah it's a light relief right it's really it's it's a relief just to wake up and see a smiling face instead of seeing somebody stressed out so we stress but it's good stress now it's a happy problem being busy is a privilege dilemma yeah and you that close I was yourselves and the restaurant it was almost gone there is heartbreaking for me and then you're such a stubborn [ __ ] to get through to you don't like the truth be the truth of my life more than you'll ever hear the truth [ __ ] yeah that's what you think Sherry's like why somebody's like banging my head against the old stone mill cuz you won't forward to begin with were you mention a steak house it was just he didn't drop straight away you know why because cuz you were scared to change money you were scared within us yeah yeah I don't want to fail you know I I didn't wanna lose what I had and I couldn't afford to you know when you can't pay your bills and you're not thinking clearly you make stupid choices yeah I made some stupid decisions yeah it wasn't the changes he made to the old stone mill it was the changes that he made to me Gordon gave me a swift kick in my you-know-what I'm happy you're both happy I needed you in here I was lucky enough and blessed to get you in here i weathered the storm it's behind me and I guess I can give Gordon credit for that as much as I hate it I'd like to introduce something very special Gino tool from the new leaf industry council to present a very special award we like to say congratulations on your incredible turnaround and continued success thank you very much thank you and I see you well congratulations to get in the ward from the New York beef industry council is special and something I'll never forget but to get it from him is even more absurd that was the core of what he gave us is certainly there and I stayed true to the concept and to him like he said it won't happen overnight but stay the course and it'll pay off and his words were never so true it certainly paid off coming up well this is quas remember the mixing bowl Mike the manager was spinning out of control while Philly the owner was stuck in the kitchen you're holding everything up now with all this crime and Billy's wife Lisa had simply given up my hope is really gone for this place have they followed Gordon's advice this is the kind of first that the mixing bowl should be selling or did the mixing bowl turn upside down on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon returns located just outside of New York City in Belmar the mixing bowl was a thriving restaurant ten years ago but in the last few years business had dwindled to almost nothing oh this is dreadful Billy the owner and chef was barely holding on I'm so stubborn about keeping it alive but am i hurting myself am i hurting my family Mike the manager was losing it I wasn't told Lisa Billy's wife wanted to close the doors I can't sacrifice myself and our children for the mixing role anymore this once popular restaurant was on its last legs and when it came to the food Gordon had little if anything nice to say about Billy's cooking can you think like having a mouthful of blue it didn't blow me away today and it's very sad and the story Gordon noticed immediately that Lily operated more like a line cook never leaving the kitchen [Music] allowing manager Mike to run the business into the ground I'm taking 50% off my check 15:59 o5o fifty holy slowly but Mike's ridiculous coupons paled in comparison to his promotional signs all of them going to window at some point where did you get all these wrong I have a place they make them up for me is expensive is it anything else that I should know that's it dies is well this boat well oh no Gordon can you come here it's a little big wool in the hook free appetizer with dinner [ __ ] get me out of it [Music] Gordon knew it was time to have a heart-to-heart with Billy and Lisa I've got to be [ __ ] brutally honest with you you know that we seriously have to start thinking as a businessman and then watching me cooking you look like a man that's dying to be put out of his misery Lisa you may be right maybe we should close this place down [ __ ] tonight if the restaurant dies it'll be like a death in the family you turn some seriously no unless you change you'll be gone in six weeks time [Music] the next day Gordon was on a mission to turn the mixing bowl around it's time to say goodbye to the path [Music] later that morning Gordon revealed his plan to help the mixing bowl make its mark in this competitive neighborhood healthy is something does not even listen anywhere near here taking advantage of a need in the area for healthy dishes Gordon and Billie went to work in the kitchen creating new specials for the next dinner service this is the kind of food that the mixing bowl should be serving this is a poached salmon topped with a walnut pesto that's exciting to realize we do things healthy and just open my eyes for a home world [Music] the success of the new salmon dishes with customers validated the new direction of the mixing bowl but the front of the house was still suffering from Mike's managerial style is he working out openly Kimmy you're gonna work the tips baby it's impossible to work with him and he takes half of your tips you get five times or paving the server's what the hell is your problem and in a bose dinner meeting the staffs and Billy's wife Lisa's frustration with Mike reached a breaking point when I see my own people we are aware of what the problems were fighting for my life here you right now need to step up to the plate and make the changes every freaking day every little day that's it Billy that's the first time you've sounded like a boss because there's your [ __ ] life on the line don't ever forget that with everyone now in the same page about the plan moving forward Gordon's team gave the mixing bowl decor a facelift it's gorgeous it looks like a restaurant isn't it yes are you seriously gonna start spending time in your own restaurant now your hello to customers yeah it's gorgeous Lisa you need tissues and to complement the decor Gordon designed a menu rich in healthy ingredients it was time for the relaunch but minutes after opening it was clear that Mike had overlooked the restaurant it looks like we have 47 well and on top of that there was a mixup with the reservation for the New York Dragons football team you're overlooking extremely important things I was not told about the dragons to found out because I wasn't I wasn't told not really fault [Music] Hey yes you [ __ ] up outside now let me just tell you something you've got one problem here Mike Mike's gonna have to change like the place has changed their rails to the place to me a second chance so my give me a second chance after Mike's blow up everything settled down and the we launch was a success all right table 2 is getting up we're gonna push it together for a table of four it's so different in the old way everybody's really loving the food we're gonna build the best and Western hay day ever existed and at the end of the night Billy finally came out of his kitchen I'm so proud of him couldn't be more proud of her the difference tonight from when I first arrived was extraordinary he'll tell is is big boy you've got to make that transition from a chef to restauranteur ladies for I got the message on how I have to change the rink this place the best it could be good knife [Music] next specials are in the back of the menu what changes has Mike made to the mixing bowl oh my god did Billy find success or bankruptcy everybody told me to give up no regrets [Music] next the answers on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon returns last year when Gordon arrived at the mixing bowl he found an empty restaurant that was about to go bust well this is quiet Mike the manager was spinning out of control while Billy the owner was stuck in the kitchen you're holding everything up now with all this crap and Billy's wife Lisa had simply given up my hope is really gone for this place to me but by the time Gordon left all three were re-energized and determined to succeed I'm so proud of him couldn't be more proud of now it's time to find out how they're doing today when a person leaves the mixing bowl everybody was stressed the hell might the manager was running around like a [ __ ] headless chicken Lisa the chef's wife well she wanted to close the place and Billy the chef he was just chained to the stove now when I left things were much better I hope they're still like that let's go [Music] well there's no signs and there's customers what you do here out how I get the same Emmanuelle ah nice big smile on your face the last year since Chef Ramsay's been here it's been amazing business has improved three or four times what it was it's been unbelievable eyes looking nice nice to see you well good to see you my man how's things things have been great we need top 20 best restaurants in Long Island for 2007 that's great news I think it makes him proud to see that you know he gave us the tools he did all this for us well done are you happy oh yes very yours yeah I'm feedback from the customers great young bags people love the food prior to Chef Ramsay coming here I never thought that the restaurant could change the way that it did we turn away 50 100 people a night now for dinner we need a 300 seat Restaurant coupons [Music] I'm taking 50% off my show 15 15 oh no five Oh 50 the biggest lesson that I learned from Gordon Ramsay was that people should want to come to your restaurant you shouldn't have to bribe them I see the wind I said Claire and their signs looks right you must have full bath something along the way a little sign a picture of us so up there that's about it [ __ ] of what all of us you know together oh yeah I haven't seen that oh my god people drive by like wow Gordon Ramsay you show me where your signs holy mackerel I tried everything the customers they're the ones that are spreading the word so we don't need any signs or any promotions or any gimmicks anymore I did not expect to seeing you in the dining room yeah he's facing time between kitchen and dining room prepare for her half and half that's great getting to meet customers yeah that's fantastic how you doing tonight I think the most important thing chef Rosie did to help out the restaurant was I think in me and bringing me out to the restaurant start running the whole restaurant instead of half of it the past year has been unbelievable Chef Ramsay came we're gonna catch up 5 minutes somewhere everything's different at the mixing book last time we sat in this office I wanted it yeah close the place is hell you know Lisa you may be right to put you out your misery maybe we should close this place down tonight to see him now standing there I mean he's a different guy it has formed so different yeah different when he comes home different one is here brilliant no regrets no no breath you still want to kill or strangle Mike you know I don't he's really turns around I just need some food I'm outside the cave oh yeah you got it Mike is completely their friend now that one was lost Tommy fifth time when the dragons came brands right over here it's really been much calming much comma Oh everyone's just so much happier and I think everyone's a lot more at ease now Mike's not yelling I'm not yelling no one's yelling it's very nice are you happy that you didn't sell westerns I am I am at this point I really am yeah thankfully everything yeah going great yeah yeah I mean you've transformed I mean you've just got this play on you I don't know he's so much easier to be around yeah Emily talk now yes it's been quite a ride it's changed my life a hundred percent has been unbelievable this is his life cooking being a chef having a restaurant he loves it I'm really proud yeah really proud and very happy it's kind of so well don't stop please and as a way of saying well done this is for Billy that is for you thank you you deserve it various mixing bowl is awarded Gordon Ramsay's seal of approval for excellence and consistency quality and overall customer satisfaction it's like a thousand pounds lifted because I'll never forget where I was but a lot of businesses don't always get the second chance so I don't take anything for granted hey this is the longest we were spent together without any tears yes okay well done and that yeah I really mean don't stop take care thank you bye guys it's so hard to believe it this place nearly closed they're happy to make your money and they're doing a [ __ ] good job success is any sign they need still to come it's [ __ ] rotten you [ __ ] idiots the most talked about Kitchen Nightmares was we need a death in the restaurant before some [ __ ] gets a grip last year Gordon found flies for roaches look at LA and even rats at this Indian restaurant what will Gordon uncover when he returns to Dillon's Johnson coming up on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon returns Manhattan may be the mecca for great restaurants but last year in the heart of the Big Apple Gordon found his biggest challenge ever there's one resting that needs my help more than any other is right down there Dylan's an Indian restaurant in Midtown was a catastrophe the menu was confusing the food was appalling okay it's disgusting and the kitchen was infested not clean Martin the general manager didn't seem to care Andrew the operations manager struggled to keep everything running something's broken I fix it they make sure that there's for the paper to wipe your butt with while Mohamed the owner was losing a fortune for last six months you're losing like to need $30,000 a month this Indian eatery was a disaster Martin general manager this is Dylan's Boylan's Indian restaurant Indian restaurant yes does he sound like an Indian does it no no it didn't take long for Gordon to realize he was facing a huge challenge first off the menu wasn't even Indian British Italian afloat yes anything is know me as Chinese secondly and more importantly the dishes were barely edible there's two fritters the both fishermen yes [Music] there's meat in that um that one's go meeting that it's not let's turn tastes like bland you guys are killing me right now this ordinate vegetarian appetizer plate has to be vegetarian are you kidding he doesn't had a meat one after having a vegetarian appetizer that wasn't even vegetarian Gordon dug into his next dish beef buna that is not a piece of beef does that look like a piece of beef to you my darling it looks like pork that's beef then I I was born in Bangladesh he says it's poor pretty sure it's pork you be pretty much everything that could go wrong went horribly and catastrophic Allah wrong lady stir on this one Gordon knew there was an awful lot to do in a short amount of time welcome but before he could start he had to observe Dillons in action we're gonna reset this table eeny meeny miny moe catch him manager by the toe you are what's off with a floor manager Marik holy mackerel okay Farouk oh man holy Moses anybody ma'am it can you explain to Gomez yes yeah that we've got to stop putting things on the floor it's unhygenic unhide it again it couldn't kill us too it's very dangerous yes not surprisingly chaos in the kitchen resulted in poorly prepared food and unhappy customers two minutes relievers really but the next day Gordon uncovered Dylan's biggest horror lurking in the basement what's us is that for rats or mine it's rat droppings look at them all oh my good god oh my god love about wanting my [ __ ] hands cockroaches boxes full [Music] oh look at that shocked by the deplorable conditions Gordon called for the management to meet him in the kitchen are you in charge of this are you responsible for this gentleman gets worse than that it's green are the color of those chicken wings everything in there was putrid yes there's a head chef responsible for this bass if I kill somebody we're not passing the buck I'm eating here the kitchen is closed right now Gordon was so outraged so angry I'm sorry to inform you that we are not going to be serving dinner this evening Chef Ramsay shut down the kitchen undeterred by the disgusting conditions the Gordon returned to the restaurant equipped to deal with the mess you doesn't it will Punk away with the help of professional steam cleaners guys this is tracery then Gordon and the staff of Dillon's worked through the night getting rid of all the old rotten food and sterilizing every square inch of the restaurant in the days that followed Gordon's design team dramatically changed the decor Dillon's drab and dreary look take off your blindfolds was transformed into a sleek contemporary Indian restaurant haven't they done an amazing job it is beautiful outside Gordon installed an eye-catching awning revealing the restaurants new authentic Indian name Poornima but the most critical change was Gordon's decision to enlist one of New York's top Indian chefs Vikas Khanna to help makeover the menu after the trio we have the chicken korma the new menu featured classic Indian dishes with a modern twist hello good evening on the night of the relaunch with Vitas in charge the kitchen got off to a great start let's go [Music] but unfortunately poor management created chaos in the dining room so that the lamb the ladies that gets the disorganization in the dining room created confusion in the kitchen who's running the restaurant and customers were forced to suffer the consequences fed up with the dismal service Gordon asked floor manager Kahn to step up be honest with me Jenny marriages price yesthank ready looks ready everything is anyone have fun not with Vitas Manning the kitchen the staff hit its stride and the opening was a smashing success feeling that there was now hope for this restaurant America recovery please Gordon sat down with Mohammed for a candid conversation about Martin this is a new start it's you have to treat it as a new beginning of course in a perfect world I would sacrifice one of your managers to employ Vitas between you and I Martin's not worth this way to have in terms what he brings to the table hearing Gordon Ramsay say that to Mohammed that makes me upset and angry I've never used it I've respected you I'm proud of what we've done I've never teachers recommending recommending you are insulting you accuse me of lying cheap in this bag do you I just said to him mugging so this person I've respected and you've got the audacity to accuse me of like taking his mind off his back riding off his back is what you said well that is disgusting you have no right nothing to be guilty of you want nothing you ran it you sat in there yes you wasted it yes always you encouraged it always like this we miles go to spiraled out of control and IRC you till I'm glad not guilty I'm not gonna take this put down any more I'm out of here I quit [Music] I think Gordon Ramsay is full of [ __ ] and I'm extremely angry extremely pissed off and I now turn my back and walk away [Music] determined to move forward Mohammad asked veikkaus to come on board as a consultant thanks a lot again thank you so thank you let's be honest it's not exceptionally well great food great deck or great bars happy customers thank you well all of us all we're here I eat ankle next up who's cleaning always Gordon is back in Manhattan to see how Poornima is doing today business how's that be what's going on in the kitchen many burgers whose blood she's on there and what surprises discordant find lurking below find out on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon returns a year ago Gordon faced his toughest assignment right in the middle of Manhattan at an Indian restaurant plagued with bad food is rotten inefficient managers who's running the restaurant and one of the dirtiest kitchens Gordon had ever seen rat droppings oh my good god with the help of Chef veikkaus Gordon left the restaurant in a good state let's be honest it's not exceptionally well but a year has gone by and one wonders if the manhattan mess is even open time to find out last year dealers with my biggest nightmare of all time personally I've been hardly step foot in the place it was gladly run and festered with cockroaches so I'm dying to find out how they doing let's go there you are how you doing I'm doing well thank you good to see looking back can I just say first of all it smells nice in here it's going to be very interesting to see how Gordon reacts today oh you I've been well thank you I hope that he's going to enjoy what he sees because we're proud of what we're doing now as opposed to slightly embarrassed in terms of business are we up yes that's great yes yes have you been I've been very well actually I've had the great pleasure of working with the Kasana it's been a tremendous experience because he's still here yes yes good good good if this is sort of become the anchor the leader the visionary the greatest thing that happened from Gordon coming here was him bringing Vegas cilantro vinaigrette walked extremely well because has the ability to inspire people and we are now committed to being an Indian restaurant in the best Indian restaurant that we can be I'm so pleased you're here that's given me so much satisfaction I tell you got no idea I promise to God I've kept my promise to stand by good name up as a part of I respect for what Chef Ramsay has done to this restaurant the kitchen looks immaculate absolutely spotless Andrew any burgers miss brought cheese on there no greenberg this is my shield somebody burgers what's going on the baseball show you the basement there no more bugs here everybody was sent out for a week from Poornima I made them do of food protection course oh my gosh Wow holy mackerel my god that's extraordinary I cannot believe the difference oh my God look I don't want my [ __ ] hands cockroaches look at this Muhammad come over congratulation how are you very good could you see the best part of this thing is to let Chef Ramsay's Syria how he turns pump he's very trilled and he's very excited which is a big thing for us that's incredible well done I mean well done it becomes such a big important part of our lives just to make it spotless clean my jaws when customers come to the restaurant because love to invite them to look around in the kitchen downstairs the main basement to show them the changes we made are real this is completely transformed Wow amazing it was a very tough week when we here last year obviously and Martin didn't come back no so I know we have to move on yeah how's business pain every way we're getting more and more customers what's the rush to tunnel your leave now somewhere out on eighteen to twenty eighteen twenty thousand yeah as protesters a million dollars a year they almost men does he is brilliant Chef Ramsay definitely gives me a second chance you motivate a hippie body he's just too reignited the flame I got lamb chops Wow it's a simple marination of ginger and yogurt Chef Ramsay's visit to Poornima was extremely important I'm so happy I didn't expect the transformation to be this good to be honest the food is absolutely delicious for me the most important you know connection was bringing you two together I told Chef Ramsay that and Muhammad and Andrew I promised them that we will stand together and we made this make the stretch on a success and it's such a good feeling but I think reborn you see the tool please give him coming back to life who and him I will always have a very warm place in our hearts next time we'll eat downstairs right good yeah bounine was a gift to us and I want to respect that give us a chef it's a pleasure still far too good-looking to be a chef you do that yeah to clean cut because you know take care bye guys Wow I mean absolutely incredible from the biggest disaster to the biggest transformation it's on track is clean it's delicious and now they have a proper vision thank God for that coming up I'm in trouble we head back to Campania an Italian restaurant in New Jersey that's an in Campania a year ago the owner was nearly bankrupt I owe my purveyors about $80,000 right now and he and Gordon didn't exactly start off on friendly terms so you haven't got a clue how to run a business I'd rather have this conversation downstairs will tell you how it's doing today we're here did they follow Gordon's advice um or have they finally dug a hole too deep to get out of next special edition of Kitchen Nightmares [Music] last year when Gordon arrived at this Italian eatery Campania he found a little bit of southern Italy in a New Jersey suburb one Oh yesterday mom weird and a restaurant on the brink of disaster mr. Ramsay there was Joe the owner a self-taught chef we don't have recipes who don't use measuring cups or spoons because I'm the best he ran a carefree kitchen you while the staff was goofing around take a big romper room back there Joe was quickly going broke I owe my purveyors about $80,000 right now in cold hard cash Joe's passion for big portions was eating up his profits I can't see us going out another year his wife was distraught it takes a lot of courage and his mom a nervous wreck I worry about Joe I worry about stress level I work worried about the boys the cash crunch took its toll these are not working ovens and the customers paid the price but clearly companies' biggest problem was its food garlic everywhere big big chunks where you won't want to go back the office with that breath would you holy mackerel looks like your vices tongue dear my food I think is pure and honest and good I think it was a mistake that I did this in the first dinner service Gordon noticed doggy bags on nearly every table he knew Joe's huge portions made food costs astronomical unbelievable and would eventually force Joe out of business sedan sedan I've never seen such humongous horses why did you decide to go into business if you haven't got a clue how to run a business talk to me know you're getting upset now yeah we get real upset thank you for that hopefully we'll get through to you now all right you know what while we make it a [ __ ] public issue with this now this customers here this customers here I'd rather have this conversation downstairs how about that yeah you're embarrassing me in front of my customers [Music] frustrated by Joe's stubbornness the next morning Gordon decided to visit his wife Melissa to get a better insight into Joe lot of pressure on Joe's shoulders and how do you think you doing he's very positive and you know it's his dream and I know he's giving it his all to you know try and succeed but hardest thing for me is that people like us put everything on the line for a dream and it just wouldn't seem that patate you know to succeed this restaurant bill we would lose everything I mean I'll lose my house mice business can be turned around you know yes determined to help Joe and his family Gordon went right back to work this menu is far too big for his own good I'd understand what's going through his mind to have this French stop with all these ingredients and no customers to cook for look bag after bag after bag this is ways $80,000 dead is it stupid absolutely crazy I saw that [ __ ] walk in a completely different life I went holy [ __ ] Gordon's next step in turning Campania around was retraining the cooking staff from prep to presentation I know it's rustic but at least make sure that we got a little bit pride in what we're doing you can do better then Gordon came up with one menu item that would separate Campania from all the other local restaurants why can't this question become famous for meatball I go to my restaurant is to sleep with me wolves as well one just give me meatballs armed with meatballs companies' new signature dish Gordon and the staff hit the streets to promote the restaurant give these animals away and get the reputation how they're on the street yes [Applause] that's wonderful now that the word was starting to spread about the new Campania gordon introduced some decorative changes both outside I was just absolutely blown away and always through the kitchen let's guy the kitchen got a state of the art stove and in a big push to cut costs Gordon introduced smaller plates for the smaller portions and a much more focused vibrant menu on the night of the relaunch area area Gordon's new dishes were welcomed by the customers [Music] by the end of the evening the staff was ecstatic more than 200 people were served dinner and Joe and his most profitable night ever but there was one important task Gordon had to look after before he left the food looked great on there we're all going back to stupid big steering wheels that's what we're serving look at them Holly horrible [Music] goodbye to the big place hello profits one two three [Music] first day I met Gordon I couldn't wait until that guy said goodbye but once I got beyond my you'll be hurt and started listening to what he had to say he was like a true mentor to me I don't stop I won't next book a year will tell you if Joe actually followed Gordon's advice very particular Wilkins there is Campania finally out of the red one last thing and what shocking surprise does Gordon have in store for Joe and it was gonna be something big next on Kitchen Nightmares when Gordon arrived in Fair Lawn New Jersey last year Campania he found owner Joe in dire straits I owe my purveyors about $80,000 but the staff was goofing around yeah when he confronted Joe with the truth if you haven't got a clue how to run a business Joe resented Gordon Vienna upset no yam get real upset in the end Gordon did make big changes and Joe rose to the occasion on relaunch night but how is the home of New Jersey's best meatball doing today time to find out last time I came to campagna I found an owner that never clue how to run a business my wife that seriously wanted to give up and every member of staff for far more interest and a good laugh as opposed to serving a good dish can't wait to find out what's happening [Music] love look at ya mr. Sood Wow it's very good to see Gordon today business is doing a lot better since keen was here it's just busier and busier all the time Wow so busy Wow ladies I've definitely hope Gordon's really happy for us and he's glad to see that we're doing better and that I have a lot more hope for the restaurant now and that things are going easier Rachael sounds great now that huh busy you look great well nice to see where chef Hey look at you Oh everybody let's go on up yeah good to see everyone ah the atmosphere now is a Walton was electrical yeah that's like everyday fantastic since Chef Ramsay visited Campania things have just turned around on a dime completely the influx of customers has nearly doubled and that's due to Gordon foger the diner who have a quick peek in the walk-in incline I'd understand what's going through his mind now this fridge stocked with all these ingredients and no customers are cooked for take a gander you know for the next couple of days maximum there's nowhere near the amount of pasta - no I mean we were we were stacked to the rafters before in food alone we're saving about five thousand dollars a month that equates to about sixty thousand dollars a year we've got so much of a financial cushion I could finally pay my purveyors on time really hope you know so it's just been nothing short of like a small miracle I almost feel guilty about how you know how gal good has been for me before Gordon was here we were pretty close to the edge financially it's been spectacular but the hardest part for me was watching my wife go through it because she didn't sign up for it I did because last time we had and we had that chant it was pretty hard with you yeah hardest thing for me is that people like us put everything on the line for a dream how'd you feel now fighting chance you know I just think Gordon Ramsay is so inspiring you know I respect him for coming in here and being honest and you know letting my husband know what he needs to do other bills get in place so nice to see you sounding and looking to come together and that kind of support you give him is just the foundation to the success of this place so don't stop okay yeah good seeing you too but it's important for me to see my husband succeed this is what he wants thank you so much there you go meatballs nice to see how many portions of meatballs of yourselves I sell tons of meatballs everybody comes in looking for these meatballs but a one on a me delicious huh good so soft hungry that is better than what we left ago I mean we're sending trays out like you know people want like 100 or 200 of them shipping across the country you know coordinates visit it was just thumbs up all the way and man it was just infinitely gratifying for me let me set this table you got pissed off with me remember why are you making a [ __ ] public issue with this now this customers here this customers here I'd rather have this conversation downstairs you came in you know gave me like blow after blow yeah and I took it pretty bad you know ironically I think that that was a really in retrospect a pretty clever way of just batting me down so much that I just was able to really to look at myself objectively and to really see my flaws I think nobody could have done that but a guy like Gordon smaller place is it working oh yeah yeah yeah I mean the customer doesn't filter getting any less you know they're just not taking doggie bags out that's delicious my god nice flavor as extraordinary for Gordon Ramsay a Michelin three-star rated chef to come in and give me the praise that he gave today a self-taught chef was just a phenomenal compliment one last thing very important general I think you should meet I'm there Weinstein I'm sure the rescue newfies yo Gordon told me you had like one last thing where he left you know and I knew it was gonna be something big thank you so much for coming thank you and you're here because of he makes cream meatballs give him a little presentation on behalf of the ball a little proclamation for you on the best meatball in New Jersey but probably in the United States you know Joey's put everything into this it's always been his dream it's been a long road but good things are to come and also today is your day in fair one did it is that's true on the behalf of the mayor and council today Gordon coming in and making changes to my restaurant actually translated into big changes in my life at home know I feel more confident as a father as a husband as a restaurateur the accordance had a huge impact on me that's one more very important thing I have to say those meatballs are [ __ ] fantastic I've even got a doggie bag I've never done this before still to come Gordon's most explosive nightmare ever you can forget Peters fits of fury and his sister who suffered watching her restaurant fall apart at times I can shoot every person in here tell you how the family is doing today up next on mission nightmares Gordon returns last year when Jordan arrived in Babylon New York a small village on the south shore of Long Island he found numerous Italian eateries but Peters a family-run restaurant needed Gordon's help more than any other Dana the owner was in distress I want to cry or commit bloody murder her brother Peter the manager was a bully Robert the chef was worn out when the [ __ ] dish is already that's when they're gonna come out the kitchen was completely broken down this is my one work you know me and Peter's priorities were upside down stead of buying a stove I bought a suit you know he's a 250-pound spoiled baby this Italian eatery was on the brink of bankruptcy want me to kill myself Gordon's arrival in Babylon got off to a slow start he said he's gonna pick me on when Peter kept him waiting nearly an hour this komban Pisa are you doing good good to see ya nice car so the minute we met it was like Superman arrived FTO and from the minute Gordon sat down he knew this dysfunctional family was in crisis I let him told the truth nothing but the truth it quickly became clear to Gordon that not only did this family have a communication problem their kitchen had some of the worst Italian food he'd ever tasted that's stone cold in the middle and that's not fresh-cut me [Music] that's not even love that's just like baby food inside gun when Gordon did finally step into the kitchen yet he realized these chefs were never given the proper tools what doesn't work all these stove tops here don't work this oven does not work visa is not more proud of his car than is his [ __ ] restaurant then Gordon inspected the walk-in and was shocked by its condition there's onions turn on top of onions the whole thing you can become famous the next 24 hours to [ __ ] poison half of Avalon does it just fall under the chef's charm this is your Fredo this image of your business and Gordon realized that most of the restaurants problems pointed to one person if I blame everything on me still acting like a [ __ ] baby this is unbelievable Gordon knew he had to have a heart-to-heart with Tina the owner about her brother's irresponsible behavior this pizza play bone-in financial side he'll take his paycheck but not come in I come in and they'll tell me Oh Peter took $200 it's like if you [ __ ] break even for the day and he took money I get so exasperated sometimes so stressed out that I want to cry or commit bloody murder that night as the staff prepared for dinner service tonight is a critical crucial night an unexpected bill collector arrived and Peter snapped by the time customers arrived Peter had calmed down but he seemed to care more about himself than them Jimmy pineapple just what a lot of ice and a splash of cranberry it's good for my age sugar Gordon you if this restaurant was to move forward he would have to confront Peter I don't think you've seen a day's work for [ __ ] 20 years my own personal problem we all have problems let's start working at the problem what's the problem what's what's the problem that's where I'm starting excuse me you're the only [ __ ] here right now is not pulling their weight and that's not [ __ ] good enough think about what you're gonna put back into the business tomorrow think about it [Applause] the next day Peter proved not just a Gordon but to the staff that he was serious about his commitment to the restaurant he need our walk-in box fixed I'm gonna be a team player here and whatever needs to be done I'm gonna do I'm gonna jump in I'm gonna ask people if they need help with things I even think Peter will do his part I really do think he's gonna keep his commitment convinced that Peter was determined to change Gordon revealed crucial improvements to the restaurant welcome to your new kitchen the biggest change a brand-new stove every oven is working I think we were all starting to lose steam here and give up and he brought us back to this a sunny day [Music] to prepare for the relaunch Gordon went to work on the state-of-the-art equipment to create a new menu there we go I want to focus on family-style dining news of the opening spread through the town and the restaurant was packed let's set this up to 14 right now the new menu was popular with the customers the kitchen staff hit its stride the big tables are all order and family stop and Peter worked hard to make the relaunch a success we got a taste of how good this Russian can be absolutely and just comparing to why I experienced the first time I arrived here the difference was night and day a man reinvented my restaurant if you cannot make this work you're mad hey check I really fell in love with him my first son is gonna be named after Gordon Gordon Ramsay Pellegrino Gord really brought our family much closer together now that a year has gone by it's time to see how this family business is doing today since lesson corn was here business has been phenomenal we took you know the fundamentals of what Gordon gave us and we built on it and we followed what he did I mean how could we not I mean you know he sees he's a proven winner right hey what's up team hey what's going on how are you good know just going off a Saturday night's page oh yeah looks busy I'd say that business probably has to be up at least 30 40 percent we're at the top of our game I am happy with the state of business right now I think everything is I think we're all really doing our best Saturday sure what time I think we're really working at our full potential and if there's something that we see that needs changing we change it now I realized it was time to really make some changes here there were fights every day and arguing and that's where Robert and John they just didn't fit in anymore this is already that's when you're gonna come out my new head chef is Fernando you guys doing a great job really busy tonight everything's wonderful in 20 years in business I've never met a chef like Fernando he's got a calming effect it puts you at ease but we're gonna start getting a little rushed now we have some big reservations about the plumbing I think we're really happy everybody here they take care of me they treat me like a family he trusts me and I trust him morale does stem from the kitchen and Fernando has a lot to do with that you know he's at his craziest moments he's always at ease and it's transfers that goes from the chef's to the waiters and you know to us and back to is good yours it was very good we use the best of everything everything is top-notch from our produce to our meat or fish and I'm just working hard and doing it the right way and it's just you know when Gordon was here a year ago I wasn't pulling my weight let's start working at the problem what's the problem what's what's the problem you that's where I'm starting excuse me he was right it would have been better without me he's not part of the solution you're part of the problem and I was I was part of the problem my temper got away from me in this business and now I'm a much calmer person one set something off in my head and at the end of the day it really helped me I do see the change in Peter he'll always be silly and somewhat of a pain in the neck but I just say that he does care I realize doing everything the right way is much easier than doing it the wrong way and that was stuff that Gordon taught me would you like one as well friend yeah I make a mean expresso when you're happy in your business when you're happy in the kitchen when everything is flowing it just transcends through the place people see it it just trickles down and the customers are really happy you know what need more wine yeah Gordon really pointed out how wonderful this restaurant really is how lucky we are to work together I think Gordon definitely saved us he put everything in perspective and he came just in time so and I thank you what I really do if Emma calls yes I'm really proud they were restaurants on the verge of disaster now they are on the road to success Gordon Ramsay gave me that x-factor that aura that you can't pay for I'm sticking to his plan and we're gonna go forward no matter what happens then stop please stop it's like having the best of the best tell you you can do it a year has gone by and the impact of Chef Ramsay's work is undeniable Chef Ramsay gave a hole in your life to this restaurant he's brilliant you know he really knows what he's doing but if they slip up they just might get another visit from chef Gordon Ramsay [Music] this season on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay is taking on even bigger challenges here we go disco traveling okay here to some of America's most disorganized guys like this [ __ ] littles disgracefully respect food if he took in this [ __ ] if this lasted and most dangerous restaurants yet no more [ __ ] cockroaches and customers I feel like you can't get any worse than it is now I'm sorry I'm sorry the place down how can I revive a place that looks this bad I'm here to [ __ ] make this place work now he's determined to bring them back from the brink of disaster kill someone under the most dire of circumstances rumors in our houses in our life we're losing our house sorry my wife cannot have spent our savings 401 k's while some welcome is help I'm happy to see a smaller menu I'm happy to see better food brothers proved resistant has a [ __ ] talk to my dog the way you talk to me go [ __ ] with everything I'll make it work without his help watch as Chef Ramsay attempts to turn America's Kitchen Nightmares oh my god what is this back into dream it's more than I've ever expected it's a total fresh time only it's a help I am NOT giving up next time on Kitchen Nightmares as Gordon takes on a crumbling Long Island restaurant oh my god there's a stubborn owner that thinks nothing is wrong you come think this is good it's not bad in everybody's opinion will this be the restaurant that refuses Gordon's help to sing about it I wouldn't talk to my dog the way you talk to me go [ __ ] yourself I'll make it work myself without yourself with these people put the place up for [ __ ] sale mom done done [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 5,088,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, Cooking, Dining, Restaurants, Food, Television, Classic Television, Free TV, Free, Full Episodes, Uncensored, Gordon Ramsay Uncensored, Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored, Ramsay, FilmRise, Complete Series, Complete Season, Competitive Cooking, Cooking Competition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 37sec (5137 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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